Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 10, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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    F!TW5f!!wrn' '"?
1,000,000 BOTTLES
or Tin
have twcn rH Ue latt year, and not ono complaint
has reached ne that they have nut done all that 1
atalmodfor them. Indeed. KlcntUc (kill cannot ro
feejondth. result reached In there wonderful prepa
ration. 'Added to Carbolic, Arnica, Mentha, Reno-s-Otl
and Witch thiol, are o hor lngrcdlenta, which
makes", family ltalmcnt that defies rital-y. Rhea
natlc arts' ed ridden cripples hate by It b en enabled
to throw aw.y thett crutchoe, and many who for
year bare, boon afllclf d with Nearatola, Sciatica,
Oakod Breaeta, Weak Backs, Ac, haro found perma
sent relief.
Mr. Joilah Wwtlake, of M aryevllle, O., writer
"For yar ray iihenmatl'm ha been to bad that I
kirn boen nnahloto atlr from the honre. 1 hsvo tried
every ramcily I could hear or. Finally, I learncn or
the eeataai'LlntoHht. Tho firt three bottle, enabled
a to walk without my crotchei. I ra mending
rapidly. Ljiilntyonr.LlnttaentelmplyJMaanreL'' 1
ThlsLintaeat aroa Barn and Bcalde witnont a
sear, extract, th. nol'aon from l'id, .Unci.
Caret ChlUblalna and Fruated-feet, and la Tery efflca
dona focBar-aehe, Tooth-ache, Itch and CnUncooa
Tho C.ntaar Liniment, Yellow Wrap
jor, la' intended for tho toush Abies, cord, and
. L.a mhL. mtA anlmalf,.
Icnuldhear of. Finally, I learned of
Hv. ko, W. Fcrrl., Manotklll. Bchoharle Co., N.
"My horaa waa Umo for a year with fetlock
wrench. All remedies nfrly 'ailed to core and I
oorMlderod hlra worthleM antl I t"''11'0"
CenWttf I.lnlmfnt.wliUurapldlycnrcdulm. 1 heart
ily recommend K.
It nuke vi ryllttlo difference whether tho cobe
wrench." .prtn,,?ifln or lamenen of any kind,
10 electa aro the lame. The ureal power of tho
liniment la, howcTor, ahnwn In Poll-ovll, Ulg-head,
awecuy, Hparin, Bltigunno, Oalle and Scratches
ThU LUIraent 1. worth mill ona of A llara yearly to
Ike BlockirroweM, Mory m-n, Farmers, aixt those
WvW valmahla aclraalo to care I r. Wo wanaat II.
aoeU aad refer to any Farrier who ha ever nacd It.
laboratory of J. B. Robk A Co.,
43 Bar Bt.. Naw Ton.
A. eoeaateto aubatttute for Pator Oil, wtthoal IU
aphMtntUito or recoil la the throat. Th. r.uit
f j year.' pmcUo. by Dr. Bam'i Pitcher, of Kaee
eaaaetu. Pitcher. Catorla la partleula-ly reeomm.mde
tor chlMroa. It dnUoya wonaa, aiilmtlate. the
fcod.aadallowe natural tloep. Very cfflcaolona In
Oroep and for children Teetnlng. Per Colde, rever
bhaeM. Maordra of In. Bowela, and Bto ten Coat
plaints, notalag la a effective. It I. aa plaateat t
tolas honey toU hot cent, aad eaa b. hJ 0
say DratrgWl.
ThU U one or many wtnawniaiK
"Ceaunraix. Lo? Co . Pa.. Marok IT, 1WJ.
"Dut car? I naTu saea yuor uww Turn
toraoaellBM. """"-,
', N Zla, uuiti nrafk aa a aare. reliable, aa
Zmmna Utotto m aa a .eafe, ullabU. aad
. TvT!?l 1 1T1 r 1 1 n. 11 U-frtUUlj. .liaafa. la.
ZTZL 1. .. JIMol. .Hi
ni nran noi auw a aiBja -b v'
"" " " T TTTii. INDBB9, .M..IV.
MoiherawhotryOaatirla will flnd-hat Uy
ateepalgkUaodtkatihilrbablM 1U be healthy.
J, B. Boaa Co., Mew Tork.
Bvcoawor to 3. M.
. KllUl a Oo
M UTMrty a -
OommuMiion Atpont
&w Vork via I.thmua,. Pactaa KUroid, and
Cape Uorn, aU kiad of Merchandlao, and for tho aak
of Prouacw rrtw vn t-wwc cwt, iu w v?rj"'
01 moner. &
uttfuti n at
'-' 'JW.mrw!m n?waa.
A PU2E cum FOB
Sorow Worm.
Parasit03 that infoat Shoop.
Improves the Health
f3T Oae rS'o h 3b for one hundred to twe
aanlredbnH.eccr4iiiC tothdr a-o, trvuiith, and
U U pt a? lr. rtVX.OALf)N CAKH-Prlw. SI 3
nr can.
