Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 10, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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    MiFr-niiiiiiiii nmtrl
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f, r'T"f
Attempted Inoeadiarlsia.
To-day tome children loond In an unocoa.
plod room in the building on tbo corner of
High and Court streets, thrco small alied
oyster cans that bad been filled with paper
aainratod with kerosene oil and sot on tiro,
against tbo wall of the room. Two of tbem
burned and charred the wall, (that was
thickly coated with whitewash) ana went out.
one cin did tot burn. The cus appeared to
bavo been put through a broken pane ol
last and set around walnut the wall, Mr.
Lawson who owns the house, najs thai
ho does not know of any enemy who jouM
wish to Injure Mm, and thinks It must be
hoodlum, or pinnm wishing to ratsq n big
firo and then lo rub other plscis. The pub
Ho would do well lo wntoh around that ior
or, and p'rhnpn they uan catch some prey,
Tho ulds-t has ba9n minded aud tbo rooms
nailed up. Tho bulhJlcgls a Urge one and
of a windy night tiilght ourn a large ebare
of tho town. It In now known that there are
aeveral San Fianolffoo hoodlums In town,
liet tho police keep a sharp watch, and tho
iromon bo aa roady an poxsiblo.
Hotel Robbery.
. Two Immigrants stopping at Iho Comnior
olal hotel were robbed liat night by, It Is
auppo9od, two men Bleeping In an adjoin
ing room. The immluranta were named
111)1 and Itpp, the former person loal 24 M
the Utter f 18 do ana a watou. in reauuiug
their room they bad lo pans through another
alfniilnif anartintnt and It Is the occupanta
of tills room that are suspected, One of
thorn Is In the cliy and nl)hugu searched,
nothing was round on his pen on in jutiny
anarret. The oilier person look Iheetrly
train for Portland. OtDoor J. V. Mlnlo It
on bin track.
Litre Plumr.
Mr. F. O. HehwHikA or this city has grow
ing in bis garden a plum tree thai Jut
knoiks tho spots ofl of any thing of the
kind we ever heard or. Tho trro Is nothing
buta mere sapling, only about M Inchon In
clrounifarencu one foot above the ground,
and ha about a prok of plums upon It, the
Urcrnut nlnm Mr. H. measured, and It was
Inm a Inohes In circumference, while the
rest, or a majority are larger than ordinary
hen's eggs. Ifanyofour fruit grower can
beat this In measurement for a pluan, they
exo at at liberty to take our old hat.
Probate Oomrt.
Judge J. O. Peebles yesterday appointed
Tllmon Ford administrator or the estate of
Peter Bllyeu, deceaseds Samuel Adolph,
Paul Oberhelmand William Miller were ap
pointed appraisers of said. estate. Mary
Hoyt wta appointed administratrix of the
estate of Joseph Hoyt deoeeaed. P.O.Sal.
Hfan was appoinUxf guardian of the Gatoor
aetra of Augnst Donlllot, deceased. Wan.
Waldo was appointed guardian or the minor
heirs of N. Ford, deceased.
Horn. A abort crop la ar.tlolpeted in Call
fbrnla, but one or the folly average In Or
egon and Washington, and the whole num
ber or bales to be placed in market on the
eoant will be but UUle in exoees of last year.
The new crop will certainly command lower
prloea this fall lhan did the crop of 1870 last
fall. The eaporta by sea from Ban FrancNoo
dnrlng the flntt hair of 1877 aggregated 138,
142 Bounds, valued at $-20,760. against Ml, Ml
pounds during the like period of 1870, valued
at 935,117.
Vrtai m M-yeielam.
Hyde rark, Vt Peb.T, 1671. ,
Messrs. 8th W. Fowls Sons, Boston.
Gents Yon easy perhaps remember that I
wrote yon several weeks ago la regard lo
ike nse of the HnnuvUM Btbvf tot my wMV,
who was soffcrlBg front general debility, the
neauenej of Twhald ,. ntmmtm y. - 1-nsd
tried the most noted pbysloians in this Bute,
and also in Canada, without relief. At your
recommendation she oo'Jamenoed tbe one
et tbe Syrnp, tbe first four bottles made but
little impression, but while taking the fifth
he began to Improve rapidly, and now, af
ter using ax of tbe dollar bottles, she has
regained her strength, and Is able la do
most of the work about the house; sud I
feel that I oannot apoak too highly In praise
of tbe Phhuvian Svnur. I have prescribed
It to several of my patients, and have pro
cured tho sale of several dnren of It here.
