Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 27, 1877, Image 1

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    $2.50 per Year,
Tho strike continues, though thoro li no
farther record of fighting. Tho alrlke has
extended to other roads than those mention
ed heretofore and has Interrupted a buslnoss
of freight and passenger transportation.
Tho deelruotlon by (Ire at Pittsburg has been
topped. She goneral condition ofthlngs In
that city la torror andd-miornlizillon.
In Mew York Stato tho militia havo beou
ordored out to proscrvo tho peaco and pro
tect II lb and proporty.
Tho Central Paclflo and Unkti Pacific
roads havo rotoinded tho order to reduce
wagosofomployoeH, wluohglvcH satisfaction.
Vandorbllt lies Issued an nddrces to nun
on his roads and they soetuto rouialu quiet
through tho dlllluulty.
Trains woro sent out on (lino from Clilca
go, but troublo was feared.
Ureal oxoltoaiout provarlH In ninny places
and moro troubles are feared.
It ta claltnoil that rloloiB iiro not often rail
road inon, hut Irresponsible persons who tako
advnntngo of tho troublo to plunduram) rob.
BufHlo, July 23 Thin afternoon 2 000 rt
otors captured Irom 200 Foldlota tlm Like
Shorn round hoUHU mid droio (be iiillliHry
oft". Suburqueutly a company of tho Sixty,
fifth regiment initio n futile ntioinpl to recap
turo tho placo and wore hissed and booted at
by tho mob, badly maltreated and drlion
Cincinnati!, July 233:30 p. m On the
Ohio and Mlt-sUxIppI railroad all trains, ps
songer and freight, aro blockaded. Strikers
aro posted short dUtaiioos from tho city, do
termluod that no tralim hball loave tho olty.
It li evident other road wintering hero are
preparing lor a goneral strike to night.
Baltimore, July 23. All quiet this morn
ings passenger trains are running on tho
Baltimore railroad between here and Wash
ington. Washington, July '23 Order hare bnon
Issued from tbe war department dlreotlmr
Gen, Pope, commanding tbe department of
Missouri, loseminii inn avniisuieiorceioat.
Louis, and to go to that cby himself, If he
dems it nooessary. Gen. Roger, command
ing tho department of the south, has been
ordorod to send three companies of Infantry
to Louisville, Kentucky, and Jolfironillu,
Tbenrdorfnr the Powhatan and Swatara
to como to Washington has boen revoked
and they havo beou nrdeied to Baltimore,
where they will arrive to-morrow morning.
Tboy havo on board 500 men. The govern'
moot has taken steps for the production of
tbe arsenal at Pittsburg and IndUnapolta by
ordering U. S. I roojd to thoo points.
Troops for Pittsburg have been ordered from
Columbus. It la reported in army circle
that Oon. Shorldan has bouu ordered to Pitts
Iu response to numorous tolegrnins from
tho disturbed districts In Pennsylvania,
tero wasaoonaultatlnn aUhotoiociitlvoiiiHii
slon this morning and another at the resi
dence of Secretary Kvarts this evening. It
was decided to nlaco troops at ouch In Phila
delphia, who will ba utiJir Ihioimaund of
Uou. Hancock, to protect ebverutneut prop,
erty and preserve the pesoe.
Washington, July 24 Tho President to.
night said he did not regard the present dls
ordoiaaaovldeuco of the prevalence of the
spirit efo3mmunlm, since tho attack, bad
not been direoted primarily against properly
In general, but merely against that or rail
roads with whlnli the strikers had had diffi
culties. Tbe President very frankly ex
pressed his opinion that the most vigorous
moasures should bo used lu putting down
tbe troubles, and thought it was greatly to
bo regretted that a larger force had not been
thrown Into Pittsburg.
Indianapolis, July 21. I p. m. The situa
tion is unchsnged with tho exception ihat
women and children atught in the b'ocknde
aro permitted In leave In tho postal cars
Tho Vandalla linn attempted to plaoi au eti
gine In the depot for tho 1 o'clock run, but
was compelled to send it back to the yard.
Chicago, July 21 The strlko of railroad
hands hat become ueiiural In I'hlcatiii.