T. A. DAVIS & Co.
vrkolrAlc AKonta for tho Male,
Or to veer acarovt KcUU DrcevftL nrt
JBErs. Rohrer'a New Remedy
m Mwarnro mm wondkrful bvcckshi
nrnt) ptkkxt fsaitTABLB rkmidt ns
J. no oaaal to tka rvllef and ear. of OonKka. Onlda,
Aatbma, BronthlSA, Cronp, Whooplnx Coosa. Mea.
ataa. Ac. It aa. prodsced aoae remarkable carer.
Soki by dracctet. reneralr. Prepand only by .
JaBB-rt 'IIBBHV.oasMBth.'OTX
u letter of bsMoeM tboau m aaanea
Attorney at Li
V!tk 8T.lOUI3.MOy Hi
Bcranton, P., Aug. 1. A reign of terror
ifldomtuHiit htm. Since dawn today tho
mine omployos have hald posofaslon of tho
oily, ilrlvlnp: workmen Item nil Ihn hopa,
and the vlKllance connnltteo was cilled out.
The two parties met and exnhanKed Bhote,
both boiiiR wfll nrmnd. Numtwrs wero
ktlleid and woundod. After thla enomtnler
tliH Ktrlkern brca)o pnrrecliy deaperalo and
ivamdod the utrooto. HWHurhut thnv would
olean out every abnp in tho olty where men
were nt work. They marohod to the Dlokaon
works where a number or men were employ
ed, and hern agitn another bloody eoene was
enanted. Three meh have just been ahot
dead on Lmkawanna aronue. Two men
with tops of thlr hoads torn oft are lying
alto on tho sidewalk of the mtenne.
Wtlkeharre, Autr. 1 The malt train on
the Lehigh Jalley road was detained here,
to dy tbree-qujirtora of an hour by a crowd
uuininrioi i,vw u iuo uapot.t. inn airiaoni
unonupled tho passenger ooaehes arid engine
and threw the coupling bolt Into the canal. '
They 'were roplaood and. TJ. H. detootlveai
stationed on the platforms, Tho tialn,' back
ed below the dopof, and undor a full bead of
steam', nhot past the striken.
Torre Haute, Aug. 1. Throe of the eseca-.
tlvo oommlttoo of the railroad strlkera Nvere
arrested here to-night by U. 8. Marabal
Spooler oatke charge of having laterMrred
with" tralna of the Loganspnrt r railroad,
whloJi.la undsrvOontrol of the U. B: bourtfl.'
Tho prisoners wero lodged In fall and, will be
taken to Indianapolis. ' '
Keyser, (W. Vs.),' July 31. The blookado
was raised this morning, nion being,' had to
go to work wltbdut difficulty. Trains aro
uow moving wost undor guard" of the mili
tary. Ilaltlmoro July 31. Ilaltlmoro and Ohio
nfllalnls, report to-night as follows: Uvery.
thliig)rogrcs8slng botweon Parkernburg aud
Ualtlmoro without do! ay i men cnoiuh to
uiAttage all our trains. Wo hvo moved to
day on various divisions about ninety trains.
Wo exiieot to commenoo running from Ornf
ton to Wheeling to-morrow.
WrtKhlngtiin, Aug. 1 Tho pitbllo debt
situ, intent how4 a roduollon durlntr July of
f818IWl; coin In treasury f97,8Ol,0J0j coin
I'MrtiUmtes, f37,8O7,30O 5 ourrenoy in treasury,
10,811 KM.
UhloHgo, Aug. I. Tho Journal' Washing
ton aptcUl fttvyn : It Is nssorled positively
Mint SooreUry Hhorman has sent an aitsn
Mil co to niirHonsI frlmuU In atlondanco on
the Ohio IiHputillrmu Htalo Conviintion that
thero will bo no furthor oontraotlou of the
TlioNtloiiHl Kopubl loan Com nilttoo will
not bo onvenml until nbtut th tlms Con
gress Is to miot to conldr whothor tho ros-
Ignatlntmol several uiruibors who aro red
ersl offlrilalH, Rliall beaivepted. Z Chandler
U opponl to accenting their resignations,
but would 00 m pel all meoiborsof tho com
tnltteo Uiaorvo unmlniilly.
WsHhlnglnn, Aug. 1 Receipts from all
rnvennn during tho past month went 18,701,
674. Theiilmio rooulpts woro reduoed at
least 11,000,000 In oonrnqnenco of tbn lato
Birlko, Cuniotnsrooelpts during tho Month
f 1 000,000.
llHrrlsburg, Aug. 2 The Hhnrlff'. possn
Hum b-en dlnbtndedi no dangur of mob vtu-lljne-i'exlstltig
Mobiareln ontlro poiaesslon nf every
thing In Kingston, Plymouth and Nantl
coke. Gen . ttrenton, with the first division,
arrived at Nantleoke and la proceeding
oaniloakly to Kingston, Wilkeabarre and
Serantoo. lov, Hartnanft with additional
troops, artillery and supplies, la oa the way.
Altogether there about S,9W troopaoathe
war 10 Luasrae county.
