WJ I'' III i .. . I-.-' Tfii f Pk '- o 11 F n ,' ,5 8 WILLAMETTE FARMER. The Coming 8tato Fair. l'oini-VNii, July 14, 1877. I'urnilt mo to aiuioutim, through your oliiiitii, that I tiava aecurtid tha conimnt ol W. A. I.tulllitg to iloUvorlhu (iit.nliiK ail dreaa,aud IIun. A, J. Dulur tlta Mtttil hiI dreaa, at our coining Sutto Fair, which Mr boalna Otitolior Hlli , ut Salmn. 1 ho Hoard ol MnKiu, in reviewing our iat lla'crj utirtolN, NirutiKlti, IUo(inrH(oinmiiN, ami Anal hiiivioii ami trliniiti, having n:iil. 'odovnr uliuiltatii thoiikiiiiil ilolhvri iliiriop tho two ara hI, noil rt now I'lmacr! tn inakitiK niHiiy aiilmlnutlal imiroMnmtiiH in addition llit-rnto tor tho (iiiiiIiih IMr Uv Kroally iiiiismriiKt'd ut llm ri'iiut hihI fuluio outlook; mill itliuiilil prco'iit prloi'Nfor whui (ot which ut havo miioIi nil utlrCtdrlllrd llHrVluit) lllllllllflll. WUlllitV l(lt tlHlUfJJIht Itutliorluu ntr kno.Mi In Dickon, And how, Mr. Kdl tor, pleAiu viitMiiiattu nwry uimnl lu, uvory lrliiil, trtkul.rly our Udy filmulN lu Salem, uUo tlioMti from a itMam-f, who came mi nobly to Hi" front, mid liy lludt protonco, (kmiiihoI, mid by tholr untiring t luiry ooiiirlliutcd In n Iri;ou iiie.mr to ourKMiid amvata lt l-'alrj tu thorn we nuku our litt.it lunv, mihI liona thai they will ootnoiiKttlii and avlt uatomikothoromliii: Kalrotou boUor limn ourtViitminlal Klr, And Jiut hurt allow mo to roinatk that hi fur no kindly KrHi'Ki Kc'd WM, Kd ordor, Kiitrl a tin fact Ion, moral dcjmri. muni, tomtit her with nil other oonrtralca that oontrlbula mi Urtftdy lo maka our annual Kthorlti(H aaoolal, uionil, ami llnanrUI nun ca. I hava never awn nnrlaai Fatraur jaaad If rqualed In miy country, I know, Senator Morton on Oregon. U. 8. Senator Morton mado a visit to Sa lem laot woek, and favored tho pooplo with naddroHS, at tho Ojifira Ilouae, on Frltby evonlnir. Wo glvo below his Introriuctoiy romaiku: liADIKSAWMOKNTr.KMKN: It was not tin til a Into our lust nltflit that I dotormlnod to como to Salem, with a vlow to hco tho city and ntrh.ipi of iim'.iliix a Hhort ikIiIwm tn you I oh mti tn UrKiti on a iiiIskIoii of a B'iiiiuwIihI (llnMrc'iihlo uliaraotor. Thai duty has Ik on illinlirirK'xl w fur km It can bo porlurmcil In ililaSiuu. of i'io 'liar.nsii.ro' It and tlio ruiullof It It would not lio proii'ir for mo BttlilM tlnm. toiwy aril iuliiK. nor do I Intoud to. I liiiHlru to oxpross tho Hiirprlno and uraillleatloii t havo ncolvnd fro-n my vlhltlo OruKOtiand WiiihliiBton TorH'ory It haa boon to mo HomiitlilnK of tho naluro ol a rovolatlon. I nood not montloii tlio Knfa' Idea entorlalnod In tho Upturn States and might aay In CotiRross lu rogard to Oregon. Imayaay that tho Roueral Improsalon la tht nrronn I an but a small amount of terri tory or aroa ausooptlblo of cultivation; thatH to oompoaed of almost insxuausiioio in out of which thoy oould with dlffloulty mako farma or of ruKKJ proclptloua inountalua, or hH ol bill Inn nlalna. It la not genorally nndersood thatthoro la a largo part of this BUta auacoptlble ol cultivation, fruitful to a high dogroo, and that thero are groat natural reaourooa I havo been aurprlaed at what I bave aoon, at what I have ioard. I havo Men soma portions of your stato exoffldlngly fruitful and produollvo. I also saw that tboro woro largo aroaa suscuptlplo of cultiva tion, and I bollovo that you havo a futuroof ono of tho groatost Htaion in uio u niou. x mi aro already connected by rail with I'tigit Hound, tho moat beautiful about ol wator I havo ever soon, and I b-llnvo tho most beau tlful In tho world. Tlio wild rlvor Kcoimry of thoColumbla Im unrivaled In thl country. I never