WmtSWWl ; Wv vr v '' ' ' ; - jtf&FT''v.'.'V'.' ' : 8 WILLAMETITE FARMER. f t, i CULTtiRtS OF THE MEMORY. Tho student iBmontlng'.iilB Inckofnbll Hy to remember It is lemons, and, Jealous of another whoHnciids only hulf tlio time which lie employs In their piepnrntlon, bcch thut his rlvol'H memory alwnyn BcrveB him In tho recllnllon room, miiy tnko ctH'otirngomcnt from Iho following, condensed from tho Philndelpliia Public Ledger : "It Is n common Idcn thnt n (rood mem ory Ih i rendy-mude ttlft, which Nut tiro wlilumlciilly confurH upon Rome und with lioIdH from others. Now. tho trtilh l, thut the memorv Ian ficiilty. which, us much ns iiny other, needs development. Like nli other powers, tho niemorv Ih strengthened n"d developed by exercise, and weuluned by dlietiHo. In whatever 'direction wo mulcu uoiiBtnnt (IciiiuikN upoiij it, It rcfpondB obediently. The Bnmo attention which wo buBtownnour dully biiHlnefH, and which ennbles ub to rccall.ltfl detmlB with bo much cnBc, will bo equally eifcctlvd If exercised In other matters. To ntrenethMi tho memory on any Riven point, the first requisite Is to brfn trail our mental energy to boar upon It. We are charged witn sorrio message. -er commission, perhaps, whieli wa prom ts In ail good faith to convey or execute; but nat being In tho line of our thoughts, it passes out of our minds and Is uiiful filled. .We commonly excuso ouraolves JbrBUch dereliction, on tho ground that we ara unable, by any effort of tho will, la command the power of memory. Yet fciH wt. hv a atrnnar self control, fixed our attention wholly upon me matter wnen reseated to us, had wedlsmlssed all waa daring thoughts and concentrated our nental energies for the tlmoupoti that one thing, the Impression would have beenvo' strong that, In all probabil ity, It 'would havn been remembered and accomplished Tho mental concentration fa tho first and most Important means of Improving tho mnmory It Ih largely within our own powers or will to enforce this, and ho who is conscious of iiogloct In thin rrBpectoiinuntclalmtoboexcuriud .. .r- v rr .. i. . lor rorgetruinoM. Another valuablo method of training tho memory Is through tlio laws oiasso elation. Our knowledge must he arranged and ctaHAlflcd If we would recall It with facility. Wo must hasu ruleH upon prin ciples, and effects iiiou causes. If we would Imprint them firmly on our minds. 'That tli Ih Ih not dotio with Hiilllcieiit thorough nct-H Ih the chief onuse why bo much of the knowledge which we luxjulro piw-i'H from ub. tii ere ih ono grent onrourngemenii to thucultlviitlou of tho memory in tlio fact thut thu work will groweiiHlcr with every efTint. If wo putleiitly uiiil Hteadlly fix our attention mi every subject wn wish to recall, tho power of concentration will lac ootuuliiildtiiiil. If wo coiifltiiiitly urnmgo and classify our knowledge, It will grow moro and inoronvitllilito. INVEST IN RUAL, i-STATE. Although un Investment In real cHtnto may at not onco prove luamtlve nod yield an Immcdlulo Income to thu pur 'cluiser, wo have found, from many years experience, tliatnll Judicious Investments made, either In