Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 03, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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jtfmrVr John T. .Tonce, Barton, Phi Hips. A rk.
Omivmi J. J. Woodman, Taw l'uw, Van Moron,
Acturtr'-A. II Bmc.Uoy. Crrseii, "ow.rd, la.
dt'f Mwarrf-Morllmur Whitehead, MlddliMJOto,
BOpSam-s'?H Ellis. Hp'lDrfl.oro.iKh.Warron.0.
TrSlnrir-V.M. WeiWll, Vaiie, Mtuhen.N.Y.
Sertirii-0. II. Keller. I o-iIhtIHc. Kt.
(iale-lteMr-O. niuwhM o, Orchard (Irovc. Ind.
JTwa-AlM. riminio II. dim. MontleHK "Inn
JtaSu Mr. lUrwyOortdjirt, rtorl . Or.ii.by. C .
,y .iMWdir .SfciMrtf-HIHf' Cirollno A. Hall,
loulrvllk'i Ky
D. Wytt Alkon, (Ctialnnan.) IMcuburr, 8- C,
K. K. HlianUat.d. JMnwpio Iowa.
Dnilley T. Chanc, Clarumunt N. II.
AlonroO .Idtf, llock Fll. Whltcid.1.;. In.
W. It. Chamber, Oiwctchco, Koitcll. Ala,
OlIlcuM'or Oregon Slate Grae.
0kAa 11. Hhiplor, Oawcgo.
furw-Mr. K. N. Hunt, anoiimiij.
TVitcrtlarv'H. W. Handall. Oregon (,'ltjr.
neuJarJLV II. Tliom..,Wall!li.WallA,,W. T.
Wan SUward-ai Yf. lllddle, CanronYllIo.
Vhaptatn-Vi, II. any, Astoria.
ffa.AV'jxrlFanlBl Olark. Hlert.
Srw-MYa. II. A. Miller. Jacltjonrlllo.
ioro-tri. M. A. Kelly. Kait I'ortlaad.
X3y m7 HUuarJ-Xtt. OeorgU BmUi.rJood
WJUMcfiJSMf-W, Cyru., Bclo, It. Clow,
Stati llutlnUi Aqtnt-il. V. bee. roruaaH.
ftate Grange Deputiea for i877
A Iloliler
Corvalllf Corrallls
gnooh Hklnrlno Unite Creek
K W Itandall ....Orojon tily
J W llajm Myrllo Creek
OMIMidDer Draln'a Btatlon
rirmm(.nTKollrV.,.'....K"t Portland.... Kail Tortland
PKCanlleman Ilntlovlllo
O XV Hunt Sublimity baicm
JN TMIIlof.' ...Tae'wjnvlllo Jacktontlllo
7 A I'attarion. Illckroil HAlcm
3 JCIiarllmi
Daniel l'livttr...
Jamco WMiilnck
l INN.
John llnil
...OooHiUke JaeUronvlllo
..Korhyflllc JacliBontlllo
...Lvbanon Albany
...Tygh Tliu t) Alios
DO Durham..'..' M-Mlnnllh
J Ha.inliiL'tiin (lAntiin
D II Kinchin CinyonClly Canyon City
I XV Coiy.-r Columbia City
II V li'lilit.!!"."..' Tlllamonk NorUi Yamhill
J H Whim.. ..!..' Wwlon VTcnUrn
JIlcnryHhrocdcr.... Ott
H W Krown ,
1.8 UltiK'-r
i nr.iui.in.
M (It)IHltlll.,...
. .Dayton
... Colfax Colfax
,.m. ,..KIma. ..,,
Chehatla l'o'nt..
HH Maikham.
TiltmTN. , m.i
k O AIiIhiiu. Olympla Wympia
I Laninlrt ...Yolin
Julian Horton Htatt'o Betttle
LM I'Imhiii ClMoalo.....
OP Cmk..i.t ,,,Klleobitr ..,
In any rminly where the Drpnly aj pointed la not
the miit ttllabl, acd Iho Jranito. of .ha hicalltj will
propmly ImllcaUi to mo a choice. I will ba plea ad, (or
In many liulancra I hatohenn oblluwl to make ap.
olntmonU without knowledge ai5yjJ,u
Mailer Oregon 8btto(lranic. 1. of H.
M eotiurjof Subordinate Orangei
Holm, No. 21, mneUln Albany, on the lat
and ilsmuriUyH or ",,, month, i 10 . rn.