liuvii bnon down tlio ltlilno, but I do not think from tho dusrrlptlona I havo reml it will com puro Willi tlio uoiuninia river. f AppUuMi And you havo iilro-idy a lnro nyatm or Interior river winiiiiaroo. Whun tlioobHlruutloiiM ofllin Hiiakuilviiriiiid the Columbia havo bimii rouiovod,jou will Imvo a larn Hysloin of river coiiiincireo. Tim grout thing J oil no v noml, which oil under aWud perfectly, lariillrnad connnotlon with the liist. Dlnct railroad oiiniinctioii ncrota tho contlniiiit, milking your Stato "any of hc OftNn, would bring a ru-h of population, and, f nullnvo.au aomiiiiillatlou of wealth niiHiir pasted, and only quailed, perhaps, by Hint of California. This onnuiudnu will conic, that railroad will bo built. I havo no doubt oflt. It may b dofurrod, howover, lor yoan, until your Ami la grow sick, perhapn until many of you have panned away; but I think It U sura to nnmo, and In lime thorn groat ImprnvouiouU will bo mado. I havo been astonished to learn the character of the country beyond tho Hnake tlver, and of tho Ktorn part of Washington Territory and of Oregon. Thero Is m vaal region ofpioduo tlvo country thero, whlah, when brought In to cultivation, will mako homes for millions and can almost filed tho world. ( havo Keen uoh wheat Holds lu tho valley or tho Walla Walla as I havo nevnr before, neen, and I am told you have In Oregon what la rpilioiqiml to tlio valley of the Walla Walla. Thoro la I feel a groil future before you. What Oregon modi Islo be well advertised, that Is to aay, to havo her roaourcoH and character mado known to the (Miopia of tho United States. You aro fur away lu tho northwest corner of tho Union. It is a long Jouruy to oomn here and it ti one that ordinarily el r Ikes tho Im agination ofraoplo with dread. Ttioso who eamo aorosa tho plains lu tho earlier or lata yearn were men of uncommon resolution, willing to undergo all kinds of haidslilps and able to surmount all klndsof dlincolilos, Hut such mou aro ram. Tho groat tuaaa of tba people aro not w lllltig to onrotinter these hardship. Thoydouotaiio the Inducements to makoaiich longJouriioyH, to endure such great dlttloullles. Hut when the character of tha country Is known, and when eommunlra. lloulmdooheapaudo.My,audllrrriulreabut few days from the MUsourl to thu Colum bU, then you will havo a sudden grrat in Am of wealth and growth as rupld aa that of you sister, California. Mr.EJIUir, you aro a true friend of tho I Wamiinciton, July 2 -Deputy Coroner union, anu out ror iacx or apace i would like to montlon many of tho naotea who co nobly and faithfully assisted us to mako our Itst Fair a grand succeed. From their gener ous efforts In the past, I can but bellovo Hint thoy will not desort us in tho fill tiro. Yours truly, W. 1. Watho.v, Prea't. CORHESPONDENCE. Mkiiama, July 20, 1877. Av.'hv from tho cures slid HiictuatlcnH of lowu lif, yn .r humble fiorvant finds Kijiice 'neiith Ihu beautiful summer (ullage, or tho iiihiIi, cherry ami alder trees; thinking of Uio vait biiatillos of iiaturii In tlio Ibriiiainui i this country, with Its wllri yet InvlUtii' . laces for tlio liihllatlon ol limn AiiuDyino wy, iiioho who wouiu bock ranches mut (ouio oarly boToro tho rush to tho various iiiIimh, which aro being pushed lorMiird with (treat suilvliy, and of cmirm In lime will prove to bo tbo "big bonanza" of the tvrst. Kvorv dav nartles aro comlnir and going to tho mines, somo to prospout. othora to look after the various leads on whlc.t their mou aro working. Tho favonto up hero seems to be tho Cap ital, of which Salom has a largo numborof stockholders. TUB WHIT 15 IIULL Is a good mine, but