w WILLAMETTE FARMER 4 H: IMCBD TXir FBIDAT, T CLAUSE St, OKAIG, ruautaaM &D rmonuvrpM. S. A. OliAIIKB. B. WCUAIC. Teraas f Sukaeriplloat. One copy, one year (B number) ?,2V One copy, lx month (HI numbers) 1.26 One copy, three months (Isnnmbyf) 7 SALEM, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1877. Note of Travel. (Conllnuod from.paKO 0 It Is not possible) to rIvo In brlofspaco tho particulars of more ttian a woek of travel, especially whon (ho travolor has boon Jour noyitiK through rich agricultural district of tho Wlllamotto valloy, which contains within Ha boundaries, oxtondlng from tho Cascades to tho Coast Itangb. Mich a varloty of soil and ovon ofollmato, for tho farmorof tho broad prairies and tho settlor along tho foot hills havo dlflorent Interests and moro or loss dlfforonco of soil and cllmato. Tho ono rnlHffl grain and keeps no tnoro stock than Is nr-ccsHary to run his farm, whllo tho oth er frr (luontly makos stock raising a specialty and Ids flocks and herds rHiign on tho points of tho foot-hills to tho bistadvaiitagn. fccto to Li:nAN0N. Thrro is a beautiful country In tho forks of thoHantlam, cxtenslvo enough loconstltuto a coimly of llsolf, extending far up tho HtrtHtiis nlong tho vallny nnd hills. Wo had iiottlmo to oxploro tlioio romantlo regions and mado a short cut across from Scioto JoImiioii, every whoro ooli)g'tho promlso of good rrops so gonoral through tho citato. On tho fit nil of W. 1'. l'roston wo found a small fluid of ryo from wnlch a shoaf 8Ji foot In length was gathorod to help out tho Oregon exhibit at tho Han Francisco Industrial Fair. Lebanon Is one of tho old towns of tho val ley, has a good school and sooms to do a liT" tiade. Tho country around It Is famous for Us grain crops. Wo called upon our Mmd Mr. H. II, Clsughton, agent for tho I'm hkii, who Is alio poslmaslor. though not now engaged In any acllro business, I.XJIANON TO IIIIOW'NHVII.I.K. I'.irt of tho way over rich prairie that was over d with fine fields and part of tho way over points of hills that madovory rough travel und vory tlrosomo, nnd wo ronchod Jlrowusvlllo, on tho Calnpoola, a (own that poiifNM a woolen mill and shows growth, thrift and ontorprlso. Thero Is North Mid South llrownsvlllo, and an extenslvo trado Is dono hnro, suslalned by a region still oast, whero Crawfordsvlllo and Swool Homo aro loeaUd in a valloy that roaches far Into tho mountain ranges. Wo had not tlraoto visit thlt romantlo region whoro tho FAnuKii has many frlonda. W spent part of tho ovon lug at a school exhibition In South llrowtis vlllo, whora tho great attendance showed a cultivated community and an Interested audlrnco, )IKOWNHVIM.t: TO 1IALSKY, From Brownsville out oast, through tho opou prairie to Ilalsey, U a pleasant drive. Tills (own Is on the railroad, and slows now IKH4, life, and activity. Many pleasant resi dences provo that ItaoltUens aro thriving, and tho plaoe must bo growing rapidly. Horn U the co operative atoro, of which Mr Joseph I'oarl In president and Mr, T. J. Illaok mnnager, whloh gives every appear and) of c'olng a largo and succoasftil business, Tho town has no dram shop, and It Is a pity that the saimi cannot Im said of every othor town In thnStalo, Making an angle, wo turnod agalu south omletly, towardH the fot-hllla pasting near ly all the way over pralrlo as rich an need be, showing everywhere oomforlnblo homes. Wo went bound for a brief visit In nur frlond M. Wllklus, and tho way was dovlous, with many turns. Wohappenml, towards noon, to (Inil the pleasant auil hospitable homo of Mr. V, M. Klaer. It was a common thing to And ourselves In the midst of good patrons and frlonda of tho Wim-amkttm Faiimkii, and mo wern always oordlally welcomed and