Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 17, 1877, Image 1

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$2 50 per Year.
The Indian War.
Another Fight, with Heavy Loss on tho
part of the Troops.
iio'ens, Montana Ann 11. Tho following
was received this morning:
Big Hole, ol.T., V.ug.0 1677.
To Gov. Potts: Had a hard llht with
Nex Perces killing a niimbor end losing n
numbor ot ofllcttrs am) inmt. Wo aro liore
near tlin month or lit ic (Into Pass with a
Inrgo number of wounded lu want of every
thing food, clothing, medicines; aud infill
cat alto- dance, Henil as hk-IsUiico hi oiiuo,
JoiinGiiiii N.Col.U S. A.
To Gov. Potts: We had hard llirhtand
took tho vlllago, liut woro finally driven
buck with heavy loan. Capt Logan and
Lieutenant. Bradley am killed; Gun G Hilton
and Lleuta. Coolldgo, English and Wondiuff
wounded English seriously, the others
slightly. The troops am entrenched and tho
Indiana wore leaving when tho mossougor
Doer Lodgo, Aug, 1 10 A. M. W. U.
Edwards has JUHt arrived from 111k Holo
bringing acoouuta of a terrible battle bet eon
Gibbon's command and trio Nf z Porcim on
Big Hole river, August 0th. Gibbon's com
Hiand consisting of 182 men, 17 olllcers, 133
regulars aud 34 nlilxu voluuteorH, crossed
'over from Boss Uule to near the Big HoIh
on Wednesday. Starllrit at II o'clock on tho
same night they moved down all tint troupe,
with tho exception if a few left to guard tun
transportation a few miles aoove cuun to
Iudiau camp, which was made on Ulg Hole
about throe miles below where tho Muter
Hoot and Bannack trail crosses. At day
light this morning tho fight was opont d by
the volunteers firing on and killing an Indl
an going after horses. The c It rue wan thon
oadoonthecempand hard lighting occurred
for the next two hours, during which tltno
namberof men and Iudlans wero killed
The soldiers then uharged on the lodges, but
wore repulsed In the attempt. The Indians
then attempted to cut them off from a bitch
wooded point, butrheaoldieracbargedlhein.
Bad driving lite Indian advance from It held
Uaadatouoe fortlOed. Fightlug onntluued
tier ell day and was s'llt pmgrrslmr Ot
to I ly whan tha courier left. At 11 o'clock
Uu lighting was desperate on both aide, the
felt femur the Indian Owing In the fwht.
Capt; liogan and Waut. Bradley were killed,
Oen Gibbon, Capi. Williams and Lleuls.
Coolldue.KoiilUbaud Woodruff were wound
ed, Gen. Gibbon onlv slightly. Bradley
was the tlrst' man kll led. The tno-senger
aayH that after they failed to rapture the
lodges, the Indians moved tiiotr cainpoii lit
la the direction of Bmnsck. All their hor
ses being captured the iiieMonner had to
to ootno to Freuoh gulch, nearly CO miles, on
Anothor messenger wasvsent to Gon. Dow
ard, who should have resetted there to-dav.
The howitzer had been left six mllo behind,
and was ordered to be moved up at daylight.
During tho tight they heard It dlt-ohurixed
twice and then It was silent. A band of In
dians soon after appeared with a largo baud
of horses, and It Is believed all tho horses of
tho command, the gun, their 8tipplltts.ro
servo ammunition, etc , were captured. Gen.
Gibbon thought when tho courier left there
be hud still one hundred elTiutlve moo, and
bellevod the Indian had nearly all with
drawn from his trout. The messenger t-aya
he think) oae hundred Indians were killed,
and nearly half the oouunaud, Including
citizens, wore killed or wounded. Gn.
Gibbon has tent for mod'cluos, surgeons,
upiiHes, eto. Dr Mltohrll will leavo lo-ditj
with an ocort. Gen. Gdiion particularly
asks for ambulance wagons to uomo u uder
escort, aud every available vvaann will go
forward from here ami Hum, ft was one ui
tho hardest Indian lUhta on record, and
Gibbon's comuiNiid tnaile a most valiant
and desperate t)tlil ugaiiibt overwhelming
Doer Lodgo, M. T Aug. II 10 a. in. Got
all the men we want here to escort wagons
Wo aro rushing tt wagwip, stores, Ice, ale.