thoro aooma to be a good deal of work done which will not amount to much. Uowever, this is noarly alwaya tbo casowborean inoorporatoa company nas a ohlof boss, an unexperienced miner. What that Company nooda la tho oxperlonco of solontiua minora, anu then maybe, fz.soo would go a great deal farther than It has, to pay ono man a largo salary to keop two otbor men at work. THK ELI.KN MINK, Near the Capital, la also vory rich In silver, and promlsos to bring good returns for tho owners, but all tuoso mines are only waiting dovolopment and capital which, as tho coun try Krows oldor. will no doubt bo nronorlv anu proutauiy worxou. Too much could scarcoly bo said of this region of country, Its boautlful aoenory, and lis hoaliliful suuiiiier air, whlohagroai many pleasuto seekers aro now taking advantagn or. Among them, wo notice Salem la well represented. Our., 11. Jonea and ramlly.J II. Albert and family, John O. Itooth ami riinlly, f. W. Weatherrord ami family. Col. N. 11 Knight and family, J. T. Hyrou mid lamlly. Dr. II. Smith mid Dr. J. W. McAfee. aro among tho uiimhor, mid above all I miiht not rorgntntir elllclent school inarm, T. J. Illnko, I could givnyou a great ninny more iiHtiies, but don't suppose jnu wntapasHuu gerll'l where nosteHiiiers or railroads run. To-day It his poured down,ralu and we havn been playing Militxrlo, under tho tent. I think lr tlio gypsies would come up hero they would mako good wugea during tho Miiumer Hoason, MKIIAMA Ii going tn be tho "Queen City" in a few 3mrs, ami Is already hniiiiiiIiik qullo a bust itcs iispiHit, I'hero aro two mores, both of winoli aro doing a good IiiihIikwh. Tonior. row work will bo commenced on the iUm lor the grist mill, which Mr, Iloaty Is going lo build this summer. There la also a good saw mill site, but am not aware of auy ono that is going to build. Hero is a good ohanco forsoiiiH(iiiotoinitkatoriuno. Town Iota aro worth from ib in 5). I will "wind up" on this and gltuanmo one else a chance to moo their tiTasloiiM hi print. Johnmt. I Hartlgan yesterday mado an autopsy of j season Pollard , pastry cook at the Johnson Houso. who died very suddonly, and found more than a quart of orange-pool in bis stomach, which cauned his death. The do ceanod was (lfty-slx years old and toothloss, nd swallowed tho orange-peel In largo pli-cos, being unable to masllcato It. Joeplilno county lu nut of debt and has 81 COO in tho trciHutiry. It took a levy of 11 vo per cont. to bring bor out. In Jackson county on tho 20 111 lightning "truck a tree killing ten aheap uudor it. Thoy lioloi'K-'l '" Amy it McKenz'n. Raduoad Rata. The atoamor Orluba, of the new lino be tweeu Portland and Bum KranoUoo, leaves the latter place to-morrow. Cabin passage baa b.eii reduoud to f 10, steerage 9, and frelghta i mt too. TbeH rates will bring lots of people to Oregon lo "look around," if not to stay. A man can leavo Han Frauolsoo and mK a Meiueel uiur of the Willamette valley and Columbia river, for fKO and a steerage pskseiilter can take the adtuo trip for half ihu money. Its oheaper than slaving at homo. People will travel aad prosec arc ii ml when they oau do ao at little ox lieiiso. Hhmild tlieso rates be mainlined during tho fall, hundreds ol Californlana oau attend our State Fair at a small coat. Coun'r Clark's Doings. Qoo.A. KiIhs Kq ,Ciuuty Clerk during tho mouth of July, Usited 7 marriage lloeuees, n corded 75 deed", 37 morlgugiui, and 0 chat tie mortuages a lair amount of biiaiueia for that month as roniatrod with former years. Wo learn by a nrivaui letter received to day, that W. II. N. Slyloi was arreated last evening lu Portland, No