Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 10, 1877, Image 1

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11 -r,
$2,5G per Year,
Jjeaveawertb, Aug 4. The remalsa of
'CMWiiOuUrud Yetea, Limit . Maekln
Imb, Smith sad Cobiln arrived yesterday
afternoon tad deposited In the obapel whew
a guard of honor waa atatloned. Alarm
amber of people vlalted the chapel tble
morning to view the remains. The funeral
took place today. Mr. Gen. Sherman.
"Gen. and Mrs. Pope. Gen. and Mm Sax ion
aad other distinguished persons were pros
Bt. The remains were taken lo the ceme
tery about a mile distant. In the procession
were nearly 300 carriages. All leading oltl
sena were present. The fact (bat tho lament
ed dead were well known and honored by
' oar people created Intense feeling and eyui.
patby among tLe entire community. Ar
riving at the cemetery tho Epleotipsl service
waa read and a astute of three volleys tired
over each grave.
waauington, Aug. 4 uen. Htiarman in a
nuer io tne secretary or war aay : with
new nostat thofirk of li'ir and Little
and that at the mouth of Tongue river
pled bv strong enterprising grilnna, the
bioux inaiaua can never regain tnaioouii ry,
and they will be firoed tor-main at their
agondea or tako roliiuom the llrld-li pm-e-atone.
The country wesiflfilm new mh Nh
good country and will rxplillv till up with
emlitrauta who will In tint next Uti josr
bulid up a country as strong and hh oapable
of sol r defence a t'otorado
The weather hat bion In'onanty hot no
Texas. I am Impressed wltn tho halm of
uln country on lha Uitper Yellowstone.
Tho sooretary of war haa received If (tor
from iIih ootnmltten of public aifdtv at f'lit.
burg, thanking blm lor bin aotl.tti dining the
reoeut troublosnnd nq'itH tug aimimaooui
garrison aa lar.o as the condition of the
army will admit, to be Htatlonod at tbo Alio
gbany arsenal.
Tho Trlbiia'a Washington aeclal hays:
Sherman tmd Aa-l-lant Saureiarv Mot.'or
mlck reoantlv olled alien Inn to thofac that
nearly ) 000,001 In legal tender notes,
agaluat whloli orilnoat of deposit have
been bemad, He Idle m the vault of the
treasury department Tuny uavo interpret
-ad this aa Indlnailng that the volume of onf.
renoy In the country in, to say the least, no
ta oontraeted, a-, Indeed, lb la largo eurplu
WPl,.llL 'heir elliiitln that oiih alaih tit
loo tmllre vtmtttT-tirrnrKt imm.wwmfT
aot needed lor olnulailou at all. Smut aiiiI
eontraatlnnlsia have iriiicl-xul thla luierpro
tatlon oflhe Uiue or oitllloatesor deiMsli
and denied that U Indicate a plelhiiiit o
legal teudnrouriHiiov.
The totHl ainoiiutor u. H. bonds held a
aecurby fir the eirculailug units of national
batikni-W,r2rt IU0
Uanfird, Aug 5. A''JiiH'ers havecm
pleted ineastilemeiits f bm(n tiy the .m,
John's tire. Tiie mini piii'miiii to be palJ bv
Insurance companies is elx million a-ve"n
hundrod and thirty h'x thousand dolUia.
Ot tiila'tbe English otmiiu.ii !h will pay f nir
Bunion eigni iiuniir-si aim iweuty-iwii tlmu
aand dollarn, CaundUn, one uillllun fiur
hundred and Mliy-niitn thoua'id, and
Amerluan, fuiir hundred and tdrty live
thnu'Htid dollMM, the Initer dl Ided bfiw.-eti
tbo JH ua of llaritntd, iwo hundred snd
forty tboURand, the HArifird, one biimlre.i
and forty thnuiitnd, and i'tonlxof Now
York, sixty live thnund ,
WathliiKton, Au. 9 X Kocd portion of
tho I'resldent'a iintit,"Uioii ib iinxhih.
bllliK of Uonureis. wilt Iih duvited to ibe
ooiiHtdMtlitu of tb lthor fi'i''Hyui, It l
knowuthatit nu'iiermi 'aidtieimpeiior
held within tho hi two weeka tbt hutjcl
haH, In fceveral luximife-, bexii dl-cn-Ned, in
tboexulmlon of ad o her mllern. fvrtl
mouiberx of tbtt OmI net am known t lavnr
tho hkko of a K-v nrovitlliiK for in or
gamxiliiiii of a comml-l'ii whloli Hliall k . ve
duo rehire! for the niii.rct.it of all ronieted
I.r.rl.lfuim InumliutktL ru1lr.ii.tl .r..t.litt
and cpIihIIhIh,ki i but on any qieHtloua fr
coiutromlBO iimv be i tr-uled A iiieiiibertf
the Cabinet, In a recent onuvera(loii, pok V' -'
of this plan, and aruiied that CoiiKreKs ham ' "
terylewswlth leading menbera or the M
g.'D,?r .brothwbbod reaalted In that ao
i'lw"l.btl8"P,i b ln brotherhood
aa rumored.
