Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 27, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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Charles H. Bowker, one of the early Plo
neora of this Coast and for many years a real
dent of this city, and one closely Indontifled
with Its early history i Is no more. He died
yesterday, Monday morning,; July 23d, at
Snowden Springs, where he was stopping
the summer for his health.
About four years ago ho was stricken down
with paralysis of his left side from which he
never fally recovered. A second stroke oo
curing last Saturday, prostrated his remain
ing energies, and a few Lours later he
breathed his last.
Few persons have a more eventful life
than the one Just closed by his death. Born
about tho year 1820, in Scituato, Plymouth
county Massachusetts, ho at the nge of 20
years, upon the breaking out of the gold
fever In California, sailed in tho ship James
Caskey Oct. 1849 from Boston Harbor "round
Capo Horn" for San Francisco, where he ar
rived in tho sprlnsrof 1850.
II o was shortly after followed to this coast
by his brothor Jamos G. Bowker (now a resi
dent of this clty)who immediately bocamo
known as a contractor and first-class brick
mason. Charlos worked 10 years with his
brother, learning tho trade and acting a?
foroman In tho erection of over 60 brick
blocks and buildings in that city.
Tho brothers came to Oregon In 1850 and
sottled in this city. Slnco their resldonco
horo tboyhave built most of tho brlok build
Imrs in Corvallls Albany and this city.
Tho Wlllatnotte Uuiverslty stands as a
monumont of his skill ns n workman and
architect, bo hnvlng burned tbo brick,
planned and built tho edifice. Ho was also
ono of tho contractors that built the Cbemo
kola hotel, Executive block, Holmau'n, Star
key's, Durbin's, Pattnn's, Grny'H, and other
largo blocks that nro now etnnding.
In tho organization of tho Fire Department
of llils city, ho Bti ono of tho lending mm.
Ho, In company with J. Q. Wright, is'uod
tbo first call for n firo meeting, and from
that call spruiiK Capital Engluo Company,
of which organization ho was tho first
Ono pleasant little eplsodo In Ills llfo we
cannot refrain from giving, wuloli Illustrates
hit character for keeping his contracts to tho
Sonio ton years ago, In conversation with
Judson Starr, a prominent merchant of this
city at that tlmo, who was ono of his warm
est frlonds, thev ontored into a contract that
tho ono tli at died first the other should
causo to bo oroctod over tho gravo of tbo do
coaxed, a handsomo stone, and tho gravo
surrounded witn aBUUstanuai dnck jounua
tlon wall. In u fow yours Starr was callod
away, and his gravo In Odd Fellows' Cem
etery attosts how woll Charllo Bowker kopt
his contract.
Wo can safely sy that In all tho relations
or life, Charloy Bowker has fulfilled bis patt
manfully, and conscientiously, and leaves
behind him many warm trlends who will
often rocall his momory with a moUtouod
To Take 'J bo Black Veil
Next Sabbath at Portland Miss Alicia
Dunn, or this city and Miss Maggie Connor,
of Fronoh Pralilo ato to tako tholr final vows
that soparato thorn from tho outsldo world,
and devoto tho romulmlor of tholr lives to
tho services or tho most Holy Cathollo
Church. Tho ceromony or taking tho black
yell Is ono or tho most solemn and Impross
ivooflho inanv rites of that anclont church
aud wo loam that qulto a large number or
tho Trlends and relatives or mo now rociusos,
will go down on Saturday to witness their
farewell of the world and It's say scones and
tbo euddwment or the veil that botokons that
their lives will henceforth bo dovoted to the
causo or the Master.
A Gipsy Camp.
The band of Oinstes that havo been men
tloned In tho up vallov napem a wooding
tbolrwav down tbo valley, arrived In this
city Saturday evenlnsr, and pitched their
tents Hi tuo grove uaox or mo jussi oaiem
school Iiouho. The dark skin nod maidens
and matrons or tho party will tell your
fortuuosif tholr hands are crowned with
silver In anclont rorm and manner, whllo tho
main portion or tbo bund nro rondy to tinker
up your tinware cooklnsr ufetiMlp, and to
swop horses on the shortest notlco. Dime
novel reauers auoum pay mem a visit, anu
iako n iook ai a uoiaio gipsy camp oy moon
Aatonlahod Them.
