Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 17, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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laa -Hi-. T.M...,........r-,. - . .. ...r
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f "r,t"i-w V
1,000,000 BOTTLES
he been toll tba ket ysar, and cot one complaint
has reached us that fier haro not done all that in
alalmcil for them. Indeed, scientific skill cannot en
1eioii(l llio ftsnlt reached la Here wnmUrful pro
ratlons. Atlduii to Carbolic, Arnica, Mentha, Hcne-ea-OII
and Wlich Hazel, arc o her Infinulcnts, wfcleh
nates a hmlly liniment that diflis rival y. Hhe
natlc and bed ridden cripples haro by It bten enlo4
to throw aw.y their cmtcliee, and many who far
yean have been affllctfd with Ncnrahrla, Bclattee,
Caked Drcasts, Weak Backs, Ac, karu found parma
cnt relief.
Mr. Jodah Wctttakc, of MarrsTllto, O., write:
"For years my Hhcamatlm has been so hud that 1
barn been urmhleto silt from the house 1 Imutrlcd
every rciuuly I could heir of finally, I Itarntd of
thoiuutaur Liniment. Thortm tline b lUli'seimhl-rt
no to walk without my crutchcK. I am mending
rapidly. I think your Mnlmoatmniply atnarvtl."
Thin Liniment cares Dim and Scald without a
ear, extracts thu nolsun from bltm a id stings.
Care ChlllbUlns and Pr-jsU'd-fcot. and Is very ifflpa
cIoqs for Ear-ache, Tooth ache. Itch and Cntanious
TI10 (Iciitiuir I.lnliiK'iit, Yellow Wrap
per, Is 1 11 tended for the touli fltins, cords nud
anaclcs of uorsoi, mules, and animals.
Itcv, U;o. W. Ferris, Manotklll, Hchoharto Oo., N.
Y says:
"My horse was lamo for a year wl'.S a fetlock
wrench. AH remedies nt"rly 'ailed to enrr noil I
considered htm worthless ttntfl I commenced to use
Centaur I.lhlniTit, which rapidly curidlilui. I hinrt
lly recominvud It.
It mtko very llttlu difference whether tho ca elie
"wisnch " sprain, spavin or lamcne.s of any kind,
the effects are tho sarao. Tho great powur of ths
Liniment is, howovor, shown la Poll-evil, Ulg-hcad,
flweony, Hpavln, Hlng-bons, Oalla and Hcrttckes.
This Llntraont Is worth mill oni of d illars yearly to
the Stoelutrowera, LWory mn, Farmers, ana th-se
aevuuc valuable animals to care t r. Wo warrant !
1 and refer to any Farrier who haa ever nsed It.
Laboratory of J. B. Roar A Co.,
U Sir St.. Nkw Tout.
A aomplete sabetltato for f7aUr Oil,
aanleaatnt Uate or recoil In the throat
without Its
The resott
f years' practice by Dr. Basal Pitcher, of Xaaea
flkwMtU. Pitcher's Castorla Is partlcaU'ly reoesasaemd'il
lot children. It distroys norai, astlallatcs tht
(ood, and allows natural sleep. Very (Seaoloa In
Oroap and for children Teetnlaic, For Colda, Pevor
tahseM. Disorders of the Dowels, and Htontch Con
pHlnta, nothing Is so cfuctlve. It Is aa pleasant t
laka m hoaey, costs bat 8b cents, and can be hail of
aay Drairaist.
TbU Is one of vany teitlmoatalct
"Cobnwall, Lbbadom Co , Pa.. March IT, leTi.
"Jsor Mr; I have asod your Castnrla la my prac
tfoe or aomo time. I take great pleaaare lu rtoom
mtlna U to tk prqfuMo as a safe, ullahle. md
aneeable medicine, U Is particularly ifil U
eklidrvn wnere the rtpesianttat'eof Castor ullren
wava it so sHMeall to admlnlHer.
" K. A. HND8HS, M. D."
Motaera who try Cast wla will lad thai tksy caa
t nltchtaaad that 'heir babies will be healthy.
J. a. Rom A Co., Mew York,
SaoceaaortoJ. X. Kbslbb A Ob,
I Ukarty mU, - - NKW VOMK,
Ooiamttttsion Afont
New York via Isthrais, Pactlc Kallrotd, and
Cape Uorn, all kinds of Merchaadlsti. and fur the Mlt
of I'roducls from the Pacinc coast, for the collocllor.
of moner, Ac octrdf
Screw Worm.