No ooal will be mined la Plttatoa for a
Gov. Oarmll. nt M.rel.n ... j
the mllltla of the stale out and wiled on
reulara to concentrate and break the oaaal
blockade on the Chesapeake and Ohio canal
to day. Traubla la hilm
BennlnKUin, Vi.. Ang. fl The executive
"""'"" "i ne Vermont centennial oom
mlMon aonouno a a prngramme Tor theoel.
ebratlon on the 15th, Iflth and 17 b. It In
eludes Wrloome snd reception of I'rei'dent
liayes, prooensloua, oratluuM. reviews, bau
qtieiM, eo.
Key Weat, Aug.OAdvlre-i frorii Uavana
soy rumor-are current thai JovelUr will re
ilKji and be Biicvedefl by Gen. lilanoo.
Gen Martini a t'auiK has rent dlnpaiohna
to tbo king explaining tho rltiullon of the
n in a " " ' ,"""" "i,k win Fiiuauon or the
lilt tho ""IP? .'" dt ItiK tl. U the lusurKenta are
Horn, "".v,1HUillejl wlih Intcrmatlon by apie,
.mcu ""''"'IrtauilllleB rordl-lmndlinc when our'
y... . r.,.,,, i,,m. ii ihkhh oou ao'diers to
lookarerlOlniurirHiiiH. Gen. tamK horn,
ore reiinirun Co Oifl morn triNipa to oruxh tho
In-mreoiliu. Me eaN tbo lUHiirwutH will
only Hiirronilf run reiolvliiu-there) ludenend
eiiCM and recornineniNibc Siul-li novern
iiuuiii'iixiaovineH rnvo twen roieived here
-.-. inn AiMMnuiii 114 nan iiMn hoUied a'
I Samoa and allegUi.uo tonileied to this uouu
TJioSmnib Rovetnmnnt on SUttirdv d
poxpHt with tin, r.oieiMry nt en.iH 30 00o
o Inglntermt nntliH eiimutit nt Auorli-Mii
l'iui mi tbo Spaolxli Koveriiinent, and dU
irllniiioii will ho iiudt) Ki claiiiMiit-i by the
a I'rotiirv.
II..I......I.. A.... It ,- I. . . .
.".lull', ,iuu, u inierK ( o Ul OU In
-lied r.ir iiiiitnlixiiirr Him tloi HaMi or the
onliiU, toberexdy in olfibl iIhh. OMcerr.
nd aurxHiim iiiiini be pr.. r In f.riv elhi
iioiira in etart for tbeir d a loa Iiiiih. Kmrv
wnero iiiuiiiiiiih anil prnvMiiui jne bnlrw
q deily collected. Tim It-it t'ni aocieiy m
preparmir all miM-urlon. Minister
ItiHilcs la to go on a uiImIiii.
- Wilkrbr,eo r4. Aug rwr mare
wmtMiiif-awf-U.-H trM".i. arrived' wi (ay
irv amitwii iriaa laiaiiiniii ama mi
,. .fcn- " tz . '
.f lilWarxataaiit valley.k ,IWh
Cnlotgo, Aag,' 6.-Th Trlkoas London
report tBat Plevna baa oen reeaptnrad.ts
oontradloied. The otlndWon of the Ruwkn
army after the baUle, readered lamedlaM
The KitsNlana are allowing great ebergy la
-ending forward relufbroeaeau.. The ftroe
In Dobt udrcha has been ordered to Hlatova.
Everything Indicates that the Rnui.h IT.
mandera fully appreolata the Importance of
'TOi.onnu moir posmon aa soon as nosuble.
Tim knul.n. K.. - .! I r Vr .y?'
t1llfrtitftMl-'-kiiL-,i-, 's'i.r-
: """'f.rat ' i nn c4otnet (O'Uav
l&lllhlipl.f mi. Mtm.tA.rn .. . il..l . ...- . '
nnaaiidammiiitiliiu to IndUne, and the
irdr waiMHin -rerwrW-. leaned.