0k IMkIii, Xo. tl, In lUUoy, 'Jut! nil 4th
HatunlityHHtllH in. . , ... , .
llniir. No, iitt, In (JrwlorUvlllo, lal
nil ilrtl Naturtlayi. t 'i P. m.
Hytrtiiiuo No. M, t Minors HUtlon, 4th
(taturilny,Htl p.m. . , , , lt.
LoiiHiinti No. 'JI, "t Ubanon, 'J4 and 4th
HatiinUy) m HI . ....
(Intoil I'wltlo Nn. 10, Ith Hturdy.
Knox llullu No. '1, 1st and 3rd Hatur-
tUiillim No, :7, and mid 4lh Haturdaya,
at 10 a in. .......
IlniAimvilloNo. 10, Nt and 2nd Hatur.
TwiiKtuit, No. 7, Ul nd 3rd Friday, t 10
'llitrrl-.lmrK', No, II, lit ami .Ird Hatur.
davi, at HI, in.
Hlimld, No. II, lit and 3J HuturiUyii, at 10
"ll tiijiy III tna No. 40, Ut mid 3d .Saturday
In imiiii iiiouih from Oetolxtr to Juno, and on
Uin l-t Silunlay tlml)Uiio.of llioyaar.
Ilarmoiiv No. 'il, ard Saturday, reKUlarly,
exoopi In Nov. D.K3 , Jan., Feb,, and Maruu,
whuii tlioy iiunit Hih Ut Friday.
iinsros COUNTY.
Hoitit OnHik No II, Ul Saturday at 10 a, m,
WlllitiiintKi No. 1U, Ut Thuraday, at 10 a. in
I'lillouuUi, No TJ, tth Saturday, at 10a. in.
OroaiMiill, No ill, 4h Silunlay, 1 p. m.
KiiinuiH, No. Ml, In IJjK'tmn City, 3rd Hat
day, ut 10 a. in.
Uliirliy, No Til. 'J I SittircUy.
(loilion, No. 101. UtSituriUy, at lOo'olooU
Jiiiiollon City, No. i, 'Jud llUllay, ai I
'' MoUtiiulo, No. 107, Cunp Cn-nk, 'i Silur.
0.k I'.tlut, No. 3, Ut and 3rd Hattirilaya.
Hahuti llrautti, N . 17, Ul ami 31 Saiur.
rtayt In t.ioli iiionili, nxinpi In Auuuvl, Hp
leiubir, and Ooiobtr, wlum ll iui.it.i only on
thti UtSUltrilnv it iholr hall III S.iUlll.
Abloua, No 13-1, 4th Satuiilay,
Itu.k P.iliil. No -IH. a.lHUiir.UV. at I P. m.
Jluiio Crook, No. bJ, 3rd Saturday, at 10
llotxttrtnu No. 100, tiinou Ul, SaltirtUy, at
Marlou County Pomont Qr&DRe
Will tntwt on Ihaaacond Friday In Stplm
ber, 1S77, at ten o'clock a. in., al Halom. It
la dealrtxl that niemUitJt of other l'omona
grauKMln adjolulmr, countlea be preaenl, II
xmaalbla, aa the bualnea or thla meeilni will
U or luiporUaoa. O. W. Hoirr, Haater.
A Woaaa llaetoa Inaugural.
8lttor Maggie Bharpe has been elocted
Mantorof Center grange, 165, Howard conn
tv, Ind. Her Inaugural addrosa we quoto
HhIow, and It Ih ho nonalblo, and every way
bre.V.hes nuoh a good aplrlt, that It la worthy
to ho copiud from tho. Atlantic to tho Pacific:
You will not think' It wrong If I' very
brl'llv Ullyou why I, a womn ono, too,
m lOtloqimllllHil tniiHBiimo too dtltlm of a
pr aiding oflleer, ahould uonaont (o fill thai;
io"li(ori. I liHllovoin tho prinolplea and in.