particulars, but we Muppoe the Urand Jury of tha U. H. Dis trict Court now lu mmmIoii found a truo bill avalm.1 him for (xirjury In the lata Inveatlga tlou matter, and lu delaultof ball was committed. Joaso I), Csrr has nearly completed hU atone leuco In the viclnltv of Clear Iake, In hikeisiuniy. Ho will have about 75,000 acres Inclosed. In the river valleys of l'uget aound tho po tato orop Is greatly dunmgeU by a worm or bug, ami lu many places there will tat a failure. Contractor are iniahlug to complotothe work on the atato unUeralty building at Kit gene. . During the post year thero havo been clKhMoti raes of Miiallpox lu Seattle aud vicinity. Kitihtdlod. iasr of LKirtRS. ItrmatnlnE In the P.iattittlce, Halem, at llila iiMto I erxnii calilhK fir mm let tern mutt Klve Iho tlilvnii wtitoli tiny sra HtlvurlUeilt Hilly, Ml-a.Vtll'O Ittrielt, Jonil ItM-lie, () II. Iliilhaio, K A. Iturriw. riiomus IliUnil, Mary A imiMti, in It) on. Thus McNry, Strati Murphy, Anna M liter, A J Murphy, W H Munr, M l". Mveii., .eiio K lliiriimiiime, Martin Ki-wny. .Msriha IJVlP, ItltMH Jlcnll, no j v Dtviil, I lint Itotiuel Mollie Diiait, Amsco It'iui1, K A Illllllie, Jiillll C Killte, Win Itt'dy, Mar) II. ltotierton. Anund Kiiilierleon, Mrs S M Iti.M-e, I F Kmbertsou, Martin It-idk-irs, llony vlmir, J S Suotleld, (1. W. hiiortildge, U. W. (0 Hllnion, Mtilin W Hiiim. Win or M A Tiuie, (ho To.Mu.ln, MraK A Thoiiipsoo Diiilsi Wataoii. W l Will., Ulgar Wlltuid.Jiweiiti H Wise, Mrs Naucy J CuglMi P II Kiulikh, Mrs Mary Karn us, Jaiuea Fattihsu, W U Oraiiuolil, Y liriulei Jas M liraut V Sioiio ()n son, J II tUaklus II A IUiiiiiI, I 'on rd tlalght lvliibelll llollilts, Jntephluo tlickmad, lloury Hum, l) W Juokmn, J , Jonex, Abxandor Jouof, Melon Jones, A T Hnspp, (J) 0 A I in is, Lima Ixaury, Hoaa WllllsiiK.ll. W. Wtllard, A K Worley, Thus P Youug, Jtiunio Young Joalo Yocum Till Yocum, M F Yocum Helta Tho Jili riots. Wool J whUr n- tl.o i:i(, end the do cllun lifiteln hii-tilei .1. Whant BiitVi'l n llit-f r'rrllin this week both t h4i Kianel-eo ami In l,ivrtool. liuyurs thiough Ihla valley etlll oiler u dollar a bushel, and to makoadvancos on contracts, but somo havo withdrawn or modlflodtho offor to buy. No man living can tell what wheat will bo a fortnight heuce. All Is speculation and In certainty, with prospect of a large crop and a fair prico for It, and nothing more. Those who cell for a dollar bave a safe thing, and that la all wo know for certain. Oali'ornia jfarketa. ' Wo copy tho following from tho Ban Fran olsoo Commercial ilerald, July 26th! Tonnage continues to accumulate In our harbor, and the apparent Indlfleronce mani fested by wheat exporters to ohartor ships at current low freights to tho United Kingdom Is somewhat surprising. Kvon tho farmers are silent lookers on, not willing to accept tho situation, not free tellers of tholr grain at present high prices, nor will thoy avail themselves of low freights to ship. From the boat Information at our disposal, there appeara to tie vory lew, ir any, English or ders boro for wheat, certainly not at limits that will allow or tlio orders being executed at proHout. This 'doad lock" lu freights Is certainly vory discouraging to rililp.owuera who havo tuore of vossola now at anchor In our harbor seeking lni.ilnos, aud this Is tho more ituuoylng ben wo consider tho largo surplus slock of wheat and tlour hero and in Oregon that Is to go forward within tho next twelve months. Whoat Thus far In July only two ships havo cleared for tho Uultod kingdom, to cloven c-irgoos kamo time Isst ywar. TIiono two hIiIw uro tho Oniuloaud tho Indians, the latter