JJIghiy out ofono hundred and elhty-two
aro killed or woundt-d.
Doer Lodue, M. T., Aug. 12 Two courlfrt.
aro iu from Gun. lloward'hOiinmatid. lie
wai 18 miles ditaiit Inim Gibhou, and
would reach there early on tho 11 h. No
further pa-ticulars from the battle Held, ox
oeptlug the leport thut Gibbon's cunipkiul
gun were captured
Uhlcigo, Aug. 12 The IjIIoaIdk Is the
ofui-lul report of tho Imian light in Mou
St PaiHi. Minn., Aug II.
J,'ut. Gn. Nheiidan Chtcigo, III An.
patch Juki recahetl Inini (inn. (Jlbboii, dutd
ISIg Hole puiM, Augul !), lu us IoIIiiwh: Sur
ftrtsod tho Nez I'ercen camp hero this morn
ng. uot iiORseHNion of it uf or a hard lluht In
which b tli sldoilost heavily, rapt. lig.n
anil l.t Hratlley am killed. Myi-elf, Capt.
WIIHatiiH and Lieuts. Conlldge, Wnodrutl
aud Kiigllsh aro wounded, the ladlecrli'iisly.
A. Il.TKRiiy,
Orlz. Gen. Commanding,
Helena, Mont , Aug. 12. A courier from
U0l wiimmiu iirnveu ui uoti kjk,iiiuuihiij,
at 3:3( i. H. to day with dates to the II th
Glbhon'a -upply train aud camp was not
captured a tlrst reported. There was no
tiubtlug after the tlrst day's battle on the
9 h. Gibbon's los-.es are: Kllleu Capt
ljoesn, Leuts. Bradley and Boat wick, 17
men and 5 cltlzsni. Tho wounded Oen.
Gibbon, Capt. Williams, LleuU. Coolldge,
Woodruff and EoBllsh.the latter seriously,
besides 38 men and 4 oitlaens. The Indians
ufftr! severely, as 40 dead Indians were
counted ou about one-half of the battle field.
Howard bad arrived and would pursue the
Indiana aa soon as his command arrlvod.
Gen. Gibbon would move to Deer Lodge and
take his wounded to FcrtSbaw m aoon as
madloal aid and transportation i rrlvad. The
ladUos had disappeared, ia whloV direction
kaa sot jet baati mrsad.
London, Am? II French politics aro bo
ginning to take n leitdlmr pluco In thu vie
of WeHieru Europe, At Durllti n coup d'etat
In Finuco Is believed probtblo. Hid It In also
thought that the government established by
ncoup d'etat would not be rccounlrod by
Gem, any. Notuiths'uiidliig profound peneo
prevails throiiuhniil France, ultra conserva
tive pattern are uriui; the government to do
ulare martini law There In a remrt current
that the otblnet have already resolved upon
til Ih Htop. It Is believed the Immediate
proclamation of martial law Is rendered
necessary by tho license nf radloal uowsptw
pera which dnrn to talk or civil war unless
their candidates obtain a majority at the ap
proHohlug elections'. Motmlgnor Dupan
loup's newspaper xavs It Is natural to sup
pose that the gnverment mav bo forrod to
moot by a state of siege tho llorco and un
constitutional war tho radicals wageaitalnst
it. A committee or the Itlght publish) a an
othor appeal for funds to carry on their elec
toral work.
London, Aug. 18 A telegram from Shura
la says olitolal Intelligence lias boon reonlved
of the discovery ol a KiiSMlan consplrscy
aualrHt tho Euilrnf Cuboal In tho provlnre
of KaulauHti. Four ofTlaials wero cxecutod
by order of tho Ktnlr for complicity In the
Chicago, Aug I Tho Times' London
special says; 'l here Is Intense dissatisfaction
over the failure of parliament to cocuro
pledges from the ministry as to tho policy
onthneasiein question. The war party Is
furlouH that intervention Is not annnunod,
and tho peace party Is alarmed at tho
absence of a pledge analnst Intervention.
I'lie latter fear that If tho Kuislans gain a
decUlvo victory Dlsfaell may piling Kng
land Into war without the countenance of
Parliament. Uulesi Kussia gains an over
whelming victory the campaign will go
over another year. Unless Hervla co oper
ales and permits tho Km-slsns to march
around the Balkans, the Turks have entire
oontldenoo they can krep back the Rustlana
till October, when It la hoped diplomacy
will Moure peace on lite ba-U of yielding the
country north of the Blkans.
