Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 20, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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Patw prrH'Air
Matter John T. Tone, Barton, I'hllllpR. Ark.
Owner J. J. Woodman, Paw J'aw, Van liurcn,
Mich,' 'I I ' " ' r '
IjctunrA. II. Bmedley. Crcico, IfOTrard, Ja.
Steward A, J. Vanillin, McmplilivTnun.
j4m' Steward Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlebntb,
Soraomat,' N. J.
I'unhllilnUH. It. Rlltn. RtirlnrrhnrnniTh. Warren. O.
f'lraiiurcr V. M. McDowell, Wajrnc. Htcubcn.N.Y
Secretary O, 11. Kcllcv, f.tulvliie, Kr.
(laU'h'te)cr0. Dluwiilillo, Orchard drove, Ind.
Vrret Mr. John T. .Tunua, Ilirlnn, i'hlillDi, Ark.
l0ra-Mrir Samuel K. Adatm, Montlcclln, Minn.
Jbrnonq Mfn Darrey (loddard, Norlli dranby. Ct.
lAtly AtiUtanl Steward MIm Carolina A. Hall,
ilonlevlllc, Ky.
A report for the New "York World thus
gives not .only, our .farmers,, but also the
managers of agricultural' societies, -n Lint
wherein thov will bo wine to heed before
they-are led furtborfrom their own Interests!
'As a turf mportar'lt has long seemed to
mi) that nearly all the Hlaloand oounty agri
cultural. io.;lotlo8 Iiavo boen somewhat nejr
leetful oflliolr true Interest, and lustrad of
enoouraglng premiums for young stock,
I). Wyatj Alkqri, (Cnalrman,) Cokcabury, B. 0,
K. 1(. Hliauk'and, DubuqilO' Iowa.
Dodlcr T. Chase, Clarrmont.'N. II.
r Alonao (I ildcr, lloek Kails, Whllcfldo, lit.
W. 11. Chambers, Oewctcticc, ltniBCll. Ala,
oncers of Oregon State Grange.
Maitir-Wm. Cyrtii', Bclo.
riveruern.. ji. mupicy, uawceo.
Lecturer Mr. K. N. mint. Hnimmltr.
OUeeretary-H. W-Randall. Oregon City.
tobensedln repalrleata reaper. After he'
was tbrough, as he sapaosed,.ne pat the fire
uui, uinnuuinnimu oeing leit auotuer sun
about 6 years bt agcr split some kindlings
and rebuilt It." Tbo IHtte One while playing
near thn Imitl. fall InnnJ .ina tarrlfilir hum.
,od on tho toft side, and, arm besides Inhaling;
,ine iumo. , tho romalnsortbo poor boy will,
tho remalnsof his aunt. Mlu AllimTnrn4nnd'
,wl)ono tragic death oooured about tliroo weeks-
einco. ,,
POWta. YALtlT.
laaun.ft lain ann rtt..l &la11liii (HAtl llllllal i f"f,l a..w t
a fuwoboan modals. wltb lltllo or tioattan- . A Oo Exuple.
tlon or accommodation to exhibitors or tho in another column will too foand a list
exhibited. Mtliosauiq tlmo thoy have paid of epeclal premiums nir,.,! tv that outer
Lecturer Mr. R. N. Hunt, Hnbllmlty
SUicarif-V.'D. Thoma, Walla Walla, W. T.
tMtiMnt BUword O. W. Itlddlo, CaoyonTlllo.
f7A(?4-W. II. Gray. Antorla.
2y(tttwxrt-8. K I. Portland,
OaU-KttprliiXit Clark, Halcm.
Cferw Mr. D. A. Miller. Jackionvllla.
itomerxtf-Mra. 8. D. Durham, iMcMinnvllle.
nora-Mrt. B. A. Kelly. Eait l'ortland.
lady Au't Steward Mt. Georgia Kmltk, Hood
'lUver, Waaco conn' y.
jmxcuuc vommiiiee wm, t;yrup, dcio; h. i;iow,
IDallaa; K. h. Hmlth, Hood Hirer.
! liuHntit Agtnt-a. V. Lee. I'orUaad.
SUt Orange Dputiei for 1877
PoitOJtce. Kxpn$i.