We learn by o j.rlvalo lettor trom Astoria
thav Frank '.cello's artist who aro making
alourortiio world, and wiio are lust now
sojourning In Astoria, taking i-ketchcs, wero
ratiiur nstonisiied nt JoiinJHCK'nrrprefconia
tlon of Shakespeare's "Fat Knight," at the
AMorlathratro. Thoy aver that Mr. Jack's
makeup and playing of Falstaff rsnnot bo
excolled tiy any actor oiVlho KuMern boards
or tno prelum uay. wo are piouseu to team
that during Mr, Jaok's appearance In ShIpui.
about Fa)r times, ho will glvo us souio "Fnl-
stuir1 in ours.
Officer Installed.
I). 1). O. M T. O. Barker, Installed the
follrwlrg oincersof nighlsnd T.odgr, N CO I
0. O. F.,at Kola, on last Saturday evxulng:
1. H, Ilodtou, N. O.i John Brooks, K, O.;
It, Doty, It. H Win Jonos, Treasuror,;Sam
Beckett, Warden; Those Pearce, Con.; Al
Hklnner, I. O : W. II- Vaudervort.O. Q.;
Thos. Jordon, U.S. N. Q ; B. S. White. L.8.
N.O ; M. Itosendolph, B.8V. Q.;D. M.
Hampton, h. H. V. Q ; li. O. Porry, It. S. 8
Coutenulal Rollc.
This Is a groat year in Amor lea for the old
men. Grand fathom who havo been neglect
ed aud mado to feel that they were lu the
way, and wished thoy wero dead; who havo
long been thrust away In the kitchen, and
loft to mumbloto thcmsolvos in the chimney-corner,
aro being astonlshod by being
brushed up of an evening and brought Into
tho parlor, where thoy are shown off to the
company as Centennial rollcs.
Barn Burned,
J. It. Creoswell living on the Jefferson stage
road 10 miles south of this city, bad bis barn
burned last Friday afternoon with Us con
tents. Itciugbt Irom h pllo or stiaw which
somn or tho younger children had thought
lesMy igulted, a short distance from tho
building. MrCresawell lost a good wagon,
liarn--s,nnd quite a number of farm tools.
The wholo loss will amount to about f000.
Another Barn gone op.
The small barn in tho rear of the residence
of Ueorgo Williams, on High street, was
burned about reven o'clock last evening.
Tho Fire Department was on hand and pre
vented the spread of tbo devouring elemeut.
The origin of the fire is unknown but it
is supposed to havo boon caused by children
playing In the hay loft. Iosa, about f 100.
Auuxr, July 24. 1877.
The blacksmith and machine shop of
Messrs. Putnam A Merrill, on Second street,
opposite A. H. Marshall's stables, was dls
covered to bo on fire last night, about seven
o'clock. Tbo Fire Department was promptly
on band and made short work or It. The
sirloin nftim (Ita l. not definitely known.
Jjois about fWO.
Tbo season for the State Fnir is fast np
proncliing, and it Is time that those who
aro interested in Its success should com
mence their preparations. Tho interest
felt by the people will be the measure of
the success that will attend the annual
exposition of tbcBtato AgrlculturalSocl
ety, and wo hope to see such an interest
manifested as will secure a full represen
tation of the material products of our
State and afford somo adequate Idea of its
immense resources. These annual fairs
are the gunge marks of our progress and
wo cannot aflord to neglect any feature
attending them, or to forego any efforts
we havo been in thohabltof making, but
should rather increase our efforts and our
Tt is very common for persons who at
tend State Fairs to complain of the man
agement and denounce them ns wanting
of Interest, but thut is poor pay for tho
unrequited services of competent men
who seek to servo tho public, but nro
obliged to depend on the people at largo
for the success of tho enterprise they con
duct. It lu a common duty we owe to
add some fenture of excellence to the ex
position. Tho attendance should bo such
as to encourage tho labors of the Soolcty
by ndequate remuneration, and afford,
not only confidence by such general at
tendance, hut menus whereby tho pre
miums can bo paid and nil accounts liq
uidated. Tho (society has boon obliged
to luuur sonio debt, and to strengthen it.
