IKlKMWHIrWMMWBKIBKRVJI tmm,KM-MKMMmiwmn'm - 1 I if l 3 WUhLAMETTE. farmer. r s it . r Hlamrtte Jfarnwr; MDID STBBT WUDAT, ST OLAUKK & dA,IG, roauaiissa Ann raoraisToss. , lS. B. A. CLAIIKK, D. W, OltAIC. Terras or Mnbueiiplteiw ' Q Cii'T,"iM' ('('' nnmlKTF)..... ..,$2, HO no tvj. lx moi tha OK) Monther) 1.S5 Or" roin, three month" (IX mtmliera) 1 HAIjKM, KltlDAY, AUHUhT 17, 1877. SATURDAY NIGHT. Lot in tliu Held (he jollow sheaves aro eirry w bore piled high and the bread for Ibo ootnicg year nUnd waiting i these un. counted nnd unmesHnred slacks, full and rlpoand plentiful, but ss yet mi unknown quantl'y. When lions sent his rtspers Into Ibo Hold (hey oat and gathered tho grain by handlnls, Ibo sheaves grew laboriously and tbo hsrvest wont on for many .days.- Tbon tho gleaners followed tbo reapers, and many " timet Ibe llberal-boarUd reaper lot fall to (be gkannr's loi more (ban need havo gono to waste, for he recognised that the bounty of tbo harvest waa to be hharod with tbe poor. rJoltulli camo into Ibo Hold of Boaii and tbo scattered brads tbat were loft among tbo ntubblo by tho whistling slrklo. In harvest tltno wo should road that nlrnplo story of Ilntb, not only for tbo rnmanoo It contains, but loloiirii tbo lesson of love, fidelity and rowsrri It yield, for what mf)rn striklug ln atam-oof lldollly liHMt wo Hihii wboro Hutb hajh lo Nuoinl: "Whlllicr thou goost I will go, thy people shall lm my people nnd thy Joiliny dod." Bo Iboy ramo together to llttlilelumi, to that plaoo umdo mossorablo centurion thoreartcr, and for all coming tlnio, a tbo plaoo wboro Cbrlat wan horn, nnd In tbo middle of tlio barloy harvest Kuth on lend Ibo Hold of lloaa a Agloaner. Wo bavo hero tho most oharinlng story of the oldon llmo handod down to us, a puroly harvest episode, where tho modest maiden gleaned tho boat dtd barloy, Hnd Ibo rich flirmor, JIokk, pltMsud with her modest graoo, an d. 1 1 er request for permission to gloau lib ii : id, tbut sho follow his reapers, aud Khun , h hi maiden and no others, How sIio hIi lit bin table during harvest tlinn and Iiok II i a liislruotod (bo reapers tu lot bur i;1iu:i tivi n ninong tbo slifj.iYos und to lot full Inn dfln of grain for hor to can' 's olinrmliigly told In scripture. lto turning ftt evening Hutli told Naomi whorouhohad gloitnod nnd wbnt favor hIio had rivolvtd, and Naomi said: "Tula man jHriCaYnT kin lo us, one of our next kliw mioii.i'-' 'Jb llulh gleaned In tho field of lion unlll'tlioend'of tbo barloy harvoit and the wheat' I'm rv put. How oould (bin harvost eplo nd except that Ibo gonorous lloaa made the, JaUUilul Itath the mistress of hit heart and homcf So IP wan, and moat fit It wan, too, tbat frsM thla aluapla harvest ronaaoa piudHleklagty. Una of David and fctolo. To-lMy tfar' field are loft usgleaaed and toflrtkerper Uhttahad by the la. ewuuloUttefofthfrMpbff mMhhae. It la toataw1'jiato'tfo', that we cratfUd the JandfHc" k7 handt'.here la Oreton, and traraplid It out apoa Ibreahlog floor aa ihy uflud lo do fn the ancient llmea. Now our u'uhotta have outgrown haadu and our thrrnrinij;'tlooVWhaVeboooBieabolote. Man eaUatobbi aid tbogreattMil IrUuipbaof hu man tnvontlon to aweep ttTo uii'd'a and (hroili tbo i&a. Hut man ollnna ktlll to (ha tradl UouktbfihtKa 6)der linnln nnd wblln tltno aluUr-awlH rod Ibo dellgblful Htory of loTtolxf .flilolliy told with hiii-b grarvtul alnjjlVy ill lln IhmiIc of Itulli. Kvon tbo t'litt in ,)f tiiHobliiory Miid tho dut und nwcal of ni'crn Imrutil