Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 03, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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1,000,000 BOXTIaES
or, Tim
Xavcbcon toll tho lat year, and not one complaint
kas reached ns that thoy have not dono all that It
alatmcd for tficm. Indeed, scientific skill cannot go
kcyoud tho result reached In thef 0 wonderfol prepa
rations. Added to Catholic, Arnica, Mentha, Bcno-aa-Oll
and Witch Ilazel.aru oihor ingredients, which
aakesa family liniment tint dtflca rlval-y. Rheu
matic and bodMdden cripple have by It been enabled
to throw aw.Jthelr crutches, and many who foe
fears havo been afflicted' with Neuralgia, Sciatica,
OakcdBrcas&Wcak Backs, Ac, havo found perma
aent relief. l
Mr. Joriah vfestlaka, of MarysTlllo, O., write:
"For ycare HhonmatU m has been ta 1 bad that t
havo been unable to Hit from tho honse. I hare tried
eVcrr remedy I could hear of. Finally. I learned of
tkeC.ntaur LlilmenU -Th.flnt three botUe. enabled
me to walk Tiilihonf my crutches. I am meadlng
Spicily. I UKni your Liniment simply a marrel."
This Luumefcf eureBurns and.Bcaldi without a
acar, extractif'iha nolson from blUa and stlngi.
Corel ChlUbUfna and Frosted-feet, and 1 vary
clous for Kar-ac'he, Toothache Itch and Cutaneoue
Braptlona. ,-, ,
The Ceataur Liniment, Yellow Wrap
per, la Intended for the tough fibres, cords and
muscles of hetses, mules , and animal.
Rt. Goo.'WVFcrrls.Manotklll, Schoharie Co., N.
My horse was lamo for a year with
wrench. All remedlea utterly failed to cow andl
eonildcred hlrn worthier uulil I commenced to uso
Sntanr UnlnTent, which rapidly cured him. I heart
ily recommend It.
It makeo very llttlo difference whethor tho caobo
"wrench," sprain;, spavin or lamcncf a of any kind,
fee effects "aro tho-aame. Tho great power of the
Liniment l, howcTor, shown In Poll-evil, Blg-hcad,
weeny, Bpavln, Illng-uono, Oalla and Scratches
Thle Liniment Is worth millions of dollar yearly to
fco Btockgrowira, LlTcry.mm, l'armors, ana those
eavtng valuable animal to caro f r. Wo warrant lla
aMMM and refer to any Farrier who has oyer need It.
Laboratory of J. B. Kobk A Co.,
41 Usr 8t.. Nxw Yobx.
A. complete substltotc for Cattor Oil, without lie
raplta.tntUMe or recoil in the throat. The refill
f Su yoara' practlco by Dr. Bam'l Pltchar, of Masea
Shusolts. M .
Pitcher's Castorla la particularly rccemmerad'd
tor children. It destroys worms, anlmllatca the
tood.andallowa natural sleep. Very effleactoue la
Croup and for children Teetrdng. For Colds, Fevcr
tshnees. Disorders of the Bowels, and Btomich Com.
lalnts, notUs is to effective. It Is aa pleasant t
take aa honey costs but 86 cents, and can be had of
any DruirgUt.
Thla is one of many testlmooula:
"Cohswall, Lasmo Co , Pa.. March 17, 1874.
"Star Olr:-l Havo ased your Castsrla in my jjrac
tteeioTsomitlme. I take great Pl ",;"?;
ZZilino U to UU vnfwto aa a .safe, idlable. ana
SJeo tnedlclner It la rtlcularly adopt to
eaueisi iwm tie Hpsjenant taste of Cater ull ran
4,r.HdimuUtolmW.ilcI)It?l9i Mothers who try CaaDria wilt find that they eaa
steep alght aad that ihelr babies will be healthy.
J. B. Uoea A Co., New York.
Bacooasorto J. X. Kiwa Oo,
Liberty at., - - NBW VME,
Oommlawlon Ajrent
&v York? via. Isthmus, Paelflc Hallroad, and
cape HornfaUklndi of JUrchandteo, and forthej Mk
of Wucu from the Padnc coast, for the eoUecUon
ck money. Ac-
Screw Worm.
Foot Rot,
Parasites that infest 8heep.
Improves the Health
&f" Ose r!taa U enouKt Tw one hundred to two
ian1reaHbwp, nooonliaff to their age, tbrrartb, ana
It Is pntP In riVE-GALLON CANS-Prt, 113
Mr can.