Mew York, Aug. . The Tribune prints la
eaDltaUiha aaaaM of New York bMlnaia
i.u ah. dl karaj..) their rterka and opera-"
iivniiwiuHiuD lavier weni oa Wlia IBeir
regiments to atippreM the riots. Ooaslder
abie (bellng had been engendered by these
ditfuhargeM several daya ago.
Vonr hundred cabinet atskera aad anachln
Uu la the employ of Herrman A Co,, ona
strike for a week have return! io wort?, the'
dhYitrenceahavlng'taen amicably arranged.
Toledo, Ang. a Oitlaens and nolloe tam
ed oat in force thla morning and raised the
freight blookado on tho Lake Shore road,
and under their protection tralna are being
fcUrted ont In all directions.
Wllkw-barre, Aug. 2. Gov. Hartran ft ar
rived at Kingston at 1 o'olook thla afternoon
with 1,000 troops. Toe striken fat-l ugly but
cowed. Now York. Auk. 2 The nrealdentor the
Dtflawure, Lackawanna A Western rallio-td
rMystranqnlllty was restored this morning,
aud bualueax U going on aa usual to day. J.
il. Douohnn, leader of the striking railroad
uiou at Hornellsv.l.e, baa boon admitted to
bull in 12.000.
Philadelphia, Aug. 3 The d and 4th
nctillbry leu thU morning lorSoranton. Ida
riues aro at the depot Hwaitluir luarohlntr or.
orsulon. Pa., Aug. 3. The Uuited SLatos
troopK an the way berulodt night when near
Plymouth found the track lorn up aud
awiiclK-H mllsced They rspttirrd ninety
prNniifru ami brought tbi-m to the city.
Wilkeabarre, Aug L'. Knur coinimnltM of
Otin. Ilren ton's command have btonsentto
nyiiuiiilb, whoro the railroad has been bar
ridded and tho iruok lorti up. Tlie hlrlker
am lurhtirlent and collf ct iu erondsof 2,000
end upward around thn doot.
H.ton, Pit., Aug S Work at tuotof
the colllerUii. In this vicinity will rtsume to
morrow. ' All oxcltemont Is over. Tho etrlke
han hnbslded, and nearly nil live strikers in
the dlvUlon ot tho Lh!;h valley rpd are ro
engaged at the old rutedi'wAei All iwwnmi
geratid freight trains reumt-d regular tr)(
thla timralng.
luiilinon-, Aug. S. Tlie lialtlmore and
Ohlodflicials ei in (i ihnt nvorv dlvUlon U
working NMtUrmi'orlly. Ab-tut 150 Iralns
wtrtt moved to-diyj no atwmp'. atbunh
wliKtkliigorothBruiterroDiiun.i evtirviiiinu
this uiornlifg quiet.
Wrtnliliigion, Aug. 2, M,iJ. Ilrtety, edl-'
tor of the Xiiw Orbttni Dj:noir.H, ctlled on
8-o'y bo mix and Potinaver Ottiiernl Ky,
and nOrurdu nith the latter vIMud tdt.
preildrutt. UHexprMvr hlintlfmuob gr.tt
ifixd v.H(i the vbry kind t.emlnt.us ol He
prenident in vrilb the wiuth. 1 he pr.,Meni
t-rtld 1ih hoped t'j be ablo to visit Naw Or
l.miiH during iho holiday v&catiou of Oon-gro-x.
lHiiH4y nys there U lltar,tlly no op
pnnl'iou to President flayes in IouMans,
xnd tho ptoploof tiiorutlrH touth fotMnalo
a frkmdly lebllngs toward the pr(ldonta
tlio-u of LouUUna.
Chlcnun. Aug.U. TbflTribano'd Washing
tin upecliil y: The prudent and cab nt-t
feel grallfjud at Iho reHtilts of tho ClttveUnd
convention. Judxe Wehtwaschoprevldonl'n
tlrat ohntoa of all uvallabla oandldaien. The
platform and nominations art) oonalrtorml a
MibuuiUl triumph fur the administra
tion. New York. Aug. 8. Wm. Tl. Ogden dtod
In tli In city this morning, aged 73 llowia
the tlrat mayor of Chicago, aud the Aral
president of the 1J. P. K. H,
Baltimore, Aag. 3. Jamus T. nufl.aald to
represent himself throaehout the enuntrv an
Jatare T, Porter, aeoret servloe deteoUve, ha
keen arrested oat a oharg of awkadllar,
HnlT Beared In a coo piracy t rob tke toasb
ofUaooia lie amy la a stateeaeat awa
with bkaa tkat Co). Garrieoa, iettaay Irviag
aad BlUy Vtareeiar, aU bow -ftrtHi
prison, murdered BenJ. Nathan In Now York
some years ago.
Mauoh Chunk. Pa., Ang. 3 Thrco hun
drod regulars arrlvod this morning.
Utliiinore, Aug. 8.- Tho coronor'M Jury In
tho case of the (lersonn killed iu tho Ute riot
by members ol tho 0th reglmont. catno id
theooiioluslon that tho soldletH hainirde
moralizod, a great deal of unnecessary tiring
was done on Kdltlmoro street. The ro.pon
Hlblllty for tbn killing rests entirely with tho
rioters who attacked the soldiers.