fiirmlmr hinds or sudor ban property adjoining a growing mid prosperous city, Invariably result in n fluu speculation, or at nil events In one thut li doubly sure for n good i".vlng liiviHtmeut. In tho produciH of the hi all' wealth has Hh orluln. Thu liulustrl eitx (urmer miiBt iiIwhvh hnvo a uiurKet for hi wares. Wlmt ho Iiiih id sell ur the absolute nrfussltli a of life, and ho that ! not produce must obtuln them of him who does. Whatever may bo a miin'H IiuhIucm, however much money ho muy control, he mud look to tlie tiller of tho hoII for that which wlllmiHtiiln life 'I here nmv bo local derungemeuiH, but on tlio whole there Ih of neeessllyu market lor overy Imnortaiit iiriiduet. audi he producer inut alwayN bo Hiiro of his living, xo long, at leant, an tie Ih owner 01 (tie mini no cuiii vntcs. la every department of liloHtm nhine and hIiiuIow iilteruiite. but If the foundation falls, tin ruin of tho super structure ih liievltiitile. The poHM'S'don of real entate Ih a siih Mtautliil capita!. Ifniic'ri title N good, no thief ciin Heal It: ll iicciIh no Insurance policy li make It hufe; nothing short of no iiirthiitiukoeuu Nwallovy It. A good farm or hUhurluu garden, !th iloh sail, jiidlelmialy mnuiigcd, wbother i h om nierelal gold value 1:0 up "' down, Ih htlll tint bou rev of good and eoniforlnhlo living Whatever else a mini may oh -hh. he can not iitt'onl to do wltho..t real tstulu siilll dent to uutkn himself uud family, If ho ban one, a good homo. nisM Ancirs lNoiuiiTHY. i Tliiem Ih eighty yoant old, mid Ih In ex 'eelleiil health. He Ih full of iiueedoteH, 'and' when xomo one exprvued bin nur prlspjOt the old mitii's treasury of storlen, Jie te mMrl;ed, "If yoiiih Ih romance, auo iH'hlctory;" Towanli the clime of the J-'reneh and German War, Thiers wan engiiged a'ono with lil.-uiiiieli at Venal I . leH luu lmdl,v-warm'il room, In (llbutiluj; tlieeoudltloii of pouiit. ' At tliecndofaHliarpdlecii.oii of three hniirH, woruout with fatigue, Thlcr ro Hiimed liU argiiuicntK In a voice quite x lniusti'd: Yoiiouiuotgo on," Hkld M do llUmarvk'. HVou woultt do well to reft yourself a lllllo: hero Ih sofa; Ktreteh yourelf on Itaud sleep n couple of hours, after which we will resume lie gotlutionH." Ami yon," said M. Thiers. "Oh, I have no timo to rest," said the Chancellor. "While ymi sleep, 1 shah finish some dlhpiitches and look over my paper." M. 'Ihlors waa nearly nsloep when M do HUmari'k, peicilvlug that hU li'K" were not eovonl, hiuI fearful lest he should be cold, gently stretched a fill oloak over him. Two hours later, nego tiations were reeommeucol. Now York Tribune. A Iloatou boy: Uub-bub. BLUSHING. Nothing can bo mora absurd than the Idea that "looking guilty" proves guilty. An honest man charged with crimo Ib mur.li moro likely to blush at thu uccti sntiou than tlio rcaloU'etider, who Ih gen erally nrepured'for tho event, and litis Ills liico "reudy made." The very thought of being BUspcctcil of anything criminal will bring tlio blood to an Innocent mini's cheek iiluu limes out ten. Pxtua Huaokd Wo are bIiowo sooip hioln or wbnnt, o virtually of tlio lilitls Clt b