BkJ tat circular, ta
T. A. DAVIS & Co..
VYholexalo AKenta lor the Mate,
Or to roar catrMt HeUU Dnuariit. mvA
Mrs. Rohrer's New Remedy
no eaivU tu the relief and enro of Voagbi. Cold,
AathmaTBronchlUs. Croup. Whooplnsr Couith. Mc.
aVM. Ac. It h3 produced some remarkable cures.
BoM hr drrlU (renerallv. Pnrpjred only by
JOHPI fc. MOKPHT. Monmouth. Or..
5 whoa all tette.- oT baameee should be addrrsaed
. . '
Attorney at Law,
i wr, la r 1 MAKUfACTUaCOBsV
Chicago, July 2o, 11:15 p. m. Tho night o
far hns been ono ol oxuitmnont and trouble.
Tho meeting which wut to huvn held by
thoconunuulslson Market street w as brokon
up In tin Inulplency by h pond forcy of pollco
alter it battle with stiinus nnd ntlekn on one
oldo and with blank carirldHH nnd billies on
on tho other. About hovtm o'alook a bloody
row began at Sixteen ami II tlatead when) tho
pollco In attotuptinK to dUperse the crowd
wero overpowered ami oomixjllod to take rnf
uro In the round hoimoofihe O.H. Q R It.
They were aoon reinforced and mado a stand
on the Halfttea'd street vladuot, where tho
crowd becamo asgreaalvo and a reatilar bat
tle ensued, which has Just conolnt'tel. The
pollen mod their cluba and rovolvora with
consldorabloeUeot. They killed a young
man named L'at Ooouey, striking brakeman,
nnd fatally shot Bd McUeary, bealdea this,
15 or 10 wore more or lens wounded, bow se
verely m nnot be ascertained at this boar.
Washington, July 23. The-commanding
general of the department of the uulf has
Been ordered to send all avallablo troopb to
either Lonlavllle or Newport barracks. These
troops will consist of 18; companies of the8d
and 18th Infantry. " V u
The commanding officer of the department
of tho south has been ordered to send all
available troops In bis department either lip
Washington or Baltimore, as deemed vanost
expeditious. .
Reading Pa., July 24. Lance crowds gats)
ered at the soane of last night's affair aad
about theaame time several companies; of the
4th regiment marched down Seventh to
Pennsylvania street. Here thoy met a com
pany of the 10th reglmeat, and a lively sight
between the military seemed Imminent.
The crowd treated tho Eastern Greys' to a
shower of stones. This company Immedi
ately leveled their pieces, whon tbey were
notified by the colonel of the 10th regiment
that no indiscriminate slaughter would be
permitted. The ttoops then panned down
Pennsylvania street and ont of Fifth street.
followed by the mob. who fairly threw in
Bulla in tho teeth of tho. soldiers. The Nor
rlHtown company oflho lotn roKiraontsubse
quontlv ataokeu their arras aud relur.ed ab
eolutolv to march through the mob. Bomb
throw their arms down nnd distributed the
cartridges nmong tho crowd.
1-..M.A llufitn ln?9'71 Mrltrnv4 AflnfMl tf.A
railroads horn and havo etopped all the
trultiH, but havo not Interfered with tho inalla,
Noefl.iriH will ho made to carry naHtengorii.
Cleveland, July 21, The striken! havo
cUit'O'J nil thoNKloonHatColllnwnod, and will
nllow no dlsordor or destruction of of property
tilde's the mnlltla attempt to Htart traltiH.
President Vanderbllt decline- to makn nny
conct'M-loiis to the strlkMrn. Llvo Htouk ar
dying hero of thirst. Cam of dead foaln
mxkn a terrible stonoh:
HulTalii, July 25 KxoltemontU Inorenxlng.
The mob bavo driven men several niantifHO
luring establishment)) In the lower part of
the city nnd Intend tnoloo them nil up.
Uofftlo, July 26 Tito myor has admnn
Ished all lawabldlng cltlaetiH to keop with
in doors between 10 o'clock and & In the
tno-nlng, and authorising tho arrest of nil
persons on tho public slrwim afierthu hour
named. Places of biislnnas will Ixt oIokhI
after 10 p. m. Four hundred of the tmht cttl
eons are doing patrol duty, thus leaving the
police force fnra to cope with tho mob.
New York, July 25. At the mooting aboat
10,000 men wore nreaent and all nationalities
wero represented. Handbills were circulat
ed Sn profusion advocating various methods
of reform, ete.
Tbs Tompkins square meeting ordered aa
address 10 President Hayes, asking .that
troops be used 'not against the people, and
not In favor of railroad corporations.
Port Jervla, N. Y., July 86 Members of
the Brotherhood of Firemen who previously
urged the strike now vociferously condemn
It. All local trains are running on time.