Nearly everr dispatch received here to.
night, from whatever ptrt of the country it
may lio, has contained something about the
moves of tho military, showing reiiiitrkublo
aotulty In ovory nlty Hi the Isnd, aid tlmt
extraordinary (Hri I making to crush tbe
conspirators agtlust peace end law.
J. S. Reynolds, aoinimuder of the Grand
Army of ilia KHimbllo, to-day tunl a ittn
oral order diiecting all psts In tlil S'.H'e to
hold tb-.ii selves lu rbmiluiM lo resp-nnl In
staully to future orders from hoiiIquarterH,
Detroit, July 24 Lain Information rfi'iiv
od hero aUtesthnt tbe strike U gnueral nlonir
the Chieaso nnd Canada. Southern iiiuln
Una and Toldo Bnd 1 trolt dlcMon. A
uite'lng as held at Grrmt Ilt Ut nveiiiiiK
demanding that tbe company re ore wtuti.
iSaiiosvllle, Ohio, July 24 The oIiIihiis
ar forming a vigilance onininl tee. About a
thousand have enroll! themselves. All the
maouf-KUiirlug establishments Bre lying
idle. The men are anxious logo to woik,
but havo been prevented.
Wheeling, July 23. A hundred machin
ists and blacksmiths struck and left the
sbopt or the lUlttraore aud Ohio Railway
hereto-day. . , .
Ht. Louis, Juty 21. Two bundrtd aud flf
ty of Oen. Jeff. U. Davis' regiment have
been switched off on a side track at Sialla.
New York, July 24 -Toe entire reserve of
ponce k tiruntou vj... - .
Central Kallwayatllon,4Jd street, at 8 to
monow morning. At tbe armories In tbe
ally to-night ell Is activity and preparation.
. J- jd MHAH
Cleveland. July 23. No through trains of
any kind will be run on the Like Shore or
Cleveland and Pittsburg roads for the pros,
ent. This morning the shopmen ot tho Lake
Shoro, numbering about 300, and 200 freight
housemen, struck for a restoration or the
last ten percent, reduction.
, Reading, July 23 Several thousand per
sons assembled along tho Reading Railroad
this afternoon and stopped tho freight, coal
and passengor trains, only permitting mall
trains to procoed. At 8 o'clock this evening
seven compsulcH of tho 4lh regiment ol Na
tional Guards of PeiniMlvnnla arrived and
procoeded along tbo railroad lo Pennsylva
nia street. While In tho deep cut extending
two squares rroui Walnut to lmtnylvanla
slreot tho soldiers wero nhsallcd with stones
and linmodlHlely bogan llrtng, It Is aliened,
without orders, doing bad work among the
Itumomo concourse of pooplo lu tho vicinity,
among whom were tiisny nspeetablo cltl
r.eiiH,iiH well hh liullo and chll Jren. I'ho
t loops tired dnwii ijveuili nud up and down
Ponnsjlvsnm street. Tho police wero Ma
Honed along Uio rallro-d tmcki to jireuro
order anil recolved the full lire of the milltr
ry A number of sold-eri were knocked
down iv tho lurgo hIoikm throH af them.
July 21.2 p. in Tno killn.l uud u'ouuilod
Is 37 InsiuiiUy kllltd nud II joldle wound
u.l. Pltttbnrg.July 21 Mnb lw 1ms run IN
course In our cnniimiiilir, rind irdnr ioIkhi
iiHaln. Yesurila upetunl oiiiliioui.lv, but
hynlubtii full linlln of a-cunty t'ocAiuu
general, and tbl- morning It Is coiio-ded ih.ti
ibocrUls has been pushed.' Thouomiiiiaeo
of publlo saf.ity hi tho oily iindor etir
veillanu. Volnnt.i-jr oouipaittos of clilzeus
and local iiitlillu co opera to in keeping
guard. Tim m'otf fireo hu bcn i-lrntigth-niicil.nnd
Is side to mpo w'l utiy riot In Its
Inclnl-uiO'. The sltuailon on ditleront rail
roads reiitHinsiiuchaiiged.
Huir.ilo, July 24, -1 a. m Itoth rioters and
trnops are rolinir on their ann-: all deno a.
car. uud maohlnn shops aro etrongly guard
ed by soldiers. llu iiumbor wounded can
not be definitely sscerlalned. An additions!
company of soldiers from Jamestown will
arrhoalO a. in. and the 74' h reglmeut re
turns to-day from HbrnolNvllle. No trains
are now running fi'om this city, the mob
having control of the International bridge.