Tim Tribune's London utteolal say: It Is
considered doubtful If Hhlpka paa will bo
held much longer by the Kiilans. At pres
ent the Russian Army U ponned InatTlrnu
va aud deprived of liberty ol action' The
report comes font Constantinople, but la sot
ofl)lal, that the Turks have evacuated their
position before Plevna In favor of a belter
one for defensive turiosos behind lbs town.
Athena, Aug. 13 K uht thousand lro"P
of reserves have Joined thoirmys also 10,000
vniutiieers sou nuny ureeas notn aoroad.
Vienna, Aug. 13 ine paNagH or mo
D umbo by the main body of tho Iloumau
lau army has been postponed until large
KiiNsiau reinitirceiiieiiia arrive.
Loudon, Aug 13 Dispatches from Uatoum
duMirliHi agruat exoittisof Circassians from
i he Caucasus aa a consequence of the with
drawal or the Turkish exeditlon.
Fitly thousand people and 160 000 catllo
areuMaliliiKembarkmeiitai Muktiiu Keleh.
Ilobart fax ha has lmprovlmd tho Jeiiy by
mooring otnall veenels lengthwise, and tho
peoploantl uattloare walLIng the csnl4.
A frigate and tttnsport had arrived at IU
touaiwlth I.1KX) etulxrunts : none wero ner-
milled to land lUmtimon account or lack of
accommodations aud provisions. All go to
The Itus'lanB Hiicceeded In stopping the
exodus from the Tenant Teblrr illuinut and
diove lite isMipId bai-k wild gteat cruelly. Il
U re purled that all (he men who participated
In lite iiirurrectlon are rent to Sjiilaila, and
ihelr women and chlldreu given to the Cos
At lUloiim, Monday, tlntro was an artill
ery duel, tieavv tlghllutr U expected.
IJ-rlln, Aug 13 -Thel'gtr'a pi lvle yacht
IniH beeu 11 led as a corvette, lo cruise in the
Kuxlue tea
lbe German colony ntCons'uutlnople has
through the German HmbaHxrdor, asked the
l'orto lor an authorization to form a munici
pal guird f irstdf protection, the nuority of
the police liav log tieen drtl ed in the arn'iy.
I'arlH, Aug It Tho Mtiitlteur says the
qiierlloii of tlie state of hieutt baa neer laieu
ttibt'ussed or rated in the cabinet; thai there
has lioer exUted, either In Ibis or any other
queHilon, any dlvlblon wlihln the ctbluet,
mat the most perfitcl utnlerHiandtiitr Iihs hI
wt exl tetl between tint Duke de Jltoglle
nod Fiiuriru; ibai neither Germany nor any
other l?ijeri unriit bss made ituv repreeicita
ileus on tho pru-eixto of Duke tie llmallo at
the head of the i-nbluet, ami that lie pnsl
dent of the republic leriimly reMolved torn
sin the ministry of the Mth of July until
hn tiltoliin,
Calmilts, A il ir. It. At .i public meetiiiK
held at Mxdrason i lie (lit to cot hitler steps
iKCOnhury tor M-curing help trout KoulMiid
for tho famine MiuVrcrs, the Dnko ol Buck
utiihaiii, governor of Madras prc-lih nny,
s'xled that the Idinlne urea c intuliled 1H.00O.
IKX) of people, of which n large proporiion
'.ere iieK)inieui tor uativ rood on me (xht
tlona and sctivity of those who trausisirt
ttraln to the country. Tho ue-elty lor sup.
plies is steadily looreabluu; the wants of
Wad rax are sl'eady beyond the means of the
lrehl-noy. Kvery aid .bat can be secured
in needtd to save the people. The lot rtaaing
-everlty of the distress netsliates an ap
K)1 to public charity. Dr. Cornish, sanita
ry com tnUsloner, said that tbeie whs already
1,600,000 people being ted, and 600.0110 bad
died. A resolution was adopted that the
principal cities of Kogland, uolland, Ire
land and Indl be iuloriued of the urgent
necessity fur assistance. The mover of the
resolution, aald more were found dead in a
alngle morning In Madras than had died lu
the whole Btngal famine.