Parasites that infest Snoop,
Improves the Health
. Pf One gallon Is enongh ftr one hand red to two
awnireddticp.aceordiUK totbelr age, strength, and
condition. '
UU pot op la FIVE-OALLON OAN-Prie', 113
per can. r
Bead for circular, to
T. A. DAVIS & Co.,
tVholeoalo .lestta lor the Mate,
Or to voar neartwt Retail Drnorlst. mv
b. Rooreri New Romedv
no eeual In the relief and ear of Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Cronp, Whooping Ooajtti, Mea
sJas, Ac. It has produced some remarkable cares,
8ld bv draggUta reasrallv. Prepared oar by
JOHN L. fllDKraVT, Koamoath. Or.,
Vs whom all letters of bums saoald be addrraMd.
Attorney at Law,
V:-Shcep Growers if
zit V"?- il aT.iouis.Mo
The Indian ..War.
Fort Hall Indian Agenoy, August 8. A
HiniiHck I ml Ian shot two teamsters at this
Agency thin inoruing, one serlnusly, but
neither uinrtally. The shooting ooourred
under hii exulteiuant caused bv a rumnr that
tho hnstllus v.eio approaching the ageridy.
The shooting was nn Individual act hhiI y
eondomned tiy tttl Indiana oa tho Agouoy.
Agt nt Doulelsun Immediately called together
iIih head Indians in council, who nil con
demned tho aot and sent men In pursuit of
Ihe ImlUti, who im mediately (ltd. They
hsyn aurid the Agent that he sball ba
Mti'ht nud brought bok, and that thoy will
miaru against any roourrenoe 01 1110 Kind.
Everything qulotand poaoeablnnnw.
Hlena. M. T , Attn. 8, W. J. MuCormlok
nf llnula, writes Guv. Pottn on tho 0 h hh
fdlnwa: A courier arrived from Howard at
U o'liloctk this ovenlng, Uh loft Howard yen
lerd.iy morning, He thiuka Inward will
mnip nu-tr thoHiiminlt.botvveon the folo and
rHriittr to tiluhl, dlHtaut itbont 60 tnllox
from tint mouth of IjoId. Tho oiurlor ro
imr'stliatJoiopli, wlih nvr nno Iwlfof tho
IlKhtiiiK "inn of I1I4 force, hits trono to tho
hoadol Iho Hittor Utot vtlloy by tho Klk
City trull, and will form a Juttoltou with
1mkltiLruiKis and Whlto Iliru. nonr Unas
llolo. Ho mi) h that Howard nan 750 men
Hnd I.V) mck iimlcR. nnd in moving nt a rapid
rato. AiIviom front Upper Hlttnr Hint Ry
tho IndUtiMwIlli'iimpU) nlultt in Kim Holo.
Gibbon Ih fiillnwitii; rapidly. Otluir advluox
v .UtuIudlittiM vfro mill at Doolltile, 10
milHftnhrivtt (JorvllN, nud Gibbon Is oxptnit
ml ion riktitliHin on tho morniue;of Iho 7th
huiorti tlniy broko oaiup Tho oourinr kah
tho hostile liavn Mrn ManttHl with thorn nn
tho proporty of p.)tty uhlt'f milled Ouoas
tnllo. Hnr Nnd hlntory U Ininlllnr.
Tho onurlur inportn tho IndUna fully two
hutidrod HtroitK. Tliny hnvti mi fur (lommlt
(oil no iinirdtrH, luttHlolPti 11 Urito ntnoiiutnl
Hioi-I:, ro very Mhiirtofninintiultliiu nnd linvn
hid hlh fir It, but prorurod but lltllo If any
from truderi In Illltir Hoot VhIIhv. Thny
hiiVM proourxd a Urno ntipply of rrenh liornn
frnm N-. t'orco Indians In tho vnllny, and
Homo hiiiih nud nniuitiuitlon Irotu Iho
KIhIIhihIm, It Ih rumored that tho Grown aro
nl tit to ko 011 tho wnrpnth, and hnvo al
rcmiy niurilHrod nun Miltlr ; 11N0 that tho
hostflo-t aro qunrrcllou', nnd that Jnatph with
HoiiiiiofhU tribe, will try 10 no baok to Idaho
via tho I'.iyotlo lakos and vallny, B.uh of
thotorpporlHarodlRnrndHnd. Tho nittiatton
thlM morning In : Own. Glbboim with 150
r'KtilHrn and about M) volunlonrn at IIish
Holrt, 80 tiillim Sotithwpnt of MiaiouU, and
110 mlloi from uh. The Indbina aro prob
ably within II v milnn of him.
