Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, August 03, 1877, Image 1

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Tk tm ibh.?IHEk. HhKv IT i iHPSl' S r kvlw )! mw PTfc k LB
$2.50 per Year.
Volnme IX. Number 25.
Pittsburg. July 28. Tho freight blookado
at this point la pretty woll broken. Strikers
on the Pacific Central and Fort Wayne road a
are still out, bnt offer no resistance to tbo
movement of trains. Flvo trains of stock
leftover the Paoltlo road for the east today.
Two trains of frolKht camo west from Dorry
And wero transforrod tn tho Panhandlo road.
Passenger trains on all tho roads oro run
nlnir. Strlkora aro firm, and ulalm tho roads
oannut rosttmo full oporatlona for want of
men. Tho city In very quint.
Baltimore, July 29 btrlken In West Vlr
glnla have doolared that tbo Baltimore and
Ohio road should not bo opened. Regulars
bavo been no tit to Grauoti hihi Keysor upon
requisition of Governor Matthews. Tin
company announce thai p8ionirer ami
freight trains will bo resumed at all points
Now Orleans, July 20 Tho pi-d two days
rumors ot a striko nro pravnlont. Yosterday
omployers wero asked to sign paper giiarau
toeing higher wages to hand. Hnvoral
bikers woro walled upon. No Ices of n meet
ing to bo held to day wero served. Authorl
ties aro on I ho alort and la-l- night tho Wash
lugtou artillery of Louisiana went uitdsr
anus. Tho entire local nillliary recolvod
orders to bo in rendition. Tho military
cbargod by Gov. Nlohols In tho event of up
probcnslvo gathering to dlspnrso It dinned I
atoly at any hazard or any cost. No blank
oartrldgo will bo usod.
St. Louis, July 20 Tho striko on tho Mis
aourl, Kansas .fc'ftxas road has terminated,
tho company acceding to tho demands of tho
From 1,000 to 1,200 of tho Illinois national
guards, together with U. H. troop., auiricleiti
to guard the properly of the Ohio A Missis
sippi road, are now quartered in KtatSt.
Louis. Alt the roads except tho Toledo A
Wabash have Mnt nut both passenger and
freight trains. A good deal of objection was
made by the strikers About noon the
orowd became qullo demonstrative, hut a
company or m'lltla surrounded 'them and
Treated about one hundred. Guards were
petrollag trains which left subsequently and
bo more trouble occurred. Tbo rioters taken
were examined tbl evening ud all but
four released. .
Terre Haute, Julvffl A meeting of tlio
employes of the Vandalla road tonight re
solved to reeums work In the morning at
nlil warns. Home non union firemen who at
tempted to go out with trains to-day wero
beaton by strikers.
hi riiin. Julv 30 The railway A Tran
sit Co. ere taking out and bringing lu trains
to and from all dlroctlous. uusuies on an
nuHi will hn fullv rcaumod ti-dav.
Buffalo. July 30. The Buffalo division of
tne iauo Mtioro Miouigaiiaouinern . iv
to.dav announce through troUht trains.
Krlo, Pa., July 30. FrelKht and passenger
tialns are running on all tho roads leading
rrom tnia city.
Columbus, O., July SO. Tbo P. O. A St.
.Louis railroad ofUnlals anununoo thatibey
will receive frelKht from shippers to sll
points. The Mlarna frelgbl trains are run
ning without Interruption.
An attamnt was made to lake nut a train
on tbeO. O. A I. C. division, but strikers
took tbo train otl. The yard matter was
ordered ont of the yard and the engine
housed. No milllarv or notice were present.
Chicago, Julv 80 Hut little trouble
'experienced this mornleg In resuming the
order of things prevailing In fore tho labor
troubles. All tne rnsiis, excpi in uaao
Shore and Chicago, Burlington A Qulnc.v,
bavn resumed both freight and puonger
t raffia.
Pittsburg, July 30 Everything Is quiet
io-aay, and me striKa among ranrosu tin
nlnvua la tn all anne.aranos elided. On the
Pittsburg division of the II, A O. mad freight
are now arriving and departing ou time.