SyraanM,N.Y., July 26. A stock train
ran away Iron, -the strikers this morning,
but they pursued on an engine and oompell
ed the fireman to loave, and brought the
train back a distance of six rolla. . , ,
Bvraoase. July 26. Late to Bight the strik
ing brakenien, firemen and conductors, la a
meeting at East (Syracuse, unanimously re
solved to reoommenoe operation or in raaa
to-morrow morning. All tha trains will be
started at the earliest possible moment.
HornelUvllle. July . The following Is
tha substance of the conditions of settlement
of the strike: men to ro to work at a uniform
reduction of 10 per oent.; also acknowledg
ment 01 into toiana occupied aiongiuointcK
by companies; no discharge on account of
this strike, and no arresta unltfli for danger
ous criminal offenses; the restoration of dis
charged oomnMlteemen left to the company.
The government has been requested by tele
graph to remove troops. There la general
sathtiacilon on all sides.
Dayton, July 26 Trains on all roads en
tering tha city are now running regularly,
and all danger of, any riot la thought by the
authorities 10 bo over.
Jacknon, Mloh., July 26, At a conference
with the Michigan Central otllolalw to dy a
meeting of employes decided to stand by the
company. Engineers and firemen, however,
refused to parUulpate, and struck 10-nlgbU
(Julvestou, Texas, July 25 A Newa' ape
cul from Marshall and Dallas reports a strike
on the Tux an Paclfio'rnllrosd. The men do
in and three months' back pay and the with
drawal of the lata ordsr for 10 aereout. re
duction of wages.
Newark, July 25. The englntterson the
Morris A Bnsex railroad, at llobokon, struck
Ibis evening mid travel U suspend1.
Jen-e v Ultv. N. J.. July 23 The Htrlko on
New Jerwey Central U cotuleta. Pu-ionger
cars have fMten deUohenl at l'mllliuur aud
jiteniier detained.
Newark. N. J.. Jnlv 25. The engineers on
the D-ilawuro, Lackawanna A Wenieru rail
rniid.afiera lonir npcdlon In liotokeii.deold
ed to trikn at C o'clock this nvmilng, and no
tr.lns luvo pahed htrofciLSD. ThuUncksand
depot u to 1:1 rn-(i.
Unitdliv, July 2S Ohstniotions hare been
removed. Trains on tho lt-'dliig railroad
and brannliH resumed runulug h usual to
day. Warrants Iibvh tmon lisnsJ torttii ar
ret of over 100 porno ns allowed to hava Ixen
comtrnea in tut reeniubJiruvJiMn in prop
erty, Up to a Inle hour to night fourteen
arrests Imvm bten m-ids. Ten killed and np
ward of W) wmnded conipnta the number
of.cliItn vlotlras ol j onuay niRnt, an
ciishiof wounded are constantly ruportod.
Twenty (.oldlers were wounded with kturu
and brickba'n. Hiine seriously.
New York, July 28 Thi Pennsylvanli
Central Railroad Coruptny reporia MVery
thing along tho lino encouraging, nnd HI
thought a speedy termination ot dltnoulilea
will lie arranged.
hew York, July 25 Tho Times' Waahlng
lon special uys tbe cabliiHt believe the ills
aotrnui outbreak in 1'ituburg will not bo r
peated flewhere, and that the precautions
taken by the secretary Of war and Inoal nu
tbsritits will prevent disturbance of any
inagnltudo, although Indications at Chlengo
at the present time are unfavorable. If how
ever violence follows the suspension of bU4-
Ineait on the road, it is the fixed purpose of
the president to declare oaarttai law, aua en
force the peaoe by placing Iht atata asJIUU
under anauol of the war dapartaient, and
byoaUiagoatvoIaaUara. Taa pcastaWat aaa
made tha authorltatlva sansaaassssnl tkat
any Interference with orobstrnelion of train,
or attack on private or public property, or
riotous conduct, will be considered aa rebel
lion against the governmant of tho United
States. A strong pressure has already beon
brought to boar on the president In favor of
Immediately convening oongrem,but liu tint a
not. think Uorsentlal unless It becomes nec
essary to enroll volunteeta.
Washington, July 25. Dlepatchos to-night
show a general reeling of anxiety in d 1st tith
ed dlstrlotH. OIUcIrIm here aro confident.
Adjt. Oen. Drum teleicrattjUH that rileut.Oen.
Sheridan will return from the ot Immedi
ately, be having been telegraphed for yesttr-
day- . .