Olympla, W. T., Au. .- A tiro originated
In u hiable ou Third tttreet botwoen Main and
VVahltmtn, thU mornliitt Hbout 4 o'clock,
which i-prond with fearful rapidity, and hckiii
onvulopud tho north half of the blook In
lUmtifi. The flrotnon wro promptly on tho
Kriiund, but tholr ultnt wore tn-ituly direct
ih! towards provoutlnjj a Reuural ouufira
Tholoaao may bo briefly Hiitnmarlad:
ChHrlos Httrmn4tir. iwn build liini valued at
Vt COO, InxiirmJ for i 700; Olta lUiiko.rialnoii
llxturHH, .W0 Inxurcd In full) G. A. IUhioh,
HUiro buhdltiK, $i,)0, no liiHiiiancfj dainxK'
to bnk $300, liiHurndj II. U Olmpman, two
titllldliiKx Htld HiMblo, $1500, no iumtrance;
Tnoiiiaa Prathur, dwolliiiK, 70l), noln-itr.
anno; M Mutth, building and furnhsiro. tJ.
000 InHumd fin H,010 T. O. Lown, ooda
17 600, liiHured lor JO00. ginvla naved In a
(UniMged condlll'iii $J,000; Kol)rt Maok,
datuaKo to fitoi k 1 000, no iuuuranoej W. U.
T. Co , dumKe nominal.
Tho proKro. nf tho iltmoi dim by great
Ktfirtd Mtayed, Iho bnlc and ahadn troea aot
InK aa a ureal a d. Total loan, t20 600 ( Inaitr
ance, $7,000. Tho origin of tho flro la un
known. Han PranohtoQi Aup;. 0 About 1 o'clock
ibW nvirnlnK ThomtH MoKonnBy, u nal'.yo
01 Ireland, aged 40,comiuitUM Huloldoat hi
IoOkIukn bv NiabbhiK hlniMdf lu thethroai
with a pnekot knife:. Ho had been In III
i.nHitii for homo woeks aud wasj pttrtlally do
Tne vornnor'a Jury In tho ce or llankn
foHtid a verdict to-day exproaaltiK the opln
Inn that thn prlaon auttiorlilvs did not tian
profMir precaution to prevent the aulolde,
uui laiiiuu 10 ns tue reiHMinHii)iitty ror laxity
of dleolplluooti anv one party.
Vlruinla, Aug. 9 Tho report of a big
Htrlko In Oiihlr, publUhed In tlil-nH-onlngV
(ihnuilclH, Ih creating confldnrablH exoito
ment. Tho strike waa made on thu 1,000 foot
Imel, and iiHttaj'H f 1,000 to tho'ton, Hhuwlug
black Milphuraiet HimlUr to the Con.
VlrwIuU lornmilon. At prcaeul It la linpoa
hiblo to get lll.-UI Inf, iruiallon. At prenuul
It U ImuoxhlblH to Ketolllulnl Infjrtuatlou 011
tiioftuiijcct, ttiiu tlio reporiH aiecoutradlotn
ry. From all that can bo vathorcd, how
over, It 1 onrialn (hat a nirlkoof some sort
nan been uiako or an impnriant nattiro, but
the oxtoiil of It otnnnt bo told at prexeut.
Con. Vlruinla ahltirod In nluht f.M).2M:
tola) tor the mouth, $1,635,328
Vlritlnia, Aug. 10. Tho following may bo
roll-d upon hh authontla an to tho roritid
hirikxin Ufililr. About 11 o'olotk Wediii
day night, tho workmen In Uui eant drn
rtinnlnir Irom tho boituui of tl 0 uliito troiu
tlm 1,700 loot Itivel, thought ihey Htwlndi
cation of water, and tho foreman onlnri'd
the men out hn h priiiMiiiloimry menHiiro lu
order to avoid a rimli 1 f water TiiIh p ir'itio
in ma muni oHuniiiiiiicnieH wnil too ( alitor
nl a mill iho California minora eeoiiig thueud
den withdrawal of Iho hhllt llioiigliia Mrike
had boon made. Tito report nproad Itkn
wild tiro through the iiiIikim, a drill whm
i-entuhead lo prospect tho gronnd, and no
further Indloatiotih of v.Htir being found .
non bforwurdH the Hlilft reuiiiotl work.
Thi-t Is all tho Htrlko really amount to,
Hun Diego, Aug. 10 Oov J 0. Hrowti,
VluHprttddent of WinTnx I'ncltle, hat hetui
hero it dy or t u to look after the Inturex
iif the company, liu Ii rmlinut da to the
purpoeaof thot'ouipaio, but ibura to ro
gard tho passage ol iho aid bill lit hoinu
xlinpa nt a lorotoun coiiuIurIou.
Col, J O. Hruadliead ol Si. Loulu hm nli
ueen viHiiiiig u,and alihoiigh not conneoi.
ed will) thu road, maiiifetitH a Harm luieieht
as u 01IU111 of 9t, l.'ul-. and Ih 1 mpliatlu lu
tliocxprt-t-Hlon of Ills ImlM thai ti.e gov.-rn-merit,
nut to aid a SMill'oni iraiitTontliieniHl
rosd oil merit uu wn independeni oiupeing
lino. CIiiz-iim gave the Kenileinaii u rtcep
linn at tho Horiou Hon-o last nluht. A
large and brilliant pxrty wan pnwent. They
eipect to leave tomorrow or uixt day on
their return eat.
