r--- II WILLAMETTE FARMER. Salmon at Brain Faod. Aa there has boon a great deal eaid and iwritten of lato with regard to b&1 mon as brain food wo wish to lond our mite, nnd say our say with regard to this matter, nnd I think it might juat as well be said right here as any where also that thoro is no disputing that sal mon Is tho greatest brain food known, and wo think wo can prove It to any unprejudiced mind by simple practical Illustrations, without endeavoring to solve any philosophical enigma. As ' wo don't wish to impose upon our read ers, by tho multiplication of words wo will ask you to tnko as nn examplo flomo of thoso beautiful, dignified, high minded, intelligent, model specimens of humanity, tho poor Lo's, who infest the great Columbia river valloy, nnd havo been living on salmon straight, over sinco Mount Hood was a holo in tho ground. Take them, wo say, ns an example of tno effects of salmon. Mark well thoir intellectual status. Sco tho marks of intelligence in every lino nnd lineament of their faces nnd note tho easy grace ot their maimers, from the lacing of a moccasin to tho stealing of tho shirt off your back. What is inoro plea-Jug or shows more Intelligence than to sco n covey of dusky maidens sitting gracefully on some crowded thoroughfare In somo large city, taste fully arrayed in red blankets and blue beads, painted with salmon blood, thor oughly saturated with buI mon perfume, and decked with g.udy brass rings on their fingers, nnd In their cars nnd noses? Compare them with a liko numbor of young whlt ladles, well educated, well dressed, but 8co how superior, especially In mind, tho In dians nro ! Ah, young ladles, after nil your advantages you nro faroutdono by your dusky sisters. Your opportu nities liavo been great in some respects but you've neglected t subsist on sal mon. Just see, will you, what strides tho iiucks have taken In scienco and literature! And subsisting entirely on salmon! In war they are second to none. How dexterously thoy can man ou er to gain his coiiflrionco of an ene my, and cut his throat, while nslcou. How furiously thoy can chargo upon a 'It-fenceless lady, uish out tho brains of her babe, and kill her by degroos. What Js tho uio of further proof? All tho praises that evor havo been sung or ever will bo in pralno of tho oblo salmon eaters cannot begin to do them justico. Wo would suggest to sorao of our po ets that Just now would bo a good tlmo to praise Undo Joseph and his band, as he is doing excellent brain-work in Idaho. Tho govornmont will undoubt edly kill tho fatted calf when thoy como in; mako a donation of red blan kets, tho Method ists will hold a camp meeting, nnd Uncle Joseph will bo sont to Washington, to visit tho Presldont. Taking this view, then, that salmon is tho greatest brain food known, wo of tho Pacific Coast, with our rivers, lakes and bays splendidly adapted to the riislng of salmon, nro destined at no distantdny to become the most enlight ened pooplo on the faco of tho globe. We will make n specialty of turning off genuine Webstors, Calhoun nnd Clays onndiot of salmon, Hiind-plos, wind pudding, and blue glass baths. HlMIHAIM Slkkk. FEOM COQUILLE. CoquiM.K Citv, July 26, 1877. En. Fakmer: Haying nnd harvest ing aro now In full blast in this valley. Crops nro good, considering tho crudo aystttm of farming pursued here. Ha and oats nro raised here in sufliclom quantities for tho homo demand,:but flour is iargoly Imported; bacon also. It is a queer condition of things, but It is so, nevertheless. However, the dog funnel und bull thistlos are doing a good work hore, similar to that done by tho sorrel md wild o.its in the Wll lainotto Valloy. The drouth In California has affectod the mills here, nnd about dried them uii too. With lumber iov and tho mills shut down, Impecunlosity stares is in thn face. It Is now "root nig, or i die," nnd tho latter alternative will bo adopted by many, either from clioico i or necessity. Emigration or starve outs will bo the result, but your cor rnndont don't nroposo to emigrate, nor dio olthor if good square rooting will ?avo him. A section with tno