KSttTnif. n
A Holder Corral!! CortaUH
Knoch Hklrtlnc Matte Crrek
W WHandall Oregon City
J wnayo MyrtloCrcek
a H Oaidnor Drain' Htatlon
Tlympton Kelly Eat rortlaiid....Kajt Tortland
PKCVtloman Ilnttarlllo .":
a W Hunt Sublimity Balcm
JN TMIIIer".' Jacknylllo Jnckaontlllo
FA I'atterron lllckrcal Salom
tAKB' . . . .
J J Charlton (looxttakc InckMiirillo
Daniel flcntvr Kcrbyrllle Jackronvlllo
Jamc W.Matlock Ooxhen
HAIrvlnu I.ebnuon Albany
JohnKud Tyith Tho Dillca
DO Durham McMlnnvllli
J 8iiiilnum Oaaton
1)11 Uliivliiirt Canyon City Canyon City
i: W lioiyi'r ColumblnClty
TIM.AMUOK. . . , ....
II 1' Holilim Tillamook North Yamhill
u ATI u. A.
JH Whllo W'ctlon WoUm
JHrnryHliroidpr..,. Ott
( I.AItK,
H W llrown.. ...
Jd'oiein iiaywn.
IiBltlnirnr i. Colfax Oolmx
M It iHHHiniii .,,,,niin,.i...
KB Ma'klinm,, Chehalla Point
I. ( Abbott.... Olympla Olympla
K Loairaitrd v.1, ,, Yalm,,,h.v,
Jallna llorton Brattto BatU
LM Plvrvon ......Claqnato..,.,
JT Cooa,, .,.,..KIlonibarj(.... .,
la any county whera tho Deputy a(ootaUd la not
tho moit aultable, acd th Orancea of ib locality will
properly Imllcato to me a choice. I will bsplta'M, for
fa many Inilanct I have been oMIcM U make ap
ololaienU without hnowledc to fllnra.
Matior Oreron Bute Uraiun, P. dm.
too rnuoh aftontlon to thoirottloKofiilot of
worllili-HS geldings, which lor any rent ur
were not worth tholrsboos. Instead of rick
log so much money on 'exhibitions of npeed.'
Iho Hocloty should buy a half or quarter
llamblotonlan stallion, or a thoiougnbrecd
stalllnn the get of Loalngtou, Auatrallan,
or In fact any well-bred Atalllon (WKsessIng
bono and subsianoi'. wuu koou iromnir ac
tion If a trotlor a horse 'with, Intelligence,
that would at once win the oye, and, If uooes
mry pass the Inspection" by"a Gorman "or
ltusaian Government Inspector. An assool
allon ailnptltlg such a course, with the pre
sumption that the horse would be in tho
hahdk bfari honost, capable man, devoted
to his business, would In a few.years intro
duce a new. source of woeltkto their mem
bers iostoad of tbelr mares as Is now often
tho case, dropping worthless oolu and fllilM,
bossossinK neither Bhate nor strength, and
often Inheriting diseases rendering them at
Ave years old only fit to drag oat a miser
able exiatenoeina brlck-vard. Such an as
sociation wonld accomplish at least one ob
ject for which It was organized. Not only
wonld the members of the association benefit
by the services of thetr stallion, but bow
Interests would spring up In the vlolnlty.
Every breeder would naturally endeavor to
show the best stock, and In course of time
"horso fairs" would become one of the most
Interesting spring and autumn holidays.
uuyers wouiu do auractea to tne nmgunor
hood that exoelled in any ripoolal breeds.
Some counties wonld excel In carriage-horses;
othqrs in saddlo-horseH. Ono would bo
come famous for Iti cbotlnuts; another bays,
blacko or grays, as LlnoholnHhlro In England
Ik famous for Its roaiiH."
Another point usually uuKloctod not only
by tho agricultural soolntles. but also by
broeders Is tho spied of tho animal as n
wnlkor. Onelthor firm or road thldisono
of thn most importnnt of all natural to the
animal, and yet of nil It In tho most neg
prising stockman V. O. 'Myers, of Ashland,
for i'eroboron colts aired by hiu famouu
stallions " Whllo Prinoe," and " Pride of
I'erclie," foaled this year. The partlculara
In regard to his tnagnlflcont cflfer may be
found as above slated. If stockmon and
manufacturers throughout tho State would
follow Mr. Myors oxample tho compptlllon
brought out would larcolvnnfianco tho Inlor-
ostof ourSutlo Fair and attraot muoh atten
tion to their especial displays.