tUvMUiiiniH rub ibo bnr 'rMl viilHHif Iih odpimlitl. luttirfnt or (tcprlvo uiim iKicroii iimi . Only a few tnonthu ago, 'tho El mint Farmers' plub montionetVria a warn ing to orio w ho asked ad vice about put ting uncuro'i hay in barns, thata mem ber of the club ' lost his barn by flro, canned y flllinsr u'cask wlthgreon clo ver, rammoff in, nnd covering tho top with 2 or 8 Inches, of earth. This mis hap was caused by 'not uufllclontly ex cIuJIiil' tlionlr. it did not invaliduto the prino plo that green grass imiy bo kept in air-tight receptacles, only that it could not bo preserved with access of air. Almost every mrmor has observed that g'rifsH nei'dfl more cUrintr to nut in htiifk than in ,bnrn'ihowlng that just in proportion as tlio air is excimicu may tho hay bo nut in uncurcd. Tho tighter, then, the burns nrommle, tho gnronor may tho grass bo.jiut In mow. It Is of great servfeo'to dxel do tho air from tho Hidos-and "bottom sofa mow, ven with ncccsi of nlr at tho top. Then tho heating and fermentation take nlauo so slowly, tur ing tho mois ture Into very thin, gassy vapor, it es capes at tho lop or passcss ofl. If hay. or tho fodder to bo ktipt, is packed very Boiiu, it aiiorus loss access to air, and tii us heats leas rapidly, and may escape injury, whon If loose it would bo de stroyed by destructive fermentation. Tiioro seems to bo nothing llko faith Ono of tho deacons of a church recent ly wrote to a friend: "Wo have secur ed tho Itov. Mr. Hmlth at a salary of $200 a year, and are imping for a great woric oi grace." ' Thk. Human FACK.-r-.Tho counto nal.co of every nation define tho.char actoristlcs off Its people. Every hu man face. Indicates a moral training aa well as tho temperament and ruling traits of its owner, just as much as ev ery human form Indicates the quality and amount, of Its physical oxerciso. Tills is proven by the variety of hu man faces every whero visible. Thoso whoso llvos Iiavo been given to physi cal labor, unbrJghtoncd by an educa tion of 'deas. iuivn nliravs u stolid stu pid expression, ovon .while their limbs and muscles are splendidly developed. Tho more savage the people, tho uglier they are In, facial development. Tho very feyturetfor their taces are disfig ured by violent and ungoverned pass ion. 'People whoso employments aro intellectual, have Invariably u largo, clear gazo, a bright outraging expres sion, as if from an inward light shin ing through a vaso. Whero a fino or ganization nnd a. deep sensibility ac company tho prnctlco of intellectual pursuits, often tho featured tnko a transparent, luminous look. Persons endowed with , powerful son ihlllty, however plain their features, alwavs have moments of absoluto beauty. Tho man who, about house-cleaning time, sells to you a Unit-class furniture polish, will, in a day or two havo tho sumo articlo for sale at tho Bea-sido as an infallible romedy for tho removal of freckles. Graystocklng, a thoroughbred mare, lost u lino colt in Milton, Wis., the oth er day. Tho colt was four days old. Oraystocklng is a grand-daughter of Lexington. Tho father of tho colt was a grandson of Lexington. Tho grief oi mo niaro over too ueau colt was ter rible to witness. She was shut up in tho stable, and tho colt lay dead in tho passage outside. There was an air hole tii rough tho roof of tho stable, and in hor ravings tho mure actually g it on hor hind legs and forced hor head through tho liqlc. aw .uiia!tyim: anouiii oe pica ucru))y,phiNl In ihp boio.a M proton lug. In