Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 27, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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'' I li
tilfamtttt Muxtntt.
rcsuiBBM amp nwrmirroM,
TerBB f takMrfpUoa. - .
One copy, one year fBl number). r .ttS.SO,
One copy, six raontha (M number) ...u...... 1.26
Om coot. thr Mothn 08 nnrrtben) ......... .71
balkm; fkiday, july 27, 1877.
European Grain Market
London, July 17. Mark Lane JCrjnetsx
Although roparta aro somewhat oontrudloto
ry tho general opinion aoams to olntto
more favorable. oerol crops 'than wore at
ono time thought likely. Tho wheat earn
have filled out Under tho Influence of in
created molatarev and nrospecta 'aeein to
prom lo a fair! harvest. But It-Is not likely
the homo orop of 1877,. wU coma up to the
full average, although 'It will probably ox
oeed tho. crop of laat year, 'ltogarcllng tho
oondltlou bf ooreala and tha feropa on tho con
tinent ad vlcoa are riot so faVarablp, aa a few
weoka since, uonnidorauio uamago waa
done by rocont ntorini, whloh laid growing
wheat. .After .a-porlod-of-dnHnaaannd
apathy following the rocont declino In price;
a decided reaction ljaa taken place In thn
wboattrado, and valuoi havo advanced 2
per quarter. At Mark Mna and country
marketallit advnnoo In duo to tho midden
Inbroaio Iri'tho donutid, opncUlly for Him
Ian whoat fro'n OMiiilry tnl!l(ira, ;who, una
rulo hold Ntock to fall Imolt upon, and am
now lioglnnlng to fool lun UleolH of Iho Hoar
oily of homo grown grain. Thla scarcity li
moat marked, and Its bll'ut on train wax
dearly aliowu at Mark I.ino Monday lat
wliont biiHlncHH was intwt ituliuatod In apltit
of continued heavy linpurlH from abroad and
favorablo weatlieriforllio growing orop, Lon
don ha rooulvrid from H:, 1'oterHburir, slnoo
tho opening of navigation, four tlmea an
muoli as during tho corromondliig period of
i amy oar ana hum mo uematui acorns equiv
alent to the nupply. at steamers nro holng
clearod aa rapidly na tliny arrive, and
nothing of ooiixcfj notice la going Into grana
ries. Import Into lmilon from flormanv
ahow a dooreaxo and tho total of tho return
haa been to all Intents made up by thn nup
ply. Kuaala, India and America liavoooaaod
to be rogardod, nt any rale for till annum), aa
aaouxooof nupply, but aa a now foaturo It
may Uw untod that sale of now winter whoat
hava commenced at moderato prices, and Hum
aajartor will arqulro additional Importance
urlug 'I o noxt two montliH, na reports con
tlnua frtrly Manufactory from thn Atlantic
MtaUa.uhllofrom California not ovorhalfor
laat yitar a aupplv may Im oxpootod. With
aomowtist nriMiittlfd weather and nmall ar
rival at ports of oll, Irado for arrival car-
gaaa or a bout has rulod llrm during thn pant
wi ' ii nriooi uavo improved ouoaiiiiiing
to twoBhllllnpa per qu-irtor, according to
quality. For carsona on paaiago and for
auluuiunt there haa boon an aullvo dumaud,
and an Imprnyomoul of two Nhlllluga per
qnarter haa been ONtalillshoil. In malzu llioro
la an advance of (II to U I per quartur.
By the American barque Garibaldi the
Clackamas Paper Manufacturing Company
shipped to California, ; for a marked-two
hundred package of paper., This company
la manufacturing bstWartIcle jit paper
than heretofore don.'' ' " ' '"
Mr. S. W Jacobs, the groat Shorthorn'
Dreeaec or iowa, nts maua an assignment
for the benefit of hla oredliorn. (Liabilities
over 1160,000. lya failure will probably
JWeakTup thebhorPhorn brooding' business
iniowa. i i
, When a man craw la into bed In a Michigan
hotel, fao matter how muoh of a granger no
may pel the potato bug Isn't the ono that oc
cupies nla thoughts and worries him.
The following circular letter, Intnrewtlng to
minora and lovers of Natural Illilory are
being son tou'nd should be promptly re
sponded to:
) ' haim, urogon. is,.