niu- iirnl resources of this valley Is bound to como out, and tho soonor vhey freeze out, tho better. Tho nroiectof building n K. u. irom Urmnlnirir to tho coast h?re, Is gather- ling headway, ami tlioso wlio llvoa rea- otmble longtli of time u ill enjoy wio AiiofllH thereof. All tho coast vnllios nf Ormrnn nro like bumblebees in a bot tle, and can do nothing but buzz, until Connecting lines or narrow gaugo ran roads aro run from thoir seaporta to the main lino of tho O. & C. B. JR. Then shall they get out of tho wilderness, and bask in tho sunshine of a reason able prosperity. Tho First universalist Society of Co quille, have tho frame of their church houso up and flvo or six men aro at work upon it Coquillo City now has a church house, a piano and a baby wag on. Who shall say that we aro not ad vancing in tho arts and sciences. Tho Black Sand mines nro running their Frue Concentrators night and day, hut with what success is kept pro foundly Becrot, but wo do not supposo that n company would push things so, unless there was money in it some- whoro. M. Tho habit that farmers and country people have of Bonding thoir boys to tho city aa soon as they are old enough to raise a mus tache, cannot be loo much condemned. Men who have been raised and la.hnrf.ri all thnlr lives In tho country, have very little Idea of uioauuremenis or temptations or ine cay. Tho sending thoir boys away from home is the result of a mistaken klndnoss. Thoy htvu themselves oftentimes felt weary ot tho monotonous life and hard work ora farm. Thoy havonn earnest desire for tho well faro of their boys. Thoy wish to make gentlo men of thorn, Utile thinking how litllo tho word Ills m ny who wear good clothes and havo white hiinds. The boys themselvoH, fresh from dowy pastures Hud tho pure home itiuoiiuo country, nro nitio uuod lo unaur stand tho covort imIboiih or Ibo veiled temp tations that await thoin. They boo boy of their own ago whom thoy ronsldor as aupo rlor to thoniPolvcH In wisdom and appear ances, nnd they too oft on atrlvo to imitate Ikoui, nnd In the end are ruined, Parents, If you aro unable to fend your boys away where they can bo properly educated and cared Tor. keen them at home, till they aro fully (lodged Jn mind and body. Then lot thorn try thoir wings, ciuofnlly at tlrst. Guard them till thoy on go alone with nat ral Htrcngth. Thou wish thorn "God speed" and lot thorn "Got up nnd get," New River Steamer. At CanetiMh, Clackamas county, yester day (Motulnj ) Captain Cochran of thoFarmer lino wns to liutich his now steamboat. Tho nmnooflho now boat Is "A. A. McCully." fatior Alderman McCully of this city.) Sho Is 115 foot long, SO foot boam nnd four loot hold. Bho will draw about 11 Inchon, and Is Intended for the upiur rlvor during low witter. Tho machinery Ih entirely new and great caro has boon lakon that all parts of tho bout shall bo iwrfrct. Tho carrying ca pacity In two hundred nnd fifty tons. It Is Inloudod to havo hor ready for running by 15th of August. Hho will havo passonger no coinmoilutloiiH. An Extonslva Trade. Hut fow persona In tho city artiawaroof tho oxtenMvo trado that Mr. John Gilbert has for custom mado boots for portions living at a dUtauco. He has tho moasuro ot tiersons living in Nevada, Idaho, Urltlsh Columbia, California, Washington, Portland and East ern Oregon, who ordered by letter and havo them mado and forwarded by express. A miner ordering a pair from Kaatera Oregon laat week nays, "your boots last me in tho mine In all aorta of weather a whole yoar," while those I get here do not laat me a month: The reason la plain. Ha use the boat or took and has th beat workeaea on this coast. The Mnxphy Movemeat Steps looklug towards an organisation of tho Murphy Temperance Movement, whloh is swooping like a prairie fire over the Ktstern states, ara being taken In this olty. Mr. K. M. Walte has Just printed a lot of cards containing the pledge. The pledge Is a himplo one, agreeing to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors. Tho porson Joining tho Association signs two cards ono of which ho keeps and (be other is banded over to the