Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 03, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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. 1 5 .
filbtnctte lanrw.
f 1MV TBT VBtBAT, BT .. . (
tsrixsajrraerafa. 'I
' .rllrW.' J.J
Oateopr, oae-jrofoBimmbtr).. ,...
Oneeopy, slK montlis(Jnmbers) ......ri... 123
Oma codt. three aumt& (It MiBbTt ......
. -. - i. j -- -
AVmt'OreKoafiialtsr. I ' L"
Wo learn from gqpd authority thai a cele
brated wagon, aaaker of Salemionoo refused,
lo purchaea'Va I6t of oak, toagon timber
brought In Item the ooutry, diving as a ft
eon that hi' had to ,ave ttf;bMt.o'teatrn
Umber to ow ln.bM woritr Jt w, or
to bibppo6d, that anMesperllkioed
a ,i.yjin, i,wl n V.attsasMtt
During tfaanast week we bare eo toyed M4t
mostdeUgbtul charm of the. Summer even
lagcool , breathlags frim. the,' ocean have
Jiwept tkfeaaltry kgui of-day.from reoolleo-
tlos,andt&e mop allttit has "transformed tho
night Intoscenes tha, would do Jaitlca a
filter Unhand plight' wrap thesopl In su'eW
splresnatare, animate and lDanimart, Vlth'
vitality, Ilia powers 'Jdroe lbs Juices Into
the vlnepamtjlhe- blofcsoms atatf rlpeb the
rruiu out bow rjwiv we see Ytfajbus drive
hin radiant 'atai. ifoan lh iWMtf. AnH fepu "f.l.iJ
Western skv histoid With gold and crimson;
iT'Stu main
ri-rii. Irutbe MacY) oraTrltfliB
thai niiianf theRhfaa and flowaMntndn
'-j . - :rr"" . . .
rODluropx-r.-, Jaa-rm P",-.,
etweaV RoamanMiand TuMcey proper
he aaa. having a total lanututaf the
tnafriver oM,700 m()rv It bia.niBtfrlarga
trtfenttriet-the Inn 'and'IserVCifnnrvaria
iitann ana ou in wi ww.
lorKwiuyw wai , ccuiu (ioB.jifw MMTseUD in HBgaryjth Aluta Hereto and
midsummer sight's dream., .Tie;ai..dort AMtri in ItouraJaV ''Afl rrffhloh;-except
verywell fw the day, for old Sol. la olUUr- rattwp named ltwtfw;e &
Ian and. Ilrfbta us to oar toll awell m ln,v bleeomeof tbenfor'.Babrtlhad'MntlHfd,
man knowathe.dlfferahee'beweei
and Oregon timber,' and, understande why
the one la better than tha.otJber. .At any. rate
onr experienced meohahlo went lo Portland
( orohaiied'lterrXUiBber1' andltwaa
shipped np to him aa nooli, and ho made uae
ofHaa aaoh tohla entire aatlafaotlon until
one day the country customer oamo around
again and wanted to know where ho bought
"that Umber" be saw In the nhop and claimed
It to be of thesamo be had nifunod to purchase
-l k. . I .. IM .!.. I t.&
ci mm. nuui IUMK4I iijuk qiuij m i. uvr
ooantryman ptovod his statement by show.
lugine mars: no puion 1110 iimuor wneii ue
shipped It lo I'ortlsnd and no proved that Or
egon lumber snd wskoii timber Is gcxid
enough to enable duslors to iiiipwo on pnroha
sers and that experienced workman .cannot
tell the dliforuuon soiuetlmoH. Thoro Li n
moral to thli In mvor of Ihp uho of homo
material, but It is undoubtedly true that our
material must be prepared, and Beatouod ax
well as IliHtorn wood, to make, It as service
able and valuable. ICistoru wood Is thor
oughly seasouod and carefully proparod for
ute. Wlillo In Orogon wo want to out a treo
down and work It up soon, though It Is
known that osk needs several years to season
and perfoot: We aro willing to pay for hav
ing Kastarn wood seasoned, and do pay all
that is charged for It, and add freight and
inauranoe u the hill, but we lack the enter
prise and capital and pallenoe. it seems, to
prepare our own wood properly and usolt
tlitn luorouguiy prepared.
CnrtrrAL Si-lnoh, Polk Co., July 2-1.
Whllu perusing your excellent paper, of a
late date, I found an Inquiry as to who the
oommlltee was tliat oxamlned the wheat on
exhibition at tho State Fair of 1B75, signed,
"A Parmer."
