Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 10, 1877, Page 4, Image 4

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    i Jvv-k- 4i(
imvid BTxar vbiiut, nr
rtrauanaaa ast raaraiBToas,
I f. A. CLAHKB. D. W. CUA1U.
Term f Nubsc-rlpUoii.
Onocopf, one ytarfM number) $3. CO
Ono copy, fix month (M nnsiber) $
On midt, thra mnnDi (111 nmrr) ......... .TX
HAMCM, KKIDAY, AUOUKf 10, 18177"
Signs 6f the Times.
If the lata strikes, and, tbolr attendant
riots ara to be taken in signs of the llma,
ibey ahou'd be studied closely, and llioir
relation to oar country and It Inntltuiloii
ke Inquired Into. This In tbo Irne Held for
tho political coonomlut to labor In. The
good of tbo masse conatllntf-a tho good of the
fclateaed tbo Irrepressible confllut between
labor and capital muat never become a war
of victory on either aldo, or tbo iomuH will bo
monopoly In Ita worst form,
Wo are cureod wltli a great national dobt,
villi national i xtravagance mill mil oh cor
ruption In putillo atTalni: ltli private ex
travtiirsnco that rqunndrrn million abroad
that sliculd bo retHlntd to build nplndiiHtrlr-
at liotnt-: a a runjlt of tbo HmcH,thoUte
civil wnr bolng a chief factor, woarovatt
prltalo fortunei and many tnoroof thftin
tliHii In our prevloua hlalory, wlillecapllal In
consolidated In tho bauds of great corpora
tlona tbat use It unaerupuloukly to carry out
scheme of aj-Krandisornent.
Wo read thai everywhere tho laboror do
nandiwork unavailing! and tbat capital
gnwdllvaooepta the national four percent,
loan beoauM It eannot And safe Inveatmont
in tho uanal aoaroHi of trad and properly.
Capital la In xeesa, and yet the work or
the laborer.ls (not wanted. Thla anomaloua
aandltlon of affairs aeema Innpllctble, and
yet It ex lata. No anther Ity or exparltncoof
sotetary relatione can understand or ex-
pUIn tin cauaea for the prevailing dullneaa
In all ttit walka of life, or aay why inann
'factories do not run and railroads do not pay
Mr dlvU'enda. These things arc beyond the
eoropreh nalon of the wisest, and the ordina
ry eprt no of bualneas men suggests no
eauku a n prescribes no remedy. The safest
coiioiIihIi a Is that tho consequences of the
elvl war Just begin to fully develop, and
that we suffer from a complication of evils
where the wisest forethought Is necessary
and legislation needed to more oorreotly
rrgnlate the relatione of labor to capital and
accommodate the rights and happiness of
the ureases to what w ao proudly call the
progress of the age.
With the nineteenth oentury there has
corns over the world each changes is the
asntarles that preceded H had never dream
ad of. The railroad, the reaper and thresh
lag machines, lbs sewing aaaafclae, the tele
graph, the manifold lehets cf the, eteara
engine In all Its departments, have helped
what we sell progress, hat It In ve , great
mailer for doubt If they Lavs net helped to
make the rich the richer, end the poor the
poorer. Whn the great labors of the reap
ing raactilns were explained to fear Hloholas
he listened with Interest bnt said he did not
want It. ' The Industries of Ihs old countries
are based on the Idea of giving employment
to the uaaaee, while with as Ihs grest rrlbrt
Is for labor aavlng midlines, no matter bow
many laborers they leave unemployed. The
other day w saw three or four men looking
on while a self-binder, driven by aeltiglo
man, did Ibe work, outllng and binding, of
at least half a doafn, and perbapa halfaa
many moro. The farmer ueeds libor-navlng
Machinery aud oheap labor, or rise even a
dollar a bushel for wheat wont pay.