secretary of the Association who places It on mo. A Now Scheme. Mr. J. W. Crawford has organized aHnn day School In tho Protbytorlan Church for uuinamen. it m&euata p.m., and has been in operation about one and a half months. About twenty Celestials moot tbero oaob Hun day and receive instruction in primary read ing. Somoof tbem call words nulla read II v. while others know little or nothing about tno languago. Tho need or the school Is moro toachora. ' Til Ora, J. Henry Urown received from Cornwell, Kugland, through the hands of a friend in Portland, several beautiful specimens of tin ore. Tho specimens have been taken from dilferent levols, and accordingly showed dilToront qualities, but each of them are dls tluctlvo. and contain oro that easily shows the kind. There Is a distinctiveness about this kind or ore that cannot well be mista ken, It will be on exhibition at the next Btato Fair, where all Interested can see It. Takes Back. Goorgn Anderson, well known In this oily as a hotel waiter, war arrested last evening upon a telegraph warant,by officer John Vv. Mluto for burglarizing Win. Van Vaolor's storo recently In Albany. lie was placed In "lurance vlfo" for the night and this morn ing was taken back to Albany by officer Watkinsnf that city who came down on the express this morning after htm. Gout to Farming Mr. Din, W.Jones and family removed to their new country residence on the Lebo tarry road about three miles from the city last Saturday. Their new residence whloh has Just boon flu lulled by Mr. Uoiea Pratt of this city, is nicely located in a grove of oaki nn inotopoiasiiguiriseor grounu.auu un can have lets of fun olearlng up and tilling his snug ICO acre farm. Teachers Selected. At a mooting of the Hoard of Trustees nf the Willamette University, held last Hatur day evening Miss Tens D, Uoldernens whh elected Preceptress innteadof MUsHtiatturk resigned, nnd Mrs. Wiley H, Allen, Music Teicher, Instead of Mrs. J. M. Pattereon resigned. Election of Officer. Capital Lodge of Oood Templars nf this city, eirotei.' IjhI Saturday night, the follow ing olllopr fur the ensuing term; Johnattian O'Donald.W. 0. T.: Mrs. Mary Connor, W. V. T.; John Kirl, W. 8 ; O. W. Sorlber, W. I'.S : James Cntry, W. T Ij. O. Nelson, W.M.s Mrs. Dr. A L. Davis, I (3.; lllmon Ford, O. O.; A.T. Yeaton, (Jhoplaln. A Connecticut youth liretl a gun ovor the head of his HWtuttieart without giving liur notice, to eeo If she bad any pluck, .mil If In nniv f.-irml tlin L'lrl will llite t(l I... aiiiii ( iliu liiuntin HRvlmn. Ah for tho youth, be should be sent to uu asylum for idiots. From the Momntain. Man that Is born of woman hrof few days and full of trouble," saltbanold proverb; but he that Is bored by three women to go to the mountains and gather berries, and hunt, and fish, and so lortb, Is more than mortal he Is a ten acre lot of urst class martyrs; at least I think so. You know what a pensive thought prevaded my clasalo features for the past week. Well, a d uoed sight penslver one has entered a donation claim upon It now. I really don't think the women forgot anything, unlets It was the sofa, and large looking glass, and the bureau. And yet I don't know for certain, I expect to bo back this week for the fiat-Irons, and Freuch bedstead and coal oil lamp, and a few other conveniences needed In camp life. However, I forgive them from the bottom of my heart, for, with all their apparent eager ness to provide, they sometimes please. I Und in one corner of the numerous boxes en trusted lo my small vehicle a psckigo bear ing tho cabalistic letter "C OGN-AC," and formerly owned by Martols Bros. whoso Initials I now forget. I was told confiden tially by tho soprano or the trio that It was only to be used in case any of tho party was bitten by a snako while gathering berries. I know now why that pensive look, thoso de jected eyes, and them sarcastic smiles. It was a dreaded presentment. I believe in presentments. Already I can see In my mind's oyo the terrible and ferocious anacon da of South Amorloa seeking a crossing at tho Isthmus that he may meet tuft In that dreadful blackberry