w V rJ i. r s 2 WILLAMETTE FARMER. tilfamttt armor. TtoSftfon Hacks. HAUCM, KBlbAYAUOUBno; IH77. H a: MI8SPEHT XVEMMGS. V 7? TIm boy who sptBrJiTBrj hour each nvonW lounging on the s'feet tofners, watte In the ooaree of a year Ibree 'bnndrrdhnd sixty flre preolons bnu'rs, which Ifapplledf to study, would fatollbula bin. with tile rddP menu or aiinoai m oLtne ramiiiarfeneaees. If, in addition to waatttrf; an boar eaeb fcvenj . Northers paeple, wbovjudg of ,thy negro race bythe Mrw eforesijMme.nsW Intelli gent Wrbenr and wallets' they mil home, alWays'tiaf their iheorleaM to tho'cenditlon and.fcftaabllltleaof the'race Budded!? unaat tMvan btbby ttnur, bt -r CaLAHIlL..St CRAIG, nrauastaas' Atro ruMlitni. a. A. CLABaXB. Wr CM Alj' tlleflhtB'tle)tjtndy thpure Afrlfca typca Tar-BuTa BWArtaAUat. ,C OMty, roe year jMntUkeera)...;,..., I3.se J Out sopy! UuMtlwSSm)"r.'.'.V vt - -.-....-..-.. ! I . .M . .. Illli.ll, In, be spends tea.centi for keijfaf . wliltl la usually the caAeythe raooftVltfto. werse than waated woujej payfor ton St the leesj. Ids periodical! ot the oountry.-,,' fcoya, Jhlfak of theae thbrfesv-' Tblfik of fctymrtfylma'' The gratification afforded "by ttye'ttungeon the eorner or a clear la nor on t terri foorarv. :bf pewim ilyrtmrtf01rtJfoorMnonmn)r" muni wiuoul seriously injuring your ee;'Tyera-HulrellTaflrrfaalrurbAb- ita.whlcn will, cling Jo you with eeeh auo- eeetftng-year.YoB-tnay In after life snake 'theM bofc the 'probabilities are' that ( ,tM(khllathBa Jormed will renals with Vtte i&eBUttona Ignorant' raggedy dirty Diacaf,-WHB eoanienadoes ao brutal aa to be plslv'taderBOftyenddotblng ao dtet guMJngiy4nddorouary andean, that tbolr; presence W Insupportable, llo weyer enthu siastically one may 'favor tbe prinolf lo of abn olf 11 right, he doea not want to ride. In a railway ear wlthjaoh pretluree 1m these, FortuDatefy heiBot obllaed to. rnrlhey ao Into tbe car-ytOYHKd Ibrthem' oflhelr' owb, aeJcW,BB'a;aee"tn lo nave' no deslre.fof the oOmpanypfthe 'whltea'OucaiUwUly a re Moiaoiy trreaaea-cejofMmwi of WoBbaa f1n'tbes4r'wY?H .hit tiUuJ a .j ,-. rFi. irvj r,rv rgtnrf oWa-flbTeWInrf; Color prejudice appear M ttftfowTr IrWIna- way. but tho ore- Judice -Bfatwt alose aasoolatlon with such dirty, bad-smelling people aa ate tbe major insKWMcjsri .rmw erccwawl-Kr;jerinmp'.juii left the I&wnr Rnda on the ', JPROalABLE PAT At AOCTDEMT., Mlaatirqeeday.weektMr.I)TldS. Ho- iy .wHaaw.fhiii Kon.eruM)ettea. fmbanoa llonta. -, s rr,r: Ti : ir.. ..r - ., ,r hud noM'to return 10 ine vauey. in vojag dowajteep pitch, about two mllee frttai tbeeprlagg, the buggy ran'ou to therhorie, Inauoh Aaanner aato eel him to kicking,. IiVklckNML the animal got one of his feet faetetoal 'ibntwMn the ilnalolrn an!.lMil'afi tue uaagy, when ne larneaaaort around ana apeei meyemcie. Mr. itoiana lumpeaont, nerall Inantr j of under UiCOBtraT of tHe8hlek.uMfclftrof,-Whb i , Wgh pHeet of the-MobamedanlMir Tne n.lt. .M'lolnfrnlall(Ml f rottt, the ' DfO- knowu uadet nlena." ane.fUieBQa" are an TIAlfl PIOMMER FRUIT DRYERS.. -' ratete4 April 1877. MffiMitl without aeeldent.. Mr, R4lHoh whttv,waT driving, waa throws, out, and. MugHtrKSertbe wagoh.' tbV'hbrae VetUnr '" unEEea hb .kikud inu jar. iiamiaoi e.yp. .to .your .dying day. Be warned, then,' "lthW.and Veaoiv? that, aa'the'hoar orient ''iildiVfeeaa'hM'kone fdreVei1, yod Vill Im prore eaeh paaalng one, and thereby tit your v aelf or( uaefunleaa and hipplnww. ' A'pknphletby M. Laaarewnkl, which faae been lued from the Ituealan MlnUtry of tbe Interior, nlvra a formidable aMjoont of the'ravRMtjf wolvna. from'wbloh It annoera ' that In European' IIumI alonb about