10 a. m. Troops are driving the mob out
of the jards at East Uuffslo to give room for
moving ofnirs. No tiring yet, though In
teiue excitement prevails,
London, July 21 Thero Is conilderablo
agitation In tbo prcs and among the iieoplo
regarding tho prepurallous making for the
traimpottatlon o( troops for firelgu service.
Coiistsutlnoplo, July 22 An Adilanople
isieitram siaies mat itaour I'd sua ueteatea
the KiiBiiausnn Krldiy and drove tlinm be.
hind Yeiil Sagrahrd with a lost of 3,000 men.
London, July 22 A Russian's otlk'UI au
nouutof lbuoperailoiii tn thelttlksnsdaleil
rirnova (Iim lUtlr, nays: Suhlpka jiass was
Isken to day and ceciipleil by a n gimuiit
with two guns. On the 17 h 1 1 1 r-1 . (Jenoral
Oourks, ufior un engagtiiieiit In which lit
loai207 kllltwl end wounded, occupied Kat
anllk and the village of Sblpka.
Constantinople, July 22. Tho Porte has
oomiiiunlcattd tn the llrltlsli ombaksy u dis
patch from Plevna, stating that 0mau Pa
sha bad arrived there en route to Nlkopolls,
atier deftiHlliig tbo 1(iiWiih lu two daH
Pera, July 20 Infrinallon from the pal
ace was volunteered to Kngllsh coneppond
ents generally that they ivnuld ba norm It ted
lo telegraph that the Ruslan occupation of
i;oiittaiiituoiie was imminent, 'jnoy wero
however Informed Hiihiqientv the tele
trrauis or only certain corrponilrnis would
be allowed to bd Kent. It Is believed litre
that tho palace parly would welcome the
approach of tho itrl'Uh fleet.
As there Is quite au interest with tho far
mers of thbi Nortuwtut tOJM to Mcuro or
Improve tho cou'iinn irrk nf horbts, Ihat
they m havonuiuitisoi nu uicrtai"'! slue,
with fair notion that will ntVo pood f-nn
horse,n, nud as tluro haii ti.nn several aid
iuwU imported to uupp'y this wunt I havo
for home years fa.t r.ij, ioitd the S'.nto Agri
cultural Soolety t IT- r a liberal premium
for tblnolHm of hiiiIiih.-., ilit thoo lnt-rehl-ed
In thli httxik lu'kbt eeu cud learn more
fully about them.
Their answer to ms h hvpn that the
jo-'lely whs In tl-it .vtid cruld rot kIvu us
liotral preuiluiiu fur IbU ciu.s of stock km
Iti mtrlW d'lro. Hy un ixswlna'.loti ot the
premium Lst It will ha Mn the Society has
I eretof' re and Is now oft'-rln,T thousands of
dollar for runner and truttrs,tbls nny be
all well enough In their place, but It It not
from iLtscIais f notk 'hat Isre heavy
pi jw horses aro produced.
To iiidtioi n Kiioral exhibition of draft
horej I iinki tho following proposition:
I will glvo a pimlum of 200 at tho com-
Irg State P.tlr for (ho beat family of draft
hornet as follow :
Tubes bullion, ouo or more m&roi and
colts or tildes, lull blood.
Their size, form, stjlo, action at n walk
and trot, and dlapoiltlou,
Their various oros.t from fnll blood
mares, and their grsdts andiommnu mares
of the oouutry, to bo tlvo or more colts
The Supsrlntendent and Commute to da
selected by the Exacatlve Committee and
consist or prsolloal larmers not interested iu
running or trotting stoox. W. O. Mtiuw.
I i .aw--aw . -
r-!S.-. 4 ' v "i " li-TT' ' 1--ww -7S.f t- A -. . 11-"L V l . . J . J,i ' ' m
jE 1 T3MAJ. 1 1 'A'
NoUm of TntTfll iii Harita and Claobt
mas Coastiw. .