Drah 8m: It is rerrdealrabln that a orod-
itable exhibit be mad of the mineral nro-
d notions of the 3ta.te.at the coming Htato
air, wnicn opens at aaiom, uctonerHtii,
loss. ana TouarareaDecuuuv rcaueaiouio no-
operate with the managora to accomplish
thatresult by forwarding, pronorly labeled.
any samploa of oro or ollior minerals that you
jnayoonsiUer wort hy-of-exh i bit iom Art
UKi of DnoM. Thoro la n (Inn doing bus
iuoaa In Nau Fraunlxun who purohaNo thn
thousands ofdogaslaugblerod by the pound
mastfr, of that city, or that may havo boon
othorwlao, killed, for which thoy pay forty
"l ftaO-U T'io oarcaKaea aro oonveyod to
their manufactory at Hnuth Nan Vnnniim
whero thn aklua aro rmuovod and aold to the
.Muiuerioa, ma nairiiaarii rn anil resold to
plasterer, the hlilo tanued, mado Into gloves
and.av.ld In tho market. .The danuded oar
OBM lathen . thrown- Into, a bugecauldton
and polled.unlll the bones are easily anparat
, ad froia tb tlaah, when they are ramovod
and sold lo tb sugar ranprlia, iir. kr
.BniJMwus4l. ,K a flua powder anil used' In
clarify augar. TJieoll that rlsoa to Ihoaiir
faoo of hu polling mans laaklmmod otTaud
maniilaoturod Into rod liver nil, and the ro
malnor Is uatKl for , the purpose of fattrnlug
hogs. Kvoulng l'oat,
Mkktinii ok Hoc Ouowkih. A oall has
been IumI, aaya tho llreont Union, for a
niiNdlngnr Htoramniitn hop trro wars, at tho
ravlllon, onHaturiUy.tliH Hth Inalant, for
thedlHCinialnu ofiiutti.ru of Importance to
all ongaged In tho IiiisIuimi. Hop moil from
all iwotlon of thn Htato aro Invited to bn
present, or losniidoonimuuloatlona convey.
Ing hints upon thn atibjaot or picking, curing
and inarkollng tho onqi. At tho mooting
llioro w 111 Ihi illnoun-nil, ainniig other things,
thfiadvUablllty nl forming an nrganUitlnn, '
so that the busluota ran bo tvtndtinlvU on a
oomiiion undnraUudlng; and It Na, .wlr.
w. mat nuiiuii im laaon niiaiivn lo llio prien
lu Ira paid r.ir picking tho orop, and like
wise concerning thn iiindn of ploklug.
Thnoffitol of washing upon thn koeplug
quality of butltrdnneuili iiKin tho purity of
m wiirwi)ii wiiioii inn waMilng la done.
n. .Jtn1!f,,,",,"0 f'r,'l matter that
will enroot tho tmttor, It will kuoit tmtler for
washing tho buttermilk out than working it
out. Hut f tho water li hard from tho pros
"Tj?r.,,mft or wnUlna anything that
eoiiirf injure the butter hy contact with it,
waahlnir Ihwhua mi iniuru in.i.i..i r -
benefit a the keeping. Nothing but tho boat
and purest water ahoiihl bn tmnt.
The population of tlreat llrltaln alniw IBOI.
noreaied froin 10,000,000 to 'J8,(H0.000 and
wa IaiiuIoii Tinias tiHtltuaina tbHt It wM Ik,
doubled In ilfiyifoiir ora. How to nvxl It
w,,,.,, i! ,h. P".1 ""'"lly. "r a leading
lMllah agrlotilturlitxald In a nnwut arw,ih:
"It appear lo me, and It htVliaon oliv.rvod
by many of our loading mmi, that a aieady
deterioration la going on In the produoliru
powers or thin Man I ' ",u,"
Theljoudoii 'lmr thim iIoom up Orueral
?JM !Ar,rr v"ht.gton, (Irn. (Iraut la
the prealdoiit who will ocrupy llm largnat
plan hi Hie hlalorv f tho UiiIihI HtatM. It
would, nf online, lto iiihoi.,ii,hIii, in nmko
any ptmonal romp tilmiii toH(sii the two
men. The foundMrnf tha Amorloau roputf
llo was Iwtoro all thlngt a atatoman: liH
suowawor la before all thing a mildlor."
The mantor if tint Mltn tlrango nf Ken
tupkv. alalia thai llm r.nor.l .r ih.. mi..
