Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 27, 1877, Page 8, Image 8

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tf I
Prospect Pill-
1 expect It Is truo thoro Is "nOtbliiK now
under the nun" that wo ouly sco IIiIurh
from ttdlflotontfitand-pilnl, and for tbisroa
son no two porHons Mio tlio Ramo rainbow.
Now I might, wero 1 no Inclined, ro Into a
philosophical couruo or reasoning to titovo
thatMUch l not tlio cane, but that In not mv
prosout object. I only ltmitl'm this btunu u
I mil about lo wrlio conuernliic what most
ovfirj body In Mntoiii Ii pnrlcclly fHiiullr
with, that I , Ibo view of tbu W Ill.ltnnUo
valloy from" Prosper t Hill." I will my In
nil who havo nolboun, o arid hjii It burin o
thn harvt'Hi In uouiplotH In tho valley, ( v
thoro H no moro lfntiliful Klbt In OrcK'Ui
than la prchontod to tho vlow from thin I.I.I.
I will dlgr&HJhomowhat fom our prcont
vl8lt,toRlo my llrnt iinp-oisl.iu rooolvcd ul
OroKon on my arrlvalln tlio valloy nlxlcm
yoara ago, for I know tho uuno foclliujs worn
oxporloncod by ovory now comor who vlaltH
Oregon by tho uauio route of travol. Tho
Count ItanRO of mountalua, from tho oxtremo
ond of Lowor California to tho mouth of tho
Columbia, presouta tho aamo forlorn and
dreary aHpoct dry and barron In the South,
and lofty and preclpltuouc, covorod with
huge fir timber In tho North, presenting a
cold, damp, gloomy and Inhospltablo coun
try. lhl lmproaulon continues as you go
back Inland, up tho Columbia, and up tho
Wlllamotto to Portland. No lino larrus or
improvements of that nature broak tho mo
notony of mountains and droary timber.
You oontlnuo up the Wlllamotto by stoauior
toHalom, pausing llock Ialand, whoso rough
itdos and craggy, acrubby bushos and dwarf
tlmbor.andtho hugo cotton wooda growing
on tho banks and along tho elouRhsof tho
Wlllatnetto,eottlo and confirm a fooling of
tlio doopot molancholy nud gloom. You
are now In tho heart, of tho valloy of "Lovoly
Oregon aUyour Journoy'a end. You fool
that jou havo boon noldj nud that, llko
'Armstrong,'" you oould follow tho Ural
wagon that load back to civilization; and
Mint to BtiuII alkali dust would bo a rial
In tho morning nftor your arrival, a friend
takniyou aoutli from H.ilcin Into tho Hud
IJIIIit. You co hero ami tliom.wliat Hppn.tr
to bo n ery aiicloulap)l'i otchurd, but tho
Trult Im tho acorn; and jour mind koch back
lo tliomHji'rtiloo!iUortho"Volt'rn Hosurvo,"
and ynu look In vain lorlm uompmloii, thn
tbilfly and gruoofiil uliiihtnut. Ah you pro-
roo'l, tho Itll Im grow brovMinr, tlio onkn moro
Rcrubby, and tho dead brown fnrn, with
horoaud thorn a bUilitof drlod bunch tirtu
contriiHlH Nlrnngiily with tho grucu patliiria
you havo loft, back in Wtmlorn Nuw York
and lViinnylvatim. Hut now you am near
tho summit of tho hill. You turn oil" tho
road to a oloar aprlug of tint moat nparkllng
wator. You boio find a camp ot Indaua, tho
flrat you have aeon, short, smoky, flat-bwul
ed Diggers, who havo Inlt tho rohorvatlon, to
gathor small fruit during Iho borry noason'.