In answer to brother farmer, I will state
that be is oorroot about tho wheat being
passed by the oommlUee, tot no'other reason
only, that it was spring wheat fproper)tbougu
ta sample was fall sown grain on a burn",
and 'brushed In. lie is also correct, about
the award at the Centennial. I was awarded
thsArat and highest prlae over all other
exhibitors, and that upon a peok of the same
bushel that the committee at our State Pair
faaeed without any award whatever.' " "
;!Yoar correspondent further aayit It la the
Mnsral wlsta la this section that saaspUe of
1 XkU svkseA ahtonld He ptaoed oa exhlblttoa at
Ue World's Pair, tti be held In Paris la 1878.
, I win atate, that it to my latentloa to for
' ward a Wnpls or this wheat to the aald ex
hlbltioa. ' "i
Tour correspondent calls for. the names of
ine oomnmiee wno maue tne awaroa on
wheat at the Orcioa Pair of 1876.
TbeywereO.il. Hughes, O. Q. Too ley
and B. II. Itoblnson.
I). D. PaamritAN.
inuoooroi uib ggiBHfuecause ii onugs an
turn the hlghl,,ad with tHehlgtt) cornea
"tlrodlfatarea.aWMTret(6rer: balmv Meen.F
. i ,---.
7- L"iTbeSQalinee'WBethlng morot
It to, of uMMyUujjit.-jfcW besides labor, 1
erlehoed work-1 less, gist lsb than the light of Dy.
OMHVA.U, July 1, 1877.
Herewith 1 send jou a list of offloerj of
tiervala Lodge No.lBS.of O00U Templars Juat
eleed for the ensuing term 1 8. Urown, W.
0. T.s Mrs. K. H. Pitman, W. V. T. af.
Mltiihcl W. 8.; A. M. Urown, W. P. H. Mrs.
II, Pstterson, W.T.; Mrs.Harah Oshves, W.
0.1 Miss Nellie Ilmwn, W. M. Miss Ada
Illdwell, W. I. O.ill.Ksralnaky, W.O.U.!
Prof. 0. K, Majrers, Organist, lilltor Tern-
PsranoeHur, M. Mltchul, Kdltor Tempi ars
rlend. 0. K. Magers.
' The lodge Is la a flourishing eondllloit
and they have yery lnUrvstlng meetings.
We haw two papers eud the way the editors
pitch into each other Is a caution.
Weare'tohaVe a publlo Installation next
Prldsy evening, and a grand time is ex
pected, Ilnnber Cms to, of Oregon Oily,
will do the Insulllnir. after whleh we wlM
have an address from Dr. W. A. Caslck, of
ups out, wno w in tain louiperanoa rrom a
medleal standpoint. M. Mmxtxu
1 1
OpaeslUea lUaatars
The PaotOo Coast Hteamshlp Oosapaay
have made arrangements lo ran a line nf
UsrMlb between Ban Pranolsee and Port
land, -The atearaahlp Orlssba of this Uae
will laave the former plsoe for Portland next
Thuraday. and returning will leare Port
land about the plh of AugBKt. It is the In
tMtlionofthe opmpsny U plsoe two bosia
eutbe route ImmedUUeiy. These will be
aooa followsd by others. The well known
Ami of J. McOraken A 0. have been ap.
IMlnlad their agenu lo that elty, and the
steamship will land, disebarge and Uka
freight at tbslr wharf. The Parmera' wharf at
Astoria has been leased fit the same par
pose. A Travwllaft; IYud.
We mentioned some time ago that a man
calling himself Crocker, was going through
the country lollliu a pitiful tale that his wife
fell dosd aud three it) after his hoafeaud
fixtures were bnrned, and that he hse four
nhlhlri-u for whom lie wishes to pntyhle
boint. HlMgM ha giHMand Isa frsnd.