(Iraiuo ahowa that IW) iloriiiaut aub ;r.iig's
have been revlvtd and put to work nkhIii
within the pakt two iii.inihN, and iho graiiKo
la now In hotter working onlor than evor bo
tore. ' Filday arteriioou, about lnurn",olook V.
n, IMllv, whllo woiklng on a altok of fram
ing tlmbor lu Iho mill yard, bv Komn ami
dent, lot hla adt gUuoo and atr)kt thn lnida
of his right Irg Just atmvo (tin kuiw. A
woui'd wan made about thnu Inolua long
at d quitedoop,
FurvuMnn, the po.n, illrsl of atarrailnn. A
aploiutld inouuiiiout adnrna his gruvo, and
on it la wrlltoui 'lloiu.krHt for lnad, and
j o uavo him a Moiie." Tho Illicit aaiwuin
ever nl tend.
rangemont aro bolng mado to display apooU
monsto tho beat advautago, and llboral pro-,
mluma odorod.
ynoolniuma In Natural Ulilnry aro also
Inoludwl In theaamo olaai,audlt Ih hoped
that this dopartmont will bn woll ronro
snntod, na nnno othdr la cajmblo of nllordlng
a liner dlaplay,
Hjwolniona Hlioultl bo forwarded to tho Spa
rotary of thoHooloty, K. M. Walto, ofHalom,
Homo tlmo before tho nponlug of tho Fair, ao
that tho rrrpor Uxturo') can bo Minpllod for
tholr exhibit. K. Y. (UIASK.
Suporlntondentof Dlvlilon 8.
On the Ajax.
Mr. II. M Crane, witli ills tnanhlnorv for
manufaoturliiir homn twlno. uordaun. oto. la
on-tlio Alax, that loft San Franclxco laat Wed
nesday. Upon hla arrival at Portland, tho
maohfnory will bo shlppod to Albany, whom
a building Is being prepared for It, and by
tho mlddlo of September will bo lu operation.
omploylngtwonty orinoro hands, and lu all
probability In a row yrarx moro will bocomn
ono of tho loading industries of that outer
priding oily. Thus our huNlno'H and monlcd
inon baro lot slip ono moro ontorpriso that
oould havo boon looatod horo.
Frooeedlugs Shipped.
Ono thousand volumes of tho nrnceodlngH
of tho laat Grand Lodgoof I.O.U F., of tho
Stato of Orogon, Just prlntod by K M. Walto
and neatly bound by Mrs. U. I). Snyder,
weroHhlppod this morning to J. M. Hacon.
Urand Secrotary at Oregon City. Tho typo
graphical appearance of tho work rollocU
great credit evon upon Mr. Walto. who la
acknowlodgod to bo the "boas prlnlor"of
Oregon. Tho binding la neat, tnatv and
substantially dono. Salom la fast booomlng
hnpubllshinKcontroof thoSlato for "good
and squaro work,"
Speaker Helaotod.
Hon. A. J. Dufur has boon solealod to
mako tho annual address boforo tho Htato
Agricultural Hooletv. at tbo Stato Fair noxt
Oo'.ojer. A boiler selootlon could not havo
been made. Mr. Dufur is a pioneer, a
farmer, and his oxperlenoe at tho Centennial
aa Oregon' Commissioner, whero ovory
Slate waa on exhibition, give him an op
portunity to prepare an address or unusual
Interest and Importance. W repeat it, thn
Executive Committee baa dono woll in
electing Mr. Dufur.
in. . t
Aoeldaatally- Shot.
.The onlw rmJir otillU or Mr. Ji 1.
imunniiiiu ..i, wnu iu nvo oiiiKiron
laat spring by dlptlierla), a lad about 14 yoars
oragowaaaooldontallyahot through ono of
hla logs, yoaterday afternoon. Wo havo not
learned any particulars or thoocourronne.or
how dangerous wound was Inllloted or
whether thn pleoo was iu tho hands or hlm
sell or or a byntandor.
LanrX Sold.
Mr. T. Forler Jack sold yotlorday, ltw
aon.Hof bruali land, without any Improve
innntannlt. and lvlnir on Ilutm orif. tir
miles from Hllvnrton, for 10 per aero, caxh
down In gold coin. The puroha.or wan a
Mr, UlluuHwortli.ii reoout now comer trom
r Salem, July 20, 1877.
Tha Tory best proof or the doctrine or total
depravity U that weakness of our nature i that
pwrinbu. from enjoying .My'gmt gain
ty orthe very best things. A fcandfur of su
gar nlams will cloy the appetite for a week,
white wo can partake of an unlimited
amount of bread and butter without exporl-enoln-'
anyr unpleasant effota. Wojcan
lUtari i from sonriso till sunset to the m6stln
inM .t.ii i.iir. hut human nature can't and
jwon't sUnd moro than thirty minutes of the
gospel at onetime. ini wmou is u iuuw
ferent quality wo accept at wholesale, the
super-exoelleot wemustnod.take In brokon
doses. The Indifferent we regard as tho meal
and the good as the haven, and all loaven Is.
not to our liking. Tho good baying expan-'
sivo qualities, our cup la soon run over.