Wo loft home ou the thirteenth of July,
passing through the Goer neighborhood,
which Is one or the choicest spots In the fa
mous Waldo Hills. Wo passed the farm of
T. W. Davonport,whero there Is a field of the
heaviest Fall wheat we have aeenlhlr season,
This field Is badly fallen and wilt bo hard lo
save. Passing through Sllvortou, wo stop
ped with Mr. Hall, on the Sam Allen place,
located on tho bank of the Ablqua. Mr. U.
hassomo of the llnost whoat in this vicinity,
and Is n good farmer. I obsorvod a Held of
wheat p.irt put In with a cultivator and part
rtplnwed and harrowed In. Tno prt 10"
plowod wan In Hppearanco two wtika Inter
than tho part cultlvuUd without replowtng,
Hiid much tho best who.it. This Held was
plowed lit early Wlntor. Tills experiment
plnluly showed wo must not depend too
much on tho cultivator, as It cumiot bo do
pemlpil on, either to kill thswrnedt or to
thoroughly pulvorleo (he fcoll. From horn
to Iltitto crrjok tho land Is good, hut niOHily
covortd with brush, with some tood rarms
by tbo way. Wo put up for the night with
Ufo. Skirvlti, Past Master of llutto Creek
(irango No. 82, Iiro. bklrvlu ii a mixed lur-
raornnd (his cls of people sro Kouorally
llio most pronporoun. This farm is well
udaptod to mixed fanning, Here Is fruit,
uralu, dairy, vegetables, meadow, (lowers.
Why, you can hardly got In attho front door
fir llowors and vegetables, and tait, but not
least, ho Is a hog nun loo. His dairy enables
him to keep a lot of pigs which paves all the
waste. Suah farming can't rail, Suck a
thing is hardly possible. Talk of good liv
ing, Rro, Sklrvln has it in a nut-shell. On
this (arm there Is a One tleld of Nosh Island
wheal w blob Is considerably gwwnkere. It
win ao sown an lata as tha mtiUlsjMsy
will yield from twenty to thirty buatniin tu
this locality. It Is claimed to make aweetr
(lour for home use than othor wheat thoueh
it does not sell so readily In market lor ship
metit; but it staqda up better than (he Chile
Jvly 14th we left here, and passing ilulte
Creek Gratige hall, for they bavo a good hall
of their own and this grange Is one of the
llvo ones and no loollshneis, wo finally
brouxht up on the ploulo ground, where the
crowd wetoelreidy In attendance. Togother
with tho sieaklng and tbo muslo made by
the Sll vorlou baud wo posted a ploassnt day.
Thero was a Jolly good dinner and I must
say (ho Sllverton band, for the time they havo
(rained, excel anything I have met. At tho
ploulo we fell lu with Win. and Robert Jack,
with whom wo crossed tbo plains, We ac
cepted Invitations from both to stay all night
and put up with the first one wo cams to.
Wm.Jaok Iish noma very rlcti bottom land
on Uutte creek and gave us a heany wel
como. Ho has nn Interesting family growing
up around him, but I was sorry lo see ho
did nut take (he Kahmkii, We talked of old
times and thought we would attend (he Pio
neer's meeting. Hro. Jack was a volunteer
la (ho'Cayuo war, and told me many loci
dents of that campaign. From here home
wo found a dusty road, anil got thoro pretty
well tired out.
I notice your correspondent over In Polk
differs with mo In regard to tbe I 'en oh plum,
l will say here that I did not bane my opln
Ion on whtt I ah won Hro. Teller's farm, ns
he has a Hue location for the plum aud many
of bis tws ftho lurger prt) wero healthy.
Now, If your Rirrospoudcut will take a nun
er.il oUtrvntion ot tliu l'lai-U plum f r one
yiur, on (liflerent localities, iiewlllthsu fully
agreo with mo when I sty It It hott lived.
D.ero uiu Home lluo tries of this variety
arouud and iu the vicinity of Portlaud(w hluh
It Its mott nntiirnl lionn at farm Oregon Is
uoucernrd) hut I know of 6ersl i mire or
cluiiK f I'.ao'i plumt Iu whluti thero Is nut
a lixallby irm loft, hiiiI In my own orchard,
under (.nod culture, I her.) U not a hi.dthy
ouo over six yeart old. 1 could give umoy
suoh liittanco". Now I hiu pUntlng thlt va
rle'y rather extensively, but we may tin well
open our eyes (o faotH, unwelcome though
they bo, aud I ery inuoli fer severjl other
vailetles, suah as Coh'h Oolden Drop, Drip
d'Or, Coo's Lite Rod and Ducbthh du Harry,
aro fat Imlng (hulr grip end sro not worth
planting any loiii'or. In fact I fear wo sro
passliig into a fctsgo of progte.s utifavorsblo
to most tender vaiiettes of plums, and shall
advUemy friends logo slow ou tbo plum
mania, aud plant tbe per at well es plum,
as I think ibsro Is less risk, especially on
exposed situations. Q. W, Uumt.