On the Pennsylvania road stock trains are
being moved as rapidly as they can bi got
ten la readiness, and tralts whtoh havo been
delayed along the lino are arriving.
The Cincinnati and St. Lou K Paubnndle
are running trains as usual. The home mil
itarv are still under arms, and forces under
Gov. Hartranft nialutaln their position a
Twenty eighth street. U.S. troocs are en
camped on the arsenal ground. Arrcnw ol
parties charged with bimr engaged In the
riot last week aro constantly being in ml a by
the pollen.
Wflkesbarre, Pa, July 30 Twenty-live
hundred miners Just resolved to coniiniie
the strike, sud stop the pumps until 25 per
cent, advance Is conceded.
Albany, Julj 30 The men ro vorklnir si
tbo West Albany railroad shops egaln. Tho
sberlu Iihs withdrawn.
Galveston, July 30. The strike on tho
Texas Pacifla railroad ended thU morning
San Francisco. July 2S ThU lies been
perhap. the qnit?te nlyht ever exferlenced
in MiAti TVrunnlki.r. Nnt x lIiipIm hlat in fif tlrttt
no rowdyi-tiu; hrituely half a 1 zn drunks
even have cille-l for tho mtvIitboI the
pillce. Tne hoodlum element M-ems thor
oukjlily cowed tiv tho recent exhibition ol
thH Intent and power of the authorities and
oIllrrttiH to cai-h a'l rnlmiM demonstratlnris.
During the evening mHinbersofilin national
guant have relieved a portion nf the afMlj
commliiee, wtio have hwn on guard rtutj
for the three previou night; butnoocra
slonhasarUfd nqulrlng them in leave the
varlnui ward hifqiiariers. During Hih
evening the police dUcovered snil rearrettd
a msu named Birnev MrLHUahlln, who wa
caught attempting to kindle a (ire under the
Paxifia Mall dock, but by clerlc-l error at th
aUtlon house bad been b joked as a drunk
and released with a fine. The authorities
are of the opinion that no further trouble
need be anticipated at present, but the pre--eaatlonaof
the past week will be observed.
Sao Jfraacuno, July M. At 4 p. m. the
poltoe comml'-sionera and executive ooain.lt
toe or the committee of safety will hold a
conference with a viow of making arrange
mentarorthe permanont organisation or a
safety committee. While the recent urgent
necessity fur services of citizens Is believed
to be practically at an end, it Is considered
firoper In view of tbo largo and vicious hood
urn oloinent In the olty, and the ever pres
ent dangor of the commh-slon nf outrages on
Chlnose, to havo n force behind the polloe
which, while ordlnarlaly passive, csnata
moment's warning be called Into active Her
vluo fully armea and organized ready to put
down anything in tho sltnpo of a public dis.
8ntogt, July 31, ProM'lont Vsnilerltllt,
ofllioNe'V YorkCentrsI A Hutls"n Klver
railroad, Iidh UMird a vlrutihirblatiiig I hut of
I2.0IX) employe ol tho coniptny, less than
5,000 struck anil no Injury a dnnn prop
erty. In reengnltion of their flty ho di
rects that 8100,000 bo dlvldnt rrtiatil v .it-cord
Ini; tn their iMtNlilous en tho pay roll nmoni:
all employes nnusfed In nperstlug thn roinl,
SorHiiton, July ,'W Tito Dulawaro Lsck
wanna and WmiMrn 1-triUer-t to ilsy utHtil
motnily rf Hill veil lo return to work at the r
dulled wages, Tralu oimutenced running
In all directions shortly nfter-l without any
Cincinnati, July 30 Owing lo the con
tinned dUeoiiti nl at Columhu-, Gov. Yoiiki;
has ordered thn nieolunHil and IKvtnn mili
tia who rettirutd from Newark yesterday to
lerre Haulo, July 30 Trains aro running
as ifotal iiion all thn railroads here. Tho
last voNtlgonrtiio siik dm disappeared.