Ohloago, July 20-5 p. m. Tho rioters have
beon busy all day In various parts of the
city, hut chiefly botwoen Canal and Green
streets and betwoon Twelfth and Twanly
seoond streets. Tho fighting has been car
ried on In these localltloa almost exclusive
ly, and has boon continuous and bloody,
but not as fatal as might have been expect
ed. The pollco have'raroly been tha aggress
ors, bat whenever they have had to break
up a mob, they havo in tho long ran auo
oeeded. The mob la Insulting and ready for
trouble at any moment, but baa a whole
some fear of the regiments of monmad po
lios and of the U. S. troops, who are either
on the ground or In close proximity to the
trouble the eutlre time. They bava arms of
tho most effective sort, and whenever-tdey
appear the mob eoattera. The poljoe do not
command ao great respect because the us-'
prasslon prevails that they will geaerelly
fire too high to hit or shoot blank cartridge.
The arresta have been numerous, The fore
man of the Illinois Packing Co., Jast from
the stock yards, says the men attempted to
work this morning, but were driven off by
the mob. He says f 125,000 worth of meat
will be spoiled to-day In that establishment.
S p. m. Little newa to obroalola ainoo last
dispatoh. Both aides seem to be taking a
breathing spoil, but seem to be gathering
again In tho vlolnlly of the vladuot.
Chioago, July 86. The mob of last night
gathered on the south side early this morn
ing, and ronewed depredations and violence
began, with some 2,000, and swelled to a
multitude before no n. They showed aav-
ngo bravado and teemed fearless. However
whon 106 police charged thorn tbey broko up
afiar a but encounter. Thoy united again
shortly and prepared for another encounter
at Sixteenth and HaUtead street vladuot.
An Intorchitngo of show, atones, and inrfc
tlves succeeded. Then the polloe being re
inforced brokti into tho mob wun a yen tuat
was hoard lor blocks nwity. Their re In for co
mmits rnnxUtrri of new founds of police.
ami a pomnanv of armed Citvalrv. betnic Itl
conjunction with tho polio, mado a dtadly
onslaught. Tho results aro imperfectly
known. 1 nts nroK up tuo muu ior a nine,
but they soon gathered again, A gang of
thu mnli ran a nsHoonurr train oil at Twelfth
ktrefctthuiiiiorulng, end aflor allowing tho
pasHMiucra to en-ape, they smasuta inn
windows nnd lurnliiiro of the cam. Tho
fteoond regiment, tho mounted noire and
reirular voiornn force of Chicago, aro on tho
scene of battlo. Tho Prenldent baa author-
liwd the ubo of troops.
Chicago, July 27. At 2 a. m. the oily Is
verv oiilet and will remain so till rnornlnx.
To day's emolument hero has boon of a pa
oullar kind. While tho bnalnosa streets and
fnlnt oast or tho rlvor wore quiet and oruor
y and showed hardly a sign of anything tin
usual, along Ualstead. Twelfth and Twentj-
second street soones or blood and tumult
were being enaoted. Among the Incident
of the day was the appearance of tbeU.H.
troops, which created a sensation and an
thawiaain brim ar tha nltlsens and a nank)
aaannir ina mon. wniea aae tea away oaiura
the troops had fairly, arrived. Ttaa 4 Mej
neht, oomaoMd largely or Doys, aaa uoor
lug under unfavorable pablla oplakia aa to
Ita eflolenoy , fooaht Ilka a baad of tiger to-,
day, never flinching, obey lag orders, aad
marouing nuuor ana uiiuiar nasi votormu
regiment. Various estimates era aaadato
nllht eouoernlBg tha deaths froas tha atrog-
Kl.- It U oertaln taat at least halfadoaea
have aeeti seen to die, but the roab, Indian-
like, harried ma wouaatxi away oerora tBeir
nauieaoonld ba learned. Soma elalaa aa
hlgbaa M bava beea killed orasorUlly
wounded. Tha polloe have no fatal woand
and law serious wounds. .
' Tba regulars have beea Itohlng for aa ua
restrioted right to eleaa out tha mob, aad
aueh a propoaitloa baa beea made, bat not
accepted by the olty aatborlUea.
The tanners, who atraek ea asoaM during
the warmest part of tho controversy, have
ta dav resumed work.
- bl. Louis, July 27. Since the afternoon no
devolopinouiai erowds have been rargei po
lloe force small but ample. About a doaen
u'urnly onea were easily arrested. It is un
derstood Oen. Davia has orders from Wash
ington to answer the call from the governor
or mayor to quell the riot. Davia has above
66 men and a battery of Catling gun.
Tue clllaens bava subscribed fia.OW for tha
purchase of arias. A thousand men bava
been enrolled this afternoon, and arm and
ammunition purchased, which will be dis
tributed aa aoon aa tba men are orgauiaed
Into companies. This whole thing was aon
oelred aad executed Inside of six boors.