There U a strike In the matrimonial mar
ket. Yeoog men have atrnek for more
dowry aad laaa xpeaalT aweatbeaita.
OREGON, AUGUST 17, 1877.
San FrauclNOo, Aug. 11. A d-pniailitii ol
lending Chinese merchant recent I v walled
upon Senator Morton with royard lotrouhles
atiendant upon iho presnnce of ilieircoiin
trytneti In t'alllornla. The '(il;c"iiiHn stated
In i iWct thut there was u simp ft iiilutt ex
isting aKalnxt thf m; that thnlr proptr y IihiI
been dexlroycd; that they hid hcou su'tijem
etl to personal violence, tli'ilr rlithtH niidr
tho treaty (listpgartied, end the U S govern
ment waited to Hlford them the protection to
which they yveio oiUltled; thai they tlltl not
hi mill the American peoplo for this state of
sllalrs, recognizing the I'aut that itHttho
foreign elomeiit that w tronttly opptnod
them; that having Isirne with thN treatment
many veurs with noprospctof rollef, thev
wished to aiiopt euch tiieaurr ns would
havo a tendency to check ChliiPhe Initiii.
grallon, and lo this end r quo-tod the senator
to Introdtico a bill ut Iho next session ofoin
grown providing for tho modltlcstion or abro
gation ot tho BurllngHtnetrtaty.and for too
levying of a per capita tax or one hundred
dollars on every Chinaman landing in Amer
ica, ine proceeds or nils tax to no devotl to
Saving tho back passage to China of those
hltiamen who deslro to return but
lack the means, also expressing their Inten
tion of endeavoring to induce the O A 0.
and Oriental steamship comptnlo to modi
fy their rates of jStcerairft pH-po, and to
make tho rates coming this 7fi while redlin
ing Iho price hence to China to t30. Tho
proven l rate Is $55 either way, Tnoy ox
lirossed their readiness to provide all means
uecesfary to psy any expenses incident upon
procuring such leffixlsilon. Senstor Morton
exproHsed bis willlngnosa to Introduce such
a bill. Touching recent troubles In this city
the committee or eafely havo had repealed
consultation with leading spirits of the
worklngmen's party, ami coolie orgsnlzt
lions, eta , all of whom unite In deprecating
any resort to violence, and announce their
read Ineas to co-operate In maintaining the
peaoe of the city against hoodlum assaults.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 14 Potmater Nel
son T, Cody, of Onuttervlllar Mariposa
county, hail an examination yesterday after
noon before U 8. Commissioner Sawyer rn
a charge of robbings null letter of money
H contained. He was held to ball In the
Humbfti.000 to answer before the Brand
uuimoni, a.u h Tc;;nurier or the Bin
aays a rich strike waa.inadH lu E'doratlo,
south of Helmot-r, orantlmonlsl silvetoro,
assaying Irora 100 to H00 per ion. It was
struck while raising the chute from the low
er level, disclosing a woll detlurid ledge of
11 vo foot In thlckip-sorihls ore.
Austin, Aug 14 The strike of a gold
Isgaring ledtte, assaying as liluh as $4 000 a
inn. is reiHtrted to have been made lu
firosd canyon In Tybeo ramie, kbout CO
miles southward of Austin Thero is oou
aldersble exelieinent In JilT-raou and that
portion ut Nye county over the roporiod
holena, M.T., Au 14 Tba lollowlng Is
just received Iroin Itantiack: Indians cross
Irgalllie head of Horse prairie lo Lemhi,
striking Stephenson's this innrnlmr, killing
the 1'ieroe hrotherssniloihersen route. The)
are evidently making their way to Snako
HIor Valley.
U. D, Scott & Co's New- Wharf1.
Wo learn from Mi. Hatch, of tho above
well known Isiatllne, that ho will soon visit
Salem toseoebout building a wharf for bis
company at tho fiHit of Sta'e street. Iloslso
Infirmsus tl at the company will probtbly
budd a Miry flue steamer next year, a better
one thsn the t'ilyof Salem limy projioso
lo bo i quipped to do a good business with all
poliilH, I'Iih rivoris getting so low that ills
very doubtful If Imats can transport miicli
freight until rains coinoiencc, but 1,'spt.Scott
la one of those who lullili all that Is possible
and ho woti't be apt to absudou the river so
long as anj one can navigate It.
Will Arrlvo To-morrow.