You can make any use of this letter If j on
see lit. Yours very truly, II. D. Uk-D-m , M.
"Its only a Cough"
baa brought mny lo untimely gravis.
What U a Cough? Tho lungs or Vouch lal
tubus have been attacked by a cold; nature
sounds an alarm boll, lolling where the dis
ease lies, Wlfdoui suggests "try Wistah'h
Balhamok Wilii Chkkiiy:" It has cured,
during tbe last half of a ctmlury. tbousauda
upon thousanda of peraous, As long aa you
eougb, there is danger, for the cough la a
Safety Valve. Use Wistak" and be cured
Sold by all druggists.
Da It known to all men that are aspiring
for the United States Henate, that no meant
uImou exists, and therefore 1, H. Friedman,
CU AN I', do say and warn all peraons from
purchasing until all my atook or clothing,
Dry Goods and Boots and Shoes are all ex
hausted; and I turtbermore, openly and
above board, say that 1 have examined care
fully Into tbe "Investigation," and therefore
I exonerate L. F. Grover and demand that
ho retain bis seat In the United States Sen
ate: but before departing it la expected he
will buy hla unlf rm of B. Friedman, Take
warning by this and avoid litigation by trad
iug with S. Friedman, and you won't Te
cjtllttd upon lo explain how you got your
Do you know StllesT Yes; have known
htm along time, aud I uoier saw hliu have
an overcoat. Now, Mr. Siliis.you can buy
agO-ninKVVKROVKUCOAl'of 8. Fried
man for f 18. worth t, and you oan get lead
PENCILS fir 6 cents. No, as I am in need
of money, I want all those who testified lo
the lion. Mr. Slices' bad oharaoter to py to
S.Friedman what tbey am Indeh'ed lo him,
orMiiueboJy will say YOU AUK A DKAD
Now, one luoreotnnons I want you lo ail
know that I am no pnJiiiolau, and don't
want an office, and it makes nut little odds
to me which nuo geta to the table first, but
whenever you commai on with mn I want
you tooonilue joursflf UtlinTltUril only,
or you may exp tot I am a Uusslan we are
now eating Tutkey.
The lsl rannniii Tako Ihla advice: buy
what goods you can find at S PrlodmauV;
bfcoatike he sptiuda hi" money here; bcUHH
he sell cheap; and bocanso hoglvis jjuwl
bArgalna. . . ,
You can buy a good pir of beaver pnt
for 5, a beaver ootl fir JlOj a good canduiere
ault for $15. It U iour iniereit lo trade
whbro you get tho best brglna. Tliaroforr,
trade with H Friedman. You will find hlui
next door abnve the Post Oilloo, hi Blem.
Why is it Friedman can 811 cheaper than
others? First, ho leoidslde lh lucorporatlen
and has no city lax lo pay. Next, his rent l
low. Then he bujaou orwll", never pija for
bluoods, and a-lls fur CAHII.
caritemsmbor lha place next door t"he
jAt OlDoo. . S FKIKDMAN.
Djne at Balem, July S3, A. !., 1877.
Mr. John D. Crawford was found dead last
Sunday near Buttovlllo under the following
oirou instances. Be bad resided near that
Cisco tor several years but wai advise by bis
rother, Medorum Crawford, to move to
Portland fortho bonefltof his health, which
was somewhat Impaired. John did so about
two months ego but returned to Buttevllle
last wei k to comple'e some unfinished busl
nesH with the tenant to whom be bad rented
tils farm, tie remained on the place Friday
Highland breakfasted on the fallowing morn
ing as unuuI and Having attended lo the mat
ler that brought him up was about to ruttirn
to Portland. To puss time unill the arrival
of tho steamer he took h shot gun and aald
he would ti'ke.a Biroll towards the i iver and
kill a few birds. Shortly nfier his departure
from the house tho Inmates hoard the report
ofagnn, but gavo It no further attention
supposing Mr. Crawford bad tired at a start
led grontu or phonnnt; The bourn passing
swiftly without tbo appearance of their guest,
they bocatne alarmed and Sunday, procuring
a few neighbors searched lor the missing
man. For a whilo they sought in vain, but
In tho evening tht body of the late J. P. Craw
ford was found In a corner of the orchard by
Mr. Fred Casileraan, lying upon his face,
dead. The gun was yet held tlrmly by the
cold Ongres of tho deceased with the brteoh
thrown out a abort distance Irom the body,
and the mucsle in the mouth or pointing di
rectly at and within a short dictance of it.