UllliM.O, AUK 7 Toe J.iiiriirtl'rf U'u.hln..
tiill epeoui bM U lh iiiidointno I that the (irtri
..... nun iiiauiiiein in inn ii.n ii-i nr.. u ......
in UvnrifiraeluiK.v.rrHiliodf.herfer
an privatn iuiix-iim IiiUm( t,f u,(( iii-Co
oath WliiCII have bintl Inlllid til be tin, uallM
ulinuuuoniiiialiitiiii the nart of oil.nbtli.,
aiiiiiij una -now that uiuuj i uiua:by tor
me luUiroiu.
Wl hiwoarro, Pa , Aim 7 An stiemnt n.
t. u .. .it : . . .
loo rtussiana have retired rrora Delia to
rvHiS'ft. ..A.2.r.d'mi tolM 0j"lC8Hoe
....... ..... ruurous inn ioeiwon OlUtman
I'asha at I'levna la now ealkfantory, and
fiL.01' 'lnfroemeat heoomitiauds
. .(?).,nin, "I'l'ly dr'- bve been ea
iBblfhlodat HahovaandGlavna.and ho has
txn able to rintsali a dvlntr ooliin.n hu .,
Toe Timea' correspondent who lea the
ICtli-san cau before Plevna on Thnr-,1...
-ava the Runlan advance guard li within
hx mllis or Plevna. The main bodyocou
plea a strong position nine mlloi lurlber
eat. on tbo ratnte or bills ruuulmc nearly
north and uouth. Htrnng ndhinrimsnis
liuvoalriady reanbed Gnneral Krndehor'a
urH, wuioii lMiuiio to res at any oiroimlvo
moveiitniitof O-inan PhmIis, ahould one be
Hiiemp ed, whloli Is not vorv probable. Tho
IM..MUHIHVO Huii.iruu a uiwMroua obcuk.
out that Is all. '
K xiroutii, Aug. 5 Riislah relnforco
m-niHiititiiborlnK 60.000, have croaMsl tho
liouilnraod .ojbd a atrong piwlilon to
ho north tit Ant, thua threatening the rluht
(laukofthn omiter of the O.uiman army,
I tin IliiHHlau cen'or ta divided Into three
o iIiiiiiiin fct Anl, Oolverha and Kitrukdara.
i miiiiuerx in mi on oittatioiiM or lulantry,
HI ntl rba mid 8,100 iKValiy. I ..mall Panha
la about fin) Iioiu'h nilrch Hmnflliiiuirf
ll..n. H ...... .M.a .. . ' . J
"",' lomiiKn-iKin i in me iroouerat Ktra
messed on the Kasalao frontier la Asia, the
rop before viotprlotia Ottonaas. AnetheV.
ht'iik1? S?n. f00bt "atB of tB Bluri
Keaanllk at the southern mouth of Hcalpkk
Ci with all Ita guns and material, driving
OOUrkoarMllmnll umMllun. i..
This la the chief incident since the battle of
Plovoa. Turkish divisions from Plevaaand
Loftaoha now occupy Bel vl. and Rusalanaara
uaikiuK away Deiora itirxisn troops.
A special correspondent of thn
VolMme X.-NMitwr i
aarfsTffal Va"BBaBJaT
I aflgikMl ka
iiouioK with is battallona of li
terlfii, and 7 reu Itnetii of cavil
('liaiailtlUOIilH. Auir. 811
ambaM-adnr ked a condflent
Huirusy wiin'Kainrta Hey
iiumni in nisia. -rno Ian
aaaaai. waa aVanlv atia
really M,anUuHtau.-r
inwmiwiT iiTKKrii'ai
I audience
president nt; the
aii to nave
w lata aue
h war waa
garla nnrfrXthitaByirrBrtt tftr-i
-uni mptm tcf niasepeacA.
T..ndon, Aug 8 -A'dvlcfa fnim India state
ill" liarveel iim-nM-iu imuimyi.l.1.1 i.
l, bnieewre ill .li pmi win rrobablv
UKHH hOlUH tful
a ul .VhiimiiiIm l..f ..... .. ,.
i..n.i ..i .. " -"''"a
.-......, .,n,,,H , ,,, Birinem uno UIMIIIKMui
HitglfiulMiailiucaiN. The hb.r IT weni nnl
in iuy Km, u . im,,M undilioiuui,
l.ir.lnir liilerlerenoe.
Apilni Irnin U.couln lejMiria lorrl lo
lori-M Uiea m that elate. Whnlt. iowiih mi.i!