Culumbiix. O , July 31. No freight trains
sent nut ou th In liana or eastern division
of tho P. O. fc St. Louis, but Imperishable
freight Is being rtcelveri for shipment eat
and wot. Thn P. O. A St. L. 'o. Is pre ptr
Ing for full resumption of freight truittu to
The military arrived at 11 a. in. About U
coiiipsnlesarn tn remain here and see that
rains are net InterfHred with farther. Herer
al UliialBnaii' eoutpaulea want to Newark
wher.4 trouble ! apprehended.
Cumberland, Md , July M, Satarday
three steam, osnal tioata lefiOmiberlaarivfnt
Gtsirgetown at 00a per ton for Trelght. which
Is lOo less than demandod by the strikers,
Boatmon are now blockading the canal atKt.
Johns run. Sunday night one boat was
hoarded by a pariv of masked men who or
dered the crew off and et tire to the boat,
psrt of which was hiirn"d and thn rest sunk.
St. Loul", July 31, liver thing Is qulot
IIubIuuss fully reMiined. Three tflle stil
kers, charged with assisting In forrtibly
closing mills, factories, Ac, last week, have
been lined 300eaoh by Judge Cullen, of the
pollen court.
Chiosgo, July 30. The Times special from
Urbsua, Illinois, on the 25th, says: Strikers
on the H B. A W. H It. hern were quietly
arrested to. day as ringleaders and tasen to
. Hprlnctlold, July 30 Throo of the Vln
eeuno'.lntllananollsstrlkeis were arrested at
Flora and sent to Tndlanapnlls.
Galeshuig, July 30- All tbe passenger
trains went east from here to-day, but others
could not. Crewn and men refuse to work
until their pay Is raised.
Nashville, July 31. Judge Trigg ant en
order to U. S. Marshal Wheat -to-day In
structing him to summon a posse from this
district to protec freight trains running nver
thn St. Louis and Southern upon tbe Nash
ville dtvlilon, upon which strikers still hold
out. Wneat lock charge of the Southeastern
shops and Informed the strikers that all who
wanted to resume lor that purpose tomor
row could do mt and others would have to
seek employment eNewhere. Any interfer
ence with trains would subjvot them to ar
rest. Columbus, July 3010 p. m. Strikers
have ooninlete control of tho O, C. A I. O
yards. They appointed a yard master cf
tin r own and prevented all freight trains
leaving. When tho 3:30 null snd passeugor
train was about to leave, strikers told the
conductor to step down, as they bad a mail
of their own to take he train nut. When
Superintendent Miller .1n:oVerd this hn or
dered the discontinuance nl the train snd
sent tho mallooaoh around hv way of X
nl.i. Strikers made up freight trains end
furnished crews to take them out, but aban
doned the euterprl-e.
San FmuoUco, fulj 30. Q'llet having bern
restored and all tears nf a general nutbrfsk
illsnelltd. the coniininee of safety this rvcii
Ing decided to atlj turn Midfeet to the call of
thH oiiairtnan. I lid urgautziiiou win no
maintained and the vurh usi-ompsnlte will
hold themselves rtady to a-sHnihlo at thilr
rusmllvti hi-tulntiarlerH at miiiiiiioi,k or si
the titnofn hell The tormallon of iiatiolM
fir prohiotlon of property In arlous wards Is
recommended and mco operaiiou or iin-in
hKrs of the committee with the regular siHre
anil watchmen whennvir rtqulrnl. The
muskets and sinmnultlon I Hied to the com
mittee are to be rH'iireoil to ttio auttiorlilo,
t'ttt momliori will retain their clubs aud
Twoso'd'ers In Wallowa vslley rfcntly
eniHmnter-l a couple of grlszlv bears and
tired nil them. Tho tuars took fltisoHt this
kind nf treatment, and starltd headlong
aier lh-lr aggrxi-sors. Tlta hnrses took
'right snd left their rider to foot it a ills,
isucs of rtli-'n tnllxs to oi'op. The yildlers
got no bsr mt-at, but fron all rep-re, the
iieart cauio very near getting some soldier
Pondleton East Ortgoniun: Put ns down
forauarow gauge ral. road from Umatilla
town if poslne on the Columbia river to
Grand Ronde valley and Baker City. Tbe
people of tbe three oountles can irride and
He tbe road , and capitalists will do the bal
ance but the people of Pendleton require
that aaki road shall ma via tbalr towa.