The whole uhsrge of powder and shot must
have entered tho brain, and drain was no
doubt Instantaneous. It la not eerlnlu
whether tho donlorsblo affairs wan tho result
of scoldent or design. Tbo position of the
tMinandlhn fact that decessed has not had
full noHe-s!nu of bin mental faculties fir
some time, would lend to the connl union that
tils death whs premeditated suicide.
During Jul v, 1877. there was one day on
which rain fell sunii'ient to measure in tho
rain guage, giving .02 in, of water, there were
a few other occasions when light, misty
rain fell, but not sufficient to gather in the
rain gagne.
The mean lemperatnre for the month was
63 76. Highest daily mean temperature
73 on the 10th, lowest dally mean 61 on the
8d, Mean temperature for the month at 2
o'clock r. at. 70' 42. Ulgbest thermometer
dBringthemoutb,84atar.X. on the loth
and ltbj lowest thermometer 63 at 7 A. M.
on the 3d. The prevailing winds for the
month were from the Booth, during 7 days.
B. W. 1 daT. North 23 dava.
During July 1870 ther were 8 days during
wblohraln All, with 09 In, water, SO dear and
B olondy days.
Mean temperature for lb month 03 31
hlgheas .dally temperature 75 on the Svlbj
lowest oany lemporatureot'oninaiuin.
Kola, Aug 8, 1877. T. Pacn.
Perfect Titles Given.
We learn from Mr. F. P. Jones, of Selo.tba.
arrangements have been completed whereby
persons owning property In that city will get
a pe rfeot title to It from the wife of Dr. K P.
MoKlnney. who formerly owned that town
site, and who disposed of It to various per
sons without having bis wife's nsme to the
conveyance. At tbe time Dr, MoKlnny sold.
toe property ma wife was nviBg in tne etaies.
and we believe the faot was not known until
manv build an nad been ereeiea. ne
olalmed her "dower-rhibt." and donbtleas
wonld have obtained tbo rail value of tbe
nronertv with lianrovenaento. had she vres
aed enit against the purchasers. We are
glad the matter has been settled ns K has
retarded the growth of thai town set
shly rer a few years past. ?Sx- '
XnetherPleneev Passed Away.
At his residence, two intlee west of Balent,
In Polk county, Augnst 2, 1877, of ehronkj
disease ol tbe stomaoh and plne, Was. O.
Beckett, aged 49 years, 2 month and 90 days,
Ue was born In Jefftrsoa oounty, Ohio, emi
grated lo Oregon In an eaily day and has
been a resident of Polk county alnoe 186S;
was widely known and highly respected by
all who knew him. He leaves a widow and
fair children, with a large circle of relatives
and frlenda to mourn bis Io. In bis death
tbe community baa Inst a good man, and the
family a kind and effdotlonate huband and
father. Ills remains were Interred In the
Odd Fellows' osmotery near this city Mon
day. Capital Mines.
J ITenry Ilass arrived early this morning
from tbe Capital mines. Ho brings one ion
of quarts whloh will probably bestnt, a por
tion In Portland and a portion loHun Fran
cIkco lo lie milled ana thoroughly tested,
The object being to find lbs proper process
lo bring nut the prenlous metal. Unlike tbe
Lucky Queen tbe Dlreotors will not ereot a
mill until they get one that will do the work.
Tho stockholders, of this oomptny have
officers and Directors who will carry this
mine yet to a dividend point.
A Whale Beached.
From parties who returned yesterday from
Ynqulna Bay, we learn that a whale was
beached last Thursday, at that plaae. The
wbalewas about 33 or 40 fet long. Capt.
Stevens was the first to place hla mark on it.
H bad been harpooned, and when beached
wavdead. Tbe Indians were still carrying
it away when our Informant left.
A Claaa Bake.
OurSslem bayt. who returned yesterday,
were Invited, whilo at Ysqulna Bay, to a
clam bake. It was given by Mrs. Mavor
Vlnoent, of Corvallb. The boys say it was
their first, and that they bad a grand lime.
Af-ar eitlng all the olams tbey wasted they
had a Jolly dance, In a hall near by.
Ana Broken.