t"iit of tho grangi) orgatiUulon. I know
that iih larmurH and farmors' wIvpm, aona
ond ilauuhtcrH, wo ran hobenoflied by meot
itiK nt mated Intervals lo dlcum mid -x-nbnngH
oplnlona on tho many things that
Intel. t iih. Wo nnti'l tho rulaxatlou and
nooliil ud vantagoa of tho grangot wo neod Ita
lo.4Mf.itH of putiHiico, oharhy and brotherly
klniluotH TliDti, aft I bnllovo lu tho grnno
I m willing to do what I oun to mako It
whntltnuuht to ho tho mnana of adding
to our knowledge our uaofulnoHa and happl
neH, Tho lilNtory oroui1 grango for thopat
yoar has ahown u that We rnay- tnVn.Btddo'
from tho plain path of duty and wholly Ig
nore the lewona of brotherly love taught by
our mannai; too apirit or. aiacora , naa
rolgned, Whero wo abould hayo had peace
and concord. lam not blaming any ono,
I think we 'nave' all been more orjeaa tc
oiame. i enow we can ao ueimr in iuo iu
turn than we havo In tho put and I oaraea!
ly bollere'wtfwlll Tahall' rio dodbt often
makeaerioua demand npon your forbear
ance by' my" mistakes. I am utterly unac
qualntod with parliamentary rule'and ana
goa, and no doubt the patlenco'of aomoof
you will beaoroly tried booauso in my Igno
ranoa I shall hot always rule according to
Gushing. Hut let us bavo patlenoo ono with
anothor and try alwaya to obey tho spirit of
tho law, and It we do aomollmofi depart
rrom too letter, lot us remembor tuai inn lei
tor often kill, whllo the aplrlt raakoi alive.
My only desire, in accepting thla position. Is
to promote ponce, harmony and good will,
and I aecopt It, too, bccauno I bollovo that
woman Is mado better, truor, ctronger and
wlaar by dlaoharglng any honorable duty to
wlilih alio may bn called, and that only tho
wnk and unwomanly nhrlnk bohlnd tho
Imrrlor of euitoui to avoid doing anything
lliatoan rlichtfully bo nskod of her. And
now Ut us oxornlio thatnliarlty toward oaoli
other lhat Is described by tho apoitlo, a
elmrlty, which "suffdroth long and la kind."
which "onvinth not, which vatintoth not It
Holf, Im not pufTtid up, doth not bnhavo itsdlf
uiueomly, In not oaslly provoked, and
tlilukoth no ovll "
What Is a Fflrmnr'i lToro and how ahall
ho bo Bred?
I know of no ntylo or liorwi mnro doilrublo
or morn prolltablo (o bo brod than you lo
aurlbi. Thny will, unqui!tlonably, Iwtlio
b'HiHort, not only f.ir tho great mM of our
f.irmftrx, butalno for tho roid, tho oxpn-nH
wuon, Ilia Kentloman'H carrlxgo, and for
ahlpiiiont to Kurnpo. Tho plninnit-formml
would iHlurally bo unod for tho Urat throe
purpoNoa, whllo tbn moro olt'gunt and uplrlt
ail would bo quick of Rain, and at hint prl
on, for Iho two lattor. 'Hiiro la a greater
piuoltyof ilno carrlaKo bono In Kuropo,
ovon, than In America; and tho demand for
thorn from tbat quarter alone, for a loog
llcio to nome, would probably abaorb all o
ahould ha ablo to produoo, aeltlrjg aaldo that
or tho homo markott ao thore la Utile reaaon
to approheud a aurptua and non-paying prl
cm, a la now tho oaao with the general rum
of irntllna; hone.
Stallion for the production of auoh home
oUKht to be at loaatlflto 10) hand hluh,
and weUh 1,160 to l,2o0 lba,, unlfaa thoolawi
of mart to bo bred to them are extra large;
tho Ktalllona then noed not be over 16K
band hlRhl but with thla loaaer "holKht thiy
ahould bn of great aubatanoo and compactly
built, olherwixo their col '.a would bo likely
to oome long-legged , and grow up thin and
weedy, and lack atrength and endurance.