WiHSr TJatni.
puling the month of June, 1,185 feet of
wing dam has been built along tho channel
or the upper Willamette with results most
boneflolal and satisfactory to navigation,
those dams have been constructed at Half
Moon Bend, Bowers' Bar, Pino Tree Bar,
Upper Fickel'e Bar and Black Dog slough
Mr. John R, Stone, the. oontractor. with his
entire "plant" lsnow at Buena vista bar.
About 4,000 morefeet of dam will be built
this toaaon.
,.. .Dayton......
M tingof Subordinate Orangei
Hoe, No. 'M, meets 1b Albany, on the 1st
H a Haturaays or eaon raoom, ai it a. m.
Oak Plain, No, 0, la Ilalsey, 2nd and 4th
fMtardayaatll a. in,
Bsnnur. No, 10S, In Orawfordavllle, 1st
mad 3rd Saturdays, at U p. m,
Syracuse No. M, at Millers Station, 4th
Saturday, all p. tu.
Leoanou No, Ul, at Ixibanon, 2d and 4th
Saturday, at 10 a. ui.
Orafld Pralrlo No, 10, 4th Saturday.
Kn6k'Bultfl No. 2X 1st and 8rd Satur
Hantlam No. 37, 2nd and 4th Saturdays,
at 10 a. m.
Browusvllle No. 10, 1st and 3td Satur-
Tangent, No, 7, 1st and 3rd Fridays, at 10
UarrUhurg, No. 11, 1st and 3rd Satur
days, at 10 a, in.
HueilJ, No. 0, 1st and 3J Saturdays, at 10
a. m.
Happy Hi me No. -M, 1st and 3d Saturdays
la each month from October to June, aud on I
we imiuruay me uaiauoeortueyear.
llarmonv No. W, 3rd Saturday, regularly,
axoopt In Nov. l)w , Jan., Feb., and March,
-when they meet the 1st Friday.
Hoan Creek No II, UtHiUirdoy at 10 a, m.
Willamette No, !U, Nt Thursday, at 10 a.m
J'hllomath, NorJ,4:hHatunlay,at 10a.m.
Cromwell, No flt, 4'lt Saturday, 1p.m.
Kdkuiio, No. 6(1, In Kugotiu Ctiy, 3rd Wat
day, at 10 a. in.
Charity, No, 71. 'J I Saturday.
(Kuliou, No. Ml, iNtMMiirdty, at lOn'clock
Juitollon Uliy, No, CI, l!ml Hiiturday, at 1
.p. in.
MolCmule, No. 107, Ctmp (Voek, 'il Saturday.
rui.lv 1,'UUM'Y.
Oak Point, No. 3, latuml 3rd Saturdays,
tUltiin Oranm. N . 17, Ut and 3d Salur
days In tuoh iniiuii, exotpt In Antrim!, Hop
tembor.aud Ontubor, wbou It iiiuKm only ott
the Iti Saturday at tholr lull In Stlem.
Abhpia, Nn 131, -nil Saturilav.
IVxk I'.ilnt, N48. 'S.IKttiirilay, att p. in
lhitt Urook, Nu. 8'J, 3rd Saturday, at 10
a, m.
H-Hvoitoii No, 100, mwu lat, KtiturtUy, at
IIauvi.ht Diiinkh. At thin simoon of tho
year It Is common lo find In tho columns of
our uurloiilttirrtl cxcIihiioi nuinoroUH ro
clH)i for "lmrvcHt drlultH," wliloli in ninny
oiim'n, arOHtrongly recotumunilixl, when uny
iikmIIouI man could ny that thuy weroiit any
t i mo tiHuloiia and often li'Jurloiu, utid at no
tliiiM more likely to bo no than In hurviHt.