often Invited to share hospitality mo wuro not idlo to accept. In Hits vicinity wosawaaelf-blnderlnsuo-ccsKful operation on tho farm of Hon. II. It. Oilmen, and stoped to sea Its working. Mr. (Irlmtn hnsiiukI us that It moro than satis fied Its expectations, as It did moro than Mr. Newbury told liltu to expect, It was woik lug In rather tall grain, Hi to K feet high and the only trouble was to handle It when too tsll. Mr. tlrlmea had cut about forty awe of gudn with It previous to cur llt, Afletwards, wn heard It asserted that the machine did not woik well In excessively Utl grsln, or wheio It was loo abort lo be giilheied ami lied coiuu6lly. A Hold Mas luttstn'od whoro tho wheat was not over a foot high, but (hero In very little of that kind of farmlim dono In Oregon, It bound the wheat tightly, and threw tho bundle to one h'i1i, and apiKarod lo work most satlsfsc torlly when mo saw It In operation. Mr, Orlmes oxeo(H to do bolter and cleaner fsriiilng than can be dono whero headers hii In ue, IM J.ANKOOUNTV. Mr, Wllklus Ilvi-Jt in the lower edge of J .nun county ,Oiroo mlls below SHires' ferry, hit homo In planted on the (sign of the Mil, a cove formed by projivtlug Initios; a benu. llful prnlrle tying towards the West and the hill (Mints atlortlmg excellent paturago on the Cast, Wo wero hem out of tho great grain glowing legion, among ftocV and herds, Mr. Wilkin farm about out) hun dred acres and has magnificent crops, bis acres are numbered by the thousand, and Ills Ibtck of new Oxfordshire sheep, hero of Hi e bred Devon oalile. and hand or Iioim, khi n what lino Lo tooks succtwa and profit. We found here fins spoclmons of grains, grasses, and evon vegetables to end to San Francisco to awell the Oregon exhibit, lie will also exhibit line spoclmons of wools from tho same flock that won tho Centennial medal. Adjoining Mr. Wllklns' place la the large stock ranch of the Holt brothers, whose wide paature Is well eroded to timothy tho ground never having been plowed but the seed scattered on the sod. Thero are hundreds of acros that will mako average meadow wltb the stock tskfn oil". It must bo confessed that stock farming has treat attractions compared with tho groaUla bor of grain farming. The noxt morning wo passed on, met our old friend, T. J. Vaughn on the road, cross ed Sports' forry and after traversing as lino a country as ino aun auinos on reaction jsu gone. Everywhere wo went wo ondoatored to Interest pooplo In tho projoct of making a good exhibit of Oregon products as request ed by tho Land Department of tho It. It. Company', and wo found many who entorod heartily Into the objoct, but in a wtok of hurrlod travel wo wore not of course ablo to sooono In a hundred of thoso who could contribute towards that end or to call on ma ny frlonda wo should havo boon dollghtod to visit. Harvest was ho closo at, hand that It was necoHiary to mako n hurried trip and llnlsu buforo harvost commoncod. Near Kiigono, on tho cast, wo found a Held of Irish l.utimtli wheat, on tho place of Mr. J, C. lltiNhnill, that wo pronounced amougtho llncHt scon by us In tho Statu. At l'Jugono. wo called on otirfriondJ.il. McClung, at (ho Orango Htoro, which has uvory Bppoaranuo of bolng a succomsful busi ness ontorprlso, also on F. 11, Dunn, whoi though a Htrotigor Inlhorto, kindly noted ns ogont for tho Faiimkii In years past; then wo struck outcast, on tho prairies, to soo Mr. Ooo. llolshawnnd family, whoso contribu tions to tho FAHMiiit havo had practical vnluo. Tliey woro orsonally strangers, but long acquaintance with tho Faiimkii mado us frlouds, and wo onioyod thero a pleasant hospitality and a vision of grand Holds of grain not soon (o bo forgotten. Mr. lielshaw Mill contrlbuto