Wo beard a goneroua liostoss press a gnou
deacon to take another diah of the ,Thanka
giving pudding thatsoemedabontto bis taafe.
A, few mouthfals ortheoond'dUh 'caused a
dreamy exprwslon to come In'o his eyes and
a suddon pallor to' overspread his eheek:,
To tha kind Inquiry "Aro you Hit'', ."Isnjt
yout-pudding 'goodTV'Ba oould only gasp.
f'Ita feo good, and IVe got toMuchoflt."
Unhappy mso! Though walking In .11 tho
ordinances blameless and having a consoi
nnnn ntri nfnffnniw. lin had not roached 8UCII
a high stato of perfootlon as would enatlo
Ani'xohatige aaya that, by apeolal act of
i.iiojriTnn, iimnamn oi llio HteauiNlilpa (o.
W. ICIder will bnohanuod in llm lliimiiiia
and tho City of Chester to tho llmpqun,
Tim UoHH CmiiiN. In anotlior column of
this wonk'a paper will bo found tho advor
llaomentof tho "Iloas Churn," which la pro
uouncod by those who havo uaod It to Ihi
Iho Iwat olitirn oror Invented, Mr. II. A
Huwklna, late from the Hunt, la tho agent,
whoso roldonco la at Aiitnavllle, Oro.-on.
wlioxo ho oau bo addressed for particulars.
him toonduro wlth.fortitnaaAWinJhaflxcol
TeirarRTbo'found Inlwo squares of plum pud-
, l'roaoh as mon may, wo will oontlnuo still
to bo human. Koot out tho least and last re
mains orwlnofton as wo wlllandthero yet
llngora n germ or thn old Adam that will not
M us tarry long In a Htato of perfection,
Though we oxpect to have tho good continu
ous whon wo Rot to tho bettor world, nuoh n
thing la uttorly Incompatible with ouroxlu
tonoo horo, Bnd whon a good thing promlsoH
to bo never ending we bogln lo show strong
symptoms of taking leavo of this sublunary
aphoro altogether. Kvon thoaweotrstmolo
dleaauggostdhinal thougbta ofanir destruc
tion, whon dlHcoiirnod under tho window,
day afrnr day, on a hand organ that has no
annarnnt Hlirn nfdooav. nor lotus cherlih
ono ray of hope that It will bo romovod dur
ing an ordinary llfo tlmo. A witticism that
onuses tin uoiidorousgood nature at first has
only to reach ita nlnoty ninth odltiou to
makn us weary of llfo. Hut there Is noth
ing oapablo of affording ua so muoh ploasuro
or Inducing Ptioh n degroo of inlnory as kins
Ing. Whon not too ofton repeated, a kits
npoaksnf frlnndshlp, lovo and truth; but
when tnuHlpllod by ton thousand times ton
thousand, all bl lis fill emotions dlo ought
right and iincomfortablo thoughts of Judas
will intrudo thotnsolvos. Wo navo Known
ladloa who novor mot without klsalng,
whether at homo or abroad on tho atreots or
atpubllo rooopllotiH; wo havo known boat
osses whoso invariable custom was to aaluto
oaoh lady guct-t with n klsa; and wo havo
aeon thn unfhrliinato victims ranged round a
mom, oaoh nuralnir her mouth before-hand
for tho trying ordeal; wo havo hosltatod long
boforo acoeptlng invitations to cortaln kinds
of parties knowing that our mouth would
not bo allowod togot outof klsalng prim for
flftoorumlnutoa aftor our arrival; wo havo
felt angry whon wo havo lnhalod an unpleas
ant breath from a moro passing acquaint
nnon, and havo mado wry facos at ovory
recollection of thn ovont; wo havo known
lovers to walkout in tho broad moonlight,
nigniaitor iiiriic, to induigo in kisses, both
contlnnons and vocirorous, uttorly oblivious
to all surrounding olrcutmtanoes. In conso
quenoa of all this, that wo have aoen and Buf
fered, wa havo been frequently nigh unto
doath. In tho dark or behind the door may
do, but from kissing In public plaoea wo can
only pray to bomorolfully delivered.
n . . . Ju,y l0 ,877 )
On lastSundav iflnrnnnn. Imtil oiii.
w Kvernmont lionao In whloh the Agent
Mr. Slnnott, realdes, took tiro from the
kitohen stovo and In spite or our unlUd and
singular cflbrta to tho contrary, the bouao
burned down. Wo saved moat of thn furni
ture, however, and also saved tie building
occupied by tho Slaters aa an Industrial
Hoarding Hohool, which stands olon by.