A son of Mr. Win. Cos per, of Jeffureon,
who Is now at Ysqulna lUy, the other day
fellntr ehlgu bliiif at that plo, and binke
an nrin. The little ft)llov was doing well at
latt amounts. The eotiUlent wsh oued liy
hla beate to see a h hula that bad Just washed
Officers Installed.
Talurday eveulng W. K Dunbar. O. W. O.
T., installed the officers of Capital Lodge No.
II, I. O. G, T. as lollow: .1. O'Dunald, W.
U. T.J Mary Cooper, W. V. T.; Ira Krb,
Seov.; J4s. Coflsy, Trea.; L. t. Nelson, Msr
sliali'l Union Ford O. G,; and A.T. Yeaton,
Contract Awarded.
Mr. O. F. DennU, of this city, has Un
awnrdnd the o iniMCt for UnUhlug the Inside
work of the Metho lll Churoh. Ho will pot
a foice ofindii at uoek Immedlaiely and ex
peuis in bavo hlx contract completed by Oo
loher 1st.
The telegraph brings the intelligence that
V. B. Ulrfby wau arrceted yesterday at K'li
plro Clt, by the Shtrlir of Cons coimt',
who inado tho capture uimn tho order Of U,
S. Marshal, Captain A. W. Wa'ers.
At rncllfton, liy J. N. Ilallcr, K q Mr.
A (1. l'utiHa and MI- Kallo (Jl'iigtr, bo.h
of Willow Koiks, Uiiutilla com.ty.
Tbe next meeting of the Siato Teachers'
Institute wilt convene at Salem, August -Is!,
1877. The following Is the programme of
exercises, vis:
Institute called to order by tho President,
at 10:80.
R'-marksby thn Slate Superintendent.
Apt ointment of Committee?, takiuguamts
of members, etc.
Sohool Governmout J. K. Hut!
Composition Hrof. W. H. Blsho
K-bv "That la Best whliih Llitl) Near
esi" f. Miss Clara l'rij.e
Address of Welennie..Gov. 8. F Chadwlck
ltesponse Prof I W. Piail
Lecture B E. Arnold
Roll Call.
Reading of Minutes.
Drawing In Sobnnls Mls Nellie O. Turner
Primary Rending, or Word Method
.. .....J. C tiolan
Citixousuip i uiJeo. Troupe
Mental Arlthmelio S F. B-nuett
Philosophy or Graiuuiar A.'Jt Anderson
Peninsnefalp B. A. Handle
Critic's IteiHirt.
An Original l'oeni Mt-sNincy Hprlnger
Lcluro--iiriKeaiiu uu.isiny.. u. u. jouiisou
TltUllHUAY MchlNlMl Bt.KHIO.S.
Roll call.
Beading of minutes.
Statistic, of State aud ritvsvslema of Edu
cation, and ox plnnatlnn of School Registers
in use in Oregon ....... rroi. t, ii. .rnwioru
Nslural Science In School.. Ituv. P.M. Kulghl
KsaT Influence or the Ueautlliil.
........... m .MIssB. J. Lyman
Eloootion - John Pratt Wiger
What FiCBbel's System of KJo cation is, and
how It oan be Introdnotd Into our Publlo
Schools - ilon. D. M. C. Gault
Spelling Miss Maltle L Powell
jcvnaiii BBMI0N,
Bsssy-"Sehool Discipline of Oar tilrls."
................. ,..,.. Mrs. M, P. splllej
Lecture Force and Motion." .
....: Prof. 8. W. King
-vtuBat Mon-iKe smuom.
ii -.11 i - i
Reading of minutes; '
Arithmetic ....................Hon. L. Belyen
Physical Geography JC. N. Sleeves
Graded svstem or Mnalo lu Snhooia .
'avrkniiooM hinuoif.
What forms f Analysis should be taught
luthe Fundamental- Rules of Arithmetic
.....,,.......j.....,.....",,.....-. . ....M.,t idrn Royal
How to familiarise children with the nse of
Langaage... Prof. Jos, Marsh
nvKNina anssiotr,
Ksay ,llAbor".....n,-...Mrs. NB. Morse
Lectore "MomenlUB ol School Work"
, ji..Prof.Thos. Condon
Reunion. '".. ,'
. ooMMtrrsx.
N. Sleeves, Salem, Miss L. W. BpaUldiBg,
Portland.. -i. w
Arrangements -N. A. Rtndle. Mrs. O.R.