Vlllae (my, tieen delnieil, II a well hh
liislly livre faille Mieiljliu tiy hundreda.
UU'OIUII. A 111. 7 I lit. l.,ir J I ......... . - ...
iy uialsi.)Nivx)riNiit iberavHKtaott e
ilrfiatbtbiii. Wis, Imio been veiilraaii.
U.erthtriy'sinlllfM bavo been burned inn.
and in many lUhibinvja ihelr Miure cron del
Mir.lk.ll l-.b.L..l...l..l... .t. fUlA '
New York. Aiirf. 7 -Piof Hilcy or the U.
N elllOIIHlIoi'Hlfi.llHiil.hloii MM nmilo'h f
iiiuneot iii Mbnis nl that bo I v noMiniy In
ibo tar weht, iluelllni; i II ibe 11 m kv niuuii
ta.n locuai and uraeauopper pUm.o 'I - sum.
uiiiitt up Ida nta rial ma mi fcHVH there U
Verj lmleilaiiKerot ll luiv fnun I.. 1 1 -
.. - ".. Ml rnnillia
1 ",C!M i'B'C" in iii liieiitirihna uiiIon
they come tiom ibe Uiaek Uliu o,uinrw.
.in.iM.nr emiin lonnihH longer. There In
"-""""iiaieiy in a niineru India. An
NpiH-Kltn Ibe llrlliHh lubll-, lulled by a
lilllilln ...u.I...b I., tj . l .. . K .
- m ianrNH, enys me ralorall
on Iniiea in iw im,ullleient. AtnpiilatJon
of i went v mllllona 'a Hfnoied.knd mimbera
aroat.nlu elv deiiidliigiiKin charity,
Uiiidun, Aiik.O. TlinTiii.tM' correnond.
int l.ot.i.o I'levna, writing under date of
Aiir!iit2l,eaya It la hardly probable Hny
reiioHl nlilin attack wl'l hn m.l.. r, .i,i
next ten dnya. na tbo ItuaiUnt noud lime to
""in i reiiu.ircaineuia,
lle-rllu, Aug. ft A nnrroap'indnnt tolo
uraplmthai In conKiq-ifMiceiif tho defest at
I'levim.ilni I'EHr bae nsked theompoioroi
AiiijtiU io whjrHW llH farmer pmiOTl
aaaliiaitliH Jtuaaiaim entering Sorvla.and
!0!!uaynk':,fiV;rn;ka!u,u o',olU," oai,,u
AiliNpaiohHiinniiiicta Hint Col. Green, U.
S inlnuiy atiMLbc, irrled attho ltusHlao
.. '.""J''."' A,,,r A" nm,,,',l 1liitoh pub.
Il-beil In Hi IViereburir aduiba thn lo'a. ,.f
iipwrdaiifB.ioonieii at I'levna, Inrludinu
in cob net killed Hint a niej.ir veneral hi,,
tHIl Ollll.tll U Wl.llllllf.ll. Tliu llu..a.l. ...1
milk that Oui. Gouika Ima boon obliged lu
retreat. "
RDeclal normannnrfjint nl ik ri..
flllna rMH l)lH.l. .- ... - - I
"'"'" f " oiuinuwi unueraaieorjuiy ao,
on the jveulng of the great battle at Plevna
says: The result must decide the (ate of the
preaent campaign. KtiMlan troopa cannot
be compared to the Germaa more than the
greasy warriors or King John of Abvaslnla
tnihaPrenoh, strategically and praottcally.
Every conception of tbo Russian peueralsls
faulty and their execution IsrfnfnnMvA. An
army of 300 000 soldiers crossed the Pru h,
and there are 040,000 of tbeir men, aocordlna
toKuaalsn aocounta, on Turkish soil, and
Wild What result? Thin antnmll.l i.J k..
mnuAil uIah. -.....!. .'a si V .
......o,i muiiK riKiinino aim uivnrgent llnoa
wheio eaou step lorward romovod each frao
1 ii".,inur"l',r from.,,H b"" d from lhe pos
NIUIIIIV fif mutual siinnnrt. innih.. .l.ri
will render the prenu Nwltlona untenable,
wpii no organlaod cnmtulsarlat, no in mey
and nogereral capable of commanding a
brigade, I pmphoalud- that ir I'K) 000 Hua-
alalia reaulllHl thn imenn.l Una ?... r...Ui.l.
detetiro not many of them would ever net
bank to tUj Dnitibc. My predlo Ions were
rniiidednn toy knowlwtto or the country
and of tbo quality of tbo Turkish soldiers.