Mr. Slnnott'a Inaa was about $200 Tho
building whs or llttlo value. Want of time
and uiwtofcty forbid my telling of tho dar
ing rest I performed, Hud lu fact, tho only
thinirl romnmlinr nf ilnlnir nnnunaii.. i,.n
Hani, wa running to thetop of a ladder with
abiiokatof water and falling to tho bottom
Blu, In rapid aucKvMion once. Mkm.
The Spibit of Sblf-Sacbifick.
Tho spirit of Belf-sAcrifice.Is one,of tho
ereat beaotiea 6f'hoilne8B. Husband'
SiniHtno- in wife, .wife to' 'husband:
brother to brother,-sistor' to sister,
friend to friend in groat things.but in
small especially. First and fpremost,
see that Hie spirit is with you at homo:
then carry it abroad into the world. It
is a spirit that will sweeten happiness.
and liirhten troubles; and whenhe soul
is ready to wing its flight to its eternal
home; It will haw the unspeakable oon
uniaf inn-nf krlnwlnc that if has not lived
to itself: that it has left the world hap.;
pier ana oeuor in eoniu ueijao lf", "
found it; that it has beoti faithful to Its
earthly mission. Bo willit listen with
unuttorablo bliss to tho sontonce:
" Well done.thou good ana iauniui ser
vant: enter thou into tho Joy of thy
Shall Women Vote? Mr., Chrls
tiancy, Republican Senator from Mlch
iganvln presenting to tho UitftSenato
a petition from tho citlrons Of Michigan,
asking adoption of a sixteenth amend
ment to tho Constitution of tho United
States, prohibiting States from disfran-chlaing-pcraonsiou-ttcconnt
uf HUX"Bald
ho was lniormoa mac uiero wua noi n
singlo drunkard, gambler or porson of
vicious llfo among tho potlonors, and
ho believed tho statement. Ills obser
vations In tho Stato of Michigan, whero
over forty thousand votes were given
for foinalo siiunigc, eatisneti mm iiiui
the pooplo udvowttlng thlsamondmtiut
wore among tno mosc inougimiu iiuu
Intoillgont peoplo of this country.
Mr. S. O. Beoton, the woll known pub
lisher, has died of consumption at Sud
brook Park, near Illchmond, at tho ago
of forty-six. Mr. Ureoton was tho first,
in 1855, to Introduce Mm. Stowo's
Undo Tom's Cabin " Into England,
and tho success of that work was eo
enormous that ho undertook a voyago
across tho Atlantic to nrosont tho au
thoress with tho sum ofXGOO, an entire
ly voluntary payment on his part.
If women would only bo not quito so
nfmld of being thought unwomanly,
thoy would bo a great deal moro wo
manly than thoy aro. To bo bravo, and
slnglc-mindcd,and discriminating, and
Judicious, and clcar-sightod, and solf
rcllant, and doclslvo that is nwro and
womanly. To bo llabby and plastic,
and weak, and insipid, Is not womanly.
' Patented April 1877.
mnmR VAcntHKS AUK trNfltntPiaamn
i any ol her for Drjrlng or Preserrlnir Fralu
n!ahedjcoaplta in four different elzet, namely:
WSTi TftmiMb pryer-capacttj of 'v
- -MiaMl of applM per honr-orlc
mall VasMiurbryer-capacltr of ly
bnsbelipir hoar -price llBj
:rliaJhSf!i,J;.ErTep"capacIty of 8 bBh'e'l
par hoar price... -
Tk raettrr tofyer-capaclty of 8 bahef
per hoar pilce., """
-"iThlae Drers were awarded the Centennial Vm.i
snd DlDloma st Phllndernhla In I hub ii."uVL.J?d
M.diitot thsBUteofOreeon for 1870, for exceUooS.
in uBTvr,.coiur3u conumon oi rrtllt.
..7 T ' JI r,C , . . .
t-Aii biw cupcwiijoa uttnu aoa nirnlehcdonnhnrt.
ndt CbDtT Hlnbtu ear .!.
.For further partUnlars and defcrlptlro calAlo.
addrets W. 8. PLUMMKH.