carrv lug -18 -I.VJ coutuls, valued at 107. UIO. Thodally ruoslpts at lido water ato very light, yet the accumulation lu uainhoiiHOM at Stockton and oilmr Interior shlppltig polutH la largo and steadily luurtmHlng, Farmers, lor tho most pail, aro unwilling helleis at present, nor do they show any dlspoHiilou t export their grslu ovon at present low rates of freight of i to Liverpool. Tho Sli cktou Inilopoiidoiit eas: "From tho amouiii of wheat thot Ii ooii-Untly pouring Inio thin market, ono would not luiaglnu that we have had a very dry year. Over nix hundred thousand aaoka have already boon sold In this county, which Is suiUotont to aaok up 4'2 000 tons. Tho wheat la unusually heavy tills year, and averages 140 pounds to the sank, plump. North and oast of tba San Joaquin river there will be more wheat rata e In the county than we had last year " Prices at. Ssn Francisco, good milling J45; choice 2 r0, per cental. Flout Bfpor demand at nreaont la light for all gradss. Nupuriine, ffiia.oO; extra su pflrtliir, t5 M6. lUrley Arrivals aro 'light and tho dally offering small, all tending to keen up prices. Ryo Hut little doing, prlco fl.00 per oau tal. Hops Doiuand tnflnod mainly to small Jobbing lota, at 20i or less; slock light. Wool Market flrm. holders not oaring to foroa matters. Tho railroads decline to tako freight east of Chicago, which of course dis courages shippers, Stocks aro light, and otntlned almost exclusively to Humboldt and Kutorn Oregon wool. Humboldt, 28 to 80o: i:4Htern Oregon, 27 to 20. Pota'oea Itbcolpta for tho woek havo beon about equal to tho consumption and prloes been quite steady. Present range, from f 1.60 to 1 75 por 100 lbs. Onions -llecelpts aro largoly In exoosanf thedetnaud; 75a por 100 lb, for choice Sil versklns. an Francisco naruef. lar TiLsunArn.) San Francinco, Jaly 31. Wheat-Decline of Sdtn I.tTrrpoel market: nntet lie 1 market; rantto from $i ii to l as, cuUlJo fig ure tho aklug price for choice: milling. 0at-f3 33 Ilarley-revd, $t C0al Oi nrawloi;, l 60 to 1 83. OoM-lOflK; aicenbackr, UIXM; Hlltnr, aftSX dlrcount. Legal Tenders in Portland buying 04; selling, 05. Silver Coin 4H5 por ount.dlaconuL JOHN HUGHES, DKALKlt IN Groceries 30. cX Provisions, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, u..c3. Dr3-uLiaLi,g; : , -t o r I t 1 m OP ALt, KINDS. 13 THIS AGENT FOIt THK SALE OF THE RUBBER PAINT, ALL COLORS Mycr Ac LowonHtolu'H 'VnriiiwIioH, HOWELL & BEOTHERS' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, SALEM MARKET. MONKTA1IV. Liaac. Tisoshs, baylnic, H)c : tolllnc, Me. FLOUK, OKAIN Ac. Wheat, boat while V tmbtl a 06 Oau, V bn i U) Com Meal, V t 0 Klour, boat, V aacx, (V barrel) Six e Buckwheat Floor, x.. it 6 llran. V ton,.. .-. ............. .M... .,1a QTi hhort. W tou. ............... ...... ) OOfa OilCak Meat, V ton 35 00i.... Ftax He,d, per V..... .......... .......... iH -.. Ilajr, M (on, new $14 tt6 baled, V ton....... .............. ...... O .. OUOOKlltRrt. dnar.Han Fraucifcorvflmxl, V bbl 13. a U IiUnd iSMOl cra.bcd 1W& ltK powdered 1MI 11 k-ttimUlcd Nit II SlfQp, ,(1ilieaseo HVipl W Tea, Jftpnu, V C.,a NHil 00 lottwrUt. ! V41 W CVffio, Ootft KlC V t IUOaats ! i vll KOUl) ta 4t J t att ll9 $l Car ui on UUiui. per cw ... Liverpool, cr!s FKUITs). VKOKTAHLKS.lACa pplca. ...... ........... .................... dried. V lr... ..................... I'earhea, dried, V 8 I'lunia, " IVsri-, . .c. pr ba...... ...... ... iioatu, v d... ........... t'.itjtoc. W buthet Onlnn. M to. ...... ...... ...... Cabu.ic, V daa,. ...... .................... WU Oil ..rti ni ..1 si ! Ut UVfc It! tUiS 11 ..u .. U 4 50 4& n taxi 00 HUTTKlt. BUQ3, Jlo. I4 163 lli Hotter, freh roiu, V ,lS ro irfcvu........... ..