v-irlnty, thnt have madn romsrkablo growt' . Siaio of the grains are woll tilled, mid olb o't la tho hmixo hoft'l hsvo not lillfd, but h ivo burst out lo a Hort of blnom ns. If they warn trying to throw Bxpsrato heads of their own. Thl freak of Nature does not amount to mnoli lo tho way of whoAt prnduotlon. When a man reaches tho top of n etalr and attempts to make ono moro fltep higher, tho sensation Is as perplexing as if lie hud attempted to kick a dog that wasn't there. Thoro arc mnn who by lone consult ing only Hhoir own inclination, havo forgotten that othors hitvo a claim to tho same deference. XKyitt'm Xlf EX As a conqneror of Khsamatunn. Oout. Neu ralgia, and oura for Hcrolula and all diseases arising rrom impurity or diooi, ins oia ana reliable Family Medlolna. JIvaU'u Life Bat mm, stands uuequaled, as proven by over sw.uuu great cures auring ma paw w yearn. is a radical vegstaoie uompoanu ortwrsspa rilla, Dook. Qualaoum. Aa and a permanent cure. Hold by all druggists and country Krooers, Take nothing else, and If they havan't It we send by express, boxed, nvery where, at ft and ft 25 per bottles f.) 00 an J tf 60 hairdos. Hyatt A Utatt, 'Mi Urand St., Now York. The Wheat Market. Little new wheat la oomlng to market as yet, though parties hore are contracting to purchase at a dollar a bushel and make half cash advances, as heretofore. Mr. ilerren Inform 4 us that ho has contracted for 14,000 bushels on th'jse terms. It Is not posulblo lo forecast tho wheat market. We give the re cent quotations from Mark Lane Rxprut, Sao t'ranclHco OoMtneiclal Herald, and from comtmtralal report ol thu Oiegunian. and tho remarks of the latter vory marly uovor the Oregon sltustlon. Kxpnnor both horo and at Hn Pranclseo aru giving more siieiiii'io io ioih iimrKin hiiii the movHioi-ui prnuil-ttM lo bo qnlio 1.0 Ivo In iliHiMursoofa fiiw wwk, At the pri-seui Irt-lght rales liy s fsninr to Ssn Frsnelhoo I will tin seen lhs Oregon Nhhiprs csn dobnt. ttir by riHhipiu-oit ihsrs for Kurops Ibsn bv iiharttirlnir vhvsoIs lo load l.uro. Ships uro niiargidgXU6 lienou to IS ig Ish pons, and Ir an reiioroxl they nsn ba ehsrloiuil lo load HlM4ii KraiieUci at 1. a tlltftreuoo of 1 fis, orftl'i In lavorof Hih laiier pon, It win l... readily soon tliat witn Hissimir iioiguw i f nnr ton. a verv oonldorslilo ttalo In Iliads bv shipping via Man Krancl-cn. The direct ex- port trade or tun onuiury win lunrnturo im Mitnewhal ohooked as the rti-ull of the low raia dy sieatner to Sao Krauulsoti, uiiIoh tlinro Is a change In the proportional price of charters from the two xrt-. The -picant qnotablo ra'es for wheat hero are fj iwr eeutal, and at Mii Kraiuisco I'i vi6 hi f i U7H, a dltrHrniiiie of 25 1 s pr oho. ial, or 15 eviiia per butht.', while ibH frelglil imr HioHinar Is only six nil's jmr busiitl Tills Is a Net wliluti iIih laruiers are slrexdy uotlulng, disoiihig, as they a-osirt, that O.iIh lerliiiNliol Isuo mnoli lor the exuos ol middlemen for nuuiuibsloiiN, ten I'lnt Indl ostlons aru that heavy sIiiiuiihiiIh lll b- IIIS'lo tO HSU KOSIU'I-I-O, IPIllO-H HlllpOwllt-IH kImII rmluoA the d If reuee on