Kllsha McDmlels K-q.,is at home from the
Ysklma safe aud sound, notwithstanding he
has had several close calls from tha noblo
red tueu of that country.
An Iowan'i Opinion of Oragoa.'
Tho following letter was written by Mr,
John H. Hymor, who has lately coma to Or
egon, from Iowa. Tho writer la father-in-law
of Mr. S. Robblus, Polk oounty, and tbe
letter Is wrltton to some children :
Dkak Isaac and Ella: This loaves us all
well hore. Isaac, you will rooolleot that I
loft yon In Appanoose oounty on the 10th of
may last, not cxpnotlng lo roturn to Iowa
again, es I nut old now only abont two
months moro will count mo four-score. I
lelt Omaha on tito evening or May 11th, nnd
reached San Francisco without any serious
casualty on the way. 1 camo (o Portland
not very woll, but now my health Is as kooiI
ns I ever enjojed through Ufo. This Is the
most ptea-nnt olltnito, and tho surest and
hott lor health nud comfort. Oregon, tho
Queen Stato of the Northwet, holds In hor
riKht baud long life uud iiuimual hoalth.and
lu her left great wealth and power, and In
vltet the IndiiMrlous from alt purls of tho
world to como nnd partake or them. lean
uotHty half ot what 1 would like lo say a
few word must aiilllca for tho prosont. It
would take a volume to wrlto nil. I will
lo vo it to the doKurlptivo geographer lo give
you somo tolerable acoouut of this oouutry.
I will just say, In short, that I oiu walk In
fifteen minutes upon nit cmlnmiuooti which
is u laruu field of lino whoat. and tnko a view
of the valley and Iti boauttful sosuory, of
inegniusn ileum or wneat ami other grain,
aud the great number of fine white hotites
tor ojib 30 iiiiiet up and down and aorots
In the great valley of (he Willamette, and see
(ho wheat bending toward maturity, and the
friiltlnden trees, and gardens well filled
with small fruits', which aro all duo. Tell
all you see coming to Oregon that If tboy
want tho following weeds they will havolo
bring tho seeds with them, namely, burs
and Spanish needles, smart wood, pursley,
rag weed, pennyroyal, and a host of other
big weedt that grow In I6wa. Oregon la not
easily surpassed la agriculture, commerce,
and nuanoe: they are king in three ooasbln
ed. Come, and sea for yeurselt, and live on
loaves and ttshea and other good things
while you stay. Years ural,
I. naaillt aa4 fcaaMy, -
Wo have lust received a oopy cf tho naw
temperanoo song, "Redeemed," Just Issued
by K. W. Helmlok, Clnolonatl, Ohio. It Is
a beautiful and soul-stirring ploce, and ev
ery one, temperance people ' especially,
should possess a copy of It. It can be pro
cured by sending 35 cts to tbo publisher, F.
W. ilelmick, W West 4th St., Cincinnati,
Aermnn ami Jfydc't Musical Itcvtae for
July conies to ns flllod with attraollvo muslo
aud rending. Tho muslo Is always good.
Wo sro Just In rocelptoftho Utest publica
tions of Sherman nnd Hyde. "Tho Golden
Gale Laucors," which is all tho rage, Is Do
ing played nt all tho fashionable parlies.
"Little Hlrdlo, Sing and Cheer Mo," Is an
exceedingly pretty song and chorus, It has
been sung with success, the melody being
exquisite. Price 35c ts. Ask your muslo
dealer for them, or address Menira. Shorman
and Hyde, San Francisco.