New York, Aug. S According to the dls
patchea received by I be president of the. Dels
ware, Lsokawanna A Weatetn railroad, tho
Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Ret trains
through by guarding each one with troops.
Obstructions aro put on the track and tho
wires out at night.
Chicago, Aug 8. Tho Times' Keokuk
(Iowa) special eayss An entire family, eon
Misting ot Lewis Hpenoer and hla tour otill
dren, two girls and two boys, living la Clark
county, Mo , were murdered last night. The
crime waa no doubt committed for money,
asBnenoer had In his Doseeealon seven hun.
dred dollars belona-lnir to the townahlnnf
wmon ne was a irasiee. 'ton weapons used
woro an ax and pitchfork. No traoo of tho
mnrderura have been discovered.
Indianapolis, Ang. S. In tbeU.H.oourt
this afternoon Judge Drummond hontenbed
tho strikora nrrosted In this lty, Vluoenrios
and Tono Ilante, for interfering with tho
operation of roads Iu the possession of the
court, to three months each. In the county
. Clnelnnatl, O., Ang. 8. A fire In the box
factory this morning originated In the cellar.
An attempt waa made to extinguish it with
out the aid of tho Are department, but was
unsnoooRsful. After roaohlng the first floor
tho flmos spread with fuarful rapidity, and
In a short titno reaohod tho rooT. Tho em
ployes, mostly girls, were are at" work In the
third and fourth stories. Borne osotpod
through tho windows upon tho roof of oth
or buildings, but It la feared eight or ten
perished in the IHtneH. l'our bodies have
been recovered, so disfigured as to bo almost
bo von (I recognition.
wllkob.trre, Ang. 3. (ion. iloldekopere
commitiidoAme Into Wllkosbarre tblsailor
noon by valley road from Plttntou, Pour
companies wero sent to Kalrviow and
brouitht a freight train In, which had been
stopped by the strikers, Tho mall train
south, whlah waa abandoned here Wednes
day wi-h taken out to day with tho onglnn
and twolvo cars tll'.od with eoldlurs. The
strikers who asslstod In stopping tho mail
train on Wednesday wero arrested to. day.
Now York, Ang. 3. ThoTlmoa' Washing
ton special ay the Houth Carolina Democra
cy had reprentativea hero for sotuo time
urging tho t'rosldent to liiHtruat tho dintrlal
attorua.v to nol pro$ Iho canes now pending
against tho Kllrrion and Hamburg riotors.
Waahlngton, Aug, 8. The cabinet aoaakin
to-day wa short, and uobuslneas of Import
nil 00 wasdono. There wan a dlaousslon of
Utah matters and tho intiielmont of certain
Mormon loaders in connection with tho
Mouulaln Moadow maasaore, the labor trou
bios and matters pertaining to appointments
In tbo.territorlea.
Qreat Battle at Plevn-Tk8 SuaUni
Buoha'reat, Aug 1. There can be nodonbta
greatdlstnler has befallen the Boaalaa troops
to-day. IteipforbementM have beoa pouring
southward aw faataa trakas aoald follow eeeb
other. , Among other reports earrent It Is aa
aerted the Ctar. baa begiced Prince Charles to ,
oroaa tbe DaonbelmmedUtaJy with the aaaia
body of the, Hnumanlan araayt that bead-
anartera' aaabuianeea are kUling back to
lato ve, and that aba dlaornalaed troopa are
retreaUojjaoorwa.the'Doab, , It la reported
that the thrki ooeapy MfaaawKh aluebat
(kl kM, and are receiviaafrthr relnlbroe
meeU Other battles are looked la thatduv
rectlonaa UMadvaa7erprtb'RaMlaas hi
been evIHenUebeeked till tbey get dear ef
tfpeo'at to th4 Telegrapa aerti iltat 0e
Turka have bee a ylctorlons la battles at
Y!Bl(aRhra and Flevaa and tbat tbe, Rus
sians an retreating to the Balkaas, panued
by Hulelman Paaba.
Pera, July S. Oaman Pasha announces a
areat. Turkish "victor v. The nnrnf waa
wimbletoly ranted after' 'twa daya severe
ngnting, wtteaioMtortt.oeakiiied and J.eoe
wounded. The Tark. captured a great
quaatjty of arms and aaamunltlon. Turklab
lo.he comparatively amall,aa they foaght
upon the riefoDse.
- Thn Maltlon or the Knsslans ip Hhlpka and
Bliyno DSMteti, and on the southern slope of
tho Balkans I. hooomtng hourly mora grave.
Their effective furooa on tftls lino don't exceod
50,003 whlok are threatened from four nldea
simultaneously from Adrlanople and Jans-
rou oy Nuietman' Pasna, rrora O.man Baap
by Mehemet'AHI. Osman Pasha Is advano
luglntbe dlfectlonol Hlllov and thereearve
oorpsfroni Knfla could approach by way of
t-niiiippopoiia. ji fcoemeu atso mat tbe
Kut.ians are not making mnoli pro
gress tjeforw blllstrla and Huslohnk
whom they are mreilnp with de
ptralo naUtanco General .tmmeraian'a
oor, advancing through Dobvudaohe, U
giottly menaced by th right wing of the
PurklNb army from Varna and Paruvlda.