lljlit way llm (xunpany will I tviit'uot( tbn marVtil Ibo Ixtat pro U of Mii!ldvtirnl itiid ri-Jil illi'i Ci-'riillbiii, Wo liopit mIihii wo plow litiwmjj so hh faith wbmi womnv IhtiM'id Mid hen'iiSv'lt'lnf witbMt finr mid iroinb- llin U" rtit'lvnlil tbo olmiiHlng IIhIiIm but tho liKMoH lirlnit rijululnir, wild whon (bo fvitsuffi;wnrU iHlPiiuHiid,(Uubliiaru tllloJ, rAy Ml ffioH"". i ' ?K JVwll Oi'ttwei. .. TnfMdo VmUrroaenrin llompaay of Allmny tiro nil wivHyl ri"oeTo, innrvbn. ablo Jnit.,at,..fJilc folory, located Jiul att of 5Ullird A, ,Isuiii'h waroboime. The UomAdiyliMt (larxe hupply of boae on liattd, wliloli duty will aupply to (howl pro polni; lofnrnUli fruit, fnw f oliarg. All fruit 4Kpiiiitabouhl bo lolM' Willi aro Uiial;aiid: uliould be ploked and prevMilbrii li nn ik atiie liroduolH of win country umir. iniorhiri ami utuixhI frulliiuiolilrlilOj and uliould not Ik ftiiiui'.ht In. Hy Htlonllun to tbU matter the wttluolaof Ihii (Xiiiiivany will lwv a'and iilgbutdn lus mkl, brjugliiK tho beat pilo(H. -H(a!nr'. Xt Jl1 x' i?m Vfv lb abovo lhat Ibo fruit lr,hi'; "workmif Albu,V, miomi biialuesd. Wlillo t bvt livn. In tlliin, tbo Allien Vr)u$ wiiiknl(iiUvio.tilpiMd and nudy lor vuik, Ki H livti ln'tm Ukon to run IbtUllbUyimr "Why Mhli IhlisT" A 1'iciiiiit.rr I'lituh. A cooiunbi'r with full p,ruwii It'Hfgni jnKU.nt, of It vhh hIiohii us by Mr. N. t'. Mhcli,ol North Sdlin, A frek ol IbottloiK- mill mU'inulM r n niiinot msnimil for, VI o lllulttlii It T N-t Wuik. TIm nrn'ot Job of bonk lilndim; wo hare rtn In HilxNtMiK U nno 'oinit (ho blinliry il Mi-1' D.Sn.Mltr, Tln iwU N('liii(i' ttphen oIh, a iunu of O.VI pig, mis'U buii, Tlio Klyln of blmlliiK l lull lUriry, Kin Ml in f iihiii. il Apdnklt'd khiip. Tli look b prlitti-l In (lalout and Mild at 1& pr iy. Keanawliat MU4. Wd flip tbo following uilafel pleco of lirta' liwjufrtiiu aUteUuutiof (he IWntoa Dew A lKtib flrwon llowrll 1'ra.lrlft, iar Ha teas, Umoihi day, tlstroytd aln een'a of Un balk, and rtty nearly burad Ue MaJtHii waw uilll and a larre ejuaalMy if Jowinr, Juit their Iinok. Tills Is tho Hum of year when oditorc, prln torn and devils hnvo got to rotnuln at homo and fnrnUh rondlng innttor to tho "regular Niibnorlbor," mid bo oontontod to Nit in tho buck door or tbo ollloo In tholr wlilrt hIcovth with tho thormomotor ranging from 85 to DO dogroeM In tho nhado, and look upon tbo nnow enppud Mis. Hood, Jeirornon and tho Three bUtors In a dlnlanco. HALV FARE. Dhit, j?nuOATioN,BAij:M, Aug., 7, 1877. To Krlondn of Tonobora' Instituloai All peraona paying full faro on tbo O. A O. It. R,, or thoO. U. It. It., to the State Toaobeis' IiuitllutelnBalem.ooinmonolBg on the 21st InaU, orlo that at tho Unowden Mineral Hprlnge, oommenolngon tbe 29th Init., will by the, kladaeu and liberality of tbe oompa Rlea, be returned oferthoae llnea free, on tbe oerlinoateot the Huperlntendeot of Public Iaatraotlon'. L. L. Row laud, Hupt.I'ub. Init. IavlUd te OtU. non. J. W Neemlth bai been Invited to dellverthe addreaa before the Union county eiirlcullMral aoolety, attlio oomlngfulr. Aa Mr, Noemlth contemplate vlalilng Kaatern Oregon for the purpoaeof pleaaure and recu peration, wo proaumo It lnafo to ainort lhat ho will aooept the Invitation. Contraot Xet. Tho KxioiiMvo Coiiiinlitcoof tboHtitto A(t rlunltiiriil Sooloty lolthocontraotfor panning hiiiI wIiIIowunIiIiik tho tinlliliiiK' on lli K.ilr (Iniuiiih, HiIh fnriMiomi. t Mr. It. A. Hl.H"i ho boliiK (ho lowont bidder, Kl.lHTATlON A uiodorn