Tba railroad strike almost entirely paaaed
out of Might In vlnw of tba magnitude of tba
1110 veuent Inaugurated by tha worklngraen's
parly and tha high' band with whlok tbey
conducted It la closing mills, factories aad
compelling mechanic and laborers to oeaaa
work. fM 1
Tha water works In tba northern part of
thu olty and dlttrlbotlng reservoirs areaa
der auard of soldier. The levee laborers
who compelled an exorbitant advance of
wages or an too stoamooai employe yester
day boarded every boat that arrived to-day
and exact d sooohslon to their terms.
Galveston, July 27. The employe of the
Texas Central railroad, at Corsica, struck
yetterday. No freight trains are allowed to
pauif that point. Many have Kou0 on the
tpeolal police. . . .
lVwIsvllle, July V. The elty to-night is
ery quiet. Clllaens and military continue
to peiteot their orgtnisatlons. Motors do
not darn show theiuselvw. Kve;y quarter u
patroled. Ktnploves of fcovoral factories
quit, work, but withont violent lemontra
lioas. JnkMn, Mich., July 24 The strike on the
Mtchlgtn Central brai.otiea elided at mix
O'clock. Dhiiluii Hnperlntendent llron and
anomialiteaof s'.rlkf-rx had a coUNUltallou
and oauio to an amicable undtrbtandlng.
Indianarxills.Julv 2tl. 3 n. m.-Oov. Wll-
llaani fesaud a proclaumtlon at noon to-day
couiraaudiug too enfuroeinent of law and
otlliugou theaherin and Judiciary to bmj
ibulr uimotitendevtvora to prevent violence
and preserve peaoa.
Dtttrolt, July 2i. Canada Houthern strik
ers at a full meeting to day uuanlinnualy do
ruled (o retdnd the ruaolutlon to strike, aud
will bxitin work immediately.
Cliiolunatl, July 20 Kverythlng quiet
this noon; ail ptHiKr trains aru running,
exct-pt on tho CAM, and theybUrt abX
lOfdlug. July 26 Business ba resumed
Itawouu-d aspect. All trains run regular.
Four ringleader of tba riot are arrested.
Funeral of six vietitna took plaoa to-day.
Hyracuae, July 26. Klgbty train of load
ed freight aara were aeat ont of Hyraeaaa to
day. Tba atrjka la all over; all trala baad
and ataoainkta ar at wora. Tba vlsklag
aaUittareglaaeat aaaasad lb paopl wlUa
Albany , July 27. Tho governor received a
dNpateh stating that tho sheriff and deputies
had taken possession of tho Northern Cen
tral railroad near Klmlra nnd diaper sod tho
mob, and the road whs guarded by soldiers
and armed cilb-.oiis,aiid tho sheriff had slatt
ed tralnn.
"Kt4tn Vi.n.L.A Tiatt. Oti VitnMmMMnllAM
J... 1 uirUl.UlJ V All V t7,J llltllMkllklUU,
is Deing taken 10 mm 10 order miring the
night. A full tegular aud xpeolnl polled
force In on duty all night. Militia aro now
assembling at the armories, where thoy will
remain until I'urtlierortlurH. Kxtra nrms aro
perved to tho pollco. Authorities aro of Iho
opinion that it to-iili'lit passes without dis
turbance tho trouble may bo considered at
an eud.
Kan PranaWo, July S5 Tho flro nt tho
cor'ner of Htucklou and Hroadwny ns ex
tinguished and order restored. A man was
runovorand kllltd by a hoso carton the
way to tho flro. Squads of vigilantes aro scat
tered thioughout the northern -aud western
portions of tho city, and.no bronchos of tho
peace are reported In those localities. South
of Market street small bands of hoodlums
are ranging round and breaking fntoCblnoso
houses, vigilante fallowing them, t the
mall dock and vicinity tha excitement and
disturbance 'ia increasing. Fire are still
raging. It appears, fa bo under , control in
the direction of tha mall docks, but spread
ing northward along' tha city 'front Ma tho
lumber yard and wentward fa -tho direction
of Fremont, street. The .mob U.booomlngl
more demonstrative ana witnatmooity nia
ta aback. Tbey are attaoklnk (ba nolloa.aad
.vigilantes with atone. 1 One policeman waa
crippled by a atone aad two Vigilant!
ported snot, 'ins raroai oaargea on una
ground with club and, pistols,, firing about
M shot, and forced them back. ,'
Gen. Cobb Is Inchargeof tbo Vigilant and
reports the riot increasing, and asks, that the
military ba dtapatohod to bis assistance, but
Chief of polloe FJ.Ua declines to have-tho
troops ordered out except as a last resort.
Reinforcement of the vigilantes havn been
dlspatohed to the soone, and now between
three and four hundred aro on duty thore
beside the police.