Care ahould be taken to seloot alallonaof
uahlonable color, and a well brad and a
fctyllab aa poawlblo. If In tlieio good quallliea
a kind temper, aplrlt, onduranoo and aub
aianooarn added, wo might toon expect to
boo tho country supplied, not only with a
hamtaome, bat extra-Mr viewable race of
horaea, worth twloe. or perhapa IhrK-o the
pilcooftho prtent average raoe, even for
farm purport alona,
Tli fet la a HtibJiHit which for (he praaenl,
cannot bo too often or too atrongly placed
buforotlie farmeiH,aall would le greatly to
their Intureat to lollow the good advice yon
hai given them,
ijomn olJMOt to what la called "high brml,"
and ruoraMtolally to "Thoroughbred;" but
thlxlu bticatiNtt ao many light, wcody, ill
temporwl aolmila of Ihla sort hare boeii
palmed off uMn thorn, on tbeauppoaltlon
Dint idlgree alona, oral Iraal mainly, waa
all lhat waa requlatle In a atttllion to get Aral
rata otfanrlng. 1'edigree U a good thing,
provided It la acooinpinled with other tie
alrableqiialltlM a itr-rrribnd ahovr : but If
nut. ll la oi liulo account. Tho good old rale
lu thli case, aa well aa i thorn, ahould bo
ittrlolly kopt in mind, that "like prodortm
llke;,raud, although a atalllnn might havo
houitt reiuolo famou hoitu in hlx Mdlgrre,
lu. ought not to Ut iriiktHi f r thla alonu, I
v-Ul, howovor. add, to favor ihe nrgument of
tho ptiro alluUlnra for tillgr"o, that 1 havo
kooiMi well-briMl malm, not only of hooee,
ImKif otbtir klu.U of aulinalc, when rather
liKlill'crtint of tlieniu'lvfw, produoo mirHrlor
olfnprliig, wlun iho ImiiicdiiiHi progenltorx
tr.tMip.rlor of tliolr kind, lint rtfollfcl,
Itsvtis tho "linmi-dlaiti" and nolttm"r
moln" lhat did this mill I would not r-com
mend dopoudouco on It when ono rmild do
b ltfr, ,
NiiiiiurniiM horaoi for Iho farm and rir
rUgt,aU(di as I drhorlUnl aUivo. Mora for
innrly bred In ihnatatti of Now York, from
Uni1 Inland to Krlo county, and luolubiy
ullll aro,Pxcoit ihen light, idy titallioiiN
hobtun Uwul lu ntako fml iroltora for
light road wagon, or boinoUiing Mill moro
umIi, except to laal oily young men, Stioh
horMrt would plow tithily iiioacrtanf land
jKr day, uiiIi'h of a heavy clay Mill: txko a
uiCtleralo load lo market nil a fair roid nt lie
ratenlMx or anion uilloi pnrhour; or in a
light wagon, on a good, leval ro.id, could ba
put up, wllhotii Injury, lo from uluo to
i luiou miles Hir hour. 1 have driven tuch
u ho a in ii buwgy, earn tug another lklden
any ud f, at an avoragoofalxty miles Hrday,
on a Jurney ol aei eral hundred nillis. with
out loMOfcondilion or apparent fatigue at
the mid. A. II. AU.K.i, n Xittxonal T.ivt)
Stock Journal,
The Taooma lltntld eatleaate the yield of
hope in the Puyallun Valley, thla Muon, at
(bur or Ave Uouaaod bale.
Hakomaw's Cbekk, W. T. 1,
Julv. 18. 1877. f
. We are fn n great oxoltomont in this part or
wie worm, The reasou way, no one anowa.
Only Joseph and Mb host l at war with the
whites, 160 nillfHto tho Sotitheant of here,
and a man has been murdered in Pino Creek
valley and ono lu Yakama, by, no oue
knowH who.
There la a great dol dno by thieving
whlfeB and laid to tho Indians. Dot tho
.worxt otioray ' wo havo hero Is Madam
Th mo nro parll? 'iera Ihpt Imiplno i greit
eai( vi.n iiicv nicr ri'o.-i nir iei'ii
bora iluttiirn oi'ily "r I' ', ''fy 'o!l i' i,.i
hrtptH rtlid foilvj U.'wti l 'I 'e...i,ui nllJi
thla over iin'll 1 in" "no rT life own
kind, r'li.ff-i wlint ih iiuril, ililiui q.i'il
lfli)2 In lllii ifUrt.! ll.n u.i:. one leiiiuaja
.hot; th4 ono L'nts ! ' ' , .' i,,,07
tnriii'o tdo riller, rrvlif jeotanw, t 1 tht
people LUUU Up uui) ruali lo too llcntoat placo
of safety.
'After troltlnir torfnther tho moro thounht-
fulono begins to Inqalro and invostlgato,'
u.wjr vrauiiJK lue roport imun. iu iiihcu ui uo-
ginning, wnonau go duk to inoir nomos
and wait for
Which is hot 16ng'oomlng.
Tho tnobt 6f the peoplo havo loft the Pa
lotrno' country, Vhleh Jeavos the country a
great deal woaker in numbors, but unt In
fighting material, than when the war be
gan, 1 have always found that a coward
was In the way when dangor really existed.