Tbe Times' Bucharest corrwpondnn saya
It Is believed tbe Kuasltn force now prepar
ing to operate against PleVnals overwhelm
log, and unless Oman Paaba retires he will
pay dearly for previous sooceeses.
Adrlanople, July 2d. Sulelmau Pasha has
boeu dofeatod at Kava JtuMni ho lost Uu
guns and his atmy la rolreatlng on Adlati
Sliumla July 27. Tho stond Kumlau
army corps has Invested HIMstarla.
Adrlanople, July 27. IViOOO KnrsUnssro
at O.muaii JUzar. Kusalaua also occupy
Kassn at tho foot of the northern slopoof tin
JUIk'n. Fighting has hrtit going mi slttco
il'ii'!ja3ay between llti'slsti and thn forces
il'lttotlf Paehaner K kl Sfcgllts, sotlttt o'
ths Balkan. .'
Pura, July 27. Great unMtiiiws nmvaIN
here. The British i l,nM l-ilt Bueika It y .
It Is bollevrt'l It hut only t" ue Tor n ciiil-n
Shtilii, July 27 Ar.7. PtJIts, one or thn
best Turkish olllcers, lias teen killed In a
Mouttitleprlns havo blown up the nut wot lc
ofNitslo, They aro now buutbrdliig tho
lorlreisOU hot It MtltW.
N-w York, 28. ItcrsMV cabin con
llruiH llto leltat of .StillefiMii Pas1- uiul
trlvisde'tillaol a nieitdid ilaVi'.l victory by'
ItitsslsiiHtiii I Ito Diiinbe.
liontlon, July 28 Thn T'liiuV Vienna nnr
roMiudeutcuiillrms tho detrat f Stileliumi
I'asha near Yfiil Siuhra jO'trdiiy, It U
feared the iliis-laus, oncourg-tlhy thtsNiin
civ-H, will again bulu tnitH'Im.g topldly on
Adrlsitniilo and southern Kotiuinlla.
Ol 1M Bulgarian prlsoneiHri-iiitly bought
tut.'oiiktaniluople, llficeti Mere It iiuudiaiely
A correspondent tnlurnr.h that the Kng
Hall fleet is tint to outer the BoportiM, because
It Is Mipistsed that Kttsita would not bo alow
In eelzlng Galllpoli and Iiar.danell porta
Peace thus becomes dally not more probable
Thedlspatoh of Hugllslt truops totee Medl
ttrranUn Is not Uioouslnteir. wjih luls oou-
Uritisii troops to Malta, a lobular campaign
has been npeaed bV. thesnilra HIimIso press
against B'iglsnd. tintti -,lmt laugh at
the Inslgulucant force Bnglaud can spare for
an EBtern war. Others fiercely declaiethat
odious England Is fighting Kusslaeveti now,
seeing mat tne Knypuan troops nave neon
equipped witti Ktignsu money, wnuo all
sgtwt in regarding Kiignsn auuigonism nf
utterly indifferent aud not to be dreaded by
'I he Times' Bucharest dl'pitch says: Thn
KussUnssre organizing municipal govern
ineuts In Kalator and other loans held by
them south of the Balkans.
Vienna, July 20. The Hungarian premier
anu minister or unanco nave is-en summon
ed to Uke part In a cabinet council, at which
the question will bo considered whether the
moment has not at rlvc-d for Auslro-Hunga
ry to depart from the passive attitude she
tiaa nitiierio ohserveu uy at least psriiauy
iiioblllaluu her arm v.
rntlou, July 20. It In said the Turks lost
8,000 killed and wounded at Karabuuuar.
