Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 20, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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At a meeting of the citizens of Mon
Mouth aad vicinity, Saturday June 80,
1877, pursuant to call, L. Bently was
Bade Chairman and C. A. Miller was
elected Secretary. Meeting directed the
Chair to appoint a Committee of three on
Resolutions. J. B. V. Butler, D. T. Craig
and L. Ground were appointed such Com
mittee. After a very Interesting and In
atructlve speech from Hon. N. L. Butler,
Committee on Resolutions reported the
following for adoption as the sense of the
"WHKnEAs: The dominant political
parties of the country by a steady and
persistant course of partial legislation,
discriminating in favor of capital and
against labor in matters of taxation and
finance, thereby entailing poverty and
oppression upon the producing classes ;
and by a long continued courso of Inter
vention In behalf of corrupt and dishon
est officials, thereby offering a premium
for crime and speculation against honesty
and faithfulness, the whole tending to the
subversion of Republican institutions :
Thbrkfore, we,- the citizens of Mon
mouth and vicinity for the purpose of
correcting tho ovIIb complained of and
for the purposo of asslstlnir in Instituting
a reform In matters of legislation, es
pecially on the questions or finance and
taxation, do now proceed to organize an
Independent Greenback Club, and declaro
to tho world the following :
1st. To co-operate with any anil all
Greenback Clubs that are or may bo
formed In the nation to the end that by a
grand union and co-operation of tho best
elcmOIHB 01 UlU country, wu n-uuiu mu
election of such men and tho adoption of
such measures as will renovate the gov
ernment and Insure tho best interests of
all, Irrespective of class or condition.
2d. we favor aud demand a repeal or
tho national banking law : it being a gra
tuity of tho government to capital, and
based upon bonds purchased with depre
ciated currency and bearing Interest at
tholr face valuo ; and the samo being
sed as bank stock under our present na
tional banking law, tno Banner tnus re
ceiving double Interest. Interest upon
his bonds and interest upon his notes (or
promises to pay) Iftsucd.
3d. Wo demand a currency Issued di
rectly by tho government, sufficient In
amount to transact legitimate business
of tho country, samo to be a legal tender
for all debts and dues public and private:
Uiat shall on demand of tho government
be received in full paymont for all United
States bonds at par. Wo belle vo this to
be the best circulating medium that can
bo devised under present circumstances
and hold it to bo tho duty of tho govern
ment to furnish it to tho people.
4th. Wo protest against tho conver
sion by tho government into gold Interest
bearing tonds, the non-Interest bearing
bonds, tho non-Interest bearing green
back now In the hands of the people ;
such action being a two-fold ovll contract
inir the currency and expanding taxation
thereby !mr3n additional weigaUwswa
an alreadvoverburdened people.
5tb. we condemn the act demonetiz
ing silver coin of the United States, be
Milan It enriches the bankers and money
changers at tho expense of the laboring
interests or ine country. ,,.,,
6th. We demand tho repeal of the law
exempting United States bonds from tax
ation, and unequivocally demand that
every species of property fchall bo taxed
ao as to hear Us Just proportion of the
necessary expenses of tho government.
7tb. Believing that both tho Republi
can and Democratic parties are Inade
quate to tho task, or aro incapablo of in
augurating and carrying out tho reforms
necessary to tho relief of the embarrassed
industries of tho country, wo hero and
now avow this declaration of principles,
and Invito all Independent, freo-thlnklng
and patriotic men, Irrespective of party,
creed or color, to unite with us In order to
accomplish tho objects implied In this
declaration of principles.
Which wore, af tor consideration, adopt
ed unanimously, after which themcetiug
proceeded to organlzo a greenback olub
with a present membership of thirty
three, with oflloors as follows: President,
Ii. Bontly; Vice-President, D. T. Craig;
Secretary, C A. Miller. Commit too on
by-laws and to solicit names to club were
appointed. Club then adjourned to meet
at samo place on Saturday, July 14, 1877,
with a cordial .invitation to all to attend.
C. A. Milieu, L Bkntly,
Secretary. Chairman.
The following letter was read not long
lnoe In Springfield Orange Mo. 12, Lane Co.,
July 13. 1377.