Wo.OOO s of tkeMbeMtaarebarbored.ansMberwblob ahewean,lnoreaiie rather than a diminution . daring the lat decade. In, the three yeara ( ending In 1861 125 trmaJ were killed by c the wolve. and in 1875 101 pertmne ruet their dealt from the tame caose. ' OflTioiif leporU , aha.w that erer , year about 180,000 head of urye annual ana uuu.wu ncan or email fail Tletlaia to thfifa maranderat but theae num- ' bent are InHdraaatealnoe maoli deeiruntloa , lawro-Jglitwhroh la not officially rrportetl,' The female wolree neurlih their young on fowl, and In the .one government of Kimii they dUpoaoofaome 11,000 gwwo annually: b,l(bM(iN,'they-klll at li 100 00l doga lit , tho Mint time, and altogether com Kurnrx-an Ituii'a , bout 60.000 OCO-roubloi per annum At lnt tlio ImlKirn hiivo mjintithlrig to bn inaa nlxiut. Jor ho, lu fuot itvernliirH Dlok got tlit jti r liat-bund wo Iihvo nil hcHnl of, iiid iiiMimchH or ii:ii4rH nan itticn tqiuiiy jirovorl IhI hiii) IntiiplloHlilit. Hut thin yciir h H("i.ii I lint nil tint litlilonuliln oiiUi of IiOitiloii, vtltli oiiii ncooril mill without n -vord or wnrnlnir, Imrn irlvcii up tntrliig whllo liHtM. UiiiMlly, vvhllit hull tnuiii oil In Knglmiil lit ICpsoiil hiiiI AikiI, km (liny n Now Yorli Ml l tin llroknri Itonnl In Juno. unit nil tint huull ),iii(l(iii hnttiirx, tlilnklMK tint vtoild lolioHtUI rotolvhif; on HhhxN, (IiIh von r lultl lit lliclr tixunl htijiply. Not ono line li(4in mild; itud Million, Autlro, Itjnoolii luid lionuol njtil tlui rent of tlimu tnur tlmlr tintr in luilpIimrK. Nobody can xplnlti the phenomenon, hut at IiiiihI It Iikh Ikcohih, true, fiir.iincn in a way, tlml thcro Im nobody in all lmIon aa inwl aa the hattera. I ?XfJ"iaBw)Hoa tsegroeamay brexpEWpfblaw-l: ed to continue for all tlm. Tbe white at tbe South nay tbatali 'negroei .will ateal, bat thle U ah extravngant genor allaatlon, for every white man or woman who repeal! thl common eaylng will, If fjoestioned, admit to baring known colored people who were aorupulouNly honest. Ney erlheleea, it cannot be denied that tho blacks aa.i'cliM arc muoh more glvon to etoallng tiian the poor icnorant whltm. Hnnih.m prlaona' Und penltentlarloa aro full of no groea, and in more than one Southern Stato there la aaerioua agitation In favor of rovlv. Ingthe whipping poataaa punishment for Iheftj to relieve the community from tho heavy burden of so many priaonora. I have found convincing evldenee that the heavy preponderance otblackaoyerwhltM In coun ty Jalla and Slate prlaon la not tbo reanlt of any uufalrneaa on tbo part of Judge and Ju ries In the trial or the formor. In addition to proof of this given In former letter, I may cite tho UluHltislppI Stato prison, which under llepubllcan administration, htid on Its' rolls about one thousand oonvlots, only ono tenth of whom woro whltof, and now has about two Ihou.iniid (effect of Itnprovodad mlnlNtratlon of Justice), hut MhowHiiochanKo In tint proportion of Mucks lo whiles, aiid tun lo ono being mill tho nitlo. In most of Hid old r-lrtVoSlHtcsuliirKO number, not all, of tho couvlots nn hired out to ciintniclorN to worn on riiiironiK, levoin, uniUiliiiilittloiiH. The system Is not it good ono fuT vorreolloii hiki uKoii'iinn, out lluiMlAloi ii ro loo poor to build prbons lrgo onougti to hold nil tho iifKroiNguniy oi griitui larceny. MvetaThWs-"t)Iorehe waa atopped.