An eastern (snitHinporrv noies a slgnifl
cant fact with reference lo the aliolliiouof
capital punishment In Malno Since tlm
paKsaite nf the law abolishing the desili pen.
iilty, murders have Iwtreaid lenfuKl more
than ever before, and pitrtluularly have the
crimes 01 family murders been on the In
crease. The Richmond Whig says that no literary
Institution In Virginia bus crown wbb such
rapidity as haa the Agricultural College at
lllackaburg. Ir was oigaolied lu 1872, and
now haa over 200 students.
The arreat beslneaa nf kid glove making
ip Vrasee eaaploja 00,000 operatiree, two
thirds nf whom are wobmb. la a year
2.M0 000 doaaa palra are 11 tit. aa4 three
Jbunbt) an experted.
New York, Aug. 8. The Tribune' Cleve
land Hpwjlal vaya it will be a dull ounpaiirn
with doubtlul renutt. Tho pwiplo aro tired
ofpolltlcnand waut rost. Tho ohlor foruo
workltiK for the llepublluitm In a Kenoral do
lre to hold up tho haiidn of the national ad
lultilniratlon, and for tho DmnncMtK, hard
timnn. Thoro aro uo aharnly antnircinUtln
nrinaiplcsntNiako loarousu iiion fiom their
Horanion. Pa. Auir. 8 A1dnmn r.i,ni.
Jury of Itiqueatoyer llioso killed by tho viuU
lanoo comuiitiee, brought lu a verdict of
uiurdur agalnat the membora of tho com
mliloe wliosa namee were known. The rou
niHbU was given warrant lor T. b". Hutu
nnu i. r.. uiiutenueu, ami limy wero arreat
ed. They enl word to tho toillila, and Oen.
illudekoper look them front the ouiialablo.
Too vlglUncocommltioeat ouoo asNembled,
and aro now uudor arms lu the Lackawauiu
Co. 'a a torn. The. military aro undor arms
and patrola are out to bring In evory mem
ber of tho commllteo, lost they bo arretted
aud taken into tho 8lxth ward beforo the
New York, Aug. 8 A special from Wash
ington sayw: Tho oorreapondonco betwoen
tho alalo dunartmouton bohairnr thn ..
and interior departments and Ilrltlsh an.
thorltlus reuardimr the return nfSliiin.r 11, .11
and his followore, has not roiiiltcd In any
thing satisfactory. Tho Ilrltlsh authorities
want to got rid of him. but deollno thnmn.
osltlnti mado to transfur him to a point
further east.
I'alorson.N.J , Ag. 8. At Ihegrtioubsok
meeting to night speeches wero tu ulo biIvo
uHilog paying tho national bonds lu green
bnokH.aud Milistltutlni: crr-Piihmku rr .....
lloual bsuk notes, and urgltiK lutiorers lu
coiubltio tu oppof-u combinations of cardial
NowYotk, Aug. 7. Tho Trlbuno'a WrmIi
IUitoiiFpL'olaleajH lu September the preal
dent will go to Ohio, leaving Washington
about the mil. tlo will rotnaln fourorflvo
daHathls home at Fremuiil, after whliih he
will visit I.oaisvlllo to bo present st t he cede
brsilon ortlieaiinherssry of iho adoption of
the o.iittltlullon of Kentucky, Kiom Louis
villo lio m ill probably exietid his visit as lar
south as Ni-dtvlllo, aud then return to
Washington by way of tlliallanoogH, Knox
villo and i-outhwostern Vermont. It la nut
understood tho president will beexpeoted to
mako any not euctohot durlnireklixr rn......
New York, Aug. 0. Miss Kollogt; Intenda
to lottiid and endow a musical conservatory
In New York city, and alio will delay liar
coming (o California, floninunioatlng with
MaxStrskoub to that objaot.
Tne Tribune wya Anna Louise Carey haa
been 111 In Malno with a serious brottohlsl
trouble Bhn la renavnrlmr. and will Hamrt
for California on the 18th.
Tho Times sava Lexington, Kentucky, was
oarrled by the Hepublloans last fall by 1,160
mslorlty. Monday the DdtnooratH were
victorious by M0 majority.