valuable nld to tho Oregon exhibit. Horo wo mot another frlond of tho Faiimkii Mr. John Simpson of Sluslaw, who prom Isod among othor things lo furnish a bundlo of Mosqult grass, with which ho has mado a groat succoshoii poor, rrd-hlll land, whoro It has klllod out tho fornand mailo a splondld sod, confirming tho Improsslon ol Mr. Wllklns that It will provo tho groatly doslrod pasturago grass for (ho hills of Oregon, and porhnps for tho valleys also. Wo havo a promlso from Mr. Simpson that ho will wrlto ua about his suc cess with It. Wo tioonod at tho' homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jennings, 8 mllos abovo Junction, found tho latter a now and prosperous town of handsome appoaranco and after visiting Mr. Ilraaliold, our frlondly agent, hlthorto a strangor, drove on to Harrlsburg for tho night. Mr. Oliver Tompkins, of this place, an old acquaintance, mado our visit thoro agreeable by kind attentions. The firm of Smith, llrasflold A Co , had pretty much all HOP CIBCULAB. To the Hop Growers of Oregon and Wash ington Territory: Gkntlkmk!: In view of tho Increasing maenltudo of tho Hop buslnos, and deeming it of the utmost Importance that growor abould bo well Informed as the proper man nor ofouring and baling, wo glvo tho follow lng extract from a letter received from our Now York Agency, In regard to tho same! "Messrs. Corbltt A McCIeay, Portianci, Drnonn neniinmnn! In reference lo the Oroann and Washington Territory Hops, of wnich I nave Inspected tue wnoie ueionniuK to. or handled by, you, nnd have dono It with a gro'atdeal of care, I wish to stato that about two hundred hairs of thoso Hops wero Improperly enrod, and mado unmerchant able thereby, and could only be sold to parties to overhaul, separato and oell In small lots. I would rocoinmond to tho growers to USB T HE IN THE WORLDI , JHHUUIU Ufc sU , gone to the mountains , aa wo found tho caso with many on the way whom wo oxpectod to neo. Crossing back to the west aldo wo passed down by 'Monroo, missing tho road to that placoaud kept on to Corvallls, taking din ner at the homo of Mr, John Harris, ono of tho moat beautiful of all tho farmors homo we havo seen, At Corvallls wo woro cordial ly wolcomed at tho homo of Mr, Harris, tho merchant, and Saturday evening wo drove over Into liitin county, and nvo mllos from Corvallls rested fur tho Sabbath with Mr Jokcph Hamilton ami family, tired and weary and needing rost alter a drivoofa week through hot sun and over dusty roads. Mr. Hamilton has a homo that shows wealth, taMo and cultivation. Tho grand grovos of oaki about him aro tho finest to bo found In Oregon, and It would seem as If his family waa surrounded with ovory thing (o mako farm life delightful. Wo attondod service at tho Union Presby terlau church, not far oil", whero a large con gregation assembled and a good illeourse was delivered by Mr. AtchUon, tho pastor. 1. Inn county has Its full sharoof ohurchps add schools, aa many fluo church buildings exist apart from tho towns. Sabbath evening wo drove on flvo in lieu to our friend W. M. Towers, resldouco, near Hhedd, where Mr. and Mrs, Powers gave proof or generous hospitality. Their farm la ouhlgh pralrlo and every thing betoken good farming, which la moro than can bo aald of some plaoca In tho neighborhood, and In Mot there U less good farming In Oregon than Mould bo dotdrablo, though slovenly work la an exception. Clean fields and good crops haw good farming, and speak for themselves as the traveler passes by. Mr. Power is a successful man and surrounded with all bomeoiiiiforti, and yet, Ixwldei tho oio of a large (arm ha has time to Indulge a tMo for tlawera and shrubbery and has (If. teen varieties of ahado trees about hla prom