-, AJ-, tbotMtb no bones were broken. Mr Ralston, paWlthtbe"shopk! given to the aystem,' !t1a thought that1 he ciunotrefcover. ' ii i i 1 1 f .TtMGaUipikl Sentinel ,aayt;' 0;r!nBay OrtrfnaWTtha .'chaeaaltahBii'to'-Bt. Mary'alaemyiaUhtalAW-iallerf to oetlaVwUBJafcoBllltWaaembled, (A Wltaaa the recep'loat oYtbe-blaok veil by two young lautea- in tae noviuateoi: tne ur deroftbe Moot Holy "Kamee of Jotua and aiary. very Kev. J. r. Kterons, V. O. cele- wnAara Ba,1a-rtart taAy.. IE of ConBtaritlnoDle, to be cl then Mol labs or. MltifliU .Both of' these classeB are euuea ted'n the wtme colfegee, and to through' yirfy BimllarBouraeaof ntudy.; Thue, the; Boa,Diwe.eHuer,prie8i8 or rawyera 'ACteftWentWineiaw fi-aosK itAcniKRS arb. x-aon on tbBocouioa"raMtatedby- ebau.. Alter tne bosdoI the Verv rif nrnAnhnl Al vnrv, 'fiatftinllvA ertnon'on the dutlea andreaDonstbilltles of a religions life, explaining the nature of tbe vowa taken and the dudes Imposed In tbelr observance. , The discourse was IIsIobikI to with marked attention and was one of tbe vicar General's happy discourses. Thoyoung ladles who look the final vowa were Miss Alloa Dunn, formerly of Salem, and who will hereafter be known In rellnlon aa Sister Mary Flavla, and Miss Margaret Connor, of si, raui, whom name in religion is aister Mary Matthow. A SooceMful JonraX. "The West Shore" for July has been Is sued and la a most excellent nnmber. It oontalna thirty-two pagos, and over forty Il lustrations, among which are engravings of Carey Castle, tbe Postoffice, tbe Custom IIouso and other public buildings in Victoria II. 0 Mount Hanler, Mt. linker, Tumwater Falls, Tahlo Hock of Southern Oregon, eto. The profile of whost prlcoaat'Frlsoodurlng ina taat vu lis mnrttit lilnr tsl Imah 111 a bd taaoft tjii j ii n in Btwuivtiaaiia, iuit,vivin This volume abounds In excellent original and aooleoted reading matter, and If tbe pub lisher, Mr. .Samuel, meets with half tho financial success his lournallntlo unlornrlso deserves, bis will bo a bountiful harvest in doed. Such a publication Is truly nn honor to tho Stato, A Dakota WiiKATKim.ii.-Mr. Oliver I ry in pie, of Hi. l'sul, WbII kuoen as a gteat wheat grower lit iMIiiuimmiIa, baa Im nod hla atteutlou to Dakota, and In oonueoilon wUh MeMrs.jUeorgo W. Ueaa, Mw York, anal IV II, Cheney, IJoaton; have oneuml a fataa aouia twenty miles weit of Kargo, near the station of Cassation, oomprlnliiK sixteen sections, or 18,2t0 acres. About ,0fO aorea of Mla Is now In wheat. The foioo on this atala Include, fur thle years' operations, eighty bnre, thirty wagons, firly stlrrliiK plows, twontyalx breaking plowa, seventy Larrows. twonly-ouo aeedera, thirty mi If. binding harvesters, and five steam threshing machine. Tho aro under cultivation will be extended jesr by year, and It Is expected during the next tlireii esrs that the whole alxlet it srotlona u III, ho brought under suu ouaaful culllvstlou. We have learned to Jest at gpei by mak ing free use of camphor. We give to a ohluken In a vry tmd vsno a pill the s'so of a gardrn Ma, As mhiu ns wo we sj tiit,)ius orgspos wo give tho birds water lo drink wiiini is s,ironniy iiupreKiistHl wi n turn, phor, thus giving to the uhlckans that which was a favoilte iiiiullcluo with our grealgraud mothers, camphor Julep." Tho treatment awma to explain Itself. The gspss or gap. Ing Is cauoMl by the presence of small red wutmsln the wliulpliie, No medicine can reach them unless It doea so by var. An hotir after the vhlekon has swallowed the pill, Ik unells of camphor. Camphor Is a vary strong vermifuge, and Irn orms die.. It la fotlnd that the anny osti be pretty well fixed wlthoat tlwi assembling of con-' JreMtlll Ov'lnber. It will, be paid la July st. and the first regular pay day tbtresfur will be Sentember' 1st.. That navtaont will berpd,'but befote tho sfmind day ar rives (November ll), CongrtHS ran iriaka provision for It, and this can be