Your touipanlon oonoludea lo finish tho
Journey on horseback Throws off tbo bar.
noMM from the ponies, and taken saddles from
tho wagon, sloho thorn to tho horaeM, mount
one of thorn, whou tho beaut buries bis abort
crooked cara in his inauu, places lila lore
feet In a kuntof the spano of a peck iiiohjiuiu,
bis lurk raises high In tho air with tho tall
liotweeu ills kueoa and wlllt an unearthly
bellow and a apaamodlo J'irk, tlio rider tin
ceromonloiiNly dlNinounls. You atonoooon
Jecturti that lUrwiu's tliforv of elevation lias
Inverled, that the beast la undergoing a
traniiformntloii to a dragon of the carbonife
rous pnrlod; that you mho your degenerated
Mil f, In Iho Digger Indiana around you, ami
that soon you wl'l pumt your primeval
Milf, run ouall fours and rool for caniaa in
thn marshy (on. Your companion aaya "he
In ouly a bucking pony" na ho pUaea tin
Joints of lila spinal column back In petition,
you tell him you aren't much tired, Think
walk would do you good, Hoo the
Infernal brute anchored to it grub, think ol
TimoliMius, Meaaongers and Moruans, of
American, and wonder what "tliyduco" U
coming next,
From hero tho ascent la gradual to lhi
lop of the hill. You mmi the lop of Mary'
Peak; now tlinCimat It time; now you are a'
the lop, and what do you m7 Thn llmw.
days piU are forgottrtii N tblH adreamT
llciiutllul golden llahla of grain, green oreh
nnl, nioadnwa, the WH'mnotto river, llko a
allter belt, glUtenlng In the Miinlluht; the
rUntUm vainly trylug to hid. i UmII In the
tall It r lrie along it lMlik; Peteifon'e
Unite, Saddle Unite, yea, and Niwnixir'
llulie, ninety mllea to the miiiiIi, mwi'II like
bubbler, from tho level prairie, huiidn d of
feel In hlght You aee, now, iliat tho Cin
llitti-n, M'lit therai;utlrluioflhNlMrtutirul
enp, made hugn and roui'h to rt'tUt llic
eternal ttrlndlnu of tho Paelllo mirf. Nuiith
ward htaiiit the Three HNinrN,oliitliM In pel.
lea wlillH,fMjiintlliK with Ihelr more illuul
tied tmli:hlxir. Jetruiaon, Mood and Aitaiim
Tlny ate io JMIect In every mi'llne nud
Willi that )ouoin houiivlv reallm lint
they are. Hiine of them, hiiodredH of mllia
way. Thrmwli a lirik In Uio niuul.iiiiv
to thn iinrthtvaid, you on lliroiich ii o (Vh
radea Into the vui uriHiii llhlii Kk ri
Oregon mill Watiiliigt'Mi, wlmo ne.tmr, (oi
Mtni, to lliti lulil ll.i.M.l. l'r-lil Kii.t iIih rli-'
ami pri'tj-"tvo !'. '! ' " ,,f ' Hllll ii
the left, tin the wet. the hart nt llelda ami
oreliMiilmif I'olkaml Ytmlilll crutitleH Snli'ii
ami Kieiieli Pralrlet liltht f.irtvnniiul, 'lln
boat nit h'eb ton wrrlt id texturd t noiikm
NtiMiu il iw i ili Will iin-l'', IhresdlOK i'm
, way ih run if Ii tlit n.trntvf lu of ilintur tli.i
. Hlnitnoil I'm t uiv of ,,n fi " ' llelilt nl 0i
. valley Voil are fotliiiiatu In i,ol bivtir tin
of tlirne .titaiulti.l nWgiluiM thai t'atodoiio
Oregnn," now anxious to make the i n-aii
fctetmer" on which Ihav arrived, bltint mIi'
ItMtetui iieriKturu trip to Stu i'raiielco
Their pxprrleuea thn evpilein'o of uvirtn
whoiu ilitt t'.niiitrv end return lo Iho
Males mora Ignorant of Orecnii than llinv
were whou thef lfl Nw York, frtuntho fan
. that they liKe, Ilka the mniikcv. hooil uo'.h
Ilia of the o svi nut but tlio litik.