the public hIioiiIiI attend in such forco al
to pay nfl'the debt mid leave it unembar
rassed. We feci no hesitation in claiming thai
the Boclety Is well olllccred and Its fairs
well mnnnguil. It would bo strange if
something of only occasional occimcncc,
affording no opportunity for previous dis
cipline and requiring each yearn new set
hai.ds, could show perfect management
and exact discipline aud be ubovo criti
cism. Let those who havo improvements
to suggest Join the Society and take ac
tive part in Its management ns working
members. In truth, only a handful of
persons constltuto the Soolcty, whereas,
It should count on its list every HUbstnu
Man farmer aud public spirited man in
our State. It is easier tocrltlolsothan to
perform, and we urge upon all to eomo
up to the work, lend a helping hand, and
mako tho Agricultural Society a success
by united effort aud generous support.
From Senator Morton's address to tho
citizens of Portland nt the roceptlou giv
en him by the Board of Trade of thutclty
recently :
If the representations made to me from
all quarters and by peoplo of all classes,
nud who are not acting In concert, are
true, Oregon, Washington territory and
the western part of Idaho will bo tho
great wheat-producing portion of our
country, and can of itself furnish a sur
plus sufficient to meet tho demnds of
hungry Europe. Although tho popula
tion of Oregon docs not exceed ono nun
drcd and ton thousand, It lins already ex
ported Inriro Quantities of wheat to other
markets, reported last year to he four
millions of bushels; and, with its present
prospects, is likely largely to exceed that
amount tills year.
Oregon has been of slow growth. This
n cnieny tno result or nor uisianco irom
the settled purls of our country, tho diffi
culty of access aud tho little that is
known of the Interior of tho countrvand
Its resources. Hut It is of tho future of
Oregon and Washington territory that I
would speak. Though looming up to Im.
purtanco slowly, it is not hard now to
perccivo what may hereafter bo tholr
great value and luiiuenco in tno Union.
Tliollrst great necessity, for their growth
aud development, is a communication
by rail across tho continent, to connect
with tho system of railroads already ex-
icmifii west, loiuodiissouri river.
If tho hulfls truo that I hear. Oreiron
Is cnpahlo of supporting n population of
minions, it nns vast resources in coal
and Iron, mid probably lu tho precious
metals, Its boundless supplies of excel
lcnttlmbur w III ho of tho greatest value
In the matlu'tsof tho world, and the Im
portance of It must increise from year to
year. It has millions of acres of laud
susceptible of cultivation, on which nil of
tne grains produced in tno Northern and
Middle Slates, except corn, can bo raised
in the greatest abundance, and of tho best
quality, it is said to be especially adapt
ed to tho production of thut prliueurticln
of food for the world, wheat, in unheard-
of quantities to tho acre, and of tho best
It has an tin admirable cllmato, equally
removed from tho extremes of heat and
cold and from those desolating drouths.
which honiet lines nlllict other sections of
country, making Oregon aliko desirablo
bb u winter aud summer resldonco. And
when communication has becomo cheap
tindeasy. the pleasure seeker, tho wealthy
and tho invalid iu quest of health will
flock to these shores, to escape tho hitter
frosts of Kastorn winters nud tho ener
vating heats of their summers. The riv
ers abound lu tho most delicious fish, and
aro tho chief supply to the tables
of tho world, of that unapproach
able dainty, the salmon. Hut I fear un
less protective measures aro adopted, the
Indiseriminato slaughter of tlieso fish
will exterminate them, us it did iu Con
necticut and in nearly all tho rivers of tho
Atlantic coast". Htiufi n result would bo
not only uirreat loss to Oreiron. hut a na
tional misfortune, and should be averted,
If possible, by such legislation as would
preserve tho safety of fish, without Inter
fering unreasonably with the present
There seems much reason fo fear, that
too llttlo attention lias been bestowed on
tho important question, "what becomes
of germs of disease after a cleansing pro
cess'.'" If water holding the poison In
suspension Is thrown Into ordinary drains
it will become the ngeut for distributing
disease. This is a vary gravo considera
tion. Disinfecting, properly so-called.