done In ad vance oflho eoinpletlon of the sp.nprla ti.ll), by voting the sNclllusiiin nuoosHary lo Uieet the uy printer for, thiiiliiio. .A man In Wilmington tilled a sprinkling fiot with houtliio, soil dNiiipenml the csrpttt n his parlur wiu It, as uolectliui sksIiihi moths. (m Ketierivh.il br ilitt b.tiistnttoMiH. ed a vlolunt i x'Iiihoh, killing tvto woinun who ere In Hie siuiiineiii. PI. .MB ..III I. IIBMM WWM llr.Ai.N ami Mi'rici.t: -Men whti tt-io llictr imiHfltt liiiiiliio Hint nioit who iim their liriiliiHiirohlraiiccr.'itiiliiiKl work. Nhvit xmih thoto it proaltT irlMiiKo. IJvcty MttT(",iiil tiii'ivhaiit tines ittuni rt'ttl IiiiiiI wotlc lit Hit (lot ton .vcur.-t of his htislnt'.-M fitrrt'r limn it fitincr or IiImcUmiiiIIi ttvet (Iroatiit'il of, IM tlio tip your itiiml lo work otirly mill Into IT ttOfCKsiiiy, tlint yon tuny lliorottjilily iiiiihtt'rt'vciyilftiiilofil o l)(iliitsiiioii whlcli yon ihojkimi lo (tttor. Tlit hulill of iKT'liltittl, r.iplil worlc i nice I'orin oil, yon Imvc KiliU'tl :i iiioiiti'iittitn (lint will curry you viTy.siu'ccWiilly llironuli inanv n pinch In biiniiti'hs wlioro n l-s IKT-lHtcnt win leer wotiM llnil It vuMly ctislci- In llo down nntl fill. Ottr Imiiihm tiro lllco mti.ftMl Instm ntonlH: l)it etrlni;-i Unit kIvo itnmo or limnl tiro tin inctnUTrt. If cttch in rightly titlunctl they will vibrato In Imrnii'iiy, lint a MnKloUl.siiml.uit Hiring J.tm UtroiiKh tho liistrtiniont und ties lniy its wootncs, "A lmhy," wtyM a recent Krottch wrl ter. U an miikuI what wlnj!t lUvrcuu i It.s Iriji Incrcahc. It nrny wiill lu doubted, hs I Mild bofore, II on lint whole, tho negroes urn nmkiug Miy siibsbinilal pmgtiwi. They urn In the best condition In Huutlous horo thn whiter pro domlualo, whllo In regions whero tho blHolt lopulntlonlN proporiioiuitely luuvleHt they arc. barely one remove from African harbor Ihtn. They snenk tlui Kiigllah Ihiiuuhkii and iMuii'sn n reiiuiou uiii. IS liumtlmlly Uhrlrtt- Ian, but In I heir ways or living they lire on MttitUlly barbarians, atlll. To glvoihom ik lltlral UKoendanuy over tho wtilim was tho most boirlbly grotewuvtxperliuent ever tried lu Iho lawr HOomuinni. The oil ly hope or their gelling forward In tbo path of civilisation, with anythlnit like rapidity, lies In the prospect that the tide ol emigra tion will aoon be dt fleeted from the West to the South, and tbo whites, thus reinforced by large number a of settlors from tho North- cm HlaUs and Kuropo,wlll become as'dom luant In tiBmberaasthoy am now In Intelll. genoo. Hie negro appeara capable of origi nating and developing no fruits ofclvlllra tlou' llnin his own' nature tho white man must sow the seed. Now York TViMirio. 'i Few people know that thoru aro hardly twenty genuine Newfoundland dogs in tho United SlaUwi, Tho nsmo aud breed aro so -j)utr and familiar that (o all but an ex tremely small minority the axsqrtlon will ap pear absuid. NovertheloM it (a at r lolly cor rect. The thoroughbred Newfoundland dog has boon gradually losing bis Identity through inUoeiionetlon, Tho eoorvt or his fast approaching extinction not being more easily observed , Ilea In tho fact that after a mixture of breed between a Newfoundland and any other speolea, moro of the form and cbaraclorUthvi of tho lormer descend to tbe ult.prlng than occurs in any other Instance of luterbroedlng among doga. On this ao count animals that have hardly two-thirds of the genuine breed In them, and which are really One sptelmtnt, are frequently boasted of as splendid Newfoundland dogs. If he bo still living, an old man known a "lUity" Sullivan lu the island from which the don derives its name la tho laat surviving pro erver of the unmixed breed of Newfound land dogs. Several yeara ago tho wilier lanlsaw him, rind then the old mau wsa msstcrnf llmUl genuine epoclnumsof the noble tloga. Old "lUtty" bud thtu about fifteen lull grown pets looking us big us Mliellar.il xnlet perfectly web-footed, with iiiHtwlvn psws over three inehns III tllsineler, sod heavy, goiy, iMtnl blsek curls till over. Very fe nidi huvu siieli frsnk sntt hourst f .