It Is now poiltlvtfy eeltlr-d that whon thn
itussians reacn Aiirianopie me nutiao ami
government will go to Broui, ou the Asi
atic side of the Bcsporus.
An official report from Otman Pasha aaia
the Kiisslsns having occupied Lotata, a body
of Turks from I'levua assaultedand recap
tured it July 2(1: It. Tho recapture of Shum
la was efTWotod after six hours' lighting.
The fourth Roumanian dhlsion orossed
the D tn u be to.dav. and occupied NlkopolU.
London, July '20 GIadlone's magazine
article nrlllclza the relnforoement of tho
Medlterranmn uarrUous as a perfect exam
ple of the art or dbquletitig and annoying
one side without oonltrrltiK the smallest ad.
vantage ou the other.
Geneva. July 27. -Gen. Grant laid the first
htotto of an American oburuu bore to day.
New York, July 27. A cable dispatch re
celved hero vh that ex-Gov. Tlldon and
Mr. Blgelow left the steamer Soylble at
Queenstovtn yesterday, and prooeeded to
Cork. They will HJourn In Irelaud for eomo
time, and proceed thettco to Scotland.
lindon, July 28 The marquis of Halls,
burv. swiretarv of elate India, give a very
gloom v view of tho latntue prospecta In In
dia. The pioipects hate during the last few
e6ks bwome more gloomy. Advices from
Bombay state that rulrorlung rains bavo fal
leu snd rlco has d ollned two rupos and sup
plies are increasing.
London July 81. SuUlman Pasha ami his
corps hao ill'ccifd a junction with llaouf
I'astia in er TenUelgra.m and au engage
ment la proceeding. ....
Iondou, July 31. OfflnUl r.apers laid bo
lore tbe parliament contain tho following:
1he Kugllsh consul at Hluvnn iulnrms
Mlnls'er Ltytird, under date of Jnly H'h,
that tho lltikslaus tlr up the Bulgsrlans aud
arm theni; that they tore out tho oves of
Mus-tiliiians whom they killed at Slstova
and tilled the sockn h with bread. Mltilstor
Lsyurd telegraphs Lonl il'rbr under d.tle
of July 24 h that tbe Sultin has .nt hint a
message tiutrt-atlng the Quhmu to use her In
iluence with thnt rsr to Mop the shocking
cruelties committed by Russian troops
Men, w imeu and children are outraged aud
murdered in a horrible manner.
Btiohamst, July 20 Gen. Mann, Rouma
nian commander at Nlkopolls, has received
Instruction from Rtmnlan headquarters lo
cooperate In certain incetsary cases with
the Russians aud even, If requisite, to take
an active share In tbo ttghtliig.
Bucharest, July 30 Reported Russians
again attacked 1'Jeona, aud fighting contin
ued throughout Saturday and Sunday, Ac
cording to latest re ports RussUub aro gaining
A dispatch from Sletova states that an Im
portent engagement was fought Sunday near
Ruatcbuk between tbe Caarpvltcb and Ah
med Kyoab Pasba. Tbo Turkish oorps is
reported tlrfuattxl with a loss of 30 suns. 10
standards aud 0,000 prisoners.
i.sier nmuini (itsp.ttchos ootmrm tbe foregoing-
Thn number nf Turkish prisoners Is
now given at 8.000. Ahmod Kyoub'a army
is stated to no completely routed.