patch; whllo the poisonous and dreadful tarantula of South ern California is vlelng and hieing himself In outstrip tho venomous copperhead of I ho Ewt fortbo first "nip" nl my pooreuiHcla ted body. I would turn back, but I believe in foreordlnnliun, nnd what Into be must bo. Camly submit, nnd nay let 'em bite. This rorry is kopt by Jas. .v. winuii, our farmer townsmen, who honorably supports aclor.in different hotel iillasos. Whether In tho hotel or at tho terry hn is tho samo orlg Imil, gonial Smith. To 11 sh for trout, this Is tho plnco to como. To get barrios ja go twolvo miles beyond, and the Kl Dorado of borrlos Is thero. To get lo this place you find tho road is as smooth as a floor. Trout, berries, hunting and good troatmont In nbuu anco In this sootlon. "Come all yo that nro woary and hoavy laden," and hore you will find rest. As I havo unloaded about fifty Saratogas and one hundred boxos, including tho snako tuodlclno one, to-night, I must "douse my glim" and retire, praying that you may nev er have tho dreaded presentment haunt you of bolng snako bitten. Youra pensively, P. Ohkk.v, P. 8. This llttlo burg Is lmnrovlnir ran- Idly, asaw and grist tailll are to bo put up next year, j.j.uiairnas a nico country storo whoro cam pore can find all thoy want to mako thoiiisolvos comfortable J. W. Woathorford has a snug country rosldenco heroHiid his family as woll as hlintolf scorns to onloy country lift "muohl v." P. O. P.P. S. 8, Uood camping grounds nro lying around looso and can bo had "without aionoy ana witnout price." A Bin Mining Scheme. From Dr. J. W. Woathorford who has Just roturnouirom atouroi mo mines on mo Santlam wo learn of tho progress of a mining enternriso In whloh Measn. UanlaUros. nnd Ed. Smith, of Albany, and Jas. X, Smith, of Mehaina, are Interested. The place otthoir oporationa is at a point wnere the canal rurk of the Santlam cuts a sorire throuah the mountain. This Canal Fork emptlos into the North Fork of the South Fork of the Santlam. In the gorge above mentioned are great notes or Kettles, inougnt to ue irom twentv to thlrtv feet deen. and in the bottom gold Is expeoted to be found, in fact some of mem mat were easyoraooaM nave already been cleaned ont and paid well. The com pany have dug a ditch about six hundred feei long to an average aeptn or su reel. Tuts was for the purpose of tumlosr the river. The last work done on the ditch was to nlant a mine of several kegaof giant powder and fire it. The explosion was sufflolent to blow out the head of the dlloh and allow the water to rush tbrouitb. whloh It did. Dams were then built, both above and below tho kettles so mat no water oouid get In. Jiilght hun dred foot of hoso has been borrowed from the A) bony fire department, with whloh the minora Intend to syphon off the water In the holos. By this moans thev will net at the crevioes where the gold is storod up waiting to be takea.by these enterpilslng seekers. ouuesiuan. Letter from Florida. We give below an extraot from a letter re ceived by Mr. Wm. II. Whitwlll, from a rel ative In the iar Southern Stato of Florida, The writer's knowledge of the geography of the great Northwest Is evidently limited. Pknhacola. Fla July 12. 1877. Dkxk NKriiHw: I hasten lo reply to vour letter and here goes for a minute account of an your relatives and acquaintance in those parts as you requested. Yon mention in your letter that you bad lust eaten a good dlnnor. I cannot for Ihe life of mo Imagine what folks in your country call a "good dinner." I supposed seal blub ber and Polar bear meat are your choicest meats In that latitude. Does anybody live near you, and don't you get loueaome some times without any girls to see home from ohuroh, and to set up late with, Snnday night? How farare you from a church or school house, any boats or railroads near whore you are? I suppose the Indians kill on the people mighty fast. Oue Ihlng 1 do know. You aro not ruled as we are here by negroes. Tho times In Florida are horrible. It is now considered a disgrace for any man In Florida to hold ofllce ad no man that thinks anything of himself or family will allow himself to even run for an ofnee. Your Uncle. A. B. B, To tlio Wlllloroil UtidloM in purtlcsuliir. Why need you suffr with l'ralyss when you can be'curedT Why will you sufTnr witn iiueumausm wneu you can neoureur And why have fo enuny aches and pains When It Is within your reach to be cured T I am now ntsbllthid la Hltm, prepared to treat all Chronic Dlieuei, nucha Hueumtlira,NturlKl, Conttuuptlon, Kldnejr dlieater, and In fact all d!a ca that hamai fle.U I, belr to. Hptelal attention paid to Pemate Weilntsf. and nerrou prodritlon which U K) common to Jjidli !