... : '"''r', frnm Huohaiest aunounrea
lliat Mehemet All mul ll.nn i..k. !..,.
deloated tho UiihhUiih at Tin nv. win..
bias or 111,000 killed and onnded.
IUll Itflo. ItalV. Anir. 7-Rr.t.l,l...i
Orantand party arrived here today. A
giand f..le will be irlvr n In Ihelr honor.
Kaliburg, Aur.7 Kmiamr William has
arrived hore. lie goea in Iobl to-morrow
to meet the emperor of Austria.
MOkkf BB
Kb. Fakmbhs I ana traveling throagb Or-
dknrlptlona, tafwtkar wkk taWiaftw'
oil, and tha eaergT now Matt
taking eara of yoBrkaryaaMMaar kintjaai
anytbjag I had ever miiiU;frii Iil
Ilka I waa amoag a peoaW wkBgBMa ta f
atlse the Godglvea prWllegM yo aU arjoy.
One thing la vary notloaabla, Ikal la, ta
extra good living wa aadaBaoagakaRirii.
are. But tha moat notloaabla feat are' wfalak
we meet with on every tarn talkagaBaral
Inlelllgenoa of tha pnpalatloa. Ib aroofor
this, we noticed many Improvements la
maohlnery.and on enquiry find that all tha
new Improvement of whloh w aotloed war
InventfoneofOregnnlans. While In Halsey
latepped Into'armlth shop and eaw tha
smith at work at something unlike anytblog
i naa ever saw Uerore, and on ei qulry found
It to be a most succesful Improvement ob
an equallEor to be uaed on hoise powers. I
was told that It waa the Imenllnu of a Mr.
Kowand,f)f Polk countv, sad bsd been
ush1, and glveu universal aallsraotlon, I
also aaw aland log In tho dipot artiuiidaone
or Dr. Pelton'a oeli lira toil liotse-pnwers, snd
after giving It a close acruilnlalng kx k , will
take the llbarly to aay It In tha aitwt com-
pleio power I have ever aeea. I see no
reason why It will not soon come la to gener
al use. Ism lad to believe that ihlsHtatO
with her rertllo valleye and lowering mun
talnsand aalubrloua climate will pioduca
some ol the best Intellect In Iheshaiasof
lutentora, poe's anri orators, or any land in
the known world! I have also wen tha
finest wheat, oats, and barley, alnoe I came
here that I ever aaw In my life. And Irult
growatnpnireolton. in abort, I And every
thing aa Bear pmfnotloa aa la poalble lor a
new State io produoe. I shall lot-ate In thla
beautiful valley, end shall hepe to auaka
8aaaoBB8ri..wklik?akiiiiM. .-t-.
of In Ohio asking oae o tb IgtATfalB' "?
- " in...j.s in ma Known world.
ro rumalllau Calinuu nl.iii.ni.w iV..... M.'
....' T . T . 1 uiu.lurni.j.L . . . -.-........
tneriKlitto paeanuctialaw, unterttiecisurti" ,, '" i'""? """ pmieaux, or Irnin ilinen
. .1... . .. .. . . i. . lllllrih lllll I It ...... ..... .1 ..
; " """ nuuii iiwhuiin inr bttitiiv-
of the ConKtltiitlnn amborlziliu that body lo
reguiato oominnrt'Q wiin roniiim nation, aim
among tbo eeveral Htaten, and with Indian
trllieM. Huiili comtnlMH'ou mbzbt bn veatitl
with power to examine Into the desirability
of nliHriering new railroad', and inbiht rn
qulro certain oou itloua to be lultilled, ao h
to ea'abllsli reasonable certainty that pro
Jec'eil roaiN wmild ba reniiinoratlMi, mid
tnat ibe cnmpinv would have meuiaio pv
fir ba conhtruutinn, uud tlitu avoid dlaaa
trolls fdliireH.
Wlkeibarr, Pa.,AiK. 5 Twelve eoinp-i
nlaor reulara, uumliHrlng 4n0 arrletl eo
day. Oov. (lartranf left Tor Pitikliuri Mi
neia are daieruilnt tl to bland lor an Iticrut-e
of S5 per cent.
All ox'iept nlilit trains runnlntr on tlm
Valley rit'lroiul. A dlvlalmi ot troon uum
20 uitloaof Ibe roHtl fur tho Llilnli and Hua
qiinbaiint. Thnaunpany will not attempt
loopen ttie mail lor several ilaya.
B".. IiuN, Am.'. 4. H-n Deltir, proprietor
and nmiiiirorot I)Bfr'a O -ra llou-e. In
thfa city, arrhed Inun New York eeiertly,
BtiftHrlnif froni a p'alyio air"k", wbiub a't
tsckml liim In rew lork aimut a weex ai;o.