Is not a precaution commonly carried
out. It is generally deemed sufficient
to purify the particular aitlclea supposed
to be foul, without regard to what
the destination of the germs removed
may be. It la even doubtful wheth
er this practical point receive a
duo share of thought lu public Institu
tions. Certainly there Is room for im
provement in tho domcstlo laundry meth
ods of "purification." The only effectual
measure for arresting the spread of infec
tion is ono which destroys the vitality of
tho germ where it is found, We shall
never bosafo until aproccssof this nature
forms part of tho usual proceeding for
cleansing articles of clothinu and bedding
In use In prlyate families and at the hos
pitals. To strlko at tho root of tho dan
ger, tho means needful for tho extinction
of vitality in morblfloorganlsms must be
invariably employed.
The Yamhill I.ook.
Tho Incorporation of tho Yamhill Locks aud
Manufacturing Company will hold a meeting
at Lafayette next Saturday, at which plans,
specifications and bids will bo received fortho
mannorand contractor building tho locks.
Several men of property In that vicinity
havo garranteed certain amounts toward the
Improvements, which virtually lustiro tho
successful completion of the work Tho
nirmpra or the Wlllametto valley, and par
ticularly In tho vicinity or MoMlnnvlllo and
Lifayotle, show gnat energy and determln
atlon In transportation and other Internal
affairs, and we doubt not they will bo pro
portionately rewarded Tor their Independence
and progress.
-Another Search.
Messrs. T. F. Campbell end Mr Stump, of
Polk county, havo started for Southern
Oregon with Ihn nvowed Intention of finding
"Tho l.nst Cabin" mndo famous by Piun, L.
Slmpou'n iirn-.fi tide oftlmt title, and by llio
marvelous legends fold of it by tho early
minors of faoulhorn Oreaon. Mr. Stump
thinks ho has In bis pospsslon eorUln lutein
genes which will 1-jad to tho dlsemery of
this famous shanty with the untold wealth
burled bonealh Its rudo purchoun tloors.
Pleasantly Snrprlied.
Saturday evening tho members of Ollvo
Lodge, I.O.O.F., wore completely surprised
by their l.uly friends. A few ladies wero In
tbo library early In the overling, but llio
brotheren thought nothing strange of tho
occurrence, anil failed to tsko the hint, but
opened the lodgo and transacted tho usual
business. Whon llio lodgo wa. closed and
tho members started home, they round the
hall blockaded, antl tbo library in tho pos
session or the Indies. Soon baskets wore
produced and lunch served. A most en
joyable tlmo was had till n late hour.
Passed Through.
Senator Saulsbury, Kx Governor Ilnrbank
and Mr. Stalg, short-hand reporter, nil of
the recont Grovor Investigating Cotnmlttoo,
passed up tho road to-day, In a special car.
They wero en ronlo for the States, and from
Uosoburg thoy will travel by eafy stagos lo
lUiOdiug. no piiuno ueinonsiraiion tooK
place nt the dnpot. Tho party pissod
through Orogon's capital quloily, Indulging
inn Tow Introductions and handshakings.
A rm Broken,
Saturday ovmilnir about 7 o'clock. Eddie.
sou or Mrs. Allen Thompson, living In Fast
Salem, aged about throe years, fell from a
porch three or foil r feet high and broko ono
of tho bones In his len fore arm, Tho llttlo
follow stood the drossmgorit heroically, and
he Is gelling along a well as can bo ox pec tod
taking the weathor and all things lulo con
sideration. Botuatl Over.