Brusls. July 31. Atllspntoh from Vienna
states that at thn ministerial oounoll to-day a
resolution was adopted ordering tho mobili
zation of tho army. Tbo resolution author-
irod iOiiut Aiidrasy to effect tne moouiza
tton within limited Grounds, should ho doom
such a cottrvo ucces.sary.
liuriin.Jttiy 31. Tho North Gorman oa-
zeitesiys It learns from a rollitbto source
tnatino tniil'sry mensures wiuoii Austria
mav (trtermltH) upon, would not Interfere
' Ith thn oxivdlent relations existing between
RnMu mid Austilit,
l'lie ItiissUiiM nro vhronnisly ensnged In
Mtreiigtlieulng lliulr po-llloti In Bulgaria.
llto iioumnultin forces not Doing crent
eiiongh totttlvancii on Atlrlauoploaiid keop
up Its lino of t'liminuulcatlon, there Ih dan
ger of a r'petl Inn nf tho iitinpalgn In Ar
menia, wnero too tnttcti wns untiertaKcti ny
itiHtitlloietit lrootH U Is bellnvrd that two
i n.iL but iles, one north and onoMHilh of thn
iuikn-, aro imiiHiiit or lit prugrius. Attn
irlsu Intervt'iiilen Is.' .1 Initio to be Itninrillntn
In eun a tb-nUlvo vlctot.v uiicovciH Coitsinn
tlnonto. KmuIhuiI's hciIoii will bo uuldud
n.nuuwhat hv Austria In combination,
The Indian War.
Bauio'of the Cloarwater.
Tko following itcooutitoflhe light of llto
Olearwatoi f July lltti and 12ih), la obtnluod
fiOtn an eye wltn,st
At nn early hour on tho morning of the
Ilih.Cspt. Wilkinson, in company with
Capt. Trimble, initio a reconnoltanco pf the
enmv's linos. Tho party arrly.d on the
bliiifoveilooklng the South Fork of Clear
wifa-HePit.Wti- yioiebTilWetveU
the wheresbollWof the Indians.- They were
seen u considerable force encamM-d Intbe
valley, with a large "amount of stock j herd
ed, aud evidently wal Ing tor a fight. Capt.
Babbitt anil Lieut. Otis opened a tire on
their camp, but owing to the great dlstaeoe,
the IiowIibt failed to reach them. Gen.
Howard tmik position at once nn tbe bluff
nit tho right ot a deep and rugged ravlue,
and ordered all troops to bis support.
At 1 p. m., Gen. liuward made a personal
reoounolsatice. and ordered forward i wo Gal
ling guns and two howl'zors, supporting
them by all tbo command except Capt.
Trimble. Capt. Chapman nf the volunteers
points to tho bluff l)0ond I he rear canon
and says: "Hie ravine, tho Iudlaus areas
cenriltig, can be reached from there." Ills
a mile back by the way to go. Gen. Howard
ordered thn howitzer to go with all speed
thither to be supported by Winter's com
pany and with Gatllng guns. Col. Mason
fearing tbe support might not be strong
onough, anticipated Gon, Howard's order
and brought over another company of In
fantry. The firing hsd hardly opened when
iho Indians anHarrd lu strong force going
around to thn left with great boldness. At 2
n. m , Miles' ooatniand appeared by Gen.
Iloaard's Instruction, and prolonged (he
right. Soon the tiring beanie very brisk
and at 2:1ft, Iho General ordered (.'ol. I'erry's
cavalry, exclusive of Winters' aud Trimble's
companies, to prolong the left. The enemy
In force began lo work vigorously to the left,
galloping ou their pmilet just nut of reach of
the troops' guns. Winters' battalion of ar
tillerymen was ordered to maneuver, exopt
one company, to prevent flanking. Soon
the remaining company followed with a
howitzer. Meantime, tbo command Imlng
dismounted, tho plateau taken Is onmplet. ly
enveloped by an extended line, and the ene
mv makes several mad attempts in break
through. Tho boldness' of the Indians I
checked bv a charge made about 3:30 p, m.,
nn the right, some of Miles ami some of
Miller's men participating. Many or the
Indians wero l totted up In trees, behind
rocks aud promlnout points, and their sharp
shooting was very annoying lo thn troops
Quite a nnmber of men were killed and
wounded nv these Biiarpstiooters. wn.
Howard ordered another charge with tie
hope of carrying tbe ravinn where the In
dian were strongly posted behind Ireesaud
rocks. This charge was supported by a
In lik tiring of ItowligArs swluly ron looted
by Cept. Winter ou the right. Some iiotii tl
la palnod by tho charge In I be center, but the
ravlue is not secured. Thn tlyhllcg was
brisk in open country, mostly cnrrltd en be
hind ridges anil continued from 1 to 8 r. m
7 hours.