Our readers will, rssent the Idea tbat the
farmer Is becoming a monofollil, but n gen
tltniau of our acquaintance, who la an ex
tensive farmer, while dUcusslog the labor
question with ua not long slnoe, held up the
farmer as most sueeeasful among all mon
opolists, for he owns the land that all de
pend upon for bread, and as ho drives
through his yellow rip grain, alone on hla
self-binder, he blda labor detlanoa and la
sacat Independent of all, la It not aothat
ownership of the soil gives man an Inde
pendence that le princely In Itself, because
the soil Is m tuer of ell wealth, the sourosof
all luxuries as well ss all neossstilekt
The world as we know it end aa It was
when ourslrt fought for freedom, la a very
different world. Huoli great wealth aa U
aiMsod bV Individuals to-day, waa rot then
known, Murk rueatia for eoouinulatlou did
not exlat. Opportunity was wauling for the
it-rclae of (he great apeculallve faculties
Ibaloonio tui-n poetess, The ititferrnos be
twi-fii Dial age and tills Is splloiulstHl in the
Ksiubling sohomes of Wall street aa we
know it, ami the feierlNii exoltemeut of lift
In tUfirula. Men only uetnlKl the oppor
(unity to uikke It avallablu ami with the dU
roxry of lht latent poftere of attain ami
vltclr.oliy uamo all the opportunity lli-xv hu
man fHvuUtluu could desire.
And )-', human natum Is tho same, It I
only thai K'Mt-r opportunity tslMa for Ita
e&uM'Uw, Woliavo Mii)(iui miiio of the
glial i'iit for tint rii-tMil MmikuIh lutwfcu
lalur ami .-apltel tint r ortiniQl nmoli any
rt-iixtly, any Miluiloti of llio piotlimi ihxt
liiiii'intl aliiliiiii, Curtain It U Hint hum
WKi(t'ii ui-i btt uMlnd; K'st xlr4a(t.i'
mint bo l.illiM-l tiy tmmi'omlitiK frono
in); tho hxof tlio lutlon mutt IpMippliul
by thx itlou of I'k Imllvliliinlx, If wnnro to
Iihno j'-Kiliy It miiHt CHHiio from pimlciu'o
ml 'Kt iovi-rnmiiit, ami not Irom wild
sohMnmn anil tho corruption by which
,dt-iiikOKiUHu(k lo(;lii or lol-ln iM.llthal
' MI Ml ,
Tho Kiotl Invention of our c l.vn no
duubt to .ijma dc;;rtij Ul.lurbe.l lh tqulltb;
rlum of the labor market. It is plain eudugh
that If labor Riving machine" dl'penae -with
laborao that the working man cannot ram
hie bread, the world Is loter rathorthnn
gainer by the invention, but may it not bo
that whllo these Inventions diversify labor
tbey do not dlspenso with It. Tho railroad
andsteamboats keep minors at work delving
for Iron and coal, tbey also cauau foronU to
be felled and converted lo their umo, and to
wlttl all other lin pro vomontb ami lorontioni-,
may, it not bo truo that tbey ailiiiiilnto new
InduatrloH in place of tboxe thuy deptexf arid
givo a wldur rango and groator HlnlQuunco
to hamn 6ntorprlHb7
In the I'atrhrolml ago men tilled the earth
and horded Iholr Ituckt and whllo tlioro whh
llttlo to conat jluto society thero wan alf-o Utile
dopnd(iBce upon the labors of fallow man.
What nun could booomo has been deinoun
t rated by (ho progrcas of Invontiou, mid
mont' probably tbo invoqtlon .Qf.tlio futtirn
will excel tbat of tbo past, but It must bo
carefully watched that human rlg'-U are not
trampled on by wlint wo call human
whan he said that be understood (here was
money being nsed, and tbat he was a poor
man and waniod some, when tho truth wan,
ho didn't want a cant, ho was only in funT
How Illy Nosmlih inunt havo felt when he
discovered tlt.it Mrwler w only J.iklnit.
Kquxlly (rood, ton, h the reumrk made
to hla colleague, Mr. Duller, when ho asked:
"Hadn't we better mako a plectt" TuIh In
truo mother wit, Hint If oil can't wring in
a augh rluhl here, you hud bettor Mmng u j,'
for you aro not capublo of uppreoittlliig tho
"Ye, eir, tlioru'ijnou-o talking, Mosler wuh
tho poor of ull tboso lHM--maklng uIih, and
Wasco fcel proud of hir llliiotrluun miii.
If it) hadn't beon fir biH had iiiornnry, with
ir. pnr training Innn llio time he wan a hii.hII
iioy up lo tho pfhui',-Iih wuull not 011I3
have been the kW of ttiote loniiv guuiltf
men at Salnni, but tho l"er uf al 1 in vetoralo
jokera, BnU handed hla namodinvn touo
teedlng generation1, honored and rovereil.
KrilUAlM Hl.KKK.
Railroad Nursery.