Patenteo and Mnnr.r,,'.
at Portland, Oregon.
Half Brother to Caledonia 'Chief,
fastest Trotting Stallion In Canada.
Sired by IIowoV noyal-acorgo. Bnm'hy old IfarkA.
way, tho celebrated Irish Wood Horse, will Maudfoi
Maroaln r -,- r ,- ",v"
Fast Portland,
At Iho Ftablo of JOHN HIIAVKR. from April int.
t? J'y I. 1877. ?40 to Inauro, pahlo Vhea
the Maro Is knonti lo Loin onl. $25 for tlicMcal
aou, payublont thu tlmo of scnrlco.
March SO. 1877. '
BUKnan or
TAKES plcasnro In offorlnu to tho Wool-Growor of
OrexouandthoadJolnlnffTcrrttorlxs tho chtnea
to pnrchaso TIIOKOtTOIlUllKD MKKINOB, and lu
surlncpurtloslntcrestrdtbat they can, and will on
dearor to, sell Sheep of tho same finality and'valne at
MUCH dlKAPKlt JUATK8 than such i can poMlb.
bo Imported. Rxamlnatlon and comparison with oto.
or Sheep offered lu tho market are cordially InTlted.
N. n. ThoIUmsandltamrjimbsof tho' flock'caa
bo seen on tho ISLAND KAItM, adjoining Balonr--Tho
Ewes can bo tscn at tho samo placo, or at the
HILL FAltM fourandahall mllca south of thocitr
Salem, September 10, 187S.
Poverty la ortn drMalr, A or frllw
wiutlo taiiR liluiMr, but. iliullnir a itot of
cnlil, want meirlly hoini. Hut h who haJ
uiuui njoa iRiyruu blu i.uiik uiroaNr.
Tho Hew York Library Tablo aayg :
A well known BOiuutlat of thla ally ob
Burving laat fall an untiHiially largo mini
lterof ilcail tlliHi In hla room auliJootiHl
them to tho tnloroaoopp, ami round It
w8 what inlKht bo tormod u bmln fover
whloh im iillllotlnu tho iiiuaca domea
tloa. Thla Hprlnj; ho uotleva a ooiitliiiia
tloti of thlaopltlemlo, tlioiigh It hu not
yot becomo o Konoml hh to warrant thu
limiul atatoniuiit that tho metropolitan
fly la nick.
Tho houila of tluo llloa nro found to bo
111 I oil with HWarmaof living hiiIiuhIouIio
pvrhnpa uftor tho inturo of mltea and
fifotn tu tlovour tho uorvotia ammntttiH.
ami thoy tiro certainly moro deatruotlvo
of llfo than anything of tho kind yet
found on tho head of tho genua homo
A marked fatullty among thu tiles would,
of course, havo Its liilltioiico on tho gen
eral health of tho ulty; for It U known
llle gather upon their bodied tho genua
of dlooiiHO na Ihey pass through tho air.
TlitHunro afterward devoured lu a pe
culiar manner, familiar to those who
havo wntohvd Iho gymnastics of ally ou
tho window pane. This llttlo organism
U also a potent meaiia ot spreading ills,
eaao, anil, there are oasos on record whero
a fly h:u gone over to tho uolghbord and
taken along the measlefl with it.
Coiibrrtvliiual motto for tbo Winter
W, let mo be Jawful.
Death from n Small Wound.
AIkiuI two wiK-ka afro whllo ongaued at work
on hla farm, on thn Wllhnmlna about forty
inlloi Wat of tlilaclty. Mr. HMiert McOuf
Jouirh aooldnutally out tha llttln llnuer on hla
lea hand, Ho thnuuht but llttlo of It until a
wookor tnornolapsoil, wlmn flryalpalaa not
In and tho loft arm ooininenood awelllnir, Ou
IhurNilay laat at Vi o'clock ho booarue alarm
oil and a uioaaeiigHr waa dUpatchml to thla
city for Dr. O. II. Hall. The uipsaeuiier ar
rlvod in Salom about -t o'clock i m. and the
npotorlinmedlatolT atartod, arriving on dm
Wllliomlna early Kriday unrnlng, to find
that tho natlnut that ho had boon auinnioned
to attond had naiaod bayond hla nklll. ami
waa ready to be arrayed In tha hablllmenU
or tho tomb. Mr. MoCuIIoukIi waa a genial
woll to-do Scotchman, and waa well liked
by hla frlonda and neighbor. The warm
weather, with tho full habltaof the deoeaaeil,
caiiaetl mortification to enauit, whloh waa the
niiuiouiaio oauao oi nia ueatii.