No doubt wo will dlirur with many of our
rotulem on thU point, but nl'itir paHliig
through many warm Hum morx, and having
been carried In inoro than otico, wo can but
It'Hllry that thoro Ih nothing better tlmo good
... (UU...W .....I ll(,.( ..... ..(.. ...il.l 1..... .....
j. in,, nntiii, niiu tii.ii, tiufc iui ijuiii. 11 .iijb iuii
cold there la but Ultlo danper of drinking
too much, for tho Hurplua hkih 11 nil h I h way
out of tho aystem through tho poirH of tho
skin, eapoolslly If a uoy tho or cradle Is swung
Vigorously for .an hour or two.' Mauy of tho
much lauded drinks, flavored with gingor,
sugar acids, and often worse, havo a tenden
cy to disorder the digestive apparatus at a
time when It la most liable to derangement
from other and unavoidable causes. Pure
water. (If cold enough witnout Ice all the
better) used whenever the craving is felt,
but not in too large amounts, will. In the
ad, prove stoat satisfactory And be les
A patriotic maa and millionaire of Haw
Yoik, aaaaad Joseph L. Lewis, reotatly left
by his wUl his rbrtuae of f 1,225,000, wUa the
exception of a few lefaolee to the amount of
about tw.ooo. to the United States Govern
ment toward paylna; off the natloaal debt.
Mr. Lewis oame from one of the West India
Islands, or from Knglaad, He served In the
war of 1812, and It was with dlffloalty that
nis menas ooeia prevent mm onarins: bis
servloes to the Qoveniment at the breaking
out of the lata war, though he was an old
man ol seventy at the time. lie was enthu
siastic In bin. devotion to his adopted oounty
almost the only emotion be ever exhibit
ed and upon this fact hie singular bequest
m easily explained, uie property oonsisu
largely of real estate In New York city.
What a favorable contrast does the oonduot
of this patriotic foreigner show to that of
most of the rich men and women who have
lived n this olty and state, and who. dying,
have made no sign lhat tbey bad toe least
regard for their own, their natlvo land. IN.
Y. paper.
' N0TI0K.
1 will par i'to, In iruM. prmuhun fur tho
best "HUuk Straiuer" colt ihllilted at tho
Stat Fair thU fall. J. W, Nhimitii.
At Willow creek, lUker county, on the
aid of June, Mm. Auitellne Carlisle waa
killed Instantly by the aoohtautal dleuharge
fa rifle while aha waa shifting some am
elea In a wagon, aot noticing the gun.
Saeolal Praaataau.
I will give the following premiums, at the
coining State Fair, tor Peroneron oolta and
fillies, sired by "White Prince" and "Pride
of Perohe," folded this season the same pre
mium to each horse's oolta:
JO far'Mio best colt.
f 10 for the second beat colt.
115 for tho bet fitly.
18 for the second beet Ally.
A the abovo Is a private offer, there will
be no entrance charged, I will select a Su
perintendent. The day of exhibition will be
published on toe programme or the Society.
W O. Mykrh,
J. W. Weatherford, Kq of this olty, who
U riiNtloatiug with his family at Mehaaia, on
the Sanllam, writes under latodate as fol
lows! We aro bore near the town of Mehama and
"1 feel lhat It Is good to bo hero." Mehama
la iirowlng our friend Smith tells us that
tho contract has Iwen let to dam Stout cirvek
that inptliv into IhoSamlitii hero and that
thoy am going to commence the erection of a
mill ut once and that In a year from this
I'Vll it Krlat mill will tm In operation; that
tho contractu are all In "black and white.'
Tli't wnalher N rnlundld. imlthor too hot or
odd, UavtMlona fomu tall rusttoatlngalucii
wocameand are beKluuiiig in have an ap-
ixultii that lltllo inoru than "gets away" with
all tho ll-h thai 1 hook.
Tho health of wifaaud llttloonea was nevor
Sead la butaplon.
An In hwtrlUaud agrloultusal fair Is to be
held in California noon, ami wu would Mig
gostto our farmeis that t hit would be an oxr
e..llenl yoar to make an rxlilbltnrourgratna
and graioHii lit that Mimprohml Htato, Mr.
I). I), I'reltyman, of Polk eouutyj has made
up exhibits of Itmotuy'irr and alilo oat
taken Imui hla firm. Tho timothy heails
miucurt'tl eleveu itiehe, and the oat hmU
efchUttit iiichott, Kliltil plaoett In tho
hand of tho aj;nt of tho Itnd Dcpariment
lftho O. U. It It Co. will bo forwarded
to the exhibition hall.
Bnraed ta Death
George Hweila.a little son of H. L. Hwars,
of Salem Prairie, aged about 3 years, was
burned on Saturday last, la ao bad a manner
lhat be died yeaUrday arteraoon, thirty hoars
after the foul mUaaa. Mr.Swartakad bwllt
a Ore ta taa yard te malt aaaie aaetal
Xa Paramlt of a Daaoe.