Thn O.k Itusaian army eorrx baa become
almoatlavMpabltot tigbtingln eonsfniience
oftliolrHitltHufrerftd atNUopollsaud Plevna.
Htvural telegran.M mention tbe fact that tbe
Kounianlansooeapy NfknrlUint tho request
of the RrixHlana, as a proof that tbe lus
sIkh euifto Ih not triH-imrlug.
Iudou, An. a Xbe tPally News oorre
orx'ndcnt, tolegrnphlng from Bulgareae,
tlf ieti miV from Plevna, gives a detailed
awennt of the nxbtlug of Monday. The
Tf.e, Turkish forv wero entlmated at 60,000.
They oonu pledge ve wl poMtlnns whloh ara
iinturally strong and aluo artillolally forli
tied in HVftry svallablo -pot. fnriulngahoro
xhoe In 1'Jbvtn wUi IiMi liank ro-tlnz on
tiH river. Ttie Unelan foroHronslHtedorthe
0 h corp", undi-r (iimtiral Krlduer, tho 30:h
ittvt-lon and 30th brlgsdw of the 'Si division,
unner rrnioron.2Koky, witn tnrto Drlg
ivie pi ravtiry and 100 nuns. It wd ar
raiitiod ihivt (jiiu. ICeydenar .houM attark
1 bo Turkish rioter at Urlvloand the north
ni fl-nk of tho entrenched position oer the
Rtbovu, while rkliackriKky attacked IUdls
000, mid N. Seateloff held In check the
mroug lurkiMU force at Lhc, which wa
ih extremity f tbo Turkish lino. Qan.
KHdner bdgan the battlo about !i:M o'olook.
Afieralonii bombardiubnt 'he aucceded In
silencing iIih Turkish cannon at Oervian,
hut not la espnlllng tbo Infantry from the
earthworks. Unspent ti(tt wholn of the af
ternonn Iu an on walling endeavor to force
the northern fituk of tho Turklih poalllon,
delisting Hfter dark without having gained
anything material, and having himself auf
f-ied ronhlde'able on. Plnce Hohackosky
Mboiitnoon oarrled KdUer,and pntilHg four
batterl.a nn thn ridge beyond, bombarded
the neareat Turkish position, which whs the
earthwork armed with oanDon In front of the
Intrenched village. After four hours beal
lenod tbe TorkUh guns, and hN Infantry,
after a long and bloody couteat, carried tbe
earthwork. and village. Tbo aeoond Turkish
foaidoQ aviaauted of a redoubt, aad a series
of entrenched viaeyard. stronRry held, wae
Ihan attacked and ultimately ear r led, bat
wkq a aerrww .Bert aaa very aevere
ewlaw to a heavy TBrkktb artUUey At I
TM HaaaliBeatoraorec ware oaable to
lue tho onpturod position. About 4 o'olook. a
resorvo brigade was brought up, and an. at
tack made upon tho position immedldoly
covorlng Plevna. This attack ooutlnued un
til nearly suueet. Tbe Turkish, In (entry wss
in great forco in a continuous lino under
shelter of the trendies. Dos pi to tho stub
born efforiB uo Impression coul.l be mado
ution the Hue. Two companion of Knaslan
inrnntry did work round to the right of tho
Turkish trenches and entered tbo town of
Ptevtis, bat It was Impoa-ihlo to hold It.
Tbe Russian batteries ptiehed boldly forward
into the position first taknn to, attempt to
attemut to keen down the Turklab cunnon
ade. which was orashlmr Into the Infantry in
the on?n fluid, but were compiled soon to
evacuate tno nnatraous spot. At sundown
the Turks mado a ooutlnunns forward mnvo
ment and rooccunlod their second position.
The Russian Infantjy mtdn a succession of
desperate atauda and riled like horoos. Thn
Turk gradually retook everything they had
lost. The fig hflng lasted long after ulghtlall.
With the darkness, tbe BAshl-Baaouks took
possession of the battle flbtd and alow all
tho !aounded. Too Ruaslana ' hold tho
belgbta above Radlaovo but tho BashliBa
souks worked around to their, roe r aodifaU
on tho wounded oollectod in the village at
Hadeouv. Retreat waa obhipelled in the dl
rcotlon ol Balgariana. Tbo contingencies
resulting from thla battlo are ominous. .