Dr. LnnclOrd proiiouiieea ibo oe harl.iiiH i
not bople8. there bdlng lelilea psraliale
of tbo limba and part or ibe body a Motf-tilm;
of portions of tha brain. Mr. DeKarlsibe
0ld""t actor in Ibo world, txct pi Bedford
and nuckalln, of London.
Washloa'on. Amr.4 Poatmaster Grneral
Fey comtuenila employee in the poa al Her
vb'owho were dn the midst of ibe recent
troubles for the falthrul manner In which
they performed their atdudua and oftentimes
perilous amies.
A Soranton dispatch aaya all qaiet Bnndiy.
It la repnrud the Wvomlog Co. pay rO" H
kaada thla week and dlaoharga all refusing
tenvurn to work.
FlUaon.'Pa,, Aag.'. A diapatok aaya la-
Vig they will prove no more Injunou ahaii
u .,.,,,, y,u,Uu inivo ihhsu iiivi-liiir (iii
k'AUl lIlMlUIMiUi 1 I..,..., I I ... n
IK. 7 V "-" " utlll III lllls klMlO
ITflnradn) ir.illl tbo Western baiulilli:
r.A'." ." ' ?vi,l,,pS Wet weathtr, bohnye,
,4ft'tnyi (1 ibo li.eni.a lo a uiral de.iV,
uiumi..H ft...... ..I..... ...M... ., '
" " ."oii.iiirniiii lUUUKM
au-e III (Ihhi, (Mini: hn Iimmihu,
rla, An, a -Sir Jam.H D uglf-,
Iqi a nrlH and Dim , vruorii ii..
tain, d aV i ' 7" v ''; ,"'"ti '" '"K a.
IV 1 1," ' vanning,!,
in , ......l:01' H "oiluiin v. bn m b.( n trlv
of Ihh.I i.SV,,ml Puriairtid lo be II e Iniu.k
iim'i) to nrk . i'" "' """ luihHiMin.
li-cl r rtV." tUnE,''"'' lunatloa dim,,.
Afier bo ?al',8r WR '''MPd ,n u 0n,'
liinexblt.sl,0r Mn ""rliHwaaiakMHiiii
uud 1 made Rr'",'r'-'Mllone. HtUiiigi ,e
i- li n
...i L. ' lr ' "' l"'0 pilottorsy
,, rA,',,,-,,i,ilktken firoiue," because
VI. u'', ''SlTkU.nn.er fallow in bis
":i'K -tb f o, his Ik a., ,
al.,ng there, la Wnanr-fHlluw, and e
m.demenilonor fMl ,.;
JIT"' ""' r. Geer ,.. h.a
hiu riahi.i.Z iX what
than any we have
PaKaNit. E. li
Walla raum, M. V.
rniiatanlliinple, Amr. 0 It la ollliilallyan.
nniinfral bal U l, w, ,l,,Hii i, ;... .
o. iiiiuit i0 uno mini near thu capital, In con
-MIIHifo ot be recent aplaiaraim of il.
ItiibHlan hieamer (Viiihiantiuenir Vltla. near
... m.iuni i inn liONporuH. a corps of ob.
M'rvutlou has been wnit thither. v
tlnue u; report ItorM-ii inaarHorua or Mo
bammedafiH, whlio Kiuaiaua report Turklaii
.... ... uiMiD.mim, itjin reiairia are
iih doubt true. I hi re isosory evldmeo Kmi
Mils In the umki bulmroiiK var elnee U,0
dsikaues IV, day a apeci.l iiirruaj o.ideiu
ol ilie New Yin k Tltiiek nt MilimU lelf-nranhh
a InlleWk; HhiIiiihiI o-.llimiii.lis ,?n ,,uk
brn Inly e-.Hisli,ie,. l0 ttf Turkrt
ncapliind I. kisjatslira ll ni learned Ibat
wllllo Ibe Uukiiin IihiI aikkHkin f u,
1 1 1 , . ' , '"'"'"'I iiialo liihuUiiHtita Hr
iilled lbf.ir..HtiiiiunHi,lautiijc.iiilj.(fdot
lluliuriaiiH, mult r it,., ,,,,. ,.,,, ..., ,,,..,.
klifinlil lie rt-Kl.ltled.ainl il .Ml Hero-H ein-
I III., ll l utlll S. I- I - - ...1 a n.'