Woodworth, Miss Katie .Savage, Miss Nellie
vnaai-eiiin, Hissneuie xayior, xws bsbtw
-VArcy. J. T. tiiutnn,
Obalrnan KspcuIIyb Coasmlttea.
Dw.lllaK Henae JBnraee-
TbedwellloK house on Ihe North bank of
Honth Mill Creek, a sbprf dlslsnoe from Ihe
Aarlonltnral 'Works, occupied, v W. P.
Howell, Was disco vnJ lo be on Are about
bair past 3 o'ulook this stternoon. The
alarm was given anil in a short time both en
gines were on tbe ground doing good work,
and anooeedad in saving tboiowsrpartoftho
building. The furniture was ail got out In
a damaged condition. Tbe fire originated
from adefihCllveflua, Thn building was tbe
porertY of a Mr. Moar of Yamhill county.
No Insuraqoe.
First BUI Bold.
Mr Kdwtn Aiken, aa agent for tbe new
twine aud cord sua fdolnry of Albany, sold
last Naturday In this city, tbe firt bill of
icoods whloh will be nnnufaolured and ue
llverttd In the course of I he mouth by tbls
newenlerprlss tbst ought to have beeu loca
ted la Halem. A bale of twine for aewin.
sicks was sold lo Messrs. Kinney & Co, and
one bale lo W. H Herrun. of Farm era ware
house. J, W. Gilbert also ordered one balo
ef shoe thread.
After Twentyelx Years
Col. Thomas II, Cann, Clerk of the Board of
Sohool Itnd CntnmUaloaers, last evoulug
was msdehsppy bytbesrrlvalot bis broth
er, Captain John Cann, from lbs Kast, whom
he has not seen tve twenty-slx years. What
a world of talk about old times, tbey must
have bad last night, before tbey reired, to
dream over tbelr meeting la tbls far away
corner of tbe world.
8. 8. 8. 8. 0. '
The fallowing named pr.ton were last
Sunday elected officers of IbeHautb Halem
Uunday Mohoot for Iho ensuing term: Hu
perlniendent. Hainuel Hmllbt Ass'l Superin
tendent, C. W. Horltwr; Secretary, James
Krvlnn Cojfrey; Treasurer, Win, Armstrona
Librarian, May Watlft CborlMer, O. W.
Soriber; Orsaulst, Ida H. Catterlln; Asa't.
OrgaiiUl, Ltule Smith.
To flic A111I"1 UUs iu
Wbynoedyou suff-r with IMralvftla when
von ran be cured T Why will you autTr
with Itheumatlsm when joti tun been red T
Ann way iiave eo mwny scnes anu paina
when ills within your reaoh to be uu red f
I am now f tti)UbfJ In hslrm, (irrpared to treat
all Chronic UUemei.ancba llla'uuitlui, Neuralgia,
Comnniiitlun, Kldnej dlxaui, and In fact all dlara
ea that bumas fle h Ir bclr to. Hp clal atlrntlnn atil
lo Kunulo Wuiknei ar.u rurriii" intritlon which
iarocomtoon tol-ndlm, Clilldrc nV dlnrarM tot ex
cepttd. In connection with wjr practlrv, I tiavit una
of the celebrated Medicated Vapor l.liinlii).' C'riaui
lUllm, Hhlcli alda vattlr In rnnutli-Kall ctinnlctl'-
etna. Hoptnatbe poutol tbe (kin, and t'iru it ( ff
tbeallmy, inorbtd matur, wllcli U one of the fcKt
ciuieof in much rutfcrli tr. When we oi.ee think
llul I vi u third of ail v e tike Into orr ti m aca
off lhtnuj;ti Ihe purca of Ihe kkln, c iitid m t rtop
long to v onder why e aiv !cl, btn uy to
llltlealtentlun to the mot Inipoilaat eauncloijr ol
our bodlet. Uarlnjf Die )a t nlre rnoutha I have bad
lira lalh In ojicr-llon, std injr can tcrllfjr to lu
rfflcicy. I treat patient, b tha ueik, or bjr slnv
ladlca wlllt'o well tojjlve me a all. IUtli2ence,
snlbeatt 'corner vl Center and fummcr hliasU,
Salem. ni, U. V. t'UAKl, W. .
Salem, Portland, Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Walla
Tho following FIRST-CLASS Machines,
Botn End and sicio BiiaRo Tigiit-ooared.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
8, 10, 12, 16, and 10 Horso Power.