The glorious Fourth, that long expected
day had arrived, orackers were exploding
rockota were preparing to" ascend, and the
American eagle was just golug to look down
from his perch on the Rooky Mountains,
when three young ronta with their devotods.
started from their home on the Columbia
Bottom with the design of being present at
the oelobrallon and (lance at Fluhor's Land
ing. Tho sun shone brightly, and thoy wore
all anticipating a delightful vxonralou, whon
their progress was suddenly chookod by u
wldoaiid doep elough which ran bolween
them and tho river. At last ono of tho party
discovered a skiff hlddon. among tho tall
rushosand Inlnlhln, after some hoslUtlon,
tho party embarked. Tho uklft, however,
wan leaky and In unite of all tbelr exertlmiM
at balling it wan very nearly full of water
bororo they made tho other ehoro and all
their galadroBNoN wore faturatod. Nothing
daunting tho pleasure seekers preyed on, but
Inn Miort tlmo llioy enoounterod another
and a lurger slough; they Journeytd up aud
down its bankHsuOklnglti valiiforauroHnlng
plaoH and at lant woro r Joined lo wo tonw
iillinrH on tho Urtlmraldo. ThlH party had a
bciUund ho ourfrleuds wero ferried hmohh
and thought that now, ut leant all thelrtrouli
lea weroover,hut they reckoned without tholr
himt for now they found that they were oo a
pleeo of ftwttmpy land and a wide Hwule
Mtrotciied away botweon them and the lofty
treos which marked, the bank or tlio Colum
bia. Thoy oould hear tbo bauds playing an
tho Gaxello and Culltono nsHKod un and
down: thov oould see tha imnkn at thn
atosmers, but to get to the river was an utter
impossibility. They were wot, cold and
hungry and after pausing the day In fruitless
attorn pa to roaoh the Columbia, they wero
oompellod toglve itupfora bad Job and set
ont an their retnra 'lrww.l7.ey bad.Uia
"Pleasure" orDeingdrenefeM again and when
at last they reached the maln-laad they
found ao wagon awaiting them and m tbey
had to trade for alias ates the marshy
DeUAm,aadTaWaaiataaeVly housed aatil
mldolght, ,, "
Nawareaohaa1 aere this morniag taarMr;
Jeha Jehaaea. aa old and hiatblr raaaeetaal
oittaea of Polk eoanty, living aear Lewis-
vllle. bad committed aalalde.
lie waa foand haasmar bv his nnak In hla
barn yesUrday (Friday) morning about half
past aix o'wook.
It la thoof hi that he was laboring under
an attack of temporary inianity In fact his
wife had been Closely watching him for sev
eral daya.
lie had arose aa usual very early and went
to the barn. Ills wife, suspicious of bis
movements stepped to ths door Just aa the
clock atrack slxand called him and reoeivod
an answer. Half an hour later she again
called and received no answer. An Indian
at work sear by. with Mrs. J. then went Into
the baaa and found him hanging dead.
Coroner, W. H. Itubell, held an Inquest
yesterday afternoon but 'the result has not
transpired aa yet.
This pleasant country neighborhood waa
quite enlivened on Saturday, June. 23. The
Grango hold a plcnlo at tholr commodious
lodgo near the camping ground which was
attondod by, about one hundred and fifty
persons. Tho weather was rathor unfavora-
.bieVfor.raln. and mud aro two of tho spec
ialities, of this portion of Multnomah, but
fjrall that tho "Grangers," both male and
female, enjoyed themselves. Tholr baskets
woro filled to overflowing aud thoro was
Homo capital muslo, both vocal and instru
mental, "tbo Grango-organ" was manlpula
lod In a masterly manner by Mr. Wm. Rob-
orts, whilst the singing by Mr. D. Cathay
and Misses Ella Whocler, Annlo Roberts,
Jano Coroslna, and Llllle Kelly, was univer
sally admirod. Mr. T. Pleruo road an inter
esting paper on "The Social Features of the
Grange." Mr. Jacob Johnson msde somo
vory appropriate remarks, and Milton Lake
gave an'amufllng doolamatlon.