. ..v,..,.. ,,,, fiiiuir-Mv intiiiirrmi. in. hi. I...
k... 11..1 ...... - w -
r n- 'u,"r,a"a oi ouorn; on return
. .I... nun
I hues ih
Ndw Yoi
..-..-,.. rpnt-iai iril lMIIIUII ttld (J (,;
IIIUNiliUea.fMiruif, TUiKh ll.l0 i.ei, J,,,,
uiiuiein uauiarcK.wuiila iiuMttuihelv
naauotl In liitilgu,, wim Kuaaaaud Auatrm
III IhniX'aieUtliin to Il.tlllHMiMi lint llr to
"1"' '"" "reaje iii uunxImII relllforLn
iiiia-ariMiiH or oiiDrec, on rHiiirn
l , tied to ibo ililkaiiMf.r liriiiir
t-umiul nhoiii Varna ami Itasurau.
UK, July U-Ti.o Timea b;, i,0
joro aummer-fallow
Joerai, and L. Haml
naaae aa a call thla wi
rrlff, of tho Walla
rn. nrth Alhanv
i of tha WutHkor
r adValikgH OU IIih Tuikl-ll left llmk
AiiHiria wav.r. In tlm pie.anuo ot tho tin.
lerlalniy of .otlnii on prt or the II,hIi
i; V-rilllieiil, while iIih Un.,r U uti.lu...i..
aiui.iuaiu let tt Turks fl.'ht It out, their
i.u.1 es.ea having u)Ul) relived lhe embar.
ra-eni-nt of tha ini,M(fy f Kiulaod
M oou aa .bo desrea to inaliualn her ueutrl
Hy, Hheonuld hardlVHIIenllv ik.ri.ilL .........
t ve cmn lunation ol tbo three euiperora io
fob Turkey of tha nwiiim nt hr i
I hep luioil situation at this nminnnt la as
crl leal aa It U interesting. Koaland la aa
uiicertala aa evert UuaaU U aapeallng u
OHrmany. The sliuatiou la IheretWe alaaot
wbol y under control of Aastria, who in
tura lean to ba Area. WDUa the Turka are
always had my doubts about Oregon being
aa gi od a country sa the Oreiirn natters ran.
ruaonien, out now I am eatlsnod it has tint
had enonitb ol praise, fnr I find every stale,
mentmade in the WiLLAUinrsKiuu..
which I read lu Ohio, lo ba the truih. I
ihonKhtOlilo w.a a grod wheat country, but
v - uuiuing io n mpato to Oregon lu raising
arainanti vetjetablfa, nearly all klntlanf
xruna and for bcautlltil Umber, besides bflng
-on waierca wtiu running etreami and tool
Weatwat tho Cenlcnnlal, spfdmensof
vcgonprcMiuctlnui that enooursKtd many
to ooiue hero and settle, and I find km at en
romagemeiit for to d ,o. I (dink bn.i I.
olicsp here, rating aa It noes fmm f.! 60 to 50
peracre, whlla mich land could not bn mir.
chased In Ohio for loss than f.V to IOO par
.irii. i snau writo my friends and oncour.
age thorn to come .here, for I consider this
the place for the rich end lhe poor. A man
with money run do hotter in Oieuon than In
any State In tlm Union. If (be Ohio rarmera
worohoro no to vlow lie vaitfleldaof
wheat they would ny It wsa Ibo garden of
tbo world. Many hero have bouuhtfarua
oncrx-dltHiid say they will nearly pay for
iimksiim wini mis aeaann'a crop.
All Oregon wants la capital to Invest In da-
vejupiognerrt)ouro. i saw at the Cen
tennial Oregon mlnaraN and apoolmaua of
porcelain clay, discovered by Mr. J II Pt
leraon.ofUlatsop, which clay worka luloa
very fire polish. Why not eoino capitalist
take bold audktart tlm iiuiiuranlurnof imreo
lain ware lu OrigonT Mr. I'ailereou whom
I mot at Dallas tells mo lie line It aattsyetl
In thla i-niiuiry and Kirop", and It lis
always loon pronounceil porcelain day or
kolln,(irwbloh Ibe CblutHe mako the linert
of ware. This a tbo llmt dUcou rv iiiuiini.r
It lu the Unlled Hmie. It thla iin. or do-
poalt, Is as; extiu.a vZn It la reprasun'o I, It
must proie, in time, of gnat value in tho, e
who kbsll develop tbo manufacture lu this
htate. Yours truly,
of Mansfield, ttlnhlainl Uo,, Ohio.