Nothing new oatt be ascertained In this
oily in relation to the mnrderlu 8tn Frtn
oIhod or John K. Dally, formerly m Wall
treet hroker, by Ilauka, also a former red
dent nf this city. It la surmised by (Iiom
who wero acquainted with the mon ihttthe
oiiisoor tho murder was personal dlllloolty
oonnuolfld wbb some stoak Jobbing trauiwii
Irons. The tiews of Daily's death was lira',
received by his relatives In New Haven y a
dispatch from Han Pranoisoo received in the
evening. Toe moat Intense exnltninent wan
created by the dispatob, and Hugh Dally, a
brother of deceased, and an atuutio or the
New York and Ilostou poaUl servloe, wu at
once telegraphed for to rejoin the family,
The grief utrlcken relatives cling to the hope
that tho report or the killing or Jack, as de
ceased was familiarly sailed, was notruo,
aud a dispatch was sent to, Leknd. proprie
tor of Hit rVlaoe hotel, at whieh Dally .has
been etopplog, asklqic if brother John was
really dead, Only a day 'previous to the
dispatch announcing his death, the family
had received adomr latter fmmtha ilAnaauwi
glvli g lotlir acoounl of thn lata rlnta In
oan rraooieoo, and telling bow he bad him
MHtfbHen oouimander of a oompany under
iho vlilanott oommltUo. Drouased's moth
er had oeen In a very preoarlous eoudltlon
for houio UllKi. aud It was feared the tnrrlbln
news, If confirmed would cause her a shook
which would be folio wod with a very seri
ous result.
Boston, Aug. 0. Tho refer" lu tho llos
mer UrUcoll scull raoo, awarded tho race lo
Trenton, Aug 0. The last of tho troops at
rhllllphburg have boon relieved, everything
hln restored to regularity autl order ou tho
New Jersey railroad,
Wllke-bsrre. Auir. 0. Thn nisnilMm nt
thn vigilance committee Indicted for murder
for etiooiiog riotera have Iwon dlaoharged ou
Hanover. N. Y.. Aticr 0. Alnhnim n. r?rnu.
by, profrasorof sugory In Dsrimoiiih, and
imifenxor ofuna'omy In IMIevuo Hospital,
New Yoik, died this afiernnon,
IUI liimre. Aug 0 Regulars and mllltla
went in Hir Jnhua Hun to ilav and ralstd the
blockadoorihe Clies.ipeako ,t Ohio canal, ar
res IngotiHtriiolioiiiKis.
Hursnion. Pa.. Amr 0 Oov. ITrlrniir
HiHtrand Home militia, arrived to-day. 'Iho
mlliiiagoto Wilkesbann In the morning 10
isk-. witness sgilnst. ihe vlgilauta
Ouiaha. Aug. U Dtugsr to the U. P. shops
and sinel lug oiks irom the river Is oousld
ered ni Imminent that n mass meeting haa
Im-ou called for to-niuht to takosomo action
towards averting what would prove a dire
calamity (o thu Interests of the elty.
Wattnrtowd. N. Y Aug. 10. Tho steamer
T K. L 011 was burned tat nluht In Illnok
rher. Tao men were hururd to death. 4
Nw Ymk, Amr. 10 Iho Tribtino'H Wash
ing on ep-olal sayei The lali e4 reports Irom
ho ltliOraude border are lu iho elf-ot that
U N troops uad very vigorous ellorwio
prevent hoin Ini-urxlons by IxirdoUti Irom
l-xss into .dHXleo (Jen. Ord is a so iiiMklmr
11 iris to arr-tngs the border troubles by
-Miuriugextradlilou of thn Llptu Indlsns.
Ngoilaiions looking to this end aro now lu
prntfium with good prospuutu of their huo
1 eat.
Long Hrannh, Aug. 0. Tho train leaving
Jersey City at 7:14 this morning on tho Con.
iral railroad, ol New JerH-y, oouslatlng of uu
engine, bavgstre car and fuir passenger oars,
met with an sooldent at Ooesn I'urt brldtto
rhrouirh mmiio unknown cause Ihoougino
juuiied tint track and runulna along the ties
plunued in n a hsuk, itioMUdden Jir throw
lug the bairi;aKO iwr and three passenger earn
over tho hkh of the brMne Into Iiih wa'ur.
which was about three feet deep, Ah far as
Known there aro 110 live lost, hut several
re very serloulv liibirbd. Somanf tlm 1,1.
Jured werebroDg'ht 10 Lmg Itiaiiuh and are
now ileum at ended to at iiie depot there. I'
seems the engine aner running a short dls
unco 00 the trestle work teles oped a mall
ami naggago car and rolled over the em
bank ment, Three csrs In the rear of iho
baggage fell nn their sides la lbs water. Tin
train was fullv loaded, cmtalulng about 300
paiaenger. Tbnae In the oars lo the water
were la a state of the greatest ooaaieraaUoa,
crvlog loudly for help. Tboee whaeoald
atana were aoost waist oeep la taw water,
"w wmwmn wasri ingiias; mi taesa
after aaother were Uhsm through
wladows, iBlll. it la Mtofas) ever
gatwamsiiil. Prgekrth aeat k
tlon obulnablo.lt seems afo lo aay that not
more than forty persons wero wounded, and
not more than four of the number danger
ously. B
Thoro Is a nenoral satisfaction In England
at the IttissUrt dofoat at I'levna. Dls
liiiguwlied KiigllHhmcn have infojmed the
Herald eorrespondent that they have ob
sorted no such satisfaction since the federal
Bucharest, Aug. 8. Russian troops around
rlevim have been reinforced, aud now num
ber 70,000
Tho Houmaulan army numborlng 25,000.
now passing continually lo Wikopolia, will
form tbooxtromo right of this force.