-I do not think thore is any real danger out
of tbo settlement, alono, and unarmed on
the trails, (when somo of the renegade fel
Iowa woro pasting, he might got hurt. I
conaldor tho Pine Creek, Hangman's Creek
and Ccour d'Alone valleys as sale If not tho
safest part of the Palottsocoutry. From this
Tho Indians (the Ccour d'Alenos) are the
moHt enlerprislug, Industrious, eacoablo
and quiet nation I ever haw. They are more
strict in the nbsorvancn or tho Sabbath than
any ixioplo I over saw. During tbo first
stampede to Colfax, theou Indiana ntooit
giiani over tho slock, farina and IioukohoI
tho whites, They rodo night and day to
keep tho atock out of tbo firnln, It being tin
fenced, a great dual of it. Thoio were somo
IndlmiH breaking Into Mr. Truax'a houto,
whou thoy wero discovered by aomo of tho
And drivnii away, Tho reason of thorn bolng
any troubloat alt with Indians here, wus,
thorn wore pur tic Irom sovornl trlbua on
Hrtiigtnaii'a Crook digging catnas, nud run
iilug lior0H,a prautluo whloli has beon fol
lowed upovnr hIii co tho whlteH Kittled thi
country. Thoro woro representatives from
inn e7. rorcM,poiCHiiert, uuintllliis, Uoliiin
liu'rt, Yiikiinni", Uu.tkes and ivr,il other
small trlbcm lu tho atijnlnlng valloys, willed
m tdo iiulio h showltigof IndlanH and liiime)-.
H lien, iho Olilr tho Coiur d'AloiKM, fearing
anno of iho thlovlug wrttoliosoftlmt-o banilH
miglildo aomo nmoiilor, rrqneiteu thorn to
(IUpitre, and go to their anvernl hnmcf, thla
oiuhoJ somo trouble and dUflutlsfaciinn,
wliloli cauio very noar roiultlng In a tight
Hinong tho IudinnH. Holloa (pronounoed
StiltOitM-) kcopaacoutHOUtiill tho time, and
aeuda a mehH.igoovery evening to thosottlo
muiitH, keeping thorn thoroughly pouted aa
regards tho movements of tho Indians, and
aaa ho will lutua know if thoro la anylui
modUto danger, The newa brought In by the
IndlanH, and theolHolal reports from Lewis
ton are the only ono we glvo any attonllon
to at all.
To give you an Idea bow stories grow I
will glvo you one. When I waa on ltock
Creek there waa one Frenobman and his
family encamped at a spring one mile be
low our cabin. I. went to Pino Creek and
the report bad it there were 100 Frenohtma
there, I went on to Palonse City the next day
and there they bad Itthoro were 1,000 French
men and they were having war dauoea every
night. Thla is a fair sample of all the ru
mora we get.
The peoplo are doing now what they ought
tq have done In the beginning,
And watching the movements of tbo Indiana
alt over the eountry.
Now what we wanils, allthat have no homes
and want ono, and baa aomo of the grit or
our forefathers, to oomo on, and don't do
aa the majority (hat have come to this coun
try, come without arms, but oomo with a
good gun In your wagon, for there Is plenty
of good game here, and the simple fact that
the people are prepared to defend themaelvea
would bo aufflcUnt curity agaluat any
farther trouble with tho aavagoa In Ibu
We havo somo mon here, that a few like
thorn would bold this country against all lbs
forooa the red aklns could bring against
Ihetn, for they neither run nor scare, but are
pruiient ana not "loot naray." I would not
like in call nameH, but when youcomoioo
Mill And Mr. W. Preedlng, at Palouae
City, Uvorgo MeQieon and Wm. Johnson,
on I'ina Crei'k, MJ. Wimpy and Mr. Cape
land, on Ilangmaii'aQreek, and many oibera,
nnlghbora lo them, with their doora wide
nen, giving yon as hearty a weloonmai ever
you n.et with In any pku-o, ready to show
you around, and If nf ed bo, furnish you a
riding horse to boot. Wo havojnal organised
apompany or militia, will no to-morrow to
ge our arms.
The company HI be led by good omcort,
and irthe Indiana will give ua fair warning,
and not come too thick and fast, we will give
tbem a terrible fight. P. Gilbukt
A VnlunUa) Relic
We were shown yesterday, by Hon. J.