When at Portland , not long Mnco, we met
Mr. W, II. Prettyman, of Iho lUllrtmd Nur
airy, Kmt Portland, and upon his luvltutlnn
ptld a vhlt to hla p round, which aro tltuat
o I on tho UaHn Lino road, toward Ml. Tabm,
two and a half miles from tho river. Mr.
Proltyman has paid great attention to tho
nursory busluona, studying h11 Hh (tolntN care
fully aud reducing the earno by practical ex
perience to suocoss in cultivation. Ho turn
groatly onlargtd his stock of tree-, which
luolude standard varlellos of all fruit., and
will oflbr for aale next year 200,000 of as One
trees as can be found in our State, yearlings
tbat have made growth of from six to twelve
feet, looking healthy and thrifty in every
respect. He grows them on lend tbst was
originally oovered with young ilr forests
and that seems especially adaptrd to both
orobards and nurseries. The soil Is gray In
color and he assures us tbat the fine growth
Is produoed without the use of manure and
almply by good cultivation. lie has given
them four plowlngn previous to ths first of
Angust, kept the ground well hoed out and
will now let them go over without farther
attention, for fear of keeping op too late a
growth. Mr. Prettyman baa established a
good reputation in bis bnsinons and sold out
his stock Very clean laat Winter, and will no
doubt do a large business tbo coming Fall.
ir osrerui attention ana good culture) are
worth anything fan will take rank among
the best established nurserymen of Oregon.
Visiting Cards.
AA C d with any na a) nca'ly rlntoi ahorcon
"J iwnt to ny nldrc-f upon i?r-lpt nf 25 tlvuta,
ill I tnd X ceut tnmp. AiMrrc,
W w, J Claims. Hnlem, OroRon.
Look Here, Everybody.
not Deceived. !
See that our Trade Mark is on eachPaokaget.
Climr. I'l.i-i (irm.T Klrc. fur a llletltnu
70 ci-nl. wltlioul ttn urc nf a lnglu matrh
fir only
h Jin
cIuku 1i ri-t I mil a Ihtii-rrtit H.IMi 10 nar Ixi-lavc.
ani yonwlll rcutlyj thla v.la.iblu lit lo luelrnnii-iil
lir ri-inrn tnall
HKniltnilftlt Tllll-If Ilia arlltlo Cill lorio
Juki airtiriauiitvil, yuur n'cv will tm iiriniiiitly re
lUMl.d. Adurcra, IIOMKU II IIAi '.' K.
aulOtf Ocni ml Aicnt Sililn, Oregun.
State F'ciiixr
A Haw fttwk Diaeaae.
PonTLAMD, Or., Aug, 3, 1867.
Kd. Pam-hm: Permit me through your ool
nmas toealt attention to a disease which re
cently made Ita appaaranoa la tha peach or
chards la JUatem Oregon, and I am laform
ed that tha same made Ita'appeje uoe alpng
tba Sacramento River, Cai. was first dU
oovered by tha wrKar on lha tar n't p tops at
Hood river. Tha followlng.eeaaoa It maul
fasted ttaelf oa lha young peach frees In tbo
nursery, and the year after It iflllclsd tbat
portion of tba orobard. The present season
tha entire orchard Is more or less affected,
damaging serloui-ly alike both tree and fruit.
It appears to be a new fungus which cov
ers, or partially no, the peach and new
growth of lha wood. Tho leaves on the af
ftctf d part drop off during the season and
tbe.end of the shoot generally dries up, and
the growth of tho fruit where the dlaeatte fas
tens Itself Is checked, while the unatftcttd
part growa aa usual thereby prosentlng a
puokered up, pocky, dlaguMlng appearance.
1 have been anxiously walohlng for tho sci
entific lo assign tbo cacao and the remedy
for this destructive enemy lo (be peeolierop,
while I have made many experiments to ob
viate or check thla destructive qneuiy. I
am unsble to assign as yet auy aatUfaotory
cause for thla anomalous growth. Owing to
an linmeniecropot pesobea laat year, (-uoh
aa I hava never seen equalled) the trees may
have bean depleted, ao aa to render them the
mora liable to disease the present season
That Ihs dleesss will spread to all parts of
Kastera Oregon and Washington Territory,
to the destruction of thla delloloua variety of
fruit may be fully apprehended, aud Hie
losses oonarqitent would be a very eerlous
one lo horticulturists. It Is Important that
every esperlenoa should be brought lo pub.
Ua knowledge, and ry means of extermi
nation lo this formidable enemy at onoe be
rt-sorled to. We Invariably rttuove end burn
the diseased limb, lima the grouud under
the tree, throw aulphur and plaster and lime
through the trees, bnt with little sucoets.