--.. ---------- Ktfjji. y doaea... .................. ....-.,.. ChwM Orvgoa prlsto, i B (jgrd, 1 V,.. .......... . 0IL8, JtC Llnaeed OU, boiled, V saltaa.. J JJS raw. " ,! j " Laid OU, V palloa l W tXtalOII. ,.................. JJJP m ..AiMAAft OIL al aral........,.............! 14a Oil fdy ft),, ..... .!.... 10 -AMI JSeiZx J"u.etzx LdLe. State Street, Salem, Oregoa. WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, USE THE.. AVERILL PAIUT It Is prepared ready for Immediate use, and or ALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PURE WHITE. It, Is easy to upply, nnd It will For durability, beauty, and not crack, nee! or chalk off. brli.Iancy of color It Is TITHOUT . 3Bt-7a.Li. For sale In any qu.utiliy by WEATHERFORD & GO, DEALEltS IN. DRUGS, PAINTS, OIL3. AND PERFUMERY. SALEM, ORECION. may2f w.waaruaaroaD, j. w. wmaTsaayoitu. Weatherford & Co.. Wholesale and Ketatl Ocakri In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. Patent Medioines. CHEMICALS. E rxi. m y TOILET GOODS, Etc, eto. PURE nSand LIQUORS, For Mexnetnal porpoMs. Medlolnei Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co., Pcttf Commercial etroat. NALRFI. m HEREIN & FARRAR, Will par the Highest Market Price r 500,000 POUNDS SACHS AND TWINE lTnrnlk4liol. Kn.joUo of W. J. II Kit II UN, VAUIlXU. UIIOTIIllUS. Uikm,Mj, 1371-3 m.3 Established 1810. Original Liver Medicine. roit all msK.axs or thr livbk, bouin MK43 OK THK BTOMarU, I.US8UK AVVH- T1TK.8ICK HKADArus, KTO. KTO. PallOB, ae atellar, T. A. atAVIS, 4c CO. Wholtatl DrafstaU.Tt Proat St. Portia cd, KarM-4ak AxaaU ax Onega. The Old Immigrant . Route Acrowu Ihu Caocadn n.'Uiitalan. hOW UWNID BT Till Oatesdi Xonda t M io Oimpnv, Ilanatnir via ant, Mt. lloocl.and Uarlow'a Oate, IB NOW 4lfeN, and tiarel of all kind. Inaba kun. Tiiaroad lain KOd icpalr, eatrn-Uu Im. i0J.Te'?!r.",.V,,b!,"f n.,doeTrry )ar 'Hit I.AU HKL. IIIM.8 araallirmdrd. Minp-hrltlve" aroon all thaMratm TMn nart turir riccfTef a OLi.Mi.ub ndr.iid)fotltlltliohoriet, kvt amichaik cut roiito over th uiuuiiUlna. Ulriaticu i ver tha niountatiia, 44 ti,t Krom I'lirlUrd over lb muiintani. 78 mll.. Yiom f-alm, IHO mlln. !f '""T'a01". ''; 8addla.60; Taeka. S5e Cat tle, 10 ; Hiit"i 3c t,K0C," P.'11" U(l ailn fnim orlnl .Marl -n. Yaav nl!l.."a.hlii)iou. Mud, IlrnKip, and P..ik eooutlea, llila la by far tbo bvai. nraivrt. nid linrrt mule. H. D. COAUUN, I'm Id nt. Hartit R. Cao.a, Hc. Ulini KELLY & UNDERWOOD, Carriage & Wagon Mta, Salem, Oregon, HAVR ON HAND A CI10ICB LOT OP FOU Spring Wagona,1 Carriages, & Buggies, of their own make, Mannfaetard or the HRSl qualllr of Joraey Iltrkotr. (llTeoaa call, ai.dcinmlio oar work, aud Judia for rnaiaclrc. Allklmda or Rfpalrlnz acdOmeial Johblnir dona at ilior. notlco. l4 WORTH Sfi.LEM STOKE. A T TH BIUflK 8TOK, ll.S JUbT HHCKIV dL ed arull aMorunvnt of Q-eaeral Merchandise, Dry Goodgj Grooenes, Boots 8l Shoes, Hardware, Clothing llcolatod tor tha Ottyand Coantrv Trade Housht aa low, and will Ns .old at aa UMALL A PKoKPT S EDWIN ADENO adtngACNGY'y3 174 elm street. CINCINNATI. OHIO. Advertisements inserted in any paper, Before adrertiaing semi for mj catalogua. SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESI For Old and Young. liar-Sighted aud Near-Sighted, MioltneGaaae lor Suurlauieii, 8TKKU SII.YEK, AND OOLl) PltAMES. For Sale I THHI PINK HHSttn-sck ,.. tdfii."1 ulV'lon ,rV'" l" "e'lrahlo MlualloT y arrnd. and ro m,l ,..,.fn ! "'"" V wr & T.9K o w sar sssrSH CM I.Klk 1VII l iu Patton'aBtock atatepu. baiiW. TrAA Ki,.? -fp" ut '. v. av. t h r i iw -u.-.cjfcwWJ