The rain storm forbade any out-door
amusements, yet the Grangors all declare
that they spent a most delightful day. An
bid black bear had been paying some domi
ciliary visits in search of pork, so three
young men started out In pursuit of Brain.
They were unsuccessful in their chase but
killed a wild cat and a coon, the former of
which "fit like thunder." As little Willie
Welch was going along the road on the same
morning, be met a panther noar the house
of Mr. W. H. Bond; but as Willy comes of a
hunting stock he did not scare "worth, a
cent" at tho sight of the longtalled crltfer but
went and told the nearest neighbors.
Messrs. Gilbev. Kelly. Will New. and W.
Bond started ont with their hounds and
"lumped" two nanthors In tho creek-bottom
closo to tho high-road. Tho "varmints"
treod in a fow momonta and, wero quickly
brought down. Ono was an old fomalo
more than six feet In length and tho other
tior cub about half-grown. Several bears
havo beon seen lately In "Tho big Swale."
ruo ooyrf are going auor mom as soon ns too
weather gots fine. Thoro ban boon nothing
but rain. rain. rain, for tbo laat weok but
tho chlof crop hero, Irish fruit, commonly
allied potatoes, Is doing woll and promlsos
to yield largoly. T. J. B.
Powoll'a Valley, Juno 30th, 1877.
Greaa Blaoksoara.
Mr. Thomas 11. Crawford, formerly or the
Willamette University, now 'City Superin
tendent of the oily schools of Portland,
In lor MS UN that all "hlarVrmarrtn'l in thn
schools of that city are to be painted greeu.
lie states that It baa been demonstrated that
they are In every respect miner lor to blauk-
ooarus, aa to ine plainness or the marks, aud
they are muoh easier iinonili vi of thn
puplN, and muoh neater In appearance, and
easier to be kept cltaii. If greenboaids are
better than b ackborda thn kii itv
Sohool Dlreetora should also give tbelr little
folks "green blackboards.'!
History of tk Oravaga,
It may be or interest to car Granger readera
to learn that Hon. John II, Smith, of liar
rlaburg, ex-Secretary or the Oregon State
Orange, Is engaged In writing a hlstorv or
the origin and progi ohm or the Older ot Pat
rona In Oregon. It will undoubtedly be or
Interest as well as or great value to the Gran
gera of our Slato.
Tha t'eattve PoUto Bus.
Mr. N. Koyeorahowed uiyeatorday several
healthy Mpccimeus of tho itato biifr, taken
from his garden , thn lotr end of Fiont
street, lie Informs us that the sioleof
that "blid" In panfoulvly prolltle, at'd
utilo destroyed when tlity Glut ,fakn thejr
apiiearauuo, In tho oonra.i or a year or two
they will destroy ontiroureps, so numerous
do-tliev beoome, A bug killed in time naves
For tho Stata Fair.
8oino gentlemen of California oame to Ore
gou on the laat Meamer brluKing with them
sHvoral fine horaea. Tlieyexiioet lr contont
for prtmlnms at the loiuTiig State Fnlr. Tho
hnrtet are in Hst Portland at pnweut but
wil be brought to tho Fair Grouud early in
AugUktHiidjiiitln training
O..VO Lo Ball.
Charlie Starr and Smith who wero recently
Keuteuced U dava each, on Cniiimlsslnntir
Trioe'e chain gang, whllo at work near T. 1..
OavldHon's thU morhifr, ard the foreman
waa otherwlao ougaged, Parted on a run for
tho bnn.li. Almnt an hour later tliey woro
seen crtiMlng Sute street, near the lVulten
tlary, headed north.
Bids Opaaad.
The bids forcxmatrucJon of buildings on
Fair Ground, as advertised, were opened at
2 r. M today. Followlug are the various
bids bv nartM for tie workt MoOowell.
773j Pouer. f0; Mlddaugh . Co., 33S;
J. Craven, 36 j Ooraell A Co., W5j Thos. D.
Joasa, MK: A. W. Walter. MJti.
River and Harbor Improvement.
Tho Orcgonian flays: Tho government
dredgoluH boon put in good condition for
servlon, having boen painted and cnulkod.
Tho work of drodw'lng will bo rostitnod In
tho WlllRinttto rlvor betweon tho 16th and
ifflili of July.