(', ss llioxK ejtlt'Uillil In uli poieHii. Ilydiopholitit l iioWnovMi iimoii thepuie bieeil. "II fy" iiisilo u living liv felling hltdohsl li lilklh plloe nltli('hliiXiUNit.y to Smii.h hhiI I'onuuutv-o e. cnpl.iliiH llo Hlning'ilv iioiiiintl thn pn (illicit of nnr belling i iiisloiiud feiiialo lo ontt jiurcliuber. Camp Croak Mlnluu Company. Tho annual tiioetiug of the Camp Creek Gold and Silver Mlulng Com puny vmih held In Salfiinonthe evening Qf July 3Ict. Tho Directors oluctod to servo for tho ineulnir your aro John Kelloy, It P Kirhnrt, Ii (I. Whltobniian, Oonrgo A. 12.1o, A. Uumor, William Wuldo, and II. M. Thutcher. Win. Waldo whs elected .'resident and Geo. A Kilos, Secretary still Treasurer. Tho placn or business Is located In Slom.' Tho com puny Is well nri:Hiil2ed, and owns lvo mud clnltns, and vlnlins on four (11 lie rent quarts', lodes, all of which ))ropect well. Tho company, for thn prrsunt dtolluo to put any fetock, on tho mnrket. Frospsetlng. Mr. J. II. Klward, of St. Paul, allnnosota, proprietor or tna lttwant Harvester auu ''MlnneHota01ilel"SepBrstor, Is visiting the Stato for tho ptirooHo of looklns the country over, with .arltw of establlBlilug an agency in the Norlliyst, next- sem. rTho Vrluct-, -ik"mu,t "' u uowiiii.iisu cither at Salem or Portland, as the l.wor'-- '-" adapted to reach tho farming community of Hie valley. Mr. K. lell by the down mail train this r.M., and will visit Walla Walla boforo returning home, Come to Stay- From tho fact that tho new steamship line between Portland and San Francisco, has leased, for a term of vosrs, tho liolladay wunri ai ni.ircit, iv la pruuauiu iiiai iijo company will make the now lino a tlxturo. As an Inducement for them to do so, our m er otisms aud shippers should sco thai they get a fair share of thn carrying trado of tho val ley, to and from San Franclsoo. Any Infor mation as to rates and proposed dates of sail lug cati bo obtained of J. McCrakeu A Co., Portland. -iT7lo'ma.nhftvo crcat privilege" ahd aro a'gort or,caste, or -aristocracy. Theydannat-have to pay taxes ,' tholr property laiiereUltary in ineir iamiiios, and canriot 'e-8Ciw "7 inepiuic s .w Wriiorre!Bcred, and thoh blood can n6tbhd, and they are exompt fpm illiafyB4Hi?cet ., ' ThoooHegeatwhere.thaSoftaaarwevlur 'AM arovcalleI VfMaslrMMhaJ'ild aro ttthnimi in.tiift vsriotwrMoelem monaa- fnrino in nnd near Oortstatititlonle I andas the HttttlenlB arc lodged and fed free, in houses fQUitdeoUlX.PlouiilDhammedii8r nnri nrn Mesrineaio Become bo uuwuiiui, very large numbers of young Turks enter themselves ss 8oftas. There used to be in Turkey a class of military men called Janissaries, who were wont to revolt against tho Sultan, and sometimes deposed and executed' him. These were put down early In this centu ry, nnd the part they played In overthrow ing Kiiltans. nnd forclucr chances of gov ernment, seems to havo passed Into thn bands or this liair-ruilglous, naii-iogat body of the Softns. Tho llrst article of their creed, and thu first motives of their actions, Is unalter able devotion to the religion of Moham med. Tho second. Is their tcboIvo to maintain tho Turkish Entplro without tho loss of a foot of territory. They