Ktw, Mr. IM 'lor, I'Imui iuoumi thla iMiivr
'Mlgrt olon," I liiteiuleit t i rite nf our pri
tun viklt, Inn the land-otiui In lliit rHinaaa
hlxleeu yetr am It ilttb'ri inly In morn
eiiltlyated tleldi, tlner I ulldlnca and urveuer
hllla of oak lliuber. I'leunn rxoiina this lomr
eniiiiiiunlcatlnni I will emlevar to be more
hrli'f In the future, and endpavor nvxt lime
' ' to bore you In the first peron and iireaent
ttne. Kab.
Thor'o Is uiuob lo bu dono with wool as the
Oregon clip is mostly marketed by tbla
lime. The advantago nf good-wooled sheep
la manifest, as owners of combing wool real
Iced as high as 30o to 3Jo. Mr. Joseph Ham
ilton, of Linn Co,, reall.d an averago of
1.75 pr head for bis (locoes, tboy being
gradid Cotawold, averaging nearly ilx
pounds per fleooo. Hhtaip husbaudry la
growing popular In viow of (he advanco In
wool, and wo sen no reason why thn superior
advantages nf ollnistn abould not be made
available to aooiirn for our wools thn highest
price and encourage our farmer" to Improve
ihelr breeda so as to inako Oregon wools
utand as high aa any In the known world.
Wool buyera from ahrotd have expended
all the iiieaua at tliolr illpoal and prlnoi
have dropped In o iiiMiqneiU'o. Twenty live
c.itH la ottdred htire In Haleni, and 27oIh lu
I'orilaud. Them Ii no deullun In l4storu
matket4aud no reanon why prloe eliould
not advance here, aualu. an noon a inouev
itiuiHH to make piirohanea, The maiket hero
is u-tt, uecaiiNO ittoro la no money to purchase
Hav anii Oath. The price at Salem Is
tfl(l. m r ton lor wtieat and oat hay; II per ton
ior KMHi iimoiny, wuu an active tiemaiui ai
tlioxn prices, (lata are bringing 60 da per
hinhel, with noun of the new crop yet In the
XXyaitt'aM Xjtfo X3tlmiix.
,m h oiniueror of IthniiiuatiMii, (liuit Nun
rtlgl t, and euro tor t'crolula hiuI all illsiiiktw
uil-lnu f'i'lil Impiirliv of blood, t'ni nM Mini
lo'lililn K.iuilh .Meilliitiii.ivo(V7.e IM
H'tvt, a'aeds iinrquiled, at proyen liv titer
SlHMOtl tfrtat cun m JuriUV 'he rpatSOyeara,
Im e nullittl vi griMlit I'tuupi.ii'iil ufHaraupt
rilla, Dock. On.tltiMini, & ami a permanent
riue, hold liy ell iiriigi:lla ami enuutry
wriVer. Take nothing iil, nud If Ihey
bateii't It wtnind uy m print, liimd.tHery-
hre. el 81 and II VI ler Ixt ttet IS (X) and
! I fiO iLiifdea II v.vrr t Hyatt, "Jltl llraiul
. , New Villi,
; M, v. It Ctrl, r, K-ti., t f the TorvallN
(hiirUfi, hat rrcently lost both of his little
Kir ii, by diphtheria.
Oh'Att M . J Hhnw I, ot ihfa uitr. died at
Soda Mtrlnua, IiU'.n tiuuty, on Wtdiitikday
Iiibt. Illkitlfentii) tMit uniiMiiiiiptlou.
Why was Niuh novor hungry in tho
uric? Dccuiuu ho always lutii Ham
with him;
Visiting Cards.