vvrlicr Hiiyai Tit n ciirialii konxii nil utirrtt'llvo lmlle nro inoro or Ii'cb lllrtN." It Ih Iriin tlioio nro nuiiki wo iiioii ttlmill ns uo'id loiiklnirai tliu roiiuh hliln of ii linrsii r.iilUtt KrHtur, who nmil with pnroolnlii tooth, aud ynt Dirt. Thorn It mi fipMiso fjrtlniiii. It In tnmlnt'M with them, Tnoy aro obllKod toauap Hi tlm tlrnt olmnco llko hungry wolvtw, Jtut aclrln who don't Imvo to Jump al ohanoua lllrt buouaii U'u pretty bimlniai, Trun, It U pretty aud It Is rlulil. It U a very dluVreiit (bhiK froai bo Imr a beartlw-a coquet, KHrtlnK lu the aenae we moan la tho only way a ulrl bas to tlnd out what her b)au, potalbly her fulnre bus. oaud, la like A nun alwayaapproaohea a girl driMMHl In aoolety iMillteneiM, and It Ih a Klrl'a duly lo pluroo thla thlnooaUnK of atiRarand plum, aud learn what la bneatb. Shiie4UuotaoainplUh IhU wltiiout tllrllnjt, Profeaor Siewart, of Cornell Unlverelty, haa found, by aoliul eiporliiipnl, that ono (purler nl hii aoro well ma lu clover, la null! O'Oiit (o nnl ono oow 180 dys, II cut and fed Imr, while If allowed to run on It would not protwbly laxt two weoKs, Another ndran tago lu Ihncrroof inllch ooh la that they Hive inoro milk from the miiio aniniint f fiMtd, It belli, fbiiup that the walklux lo ami from iiAMluro diminution the quauuty of milk. An Incident of tho Late War. The N. Y. Tribune. I responsible for thla Riniiloli: Al ilm hiltliM of Alllietiiill and ililh V.Diiulalli ii t'olouel whh wouudoil Ii I mm li Hilly Hba;ierod and ho hn tmriu lioiii lln tlt-M by hl lirnllicri and a pllieio holdhr. riiey carried hint KniH the (oiluiry a loot; ud lollhOinidUtaiioi, every hlcp i f which tortllio lo lltn hiiiI erer. lo tlio luiu.j f it Mim land UnUin far mer, Thou (Mine the iibuiulloue Yankee Mirceon will) liw isllMerlUK kuhet Hiid cruel cuwh, end timde tuly pieiuralloua lo auipu urn Hut alllii; lueiut or, '1 ho fanner velieiu- lull v pioWMeil, (iiu'uniut Itmi ino man would die If tlio urm waaeut olT, 'I lie Mir utKiu liiKia'iMl that tho pxtltii.t would die If the erut waa not taken on", and the Colonel' brother cjI'ipMuI with Hie urt:o n. Hut the doiermiufd old laituer dlnitatehed bla eon on Ilia llifliai horoaorowt llie liclda lo the other elde of the mountain after his (rlsiul aa t nelKhbor, a c autry phyaleUu, and a rank rebel, When (he nulic doctor arrived them t-unued a Ioik contention wnh the Yauke hewer of Ixuiea aver Ibeauaerer, but the rull waa lhat (he arm waa wived, and after oniiie weekaof eaieful nurwlm tbe lNdnal KHoyed off to Iota hi reilatetit, a enmparallvMy aound man. lie aubatqaent Iv Ueiine GuvitriiororOhlo, and now Alia the l'ividmtial ohalr. Tho Patron of Jetlroii County, N. Y hiivoorKHiilzed h Flro It-llef AMioulmlon on tho iiiutilul plan. Prop-rty U divided into UireoulaKsoi, whluli jiny rexppotlvoly ono flf h, nnu-fourtli, and ono third of one per conl. lo obtain a moiiiborihlp In the Ab-ocIh. I Inn, and In caao of Iomh HHchHmnit in umdo pro rata anionic Ibo mombors, with refer- tiuco to tho amount annemol and tho per coniiiKo paid for meraberihlp. Similar oi KHiilMtloiiH havo boon inado In Souoca, Won run, Oniiirln, TompklnN, iJleubou, Hiid per lupM other countlt'B In the State, whllo Uho miiiiK) H huylor, and Yutos Imvo provided liiHiiraiinion tho basin of advanced ch payment nt the rale of ono half of ono por or, tit. without rlaftao hi tbo proporty HStoos od. Grange liullctin. How to uiiuuNH a tiuoi) uuW A crum ply horn In u kooi! ludlc-Ulnii; a full eye an