Han Franolsco, July 25. A mob thla ovo
nlng sot lire to a large lumber yard near the
Pacific Mall Co.'h dock. Tho police man
aged to disperse the mob, with the aid of
ciilanns. At tho siiiiio linio a mob on Hlxth
and Howard streets wero smashing Chlnene
Tho flro In the vicinity of tha Paolrto Mall
dock is still burning, lut tinder control, U
won no doubt Intended to burn tho Compa
ny's property. Tho mob, about 10,000 in
number, wero attacked mid driven olf tho
hill by tho (Killco and cltlautis, In tho faro of
a hot fusilade of atones; tho mob bAgnn to
II 10 plntolo. Tho pollru anawerod with a vol
ley, and getting to close quarters used tholr
clubs with telling iTrtCt. At It-act lOOaliola
wero flred Into the mob. Uow iiiutiy aro
killed aud wounded U not yet known. Two
cltlsonH aro reported killed nnd agroU many
wounded. This eliargn lirnko tho courage ol
the mob. many of whom wero raptured,
July 202:15 a m, All la now quiet in the
olty, with me exception ot two or inroe at
tacks on Chinese wnah-housea. but tho par
lies engaged are tnslgnltlonut In nuinbera.
The eltiaenH and pollco nm being furnixhed
with arm. All the avallablo force at tho
navy yard will be snnt by tbo U.S. com
mander at a moment' notloa.
Han Pranolsoo, July 26. During tho day
there has been a stream of cltlaons pouring
Into tho rooms of the eommltteo of safety,
and the available force at the disposal or the
committee has been addressed by Wm. T.
Coleman, president of the committee, to
workingmen, calling upon,tbm to aid In
linn, -, t it tl,A l-Ult
Mo farther leniency will be shown tba aob7
Members of the committee of safety will, be
provided with the most approved, weapons,
and general order bar bean gives' to aboot
down any paraoq eaagnt la ine awaraaaioi.
iahmg properly, or Interfering to prevent tha
extinguishment of Urea. The raslatanoa of
fered bv tba boodluan element last alahtta
tba reaaon for tha adoption of harsher moth? J
na 01 punisnmeui. a. special menung 01 tue
boarduf police .was1 bld this arernooa.at
which it wa determlaed.to inatruataeixH
twra of tba police force that ti waa their duty
to aboot lato any crowd Whleh attacked them
with stonea ar weapon of any klad, 'They
wero to take no risk whatever, butat'the
arat attack upon them tbey were lnaUaetad
to na their pistols., 1; . 1 ,' '
Veteran soldiers of fhe lata war, both fed
eral and confederate, met at Horticultural
ball this evening and elected ,Ool.iWltblag.
ton commander, and organised da four com
panies or thirty men each beside ' the' pin
ers. and were supplied with rifle and ad
journed to Dtsha way. ball, where .they ro-
awaailta akaaratll I n r sAPfaarai '
A morn careful ctlmata of tha Ion by last
night's fire red uoea the estimate to about
130.000. ,
.Chicago, July 27, 11:15 p. nv The night
ha been quiet up to this hour. No prospect
of any renewal of hoeUIliea, Tba mob baa
not made 11 appearance, ana aespitame
active acnurlngs In' and byond the dtv by.
themlllury not a vmtsg oft yesterday'
rabble can be foutxl. A history of tha day'
work would be compriaed In a state of barm
lea i evolutions of cavalry and. polloe. Not a
head has been broken. Not oyer a doaen
shots fired and they at raaaom aad without
(fleet. Tn mob Ma mob ba melted wy;
whether on account of the extraordinary
activity In military circle or the 'Inr quality
of yesterday's battle, ia net known; btitltls
oertaln that scene of carnage have been pre
vented by the failure of tba rabble to ronew
their oharge. t '
July 2H.--The journals thia morning pab
IkibrevUed lists of killed and' wounded.
The Time give tha names of nineteen kill
ed with mldreMHea aud- facta confirmatory,
and toe other paper give fifteen killed and
large numbers of wounded,- ami Intimate
that the lists are lncomnlete.
Ht. ?uh. July 2H - At 6 o'clock thla morn
lug a detachment of tho 10th. IV.h and 231
U.8. Infantry, numbering 866 men, under
Jeff.O. l)vw,"i mbarktd at thearaenralon
board iho harbor boat 'K. U. Umlth and
steuiued to the eastern approach or the
bridge, whence they marchid to tho relay
deot at tttstMt. 1iuts, took poafcessionofall
surrounding yards and tracks aud property
ot all kinds. Strikers about 200 strong, who
wero near the depot, scattered In all dlreo
ttoiiM, 'I'll I morning an engine and two
curs of the Cairo hhort line, with Home forty
strikers aboird, arrived at flellovllle, Illi
nois, fmm KasiHt. Louis. Ttiev wore met
by a company of ralliila aud 17 of them cap
tured. At - o'okick mis morninga company
of U.S. troops, under Capt. Itoss. took pos
behstou or the bridge and guarded It tho re
mainder of tho night.