1 gk o il wlih nrnein4lr rlotA-i tmroon
Mt I "l ' UT J'tre up mi ronlpt of 9$ t'cata,
lltaaa ottlamn, Adi!w,
W W. J. Cuaas, aJjn, Orw,
European Grain Market
London, July 21. Tho Mai k Lane Exprcti
NayH tho wonthor has beon broken and enow
cry, with nights docldodly cold. Agilent
lural reports are consfquontly lost favorable,
Wheat nppoHra to bo a fair crop, Init nothing
HKiro.nnil even with sptody returns of mini
uior weather tho harvest will bu leu lUvt or
a turtiilglit lator. AgroU nniountof blfght
h tibervnlilo In Iho Jarpo wheat growing
ii iti id's, H.irley mid oulHurn joorly npokeii
( f 1-1 ulmtiit all localities, and do not pron.l.-n
natoritgii yield. A greater pari ot imih
ttai'M crup (ihh boon secured lu Rood order,
Ii -cotlmid mo hovoro torim of rain itnJ
i itll hav, to mmiio extuiit, datrnid no
Niaiidliigcroiit, Hllll, iiHitrulo, the amt-rtm
pi'iiulie f.tltly and with Increasul warini
III probably prod iho the itvnragn j lei J.
I do ibtiirn of rain at thin critical period Iihh
o in produelivo oi coiiNKieruiite itnlmatlon
I'iroiigiioiit. Tradonnd vuIikh In rionrly all
nnjclet ban a tendency upward both at Mark
fjtiio and lu provluciiit nxnhatigOH. U U
qnlloovldcnt both in ICngland and Franco
uiatalocksof whoat lu farmors' handaaro
iiirprlHlngly short, nnd at prosent they np
near to bo almost cleared out, and anything
like an abundant supply cannot bo looked
for till alter lmrvo.it. Prices consequently
havo advancod 'I to 3 shillings, and oven at
thN Improvement a ohoico has been so ro
ut rlctod that mlllora havo soarcoly beon ablo
to satisfy requlretnonts. Tbo demand baa
oxeeeded tho supply in tbo principal mar
kets. Tbo consumptive wants of tbo coun
try bad to be met out of tbo foreign produot.
for which thoro was largo sale at fully V!d
advanoo, and aotlvo trade has boon in force.
Tbe sales-of English whoat last week wero
10,785 quarters, at 02 3d, against 21,507 quar
tern at 48s 6d tbe same wrok In tho previous
year. Imports into the United Kingdom for
tho week ending July 14th, were 1,303,327
owt wheat and 69,034 cwt flour.
The Wheat Market.
Tbo full quotations, by tbe dlspatcbos, of
tho English markets, takon from tho Mark
Lane Ilrpreas will glvo our readers informa
tion of tbo forolgu domand and simply, and
account for tbo btroiigtbonlng of the whoat
markol during tho past mouth. Tho aspect
of Europoan matters has caused whoat buy
ors, all through tho Willamette Valloy, to
ofler to contract in advanco for crops atono
dollar per bushel, ilolhertd on the lino of
tho railroad. Ueroat Salem W.J. Ilemn
at tho Karmeis' warwhoiiHO mid Salem Flour
lug Mills compuny oroollerlng to commit
at u dollar, mid wo heard when nt Harris
burg that faiiuie was oll'orcd thoro. A dollar
a bimhel tiitutm good times in Oregon, mid
w bun coii led with Mich good cropa uh tvo
havo tho present a ear ll metitiH ubundaui
ptorporlty. So far ao good. Hut many
my: "prices may go higher nud wo will
iioiu ior a miliar ami u qiiarmr." yiry
true, that Is iiokhIIiIc, and every man must
Judge of these tliluga .'or hliiiHtjIf and tin
must coualiler that prions may aim g lower
than a dollar. Two yoara ago they opened
alfl on lu August and fnlltd nftirwiuda to On
maintained hi anywhere near that pi Ice.