uluriers for Uriel frellitx, or hiHher ratiH bo charged per stuamsr wlum the hsrvent U over. Callornia Markets. The Han Kraiiel'ist ('niuiuorolal Iferaldof Auuiut il hiiN the followhiKt Wheat Is bsKlnnlug lo imive n lllllo more fr'ly toward Ihhi wa'er, ytt tho dellverlea hio liothloK lik what thi'V stioold (, eon xhterhiK Ihe Inxh prliw-H rnliOK Ibernlor and iiii low ratHof frilutit otMsluablH to (Imai llrlialu. One would supisisi ihst, after all ilio past hue and cry of the (Irtugors to speelleg wheat rbiKs, Irelght rltms, oio , Ibat tho Uruwirs would bo inclined to charier chips ul cur noil low frelules ol i mid there at, ii'h, load and ijlear theiii for Cork and a ooirki'l, and ibus sso Inlnrml and storage Mini be prepared lo avail theiualfl at any inoiiifiiinf a llornpi'in Npiirtlu Die market. Ibu no, Ihe lirtuwer serai lob rexiiinr no Ibeir oars wulib'g for a liri'A-(romo kind nrelerrlng to waielioU""' their Wheat In the country hiuI limr' money thereiiMn hi tho ru'oof one: peroatu, ;er aioiilli. They lo not t ion to reallistho nu'usl expeno In eurrxd tor iIih sw.iaon's stiiinitoand aeeaiuu lauvo Interes Tho rUn must bo great lo coverall lhafalnrtieXHiiiMis, Dnrliiii Julvoulv four shins wnr olead o,l nttb Wii'ist fr the United Kingdom ugalii'l iweiiiy year go, sod eleven Tor Hie irrtvpondlntr month of 1875 This hov,o a very uurkiM fulling otV In tho ok isiri moveiueai, but thiroaro msny reaanns t'ir this lluht stilimiont oilier lhan the drouuhi and short crops. The very great hiohkUocv of coin Mint thHOi-rt with which money advacO"MCu tioobalued upon uralu ni store Imiui In oil V and country warehotM I-, nod liodltorlilnK "!" ileuiellts of Kn 'ip', osiiolim iHqoent hi il vlolt-ut inaiket ehaiiute mil o oii-rkeia nt Hio VMirld. aibled m Hil thu i-reat ndvatusi In prio h of liroml, 'iiitrin prl and May when anion of one rarura moiimIIv refiied io i-ell ihnir Whi-at i SJo, sod Ihe iqiiDlly rspl'l iVnHno In lonii and July to '.')(, bavoevldenllv i-erve'l oilfiuoraif.il the Itiimux, end ihey ihlk h.ii iio Whiatsudienly uniud up lo wai or Isiubie prlie in April there in al a mlUVI bkllhoivl for n nerllou of the Mine k nil tht'. kiimoinr and Mlns n, V ih M irty tx ko, ton pieMut hidieatlotuiat homo tot iitirisil do not now point Ihst wa , l'lio imun uoi Win tit-ropi lo the Sun u -oiitb ml l mix no inovliir Maard ami have it loisirlHiil hearing upon llieuorbi's uiar ih! heal el St. Ij"IPs and Chleavn la now h"'nv moved In yrest q isnillle at ft OTKW I 10 p-r liiill oornoii-v fir Aul'Oki n-livo r j and when empro these tljurx h h '.'J J lo re, and seooaniioi; fir Ihe itlttr o on in freluht ohariiea. and Ihe mnn re pilrtd for iho vovaue.eto , we Hod that the anuerMof Ml-a-iurl, Illinois, Indians, etc., iae ihe advaoiauenf us, and that OslKor iland Oregon no lonj;er bold control ef the markela The lUrlay market shows anralsUkahte siirn of weakae-s, eartloulsrly lor nw omp. A hml and Floor also shade lo nrlv, Corn nd Os'a are wtihoot ahanm. Hav la lower Mnpa of the new orop haa appeared, bat H Is yet loo early to apeak wlta eertalaty of tbs crap ylttld. It bHhime (rrnwrson this o