other. Her bead nhould boeinall aud abort. Avoid a It iinaii nose, which Indluatoa thin milk and little of It. SoolhntNho Is dUhed In tho fco Hunk botwoe'n the oyea. Noilco that alio la what ntook men call a K'd hand lor skin entt and Ioomo. llko tho i-kin n a ilo. Deep from tho loin lo tho udder nnd a very allot (all. A cow wltb tlx.su marku never UIIh to bo n wood milker. It la nlalmod by the Now York Tlmra tbnt thoroaro In what la known in I ho public aa tho civil eervloo about 63O0O oIIIcom. Of threo 8,000 aro tilled by the President nnd oonllrmed by tbe Henato. The remaliilug w,wu ioji to ino noaus or too uoportmoniH. In moRtplaoea, "aatono'a throw," "De minute's walk," etc., are ui.ed for mcaaurtn foKahort (llutaoeea. In Dubuque, however, thoy apeak of a plaoe aa being "within tbe bawl of a mule." Tbe Great Kaatern ateamablp will be em ployed carrying cattle from Amorlca to Kn-gland. 8TAUTI.IKG GKOGItAPIIIOAli (JALCU- liATioMB. Tho researches of geolo gists are continually supplying us .with fresh and unitnpoachnbloevidencothat tho antiquity of our earth is much' greater than is popularly uupposed. Additional confirmation of this theory if that can bo called theory which hits passed Into tho dntrain of certain ty has been afforded by recent inves tigations of Mr. Mellaril Ileade, a sci entific man of snmo repute in the Unit ed States, wiio lias taken tho trouble lo estimate tho quantity of tho soluble constituents of the soil held invitibly in solution in (lie waters of rivers and homo out into tho ocean. He believes that over the whole earth 100 tons of such matter aro removed annually from every ttquaro milo.. and nt tho rate it would take IJOO.OUO.OOO years to accumulate a quantity of sulphates of lime and magnesia equal In amount to that at present contained In tlo ocean, hut tho carbonate could bo replaced in -180,000. If tho chlorides of tho ocean all came from the rivers, which contain so little, their renewal would tnko 2001- 000,000 years. Tho application of these figures to tho solution of tho problem of tho earth's ago becomes apparent whon it is borne in mind that all the sen with nil its chemical constituents and matters held In solution therein, has been directly derived from rivers. which in their turn have derived their material from the laud. As indication of geological time, therefore, Mr. Iteade's calculations aro of no incon siderable Interest. THUS PLDMMER FRUIT DRYERS. Patented April 18T7. miiK'tt MAoniNKs Ana UNBUitPAflRD nr I inroherr.ir Ury'njt or PrinrvitiR Fnilli i and VfRHahleo of all kind, n re c; intruded and fax. nUhid complete In Toar illnVn-nt f we, namely: Tbe Tom Thumb 'Dryer-capacity of V huohul nf Mii)lt-i ier li.iur lrie f lh Smnll Fnmllr Drfcr-waclly of W WioIk i r huur-rUu Tlio Pwlly Ilrjrer-apc!ty of 3 bnfhela jptr luiur prLo -fXH Tho 1'nctorjr I iryor capacity of 0 bnehels per liour-pilco ,, Thfm llrtora Wfro awarded lh Cou cnnlal Modal nd Dlplnma at I'lillsclflphla l ItW) Alan, tho Gold M dalu IkeStntuof Ortion for 1870, fur czcvllcaoo of Hirer, cjlomnil conillllon of Kiult All atK1 cuDPtantly on band and furulihcdonehort cttuotice. . . Farm nnd County lllautii Iter Bale, . Vcr farther tianlcalarf and iltrcrlpt to catatwWe addrew W. H. PUIMMalt, Patentcu and MnufcUrer. jelctf Katt rurtlasri, o ' tv, Jfalf Brother to Caledonia Chief, Ike fastest Trotting stallion In Canada, Blrcrt by llrwc' Il"jal Oeorge Dam by old IIarka waj. tho celubrated lrlrh ll'ood Hurro, will aland for ai&icein