W repeat the wsrtilng as ho was In MaImu
Hstiinly, tflllnir III story, whloli Is rnle,
ami pnu ring nlmrliy tut riurreiilsiloiilhnt
inti KO'i'l olllim t-eiit hliu lotlmt vrtli'iilr
l'tiuN, Allsuoli (Htopln are sliutler, slid
ilitn u:hii U it very in raUlrnt cum. He iruvnln
lulheetiUKlrVHiul if lui naiU IhU rloiy Ihi
vi t'l h apt to ol Hugo hU iisiuo and tell a xtiw
Mr. W, (', Mytm, tliooMiitrof the fsmuus
1 frjluoou hnrxe, Whl.o I'rlno, (Jeucrl
riinuj, IVIiloof Purvhii, Whllo Uo.e, 'o
li'ft slout ihhui to-day fiir tils Soutbom
Or, ;! I (int. Hu ullllrsvelhtiio tu return
lollio Oito'ii H'hIh jMr ftliont the livt or
r-'iintrr lih h due litnd U IVrebren
toMiuk-l,tirilM, vml viiimi Hplfinllil td
iikiin o( iht'lr niwti)i. Mr Myurs Uoo
I f I III' 1ih. J4II1I IIIO.I Mllhui.iktlo htlH'k kimi
In llm Sunt, mt.l M irniluq,loii o' ths iVr
rhfii'ii lilm J In r-"t Into Oreuoii, In h frw
st will iiu&rt n i Ihiiiou Vermont
lor Urwt. UihII l.ow", ki:d tine, icl kbl
tbarY mere
elarlab than the 1 aht of Dv. ' It needs
rest, pesw.'rslief from care and labor, food
for thought and the soothlnrn of reflection.
Our Saturday nlxbt brlnir thlsonDortunltv.
bstevrrynight bringa with It rwit and. obliv
ion for a while oblivion that refreshes
with dreams that lull or real, and Illusive
vissinns wai moox onr waxing lire oy oon
tract with their unreality. "Tho stufl that
dreams are made of" Is all unsubstantial, but
the human soul has Its web and woof wovon
full of Ntioh unreality, and It Is that element
of our nature that makes man tlio than wild
and brutlih.
Throueh all our lives tho moollsht throws
lis uncertain radiance. Tho Queen ofnlghl
, borrows tho robos and only shlnet with rn
,ftentlva Unlit. Wo donot know that in thn
eoonomy of Nature she dohso'soh uny import
anm, bestows any llfo sustaining proportliH
Is In Hiiy great sonso a uoofBiliy, nnd her
uncrinlu oomlngt and golnn, chunglng
nlmpen and brilliancy, result In giving im
btitoccaxlounl brlKhlnoKM, and Unit only a
f livery glamour that lluhts no roml to litbor.
Thn moon serves as tho InsnlrHllon of ro
inHncf, tho Houl of poetry, tho light ofdrrams,
and never a more beautiful moon glided
morn delicious night hours than thouo wo
enjojod early In the week. Down wont the
Day, curtained by tho crimson woat; up roso
tho moon from slumberous depths of tho fr
CaHoidoH. and the wanton soa b re cms pourod
over tho valley In frolio xopbyrs that drove
every disturbing thought away, Tho hidden
perfumes stole forth from leaf and llower and
like wafted Inooimo clung to tho vihw(.i
wings of the air. and as tho night stolo on
and the full orb bore southward, tho nuclnn
lion of thn hours grow mora delicious and
unreal. Tho moon irleams slanted through
IheosJuiBnd maples and lit up tho orchard
boughs loided with pondant fruit. Tho
chirp of the orlokot or distant song of tho
night bird kopt tlmoandrythm with wast
ing waters that said the working of tho busy
mill wm still. It was an hour tot love and
romance, for quiet thought and puro reflec
tion. Lovers might whisper thoir pIlBhtod
vows, but It would have boen profano to tho
Night's pure Influences to havo uttered rudo
laughter or loud words when all the world
was hushed and bound in the spoil of suoh a
midsummer dream.
miles ThnDanube itaelrla nsvlxable'fbr
1 Mtnjlle, nd wltn ,,s tributaries ibf 3,000
semhina ihn MlsslstiDDl in BOhie Dartlculars
an1 Vlo. rmM I SniaMlin'f)hafii am In
make a.oomparisoB.betweon; tnew mierest-'
onefOBrth as .much' w the, Mlssl4slppl,ih;.
BlRHtagfall hs'trlbhunos; hr aSttnUcirss
rpif PiMtT.v.tTha k famllv la thai.
educator of tho race ?Hefe rues jtM'i
Women ate maae., -What theyr.n.
th'w6rld. that they werti;ln.theTamI
IvW rhllrlrrm: , Tho family k thoDlace
'whre first the lessons of 'taWftaM, re-
. . ' l'.l.... 1L. n.l.AlsJlhiUl.lM
In view of law has a dlfocUon firl Vetl ft'
Tha".ttlAn-t(t miuin In tho famllv lnrta The TW )' Dryer-cspscity of v
HZ i4lha'ti fnr vntlnP or actlvltV Jfh.'Ptai P"r honr-prI.... $ .