last to sea well to the platting and our I nit of their Hop If they hopnorMceectto bul'd up a marknt for thsm In B'iiUnd orOrmsny. To many Inst year grown In Washington I'orrl ory. rto.. wnm imnrnnerlv biled and BU''ea and tfum spoiled, and entailed a hovy ions upmi liiiliffr-'. European Grain Market. l.iVKinoir., Aug. 3. A lesdlnu: grain clr cuiHrMtys iho wai bur Is varUlib-, wlihoo caslotial rains; nliiii, purnciilsrly eold, so tlil proKrov of crops loard maiurltv U low, giving pronpeotoraSep'einber harvest oi iiiMiiy iaru nr (hn k'nirrlnin. Noiwl'h -nt illoKiho Infl'ii-ncu uf Hi'iindsnr supply ooU'loually hrilvluur. '! Ire rei-iiioo a Ion oi i nrijOfH iiiri'.H.l. ioo"i i nt- iimlns dn rosfrf. slmo- nil he inarkms his week Miyorllou i1m linn In viluo on theHjmt. Thrnha rtln bien very liubi tlolageieee Tumm(!a , v If h rri..n l. hn rr'd Uvur F''or ilio pMMi lureo iimvm a Mir uiiiM'rt f ho4l ami uihizm, and imiiltjrnu) quaintly of tl mr vthloh la exoeeded by toe exports. Thta market today began vory dull, but later more tone was observable, sud upon a mod erately ralrdeinial prices of wheat were better than In the Interval from Tuesday, closing about Id per oenulandar that day's quotations. Floor with slow trade, nnehang ed. Corn was In fair request, sellers aooept lox 84 per quarter reduotlon. Lowdok, Aug; 7. The UarkLuM Expreu, In a weakly review of the British corn trade. says wheat may now be considered to have reached saatartty, nad la aosoe southern dlstrlcU harvetaiBB has ceraaisnoed. Crops of wheal. 'barley and oaU are heavy, bat' tstdlylatd by rata, and almost everywhere fields have a mora or leas dingy appearance; but as harvest ts bow ao asar, nothing short of a disastrous obaagoof weather can Influ ence to any exteat the yield of Kogltsb wheat, which moat probably will be short of average, though aot so short as last year's. After a lenathened uerlod of healthy aotlvt ty, our market for wheat the pat week has aiiowo signs or depression consequent upon finer weather and the temporary qahtude which pervades the political situation as rar as thin country la ooncornod With a pros pect of a speedy Inoreasoln snppllesnf Knit Hah wheat, millers have bought foreign very sparingly, imports lata London coo tlnuu liberal, hn quantity reportfd up to Friilav bo'ng 67,000 quarters. An Increased export moveitiont has bsen going on from America, and unions reports of new orops are exaggerated, both India and Iluaala will find her a formbUble rival for Die anppU of this country' nqiilremi nt. Huppllen whl-h aro pusheil forward in autumn ero likely to hi heavy this year, tapeolslly as our ramie ofprli-os aro not sottioli.nily tow toexerclse any reHirnlnlng itiflueuce, snd thorn Is not much o'miiixi of tho ooiuhmot relieving u, HssccordliiK to all hcijoiiiiih France will Imio Hiilllolent for her own whiPh. Ibniluli Utile lo spsro lor our,'vvhllo III- wheal cropa ol Uortumiy Htid Ito-hla proinisoHboiulHUtly. I'ho lono ofour local trade Iihh Imm-ii (Upri-nM-ed,and prices tiavo uosiIhI oio shilling on both I-higlUh and forelan wIimp. Portland Prodnoo Market Wo copy the lullowlug Irutii