We have never known ao formidable an en
etny of the peach and one that so threatens
tbede-.truo.loa of the peach crop. Hoping
these few thoughts iud experiments may c.ll
out the It-erm-d and aoleuiific, I am aaever a
Jxaloue lovtr of lhis,thd most delloloua ol
all other fruits the peavh,
The soft shell almoud proinUo. at present
to be a graud eucceas st Hood Itlver.
W. P. Watbon.
Tally One for Waico County.
Oh, dear I What a fanny eel of law
maker wplntd In our lat IrgUlaiure I miidi
u mitral, Joking, clownUh s-rt of lrllns,
nvHtloYtlug with wit, hilarity, ami lngle
f int. I am confident no oilier Sii tua ovi r
pnniuivdaud at-wmblrd Huoh aomupuy ol
vel-burttie ss wo, Tutdr wlty " li'K"
Utleied amid liiudKUtrM- of laughter and
practhal jokt-H, will bo honied 1iow.11 to com
Iiik gt-iit-ratlouii aloti); wlththoaa oi l.-tu.b
ami Mark Twain, Hut Wa.uo county oukIu
tii'Uiui tha dialliiKUtxhed bouor uf having
pMduord Iho erof U of lhoo luvetera'e
JuVeiK, lu Him iwiwm of Mr. Mooter. Cuuhl
a'tyonn tiavnooncelvrd a umroMldo xplluliig
roiuaik than thai made lo Mr, Motultb,j
Booths Routed at Auction.
tha Drnrnn HUtn ArrlfDlluml HoclftT will h
rrated at aneifoB, to tha Elchot btddrr, Air tha Pair
week nf lBTTonly, nn TliUKHIIAY. Auart 2V1. at
o'clock p. m , to lake ptae4 on ihs- Fair Umaada- aa
beretorore. Partlfl Icailrg Kootha at anttlou will be
reqxlrvd to c imply will all tho rqlea and renalatlona
of aald8oletVHrotTrtlni: tbo ota of Ibe balldln.a.
and to sarreadcr tbeai in the offcer of tha Society
oa Ihs evsalni uf Hatarda of -aid Pair week. 1
Special Nwtlce.
Llceaaes will bs grarted aa heretofore.
Twenty percent, of lha renlnt money will be re
qnlrel tn advance, tha balance on or beiore Oct 6lb,
ttm, all la United atauraold cnln.-
K, M. WA1TB,
Ki'catUa t'amral't-e. '
Por farther partlcuhr: ot'dlnram of balldloxa.
etc., apply lo Mr. Walts, Halim.
Jet Blaok ; and AT1T1 COLORS.
For alc by Ibe AgcalM:
Admlaiatratrlx'a Notloe.
NOTI0B la hereby Rtren that Mary lloyt baa tS'a
.day been appointed by the I'r ilwle Coqrt of Ma
rlon cunntv. Htate or Orason, at admloltlralrlx of the
atata uf Joaesh lloyt, late of raid county, dtcaad.
All pttaona having elalaaa.aOpil raid rStato will
preaeat I ham t me' kt sir rea rteace In r-alna.-iUr-son,
within atx roontha from dste. nr thry will bo
forever barred. ' r SMHY HoVT, '
Adm'x of Ratal of Joacph U.-yL deei aa.
BaJaia, Aux. , liTT.; ,.. 1 , ftiwt
gseead-tlaea. as vs taajT gtaelrlaiss. wheu rea"aa
Get a Singer!
Of tha GHMHtRIJlI-'BROtlHKH. (or only
4 S, snd spwaida. car Offlc lu Arnutrons' hh ,
Mill l, llllll lllml gSJulmn IBMnt
OltMtlOX.. '
In the Coonty Coart ol the Htalo of Orttou for the
Coonly of Marion.
In Ibe matter of the Katata of Jaror njek-y, deceaa
td. Jamea M. ltd key, Admlnl.t'atnr.
To Henry Hlckiy, Thomaa a Dickey. Jane M.
ltickry, and all unknown brlra nf aatd dtccdent;
and all peraone lutemted In laid Katale,
011 aid each of von, are hereby cited and ro
qalrrd to appear be'ure the above namrd Ciiort.
at ibe (Mart llouiel. Hl-m. In Hid Marlon con my,
at t 'clock p. m n the 3d day of Hritentr A. D.