Dbai Buotiikrh: Capltola will bavo to
peak for and In behalf of hsr sisters once
aiore. I can see very well tbo Ust letter did
not have tbo desired effect It ahouM have
badon some of our brothers. It soared on
one In particular. We sihtera have rights in
the Rnge that wblte men aro bound to re
spect. It was not my wish to say anything more
on the tobacco question, but 1 nm ooni polled
to say a little more. I do not think that any
brother baa a right to smoke a dirty pipe In
the grunge hall when they well know that it
U very offensive and sickening to moat of
tae alatera. We do not intend to be smoked
out of the grange ball an though we were a
lot of ground squirrels. They oan make
better oae of it by going to some rooky
butte and smoke tho s qulrrela, aa I am of
the opinion it would almost Instantly kill
any squirrel it would oomo in oouUot with.
I think that pipe brs been the oauae of inju
ring our brother's mind, and will probably
cause blm to be troubled with the liver com
plaint. Please take a slater's advice and
never smoke your pipe in the grange ball
agal n . This Is plain enough tal k ao that ev
ery brother in tno grange can uaderatand it.
please don't become absont-ualnded. broth
ers, and go to smoking, for I don't think
any brother will smoke again In the grange
nail, anises be Isabeeat-Eataaed.
Brothers, whenever yoa aoo any of assU
ten amoklog In tae grange, give aa a good
leotare for It and wo will roast a terkey for
us. i none, wvidni. saw win bo ubh
aar of you
m .. T. la V nn MnAll mam mWLM
It is for yoar good we apeak as
well aa oan
Vmmaa Read jr.
We are Informed by II. P. Crook e, Esq.,
Ooanty School SupariaUadeat, that the State
anpropriasaoat for the several eehool dtetriote
ef tats ooaaty are ready to be paid ever.
DUiriot aoaeol clerks will take aotloe and
end in their oidsrs.
1MB 00QU1U&
GottUitxa City, Oooa Co..
), 1877. i
ThaacoBleofOoqallleOtty ladalged in
eelebrattoa of the "gloriot Italia," Ike
sasMaa other folks. Despising the day of
audi things, we determined to ignore 4aa
vll artillery," aad ao prooared a bona Ada
cannon; wrought In a neighboring black
smith shop? whleh we proceeded to "teats"
bat when the smoke cleared away, aome
little surprise was manliest that it took hall
a cannon to make ao loud a report. Con
cluded the anvil plan not so bad after all)
aad half a wrought Iron gun Is for sale at a
Rainy weather had prevailed for a few
days, but on the 4th the clerk of the weath
er honored our draft for a fine day. People
gathered la the early morning; the steamers
brought np their crowds of passengers; and
In due time, and form, the processfon was
made up, and to the sound of a single cor
net was duly marched and counter-marched,
to the grove. Patrlotlo songs were sung by
the choir to parlor organ accompaniment;
the prayers were said; the Declaration of In
dependence read by a quartette of two little
boys, and two little girls (who acquitted
themselves splondidly), an able oration was
delivered; and dinner was next on the pro
gramme. Whataconduclvoto sociability, this din
ing standing, at apnblio tablo, spread bo-
noath they'umbragoous foliage" of "God's
first temple." But when tbo barbaouod
moats and plo-nto goodies vroro disposed of,
the peoplo returnod to town, where a mod
rrn civilisation swing, which whirled the
rkloably disposed, "forty-nine times around,
for the Insignificant sum of 10 cents," was
the attraotlon for the nonoe.
Next came a slow race, (In whleh you ride
the other fellows nsg) and three horses, and
a Lilliputian Jackass, was gotten underway.