the Orrgonlan 0 thoUtltt Wheat OtTerlngs scarce; qnotablo firm at 2 piroontal. Flour liest brands 7 00 per bbt ; out-Ida and oomirv braids, til 60; line and sii(wrtloe, $ 75'45 50. " Hav Uholco timothy, bald,tlltl.t; loose 110.12 Oca Best, OOo common, 67. H icon aides llatloX, haina 12iI4 ; shnul derM,0). - Lrd Oregon-made, fresh, In 10a tlus, 14o; In keus, IS-Mn. llilokviK-illOOill 00) per Hr.u. notier IDa'JOei Cfntsie, I5allki. ' Kg n '25.1 pr dox, ' Barley Choice browing ft 07Mt feed, ft 50 imrowt. ' Jiojis-I0it7n. Xaa Fraiirlneu'rflMrkvuc. tsr TILIMIUI'll, Han Prsiin.co, Anj. 7. Whfat-Sblpplnjt, Si W$l titf; mllllu-.' fl X?XC 9 3IX. lUrlfy-$l 6701 &1. oaii-lltrros. PilU)t-Jl 'J3QI 81 f jr Eirlj noc; Cito.I RAa 1 00 luM-l06;(; Oieenback. 0IXO3; Hllror, t&iX dl'Count. r.gal Toudurs in I'ortlaid -buying Ol; elllilir,tf Hllveri'oln IK psro-nt.dlsoniint. HORSES FOR SALE. Twenty Head Of HIKIK, YtillMi, snd WM.UIIKOKRN WOK Onrri'ii Ill tmiurortd for Mis enap. u Malurdar Anir II, In ile i torr I iucic i ini HHbrr torr I tuelc f thi IIKi.Nbl IIi'IIM:, H.I.KSI. iu'J CaiL OiDlllTl Uaiqain. IH)Ni'bA II A MonU.tN, SALEM MARKET. MONKTAHV. I.iiiii. TsNintw, haying, W)t; eUlriK. 006. VLOUK. OiTaIN o. A'lif at, he.t whlto fl barhtl t W 0l, ba O,6o iora Mul, V Ik.. t, 4 flour. bt, V ck. (V burol) Cl 113 Rackwbrst Floor, m.... Gil ft limn, yum , , I tK& .. dhorta, V too .SO COS C .. (Ill Cats Meal, V ton..,,.,..,,;.... ,9 VKaV...i KUx HrtJ, pvr B.. ..'.., . - IVf ... Ilsy, W ton, new .' i V COtU baJvd, 1 ton....... .,...r,. .......... ki .. aUocBIUBH, iuk'r, rtu PranciKO rcfluct, bbt tSXt ' I'Unil ,,....,...,..... i S,U3 1 crn.hitl ,:.H tlCS HH poatlrrnt... '&Q II KMIDlUtl'll l. IMO' II trup, e ...,,.,.. fW'ii in IVa, Jiil. W 0........ 50M 00 ImiiorUI :.,.. .......... I -Sl (Ml Vrtkal, t!iit Itlca, i t),... iil. Komi ..,,? 'V' at!) ?34l On ..at " ..Oil w Hli, Cannrn IUut, porcw.,... Liverpool. cort). liAlryaeaaaaaaept IMys , KKU1T8. VKUKTAUUCS..o. pites arleit, V lb rVachct, Urtnl, V a ... i'luiiu, 4I ,k ..., lir, .,c pr tu.,,. ....... ........... IUaan, V V1... ....' i'nitiK', i bathe! Otiluii. U b ....... ...... ...... . .. to sn ivrt tiXt ..44 5o 411 Cabbsv, V ilit Tiil I 00 uuttku. gaaa, Ao. Hitter, frh rolls, V tC M packixl..,, ....... ........ &!,?, V docin... .......... ............. 39 ChoM OrKua prtiue, V t.. li LarU, V a,... ,,..., ....... ..... ........ Hli OILS, Ac LtaMad OU, soileO, V rllMi..--- fAy, t4 .. ........... Uin Oil. M VAI1.1H.... ... ..b. ............ .. 1 IftA i a&a leasm ooaloii, e. VeaUteol OU, 9 fX 1 M 00 Tasaw, 9 a.. .......... as io JOHN HUGHES, i DBALKR IN Grrooeries xxc3L Provisions, PAOT OILS, WINDOW OliASSa JJLxxcl Building Materials OF ALL KINDS. IS TUK AGENT FOlt THIS iALE OF THE RUBBER PAINT, ALL COLORS, My or & Xjo-wonstoln' "VnrnIjlio, HOWELL BROTHEES' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, -AMI State Street, WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, U8B THE AVERILL It to prepared ready for Immediate ue, and of HALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PURE WHITE. It to easj to spplK ld K will not erfek, peel or cbalk oft For durability, beantj, and brilliancy of color It la For sale In any quantity by WEATHERFORD & CO, ....DEALEUS IN- DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AND PERFUMERY. SALKaf, : : : OREGON. may2 v.wairaaaroao. 