Mounted Rifle Company in the Waldo
Ki. Kaiimkh: lie I tig prosont at the final
oWo'lnn and organisation of tie McAlplu's
Mounted Rtfla Company. I forward von a Hat
of the officers elected upon that occasion:
Cspt. W. P. (,'roltf, 1st Lieut. Wm.Cspps,
'iii tiluiit : P. Dyer. 1st Serueant: II. J. Nott.
2JSergaul; 1J. T. Perkins, 3d Hergesnt; IC.
A. uowning, Mossrs, frank Wrlgbtman,
Chs. Cartwrlght, F. II. Patton and L. W.
Hum, Coipnrals. Thlsoominy iHcoiiiposeil
of fifty mounted men and under leadership
of Cant. Jrulu, and Lieutenants Capps and
mil tkA, win. uru 11 mun .if ..vu.j ......
tixperleiirn, nud under their leadership will
wiui niMitw i iiMiiiuiuiu rrsi(t aiiiufi
Jas, K, Jauxs,
Mc.MpIn, July 21, 1877.
llAhK U.r.i. IM. Farmer: I notlco in a
line nunilinr of .jour paper ou account or tbo
uojiim of bauo bill plued at RoKeburg, ou
Hie 4th of July, batweeu tint Jacksonville
and Hoi-ebiirg hojh. There was h mlHtako
lu mj lug thd Roetiburg boys won by olght
een lo tourtten. The JacKnin bos won by
foity inklxtuen; thetlrHt game, uud thirty
two ttrtwviity the ufternoou gamo, and also
won the prixo olub, which Its very hand
ooineiue. The JuekkOiivlllo boys are well
"ttihllnl with tho kind irentiiieut tbov m
cnlvi.d at llio hamls of the cIMr.fim of Rose
burg. I will slate that I he club ihat played
4t Itohibiirg ant only tbo s-uotid nlnut of
Jackson vlllti. The lirbt iiIiih- ptt eI n iame
with tbe vIotorloiiHiilubou their return, hiiiI
beat thoin nine IniiiiigH, W. li.
An Old Subiorlhor.
Ruv. J. li. Pardoh ol this uiiy. has taken
tho Chrltlnii AihocMto lorty mini yenrs
Ho comiiieiio.id w ltd ihu first iniiiiber Issued
ami kept It up forty-four jers iuaucuufcxlmi
when by a mlstsku at the publication ollico
he was lour yearn without H. In early times
It often came by sailing veessl via ihe Sand
wloh IsUnds and ho would gel six mouths
papers at a nmj. Mr. P. will probably tike
it as long as ho lives.
L I 1
Volume IX. Number 24
Letter from Jackson Comity.
Ashland, July 17, 1877.
Wa are In the midst of a bountiful harvest,
Tha headers and threshers are busy in alt
directions. I can see hundreds of acroa of
rich yollow grain from my window, awaiting
the hsrvestor. We aro expootlng the hoar
iest ylold that wo havo ever had, but aa wa
are entiroly shut In from Ihe outside world
by tho rim of surrounding mountains, tha
urgent domnnd for breadstuff caused by tha
Kuropoan war docs not nffeot our market, aa
a cousiquQtico wo !iho not muoh anticipa
tion for a high price lor our whoat, although
thoro will bo cousIderHb'o home demand
tli l.i nouon, ns (hero nro hundreds of people
from tho dried out Southern portion ti'f Cal
ifornia coming loour beautiful grouu .oasli
in tho mountains. They all soem tn oxprose
surprise nt finding it beautiful valley with
such n mild olininto and prnduolug ho many
varlollcM of tho choicest fiuita and vegeta
blow, and n uiivur-fallliig crop of the cereals.
Quito it li u tuber of t'liilgritiil, tilled fioiu
tho grnsnlioppor plains of Ksiinms and No
brdsk't are sotlllng amongst us, i(lad to take
homnsteads wherever they can find a low
acres of good laud. W. IIhkhon.
To Dhivij Awat Hat. A lady, writer,
In n recent nutnborof a Now York Journal
dUooursot In tho followttu stylo osiioorulug
her treat mont of rats and mluet
Woolestiod our promlsosor these deles,
able vlrmlii by mtkliig a white-wash yellow
with copperas, and ooverlug the slonea. and
rafters of tho cellar with a thick coating of It.