-. CblMreu'idlitaic nut ei crpted. In connection with my practice, I tare ono of the celebrated Medicated Vapor Mn'itnlnjr Cream Uatu, which klii. va.Uj- In runovlnj;all chronic dl eatea. It open tbe porci of Ibu Lln, and thrown iff tbetlitny, aorbld nailer, which I one of Ihe gnat C4uea of to much Futfcilrtr. When we once think that two third of all we take Into orr exatcm pamta on llirough the -xirea nf tbo aklu, we need ni t flop lonjflowor.derwhjr we are Ick, when we pay to little attention to the mct Itnpoitant ftLunctoiy of our bodlea. Uarloj; the pat nice montLa I bare had tbU hath In operation, and many can tcttlfy lo It efficacy. I tuat patleula by the week, or by tingle treatment. Udlea will to well totfvemo a call. ltctldcr.ee, aoutbeait comer of Center and Hammer Hlre.U, Halera. IU, D. W. CKAIU, H. I). T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., Salem, Portland, Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Walla SOL.I5 AGENTS FOR The following FIRST-GLASS Machines, which wo aro now receiving for tho oxl J. I. CASE'S THRESHING MACHINES, Both End and Sido shake Tight-Geared. Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, TIGHT-OEAHKO liNU'SHAKK. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING ENGINES 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Horse Power. Treadwell wSffin Header,' Manufactured by J? I. Caso & Co., With New and Valuable Improvements for 1877. Halne .' Illinoii HINOLE Wronght-Iron nnd Screw-Hub Wheel, ndjustnblo Reel and Truss Framo. a-oxnNrsToivr WROUGHT - IRON HARVESTERS, O-OITINrBTON- Wrought - Iron Combined Reapers and MO WJULfcs. Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. Johnston Mowers, one size. ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, ' OonQtueror. " ' runt Bradley Sulky Rakes, OXlZfTSXfXffXAXi Snlky ako, SelfXmmp, Tho ZScst la TJso. Thlmbio koln nml lron-nxlo Frnnic, nml I'rclRlit lTaniiN, all hIkcm Nowton 4-spring Hacks, made expressly for the Oregon Market. N0VrtOXI. Thrco-SprlnR, I'latform Bprlng, and HcrolMprlnit ZXn.olK.as and I1UUUIRN, Ornrdou Olty Flovi-ai, Ilarrowa and rtulllvatnrst Harden 'lr Nulky nnd finiiit IMounj lrurtnrrn rrlrud ui(Alr uifii.i.Ni vnit liriint ac uaii'n miinuuii iimHii'iani nitiiiiidi ana CUa.TIVAXOIlt IAF1T.Ei OIIETlVATOIINt 1ll.MnIIAlTl.N OIII.TIVA'IOHN. I ho llrt In llii' ll'orld. Leather nnd Itubbcr HKLTINf'i mtarlitne Kxtrua, llnrdwarf, Iron, nnd Nteel. tr Hncclal Clrcnlara, llluntratcd, with prices, font to any addrcca, frco of charge. Wo aro M ANUfAO TUltBHS' AUHNTU, and will uku. at aau-liorK I'iuckh. T. CUNNINGHAM & CO., maj7 KrontBt,, I'OUTMNl); Commercial 8t HALKM: and thradlo'a lllock, ALUANY, Oil, LINES To Mkh. RmmaPkukinh IlnoouH, who died at hor homo In Hllvorton, July '20, 1877. Serenely abe has passed death's portal , Passed on to lllo Immortal, And angels opened wide tho door And bore the weary spirit o'er. Ob death, that Bovered her from earth, Give mournlrifc friends a heavenly birth, And ioyful will the meeting be When Emma's angel Awe tbey see., She's passed' tbe gloomy river o'er, Death can awo her nevermore; And atrloken friends now cease to ory, 'Twaa eternal life for her to die. Cecil. Howell's Prairie. ltoLt, oy IIonok. The school term ending July 20, 1877. forsobooldlatrlotNo.2, Marlon county, the following Hat of names was en tered on tho ltoll of Honor for diligence and good behavior: Belle Case, Mary Kennedy, Wm. K, Pendleton, Andrew Pendloton, Dulcena Pendleton, Kugeno Plynn, Anne Kennedy, Josophlne Vanwassenhove, Alexander