M.John VV Jack, tho successful Manairer
ami one of the l-t character actors ou the
coast, will arrive lu the city to-morrow to
confer with Messrs Koed V; Cox, tho man
ageis of H-ed'a Upera House, relative lo the
eiiKsveiuent. ot his lino company during
Male Ftlr limes It is the luiiniiloii of Mr
Jack lo bring tho best comptny (hat over
app-ar d iu the Capital City at that lima.
Too Opera House is to be redbcorated, in w
scenerv is lo be put on, snd iho hoii'o put
in order, o that istrsons aiietniiiiu "Urnhtt'r
ttrund carnlal"cin hsVti an oiin irittnUv ol
seeing a urst-ciass uratuai in pii lo-itmnno.
A. Mixed Weddlug.
Mr. Wiley II. Allen, wint is umklog a rus
ticaiing trip alontr the litnlts ortlm Columbia
writes in Mr. il D Boou, ol llilacliy, tnat be
attended a wedding one cteiiluif lu-l wick
near Cortland, where the brhle.-room was a
way up Moogollrtti and the bride it rather
good looking white girl. He does notgive
Iho names or the blub contracting parties.
Cone to tka Couter.
John W, Min.o, City Marshal, now has In
his bands the delinquent lax lis, with In
structions from the City Council lo colloci
them. All those who have not yet settled
their taxes for the past yesr would do well
to come forward and pay them oil, thus sav
ing a bill of additional eosts which will be
sumly made if settlements are much longtr
A Tknadsr Storm.
Persona wuo wero out too sleepy about
two o'clock this morning, were treated to a
number or unusually heavy shocks of thun
der. The atom seemed to be lu the foot
hllU, directly Kaat of lbe city, and thetfToct
ror atiea aronaa was to give a pleasant,
Mraiuimi, uivicoivuaii mjuo mi am atuaoe
Is It Right T
I think thero U no lealuro of tho grain
(radu thatoperab.M morn ngnlust the farmors
than tint of loaning of grain by wnrohntin
mini, ntul I nm convlnrod that It Ih prnntlcod
to n gictlcr or lias extent by noirly every
housi) along the Hue of the rrllroml. I havo
hoard farmer nay thut tlmy havo had their
wheat weighed In ut one door and run from
tho MJitea out ni tho opposite door ami losd
ed Into the cars never even slopping in the
w.iroliottso, I a-It U It to the Interest or
millers and shippers to odor tho full value
for grain which they can "borrow for an In-d-lllnilo
period without Intort'stslmply by
oilertng less than mirket valuo and less
than tho owuor would bo willing to
ttko. T.i llliistrato: Farmer A. bus a horse
for Male worth $100, aud lakes It to (own and
leaves It with Mr. R, who keeps a livery
stablo. Pretty soon Mr. 0. comes along who
Is buying hornci, ho otf-irs $75, lor the homo
which farmor A. thinks not enough snd re-
fuaostoaoll. Mr. O. ges to Mr. B and
says loan mo that hnrso until A. will take
my offer of $76. B. loans him tho horse,
and nowO. Is using tho hnrso ami tbi re is no
inluooment fir hlui lo udvanue the price
utilsss somo other buyer who Is not lu his
ring, comes along. Tho wants or trade bo
Ingsupptlodtri rough this illlgitltnatoohannol
tboio who are nbtlgel lo sell as It wore aro
on a ilo'iddodmark t snd consequently do not
Kolrull vatuo. I might glvo many othor
reasons but hvo f ir jids,
A. O. Jknninui,
i i i .
1 " -"-
Ala special mee1 lug held by Chanipoeg
L'Kl,je No. 27. A. F A A. M , In Mssonlo
Hall, Hutievllie, Aug 0 1877, the rolloalog
reaolutlops were sdoptMl:
WuKHKae, It bus pleased Almighty God,
lbe Supreme ttulorof the unlvoro, to call
from our lubist our beloved brother, J D
Crawford. whoe valllableaerrliiHHas in mler
landseiietary atditrtreut limes of our lodge,
mi lyumn enraoii iioors in u-pitii or ine
best lii, ere. ts or the ordor endoared ,hlfrt to
bis brethren; and;
W II Kit hah, Wn VsjI with p-nullir firoo to
day the vscsno caused In our ranks by his
dtaib; thertf ire belt
It-solved, That this lodge hai a profound
sense of lie Ions In the deih of our worthy
iimuicr, itnu mat uio memoers ol tins lodge
wear tho usual bdge of mourning for ibir
ly days.