de posed Abdul Aslz because they suspected him of being too much Influenced by the advice of foreigners; and Murad, hecauso they deemed him mentally Incapable of defending the Btate ; und, ubovoull, tho religion to which they are fanatically de voted. They aro fanatical, fierce, and domineering, and their possible Influence upon tho Mohammedan population of Turkey Is so much feared, that neither tho Turkish Parliament nor the Sultan think it wlso to opposo their demands. UNSORPA88KD BT ier tm Drying oh-PrewrrlnB fniu anc tfbardUTerrnt ttes, namely: vWia-nat-Mrrcr-caDsdur of V bublof spot per honr price $ V Tkejamall FaiaaUr Dryer capacity of IV sbaahatat pr mmrprlce 1B TaM-aTaalslIr-Kryer-cipsdty of 9 bnfhela , per baart-prtcs - -IC Tkv'Fawtory. Dryer-capacity of 8 bashers Ipsr boar piles ' Tba'ia Dnara trera awarded the Centennial Medal andniplomasthnaderpnlsln IBSfl, Alto, tho Oold M dslot taa State oIQrMNln for ItfTO, for exccllenet of flavor, color ant osadltton of Fruit All sizes 'coaitantlr oh hand and farntihed ou fiort- eftaottce. I '. JTarm auaal Coauitr Ittchlu for sale. - nr farther, part Icotars and deeriptTe catalogaa. adOrest ' W. 8. PLDMHKR, Pataates and attnnfacturer. JeUtf 1 East Portland, oregoa. im Half Brother to Caledonia Chief, thr fastest Trotting StailloB In Canada. fllred by Ilnwe'a Hnral Qcorge. Dim by old Ilarka wsy, tho celebrated Irlah Blood Horse.' wlU stand rs Marcs lu ast Portland. At h HUblc of JOHN'SHAYBIt, from April 1BU. the Mare la known lo be In osl. $96 for IhoSea aoa. payablo at the thno of service. u JOHN HEDMOUD. March SO, 1877. JOHN MINTO. aaaxoan or MERINO SHEEP, ea- N0TICK. I will pay $Wi, In gold, prntnlutn for tho best "Illsck Strsni?or" colt oxhlhltod at tho Stslo Fair this fall. J. W. Nksmitii. WHEAT AIVB OATS Chopped iuto Feed, ar-ox Ox.oTontli Toll. ...Auu ... Sasli, Boors, Bliiads, 3VtoxxlcIdba.p;ei, Turnlnpr. stair work, dtvilHfradH. ISiirciuiN, MaiidN, TablcN, FANNING MILLS, .lnl all klndN ol Furnlluro, At n f D-nOt.lC ritll'Xii Rhjp s Apical nl Vik vuivinhFiiiiini lwJ B UKmiSB-i. arlnr Dartlc Intcrcated that thav ran. inH ulll ic..TSJ Vt,j.S,1.8.heI) of lh mo qsallly snd vstno at MUC1I ClIBAPKIl ItATKH than such can po-ribb- uo unponod. jtziinlnstlon aud comparianu with oth er oncvp uuuruu in uiu isarss. aro coiaiany inniwL. Addruaa " Jllirv win'pii JOHN MINTO. .r .. . . . . PaJem, Orcroa. N. H. The Ihuns and lUm Lsmbi of the ttik caa borcrnou tho I3LANJ) KAKM, adlnlntni; halem. The Kwea can bu ori at tha aame ptae, cr at tks HILL VAItM four autl n hull mtlvs sooth orthecltr, Hatcm, Bcptomber 10. 1873. Farms and Land ioi Sale. TOKFBIt VOll 8 tl.K ONK l'AIIM, 320 AOIIKti; inn acres In cnltlvtt en, ucmd (irrlmnl. Mint cilon tho l'lca-siit lllllritvl. abont !1 inllia fnim Kuflcne pity. Alo, nliout 1I0U nrrc rf MlXlil) LAND, nmiMif llioltfatatlry ami hearer ('mil l.aml In His rounty. n roudcd t,j hill am) hrtieh ami. Tim or four t cry pno.l frin n bo mitdt out of It. Good place fur s colony. Want 1 1 nll tho w Im e lot tOKtth vr. Thin Land Uhllu.ituJ hi Lino comity, nliout . inllrafrom l'urciui Oily, sns lx ititm Cri-vll. Jg8 Aildn V II litl.NN, AVpw City. DlMiitrM'sliIti iKiws lor KKilciilturla's and Hut Mll'llo I'Clil rally hss Im-hii riielvcd bv the HMilili l'(iiiiiilh!