Qulnn Thornton, a well preserved copy of
nut ami aimanaa overprint! on me racino
Outat. It Ii a book of 44 pagei, the calcula
tions for lhi meridian for tho jear 18W
being mado bv llenrr II. Kvorta. and tho
work of printing waa done in the Spectator
ouiiMai tirfgon city. The hook comains
aoioo statlbtlcal Information about Iho, thfn,
newconntry, nun ib oftlcera or tho Ter
ritory, etc Joilco Thornton has prviented
the look to the I'lonunr SxjetT to bo kept In
Iho HinhloveH or that institution Air fnlura
Mr K.M.Wiilte, Secretary of tho StaUiAgrl
eulnuAl Society, Inform ua that ho ha-l an
awera rrom nearly all lot theHuperln'endenti
appointed m tho tnveral deiartments., and
neirly atl of thorn atnto In answer that ihoy
will Ui iki hand, a Net unnnal in tho hlotnry
of the Society. Tula IndlwUa a growing
Interest tn tho Sosloty, and ln indloatei
that there will bn a large attendance at the
eonilng State Flr.
llrouckt TJp.
Cap'aln A. W, Watera. U.S. Marabal,
brought up last evening William Hloki and
KnoHi Hiker, tho two desperado recently
eonle'rl lu Judge Deady'a court orutlnring
counterfeit coin. There war lurnudover to
Superintendent Ilnroh and will apeml seven
yiars oaeh at tho Statu akocknui tlouie.
A. II. Stephens, after carvfully reading
his obituaries, aaya be hat learned or In
cldentstn his lire and traits of character
ot whloh bltaerto h bad beea quite Iff-niraat.
Whatever sympathy ono may feci for
railroad cmployco, when wagca have been
groatly reduced nnd who cock for their
restoration, law must bo enforced, riotera
must bo subdued nnd punished, and tho
popcoof tho community bo preserved at
nil hazards. To maintain law nud order
Is tho duty ot government, and tho riot
ers, where tho destruction or lire and
nmnnrtv wn rend of. cannot oxtieut other
wise than thnt law will bo enforced and
they receive punish ment,
Tho railroads insist that the long con
tlnuod depression of uubIuckh ciiusch them
great loss, while this is alio combined
with a llcrco competition uoiwocu iouu
ing trunk tines tor the trade of tho mart.
Tliov ol&itn that reduction of expenses is
absolutely necessary, nnd refer to the
fact that many railroads havo bocorue
bankrupt and others roust beoomo so '
Wo havo a certain sympathy with
labor in its strugglo with capital, and
cannot but feel that every year money
tightens Its grasp on the throat of labor
and threatens to enslavo It. Thon again,
there is a mutual dependonoo between
Capital and Labor that we foel must lead
to aproper aajustment intnoonu. wun
the strong 'arm of government ready to
put down violations or law anuoruer, ana
thousands of unemployed men only, too
glad to accept tho situations ,and wages
vacated by tho rioters, It must bo aeon
that theso strikers are moro than useless
In many instances, though it is to be
iioped they will arouso a correct publio
seutimont and lead to a pcaaeful revolu
tion that will establish the rights or labor,
and give tho working man opportunity
tor Independence by providing him with
reasonable compensation for his services.
The history or our own country show
no such tcrriblo convulsions from such
cause, and tho lescon of tho hour is ono
thnt must lie heeded by both the govern
ment and tho mil road and other corpora
tions. It is natural, and proper onough,
for laboring men to orgunizo for self-protection
nnd to claim a fair reward for cer
vices rendered, hut in viow of tho fact
that ut tho present tiino employment is
dlfllctilt to obtain for many, and thous
ands stand ready to fill tho vacancies ut
reduced wages, it is not easy to secure a
fair ntul tquitnblo udjustnioiitofthu labor
ami wages question. Tho moro capital
Is combined and concentrated in great
corporations and railroad lines, the easier
It becomes fur it todiclutu terms lo labor,
nnd no possiblo exigency In moro lo bo
dreaded than that wliloli shall glvo capi
tal unnatural supremacy and degrade
labor, to bo Its servile ami dcfouuulcwi in
strument. DEATH OP PtiVHA tiluXEU.
Anothor Ploneor and old oltlr-'ii of Saloin
gnno to IiIh long home. I'ettr llilyeu agoJ
thrtohooro and fourteen died shortly after
noon to day. Ilia death waa uuli.oked for,
as yesterday bo appeared to be recovering
from a severe rheumatic attack, and this
morning when Dr Josaap called atSo'olook
evory symptom of his dleae was favorable.