WVIWIV W s"v -v- WT a " r.H WFVMlM -- " - Wkssaa-ABt Msnaslt. as
l.n,mi, Wl,nn -KTnrtnlnnn Hrilll.lrt- "I-T J1??."":"!-" .- -v-k-v i i
HW WUD.j II'Vii .'"flT .. . "" S"
I rt ., 'A
oiner ror 111710K or rreiemsf rrniu aae
t: M-.srrkltuls. and ire caniUmeted inA n.
eosejlStslbTonr different r-ltci, nsmsly;
The TM nam Oryer-cspsclty
bachels per hoar price.
anfiwer'toMaaamo.do fttacl's question ThjFaaUy
aboui,In9,jrreato8t nootl, "Moth,' -jar hnr-pi
Fin at Portland on Saturday.
At 8:30 this morning a Ore broke out In the
rear or the Cosmopolitan hotel, and In a
very few momenta the entire building was
wrapped lo a lurid sheet of flame. Every
body being In bed UthU hoar It was some
talautee before the department was on hand,
ana wnen tney aw pat in an appearance
mere was no onance ra save ine siruoture.
The best endeavors of the departmeut were
turned lo confining the Are to the hotel, and
they worked with a will and energy seldom
rqnalled. The offloe of the Oregon Ian was
In Imminent danger, buta few well directed
streams now and then, preserved It and also
the wooden block to the southward. The
origin (f the Are Is not at present knewn,
but it appeared at first In one or the extreme
rear rooms or outbuildings. The building
burned slowly, there being no wind at the
Hme, though as the fire progressed a senile
bret.se sprang up and the sparks and cinders
filled the air, eauMng muob apprehension
for the wooden buildings In the Immedlsto
l.ATWii. It Is reported by passenger on
the up train that two bodlesbave boeu Isken
from the ruins bat have not been Identified
Ntrangurs from nearly all parts of oi.r
Union and some parte of Kurope. are pciam-
bulatlng-an Oregon, Washington and parts of
Idaho, looking out for localities In which to
settle. Kspeolally Is It so with many Call
fornlaiis. The latter would prefer lo havo
the wet grow between their Oagers aud toes
ratner man 04 reduced to eiadera. And they
want lo settle In a country where failures of
crops are unknown, aud where no Irregailou
la Heeded. To know Oregon la lollke It. This
State is becoralug more known all the time.
Mirangers remark to the writer, that Uioy
find lutelllgfuoe hare of a high order, aud
that lite settlers xsnerallr show them mark.
ed kludneaa. This Is as It should be, Hueh
klndnesa Is not thrown away apon strangers,
tJalew.JulyW; PArano.
O A Ormla.
O. W. Hunt, of Waldo Dills, furnishes
for the Oregoa exhibit excellent Oh HI olub
wlieat la the sheaf. L. Pallerton, of the Red
Ullls, a buaehof beads of White Wiuter
Wheat laateannot be bsaUn. O. Dickinson,
fromhWeaed garden, a aheaf, 8-feet high,
ordouble lieaded wheat.of whleh he has a sin.
gle acre, waloh a praotioal Knglkdi farmer
proooonees the best acre of wheat he ever
saw. Perry Watsoa, from the Red Mills,
shows While aad Ohll Olub and other vari
eties that are simply wonderful, especially hs
n n wu re w 1 ny are average or great neuls.
He has over MO acres In crop. There are
many other Ana speelroens furnished from
IhU vicinity. Ren Dstenport, from Silver
ton, twiidsoftie that are 8 Itv-t high and well
IokiIihI. It. K. Parver, also In thn Ksd HIIU,
lio Mime Hue whest hetds, but his con
lilbulloiis wit.i prlnt'lpslly grases, that
woull ploi tho ee of u stwk-ralsor,
A Ilaudkomo Fjchlhlt.
T. U Dsvldson, uo of our noted Snlem
ei l-re ders, took a Cuitennlal medal for
htsillpley nf 11101 loo wool, lm exhibited la
tho show uliuio of IV. W. Marlln'MjuAelry
etnro, h very elfgsul Miuplo ord of iiN line
w-in'rt polled Mini unMaehe. In a hindMiino
ffrttii", iili coviiml, arrsneed with mioIi
tHiii mn 10 tie MkIiI.v nrnsiiiAiitnl, Ihli been.
tiiitU'xhibllof vuml lll wo ioS4u Krrtlii'l-co
s1.1l exdoi.l the fm'', as a tl e wool grower,
fO well esrtinl b Mr rUttiNon,
Mr. A V, Jjlitmti, Supirlntendont of tho
Kthor Mine, wrbtH ttt tut hsssll reptlrs
full v ms'lrt and 10) tousnf pvlq'inr's on
the dump snd exihet to hart '. toni more
bv UiemUbllaof Amsnst. IIhiIU expre-es
hlinm-ll sHbtln thoroughly htlUloflU
nH. sndlaamaohasthebhlosntl
M.has h&srjufeerJlind'lhose at t
IaNte'tajhut jleslnlthe'TyrolIsn andSem
meVlng Alps -and In the-Carpathlan Moun
tains. Its DassaBO throuab Austria and Hun
gary and again along the Turkish. frqnjler Is.