' , i t
r u . u Woobbukh. Aug. 4 1877.
i herewith send ,vnu a eample of a reed
I tig piuue, rslaKl by my rather li . laiger
hall either I lie (lnriiii.ii nr I.ll.n !,...
You will nlmerve thai by pulling them open
with thum'i and llogHra that thn Med will
drop oui being so hue. Yu will aieo ob
serve that they are very drv and M.m. m.n.
alderlog ihelr rlpenn.s. Tluaes are the s-t of
thekekson. Their time for drying would
..n.Tn nunni iwii weesa ago, maaa
large, fim U-cIimI, earl.! , and aa Iree-Mi'iied
as ihe I'e.oti Plum, and a, much l.ardlar
truo, as well aa a kimkI besier.
Tho fruit sent us Is very Hue, certalnlvt
oolor jullnw, almost wbllei.hltn lully thai of
the Peach Plum, anil qualliy of fmll good.
It would seim that u.-h large Irult would
uotdry wbnlo to audi good advantage sa
am a Her. Will Mr. Nettlemlcr lurnrm us sa
to thai, und also tell ua the name given this
Hai.y, Aug. i, 1877.
Herewith I send you a i-t orthe omewraof
Valley Lodge, No 1S5, I O G T., ut eleetid
tor the ensiling term: J. G, Ursiuwell, G 7 ;
KiwitThoiiiim, V.Tj Holon I'rsmaell.B.i
Kliai Peiiland, F.H ; Clara Peiilanl, P
l.uoella Jewett, G ; Chine ll.rneti, M j P. II.
Allen, I G H Jnl.ua. O G j Nellie llav. L.
8 ; Anna Windham, RN ; Ruiiua Winuhsm.
A ,S ; Jiin.Thi'iiiia, ll M
Oi-KnATiON Phiir-uiiuKD. The Iloseburg
P.'anutealer. of July'JUl, haa the Pillowing j
'.Mrs. R Gabriel, nt Gtiduer, bad her little
daughter npurated on lor harelln. uieallv
o'litnglng her appoaranco for the butler.
Ilr. lUvIa, of Haleui, performud tho oper-
IlonafH vou hai.K Mesra. Gtindltiob A
.Morgan haea lot or linr-ea, whloh lliey will
offer for ealo at tha llmiinu llmce, Mali m,
mxt Saturday, Read advt rllsemeut in an
other ooluiou.
II AMI-V. Allif. 1. 1877.
Ki. Faiimkn; I feel like giving jnu a 0 w
wnidi hh 14,h along my Journey, lb It
Kairlleld the 11th or April ondlianenid
soros ilia taat region, spriulng the w under
ful bolt of country to L'alir.irniu; tlier.ee by
Heafilhla beu Ifut yaller, where I mela
biuther In Portland whom I bad not seen fur
10 yr. Stopel two dvs withMm.acd
then proceeded io Linn county where I met
aala er that bad bem absent as long, N w
what I wish to say la that I have bien una',
agreeably dlaappoiuted In what I lad ex
pected to sea lu Oregon. Your towna, farm, -ZTriin.'J.riL "i 2. . mncn 'refw1 'or
tkr-.aglmpU.a.upruve-.uo, .,,', W'ShWfW. W
Hon. R WIlllaniH M u, maka tho '(.Mow
ing announcement which fixfiUhiK I'eiir,
I am r quested by thn Secretary ol War to
in.inlnaie ii eiilulile pHrxou as scandldie lor
apiwiliilmeni aa i-ad-t in thn Unlntl Slants
Mlliiaiv Aii-d'inv at We.l Pm.ir. m,il l,.v.
concluilfd io niske lh" eel.(illnn bv ri.uie.
uve is iiiniaii.iii, i win Hcinrilinih ap.
'""l" iiiiaiinin ii iarii in i;Hteiileo III . x-
Hinliui all wlm may spolv tor meli ni'inln.
Hon. Tbocxilliillalli.il wilt be uia-e hi my
oilbo, In Him ii.iv or Ponltnil, hi n'dnuk
A M . Annual II 1ST7 R. Wll.WASta.
1'uiirhAMi, Aiutisi o, 1877.
Serious Acoldmtt.
D (J Hlewari. or Nor b Yautblll. wrlles ua
that laaiHaiUMl.lv, Ida faiber, II. K. Hteasrl.
met lth h Herioua aiMildentaa bn waadrivlng
a header wauoo. wfileh ovarium. l ....i i.i.
ankle was dislocated and broken. Mr H ew.
artl-bJyearafiratfeand aiiub a mUfortune
la serious at his time ef life, He ass one nf
W "--' srt,
'Jn 'a
t jti