1HT7, lo tbeo and there ab iw -ao.e. tr any ex ft why
an order thou'd nut bo made by eald Court anlhorla
micaali Adnilnl.lratiirtoaatllheltral K Into of ald
dcci-d-nt for thi paymeat or ibe admtklatratlon
c'auca and claim acaUat said K.late, aa velltinned
for by aatd admtulalraUir, Caldrnl ertale ladraertb
edaa fotowa 10 wit: A part of Iba Dimttlon Land
Claim of aatd James nitkey and wfe. In 7. 7a.lt 1
W. ami In T. nH It. 1 Wl Uejinolnii at'lho 8. w
corner uf Claim OA an lb H. K, corner 1 f Claim 61,
InTBH. ILt W.andruoDlBjc'hfncoN.Odi-c ISmln.
W. , M rhalna; tbeace N. 40dei;, Mmln. K. 30
ehalna; thence N. 4 d r. 15 mta W. 1.41 chain;
Ih.nce N atdec. Alinln. , Ull chain ; th.nc N
71deu (10 mln.H U cbalna; Ihonco N. 8 lg
mlD. W 4 M chain-; tlleacs.43der. aimln. K. 3 Ml
chalot: th.nc. caatar ly toiatrraect Ueanutk line of
aatd Claim 81, at a point a 49 de. 61 mln K 8.09
cbatna from so ancle la Mid enaih line of aatd cfalm
ill; tbeace 8 4 dec Mmln. W. (3.r ehalna to tha
p.aca uf bf tailing, rontalnloir about at acrca
JOllN I'MKllLKH, Couuty Jadi.
8Icm, Auj 1th, 1KT7.-W.
Eatray Notice.
t Wm Taylor's. T mllee atnl 8.ui, In tha Wal
do lliixa U a COW and UAI.P Tnoc-iw Wa ap.-'
Kdoramaa Ostbam. firei r elx )rraild, Tbeoilf
lalhMmeml.ir aalne cow. .n'i las ht-lfer Tb
cow I uutmarkidor bianMtd, ric.pl a "dewlap"
Auo, one rol rT.Htl no')eirn ac; hll crop
and a alt In the rlr,M e r aud a l Ih ttc left cr.r.
Tneciw laiun (.1 my place aboal Irn iijr a(,o, and
la tuppo-nl t-i he fmin Mill, 'I he a'rrr came to
iny fa m alHiu a year ati. 1 ur ow uer or owner will
plraadwuiukiidtaka tbtiuartay, audpay for thla no
tice. MM T..YLUU
mr naa'nrd. nrar IIItOWNHVlLl K. abnnt
I'll m ddluoi lit), 1H77. s tUY II0I1HK. about ll
teen Hand' lUI; I Ihlnk no wMti- f 1 ol on hi-. The
bir-e I. nrt u yi-ar old, aim v. a. lalarri la roilra
nurtiiu l.aiayillo. ny nvrMin kIvou lnlnimaiu
whT-ihn h'T-i-cm hn inun-l, or ntnmli Ki-lm lo ua
near llaiiwiiaMiuui will bebauilaimiiy ieanlrH.
Au. S.I9;tS P. W, (IHuVKIL
HUGHES, Salom,
Wkelraale DrngglalR, aad Dealeaja la' Palaf a, Olln, aad Glaaa,
cTHam '' aBBwatSnCs3BHBaaaasl--alHHBlwlB
' ' . rid Counterbalance 'Separators.
"oun. Vice I'-satleot; W. 11. UaarasTaa, HccreUry. (Sf Suporlor to ASXTfr
-f3bx-ao-"lro-v7-or orMopcvrator, xxp-vcr.,lxi., -nave. Mauaiao-tu-voawiiAi.AM.
OUktitiN, or OrvirunlroaaLu wuodi mauiUla. 'Jill. I UWill LAbio a L1PK-1IMK.
Ill HKJMHUUH BAVKo TUR OltAl.. For lartbtr pxrUcuUr, addrci tbeofllcrr nan. cd above. or
aend for clrtulaia..
Balis, Marcn !
Direct Passage from New
York to Portland, Oregon.
Lamo DirAHTHixr O. A n. U., I
I'ohtlano lunt-Zt, 1P77. I
aurerd lu carry on lt Iron traui.lilp.nnw bilnjt
bsllt at Cherler fa , by Jkhn Ifoach A Hon. dimiii bar
completion, tn or a -out the 1Mb day of January,
INTKaleeratfepai.eM-tralrnm New York lo 1'oriUn'l.
dlrvct, via the htraltaur Magellan, at the extremely
low rate of 7S 00 currency, board lucluded.