Georgo Boarluir had his examination for
laroeoy In dwelling, this aflornoou, before
James Cofley, Justice of tlin IVaoo, and wax
bound ovor In the autn of f ISO. to await tho
action of tbo Grand Jury. Indefaullof ball
no was commuted lo jail.
A Booaoer.
A (it)Irndld rercbernn roll olrod by V. G.
Myor'H'Trldoof rerolm" foalwl thlsHprlng
and owned by TIi'oidhh Towncrrul, wan
plncoil on John HukIios' tcalos tlila mom
lng untl turned tho Imam at Just COO pound
uo nau nau no OKim caro aim wus in ordi
nary condition only.
Mr. J. A. IIowoll nnd wKo and aon. John
Howoll, renohud liern Saturday iiIkIiI coming
ovorlantl from thn Malhuur AKenoy. Thoy
enmo over tho Harlow routo and from ap
nearancet thoy havo had a pleasant and
healthful trip, Their m.iny frlmida Join us
in 1,'ivinKtnem n cordial woicomoto tuoir
old homo.
A Carelen Habit.
Onn of tho most dangerous and pernicious
of bad habit is tho carolois throwing away
or laying down lighted cigar flumps. In a
dry time llko this, peoplo are as carelos
where thoy throw those lire carriers ax though
tho "world and everything therein" was
made of cast Iron,
Tiik IIonh UuuiiN. In anothor column of
this week's paper will bo found the adver
tisement of tho "Bm Churn," which Is pro.
nouncetl by thoso who hnvn uaed It to bo
(ho boat churn evor inveuled. Mr. II. A.
HawlcinH, late from the Kast, is the proprle
tar,whosoresldoncnlsat AumvillH,Oregou,
whero ho can be addressed for particulars,
HatHcoinmeni'Q breodlmrat thron months
old, aud tln femolfi breeds once a month,
producing invariably thirteen nt a tlmo, and
whttt is curious only one of tho litter is a
femalo. This scarolty of females booms to
bo an cxcollout provialnn of naturo, as other
wise tho world would bo overrun with tho
To tho wVlUlutva Liullcw iu
Why ueed you suflVr with larlvIs when
you ran bo cured T Why will you suffer
with Itboumatlsm when you inn bonuredT
And why havo so many aohet and pains
when it Is within your toaoh to bo cured T
I am now (UI)llhrd In Salem, prepared to treat
alt Chronic I)ljet", aacliaa Itlieamatlrui.ftenralKla,
Conaamptlon, Kidney dlteatif, and lu fact all dlitaa.
ea that human deli la htlr to, Sptclalattf-ntlon paid
lo female oaLneaa and ntrroaa pioitritlon, which
la no commou to Ladle. Children' dlreaita riot ex
cepted. In connection with my practice, I dare one
or the celebrated Medlcattd Vior Lijtitulnjf Cream
Hatha, which alda vattlr In rcinoylnt; all chronic dlr.
eaae. It opens the porta of the tklu, and thruwa off
the (limy, morbid matter, ttblch la one of thu Krtat
raunea of to much rufTerUtr. When we once think
that two tLlrdj of all we take Into orr ar'tem paaaea
off through the porea of the Lln, we teed utt atop
long lo wonder why we are tick, wliru we pay to
Utile attention to thu moat ImjioiUnt eaunctoiy of
our uodlea. During the pait nine nuintna I bare had
thla bath lo operation, and many can tettlfy to lu
efficacy, I treat patlenti by the wcvk, or by alngle
LadlM will do well to site me a call. Kealdeoce,
outheut corner of Center aud Summer Slteeta,
Salem, MIIH. D. W. CHAItS, Bf . B.
Salem, Portland, Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Walla
Tho following FIRST-CLASS Machines, which wo aro now receiving for tho
IBeaaoii. of 1877.
Both End and Side ShakeTight-G eared.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, '
8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Horso Power.
Tread-well w&
Manufactured by J. I. Case & Co.,
With New and Valuable Improvements for 1877.