C,hlcAgi, Aug. 2. Tho Tribune's London
special says a great battlo Is still going on at
Boftoha. The blow etruoka' tpo Vlb corps
by Osman Paaba at Plovha on tbo 29lh waa
so severe that the 11th corps, on the out
sklrta'of RuBtobuk was, oompelled to move
70' miles west. It was not' until vestnrdav
that tbo Russians wero prepared to renow
the engagement, At that time the entire
fbroo of the RusslanH slated of about 65,000
men. They woro drawn up In throe columns
on tho plain bcaldo the rtvor Tida. Tho or
dor waathon glton to advnucn an Boftoha,
where Osman Pasha, with 50,000 men, was
entronohed behind hastily thrown ttpoarth
works. Great ombHrr'tnnmont was caused
by tbo tardiness of tho artillery train, whloh
oouid bo drugged through tbe mud with tho
greatest dlllloulty. A halt waa mads on tho
heights tiviirlnoklng.Snftciia, and upon tho
spur jutting from tbo rldgonnooouldaoo tho
whlie'ienta of the Turkish army herded by
tho titer llo boyond the town. An attack
waa decided ou at all linaards, and the artil
lery was brought Into position. Tint' llrnt
roar of cannon wsa promptly echoed from
the Turklaii eiitronohmenHij then began a
most furious attlllory tlueli In tho tnklHt nf
thla, tho order wait given to storm" tho posi
tion. In nocordauco with tho usual Russian
tactics. Gallantly .Sol man's Cossaekn of tho
O.h corps runbid to tho attack, down tho
road, undor sholler of k ulnuil of Aiuoko.
Pur it long Umo tho lighting wm almost
hand to hand, tho Turku making frequent
anrtlea from behind the shelter of the red
cross. Tho attendants wero umtblo to carry
off the wounded, an fearful was the slaugh
ter, when at lat the order wan given torn
tire, and tbo Ruaalan guna'gradually ceased
tiring. Tho Turka did not follow, up their
success, evldoutlyeipectlng a ronowal of the
attack on tbo morrow. Tbo total loss of thn
Russians, so' far, Is not less than 8,000 killed
and 6,000 wounded. This la evidently an
other account of the battlo of Plevna, men
tioned In tbe preceding paragraph. Kol
. Constantinople, Aug. a Layard, tho lirlt
lob' representative bore; haa advioea confirm
log tbe Turkish yloterlea at Plevna. The
right wing numbering 40.000, waa all engag
ed. .1
Layard also baa news of aa Irrnortant
Turklab sneeeaa near K-kl Baghrai Tbe
Raaalaaslnat aoveral rubs, add the Turka
oooaptedZeklBagbre l
Tbe Porte haa the following, official ejuv
patehi The' Russian v Tueaday, attacked
Raouf Pasha at Kski Seghra, ' lighting for
ae,vaa. hours. Raoaf Paaaa retreated apon
Karabanar, JiMSaltlBM..PjMha comisg aa
reaaJaed the venaiy, a- rfematared liakl
BaghTa, capturing aeveral gdbaT" '
7, Loaden, Aug. 8 A Buebaeat oorre.ptin'.
deat;,talsgrapblngi aaya .tbaiievoMlreeeatly
engaged at Pievna, have retired, behind the.
yeas river, ine loin aiviaioa ortnerpBrtb
oofps ia eroaslng at Slaanltaa and will proba
bly reinforce them. . All tbe scattered Rut.
slan troops now iu the prinal pal kle; have
been summoned Into Bulgaria, I pnderetand
the Turks are not advancing eastward from
their PJevna position, but are passing atrong
lorcee rrom rievna Bonawaru toward
oa, iM .
Berl'n papers consider that tbe battle pnta
anendto all bono hf tormla'ating the war
thla year, and leaooDH theohanoeNof Inter
vention by Austria or Kngland.
London, Aug. 2.A Tirnoya dlsptteb says
the Rnaslan Grand nuke haa already started
for Plevna. Preparations are being made
for a great effort. to retrieve the' recant mis.
fortune. The situation Is evidently serious.
Aa long as the Turks nold Plevna, the armv
oorpa bire cannot be further weakened to
reinrnrce ueti. uonrka.t And mere are some
doubts whether bn will be able to retain bis
ad vanned position beyond the. Balkans.
Berlin, Ang. 8 The Himalan minister of
wardlreotHtbe army oorpa, not yet mobilis
ed, to fnroish a division eaob to tbe fighting
army, to bo at once dlspatohed to the Jn
RoasUn Jnnrnaladony that the' Casr has
atnctlornd the dooreo calling tbo landwebr
to colore, pecfuse there is a law providing
other U, ,'
Kraoronui,' Ang. 8', The Rnsan. center,
rein for ord by 14 battalllons nf infantry 'and
three field batturlea, baa resnraed theoffon
slvrt. Thero has been onntlnuun fighting on
the Hdvaucetl linos before Kars, ,0(m,
Tergoaokaxaoff baa also been reinforced by
Ave batuttliotis of Infantry, one battery and
a reglmont of dragoous. The Russian .right
is.marcoingon rem.
Athens, Aug. The Greek foreign mln
litter bail )ut a dUpatoh to tho minister at
Constantinople Instructing biin to verily the
auogeu inHSsaeres at Knvarna nnu, u uie vie-
Itms am U reeks, to demsntl full rrdreas aud
indemnity, ns well im efficacious guarantees
ror inHHecurity ori;nristians,
Hlx'een thousand rifles liavo arrived froji
Austria. A regiment ot onglueers 'oft last
night for ltmia and Knottier point on tho
frontier. War In miislderod probablo.