Chicago, Aug. 8 Iho Tribune's Loudon
special saya thoro seems HllM founds! Ion for
thepeaco rumors which coma from Vienna
Tho return of Mldhat Paalia. whlnh l fm.
slderod Immlnont, may lie looked upon aa a
sign that they will put forth all their ener
gies to carry tho war lo Its last extremliv.
Ilnuniatila railways will bo In the bauds or
tho Russian military authorities all or this
week, only one express train being allowed
to run dally, tho others being utod for the
transportation of troops, Iltisalau divisions
aro continually crossing over tho Hislova
New York, Aug. 7. Tho Herald'j London
special eajHTilden Is upending his time here
at present, Arrh lug lu London at tho nlose
oftho season, opportunities lo pay him at
jpntlonHaroHxtroiiiely limited, flu la avoid
ing Kioiai uispiajM, how over, ns Ur as possl
bio. Thin morning ho look breakfast nt
Iluuklnghiiui I'alaoo Hotol, nud among tho
gueslH wore Iligolow, Corilunil, Parker, Hlr
Charles Dllk, Tom Hitches. Prank A Hill
iiudotheia. In tho evening ho dined at Iho
Aitiorlcati enibas-v. 'Iho lord chancellor
and other dintlugiilshed guests wero present.
Tlldeu propoM to visit Ireland and after
ward goto Paris, returning to tho Untlrd
Stales in Ootnlver. Ho lu in remarkably
good health aud spirits.
Isuliarol, Aug. 0 Too emperor of Germa
ny loft hi 0 to day aftor cordially laklug
leave of tho Austrian empress ami crown
prince Tho otnperor of Auatrla aocoiiuu
riled Ktnperor William to tilenslc. 'hie
whole luiervlow Icatlllod lo tho exlstenoo of
ttio tratiKesi uiidorslandliig letwouu tho two
Iondon, Aug. 0. In rotation to tho Impe
rial Interview al Isohaol, Berlin semi otlU'lal
papers ootitradlut the report that a definite
liolltloal agreemnnt was oonoluded, They
merely admit thai tho triple alllanoo was ro
atllrmed. Colonel Pmjevalkkl reports to tho Russian
government that Chinese foroos bavo otptur
ed Too rum and Turfari,aud are now advano
tion Karsjar which has been evacuated by
KasllKar YailS. Colonel Pratevalskl nrmllma
shortly a dissolution or the Kashgarlan king
dooii A correspondent lolographs that at tho
mooting or tno emperors at Isobael theques
nuii 01 missiaa extenutng me seat or war
to oervta was nover tounhod uon. Thn
question Is likely to he dropped altogether.
Russian military reports from Ulela now un
expectedly, deolarnthatM rvlan co-operation
Is unneco jiary. It la supposed this chanxo
of tone Is duo to Russia having become
awaro that tho request for such 00 operation
would have bee a refused.
The Russians aro lu force at Kalnboghag,
whore a battle la Imminent as soon aa they
abandon tho Balkan,
Two army corps from Odessa arid Crimea
are already on the march to the Danube.
tien, Krudener has received 16.000 freeh
troops and aomo artillery. (
The Hervlau government has taken all
necessary atomto place 00,000 man ou a war
footing before tho'JOth Inst: This force will
be sarly dire clod to the southeastern fron-
Vionna, Aug. 0 Great numbers of troops
eonllnue to arrive from Russia, as also
wounded from the Draubn.
Oonautotlnople, Aug;, 0.- It la reported
In olnolal circles that Ibe Russians have
again beet) defeated at Plqvoa.
London, Aug. 10 A dlapatoh from Uuoh
arest says Uraud Duke Nicholas was nearly
captured al the Ulo defeat of the Russians at
Chicago, Aug. 0. The Times London spec
ial says communication with thn front i,
een almost wholly severed for lour dais.