(iiitrn of t'tistitiiiH Tho COIuisilit iiii(t In (it Id Iikh i'ti illhoovcri'd In a lilnr Hiitto si llrmifii ntx.it uodds lirout;hl In in New Yolk, slid hpecluiMiN of inn iHHitto n.o ii(n seen atoiiior ptaros In f.Viliny, The tNiiiiiulMt. otittiH lme li-mcil i clioiilur In tint colbo ois of cuMcm Ht the ailotiH tuts In Iho Uiilifil KiukiIoiii, dlrtct Initthst liitiuotliiim slrosdy nfi lorde leotliiK Iho lftle bo wt imce applied to pots. tit's luipuiteil from llietnoii or any other pikco In llioOennati Kmplin, TravolInK on isilronds will so, n Ui as pleasant i's steiuuboattnir. In st'dlllon to their altepltiK cars, the Pullman 1'hIsco Car tVuipany lme rtu-tititly plaomt upon several cf our ltaillnu ralltsaa their hotel cars. In the (nrsiiiitt 011 tske hla imosIs pleas antly ss at a hotel. The sorbins of lhee o.inams whifOy sdjuuod a to eittlrsiynb lste all ilwiiKsr from the-ovettlow of llipjtda fioin Uie dishes, even wheu the tralu Is tun nluH at forty utiles an hour. ; tevero Aooldnnt, On Monday last, a insn hy tho nanio of ltoaty, at work for Mr. IowU Ssvskb, on Salem Prairie, In IibuIIor hay, met with a suvere aooldent, that will lay blm up for sometime. In Retting olf from a load ot hay he slipped on to ono of tho wooden pins lu Iho wauon rack, tearing and lacerating the fleshy parts of hkt loirs In a shook In ir man ner, tearing tho tlnsh In some places, clear from the bones. Ilia wounds were dressed by Dr. O. II. Hall, and with proper care he will Ket well In the course of time. Mitpla Hagar. We are Indebted lo Mrs. Frank Cooper for a piece of delate maple sugar, niado in tbe Western Iterservoof Ohio. It was Indeed a taste that took us wy back to the "sood old days of yore," when moonlight nights, with iLitruuil nf lollv lmtm mill irlrlt, wn Itavn 'drove out ot town to amsple bush," anil helled "sugar otf." A rural ftwtlylly that Me In Oregon know nothing about. Well Fixed. At tho meeting- nt Capital Fire KnglneCo, Nn. I, hldlt nluht. the TrtMNiirer niiImuII te.l ht rwrl, from which It tri. Httthi rolpi 'k in ill n i.. iturli ( tty,nr wa JiaJI titf !ld l" lh iiirn,-lunlt fttr the ,tr wm.WT . Ivi:, haunco in the irt:iiuj 'jl t hi. Thn annum' n hand rt' tl' l.jtti"lt .r oft' o mr " fit' oil It l'l Is, sm4 iIiki tlltt t'tinifotuy It hMiUtilg In k.1i.i. A COHI'I.KTK LINK Or -L. C. JLsl. JtJi .a! .- Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, impure, Etc., Etc. DEAR HORN'S, ON COMMERCIAL STREET, mmiu.va iiuocic, SATjEM - OREGON. horSI-H AcenU far the Wlllasaelte l'urmer. THU 'lUUKInll' SOt'lAS." Wo htvvo heard a Krcnt deal, ilnrinp; thu ptist your, of tho 'foftns" of ContnlN noplo, und tltolr (lollies there. It wits tho Sulttis who, about u.yonr tijo. etiivceilod in iloposluir tlui Pultun. Abdul AhIx. frttni tho tin one, unit coon after, his nephew nntl Mioccrsnr, Murad V. It was tiny who liit-Uteo Unit Midbat P.iliu klioulil bo (Iriiml Vizier, and who aaln threulvutsl thu throno ol Abdul llauild, when that ututtstuan wavillHiniB'd. Who tiro the Sottas, ami how is it that they have ho mueli power ut tho Turkish Capital r In order to tittderstauil this, wo must llr.-t wo what tho relation is between re llglon and elvll gmverumoiit In Turkey. The Koran U not only, like tho lliMo with ua, tho Turk's religious Inw Hiul guide; it la alBohlBpolltlc.il constitution aud charter, There is, therefore, an lull inuto connection between tho Turkish priests aud the teacbera of tho iolltlcal law. Tbo prlesta and law profoora com prise toother a eeparato class, who aro Albany................................... J s Hsnntn Amity ......... It LHlmpyon ('Ottawa (IroTO J 11 Hbortridite HolliruH jerr Uailt IlucnsVlfU Wm Wells, J W ItoMrt IlrownMtll w H Kirk llUttwllle JW Ru-hrldi-r CsnyouCtty D II lthlnrhsrt Canjonvlllo W T llrlgj a Coqullls City P8 Mattcaoa Colo's Valley W It Clarke Clataop It JMorrlfon Crawfiirdsvllls Hubert ()laa Core II V Kendall ConaUli K Woodward Creaarell Hoacoe Knox Clackamas W A Mllla Camp Creek U It Uantrneratey Dalla J u Lee. D M (luthrto UcxttT H llandraker iiraiu-a iwrewaon a urais uamaicus , r. Koinr liajton E O lladat' Klkton A U ll-la- KukTrtr John Mrt'lCK Koi Vslluy A I) (Jarrler foreatUruve H Hcvhea, W I, (At la Uo.ben.... J llauila-er (lorvala.. ........,............ .5 M (.iiita llaly THsrk llarrl'buig lllrai 'mild lllllittxmt Ahelttui; lletnirr Murrow illrrnn Indeprcdra-c WJ"""-'IU Junction... HruIUi. Itra-fiild -t Co.. Mr, 1. mum Jrksoi..lli- 'i'tirKn KIsb a Valley 0nti-'r iro JrRrrxm J, tV Kolaiil l.elllltt II I' JBilmsuirt! Unfiyelto llr PuiplrtiSi A II lutity LrltHiiuii,,, ,...' ClautiMiiii Mum)' .Jo Kil.iy .McMinnviHe J "a1,.. a "'''' Mittinioiilli . "tcrliiiiin. Mil I'UIn, V I .t.l)aM.m) NVixly . Uiu Mitn bill New Km ... J u.'o .' n(tlUvllf fv V Oailnnan I Norili Vanihtll ...& ....! CMmart (liklaml ,.,... ? l iiaymnnd ()Mt;0 A- A II Shljltny oil ' oinrniiier (lrpi IVn 1 Homo-Mad o and Hand-Mada B O OT S . IP YOU WANT A OOOdT'ITTINO FINK HOOT yon can bo accommodated by calllnjr At AriUNtronK'N Shop, OB8tstoBlrett.oppoflte WILLIS'S HOOK KTOIUX Ail. WonK WansaKTin. Pdcss Hsamisabuc 'ralnur itnily andrtomuUy dm. Clira Ma a ftaia .j..irt,i .i. aaiMaAasaaanj.. Alterative - - rs. To Purity tho Blood uso Dr. jcm AlternUve. It acta directly on tho blood, stimulating tho alworliciats, ovorooming tho obstlnato etato of tlva poros of tho skin, nnd Imparting a healthy glow to tho Comploxlon. Pimples, Pustules, Tottor, nnd Sklu Plscasoa of all kinds, Mercurial AtrecUons, Tumors, and nil varie ties of (oinplaliitM arising from do pravod'or disonlored blood, aro ef fectually orndleutod by this romody. Scrofuh In all its Forma is cursi by tho persistent uso or Dr. Jnynew AMermUve. It doetroyn tho polson os prindplo which orlgiuotoa Scro fula, and ultimately drives It from ' Uio system. It will romovo enlargo nienta of tho Glauda or Boues, and. -. mil ruuicuy m casea or Ulcers, f or Soros of all kinds. s Bra. .. .,. .i . u ii stiirnotier in City J ... .. M lUcoii ulinl ............... .....Jr. ..V. WI. iw.i, IVnrla.,.. , .llr J II Irtlnt' I'il.U Itock ,. - K (lIU, .-... -... riiriiaim t'rlnu-Ylllf rrrrytlale.... Kicvrrni. Itiehiin; C-Clll........ MITrrton.. Hhixtfl'r,,., S.iri'.fflt-ld h-thlimllr "wtn llnnie Bhrndan.... Tnnt,,. Th Dalle Turner , , VanriKitrer WIIUm-He Korkf , Walla Walla VCaUn , Toncaua ' as tt' S 1 LcAgont Stat.- firms . ....... u m nintfie ....Mrdrru. Moie . r a I atlcr-on ... ?, ..Th Kniltr, f Jonea. Th.mManl.er. ... ".-..-Tnn.hbrd . rowera. CHMtr a ii llnu'j J"n Downlnc ,,. .--...tM-'a Aiaraa -V'HbVrsM .8 I. I.PtWllr. .. ..ft U n ' ' a iiniisjn M Wilkin. J P Rrrwi- ! tlittlt a . J O Pbtasst I JBUfOB,K8BlSlu l ' Dropsy and Dropsical SwalUnna , -""v""u'j lurtu uy ur. Jayao's Al ternUve. KystlmulaUng tho action of tho nbsorbonbi, all wotory or cal careous doiKJsltlons nro gradually carrlodofT, toning up tho pationtat tho eamo thno, by ktrcngUienliig u,0 dlgohtivo organs and exciting tho I-lver, Kldnoys, Ac. to imrforni their functions. For Dyspepsia r.nd Mvo. Complaint it lias proven a remc 1y iukI it has establiahod eurra in nw or Kpllopsy. It may Im safely r-1 ;oJ on by any ono ncwllng n nindk-Ino uunu up tho systtun, eloanse tha blood, or to rcstoroUio normal ixtlou ef Uio Socretivo Organs. OrTw. JMVla Cu" Wl,oU Aceute. PeitUr., . 'wlSmr REAL ESTATE LOAT.'S. OBKCOX AMI n-ASniNVTOX irost Investment Company OVM.'OTLlND. ts . assa a a (9 aft Vrl) CITY l1(llKl?.V',X).,5ar,, oytr 'HPKO- noTlSr lOl,ri'.-.. .... .. """iitt nr.il), nauaeer. Ktr-I htrrrt Ponland. . O. SUUJYAJf, ATTORNEY AT LAW OPBRA HOU8K, 8ALEa. t V V o. , corner, at head of atalrs. Wr,t; vi t & . A. V .' V