slaallarto the great- Amerlcanriverwith
wide alluvial bottoms overflowed sometimes
in great fresbeti. Its delta and Its mouth
are exactly similar to those of tho Missis
sippi and have been blookod up by sand
bars, now happily removed by tho genius of
Sir Charles Hartley. Where tho Danube
breaks through tho Carpathian Mountains It
E resents oaturoi olosoly resombllug the
ighiands of tho Hudson river, though tho
mountain tides aro much higher anu moio
The increase In our shipments of fronh
boef to England and Scotland Is something
mnrvolous, Tho following fuctH havo boon
developed by tho lluroau of Stllellcn, and
they aro worthy of moro than paining con
sideration as hiiggcstlng what may biidono
in other Unci. Tho tables from which mo
quote glvo tho exports for olgutnpn mouths,
,i..i vfuujuur. iniu, vu niuruii. joi ,, inuiuni vti.
OlIW filial bill mil j nl fuuli luii.f In MAlnlinii
1H7S, amounted to only 30,000 pounds, valuou
at tho Insignificant sum of ('2,800. Until
Mi,1870, wo oxportod none lo Scotland,
but In Mint month tho Scotch took 100,000
pounds worth 8,000, or nearly tbrco times
ss inuoh as thu first shipment to England,
As late as Ootobor, 1870, Philadelphia took
no part In this trade, but Blnco that tlmo has
shipped 4,077,000 pounds, valued at (138,011.
Durlnur the eluhteoii moutiiH otided March
31st, 1877, Now York oxportod to England
and Scotland 2H,C01 ,'i50 pounds, reprtsuutlng
(2,688,430, making n grand export total to
Kngland andSootland from Now York and
Phlladolnhla ol 31.278.810 iKiunds. worth 13..
020,483. As bofure statnd tho tlrit shlpiuonU)
from New York In Ootobor, 1875, included
but 30,000 pounds, valued at (2,800, but tho
trade had so rspldly Inoreasod that in Maroh
1877, no less than 0,202,335 pounds, worth
(517,702, woro forwarded from thosamo port.
Estimating tho avorago wolsht of slaughter
ed cattle at GOO pounds osob, a very ltboral
estimate, it required 57,131 animals to fill
the bill.
, loveso puro. ana iprvons as
' fAH tKrtt-jrlves' value .ot beauty
inoharacfor finds ill ItleTiimily
(brs.'heWertediha nllpotont influence
ir a 4vrnl uta. Thnfamllv Is tho firreat-
est rhenVfor.ihe,ilo.vJlopm6nt orchard
iumr. , wiiul h. wuiiut uinn iu moub
roT.tho.afiectlona to abldo! Inl , Whorb
In alriho earth 'besldo's are sympathies
to hum
nt ntwn tin1 utmhiiDhoro In..wbIoh " to. ox.
nnndnnd ilo'vfilob tho elements which
shall brln-it to the;hlgho9t porfectIoh,"J
Colorado has abolished tho grand jury
system, and In Its stoad Is a commis
sion, by whom all preliminary investi
gations arc to bo conducted. This com
mission oonslsts of tho County Judgo
and two Justices of tho Pcaco, who aro
required to moot In each county twen
ty davH previous to tho session of tho
court, and report their findings to tho
court as noon nt it holds its session.
Drref-capacltT of 3 bnnhel
'r . AAA..
1. .....a...,,. 93VI,
of 0 bushels
Tfee'Fsueterjr fcryer capacity
yenoury-pnee... ,
Thssa DrjeraWfcteawsrded the Centennial Medal
and pipldtBS at Philadelphia in 1886, Alio, tho Gold
H daloVsMSUU of Oregon for 1870, for exceUensa
of fliforiscolor and. condition vf Fruit
All sums conftsatlf on hand snd farnlahed on nhort
etnotlco.' 1 "
k Fans rbs Ooantr Hlshts tar !.
MFortfartiier partlculari and dcfcrlpttTo catalosss
address V'M W. 8. PLXJMMKbT
' V i ratentee and MinnfactBrsr.
-. ;JelStf K J8 Bait PorUand, oregos.