Appoaraucos are most lavonblo and we con
tuse that we have no udvleo to give, but cer
tainly If wheat la worth f 1,00 at Harrlsburg
il la worth moro than that at HjIoiii,
Wo congratulate tho farmera of Oregon on
favorablo prospoct and wish them abundant
auccess. They cannot well go amiss, and
while few aeoiu willing to soli at tho nffdred
dollar we hope tboy won't bo too sanguine
and loso by over confidence.
Since writing tho above, wo learn from
Mr. Herren that ho In prepared lo contract
fur a cargo of wheat, terms ono dollar ptr
bushel, half down at lime of contraotand
half when wheat is delivered, and delivery
to bo prior to September 1st If needed.
Wuauggotti to our friends, that, as pr'ces
must lu a great measure dpHtud on couiluu
slice of war In Enroiie1, and the present war
may end Inside of two months, they must
Judge prudently as lo what la the bosioours
to pursue.
Boss Churn
Olf Till! CliNTCBY.
A. OliUtl ftiti XJko It I
KViiur r.iUT ok tub mieibi cihkxei) i
I'rlces-lC Hot, 15; 2 hI1oiim, J20
2.i ;nllitiN. f'i"
Tor t-ftlmnnjN In.n mlr -n nf M irlon nn'l ether
en intliM, unit lariho Dtri iiUr, n);i y to or ndilrct b
J2t)mt II. a. II " Kl t"t umf.vlll(?, Or.
. Adrortisementa inserted in any paper,
Before adrertuung eend for mj oatalogue.
Weatherford & Co..
Wboleiale and Ilotntl Dealer In
Patent Medicines.
Etc, oto.
For Moticui' iinrpujof
Wtodiolnoa Compoundod, nnd
Pre8oriptlon3 PiJlod.
Woatliorfortl & Co,,
Vtilt t oniro .fi-iitUlfflOl. Slir.t.
Will par ths
Highest Market Price
500,000 POUNDS
Httiotre of W. J. Illtltltnn,
Btlom, lltr 4, 18TI-3m.
The Old Immigrant Route
Across tU9 Cascade nouutalas,
iiowownkd arms
Case Jda Aoad aed Stiro Company,
ItannlnctU sndy, Mt. Iluotl.tnit IUrlow' Gt,
IM NOW OPKN, ana tuicl of sit hlmU hut ho
Kun. The road UlQKiad rrptlr, extonnUu Im
firou'mimu ire biting matte tcr jir. The LAU
(Bb HIM.a ra all Knttletl. bhctji-brldfiot sroon all
the trc ami Tbl rtuitl nt f r n cofvud a poll i u nil,
ndr, and jctlt II the shortest, beat, anitcbraiw
C:; 7uU VKV b djouiusIii?, Ulfpuice t'Tr tlio
mountain. 44 uti. Vitim !'-r,.':i.w. oror I hi)
uiuuniaiiiii, 78 inllta. Kiom H, m, KJO nitlo.
It I'l KS-Waoni, j; Batldlff, tOc; I'ark. S5cj Cat
tk 10': Sheep, Se.
bur all P'Idk soil comlnc fro:u or lit Mtrlnn. Yam
hill, Warlilntton, Llun, IWntin, ntil Pulk ctDDller,
thU U by farlliu but. nt:aict.ai it t,hi-aiet route.
H II COAI,ltd.V, I're.ldint,
iUnrsT K. Canat, St-c. letml
1 K
Carriaao & Wapn Makers,
Salom, Oregon,
Wagons, Carriages, &, Buggies,
of their own make,
Nnuf,totarv,I of the 11KS1 ijuallty of Jcrtoj Hickory.
ilju call, aid ixamlio our Murk, and judi(
for ynuinlyt',1.
All WuitN of UepalrlD; ar.JUcnernl joMilm; done
at fhurv iiotlra.
For Old and Young.