East Portland, A witty French lady who was an "adopted" member of a famous milita ry corps, when a cigar was lighted in hor presence with the remark, "I sup pose they smoke in your regiment?" said, "Yes, but not in my company." In n Philadelphia court, tho other day. a man named Moisten was de fended by a lawyer named Onforth. It is no unusual thlnt; to seo a lawyer and his client go forth and moisten. Never tell your secrets in a corn field, for it has a thousand ears. Tho lift) of h uialt In h Journtiy. from April JCtt Atlhii Sublc. of JOHN HHAVKIt. to July Irl, 1N77. 10 to luanre. tmalilo whet Ilm Mare 1-kmmn lu Ik-In nal f'iG for tUcftoa hoii, piul)lxat Ihu time of prvki JO.UN ItEDMOWD. March to, 1D77. NOTICE. I will py?ri, In wild, premium for thn bent Itliifk Hiranitor" coll exbllilieil at tbe HiHtit Krtlrtblx Ml. J. W. Nniinir. JOHN MINTO, aRxium or MERINO SHEEP, T1A KKS plcannro In efTi-rlnir to tho Wool-Orowera ol . Ort-Kuu and tlio adjoining Territory the chanc to tiurehina TIIOKOUdllUIIKI) MhKINOS. and aa- f urlr.R pirtlcf Intcrcf tcillhat they can, and will on di'Jivnr to. acll Sheep of tho ramo quallly and value at MUCH fllK.U'KIt KATKS tlun ucli can pnealbly bit Impurtt'd. hxamlnatlun and comparbnn with oth er Hneop oiTered lu the tuartct arc coidlally Invited. AddrvM JOUN MINTO, Halrm, Orcroa. N. II. The llama and lUm Ijinibn of tho flock can bofrcnon ibo ISLAND KAUM, adjoining Salem. Tho Kwia ran bu r jon at the ramo place, or at the DILI, KAUM four and a hall inllca Miath of tho city. Salem, September 10, 1WT3. Tk French Prairit Afpantlon, The obaervatluna of youi oorreapoodent ' It." appear to aupplemeut lbs Freneb Prairie Oboat. tbat for toany yeara baunied a portion of the place now owntd by H. W. It. Jonee. Tbe apjiearanoe being bo similar i iu reoan mat oaae. I drat hoard of it about al 3 ears ago. Novural peraona told mo of seeing a moving IlKbt out In tbe lb) Id about half a rollo wont of tbo Htao road, and about ten nillew bhlow bero. Tbo llxlit bad a ran 40 from tbo old burn half h inllo wtat of Jnnea' liom-e, down to opposite llultevllle or below, a dleiHiico of nenrlyUO inllee. It whh eeon by dt!orent porNiiiiH hII Hlong that ronlo and mh tliniijilu by nmny to bHOonntoled In enmo way wl b roiiiHof tbo (dd Krennli eelllerH tbat bud prtHxed to "tlint bourne from wbrnieo no unveler reluriiH," noeoidlng to Hhakpiare, (inn iiotln tbepUy or Mutiilel), wlro lm (lid get tho murdered king of DiMiinurk IihcU. Ilrotbcr Jouei blnihtilf uvn uio it HuriipliloHociiuiilut hlrown adventure with tbollKbt. lie got bniuii 01111 raiber Hitik evenlui: wltb blMtiHin and reelug Ibo llubt KmiiK i'iimik in" leuco towaroi nix tinru llo tiavlin; then bought tbo pUco (llro J. baa a weakneaa for buying all Ilm laud tbat lolui blm ) llo conoludeU lo Jump on to one of IiIh nurMH aud ride over und eto If burglar were about. Tbe light was aiming aitiuti toward the barn and was about a half million, aaboetarted west to thn mminnh Jeotlvo point, llo rodo out at a small trot, anil too tigiK moved about aa fast ai ho did till about aquartor of a mllo had been no. oomplMied by each parly, when the light turned and came toward bla line, and soon Mruak bin road a few roda In front of him, llo raid it looked like a bright lantern lUlit, kind a swinging, at If aomeoody, waaoirry Inir It, and be bad on other tboiiuhtatwuiL it until, as It approached uearer he H?wltws doming alone, and being able then Iomi clearly all around It, bu round .bat no