Vanwasaonbovo. Gkoiioh W. Jaoknon, Teacher. Jacksonville Timet: Cameron A McCul ly 'a wool sold at a bettor price than any wool sent from Oregon, bringing 32oenta a pound at a time wtion this staple was not a; Its highest. Their band comprises the difforenl grade of the Ielcester. BenJlble Advice). You are asked every day through the col urns of newspapers and by your Druggist lo use something for Dyspepsia and LI vor Com plaint that you know nothing about, you f;et discouraged spending money with out Ittle succestt. Now to give yoj satisfactory proof that Uiikkn'h Auouht Kijwkh will cure you of Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint with all Its ettects, suoh as HuurHtomacb. Bick Headache, Habitual Costlvenesa, palpi. lation oi tue iioan, iieartuurn, wator-uraaq Fullness at the nit of theBtbmacb. Yollow Hkln, Coated Tongue, Comlug up of food after eating, low spirits, Aa., we ask you lo go to your Druggist and get a Hamplo llottlo of Giikkm'm Au 0 ot Klowkh for 10 oenia aud try It. or a Hegular Hlzo for 70 cents, two doses will re lievo you, CLEBK WANTED. The Lincoln Warehouse and Shinnlne- Co. will rrcelve urounaals for a olerk to conduct the bualnest of the oomptny under the supervision of tbe d doctors for bleven moninsrrom tue .u day or Aintimt, 1H77. Praons makliiK sDullcatlon will meet the direolnrsat the Co 'm warehnuke at Lincoln on said day at 11! o'clock, noon, presenting at the Maine time thoir rboominendatlons and sureties. InAB.TowNHKnn, Pes. Hoard of Directors. July 0, 4w. a 1 1 rc Boss Churn op 'inn :untiihy. A. Clalia ciiu Uko ii. r KYKKY P.UlTlirrilK t'HKAM I'lllIHJfKW I Prlrrs-IS 4;hI)mik, rlfi; 2d t.allou, 20 'i'a (julloii. IHi, Knr trtIrnonUI iruin cltlien.of Marlon and other co inllu. and lurtlior n iriicuUr', nti y lo or addreis JjWml JI.A, IUWK1.MN, AUturvllle, Or, Notice. IIIAVK I IIOIlMK ANI LOT THAT 1 Mltb in truile for Una Intlx roiimry. 'lllln cod. May lat Itrti. If. J. I1KNHY IIUOWN, of 1877. H!eadLerv - aKAlt. The P. P. T. Company's m l A termor T MoMINNVILLE WILT. hBAVK Portlnnd lr Nulont Krery FniOAY. rcturnlnc on SATURDAY, FOH aAVTON-On MONDAY and WKDNKa DAY; rvtornliiK on TUKUOAtB and TJIUltSDAYS. Fatroiiizo Your Own Boatt Prolecllon ngnlnst Hlgli llutea rJutiraiiteiMl. Suxumoiiw. In tbo Connty Court of Iho blato of Oregon fur Ute County of Marlou, T. Ui'Coi. plaintiff, I a. V Garwood Orrenp, Drftndant ) To OAHWOOn (lltKKNK, defendant: In tub Namb or tiik HTATxer Oiikiion: You are hereby tuunnonidaiid rrgulrrd toapprar and snawer the eomphlnt flk'taiialnttyou In the ahmo entlUod action In the above named court by tho flrat day of IheHuulembir term, Itm. Iborrof. to wit, Iho Bd day ol Heptember, 1UT7, raid day being tho flrt day of tbe term of aald mint rollowlnir tho riplratlon nf Uia tlmo prescribed lu tho order for publication hereof. Atd If you frit no in appear and answer, forwaut thereof plaintiff will take Judgment ncalnat yoo aa prayed for In bla complaint, to wll, for tho um of one hundred aud fifty uollara, together with Intereat thereon alnce the 'Jtth day of Jauuarr. 1HTU. at twelve per cat. per annum, and for coita and disbursement of tbla action. Thl nuinmon la nnbllahed by order of John U. I'eeblea, Jude of aald court, dated tbo 33d day of June, liflT. 1. II D'AltOY, Attonicyrorl'lalntln. Salem, Jnly 0. 1HT7, lo; A. L. 8TIN80N, Book and Job Printer, yv.nci iSuitiliiilut. olman's Slock, Old Senate ObaM ber, Salnm. H AVINO AODKO AN BXTKNHIVH A880HT mentof New Tinea. Cut, tto.. to or alrrad exlentlve Honk nail Job UfBco, I am now prcpirtd to lo auy and all kinds of Book, Plain, and Ornamental Printing4, Ob Short Notice, nml at uUNm tiblo 1'rlcen. Stock Ccrtilicaics a Specialty. Havbgtliela'ctit ateo'tinfnt of M nlK Cerlldcato line and cutaadaptid lo Ibat kind of work of any On ca lu OrrtHin, I am pre p.rtd to execute nrdera lu tho VKliY IIKnT atyle. In auy dumber of colore do. alrrd, aad on a1 ort notice. Jeltf Addrte A. I,. HTIN80N. Halem.Or, "STST'cfXX't o cai, ny JL. &i i:. II I K S C II. The II lOIIKriT market irlco raid for any amount of WOOL, . June I 91 h .Jf X '? t ' i'i V ll I n . 1U ! A .