Unsolved, That to the a III 'o.'ed relatives of
our deceased brot.ier we nxpres our heart
felt sympathy and condolence; towtrd hie
wife aud children, thus suddenly bereft of
husband and laiher, v-e shall ever cherish
feilliigsof fraternal interest and rcitard and
oominniid litem to the wa'chfu) itsro ami
providence of Him whose a' I andntipporl we
as Masons are isught to invoke.
Unsolved, That these resolu lonsbospreail
ou the iniiiiiteH ami a ropy forwarded loilie
fiii.lly of niirdfoesHed lirolher, end abnlo
the Faiuikh, Orequmun and Ntnntlird with
riqilbst to pnbll.h, J. W, GlUIIAM,
11 V. Conk.
Atlest: J. W, Grahsm, Hfcrotary.
Warehousemen Attention !
Wiikiikah, Wo be I le vn that many ware
housemen practice the shlppliiu sn I loaning
of giaiu H'ored with them, previous to Its
bt'log sold, and
SViikiikvs, Wn bellevo moh ant loo to be In
routing villi the spirit. If not Ihelt t erof the
law, and prdjudlulal to tho bust Interests of
producers. Aim
WiiKitnie, Wo deotn It uot only cur
privilege liuioiirdiity lo tako such Action as
Mill lu ii tnoiiMiro correct thoubovo mention
e I practice,
'lb jreforo, be it resolved by G rami I'ralrle
(JraiiKoNn 'Mi, 1' ot H,SiU'ti of On gnu,
i'hat wo Mill as Isr us pracilcMblo etoroour
grain .with sudi warehousemen only who
will pledge Iheiusdves not toship or loan
the ssinii previous to lis being mii,
HrHulvcd, That wo luvllo all producers
nod esicUllv all (JraiiKes to unite with us
lu canyiiiK out the spirit and leltir if the
toreaiduu rj-oluilon, to the end that owners
shall (outiol It
Unsolved, That a copv of tho foreirolng be
fitrnlsiinl the WiM.aMK-rrM Faiiuku aud
Stuie Journal for pobllcailuii.
A. O. Jkmiinhs, Seo'y.
Wasco Co., Or.
Kn, Faiimkii: Thoro Is one tiling I w-autlo
see In the Faiuikk, and It Is this, taken from
"The Liws or Lllet"
"One of the ill vlnest things Ihstcin ever
(some to s human being Is bis Ireedoui of
choice. Of course its uieroLe devolves ou
every person the doing ot uolhliig that shall
Interfere witli like freedom of choice to one
aud all othor persons; and I am so glad thst
meii have It that they can walk, sit. Ho down,
get up, eat, drink, woik, woishlp, play,
pray, door not do, conoelve, alter, modify,
qualify, change, create anew, In whatever
direction they may are tit, without tho Inter
ference of State, ohuicb, or society, mean
while barmlnir nobody. Carried on fir
enough, tlrmly enough, honestly enough,
mis freedom must at last nring earth wn. re
it will touch the heavens, and man will
stand up in lbe glory of the new birth. " re
generated and disenthralled by toe gealua ol
BiTcreai eauacipauoB,"
Volumo IX Number 27.
Building Fences in tho Moon.
En. 1'AHMKit: In your i'ssiio of July 0th
I notice a communication, undor tho above
caption, Htitl ovor tho signature of "M. I.
II.,'' In which ho glvo-i his vlows, and tomo
of htsexperlmenls.
N iw, I don't fully endnroo bis arguments;
don't think hla theory (or his fonco either),
will hold together worth a cent.
Ho fays Iho leuco built in tho "light" of
the moon ooiitluiKd to rise, while tho one
built In tint "dark" of tho moon gradually
mttlod into tho ground. We will admit thla
for the present; but he aays It seomed likely
to exhatut his stock of building material to
keep them lu order. In regard lo the one
which setllod we know of no botter way
than to add a new rail as often aa required
until It reached tho bid-rock, when It
would probably become stationary.
But In tho cae or tho o'bor'fenoe which
whh rising from the ground: We consider
It would have been great economy both of
labor and material, to havofafcn off the top
rai and ptacctt it miaVrtieatA, Ii atead of
adding new onte till It resoked the moon.