ises. From Shedd's homo was a day's drive, pt Knox's Unite, Mopping a moment at tho homo of Mr. J. W. Gay, meeting there Miss JimsIo, a young but valuable contribu tor to our Homo Circle. CrtUhlng die river at Jefferson wo nooiiod at Mrs, I.ooneys, and with Iho experience gained by a nine days oontltiuoui travel over all sorts of farming laud, wo imut concodti that through tbu tiautltm valley this side of Jetreraon, and the rod hills towards Salem, we saw as KO"d 'ar ming, aa line promise and abundant yield as mu be found In Oregon. -Tiio bills of Marion and Polk counties grow iu value every year. nreMHtlinlr flora In liftloH of not lo wolltbt than 185 lbs., and not to excood 200 lti; that If Hops aro preRtod too tight, and too largo a quantity put In tho bale, thoy aro very apt to boat, and bo Injured for Halo; and, thero foro. from 1R.1 to "ufl lbs. nut Into a bale, ex- porlenco has proved, Is tho best to koep. Thoy should not bo pressod too tight. Somo of the Hops wo roeelved wero pross cd altoireher to tight, as In Inspection It was very uimcuit to get at tuo miuuio oi iuo uuie, In order tosoo how they had kopt, and tho quality of tho Hop; and In (his market, for shipping or for brewers' use, they will rocol vo no imio or Hops without taking a sample from tho middle of each halo. I havo been through, nd havo taken a HAtnpln from orery balo of Hopi recelvod from Oregon and Washington Territory, through your h'juto, nnd am porfdetly eon voniAiit with tho quality of tho goods, and tho stylo of pulling up. I had In that lot about lllty bubs that wero almost wholly (quilled, and that did uoi leton out tlirto cents per poiimi, wuioii, of courso would not pay lliu freight; arid hi'd uioho vory jiops been paeKeu in an oruiimry balooflrom 185 to 200 lbt., Ihoclinncesnro, although put up a little groon, that thoy would not Lave loeoinnletelvsnoilod as thoy did. Tliitqiiiillty of n great many of tho Hops ws- link, and although they weroa vory light bodlod lioiiH, and for nouio brewers would not do at nil; yet, fortnuio lino browers, thoy woio exactly suited . We would point out as a specialty, that the "T, & M." lot was the i nest ourou, tho brightest, ami altogether moro doslrablo than almost any othor lot. As a gonoral thing, they woro nrotty cleanly plckod, but somo ofthem, which i do not now romombor, wero nut so carefully picked as Is doslrablo. On tho whole tho woro n vory good lot, and hud thoy met tho markot a short tlmo before thoy did, thoy would all havo sold, exeunt the heatod and damaged, as last as landed, at prices ranging from 30 to 35 conls por pound. As It was, tho salo was prossod forward as fast as It waa posslblo to soil. Thoro woro only n fow buyors In tho market, and wo lost no opportunity of making a sale whouovor It was posslblo lo do so. I wish Author to say that ono lot sold to bo shipped to Llvorpoof, bocimo hoatod, n ml thoro waa a fearlul loss on them, solely on account of tho green packing and tight bal ing; and it was a very fortunate thing that thoy woro sold on arrival, and getaway bo foro thoy showed an v slgutof heating wltb us, as tho loss was vbry heavy ludood." ltoforrlng to tho abovo, wo would atato that wo shall bo fully proparod, the coming Hop eoason, to handlo all tho Uopsontrutted to our caro, on tho nioit reasonable torms, and to tho very host advantage for our con signors. Hales to bo mado olthor in our home markot, or shipped East, or to Kurope and Australia, as thoy may deslgnato. Wo fool confident that with our past season's ox perlenco, and the advantages of our San Fanolaco Houie, Now York and Foreign Agents, wo shall bo ablo to mako saloi lo tho satlsfctlon of all, provided tho Instructions Iu regard to curing and packing aro carried out. Yours Respectfully. ColtlltTTit McClkav, Hop Commission Merchants. Poutuani), July 1H, 1877. n.o-t TDGGG"rGL l See that our Trade Mark is on eaehlPaokage! s 4 a ft e 'O OS I o o Qt PUEE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK; Je Jet Blaok : and ALL COLORS. IMCiixzeca. Ready for AND EASILY APPLIED. For Sale by th akciiIn: and JOHN HUGHES, Salom, IIODG9 Si:i,L & CO., WliolvNtile OrugglstN, and DcalorN In IMilnfN, OIIn, und ninm.