mortal man at leant, uas upKriliig It. Ju-l about tho llmo lie made thl dlneovery bla hore did Ibo sHiue, nnd all at unco aitrmge mur iiv-fr-iMi ikhh ruier anil imrHH, Itit-y both wblr'ed mdiUnlv ni he put Uih Iuumi In bU hand lo wi rk and they rlnw li.ck, like mad. AlU-r reiren'inn; nearly 10 I In. Iiiiiim,. he looked bo ntU- the light, then milt aooiiploot nxU Uehliid bloi, hti.tdeiilyp.ip and In an tiMiatitPiiiiiriih ng bv hmi 1111 ea.'h hhlit idiom bN bhini,der. l ihhsM vllb loud inii., Hi of ru-.liin win, I. ami then hi oncti dUxpiHotred tit gut huinn. and (MiieludK I ilmi alter lhat, an lm hxd not loht any uIhhIh, he would not hunt any mom lor them WHEAT AND OATS Chopped into Feed, Ior Ono-Tontli Toll. sasALfUnaaa Sash, Doors. Blinds, nXotUcllxiKsi , Turning, stair work, IKiIstcndH, lIurcnuN, Manila, Tnblcs, FANNING WILLS, Aad all klBdN t Furniture, At BKD-nO'K 1'IUCEH Shop a Ag-lcal'D'al Wnik salldlig, naleaa. c. e F. KNNIII. FarmB and Land lor Sale. T""OKPRK FOIl H 1.E ONK PAtlM, 820 AUItBS, IOI acrea In cnltlvit un. trend orrhard, rllua'od on tho l'leaant IHII ruvl. about !4 mllca from Kujrcno Clly A ln, nhont 1400 arrca of MIXUD LAND, fom" of Ihu beat valley auil bravcrdam Land In the rounly, m rounded U) hill and brunh land. Thrr-o or four very roo.I furraa (an bo mult out of It. Good place for a colony. Want In eel 1 the whn'o lot tojretli. cr. Thla Land laalluatcd in Lcno county, about II rallrafrura Kuirenu City, and x from Creawcll. JeH Addreaa K II. ODNN, Kvgm CUf. A 00NPLKTK LINE OK -A. IT. 1ST EI SI Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, Etc., Etc. tpurs, AT. DEAR HORN'S, ON GUMMERCIAL SLUET, llUltlll.S'rf HI.OPK, SATRM - - OH13GON. nuril.-l Home -Made and Hand-Made B O OJD S . IP TOU WANT A OOOD-FITTINO PINK BOOT yoo can be accoaunodatcd by calllnf At AraaiMtroBg'M Shep, OatlUteSU'tet.oppoflte WILLIS'S BOOK 8T0BS.. All Wobk Warmamtbd. Plc' KsiaoMasj.s. Hepalrtna; funttfandtirompth) tttmt. Oirs Ma A Call. acl0tfl Wl. ARmsrialONal. Alterative -- TO Pffrify tllO BtOOfJ UIO Dr. JnyneV Aeriita for the Wlllaiurlte Farmer. Albany J R llnnnnn Amity ( ,Mniiiu I oILvu tlrovo Jll rilrrlrldvt llai,u.. j,.n umi, Hurna Vlrla W01 Willi, i W lloiutrt tiiiwiiflllc w It Kirk lbiltitlle Jff llachuldt-r Canyon City B 11 ithintbart Canjouvlllo w T llrlxi'S ull'ajlty PH Malleoli ColuVValUy yr H Clarko Clalwip.. , ,..,.,, It J Mornaon Crf..rdillle it, trt OUia J;ve.. , 11 y Kendall Lorialllt,, g Woodward Hf'.we" Uoaroe Kuox Llackainaa y & uilla Laiup Creek o It llaairotrrley Oallat J l) Lee, U M Outhrlu 11 VT"" llaudaker Oralir .Krewron Drain Oamaocua KKeihv JiV'"" K C lladaway "awu A B llalue jinrrne. John McCla'K Kox Vally a I) tlanlner rVval drove N llahe. W LCnrlla Oiwlieii j Hauitraker J ervaU t M (KIimk IUIV T.I lll.rL- I 11 irnnui IIUirlHini Ileimer Imlrprndra-e.. Juiirtlon Jickiiii vIIIh.,,. KM' Valley.., Jl'lllT'llll l.tuUvllle . ... Ijtfiyi-iio Lt'lMllnll M Mini MrMmiivillu..,, " nmiiili ... , Mi' 1'ialii, W lllMIIttll 081 1118 UK THK HAMUQHOKr bo tin otirtiii.fi! hit Kri'iiiid, or ih it a new onI 1 havH not ht-ard ol tlio prairie uhiut Icr at IcNhl three ear ,lll,,,l,m,,,!f",w '"blng about your own "It" bull know ..lr. Joiie Ih as iiaibio a Ulan ai .. Iihwi in Marlon county. 