At seven tbo Doctor waa hurriedly sent for,
the messenger stating tbat bo fan red that
bo had giren tbo wron madlolne, although
bo tbouxht he had not. Upon the arrival of
the physician Uncle Potbr was found In
a a'jniloomatose condition. Upon being
aroused be stated that he had taken the
wrong medicine, and It may be possible that
he bad, a there waa bottle ot strong lini
ment ued for exiernal application upon
the table near hi bedside with the other
medlolnes. His extreme age however, might
account for hi sudden dropping ott aa there
was no outward Indication nf poison, Dur
ing his abort lllnaaa he ha been well Uken
care of by Mr. Samuel Adolpb, Paul Ober
helm. Mr. George Fosa and other kind
friend. His relative, which aro many,
living mostly mar Sole have been notified
of his death. Due notlca will be given or hi
tiinoe writing the foregoing we are in
formed that there were aymplomsuf UrotnU
olson, which recalled from Inactivity oftho
kidneys. In Mr. OUyeu'a ovw, whloU might
have haatenod his death.
A note from Captain J. O. LUter, of tbo
Mount Jefferson party, dated at Muhama tho
25th, inat., intorms us or tbo ate arrival of
iho party at lhat point, on that date. They
had a gay lima goingover, and their turnout
attraoled universal attention aa thoy swept
by the manv pleasant farm hnusoi that line
the road. Q. A. Cutting ii the Command sr-In-chief
and Ben Kelsay U the "yam p, li
ner" oft bu party. Their tlrt camp on tho
SaatUm waa named "Capip Htli" iu honor
oftho Commissary nfili oiup.in Major
Johu Belt, who furnished bam and eggs the
first night out. Thev pek in blgli riu
of M.C.SeaH who drote thetu ov.ir In hit
"Iboroughbrace" In Ana style and ou qiitok
time. They were to leave on tbo morning of
tuelWth for their objeotlva poiutdlieet, with
their knapaacka labeled "Mt. Jetferann or
bust." The Aral Sunday In August they In
tend being on tbe top of tbat snow covered
Mount and will build tha blggeal kind of a
Ikiii fire al 10 o'clock on thnoveulng of lhat
day and want the Uiya aud gtrU of Salem to
keep a sharp look nut for it at that time.
Salkm, July 23, 1877.
Taking a short tixetiielon jextetday
through Hnaell Prairie aud the Waldo Hills.
I touKI at-H (he liarieatera al work in m.iny
of iho fall-gnilu Aeldi. The v,heat U very
he-tvy, stands up well, and ilin terry ii
plump. All munuerol Imjirovod maotiluery
forb.ivlng (iiirgr.ilu U bore, 'if the latest ami
bet palteriiH. Tliero is an uboniUntmipply
of hands. Tbn hay is ataiut all stored awuy
In tbe birns, Mr. Vtluy Howell bJut
uompletcd a fine hoiue. Mr. GreenwoudV
new dwelling. nowraiNed, will bo Urtro ami
ccwtly, when rtiiUhnlj O, Sb'.w rut built a
large barns Jamei ICay'a floe, new dwelling
costing Afioen hiM dred dolUra Ju.st oooj-
plotedi Mr, KavaiiaiighV fine new houio
nearly done co:ing about twolio huniiied
ilulUrs; Lewis Cltiih'n coiiiiiiimIIuus fruit
canning bouvt, aud Mr F. M. WalU'sspUn.
did hcuae, oKhtlngtweuty-Avoiiuudred dol
lars. Tims ended mv little trip, and I sldl
think this U mi rely (lod'a own oouutry.
Tlrat XmmA at Wheat.
Mr. John H.ivaHiifH4leiu Prairie brought
In tho Ant load of wheat of Ilia eaaiq to
Kinney' Mill, thli foren)n. It la from a
fell.l of 60 a-'raHlia; will yUd about thirty
bushels to tbo acre.
Adjudged. 1
John White, Hying nsr Kola waa exam
ined ya'rdav, by Judge Trait of Polk
ooanty, aad adjudged laaaae. Ha was taken
tn Portland thla caoraiog by tbe West aide
A Slight Blase.
The Taylor House In the Waldo Hills,
well known to all the old settler, caught
tiro ast night and came near being destroyed.