1. W. WBATHBnrOBD. t Wektherford & Co.. Waotssala'aad Retail Daawrwla DRUGS, FAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, TOILET GOODS, Etc, eto. PURE WINES and LIQUORS For Modiurtal parpo.es. Mediotnes CJompounded, and Presoriptiom Filled. Weatherford & Co., I'.JSf OimmnrriM .trrft. NAI.ICII. m HEKEEN & FARRAR, Will par Ue Highest Market Price ;ro - 500,000 POUNDS SACKS AND TWINE: lTurIwlicl. Koqalroof V. J. HIlltltKN. PAUU.tlt' 1IUOTII1UIS. Fstablisbcd 1840. 1W. A.. Q.I.lIONS' Original Liver Medicine. roit alt. nsEPEs 07 vrrr. liver, sour- MBHit OP TUB HTOHACH. LOBSOV AI'PX- TITB,8ICK IlkAD.V UB, K1V, BTO. PatlOK, iaa Ballar, T. A. SaVK, C. WWmU DWU,TI Vtokt Ht. rorUfd, Aaants fce Oracoa. TilTYie, Salem, Oregom. FAZXTT The Old Immigrant Route Across tho Caacade Slwantalua, fOVOWMSDBTTUS Oate-ULnXoada' B io,o Oiirparyr ItannlnirvU "inrty, Ml. Mood. and Barlow's Gate, I N0.0,,iN. .nd "' of klnrta hat lav tai. 1 ho rojd, I. lu o d repair, ealcntvH Ira- KKL 1IILI.H aruatlnrxlcd. Mirtptirliliie. arson al thoitin.ma Tblril m r n ei-lrixi a oti a.ub H(lr.snd)etUllthofcorle, ht tnuch e MMtH OTrr Ih- ruoiiiiUlM.. Ul.tanco ver lis sountalnt, 44 ml'ca. From l'..rll.id ntrr (lis miuiiiaL. 78 mll-n. Vom m, IHO ml k. f Jf"-! Mt-n-i Saddle, to.-; I'jck.. SUs ; 1M tie, 10 ; nhr-p. 3c t.iii0W" "'" sud eomtn fmm orlnt Mirl n.Tim ".' '-i ws.hliniliiu. Linn, nrnin, aid IMk cDiltSL Ilit Is by far Iba bim. nra'crt. at d i Ik upc.l n uli-. i,. u r. H D UJALM N, I'm Id nt KELLY & UNDERWOOD Carriace & Wagon M iro. Salem, Oregon, rjAT: ON HAND A OIIOICK LOT OY FOUB Wagons. Carriages, & Buggies, of their own make Manfacinrd of Uio BR81 quality ol Jvttj lllrkory. ilviina call, aifleiamiio our wor, and Judjos Afl klaid of Rtpatrlnu andGtuval JiiMdnc done at rnor Mitlcu. M, HO&m SALEJa ST0HEt AT Till BRICK STOKE. IUi ."1T ItUCKrV ta. ad trail annirtmintof Oeneral Merohandise, Dry Good8 Grooones, Boots &. Shoos, Hardware, Clothiufcr iilca'-iCe-l U the CltYandCinntryTtaac. rMiuvlu M '0,W " SMALL , VltUKlr. as AT COST tH.al-l.tliN.ii2lU) ow, al will hu bo.i who SRLI. my Dun ul thr rlt rnv m rt,hf Nuvst 1?1JWTN ATTTi-NTr s rt itt--' 174 ELM STRRTIT. CINCINNATI. OHIO. AdTertUcmenta irnprteil ia nnypopor. Before advertlsinsctnl for iajr catalogua SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESI For Old and Young. Ftir-SiglitM and No"r-Sightcd, Mioolhi;;.f;iaar fur Niurlauiii, BTLKL. HI1.VKK, AND UOLU KIlAMhH. I AM pr-prfdtoinppW ii rttel-ato At'l'-ryft.ai prices in alc w V. H Ulilfs, Jun-e or ,t Opti lau, Miiklllocle, BtaliiSt. HVetn. ar Ifl IB. Cm Far Safe! TI1K VIMI2 .itffllliirvnp ... r it c,f L?1' nv.ulr lrv-l. I., detirahli rlioiiion. r '"J""'-n1 -'ro intu UMeftillr ornanifinwl VVJH rv "" j'V & low auo ouc..ai i ooil n termt. Apply lu .! WILLIS rattan'r ntock Stalest.. Mub. mM Treef. laais. Pyrlai Ustt are. F. K. Paawn, Hsnory.UL S ' v" $& V