New York. Julv 2H. Although tho finan
cial and business conquencoH of thu Mriko
must ootitinuu to develop, unfortunately, fir
omo lima toenmo, ills generally conceded
now that active disorder is substantially
over. Isolated dlturbancei will bo reported
to occur in various locnlltioii, butall that has
given the trouble an insurrectionary churaii
tar U ended, Tho conduct of the Federal
troops during the troublus has oaused a con
siderable popular reaction in their favor.
Chicago, July 29. Scarcely a vestige of the
late troubwa ha been visible to day. A fiw
diaaatlsned tailor assembled at Lakevle w, a
saburban town, bat they scattered ia all
directions uposj learning that a foroeof caval
ry waa U tba vlolakty looking tor them.
Oans. SbarUaa aad Crook arrived this
morning from 8t. Paul and Gen. Pops froea
St. Louis. - -
.Philadelphia, July 23. The president of
tho Pennsylvania railroad makes the an
nouncement that the roul and its branches
are open for frolghWand passengers from
Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia aud
Now York to points as far AH.Altoona on
their main Hue. They rxpeot to hava , .
tho main lino open to PlttHburg nnd Erla'
railroad to-morrow and their Hues north of
Pitloburgon Monday.
Toledo, July 27. Mnnufaoturtng establish
ments closed by tho mob Wednesday, are
quietly resutnlug operations. Quiet to-day.
Indianapolis, July 28. TrtiliiN on all tha
road aro running rx'K-pt tho Vandalla and
Indlaunpolis A tit. Louie rod ou which Iron
blooxlsts, vrst of hr.ri.
'ScranUiH, Pa., JulySd Tho main llnoof
the 1). Ii. A V. 18 now Idlo". Tha' mines are
rapldtv Uoodlng, nnd nolody Is allowed to
touch thi) pnmjw under pti of their- lives,"
Tho city authorities are lielp'oss to'prevent l
the Immeasurable lost which tho flooding of
Uie tuition will entail. The miners' are das-'
perata.) The Delaware and Hudson Canal .
Co mjners demand an advstioj of 25, per,,
ocnt, and 'are expected in eirlkn to-tnorrowv "
New-York) July 27; Tho Orand Array 1 of -n.
the .Republic of thla state telegraphs: (o Pre-'
idont ilayee that It' can. if neeUedi furnUb! '
thousands or volunteer .for reatoratlea- aad ") .
prneervaUonpf, order.. 1 , , ut, ., .,.
, Klmlra,., July 27.-The Northern' CentraV"'
aala, no naUltary. -Thara la great iraJoloUaiJia,,
.Detro July 57,-rAU nala but tba JUka, .
Shbre are running on schedule tlmei Tba '
ijakeHtiora is allowed torunnofrasjrhtai It jo
. Detroll. July 28. Strikers on tha Caaada .
southern hiva resumed work on tha Canada
an division.- All trains are moving aa nsu- -
al. r l ' -.'(- .1
Louisville, July 27. The military are ac
tive, and the mob are weakening, Oen; llu-1
gar arrfvodto-day.
Louisville, July 28. The city Is quiet and
no disturbance probable. Strikers have gan
erally returned to work, though some are
holding out. Steps aro being taken to organ
Ixo a permauentcltliwuH' militia. '
Nashville, July 27. U. H. autborlllos hava
boon proteutiug railroads, but tho feeling la
strong against allowing paasongor trains to
go out to-morrow.
On most of tho railroads whoro strlkos oc
curred, tho dispatches represent trains as
running at sumo places tbeto is interrup
tion, but gonorally there la no disturbance.
Duoharcst. July 25. Koports current assort
tliat ItaouflVsha has surrounded thu lino
elan foreoat ICskl Saghm, but, hn baa been
defeated with a loss or I0.OCO killed, m uundod
and prisoners.
Vienna, July 25. It Is con II r mod that the
Huasians has been riefoated near Knlnftor
ooii'sequently Iho iiien'H minds aro becoming
calmer at i'hllllppopolls.