IJelera-Je, Aug .'I I'rlnco Milan basorder
fd 3,000 iiillltl-ioiit to solas a frontier guard,
and lurtlitr empowering the mlnUter to
make the neneiisary purohasea for bringing
Urn supply of war nuterlal to im full com.
pleint nt.
Chk-.go, Aug. 3. Tho Jnter Ocean's rm
don special tys : Thero is qulto a Jubilant
feeling here on ao-xmnt of the Turkish vlcto
rli. The fiot Isreoognladd that ho long as
there In a Russian dif aster there Is uo dat.gcr
of RnglUh intervention, If potnlble, Osman
Pasha may take advantago of tho disorder
and confusion, and etftict a Junction wlili
Mahomet All at TJrnova, and crn-b thn force
nf tho Grand Duke concentrated at that
golnt. On tho other hand, if General Km
dener haa held his ground, tho itusaian Iomn
may r confined to the ant'ial number Aor
du combat, and reinforcement can bu push
ed forward which will enable him to renew
the attack, Ia thatoaso.ouly a diversion In
Ostaan'a favor by Mnbemet All could save
the former from defeat. It is believed that
tbe. latter, who la In communication with Oa
eaa throuah OonaUntlaoole. will nreas for-
sjrard agkinat Tirniir.
ire Loeoa xiaaee eunataers tnat uie
weekS wk awtaai either tbe proaeoutlon of
tlMwwwUalaaeAsuatiylaereaaed forces end
attU-faMtt etaWwra reaolatloa on the part of Rna
ataorelsetbeacqalesooooeof that power In t .
a failure whloh changes all ita relatione te ,
Ita neighbors. Some Important move, on
the poll loal ohess board- aro .now. expected.
Tbo mnro pressure the CW fools the more
he will bo Inclined to nammon to hla a'd the
lesccr nationalliles. Austria has shown that
sho holds the fato of the Ilulgsrlan cam
palgn in her bands. Tbo (.lightest menace
on her part would compel tbo Rutalana to
reoross tho Danube and conquer 1 ho Austri
an army bofore they could niocred with their
operations against the Turks. For tbo time
being Kngland Is out oMhnrnnne of tbe
compliottlons, and can afford to remain
Quiet Molomr aa there U n. nrnatiMntlnf th
continental powers having to defend their
national Interoats,
liondon, Ang. 3 A Bl. Petersburg dls
patch pays: In aidlilou to tho rnaorvea
whloh, alnce tlie oommeiiconient of ttho war,
have been continually sunt snnthward..tho
w hob) 'Imperial guard has beu ordered to
prepare to proceed to Butusrla. The first
detaqhuient will start, in a few days. ; , ,,
.A oorrespon'deht at. Varna leleirrapba under
dale 6! August 21 a followr.; d(teratl.ms'of
tho lluasianalln OobrudNoh hate come to' a-'
pcrroct stsndftlll. While ono of their eil 1
umna stands on the high, road from Medjl.elje j
to Billstrial the etcoiid and main column
which bad advanced towarda BiWdllk. hla
ngairi retired to MerlJIdlM I .
SU t Peterapurg, Augr4 Tab akaso ina
been issued ordering the Immediate,, moblll. .
Mtlon or tho entire oorpa of Imper(aV Guard'
and aeveral other divisions.' A1 msjor" por-1
tton of the Imperial Guard and aoaie ftfthe
divisions are, to Join tbe .army, in BalgarUj.
without delay.. The remainder go, to rein
foroe the1 army of the Oeuatsut,' Another
ukao signed by the Caar'at Bleta, July 2M,
nrdera a levy or 18800 landwebr. The lev
ies meet with much enthusiasm.
Chicago, Aug, 4. The Tribune's Iiondon
speolal aitys; To retrlovethegreat dUaHterof '
Loftohn and Plevna has nnw tMoomo an Im
poratlvo neoesslty for tho Kusslan comatan- "
dor-ln-chlof, for reasons (xillllcnl sa well as
strategical. Gloom and forebodings 1)11 the
Russian press, end tho peoplo aro haunted
with tho dread of coining evil. It may bo
taken for graitlid lhat tho Huslan govoru
mentwlll I'Uoo their laat reulment In tho
Held. Thrro la n pr(WH.ct for ono of tho
most fletcely cuntt-stetl wars Kuropo has ov .
Jluolianisl, Aug. D Thn Turkish division
from Ixratn ooouplrd Melyl iinuppoeed.
Turkn'tit Plevna received a rolnforcemont of
4,000 Albanian cayalrv.
Runalan fnroea am between Bolvl and Tlr
nova, holding strong oCintvn pnxlilona,
Gen, Gourka la charged with thn rlutv of
liroteollng tho anuthorn ou'luts of tho Bal
kan pssAoa. . ,
Vienna, Attgnt5 Btrateglraily 1)10 most
Important iiown from the seat ol war Is tho
occupation of Bolvl. Thla expisos Tirnova
and the pifas. General Gourka's rnrpa la
said to be short of provisions and ammuni
tion. RuUiohuk Is no ionuer Invfsred from
tbo land else, and communication with
Bhtimla opened yealorday.