In overy orevloo whoro a rat might tread wa
put crystals or (bo copperas, and scattered
the same in the corners or ilia floor. Tha
result waa a perfect stampede nf ra'a and
rale. Since that time not s foot rail orelther
rat or mouse has been heard about tha
house. Every spring a oat or tha yellow
wash ta given to tha cellar, aa a purifier,
aa well aa m rat rastarmlaalor. and ,no ty
iMMidyaMlar ar kver altaeka tk fcmlly.
Maajr paraoM ftaflWrafMlr - aKraet air tMe
and vegotabTas uncovetebrnl tif-aSSfSilmJ
sometimes even me soap scraps are lenopen
for tblr reiralemsnt. Cover un eyenrthlnar
eatable In tbe cellar and pantry, aad yoa
will soon drive them out.
The VaatlU Imdttms.
Oovcrnor Chadwlok recolved a telegram a
few days Hlnco from the Agent at tha Uma
tilla Reservation asking that a reoont order
to keep thoso Indians on their Reservation
be no enforced. Tbe Governor telegraphed
President Uayos In re.atlon to the matter,
and to-'day recelvod tho following dispatch
In roferctico to the order mentioned:
Lavwai, July 22d, 1877.
Governor Chad wick Halem, Oregon:
"My orders to Umatilla Agent were to
koop Umatilla Indians on Rsservsllon dur
ing ponding troubles. This Is what is being
done. Noaollon will bo taken that will load
(o a'conlllot with renegades at present."
H U. Watkinh, Inspector.
Do It known to all men that are aspiring
for the United States Senate, that no vacant
placo exists, aud therefore I, H. Friedman,
Oil AN I', do say and warn all (strsona from
purchasing until all my stock of clothing,
i)ry Goods and Hoots and Shoos are all ex
trusted;' and I furthermore, openly and
aboyo board, say that 1 have examined oaro
fully Into the "Investigation," aud therefore
I exonerate L. F. Grover and domand Ihat
he retalu his seat In the United Htntes Sen
ate; but before departing It Is expected he
will buy his unlf inn or S. Friedman, lake
warning by this and avoid litigation by trad
lug with H. Friedman, and you won't be
called upon lo explain how you gut your
I)o,ou kuow StlleT Yes; have known
blin along tl'iif, nful I neer saw him havo
au overcoat. Now, Mr HiIIih, you can buy
a .0).l Hi: WlClt DVKIlfO IP or H Fried
man lor f IH. worth tji'i, ami you c.tn get li ad
l'KN('IL riroeeiits. No, as I a:n In iuihI
of iniiiitiy, I waul all lliom who li stifled lo
tho lion. Mr. Hllcih' bal oliaraeinr lo pay lo
S. Friedman wlint tliev sr IoiIhIh.iI in lilni,
orhoiii.b'iJy will say'' YOU ARK A DIUH
Now, ouo ino'oc.innon: I want you to all
know that I am no pollilnlaii, and tloii'l
want au olllce, and it msket nut llllltt odds
to mo which oii-i xeH lo the table first, but
wlieunvf r vou comiiiei ut wilt me I want
jou ifioiiillnoourar to tint Till) I'll only,
or you may oxpot uin u RusnIsii wo hiu
uirv iDtiliu; Ttiikoy,
Tho list o.iiiiion: Take IhlH sdvltit-: buy
what gisiila ion can find at fl Ffltinaii'i;
biicaiiH he Hpfinls his money here; li dnixo
he sellt ohoap; uud bocailno litiglvut good
You ci ii buy it good pnlr of beaver ptnts
for ?.), u b-Hvur i:oi f .r (It); a guotl inhiiiioro
suit for 5 IS 1. la jour Iii'ituh id raifo
wlicro you itet H.o best tmrir iIiih. I hnreiiiro,
irntfit wl lj rt I'Vlo.luiMii, Ymi will find him
next door 11b ivit the I'osl Ollln.', hi sIiii.
Why Is It Frleluiiti can s ill nhespor than
otlinti-Y Kirsi, bo liiiiiaiii the Incorporation
nud hat uiieliy lax to pay, Next, his rent is
low. Thou iii bujHon credit, uuverpsys for
tiUitoods, aud S"lls for CASH.
arit"iiiiioibjriho I'lajo next door to tha
Djue a'.Sslom, July 23, A, !., 1877.
. -ft.. itJ
1 1
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