Manufactured by
With New and Valuable
Wrought-Iron and Scrow-IIub WiieoLt, atljustablo Rool nntl TrusaFmmo.
Wrought - Iron Combined Reapers and.
Combined Reapers andM Mowers.
WOOD'S Single A Combined Reapers and Mowers..
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowers, one size.
N Oonaueror. ? f
lrt eVBrndleyfntky Hakes, ODMTBlfVX--- nnlky mke, flifl-if
She atoit la Via.
ThlMMe Mkclm aad lrsa-axle Frame, antl Frelfttat Wafrnan, all Uf
Newton 4-sprlug Hacks, made expressly Tor' tbe Oregon Market.
XOe-vtrto ThreeSprlaff, Platform Bprlojr, and Beroll-Hprinc XXsaol an aa BD(WI-aV
Cjurcten GXtry 2?lbw,
mwasat (laltl-atorei Oar en 4 llf
cm -.in
l-fcl via nrssi a ma'i
vv -- TT .T -ZZ- -i
Lenlker and Rakker BKLT1NU, jriachlue B-tras, itai.wan, Iren, sal atetl.
W HdmIsI Clrrotars. Illaitrsted. wtih Diicct. feat
TUUIR8' AOKNTrl, and wux titL at bsd-mock
mail Front Bt., lOUTLaNDs Cosmercltl St., HAt.KMt and Chradls's Black, ALBAMT, QK.
Temylar Iteaaa.
Silver LodaeNo. 80, at Uverton, elects,
otBoers as rbllowa: Orpha Cranston, W. C,
T.j Sarah Mesolier.W; WT.f B. D. Allen,.
W.S.s A. P. Biaeksrtty, W. F. H'X Ktlnal
Brown, W. Tj R O. IUmsbv,.W. O.j Onar
lie Rsmaby, W. M. Ollle hlbbard, JrV. I.
F.t Willie . Dunbar, W. O. O.
llon..T. W. iMvanpon, Jones unuraBa
8,T. Unbarij are tbft uodge Trasiss, .
O. H. RiaVl. Stale Deputy, orjaalse ft
Codgeof l.-a. Ov T., neerTn DallssJ'on
tbe Tih nlc, with eighteen members.
The a. V?. C. T. w.io Is vUltlng the. lodge
at Aatorla reports It In a prosperous condi
tion and doing a good work, nude? tha man
aeinent of Droi, Withers, Jnwett, Sbuster,
IVieirth, Rtymnnd, and Slaters Joplln,'
Warren and many otlinr valiant workers.
1 lie Tallest Yet-
Mr. J. II. Wllscn, of Halem Prairie, three
miles East or the nicy, exhibited on State
street tbls rooming, side oats eight feet In
height, the average of about live sores whloh
Mr. Wllfon says will yield 50 buabela to the
aore. Marlon, Polk and Linn, counties are
Invited to beat It.
fuH8 that lticrcaaitiK years briiiRlncroiiH
Itifr roHpt'fl Tor thoso who (lu not suc
ceed In llfo. tia thoio wonlnnru common
y usml. Hoitvon W Hitld lo Ixi it pluco
for thoso who httvo not Hucccotlod ujmiii
ottrth. niiU It In Htiroly true thnt t't'lotl
ill frntcoM do not Ixmt tltrlvo and bloom
In (ho hot IiIuko of worldly prosperity.
Ill succor Homotlmoii tIhoh from Hupor
hundnnce of qtialltluH In UiomsHtlvoH
good from aconHviunco too boiihIUvo,
it Heir-fortrotrulneHt . ton roinuutlc, n
modesty too rollritiir. I will not ko ho.
fitrnHtoBity with ttlivinff pool initi tno
world knowH tiolhliif,' of Jlu great cut
mon, but thoro aro forma of groat noiw,
or at leawt oxcellunco, thnt dlo and make
no algn; thoro aro martyrs thnt mltw tho
palm, but not tho tttake; thoro are ho
roen without the laurel and cotiquofortj
without triumph.
Men talk alniut tho idle wind: hut
tho wind U ill way a busy, and . llko a
choorful farmer, wIiIhIIoi at itn work.