- NO. 75 FItONT HTHEKT. ..... . TirtnmT.A.. ' - " '---M-a-. c. PACIFIC TIIItESIIIftG JWACIIIME COHIP MANUrACTOUEW OP f -stS-S -3fess4s(r H2?S-vafsi'1 rATfFffft. C. IB7S 5itit f. iT5feSaL-a:J.rf riwTU jviiAvn-. .CM1 c nlBsiBP!?I3proiJmMMVv nUrCsiIW-iVii 'S'JTrt'&srf H 9sasws?e4eULHilllawC rrt.ia- .V-T?-.-. !Ti-! -WLV.v-V4iJA"J S i- A i?:'OCc?xv 7Z2?&J ESrs?s5!rloa& vi?i"SfiLiri ..- .. "JaivvjiTAi jeapaKS-.itfarcs.gig;j7.-tA-TnTritTfWEr- PELTON?8 SIX-FOLD HOK8E-POWERS And Counterbalance Separators. INCOIII'UKATBD AT 8ALKM, OKKOON. OCTOIIRR 7, 1670. ou. Vice ITMldent; W. II. OAiirssTSii, Hccrctary. p uurnoafOTvor or jsot TIIK aBl'AUATOIt AVK TUB ifttAlN. for fenrt forclrcuUt. 8. I'ELTON. I'HKSIDENT; J. RRV. QT" Hunnvlrtr - -n-wr .-. ri'r- nayocr In nam. MsunKc. woixleu nml.rlalo. TUH I'OWiiU LAbTB A LIKK-TIMK. lurUicr particulars, ndJrets tuoomevrs named above, or Ualkm, March in ly NOTICE TO PKKSONS 1NTKNDINU E-MIGUATK TO OUKtiON. TO The P. P. T. Co. Nan Frauoikeo, July '.!. The steamer City of tlheMer, whloh aailiHl vr.ierday lor Port land, hsd on Uril the U'l U. M. Itilautrv, iiHt arrive! from Atl'.nU, OeornU, Col . VVhohii,eommudlu,' numlerliiitMV) mm. Jhoy bo to tho ouetif tho Idaho war. MoMinnviu.k, July 2rt, 1877. Ki). Kahmkh; At thu annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho Pcople'e. Protective TratmportMlou Company, hold at this placo on tho 10th, thero was qulto a largo attend ance, nearly 200 of tho hardy farmers of Marlon, Yamhill, and Polk counties beltiK present, llesolutlons woro passod mablfot 1"K determination to push forwurd tho en terprise, raise mora money and build moro boats. Considerable new stock was sub scribed for that purposo. Tho following aro tho directors elected for the ensuing year: Henry Warren, J. O. Cooper, and J. K. Sampson, of Yamhill. Win, Savago and Jos, K. Hears, of Polk, K. II. Fellows, of Clacka mas, Wm. Collard, of Marion, The board was Increasod from flvo In sev en, Tho directors met Immediately after tho stockholders' meeting adTournod, Henry Wurreu was ro-elooted President of the com pany, Bevoral important resolutions woro passed, among oilier ono Instructing hn x- ecutlvo cotnuiHttKi toinUulmiu d'f M-p-tn' pwcure unoiiisr bow far im- n, it in, . ( ly. Y,V. I Hl'KClMKH I'liOIIUOM. 1'llH exhibit II V. ' Kilting up, of Oregon prodtto'n, pnni,,"" to' bt worthy of nur Smtoand people, li fnrly I reprtvtentoil, our present harvest will ustoii- Isli thu world. Perhaps tho best, or tqual to tho best, sample of Wlutor wheat wo havo seen waaseut to our office from T. W. Dav enport, Waldo Hills, who li said lo have the brag crop in his vlolnity. Of oats, the Ham lun; var!o!y, V. N. Woodwortij, of nowell Prairie, sends ua a bundlo nearly eight feet high, and well beaded. J. O, Jennings, of Junction, tends a slnglo stool of Orchard gras-i fcU foet high and with a great deal of fodder attached, Kye from tho forks of lhe Aantlam, near Iebanon, Is 8 feet high, Tliwse ro ouly a few of the many specimens. I. K Moores tell us of clover 6H feet bluli. at Portland. We have good specimens of many Kinus or native ami cultivated grassos and some of valuable wood. Direct Passage from New Yorkto Portland, Oregon. LiSt) DsrAHTMKNT O. .t P. It., I I'llllTI.AND, JtlllOtn, 107. f fllllK CHKOON 8TKAMMIIP COMPANY IIA8 1 agreed to curry on It. Iron lramlilp, now btlns built at ChcMcr I'a , liy Juhn Itonch A Hon. upon her completion, en or about the 15th day or Jauuary, JiJTs teerso miniiceri' from New Vork to Portland, direct, MathoStrMuor .Mscllun, at llio extrvwely low rate of 73 OO currency, board Included. 