Stonkwali. Jackhom. ".Stouowsll" Jack
eon and bis sister woro orphan children, and
wore brought up togothor until he went to
West Bolnt. Llko most orphan children,
theTvWare unusually atUtched to each other.
Mhe Mafilud and settled in Ileyerly, West
virgmia, wnerenor nusbana carried on a
lanta Aaraa or olanlaUon. Her brother, the
OeaetaL frequently vUlted her, and during
these visits ho would invariably go to the
quarters of the alavee for the purpose of ex
hortlasrtbem on Ibe subject or religion.
Prcquently the soldier would be seen on bis
knees In the midst of the children of Afrloa,
oHbriug earnest prayera for their salvation.
When the war broke out the brother es
poused the cause or the South and became
the greatest of all Confederate Generals,
with a world-wide reputation for oonaum
mate military ability, and laid down his life
on Ibe bloody field ofOhaDoollorsville. The
sister, In spite of the opposition of her
urotoor, auinuuenood by his brilliant
sohloyements and the opposition of bor hus
band and her relatives, sided with the cause
of tho Union and remained truo to that
cause to tho end Tf Iho war. So great was
the rtollng engonderod against her thai she
eventually Henarated rrom bor husband and
moved toHprlnKtlold.Ohlo, and resided with
n daughter who had married a Union o til our.
Tho Jiritish Consul General at Now York,
in hU report to the Homo Government,
says Alpacas, Poplin, etc., formerly Im
ported In large quantities hsvn been almost
entirely supplauted by homo manufactures.
Hosiery and underclothing, of low and
medium grades are now supplied by Ameri
can manufacturers at a pnoo with which Im
porters are unable to oompole. In fsot, In a
oommorclal point of view, the United Htes
aud Great Brlllan may be said In certain re
spects to be changing places, aud with a ra
pidity whloh no one anticipated, though
it has long boon perceived that the tendency
has been that way. The excellence of some
of the American manufactures, particularly
of metals and notion, la manifest, and loan
not be Justly decried by ilrlllah Importers.
Oil the contrary, sagacious manufacturers
who visited the Centennial Exhibition have
fully admitted that the decline In wages
snd raw materials lu the United States, and
the ample labor saving appllanoes, coupled
with the Intelligence and exoelleuoe or the
work of the artisan, mutt of necessity pro
duoe a formidable competition with foreign
Ths first and only railway in China, the
ons from Shanghai lo Woosung, recently
buUt by EnullHh tupiulUts, turn- not to b
a greul'aucocMN, There ix h reiMilsr iikIII?,
and a rush lor lh mn. n wittiiuns The
nimble natives are par'ivi'slv e(iert at
Kettliiir IoxIiIh 1 he oh 1. Ths Ctiliit-HA itiem-
sohea hau now uuderuken a line to run
Ireni Woo.un f S'viohiiw, no t ICnzlih
rii'HtKtM are nut inillcpofeii 10 mlvuuwi the
lui,du 00 an fiiturpribu whloU pioiii.t-ea to
Iay. The railway haviug thus become In
corporated with the new policy of the most
oonwrvattve nation of the world, It Is estl-uiau-d
that before many years England aud
American engineers, rontraots and builders
will be having somethlmr to do with tho vast
iuierlor of tho Chluess Empire,
Pkkin, Cowi.it. Co., W. T.
The l'onrth vtisMloir without rain 011 this
psrt oflhooountry, thomth It looked very
inunk llko It In thn morulug. The sietmer
lljilr.v arrived with pan- ngera for the cele
bration abvint elaveu n'olook. About twelve
o'oliM'k tbo Hon. C. Lnnras'ertook thebtsnd
aud hu delivered as good an onulon as ovejc
uKsdrlivered in tbUjiart of Iho couniry.il
went (Im-p Into tho heurls of cver' hearer, hn
iuiloit.i tuoveineut with the South, aud fo
should every Amerlotn cltlton. After the
Judge got through vpeaklng there w at a call
tor volunteer Kjklng. Mr. J. S. Itozutb
was imlle.1 tiHn, ho took the stand and msdo
a lew brlof remsiks very appropriate for the
ooovslnu. The Ilev. Mr. Willi of Oregon,
and Charles Caplcs of Co'umbla City, Or
egon was calls i upnu who felt very thankful
that they lived under a free gnveinmont like
ours. C. C. UoairtU a as marshal of the day.
J, S. Still.