Id 'regard to his final experiment of
"equallxlng lbe lulluinoes," he saja lie laid
(lie first four rails in the dark or the moo
and the 1 odor top lour lu tho light, and that
Itromuliud all right. Wo can't see the
point, but maintain that, sooordlng to fate
theory, tho lower part of the fence would
settle, while the upper part of the fotioe t
would ascend ' moonwsrd," thereby leav
ing a space In the middle through which
loge, cattle, or anything else could aooa ,
pss at pleasure. '
N'iw, let M.D. ll.asea little natural phtl
osnphy and Ity the Irat four rail. Is lb ,
light of the moon, and the last four la, l th
dark, then by bringing lbe opptaiug if" i
enoes In direct ormtsot ty tth eani other mi,l:
oiniioo mo euecv, snu n ii no ovraaws -.V
reallxe m H.uoa -ore K''iiivtA'J4
Hut perhaps tliebsnar'Wax WMjmSfin-1 '5
milium, iviuniim uay ma lunva vw(S( ,
and evade huh liiflueiiui-M. ' ,lv
In conclusion we will ay that In nor (
humhleonloloti there is not inuie than half '
sn much li.nunoo to be attributed lo the
moon as Is general) eonceded. W.
Kaiii.y Fiiuit Mr. G. W, Hunt, brings
us specimens of early fiult from Ueavtr
Glen farm, Waldo Hills, three varieties of
otrly apples, the Pineapple, tho Pear apple,
and another w)ih sn uiipmnouncahlo immo.
All three are IttisiUu arietli-s, Imported by
U. S. Government, and Mr. Hunt thluka
they will prove valuable to culilvnto In Or
egon Kaoli is an scld and an txcelleiit
cooking apple, Mr, H.uU'o brings us some
Holm's seedling plums, a vry rich ami pro
line variety, Thla Is an Oregon soiatllng.
Ymi.nop Wiiuat Messrs Konley A Du
bois lately threshed on the lleator llloti
farm, Waldo Hills, from 74 note-, I7t7 bu Ii
els, machine mti.iMiro, of Whin, v liner
wheat, on Huiiimer falio.tr ground Tiicy
hsvo 70 .tcfe to thresh et of same q'tsjlty
of wheat. The crop In tti'j Waldo Hilts la a
good )lidd,
Homer II. Htlluck, Isucu, for this Invent
oils o'lutrlvaiioe, which rim bo (i'nrrbti in a
vest pocket. It Is me of tho maiMtt ihh
chlniiH wo have ever set i Hmei I isldelo
supply tlil-m en deimitul I'rl.si 75U
eatth. See bis sd el "-win rn
llIK COI.UMIIIA I'l.UM M' I' II ft Iwr
of spring V illei , I'nllt mill ly mm cl us a
boi of Columbia plums, dsik pniin in
iiiilor and very lari;e In e ks Wkh vare-i) i.f
plum is among the vcy h'l lor tf'.iipg
purposes and nodouli p i ),"" I lsr s n.rs.
l'KCIII Kss I'lilAlitl N Wl "SW Ihlv et,
a. Hoed it Cox's ollloii a ImIou f !' eiltu.it"
p)taloes, winch lot hU.i no iiim . i ..
Tliey were rl-ed by Mr It-h-ri Il.ni
inl'os south of Siloiu, ou tee To . ltd
ll I'lllH Mr J II Stiil'h, w'to IM
lioi lint" Sib ni, hrlrii.'-n ,( oiiit, i i .(
plum ilini Htiii(. oiin-iiti. in i-iri mill r
etuuuiid we Huieo wnn him In itinkig
iboiii haul In It -at
Near McMlnnvllle, July 17, 1877. of d'p'be
rlu. Olie lone Wliiuhtstr. eitltsl fonnl of
Jauitxiaipi Martha Winuho-ur, awed it ait,
7 mouth-, and 22 days. The L-rd bss t k-ti
anoil ci tl jwur to trapsplsut iu his beautiful
Near Amltv. of thst terrible roourire din.
Iberia, Msry K ta, joungesi child of l-vl
ami Maillds Bennett, sited nearly three
years. Little Kiu was a loving child, and
her blue eyes aud silken bair made her ad
object of lore to all who knew her.
:'-& tn h ,
s J i i.fc-lwrffn Vl!F,,liifi