It Is telegraphed Iroui Craronra, near Hal
alg that tho Turks aru massaariiiug Chris
tians without mercy. A dispatch to the
Uroek ambassador at Constantinople, asks
for prompt asslslunuo, as otherwise not a
man a man will bo loft. An Kngllsh war
sloop with Austrian steamers left Immedi
ately to receive tbo fugitives, t
Paris July 25 It is reported Turkey sues
for peace, and Russia will not treat until she
holds Constantinople.
rllsgusa. July 25 All the ooilvlna forta
'around Nloalo have been oaptnred by tha
Montenegrins. TBeioctres of tMleaie ltaelf
holdaoUC; ' ' '
, Vienna; July1 95, It Is announced from
tha seat of war that tboHarnahun Clroasalaaa ,
ate abaolulely maaaacralag all the popula
tion aad abandoning tbsrBMlvsa to all imag
laabjaaxoesae. Uallsotaa andilaoaf Paahaa. hava affected
I a lauotlon of their forces and are bow at tha
neaa oi an army or ao,wu men oa-taa aoatli
crn aide of, tha Balkans.
Blels.July.-Oen.'Oourka'remalns la
Keaanlik nntll tb8th corps, nowoooapylag
tba defiles, or ,tbo ,I!alkaas, )uu pagsaa '
tbroaghand massed with supplies for fnrth-'
er.progreM. Theroadat preseat la almost
Impracticable, Orders bava been seat to tha
0th corps to teko Plevna. Tbo 4th corps will
Jollow aorooss the Balkan.
1 The Kusslsn army, of Ilustahak..haa ad
vabObd to tbe llno.or tho Lom river touok-.
lag tba Dauutxi at Pyrgoa add 'slowly' mov- '
Ing on that pivot to Invent tha fortreaa. .
Nearly 90,000 men arc now Jammed into tha
angle bet wee U the Dauubo aud tha Lom,
Tbo Turk bava abandoned the line of tha
Lola without fighting, Cue part la bolloved
to.have retired on Itustohuk and another on
Ooosuallnaple, Julyaa.r-HUIelraan Pasha i
I at Karabunar near which a Uussian force
Ualsoasaembled. A great battle biexpoot
ed. , )
Hhumla, July 0. The Russians were de
feated in tho assault on Hllla'.rl 6n' Monday.
London, July 36 A Kuaalan oHlolal db-
fiatoh from Tirnova coueedlng defeat at
levna, gives. the Kusslaa loss 2 colonels
and 14 inferior orfl.wrs killed, one general
and 36 inferior oOloer. wounded;, 87b tuea
disablad. . ' , -
,1ondon, Jnly 26. A dispatch dated Kraa
routu lb 26th says tha triovemeat of tha '
Raislaa center along. the, whole Una lndl
oateaa serious ongagerrient shortly. '
'.Vienna, July 26. From dispatches frogs
the HuasUn headquarters, datad from UUU
thia means they bava been' forced back
It appear Ituswo has again assured tha
powers or Ita willingness to d Incus the fu
ture of Turkey after tho conquest of Bul
garia, Ninety thonsand mon aro on tba way to
rolnforro the Husslan Circassian army.
three brlgitdss of foot artillery with 4H nuns
each, and 10 batterlos of Coaaok artillery
with 00 guns, havo already arrived at TiftUj,
Tho ltiiHlaii artillery there will tdionly ba
reinf.-rced by 200 guus, and only Hit n w ill a
fresh adtaiico be attempted Into Armenia In
order tngalq ,otuu forttlled pUot beforo
winter set in.
Tho eldeat son ofHoharnyl, who was in
the Russian army, has Joined the Aloliaslan
PHib. July 20 The mooting bore today
declared In favor of Intervention for tha
maintenance of the Ottoman einnlro The
demonstration cannot bo wlthoiitgreai Influ
ence, and will be Imitated lnil the tuwusof
It la believed that the Russlins luve com
ploled their Hint around Itustohuk, which
has Oen sdvaueed In fcoinn places near
enough for Ihem In throw t-hi-lls as far as the
Inner line or the rorlin'atloii, nm uih aetual
aieKO lias not begun. Jliliil.roinnis have
lieini hunt from therasrovlteli'MHriny nroimd
Itustohuk to olu Iho itu-Hhni huforo 1'luv-
IVsib, July Jfl. A dbpulch ayH I'rluco
rVorltchakcdl has riotllied the powers Mist
Russia will not treat directly v. IUi llio I'ortu.
The question to be aolved will be submitted
to Uih great per-vvrs,
lx)udon, July 26 Consuls at Halnnlua,
Cavallo, and IugM telegraph they fear mas
sacres arc Impending, and call for pmuipt
dispatoh of belp, Correspondents say that
In consequence of (he barbarous character
of the war It is felt by everybody Ibat tha
moment for somo action on tha part of 13u
rope is approaching.
. .-
V --1
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LtliCji..; J-Slil'..