Ilirds killed on our prairies, packed
cIohuIv with pnncr in barrels, ami with
out nny froor.ltiir or other nrtillclal pro
cess of prcHPrvation, now go regularly
to London, Knglund, and are eaten in
tho dining-rooms there side by sido
with tho much more oxpenslvo par
tridges, pheasants, and fowls of Eng
land. In Norway drunkards aro compelled
to sweep tho streets. When a motion
was mado in the Chicago common
council to adopt tho Norwcglau prac
tice, sovontoon red-nosed aldermen
arose, simultaneously, and wanted to
know If this glorious republic was
going to bo dictated to by tho olio to
despotisms of Kuropo.
I will pay (76, lu itold, premium for tho
boot "Mack .Stranger" colt exhibited nt tho
State Fair this fall, J. W. Nksmitu.
Half Brother to Caledonia Chief, tk
fastest Trotting StalljoQ iq Canada,
Sired by Hows' Moral GcorKO. Dam by old Ilarkt
way, tho celebrated lrlh Blood librae, will rtand Am
Marea In . , '
East Portland
At the Stable of JOHN BUAVEU, from April lux
to July let, IK77. 940 to Insare, nnjnblc wlita
the Maro in known lo bo In (ml. 'i6 for tlieNea.
son, payable at thu time of ecrvlcc.
March ft), 1M7.
Ohoppod into Food,
For Oxio-Toxxtlx Toll.
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
Xtoloixlcllxacai f
TuralHR-. Stair work, HcdNteadM,
IlureaHX, UtaadH, Tabled,
Aad all kladn et Fsiraltare,
At BKD-ROCK PMICBS. Shop at AsHcaPn'ml Works
balUMox, Halsas.
O W. BKNNia.
Etc., Etc.
Aceats for the Wlllaasctle Farmer.
Albany................................... J R ITannen
Amtty.. ............. .It liHlupfton
ColtafioOroYC J II Hbortriiteo
HellruB .:.Jetr Dayle
lloena VUU Wsi Well, J W llobart
Ilrownffllle W It Kirk
HutteTllle J W DacbelUer
Canyon City 0 11 Hhlnebtrt
Canyontllle W T I1rlg
Coqullle City .....F 8 Haltcton
Colo't Valley W 11 Clarke
ClaUop It J Mormon
CrawrinlTllle Itnbrrt OUm
Coto. ,............ ....................11 V Kendall
Corrallla K Woodward
Crotwell ., ltoacoo Knox
ClacXamaa. ,,,......... ....... ...... ..W A Villa
Camp Crook...,, Q It Hammeraley
Dalla , 1 1) Lee, U M Guthrie
Dciter. ................a. ..., ....H llaodaaker
Oratn'a. ............., Krowaon A Drain
Datnaacva KFoibea
Dayton K O Hadaway
Rlkion. ........ ........ ...... ...........A B lialnea
Kuxene. ........, John McClnng
Pox Valley A D Uardner
KorettUroTe 8 llnjbH, W LCurtli
Uohen ......J llandMker
Clerrala.... ...... .......... ...... ......... H M Oalnca
1 1 al6y., .............. ................... ...T llladc
llarrlabaic lllram hmltb
ItUlaboro A Loelllng
llepuer .Morrow A Ilerrrn
Independence W L. llndsln
Junction Smith, Dranflt-ld A Co., W I, Lemon
Jcioylo , M I'rtrrtou
King' Valley... , Conner AM'rrtno
JeOtfrnon Ji bn W Itoland
LewUvllle II O McTlutmonda
Lafayette .,Dr Poi-plcton. A 11 tienry
Ibauon .,8 II CUnthtou
Monroe Jo KeUey
McMinnTllle JUMorrla. A Held
Mnnmooth W Waterhonte
Mil l'Uln, WT DavMHiarop
Needy ..Wm Moreland
New Kra.... .................................. J lato
KewelUvllle 1 Y CaKtlrman
North Yamhill DCSiewirt
Oakland 8 K Ktyniond
Oiwi'KO A It Shipley
" ; " nciinwier
Urviron t Ity.. .'II Ktcon
Pen ilvtoa , W A Whlfmin
'jorla-.,.. , ...,l)r J II Irvine
l'llot llock k O'llUni
l'orllan.l. 8 1 Lee, .g'Bt State Oranirt
l'rliu'vUle u.M I'llnnle
IVrryoalo , ...McOrew'kMoie
Itlckrral y a ratlrrvnn
l(ivbnrj(...,, Thn Smith
Sclo.... , , F l Jonci, Thou Vnufcer
Sll!,,u W.VV. T II llibb-rd
8hli1' WM I'owen, Cltvtbr-Ur
2!'kip12? A H"vvy
nibllmlty ,..., ...John Downing
?J,J,,n,m UdnMarl.1
Tniinl , ts nJn
The UtUo , g j, iifnok,
iTirner,, ,,.,,W m III vr
."1,,tf?,ii Kork N Wilkin.