A ueotalve battle is believed lo bo In pro
gress. Tho Russian position ii preoarlous,
aud they are uo furthor advanond than thev
were three months ago. Ample Information
as to atrocities Iim created a very strange an-tl-Turklsh
feeling In Kuglaitd. A powerful
Russian parly la growing aud assuming a
position of prominonco. Ptibllo sentiment
now favors tho subjugation or thn Turks and
tho sotiloineut or tnu terms or peaeo after
wards by Kuropo. Osmau Pasha Is bolug at
tacked and tho battle Is now raging. Tho
campaign of tho present year will certainly
uu mmi"u whiiiu me next to nnurs,
The Tribune's London special says: In
tho engagement or Lon-oha yeeterday, the
Russians lost 030 killed and wounded and
the Turks only loO. The real struggle began
on tho following day, and mav now bo go
ing on at I'leyna. A largo Russian army
under the Caarowllch la facing Kvoub Pasha
ou tho left aud Mahomet All on the right.
Tho former la threatened front thn direction
or Kashgar aud tho Inllor Irom (uuian lit
ntr, (Jrand Duko Nicholas has removed his
headquarters Irom Iliela to Ilulgarleni.
Ooiistantiuople, Aug. 10. Aftornoon, No
continuation has been renlevud hero of thn
tumors that tho Russians have been dofaritod
at I'levna, as ro,iorted In nlllolal clrolos hern
last rUght. and It la reported thn fbrht Is still
going on, The Jlusslans number b.OOO, but
lite Mtniuglk of tho Turkish outrnuubed pnsl
tloiiHuro (onslderad to cotiiousato for tho
numurltsil Inf-rlorltv.
A roHHiiii.u Hmmkiiv. Virginians claim
that hIiiisj tho whippingpost VtasreiHtab
llshid in tholr Htatu most nl thu lalls huvo
remained empty, nutty ortuies have almost
foaeu sun vagrants nave iiennino asarco in i ' ..'u,, ... . V , V"" """-
iho ktrueiN and on tho oountry roads. IJp.iro." Wlllioiit tho laurel ami i-oniUtirord
wards of it d:au yoarh ago, nilihsry liy I WllllOUt trltllllih.
garrnilng was outrao)usly ooininoo lu
KngllHh nltliiH, and after many proiosis from
iiiawklah iilillanthroplsts, a law was pss.ed
ensollng tlie opplloatlnn of thn lali to thn
riifuaus who erietratud outrages of this
Kind, too uuriy scoundrels who tirutally
assailed Inoffonslvo eltlaens, :and laughed at
ihe ohauoos of Imprisonment, wept ami
o lug'd under thn s'lng of tlio "ott," mid
soon this form of crime beoame n thing or
tho pat. u tho nutrauea oommllteil by
tramps, acoounia nf whloh reanh us from
every iartof thooountrv, shall oontlutie, It
may btooine ueoossary fo rosort to this heroto
treatment to put an end to them,
N. II. Whlto gives a simple contrivance to
proveat the out-worm from gettlniratuarden
plants. It In a strip of tin 'A Inchsa wide and
about 10 luolies long, formed Into a nylluder
and aet over the plant. Ihey will last a
lifetime, and nrobak!y coat half a cent each.
Oomniry Gentleman,
Tun Piawr PiuitTNR.Tn examining tho
oVd record of Maaeaebusetu, forlGtl, the
OoatotJ Poet found ike following, verbatim,
la a (tylleof penmaaeklp very similar to Ihe
,Geraaaa tax It therea Day belogt the drat
tkat aet ftp wltstkig, to graaled 830 aerea of
Irasl wksmiU aaa b aoBvasikBt. wkhoat
. :i..j, .: r?.7T T
. . taoliy Quean.
Tho Board of Dlreotors of the Ltiek j Queen
mlno met Ip Rose b erg last Friday anal
made an assessment of .8 rents per siiaro to
pay up tho Indebtedness of tho iMintmnvta
date Work sinking tho main shaft is to
begin at once again, butrtho tall! will not bo
run at prosent. Tho director hvo taken a
lesson frotn thn mauagera or thu Capital
mlno and will first got out tho ore, lest U
nd then alter their mill (o work tho kind or
rck produced.
t.?y" 'iho N.0,v Y'.'rk "roMio: "o "r vro
lave enj yi our Isias's of inereaslug beef
trade with Kmr ami. n ., ,,n ... 1.. ...,.,
p thorn. A dismal wall U nmmu..i.... i
bo heard at Iioiiia. iinr .,... ...?..,
.A r '?." I"1 Rrn lv'''X 'N su.l even no'v nro
-1.1. 1 ." n)0,"r: "Hlv tho host cattle nro
shipped to M igltnl. N mo go under 1, 400
pminilH wrliiht. Forty live thotisnnd of such
x il '' 1, ?v? K.,r,",1i' onwistl tho AtUntln.
John Bull In lltierly laklug thn fatorour
and and letting 11a only the loan, aud M10
trrtdu Isniily lu Infaniiy,'"
Pror Tenitv, ol Williams College, who
was to have ohsrge or tho WIIIUmN H4I011
tllln hxptdlt on Around the World, Is dead.
This v, 111 end tho expedition.