The Tellurium Mine.
Wereenlvedaevll from Mr. I.N. Money,
Hnpt. of tho Tellurium mine einlar
HniTllKiin, who I'Xhltiln.l Mtvernl .l..1l,l
aiionoiii IhKmii fruin Mui iiiIiih. l'lm rook
shown IihiI Ui niv-riM. ,,r lining nry
rloh and w art uld that tbtywera flr
aiMv'iiHimoj the ipmr-x now Wiinc woikt-d
'I he mine Is lofHifd aliout S mll-H weHtnl
(Nntnarlllit. llm vap nil htio i-i only
f 11 0,(X). uiiil aaliKtain beluu nntdx utfOivnn
aaluro. Mr. Muiicy has koiiio of thn Mtook
for aln which haa beu put on tho market
to aid lu more fully developing tho mine.
Yeaierday afternoon Mr. John Karl, who
rraldpa over In Polk county aehorl dUtauoe
from the ferry, waa hauling a load of wood
to thlMolty and oomlng dowu a vteepgrado
the brake gavo way letting the wagon ruah
onto tho bornea and causing aonie of the
wood to fall upon them. Johnny waa
thrown from thn load and sustained consid
erable Injury about tho lega and body, tho
horaea took fright and ran off, scattering the
wood along thn road and breaking tha wag
on In several placet. Tho horses received a
few kcratchea of alight lmportauoe, other
wise they were not hurt.
Flavor Smaahod.
W. A.lleatyof thla elty, while asalatlng
yenterday, to load on to a wagon aome heavy
timber that bad Just been framed fnra barn
for Mr. Uunlap, out on Salem l'ralrie, in
some manner got the two tlrat Mugera of bl
right hand caught between two atlcfca,
amaahlng them badly. Altliough the ttogora
will eventually be saved, the aeoldeat will
keepblru from pursulngblsavocallonaa car
penter, for aome lime to ootua.
Choppod into Food,
For Ono-Tontlx Toll.
Sash, Doors, Blinds,
3VIoii,lctlyaagji ,
Ttirnlna;. Slalr work, HcilHtcadx,
Jiuroau, Slttnds, Tablcn,
And all klnda ot Furalture,
At DSD-HOCK P1UCXS. Bbop at AgMeoUnral Woika
bulUMos, Nalem. l(d)j O. F. BKNNIH.
Farms and Land lor Sale.
T oE'wtTroft hMe'onk KAitM.'aao-AoitSS;
JL 100 acres In cultlrat'on. cooil orchard, sltna'cdoa
tho l'lcajant Hill roatl. about U miles from Kagtao
City. Also, about 1400 acrea ef MIXKI) LAND.
iodio of the best alley and boivcrdam Land In the
county, surrounded by hill and brush land. Tbreoor
four Tory good farms tan bo mado out or It. (Jood
placo for a colony. Want to sell the who'o lot toccth
er. Thla Land la situated In Leno county,, about II
mllcafrom Kupeno City, and six from Creawoli.
JoH Address Y. U. OUNN, JCugtni CUf.
Home -Made and Hand-Made
B O O T S .
yon can be accommodated by calling
At AruiHtroHg'M Shop,
On State Btrcet. opposite WILMB'8 HOOK STORK
Hepalrtsuc mnttf and tmmptly don, (lira Mb
Etc., Etc.
Aceuta for tle Wlllavmclte Farmer.
Albany j jj ffatinon
Amity.... , h I.Hlmpsou
(otUcoOroTe J a UhortrWo
HelWun jeir Davis
llucna VMa Wm Wtlls, J W llohirt
J'n'wn'V11 W It Kirk
HuttuYllle JW lUchelder
Uiiyonllly Dlllthlnchart
K"UJ".'?.T11? WT llrlsm
Jjojiutlbij'lty YH Matteson
polo Valley w II Clarke
ClatsiHi....... , H j Morrlnou
CrawfDrUtYill Jtubert Ulara
Lore... , u y Kendall
SJT f K Woodward
CTo.wnll.. ,, , Itoeeoe Knox
Clackamas. w A MU
Camp Crtxk O It Ilammersley
J U Lee, U M Uathrta
liextt-r.... ,.H Ilandsaker
uraiira.,.,,,, , , Krewaoa 4 Uralu
uaiuascus , , k Votbos
Dayton K o iih.