Fr- in the iinlnt where tbo enemy was first
assailed, tho Indians wire drUeu back atteut
one mile uinl a hlf. 'Ihs bubavlornf the
men was rnmarkablr cood. tint one entleav-
oritur In shirk his duly. Tint entire force of
Gen Howard numbered abiut 400. enciirn
bered with a psck train. 'Ih enemy num
bered shout 300 warriors, well mounted itntl
provided v. lilt plenty of ammunition. Tho
lighting wns mox'ly dneo on foot, Firing
ceased alKtui flu k, and Isilh th troops ami
Indians drow tlf Mr the night. Ktily on the
morning of Iho 12th Gut. IIosnl msd a
iwrsnnal reconnoli-auce hetuiaiii3i.'l3untl 1:30
o'olock. Firing commencisl aa soon Ha It
was fstrlv light, and verv mi n both sides
wete warmly envaited In the llvht. General
Howard ordered t'ap'aln R dne' cimpaiiy
tn the rear as a reserve. The Indlsus droe
about 309 bead of ponies toward the pack
train for thn purpoo nf slainpeding the
ninles, but the hones were turned l-ick snd
the red devils wero lolled. Meantime about
25 Indians clrclsd around the rear, evidently
with the intention of cutting off the troop
from the spring, which was situated nearly
three-quarters nf a mile away. They succeed
ed In cuttlignffthe water supply, but were
etlsrgta driven back by tbe sharpshooters.
Rations were vory scarce, and packers and
all who could were detailed to bake bread, a
tho troops had not eaten muoh for 24 hours.
Aiusaua.m.a pisn or action was arranged
by General Howard for the day, The camp
was to be held by theoavalrv. and artillery
men to bo relloved for special work. It being
determined to charge the enemy and drive
them from tholr stronghold. At 2 p. m,
Capt. Jackson appoarod, guarding a pack
train laden with supplies, and Miller was
ordorotl to threw out his line and bring lt!a.
Captain Trltnblo was nrdorod to guard the
train on tun leu, rouoweii uy uaptain win
ters. In a f'tw minutes, Just as tho Indians
wero reaching thn rear of tho train, the
were Intercepted and driven oil by the troops
HiiMover. tho Indiana managed lo kill two
puckers and ran off several mutes. At about
3 p. in. Miller's command waa diverted to
tiiti ion wuti great vigor, anu tne Indians
were dislodged from tholr entrenchments.
Tho Indians retreated precipitately Irom bo
liltid their ftirtllluatlotis down the mountain
sldo toward I heir camp bolow. Tho howit
zers sud Gatllug uuns wero then brought to
thn brow of tho bluff and n Mostly flro kept
upon tho ictrcatltig redskins, whtoh grtatly
dcmorallz-d them, "They did not remain at
tin Ir camp, but continued tholr tllgtit aero is
the Cloarwater. Geti. Howard al once order
ed Miller's command to deploy ami move
down tho mountain and totieslioy their ou
tlro camp, which us done,
Gon. O. O, Howard telegraphing from his
headquarters nn Iho Clesrwator, near Ka
mla, I. T.,undordatoof July 27, says In pur
port as follows:
Have asked to havo troops at Missoula to
detain Joseph until ho (Howard) can a rlke
his rear: tho two companies al that point
with a little help rrom volunteers being con
sider, d ample, taking Into consideration the
pioseui demoralized condition ef the hostile
Indians. Howard's troops will wish through
Another dispatch dated atlfeesssaa point
under (Hie of tbe arm last, says the U.fantry,
artillery and Jackson's company of cavalry
are now across tne uieerwater waning por
Hanford. They will be est oh the Lnln trail
by Monday (M'.h) at la teat sad ties. Howard
will use every eflort to co-operate vigorous
ly with Gibbon, '
Another dlspatoh from Gen, Howard,
dated Sunday, the 20lh, says: All my col
umn, with 20 days' rations, are now south of
Clearwater. Ibe march, will be made In tbe
shortest possible time. Col. Green Is to-day
one day's uisroti this side or Florence.