If Your Life Worth 10 Cental
Slcknaa prevail everywhere, and every,
body complains of somedUeatedurlnglbelr
I lie. When sick, tbe object U to gel well:
now to say plainly tbst no person in this
world that Is .utrorln with Iyspeil, Liver
Complaint aud ItsifftctM, mich as Iudtgea
tlnn, rostlvenf nk, Sink Headauhe.SoUrH om
soli, Heart Hum, 1'alpiiatinn of tbe Heart,
DaprehHhd Splrlte, Illlliiiianes, eto , can take
Oiikkn'h Auoust Kuiwkii wlihout getting
reller and euro, If you doubt this, go t
your druggUt and set a Sample Itotile for 10
oentH, and try it, lteular alee, 76 ueuta.
Twp dosea will relieve ynu.
U'l I K
Boss Churn
!!. Tt' It V.
A. Cllllll 41111
IJh It
Prlre.-15 (jmIHmim, rlfi; '- Ualloua, l'JC$
its iiMlliina. f i.".
Knr t'illmor.lli Irom dt r.i-n of Marina and ether
ce iulle, aud lurllw l irli u'aro, aup jr to or ddr
J)jut II. .a. lUWHlAa, rtini.vllle, Or.
line i" Ol.
J uiib l Iridu l.ruuu Ulhu ii.ut.irj
Ma Ut 1J77, tf.
J. il.MiVliuorVf..
which wo tiro now receiving for tho-
of 1077.
J. I. Case & Co.,
Improvements for 1877.
Illinois Hfeader,
nnnjy aL F'OMrar 'Pl: rrtfm
- BronacHi xna-aa sas
-T . -m- ' m.
M- 'tm Ik. WnrM.
e 'in ma ori.
to aar addreu, itto of clitnre. W. ar. K-NUFAO-
' ' TV t. P. T. Coaauj'i
ILI.r-AVI l '
Port land lbr JSisloin
Krery FRIDAY, ralarulsg oV'-AT.UBOAT,
DAI: rvturnin.on TUXHUAB aud TUUBSOATB.
i Patron Lao Your
PrafcctlsB Hint I Hat lllfta Hale
fSvixx x ionn.
In tbo Oonnty Court of lbs Hta'e of Oregon fur Ut.
Oouuty of Marluri.
T.II.Coi.pUlutlff. I
va. V
Clarwocxl (Irccne, Drfk-ndant )
To OAHWOOD (lltRKNK. defeliitaiiU
In tiis Naus or Tin Htats or Obsuon: Yea ar
bereb) unimoned and -quired toapiarand anmrer
Ihe complaint died auaJtmi y u In I bo shore-entllled
action In the above-named court b tbo dial day of
tba Heiitember term. 1HT7. Ibcreof. In wit. Uio 'M dar
ol Heptember, IHTT, aittd day belnir tbe Brt day of tba
terni of aald court followlnir the etotrallon of tha
terni of aald court followlnir the etptrallon of tha
time prefer I bed In tho order for publfrallos hereof.
Aid if you fall ao 1 1 appear and anawer, for want
tbrrnof pUlntlft"
will lake JaJntnent agalnat you aa
one hundred aud flfiy doltsra, toKetber wllh Interest
ciniiiiiini. w wii. tor mo sum oa
thereon rlnce the lltb day of January, 1H70. at twelv.
ur cr.t. ner auuuni. and for cotta and dlaburaeuienU
of thla sctlou. TbU aumniona la publlahed by order
of John 0. Peeblce, Judo of aald, court, dated lb.
ta day of Juno, IHn.
V. II O'AltuY, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Halem. July O.ltm. lw
Book and Job Printer,
.Vim- lIoKllut1er,
ouxiaa'a Black, Old Negate Chaai
bcr, al'in.
mvutof NewTrpra. Out. tt.. to any alieady
eilenil'e Hook sad Job Offlct," 1 aiu now unpArrd to
rlo auy and all kloda of '
Book, Plain, and Ornamental.
Ou Miort Roller, and nt icviMa
ublu Trlccn.
Stock Cerllllcaies r Specialty.
Ilavl r thx la'cert arao IrnmtnfM nlnx C'artldtata
lluee anu culxadiiili.il lo Dial kluil ef work ol any
On cu In OrHvim. i mu prep.rtd to encutu i'Mer lu
the VKllY IIKhT rtyle, lu any bunibtr ofculoiade
rlrrd, aud on a ort liullte.
Jvltf AddrtM A. I.. HTINHON, Halem, Or.
L. &JK. l!Il-SHt
The HIOIIEbT luarltt t rlci p4ld for any a-soi.nl
ef VV'ojl. .w Juuul am