Haines' Illinois Hteader,
Wrought-Iron ttnd Serow-IIub Wheels, adjustable Itool and Truss Frnmo.
Wrought-Iron Combined Reapers and
Combined Reapers and.Mowors.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowers, one size.
Oonq.ueror. ' '
runt Bradley Bulky JUkrs. ODNTZlNIflAL Hulky Rnko, rlf Dump,
Tho Host In Uae.
TUlmltle Skein nnd Iron-axle Frame, nml 1'rclplit WngoiiN, nil nIzcm
Newton 4-spring Hacks, mado expressly for llio Oregon Market.
KToveton Thrcc-Sprlng, I'Utform Spring, ami Hcroll-Sprliiic XXftOlKJM mid IKJUOIKN.
G-nrdou Oity aplo-w-,
Ilfkrrowa and ritlllvator.; Harden City Bulky and Clang lloual Farmer' rrlrnd
UltAIN UHII.I.Nt Vau Ilrimt Ac Dau'a MONITOIt HroiulTn.C NKK0ICII and
OIII.TIVA'IOHN. (tin llrtit In llio World.
Leather and ItMbber IIKIMNfU, Machine Kxlraa, Hardware, Iron, and dleel,
PW- Bncclal Circular! . Him trntvd. with irlcv. rent to any nildrcrf, free or charge. Wo aro MANUKAO
TUHKItS' AGENTS, and wn.i. hell at bku-kuck i-iiickh.
m nrrrcfKnKm.Tr am , rtn
Front St., I'0HTX.ANI; Commercial
Pibii Spawn. A fow wooIch npo
900,000 whlto flslt sptiwn woro scut to
this const, from Luko Mlclilprtn, by
Prof. Buird of tho Unite! Htiitcs Fish
Commission, lor shipment nbrond. Of
tho consignment 160,000 spawn woro
sent to Now Zealand, 80,000 to .Tnpan,
nnd tho bnlanco rowved for.CiiUfornlu
nnd sent to tho hutching establishment
near Borkoloy. 100,000 of tho Inst men
tioned wore nlacod in Lnko Donnor nnd
Tuhoo. 100,000 oggA or- tho 8jecklcd
trout wero also received nt tho mimo
tlmo from Now Hampshire, nnd of tho
lot 00,000 htivo boon HUcco;sfnlly hntch
ed. California paper.
Tho London Garden wiyH that n flno ef
fect Ih producod by training petunias: Ho
procures a number of hazol rods, unch
about two feet long, bunds tliutn llko
lioonn aud drives both ends ol Ilium into
tho bed, placing thunt at uullablo Inter
vals all ovor It. On thesn ho tics and
trims his petunias, which blossom moru
ubundantly under this treatment. Petun
ias havo bcun fluct'cssfully treated as If
HWcet-pcu vines and trained on a slant
ing trellis. Thu trailing habit of this
plant especially late lu the schhou, Is not
ulwuys HUlllcleiitly considered.
Every llttlo whllo wo read of somo
ono who has run n rusty null In his foot
or somo other purl of his person, nnd
lockjaw has resulted thorofrom. All
such wounds can ho healed without
any fatal consequences following them.
Tho remedy Is simple; It Is only to
smoko such u wound, or any wound or
brulso thut Is iutlamed. with burning
wool or woolen cloth. Twonty minutes
lu tho hinoko of tho wool will tako tho
puln.out of tho worst easo of inllam
iniitiou urlslnf from any wound.
Is Your Llfo Worth 10 Cental
SleknusH provalls every w hero, and every
body complains of somodUoaifodurlnKtlifilr
life. Whon sick, the objfct Is to got well:
now to say plainly thai no imrHnn In this
world that Is mllorlriK with Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaint and I(h effects, huoIi as IndiKos
tlon. CostlvonosH, Kick iieatlsehe.SourHiom-
aoh, Hiart Hum, Palpitation of tho Heart,
Duprohsed HplrllH, HlllouNnom, eto , can tako
Okkkn's AuoubT lixwKii without koUIdk
rollef and euro, If you doubt this, o lo
your druKKitt and Rot a Hamnlu Itoltlu for 10
cents, and try It. Itegular stzo, 75 cents,
i wo uoses win relieve you.