Tho women folks had beou ironing and baa
Bn extra large tiro, and sparka from tna
chimney caught lu the mos on tho roof.
Tho flamoi wero discovered by somo work
men In a harvest field, who were atl runted te
It by tho f-lnanlir actions of a hobbled horse
that, was In auHi'Jolnlng lot, who through iha
natural Usr, animals have for fire, nnd
siroog cfibria lo break his tether ropes.
About 1ml f or the roof wun burnod. and
through the ceiling ot the lower room, before
It wa exttsgulshed. Loss not known.
In the Hospital.
Wo regret exceedingly to lorn that Maor
M. P, Ho'rrv or this oily, Collector of Caa
trims at Sitka, has been brought down im,
Victoria, and la now ivlntr Hantrnmin.lv III aa.
a hospital In Tlutorla. Wo could not leans
the nature of hladlaeoso but trust he wilt
weather tbo storm.
. i
Benjamin Franklin, tho self-taught Aaaw-
loan philosopher, was perhaps the most ex
traordinary man that 'this country haseref1'
produced'.' It maybo Impoealbleito gathc
from the history and labors or one indlvMw
al mind, more practical' wisdom" and vatleat
Instruction than be has. given to the worM.
Very ,DirbU Jropertj tier (hilej,,
Ninety .hreeacrosbf land on BeJem PnH-' '
rie, near the Fair Ground, will be sold at a
great bargain to a cash purchaser. For taraaa
and other Information Inquire of 8. A,
Clarke, at the Fahukb oIHoo, Salem.
Coagka and ColAa,
From Samnel A. Walkor. q., the weH
known Real Eatato Auctioneer or Boston.
"Having exporlonced results of a satisfac
tory character from the use of Wihtabw
Balsam ov Wild Ciikhrt, ki eases of so
vera oolds, during the past two years, 1 have
full faith In its renovating power. I waa
Urst indueed to try thla medlolnn by lha
strong recommendation of a friend, who
waa well-nigh gono with consumption, aad
whoso rollof from tho tuo of It tatiallidma
of im groat value lu cbhjh of colds and de
ollno, and most clearly demonstrated to my
mind Ita gruit aluo na h restorative, that
ouly needs a fair trial to lusuro a grulenat
reoognitiou rrom tho publlu." Sold by au
Isaatorcaait ( all Invalids, ire Im IBM
The Porn v Ian Hvrup. a nrotrotrd rnlullcm
of tbo proloxkloof iron, Mrlkraat tbi roots
uiMiasouy suppiving cue niiKxi wun itu vt
titl prlnulplo, or life element Iron. This ha
tlio secret of the wonderful ahocosh ot that
remedy lu curing Dyapenla, Liver Coaa-
plaint, Drop-y, Cbronla Diarrhea, Itolla,
Nervous AflVctlons, Chills and Fevr, Hu
mors, Loss nf Consiltutlunul Vigor, Dii-easoa
of tho Kldnojsnnd Bladder, Ftmsle Com
plaints, and all dlseaios orlglntittpg In a boat
stale of thu blood, or uconiapanlml by debil
ity or a low sUto of Iho system. Sold by al
3L. .A aSlxxxltlx, J&jrtlmtp
Salom, Oregon, doalcr la 8treooopoa and Bteraa
aeoplc Vlawa, aad Sceuo of Halem aad tho aurroeaaV
tugooaatnr. Ltfo.alae rkotogrspks, In India Ink, tl
orWator Color. aolt
EC S atHmaWktnAvnU. tia OuOUl
mUUmi i P.O. VlCKJUtT.AagmsU.MafeBB.
(Ms steved over BUBYatAN BHOS.' NHW STOM
Oalea hoars froaiQ a.m. to I p. at.
Salem Flouring Mill.
OotxmtUMxtly cm I-Iiiixal.
IJUATboMt JPrloo iu Cja.rtH
Paid for Wheat
Axeot 8. T. M.
mTAHI.IMHKai lttiS,
Willamette Nurserr,
Oarwego, Clackamas co.,Oreg
Xlio Itnlluii Prune,
And th bst rarietlc of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Send for Descriptive Catalog.
HrevraasT rUBLIO. Meat kt.tat aa
i,a4 Oalleeter or Clalnaa, will proaaptir ai-
tjadtoiJAiaaawaaUastdteaiacar. Maatlltm
rwm vaa,
? JKtaWLS ! '