Wbeaton Is al LowUtnn. Everything Id the
best aslblo condition for the pnent and
capture of tho enemy, providing Montana
troops nan chock his advance.
Col, Grceu sends word from Indian valley
that be left Capt. Collins there wltb seven
teen men lo protect the farmers who are
harvesting. Wo leave to-day for the buffalo
country lu pursuit of Joseph, who Is tl ought
to be there. The Impression Is tbal bo will
try to got Into British America any try to
esoapo the onuatqucnoes or hla manifold
murderess tho hioux did. Col. Sumnor
will oommand tho troops at Crolsdalu near
Mi. Idaho till Col. Green's arrival.
Deer Lodge, Ml., July 30 Gov. Potts re
turned from Missoula this afternoon. Oa
Saturday, Looking Glass and 300 Indian, a
raw tnuawa and some uorses passed nut or
Lolo lork around lUwn and up Bitter Root.
Some settlers bad been lu the Indian camp.
Tho Indians assured them they would pass
through the country without destroying lire
or prowrty. Thn nlllzeiiH therefore did not
care lo fight, and lUwn declined to open tire
Willi ills small command or regulars, sua
l,Mr umm n mirhiilt myflt,. On lhi inivflrn.
or's arrival here he ordered tbo volunteers,
who bad gon.. lo Jig ume, to retuin, tne
force being Insnfildleiii. There will be a par
ty lelt in Big Hole valley to obseivoatid re
port the so Ions or the Indians,
Commissioner of Agriculture.
Washington, June 27. The President baa
appointed General W. G, Le Duo, or Minne
sota, but recently of Ohio, to be Commission
er or Agriculture, tho appointment to gn Into
effect July 1, Gutters! I Duo was an nlllcer
In the Union Army during the late war.
After tho surrender of l.cn ho resigned his
commission anil engaged lu railroad sud
utanufacturlng pursuits, It Is said hn Is
thoinuglily In sympathy with iheeomseof
the I'nslili-nt In regard to r-ouihein sffors.
Tltnsunoiinceineiil lo-tlsy llist Ottmsl Le
Dun had been eppoiuli d to this Ohllioii out
ol the list ol tinny si I cations, osii d no
little surnrlrt'i here I now appears ii-ki It
was decided on ten da.lH sun. Ilewsaru
o inmeinlt-d for the iMitliinn by Get.ral
Sherman, General Meigs and a long list of
military Ulcers with whom ho serve t lo the
army. He lis been engaged in railroad
Oiisli.ee lu MliiueMiis, ami lias hail nn prac
tical agricultural exporleuce. Ho Is a usrm
IHiisoiiHl fileud of tho President'- secreisry,
Mr K'idgers, sntl It Is luribernlslinid lor
hliu ttiat he has ex. cu he shilhy ei.ouvh to
uleiBollio AKricultural llureuii Into a de
partment snd insecure repm-ouiellnu lor It
in lltu Cabinet, which sohiiis to 1st oitlcup
ping ulieaily In tho sppolniintiil lu the
.Vlilte Hoiiwilalk.
The Mowttmhcer Itanis that the Kinney
BrotlieiH ol V-Uiila, Will envso'lll lie lief
canning business ugalu till-Nil, ami tint
they luieuil obtuliiiug their beet from tail of
Itid muuiilaliis,
A railrosd Irom R heiiiuM io Coch Bay Is
now the I Initio lu Douglas county. Ihe
company v Hi ngauizd a inullinu ago. A
final survey will shortly lie oiailu.
Rsv Sheldon Jank no, l. I)., (if (lis Uockyt
Muuntum iVe46i;(eriuii, published al D ter.
Col., Is out lu Oregon lor thn purpose of ;
slght-seelug. He is uow al Salem.
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