Fur-SiglittHl iiml Noar-Siglitcil,
SUiiotlutclJlaif for M'trliiiou, '
8TKKL b'.LYKK, AMI lilU) FltVMh.H,
I AM prtriiltod to rtiii!ly fvr Ivlt'a to ftt ll ere, at
rlcti(irnU. VV V. MAU rin,
J,m'l.T .t Optl Un, t'ank UUvk, Mjio ht.
SaVrn, a iy to lifM, ton
1 ifall tmrtmentof
Groueral Moroliandiso,
Dry Goodsj
Boots &, Shoos,
lcaUUxi the CttyandCoantry Trade. Uoaphiai
ow.uul wlU bo fold it aa HMALL A I'HOFlr, u
'Aom who HELL AT COST. CVxaU dcUrral tc
UTMrlot laooUvftueot char. hovtrt
It Is prepared ready Ior Inimcillatc use, anil or
It la cusy to upply,
I'ir durjiljllly,
and It will
beauty, and
not crack, peel or clialk ofl.
brilliancy of color It la
For sale In any quantity by
8ALEM, : : : OREGON. may2tf
Gfrrooe.iM.es &,JCL3L
And. Building Materials
My or te IjrvoiiHoln'H "VnrulHliow,
Stn. tTxxcvrr
State Streot,
Salom, Orogon.
104 & 106 Front Street. - - - PORTLAND, OREGON.
Agricultural Implements!
Mole Pacific .taenia for tho Canine and World Iteaowncd
Embraolng EndlesB Chain and Sweep Rake, Self-Raking Reaper,
One- and Two-Horse Iron Mowers, Mowing Attach
ments, Harvesters, and Self-Binders.
Tho Walter A, Wood Unrivalled
Harvester and Self-IHndcr
la tho crvteit Labor Having Midi I no In tlio world.
With tnla mtchtoe. una roan with llituo hor can
cut ind bind from 13 to 15 acre of grain per day. and
In two weeka lima aaed In barrillie a crop by be
Klnntnc In ie.trou. it uiaj bu Dred either' llarvva
lerandHvlf-Ulnder, oraa Hamster nloin
Tko Harvester and Self-Hinder
I the bet and mot wouderful HarTOtllng Macblno
VTcrknuwn. Tbo
Waller A. Wool Chiin Itako and now
Iron Sweep Kake
rethobeat SolfJUklni; Itoapi-n ou cnilli, and wo
are waiting fur lbs nun u!n w III I'rny It iiidKho u
a (hauca to try It atraiuat anthlng mid4.
PAKMKKS ,KI1 llhALhll!1.
ArefautioiicdaKtlnct ac'ii'ip and II lit mower ittet
ed aa a Wood Dmcbtin', Hud puri.tim.cri hul j Ihi auro
that the xt nucbluoi liru u 'A'LTKIl A.
WOOD'aanone other aru.-.'iiulat. l)iv v4mouf
Walter A. Wood's New Double-Geared
Open-Guard Iron Mowers,
With Draw Hearing', pitent Oil Cup, and now and
Improved (laar.U, are ituarautevd to bo tho Heat
Mowcra In tlio World. Tie
Waller A. Wood Improved Treadwell
Warnnted auperior to any lKadcr In the murker
Iron Wheel, sprlug lUlince, A01nu'dj UeJ, uiaibi
atiorgaud ilurable. Huu by Cltilut lniead of lKlu;
i ono acquaint d with lleocer ait. r 1ht1iii'wii f.W
DULbliid, netidbteld thUla Ibu 11 t uoader In Hie
Uikct, aa U wlltboapiaiuit on luht it Itok i.rt
premium at tho (Viiloutil.tl, MM Urn o U(d uf H-n
tun county b ln u e of Us JuJea hu niida the
Prldo oritur I'ailUc rit,
PAIIM, SPHINO or EXlMti:.iS, wl.to or iimmw
track Btrteru bnlaiidlup box, orCalfrniU eUku
Lake Superior Iron, and from the aoperlor manner U
which our kolna are ret and eyrrr wheel balanced.