Tho now Minir boat Is dolnuoxrollnnt work
In tho vlolnlty or Corvulll. During tbo
mouth of Juno tho following numbarofob
atructlons havo been romoved from tho chan
nel: At Centennial Ouuto, 50 snauH: lui
modlatoly below Contonulal Chuto. 67 snags;
Mouth oflloguos1 crook, 165: total uumbor
hnsgs romoved, 271. This Is tho largest
month's work ovor done by Iho snag-puller.
During tho mouth or June, 1,135 feet or
wlngdsm has been built along the channel
of the ii poet Willamette, wlthreanlta most
beneflolal and aatUlaotory to navigation.
TaeaaeTaaia'aaTg-baaa eeaattueteJ at Half
Mooa Bend, Bqwera' bar, Plua Tree bar,
Upper Picket's .bar and BlaokDogalnugb,
Mr. John K. Stone, the, oontractor. with bis
eetka alaai la aow at Baeaa Vlata bar.
Abeaiiat aura lest of dam will be buUt
'Tha board or eaglaeera oftaa PaelBe eoaat
room posed oflhe same members who visu
al oar state some time ago la conaeotloa
with the Improvement or the lower Willan.
e.ieand Colombia rivers will arrive here
in abont three weeks for the purpose of ex
amining the plans and proposed, location of
the Cascades eanal aa proposed by Colonel
Wilson. The members or the board woald
have been hora before, but' were waiting for
the river to fall sufficiently, the water being
now 20 feet above low water mark at the
Cascades. An examination was made on
the Washington territory aide recently but
no good line could be found for a canal ex
cept by going up the ridge and down again
on the opposite side at a very large expense,
A letter to the Register from Lebanon says:
'The farmers are Jubulant over tbo bright
proapoota of the coming harvest, and are
buoyant with the hope that tber labors will
bo crowned with snocess as a reward that al
ways awaits the dlllltent. Orona ara lonklnv
anlendld. wheat, oats and hay promise an
abundant yield.
At the Seattle celebration, the Alkl base
ball club or that town, beat the Victoria club
byasoore or twenty-one to nine. The Vic
toria rifle teem carried off the laurels in the
shooting matoh, the score standing for Via
tons, 458; for Seattle, 415; George Kidge.nr
Seattle, beat Mr. Tclinle, or Victoria, lu iho
foot race.
There oame near beln a riot In Astoria on
the evening or the Fourth. A turbulent fel
low reilttod tho officers who were at
tempting his arrest aud with the aaslatauoa
of other roughs became near gettlug away
withaald omolals who came out or the con
test considerably' need up.
Orxoon Patkjits. From Dowey A Co.
Patent Agent, San Franoltco wa learn that
patents have boen Issued to J, Gates, Port
land, for steam pump-valve gear, and J.
Sherrlll, Harrlnburg.orogon cultlvtor.
A bridge Is to bo built aoroia Hie WilUm
ette At Spores' ferry, Lane county, to coat
9000. One hair is to tie paid by the oounty,
aud one-hair by tubsorlpilon. The brlduo
will bo -iOO feet long.
Mr. Ftiudel Hutherlin, or Wilbur, Douglas
comity writra :
On Monday nlht or the 7th of July, 1S77,
a man cilllng hlmhelf Frank Miller, rau
away from Oakland, Douglas county, Ore
gon, with my beat wagon aud team or
two horso; hue boen tracked with tho wag
on to ntnr Cottage Grove, in Liuo oounty;
may hsvu hid Iho wagon aud gouo with
Tho wagon Jh a new Oregon made wagon,
wun iuw uox oeu, no sine-ooarua ; spring
eat left; la nlalnly painted with one coat or
brick red paint. One oflhe horse la a borrel
horse with a white bUatt In faue, about 18
hands high about, tl yearn old; hua tho hair
rubbed or knocked Hf from around one of
Ida eyta; bo kUo iuterfents with hlw fdro
fegt, audin ho doing haa cuUrgod tho fut
lock Joints on, Imlilo.
The other la a mare, a little taller than
tho horse ; about the same age or older;
deep or dark biy, with black nuue and tall ;
haa a small cut from tho heel or hoofofone
or her hind root. The man is about 6 feet
high; of dark complexlou; small black eyes;
has several teeth gone from one bide or bla
upper Jaw. I will sorely atveoua hundred
dollars, to have him arrested and brought ta
Judgmsat aad somelhtag for the wageai astd
team. A warraat ia oat for kbau
Oraat on Shlpbeard.