'IM flenmur Mill tiulho bet, Uronci-it mil matt eoiufoitably arrant'cd iblp ercr bnllt In the United filaten Mwnl, isx know. Dlmcmilonii: 2110 feet In lonKth: JH feft beam: UlW il.lith of ImM: r.nnrllv OI n. 4k(1 ..I.I.. .i iw-' ... . - ' -,- w- ,,p- ' tM iiu umj nceravu pnrenKeiP. ' unuiK ! "i iuo leemKO win receixi rpecia tenllon; It ll liaimvldel with all mod. rnlmpi HK al ai- muntiiiid It ventilation will bo perfect Kvery at- leiiuon will Da paid to the cum fort of narcnirrr). and the faro will be of the bot qualltr. Van of thu deck r'om will be nttcd np for iinlRcratluir puro. ; V""."." iinoniiw pirrenrera irvtn meal uu rlagtlin whole totoi-o. The Tojacu will bo made In about ulity day, . To aialtt perton whoiU'tlre lieiuli;rato In Oregon, asrlcultural and other tmpluuuma will bo taki-u at tcrr low rate. bur peraonaharn who have (rlcnda In tho Atlantic State wWhln to come to Oregon thla oiler a rare opportunity, aa the aunoyaticr and fatlituo of the over-aud route by rail are uvolded, and tho eaMaco la considerably le. Koi eaitlrular Information addre a V. V. Sel-mldt, 1 bouth William ttreet. Now Yoik. or IJm p. HOIllIt.ZH Land At.cut O. & a. It. It. Co , 1'ortliud, Ogn. Marion Coanty Pomona Orange Will meet on the second Friday la Septem ter, 1877, at ten o'clock a. m., at Salem. It la dealred that members of other Pomona granges In adjoining counties be present, II possible, as the buainesaof thla meeting will bo of Importance, Q. W. Bunt, Muter. LEGAL BLANKS I tlV6 lhlanll attivk tit 1j Itlankn I. !. Ca.t. I tncltultDtc Aliform for Circuit, (Vunty. liolatenJ luatlria1 IViiirii. fartila llnrfii 1 ....... . I t(m prrM ami fwimlf for tanll fvrinti l Diutiriuiurik',1 .. .....: .----".-.""' "( riiiiaiiuiiiiflU) nwiiciiurnuutM, K M. WAXTE, Ptcm riinlertvivl nookblndrr. Uray'4 UlockUtktrrflt Hlrm, OrtgvH. JOHN G. WRIGHT, Dealer la FAMILY GROCERIES, Crockery and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobaooo and Cigars. COMMERCIAL STREET. Salaro, April), 1375. UwU lOOa. 1877. Tho Only Slrlclry Wholesale Drug Houso In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS & CO, 71 front Street, HfmrUND, OREGON, OKPKlt TO TtIK DItUO AND QKNEItAL MKH chandlto trsdu a complete n fortroentpr Drugs, Patent Medicines. Fine Chemicals. Glassware. Shop Furniture, and Druggists' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS, Of all alzca aud qnalltle. WHITE LEAD, Of Ml tho lcadlni: brandi, In tins and kejjK, COLORS IN CANS and DRY. Putty, Lampblaok, Hod Lead, Gluo. VARNISHES, Including the flueH brand for Coach l'aln'.era' uae. Paint, Whitewash, and Varnish Brushes, LINSKKD OIL, In barrels and cam. iHrpcntlnp, Coal Oils, Castor Oil, Lard 011, NealVfbot Oil, Fish Oil. Alcoliol, In barrels and cane., Blue Vitriol, Sulphur, Castile Soup, Concentrated Lye, 1'OtUNll. Quicksilver and Stryohnino. TAB., Iu Quart, Half Clallon, OneOallon, and FWeOaUon Can aud lUrrela, etc . etc. We art Agcnta for Orecon and Waahlneton Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, TIIK DKSr MIXED PAINT IN USK for Malllrffcr'aVs 'arb- le fkeep rip. Waaelte'i Micep Bam asd !Mul ttl KiboJi, aa4 "'a aai Jajsc-a ITitprlttary Medlfiiet. jrar We buy oar (rood from flrat hauda, tho eo abiUij; n to compete with any market on the Coast. a a tomparlton of our price will prore. my9 OK. K. V, CUA8B, Office, rarbla' bJodr. no lUIrs, ttfft ttrUr k. laajwMHMajsa --