All perfect track.
Tno liufo-d Iron Gang and ulky Plow,
and Iho Browne Iron Sulky Plow.
Mght Draft, eally adjna'ed with Bcrewa or I.orer
ior i.erci or si
deulll Uround. Therm I'lowa are
jieclalt) recommended to the Farmer bf Or, con an
Waetdncton Territory aa the Mcbteal Draft, th
mot aubatamlal, ayinmetrlcal and the mwt fatr
routrolled, and aa doln bett r nrk nnder all condt.
lloua thaaaoy other 1'luw In the market.
The Famous Black Hawk Single Plow.
Katleet for nun and bea.t. Never fall to clean well.
Thcc plow have been thnronvhljr and eevenly teateat
In L'allloruUandolewhere, and found rnperlorto aX
oth'ra. All there I'lowa art) full warranted to h
the bet on tbe Pacific Coai. A full nark of KxtiM
alw ayr on band fur tho above Plow e. The
Red Jackel Chilled Iron Plow.
With Steel Point and Cu'tur. And the renowne
And tbe CeUbrated
A foil line or the beet
Intfemarketiabna ruUa.orlmmt nf tbo mod Im
proved kind of
Uornltaud "t(2 m ai!lut.
1 h j bv't I.TaWa icado
ruk bednrd lnii.wltli
auto KULUhK UKVKi:
F.teiy wheel tol'ed teibjilinc oil bifore o tiro la
i t, tnd thd xiaon hn noixl tha t.'t of the c'lmito
of callfvirulibeitr thin any nihot ytf .n i-i Iho mar
Let, and rum four Co ttvo nuudrtdp uu.l.lljjliloi tlun
any nlhir, owhu to oarii'lngH ekelu inanufctarl
eti.re.'lv formf.ora bra) ptturni wnlch am not
affected by the wtaUer, aud ct trt- ibe co'obraad
A lull ktoek orL'xtraa for iho Wulter
A, Wood, unU other llurv--tlii;; Ma
chine kept ciiituiilly, on liuiiil.
lly end Hi! a )miraild f.. hhI .p ellyliia tho ar
tlclte lUauteo ueulliijt i u iir.UirlM Dirculae
aiw Prliv Mautrti n will mill uio uithtrlu
forxatioiul.riie i
Ain' il'J-JIi-8 I'iihit 1'orltiblo
Slcaiti : trliiv sukI i;miilct)
Tluc..,ilns or ,iUll Oulllt.
The SI. LouihIuIntIble Thresher
ro.Ptv d) th1 bet mactiluc ever otd In the Mlf la
Ipjil Valley apil thn ISurtU Wii.i, skd ike cumlng
wvliliiu lor ibo Pacific fostt. V'ull) liniiiuvid ultb
erticciat f. aturc. lomut tlio want, of tie furueraol
Urvuon, Thu Kapoilntemlci t of tl a Factory wta
hae lattynrtotic wbatfiatme could bu added ta
iimho im-.u in' raoi poiiQiur mtculuia In Uregvn.
Wc fr.iNJBWKUKY, Manager,
For Sale !
THR Ft.NK HKSlDrt.NCK comer of rom-rrr
tf aland Ulvt.ion trril, tudejirablo tltuutlon,
.with bouoliri7e. ill fintihutl. an.! mnmnt.
Ir arnaed, and ktojiiiU Utorully ornanenuxl, U ill
be told very low)- nd ou cira.4iodtUiu
tenua. Apply to
acM ruttou'tBloO. Surest.. BaiiK.
with to trade fr Una tnj'jo ennuiry. Ttllt-pro.
lUy lu uri, U. J. UK.NUY BttWN.
Trooa PI". fprln Uita free. V. K.
XLCCOf Puomatx, Houiulaftaa Nsrsorf, UL