Thlaaieameri helbo Icrt, Urnncit u I moil
comfortably airanj-rd ablp e'er lallt In Ihn United
r-talra epred, iw knot.. Ulmcn.lnnr: SIM Icel In
l-nalh; J8 fe-t heainj ,, d-pib of ho'd; caiaclly,
S 0 toni; SOXI cabin huh 500 necrae paiai-nveia.
Tfi S tlnic no ol the teerKe w'll receive apeclal a
teullon; it will beprovlde 1 with al' modi rn Improve
mebtaandlUvcnlllatloi will be prrfect Rrery at-teiJtlo-i
will h ald to the comfort of paaec nacre,
and the fare will be or tho beat qn-ilt . Part of tho
deckr om will be fitted ep for icfMurratluy purpoa
e. wllhavlew to lurnlah pteMnrcr frtah meat da
rlus Ibe whole to; are
The vinaga will he made In about Mityday.
To aaalat neraona who di-.lra to rmlirr.la luOrcimn.
aiUulturaJ and other Implem ul will be taken at
vi-iv low rat a
For peraona here who have Menda In the Atlantic
Hlatca wl-kln to cou.elo Urecon thla offer a rare
opportunity, aa the annoy auc and fatluue of the
OTrr aud Mile by rail are avoided, and Ibe saaaaxe la
conaliicrably 'e.a.
roi oariKuiar inrnrmauon adilreia r. V. bcrmldt.
Hooih William atrvtt. Mew Yoik. or
lJ.n). p. 8D11UI.ZK.
laud -.test U. A C. it. It. Co , I'ortl lid, 0ti.
Capital, $300,000.00
Assets, . $568,547.45
Iticomo 1875, - $465,904 29
lioaaos paid out since organlza-
tioa, . - $1,137,367.60
auStf 7 Vlrat'ai.. 1'OUTx.ANB. '
I havi) tb Ur.'Cal alack nt I.ral Ml.nka la. IK. c.-. I
U. i... Ii. II . r . ." .. V " .7 " ' '" tl
Inarira-a. li.nrta IUa,ia af?r..nu" 1 1 I.1T. J- 1
...., ,. , . tmu.iurF. i-aara. !.
hrlllNTINU, K.UiuaU-afural.hiil.
fiteam rrlotrr and Rvikhln.1.
y'a UlxkUU .trrcl, Malran, Orecon.
Dealer la
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobaooo and Cigars,
"BJem,Aprll,.tR3; fowU -
1004. 1677.
Tke Oaly Blrlctlr Wholesale Brag Heat
In Oregoa.
T. A, DAVIS & CO.,
71 Prout Htreeti
chaadlae trade s complete aaaortmeot of
Patent Medicines,
Fine Chemicals,
Shop Furniture, aad
Druggists' Sundries.
01 all eUea aud qualities.
Of J1 tb kading brand, In tin and kegs,
Putty, lampblack, il
Bod Lead, Glue.
lnclodlD;tbellui-t brand fur Coach rainier' as.
Palat, HhltevrMB, aa4 YaraUk Braslua,
L.1NSKKB OIL, In Urrela and can.
TaratatlRP, Coal 011m, CastorOII, Ur U,1
Nratvruet Oil, CisB Oil.
In barre.i and rate,.,
Blue Vitriol, ffulpliur. Castile
tuup, Cone!.1 ruled E.e,
Pulaah. J
XStttox-as All lsLlxxdca.
Quicksilver and Strychnine.
In Quart, IlaUOallon. ()nu-.a:on, and KWe-GiUoc
fau aut Uarrela, etc . etc.
We ar i AgenU for Oregon and Waablngton Terri
tory for
Malll-cr dr'rb I- wp I p. Watclrc'n acep
Hats aad qal rcl r laos, -ad ' ae
Jajaea rrvtrlct rjr MrSiclaca.
V W buy our Rroda from flrat handa. Ihn eo
b tuy ua luroaipi-tv with aiiv marl et on the Coast.
a. a cunia'liou ol rur juice l'l piote. ci)0
-OKBVKT la. Col.:tate8onieoa l.H; Voloaucrt,
AJ OfflCM, UuiMn't ItuxJi, oo a lair. a7y
iwnwirtii.y ,-MmnUi