Tho Lluooln Warehouse and HhipplnK Co.
will reculyo proiKinals for u ulerk to conduct
tho business of tho company under tho
supervision of the directors for eleven
mouths from the 4.h day of August, 1877.
reraons making application will meet tho
director at the Co.' warehouse at Lincoln
on said day at 12 o'clock, noon, presenting
at tho iamo tlmo thoir rocommondatlons and
IiiaH. Townhknh,
l'res, ltoRrd of Directors.
July o. 4w.
Fstablighod 1840.
Original Liver Medicine.
VUtVK, One Hollar,
Wholceile Driutita,7l FroMhl. i'oitad,
irayU-4m. Auenta kr Oreiron.
. I.IIIIII-. in uni...J ' i ii 4, - jail., . ,'. "I"' ' " 'I' """"- -'fcMW
St., HA1.RM: ami ClieailloV lllock, AUIAnV, OH.
The I'. P. T. Company's
XortJmil in HiiIoiii
Kery FMOAY. rrliirolnj; tu HATUHDAY.
DAYj ri'turiiliiKuu 1L'KSIIAH and TilUUSDAYS.
Patronizo Your Own Boat!
Protection uguluM lllglt It u ten
In tho County Court nf the Hla'o of Orroic fur the
Ooim;y of M atlon.
T. II. Coi, plalutltl, I
va. 1
(lirwooilflrtcuc, DrfiudatiL I
To (1AKWOOI) (IKKKNIC, ikf.-ndaiit:
In tiis Nam or tiih Stats or OitrnoN; Vou-aro
hereby runimorud and r(iulrd luniitar ami an.wcr
thn loniiiltliit died HuoIiikI yon In thu uIhiio nntlUod
action In the ahovu liamt'd court by thu' Unit day of
thu Kuptumbir term, 1177. thfrrof. to wit, the .Id day
of Hepteuiber, IST7, mM dur IioIiiijIIki dr't day fifths
term of raid court rollowluit llio rxiilratlnu of the
time prcrcrltfl In ll.n urdur for pulillratluu hereof.
ALd If you fall ao to apprar and anawur. for want
thereof plaintiff will taku ludmonl aKaluat yna aa
prayed fiir In hta cuiiuiUInt, lu wit, for tho aunt of
ono hundred aud rlffr dollar, to,rtihitr villi Inlcroat
tbercou rlnce thu 'ilth dayof January, lNM, at twelvu
per erst, per annum, and for Cn.ln ami dlaburf xmenta
of thla action. 'I hla 'immuiia la liulill.hnl by order
tif John O. I'uvbU'a, Judu of aald court, dated the
2Jd day of June, IH77
I'. II IJ'Alt(.V, Attorney for I'laliillff.
Salem, July 0. Ib77, iUwdSS
Book and Job Printer,
.A.IM1 liool(.ltiulei
Holman's Block, Old Senate Cham
ber, Calorn.
ineutof NcwTypia, Cuta, ti, to my already
extenalre Hook aad Job OtUcc, I am now prepared lu
do any and all klnda of
Book, Plain, and Ornamontal
Ou fchort Notice, and aC IteaHon
ublu lrlccN.
Stock Cerlilicaics a Specialty.
llavlnj; the larneft aMO'lment ofM'nlnic (.Vrtlflcalu
llnta aud ruta adapted to that kind of work of any
Oitica In Orcvou, I am prepared to execute ordera tu
thu VKlcY IJHST atylu. In any number of colors do-
iircu, auu uu ar.on uuucu,
jeltf Addreaa A. U. STINSON, Haloiu, Or,
I,. & B. II I It S C II,
The IIiailKtiT market price paid forasyaiovBt
of Wool, Juno 1-Uu