' Chioago, Aug. 6 The Tlmee' London.,
apeelal says It Is asserted that Hu-sla la try-
Ing to secure Intervention by tome third,
power, and that Austria, Inctfgated by Ger
many, will lend her influence iu aiding Rus
sia to secure peace.,
a. t-ora oorretponaent assorts mat, muiai
man Pasha la pnablug the Huaslahs, and
will annihilate tbeta.-. It ia tboughtuoth the
Turkish arm lea In the north are oloslnr in
ou the Russian l(ne, with every proepeotof
anboess. -Only Intorventton dr'a nilrauiilnua
victory! will save tbe Ruaslana flora deatrud-'
tlon.GeraauiBeallaientki growing boekUe
to Englod..BUd high, authority at Barlla
aaya her pot toy' aa to, occupation of tbe Dar
danellea will net be permitted.
",'' UATfJHDATMlOHT. . ' -
1 . With what yarjlng emotions we watched '
theeoBtlng weekaMohlldhood bloaannia In
to, youth, aa yowb maiuiea to maahnod.and
as manhood'-prlmedeoMoealntolhe, feeble
steps of age. 'Until at iat wearied life looka.
wltboat regret' to Ibi coming of that Hatur
day Night of rest' where the ahadowa
of death fbalt.be lifted and usher In the Life
Kiernal. That would beawoary.llfe iadeed, .
that ceuld know- rid cjoae, bMt live on to see
auveesilve geseratkms oomeandtoand the '
world grow more tbroaged wltk.pepple and
yet bave every klodred tie grow weaker.and'i t
man grow stranger. Da, we ever .atop to.
think when' Baturdsy Night ;haa' come:
Where do earth's mdllona sleep to-nlgb?
AfoanybomeleaaTi Do any huager.for the
bread we tdrowawey,? There le.a.ChrUUIn
legend, banded down to na from the' day
tbat wltneaaed OhrisiM passion on the mount '
ofcruol8xtlon,,of one who' la alnoe Iben a
wanderer. Aatbe Bavlour carried bis groan ,
np the weary way to Calvary, tbe weskneaa
of his humanity, refused to' bear R 'longer
and bo asksd to rest .upon a stone before the i
door wayofSaiathlel, who drovo blin with
cornea aud rnpoMh'ee. "Thou shall wander,
su the earth until I return" were the words
with -whloh Christ answered bim aa he pia
aed onward to ,ha inajrtydom. And from
thenceforth there remained .with Balatlilel
a vision of that oouatenanoeol reproach, that
crown of thorns, that fori bowed and bent
with tbe load of mau's Iniquity, represented,
in hla cross. ObrlstdledandHalaUiiel liyod,
When a century weighed,lilrn.do'wn be saw. .
the Roman legions oamp atrant Jerusalem
and when dotUU, finding .a iiil'llon Jewish
ylotlms, still passed bim by. he.aaw the glo
rious temple destroyed ,amr the plow share
furrow the sight of the sacred1 cltyi Then
the Jew lull poopio all became wanderers, but
to tbe roattlmo at laat brought a resting place ,
even though it was but a rave In a rorelga
laua', but to Halalhlel It brought only new
wanuunugs aim .1111 oinr ceuitiriesor un
rest. He saw Imperial Rome ami watched
Ihodlstruotlon or the Roman Kniplre. Kor
twenty ounturlea ho has haunted the maroli
nfariiiiiisHiid bus walked with a oharinnd
life through neenes of pestUeuoo. 'I'lin that
made him obi and bowed at four,score, b twa
bim no more now than then, and all mat Is
lull for bim to do Is to wander throtnth ovury
rone, to know every toiiguoand every peo-
tilu and bo himself forever hoinelet-s mid nn
mown. Prom tho old world lie has pat-sad
to tho now, and if the story can Im received
as history ho may to night claim a resting
ntitco of us. Wo aro taught by thn loireud to
be ever merciful. Tho ui'Xit powerful tloiiou
ever written recites the story of tho Wander
lug Jew" and has Immortalised the iiiune
or Kugene Hue. The millions who havo
read it cannot refuse a eympathy with Dm
sury that will make tliem unwilling to doubt
thalHalathiel Htill waudora aud Walia lor the
earning of tho Lord.
Albany Inatitata. ,
Prom thn Albany Register wo team lhat
tho Albany Collegiate liiatltuto la to begin
HeptS'l, Tho teachers for tho next yearsre
Kov If . W. Btratton, President; L.J. Powll,
Professor of Matbomatloa and N.tturul
Holenoe; II. IT. Hewitt, Profussorof Aneleut
Languages; Mlae Clara Prloe, Preceptereas;
Miss Dora Kallnger, Professor of Uo.uian;
Miss Nettie Piper, Teacher of Inslramental
and Vocal Maale.aad Mrs. W.H. Pelere
Teacher of Drawiag and Painting. Tbe
Trustees will bwy, thia year, a set of philo
sophies! apaanttu.
! ;
1 '!
j .