Dr. Voclokor Hiiy llio roltttlvo ford
1110; vitlup tif iiiiitiiviitds nud hwciIoh du-
iuiiiis uuurt'iy iipuu llltl HIIII UIH1 liro-
vullliio; oilinitlo tif 11 district, lit thu
Htiuili of JiiiKliiud, nutl witrm Mills,
iimiiKoliH nro Hiiit)rii)r; in llio tiortlnnt
ftUUItll's, Mi (III cold 8-lils, O-juH-laHy
whom Him Atiliiinii ruin-rull la lioitvy
Iho rovurso Ih iho cum.
Illno irnm now hits tin onomv wlilt-h
Ih nJuriiiK J- hcrlHtly iu Iv.'nliifky.
It IS HO rlllttlll (hut It Ultll Hfltnt'lV ho
Ht'ctt liy tho nitkod yt'j hut wl'ih it
niujrnirvluir iriusH, It looks llko Mllltll
IIUtH. II killH thO (rrilHS ho tlnil Homo of
tho fnrnu'M nro huriilnt; it ovor to kilt
tho insect.
Asolitury Colorado potato lint; wan '
discovorod tho othor ditv iu tt Hold
near Colojrno, (lonnany'. Thonililo In
forms ns that tho ontiro fluid wan cov
ered with 11 lujer of tun-hark, Maturated
with petroleum, ami Hot on lire, tho
government indomnlfyiiiK tlm proprie
tor. .
Tho inland of Jersey, from which
tho JerHoy cattle coino, Ih not larjror
than two congressional township iu
IoWa. It bfllllir OtllV hovoii mlliu liir
cloven. And nil of tho channel IsU
niKlH, from which coinu all the Jorsoys
nnd GueniHoyH, aro not its up'o as
half a county In tho fitulo.
In 1810 (ho western Hiatus raised 100,
000,000 hushols of grtln. Ton yearn
later tholrproductlon reached 2i'o,000,
000; in 1876 the output Incoreah reach
ed l.'JoO.OOO.OOO burihclri tin Increaio of
1,000 nor cent. In u quarter of a centu
ry. This result In duo largclv to rail
road building. ,
j Europe- Ih now taking nurprlslngly
hirgo quantities or American fruit.
Tho purchases amount to over iJ.oikV
000 worth slnco last Juno, compared
with 000,1)00 In Iho Hamo period tit
your before Dried appltwflguro largo .
!&,8 t0Vntry uxporturt ver.l2,-v'far
000,000 pounds hIiico last June, compar-v V
cd witlt C22.000 pouiuIh thu urev lous .'&
Tho Danville AtlcertUitr relates iho fol
lowing curious circumstance, wheit a
(onm of horses wero killed by light
nlng. r '
ThO (eiltn Was llttliellPlI tn n isruln
drill, nnd working' in a (led. Tho
team nutl tlrlvor wero stricken. Upon
assistance coming, tho man was romir-i
ed to consclouniioHs, nutl then attention,
being given to tho tom, one of thorn
wiw found rounding erect, wiih iio
foot lifted a lltllo way from tho earth,
nutl tho other w.is kneeling wlih hid
nose iu tlm earth, itntl liotli u-i.r.. Mii,t
dead, and retained (heir position until
tney wero pusheil over. Tho supposi
tion is that in this caeo tho electricity
went from tho crth upward. '
A Tli'.AUTiriM, Kkntimknt. I con
fess that increasing years bring increas
ing resHct for those who do inn mio
ceed iu life, as tliojo .words are commott
ly used, iroivou Is Haiti lo he a pl,tco
for thoso wlio lutve not hutveeib'd upon
earth, nnd It Is surely true that oelostl-,
al graces, tlo not host thrive and bloom
iu tho hot hla.o of worldly pro-porUy,
111 success xomutlmes rises from stipor
buudunsu of (iiulillos in tliemsolvos
good from it conscience too sensitive.
it Hcir-rorgotrulness too roinunilc, a
modesty too roilrlng. r will not Kn so
far as to say wlih ttllving puet Hi u Iho
world knows nothing ol" lis greaiest
men, but there aro forms of gnMlncss,
or at least excellence, Unit dioiiml ni tko
no sign; there aro martyrs thai miss iho
palm, but ntit tho stake; there nr lio-
Leo "Willis,
'RK,hl,'?11,'e,'!'.v,K lT1 '' T'l A I'TriVI ION o
1J ih-l'uWleioWsBawsiiHkuf
Pianos and Organs,
la sluro ami tr i -Ivo, which aro ule 0 si
Greatly - ICoIikmmI 1. 1'W,
eltlior forrn.liormi hittdlmciil.,
uu stock or
Books and Stationery
wMPLETK, ana will bs mM at prlrcs to salt
1 l
d I
' ft
State atmi, ,