Wa U NalU j p uWHBr
wajun.,.. , JOKICcr
Voucafia J a Klllton, B3 Apwlegate
sntEuen or
TAKES plcaruro In nlferluir to tbo Wool-Orowora ot
Orexnand thoadJolnlntrTerritorl-ii the chants
topurchaio THOHOUOIIUIIKD MhKlNOS, and as
suring partlo Inlcreatcd that they can, snd will on
deavor to, sell Hhcep of tho aame qnallty and value at
MUCH CIIKAl'KIt JtATE8 than inch can poaalbly
bo Imported. Kxamlnatlon and comparison with oth
er Hheop offcrcU lo the market are cordially United.
k Address JOHN M1MTO,
Salom, Orecoo.
N , D. Tho llama snd Ram Lambs of the flock caa
ho seen on tho I8LANI) FAHM, adjoining balom.
ThoKwescan be tien at the same place, or at tits
II ILL FAHM four and a halt miles south of tho city.
Halem, Heptcmbcr 10, 1873. 1
Farms and Land lor Sale.
IOFHKlfFOIt BLE'ONK FAllM,320"AbltKir.
10O acres In cnltlrat'on, good orchard, rltoa'edoa
the l'lcasant Hill road, about !4 mllf from Kusens
City. Also, abont 1400 acres of MIXED LAND,
lomoof tho best yalley and boarer-dam Land In the
county, autrounded by hill and brush land. Thre or
four yery good farms can be made out of It. Good
place for s colony. Want to sell ths who's lot togeth
er. 1 nia mna is situatea in i.eno county, aoout ix
.sun 1
V. a.
miles from Eugene City, and six from Creawell,
UVNti, JCUftnt CUy.
Home -Made and Hand-Made
you can be accommodated by calllag
At Araiatreas'g 8ae
On 8Uto Street, opposite WILLIS'S BOOK BTOBJL.
All Woax Wahmantsd. Prices KmaioaasLs.
MeaalrlBjc ruatty and promptly draw. Gits Ma a.
Call. acln WH. ABaUrTBeriS.
To Purify the Blood uso r.
Alterative. It acta directly on the
blood, stimulating tho nUorbcrsO,
ovoroomlnp tlio obstlnnto stato of the
poroo of tlio skin, and Imparting a
lioaltliy glow to U10 Complexion.
Plmplos, Pustulos, Tottor, and Skin
DlHOtutOH of ull klntlii, More u rial
Aflbotions, Tumors, and ull varlo
tloa of ooniplolnta arising from do.
pravod or disordorod blood, aro of
footually oradioatod by this romody.
ScrofUla In all Hs Forms i curod
by tho persistent uso of Dr. Jmjnf'm
Alserativa. It dostroya tlto oIsorH
ons prlnolplo which orlglnatoa Scro
fula, aud ultimately driven It from
tho systom. It will remove onlnrgo
mouta of tho Olands or Bonss, tuui
Is a safe romody In caaos of Ulccw
or Soros of all kinds.
Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings oro
efloctually curod by Br. Jayao's At-
Isratlra. By Btimulatlng the action
of tho absorbents, all watery or cal
careous doposlUons ore gradually
carried oil, toning up the potlont at
tho satno time, by strengthening tlio
dlgostlvo organs and oxcltlng tho
Liver, Kidneys, Ac. to perform tholr
functions. For Dyspopsla and I.Ivor
Complaint It lias proven u romody,
and It has established euros In cose
of EpiloiMy. It nmy bo nafely rollod
on by any ono uoetllng a mtxliclno
o build up tho system, oloanso tho
blood, or to restore tho normal notion
of tho Socratlvo Organs.
A. UaVIS A Oil tVhnlMil ! PorflJl
Oregon, 'nrUms
lYost Investment Company
of m:otl.na.
THIS Company If prrptrrd to reotlale loans U
runlnmfS'0tni.Mi0tur- oTir UlI'RO
VrllCITV 1-hUI'MtlY aid hltM LANDH, for
nihil periods f jrais, or repayable by half yearly Ic-
,'iy lu
For tnus, apt'
W1LLUM IIRID, Macacer,
Firtl Htreet I'ouIliuL.
r. a suzxxvAir.
8. K, eonaer, at taad of ktalrs. fsiij
. il
? i.
'w?:i!- t v',.. visi4AjjaU&iLli