The common impression among bis eoaa
tryman is that General Grant Is atapltura.
auriu umii, xuiuuix ouiu u lunaor iroBB
the truth than this. lie Is not only a gentle-,
'man and a most agreeable companion, bat
ho has a mostexquisllosonseof qulot humor
During every uay or the voyage Ho has
freely and fully enterod into all the amuse
ments of his lellow-pas'Rengdrs,andnomora'
slmplo-natnred, affablo, kindly or Courteous
ccntlemon has up to this time shown him.
self on dock. Whllo maintaining always,
that quiet dignity whtoh Is becoming Jh one
who honors blmse'fand who has beod sa
honored by his countrymen, no little' ohll
on board our ship Is moro genuinely Blmple
in manner tban ho. Not only havo ho anal
his soon Jesso enjoyed perfect health' elnca
we sailed, but Mrs, Grant has beon similar!
favored, and eho is as popular on the ship,
owing (o the fluo gontloness and aweetnesa ,
of her mannor, as is the General. Of tha .
war. hla and others' narls in It. thn nann'rav.
talks with the utmost freedom, and,' rnaav
things that the written history' of the robet-
lion has loftobsaured his bright talk ham?
made dear to those of ns who have onjoye
and profited by It;' Politics muddle' many
things and many reputations, aad !' rather
wish that all or General Grant's oonntryssest, l
could, for his sake as well as theirs own' take, ,
a tun ...lava vaviba .wlih klnr nw-. -...
shines on him to his advantage.
Very DesirablePrsmty far JMt.
Ninety-three acres of land ob Salem' Prai
rie, near the Fair Groundj will be sold' lata
great bargain to a cash purchaser. - For term
and other Information Inquire of 8. A. '
Clarke, at tho Farmkr offioo, 8alem.
Caaglts aa OeMs,
From Samuel A. Walker1. Esa.. the wiu
known Real Estate Anolioneer of Boston .
'Having exporionced results of a satisfac
tory character from tho uso of WistabVs
Balsam or Wild CiiEnny, In cases or so-
yore colds, during tho past two years, 1 hava
full faith In Its ronovating power. I waa
first inducod to try this medlolno by tha
strong recommendation of a friend, wba .
was woll-nlgh gone with consumption, aut
whoso rellof from tbo uso of it satisfied ma
of its great value in casos or colds nud de-
cllno, and most clearly demonstrated to my ,
mind lis great valuo as a restorative, that .,
only ncods a fair trial to Insure n gratoful
recognition from tho public." Sold by all
Important to nil Invalids.
Iron In (lie
Tho I'oruvlmi Svriin. u nrntrntnl untntlna.
or tho protoxide of Iron, Mrlkcsat tho root of
dlsoaso by supplying thd blood with Iih vi
tal prlnolplo, or Urn eouicnt Iron. Thin la
tho secret of tho wonderful tuccesN of (bla
remedy n curing Dyspophla, Llvor Com
plaint, Dropsy, Chroula Dlarrboji, Bolls.
Norvous AOVctlons, Chills and Fovors, Hu
mors, Less or Constitutional Vigor, Dlsoasea
or tho Kidneys and Bladdor, Fomalo Com
plaints, and all dlsoasos originating in a ba4
state of tho blood, or wcoompaiiled by dobH
Ity or a low state of Iho system. Sold by aH
Hs'aaa. .Orsgoa. daator, in BtcnoacoBSa sad Btavaa
aastoVlewa, aad Hoeaea of Balm saStas mrveasZ
$55 8 i77;YtgAa!a1att.
OSloe hoars from t a. . to s p. au
Salem Flouring MiUi.
supnurnra and okahak,
Cfonartautly on Ilcuicl.
Hiflrhosit Xxloo in OA.MJBL
Paid for Wheat
Agent B, T. at. Os
Willamette Nurserr
Oswego, Oi&okaxnai oo.,Oregom.
fgsaaaasBaaaaa. alBBBBBBBBBBk
Tho Xtuliim Pruno,
And the bait vartcllta of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Semd for Descriptive Catalogue).
iSdt?ile,r "Clalaaa. will proaapbaV
Si2 ,Sa5I,, HraUtAtTT. Oate rtSi
.,Ti:.- .
l"ipfi.'' ";
Airnui raf s