'Hmi 1H N n live U11I til Siaii (!lirl.tu,i ir a..i..i.. S llml lmf'illyinliira-iliM Amarleaii It' lluloii ecgraved oiioiir IWmiii. O.dUr plmee. In thla, our H.hI mo trua ,' amiiH or ti, vjordaiiuy bte tmen urt off ibo motto but that Is the euhaiance of It, If thla msin.rtniem.ta your readfr. I will follow It whh Biioiberarilolat.pUinliig u, paannmrna, bv ih 1 lawanrNplHiual olenw, aud tbe lualeilal phllohophy of Khu Please signify hei her .ou want 1 he artlola weao lime let mey or not. lu tee ? T.1? .p'. .LUI u,,bM Horailohsaan AbckV or til av, there are mora tbliia n heaven v" " are urvaojed ol to phuoaophy. Truly eta., O. W. Luwaow. joar 11 train Miillh .. A I aellliii? Murniw A Hern 11 W I. Hindis Hmllh. Hri'Dtld A Co., W I. Leiium ...W Pi'rlon ,.....C'i'iHr .: '"r run Ii lm W I'olmil II (' Mcllmiiioi.iU fir I'oi'plelon A II liuiry hit I'laimltoii Jo Kflrey JllMmrl A hld WnUTlinui-o I I)tl,i Hmnip m Morrinlul AltoratlvK It nets directly on tbo blood, stimulating tlio nbsorbontn, overcoming tlio ohstlnnto Htato of tbo poroH of tlio tkln, nnd Imparting a lie.iltliy i;low to tlio Complexion. rimplcM, I'ustiilos, Tottor, nnd Skin ))Ihc:ivo.s of nil kltulH, Morouriid AtroctloiiH, Tumors, mid nil vnrlo tlCH of ooiiiplnluU nrlfdng from do proved or illsorilorotl blood, nro of fuctunlly ormllcntod by this romody. Scrofula In all Its Forms i curod v by tbo M.'rl8lont uso Of Ir. Jnyno'a AILtrntlvc It doutroyu tho poison oub prlnclplo which orlglnaton Soro fuln, and ultlmntoly drlvas It from tho eystom. It will romovo onlargo wents of tho Gliuiila or Bonon, nnd is n sufo romody in cosoh of Uleoni. or Sorou of all kinds. Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings aro N I I'd I New Km .J I'm 10 f t'Mi'M.'IIIii IT (aotlt'iiiaii North Yi'iil.il DfSlfHart OiVliml H It llavinonit O.uro A It Shlpliy Oil , J 11 rMirovder Ori'k'oii City... .. ' M lUeon IVn 1,'lim W A Wh'l"nu IViirU.,.. ,..,lr J II Irvine Pilot lt-ck R O'lllam lNirllaiitt ,.H Lr, Aenl Hlatp Orange I'riiu-llltf. OM Pilnule I'trrydalii .....MeUrruVhtotc Itlckrcal V A I'Mlrr-im Itonebnri;,... ,...T)n Smith 8elo ,.,,.. ,..F I' Jones, Thoa Vnnker- SlUerton.. ...... T K H'Mwnl Hhixlf. WM row era. Oltle-Nr HiirlKeld.... ........A O llmej H.-'Wlmltjr., Jokn Downiiijt vmi llsma ..Ben Marks Bheriitao.... ........ , .............. .......,... arfei.. ......... ....................,... Harare Tas Dallas. ..........,...,..,, . ...... ...9 L Iteoka 1rner.iW... .,.,., ............. ..w III f YaaoiKivsY.. ......,,.. ..........,,,.. .," W oriwn WIRainetts Fork..... M Wllklnii Walla Walla. .' .'. i r rlrvwer WaUo.,,.,,, ,..,.........,....,.... t. Klder 4 k Kuiaoa, xa Apph.rate (Uloctually cured by Dr. Juyno's Al terative, Dy Btltnulnthig tbo notion of tlio absorbents, nil wntory or cal careous depositions aro gradually carried off, toning up tbo p.itlonti.t tlvottatno tlmo, by fitroiigtlionlng th-i tligostlvo organs nnd exciting th-j, I.lver, Kldnoye, ite, to perform tholr fuuetiona. For Dystwptda and lAvos Complaint It baa proven n remedy,. and It has established oures in cisoi of Upllopsy. It nitiy bo safoly rolkl on by nny ono needing n tnedklno o build up tbo HyMom, cleauso th'i Wood, or to restoro tho normal nctlou of LUo Sot'retlvo Organs. T A. IKV1S 4 CO.. Wl.oUkile Agent. rortUmtf' Orrven nrlBiUJ KEAL ESTATE LOATJS. KKG0X AND WASHINGTON Trnst Investment Company OV HCOTLANkV. mint Oompanv 1 prrurrd to neKOtlate loasa U X run,airotniiOto$iu,wiotarei over IMFSO Vel) U1TY, rhOPhUTY aid KaUX LAMDH. smc fltrdperiodstf yrsia.orrepayaslsby half 1 early lav. aullmucla. For Urma, apply to WILLIAM RKID, Manairer, noviov a Firal Ktreet Portiacd. r. o. MmvLrw am, ATTORNEY AT LAW OTE1U n0UBa I H. X, sonar, at lusd of stalls. t i