KlWton , ..,.,,,,, a II llalnca
"""' a li llalnca
(iKne; John McClnnc
Kox.alley a I) Gardner
roreatUruTS 8 Hnhes, W I, Curtis
Ooshen ,.,,, ........J Ilandsaker
St pals h M Oalnes
!il7. TJ llUck
!!tr!ba,E Hiram Hmllh
lllsboru a LnalllPK
Heuuer.. Morrow A llerren
Indenendeaee W L Ilodnln
Jonctlon Srulth. Ura.flrld A Co., W I, Lemon
Jacksoijyl Ih M Vt-rou
Kings Valley Conner A cr, sno
JerTersoii Ji hn W Ifoland
Lewlsvllle JI O Mcllmroonda
.afayctte Or 1'opplelon. A II Henry
Lbamin , .....tf 11 Clanchton
Mourofl. Jo Kulttty
McMinnvlllo J U Morris. A Held
Jjl1Vn,',,u.,h"A: W Waterhouso
Ml II lain, H T., ........... ,,,,,, David ttiamp
J'dJ'- Wm Horvland
New Kra......... , , j caitu
fewtlUvlllo... Jp Castlcmau
North aoihlU Dfisii
Oakland g K Itaymond I
weR A It rfhlpley I
Oretfoatlty C M ltacon
I onMeton , WA Whltmui
IVoria , ,,,,Dr J 11 Irvine
Pilot ltock K Oitllam
I'orlUn.l .....B r Lee, Aecnt Stale Oranee
1'rlnnvllle O M l'tlngle
IVrrydale , McOrew's More
lllckreal... , , FA I'attenon
ltosrbun:.. ....... ...... TbosHrnith
trlo F l Jooea, Thoa Monkers
HUverton T It inboard
HheddV WX Towers, OU Wheeler
Springfield , A O llovey
S'.ibllmlty , ...John Downing
Sweet llame , ...Ben Marks
Hucndan. .......... . ........... ..........,
Tanfrnt HH TUrere
The Dalle.,. , 8 L Ilrnok
Turner , W Ill'iarr
ancouver a W Drown
WllhBiMU Poek .. M Wilkin
w li " -J.. ,., .....(I F Brewer
Jjte....., ......, ........ J C Klder
YoneaUa , JBBUUoa, BSAppleu
To Purify the Blood nao nr. jayaovi
Alterative. It acta diroctly on tltf
blood, fltlmulatlng tho abtiorboutu,
ovorconiinff tho obfltlnato stato of Uio
poros of tho skin, and Imparting a
healthy glow to tho Coniploxiotu
PiinploH, Pustuloa, Tcttor, and Skin.
DlaoiiHoa of all kinds, Morourlal
Aircctlons, Tumors, and all vnrlo
tica of coinplainU nrlBlng from do
pravod or dlsordorod blood, aro ef
fectually eradicated by Uila romody.
ScrofUla In all its Forms ia ourod
by tho pentiatont uso of Dr. JojraeVa
AltermtWe. It doatroya tho poison
ous princlplo which originates Scro
fula, and ultimately drlvca It from
tho Byatom. It will romovo onlurgo
monta of tho Q lands or Bonod, and
la a aafo romody In casus of Ulcers
or Soros of all kinds.
Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings aro
otlbctually curod by Ir. Jayynn'N Al
tenUlTe. By fitimulatlng tho action
of tho absorbent, all watory or cal
careous doioaltioiia aro gnulunlly
carrlod ou, toning up tho patlont at
tho samo tlmo, by atrongthouiug tho
digoativo organs and exciting tho
liver, Kidiioys, Ac, to porform tholr
functions. For Dyspasia and I.Ivor
Complaint it has provon a romedy,
and it has establiahod euros in case
of Epilepsy. It may bo safely rolltvl
on by any ono needing a modiolus
o build up tho syatein, cleaueo tho
blood, or to rcstoro tho normal nctkm
f tho Socrotlvo Organs.
oZJi: DAVU & " whl"lAireat.rortl-Btl
UIVKVH. wlltnl
Trost . Investment Company
TDI8 Company U prepwed to negotiate loans ta
r?B.I?iiuJ?Srt)lolJ,UQecure.i over 1MPRO
y.B5 ClJT, '"OI'KItTV 'acd FARM LANDS, for
?im,J..od,f ,.e"' or PJle by half-yearly tn
ataUmaots, Kor terms, apply to
M .. WILLIAM RBID. Manager.
ao UPlrstatreit I'orUaiJd.
S. K, comer; at head of staire.