Off went the animals, to run one hundred
yards up street, turn a big stump Just out of
town, and baok; and whip and spur were
brought into requisition to get speed out of
a donkey. The crowd oheered and yelled,
and "Balaam" bobbed along quite lively for
a little way; but finding himself being rap
Idly distanced, and no doubt oonolndlng
that, as there was no specified time that he
must get through in, ho was good for the
race anyhow; be mads for the nearest stable
door, where he called a halt. The usual
arts whloh are -resumed to cause locomo
tion In donkeys re unavalllngly tried, and
the rider "threw up tbe sponge." Another
rider was procured, and by dint of pushing,
pulling, whipping, and yelling, balsam waa
got around the stump and headed down the
home stretch, when he ambled quietly In,
followed by the roaring aad laughing
crowd. ,
A boat race followed. The otdlaary rlyer
ekJeVware caseare)eMe smltsv'eaea snmaa-
edby two aUstlo oarsmsa. Three boata
were entered, distance, oae-fearta mile,
roaada stake boat aad back. Blxyoang,
strong aad skillful men contending eagerly
la generous rivalry for tbe mastery, make
an exciting contest. Tbe boat race waa over,
yarloas mlrth-provoklng performances fill
ed op the tune until dark, when there was a
moderate display of very poorly made Ire
works. (Somebody In Portland might Im
prove aa a pyrotechnist,) Aad then,
"There was a sound of revelry by night;
And" Coqullle City "had gathered then
Iler beauty and her chivalry,
And bright tbe lamps shone o'er
Pair women and brave men, who
Chased the glow Ing hours with flying feet,"
until morning. There was not a large crowd
present owing to the fact that two other
celebrations weee going on at different points
In tbe valley, But tbe best of good fooling
prevailed, no Jar occurred to disturb the
Soneral harmony, and all seemed satisfied
tat the day was well and pleasantly spent.
Litter from Mohawk Valley.
Isabkl, July 3d, 1877.
Ed. Farmkb: Mohawk Valley, Lane Co.,
Is a small valley some fifteen or eighteen
miles long. Valley land is nearly all taken
up, and they are fast filling every hollow on
the mountain tide. Our County Clerk has
as nice a farm here as there is In tbe valley,
and he also attends to tbe O . & C. it . B. land
business. There Is room'bere for those who
have the strength and will to face tbe mighty
forest. A fortune can be made by some
one who will Invent a grubbing mschlne,
for If there Is not something done In that
line scon the oak and ash will drive the far
mer from his peaceful borne.
We have mines here that are creating con
siderable excitement, but whether tbey will
ever pay or not Is still to be tested . The faot
is, if what theyoall silver ore nereis actually
silver, Lane is tbe rloheat county In the
State, for I know where there are mountains
of tbe bright metallic stuff they call silver
ore here.
Crops look well. We are haying an abun
dance of rain, in faot a little more than is
necessary. From all that can be learned It
has done considerable damage to Fall-sown
wheat. Haying will soon be here, and then
no rest for tbe wicked (or the righteous eith
er, ae to that) until our produce is delivered
to market.
The blackberry ie cultivated here to good
advantage, aa water faollUlea cannot be ex
eelled in the State. The fruit has always
sold for fifty cents a gallon. Fruit of all
kinds does well here. If properly oared for.
Some months ago there were several pre
ventives given la your paper against tloka.
Now, If aome oae will give a preventive
gains aoraelles It will be a great aad last
lag beaefit to those who live la or near the
Umber. B. W.A.
Ureal ChiBaMf.
OXAMroae, July 18, 1877,
I am a vary dose reader of your valuable
paper, aad It aaeaas to aae that yoar oerree
Boaaeeea frosa thle part of the eeaatry to
qalte limited, therefore I write. Not that I
have aay news to relate or xpeat aayUtaf
to transpire aim seeUea that will astonish
"the net! van," bat before I fboget I most say
that grange profSoU in this vicinity are
above an avecags'Oar Fall aad Spring crops
are looking first-rate aad promise a heavy
yield. We have about tweaty.flye acres of
hops aroand here they are looking very
well, much better than at thle date last year,
aad If ao naforesesn aooldsnt befalls them,
will bear a better yield than last year.
Buttevllle Grange met last Saturday, bad
a big turnout, aad spent the forenoon attend
ing to grange basmeea. The sisters had a
splendid dlaaer for us, such as Buttevllle
grange always gives; after which we threw
open the hall aad the evening until six
o'clock was speal la tripping the light fan
tastic toe to the sweet muslo of tbe organ and
violin, Ao, yoa aee, our grange I" still a
kloklng. Fiusd.
Mr. Decker, a farmer In the town of New
fane, Niagara county, and quite extensive
fruit grower, states that while scraping his
apple trees a few days ago he found lodged
in the crotoh of nearly every tree a nost of
worms Identical with those found In an ap
ple; that tbe worm was safely secreted be
neath the bark, where washing the surface
of tbe tree over Its bed would not affeot or
even disturb it. By removing the scaly bark
and applying a ooat of weak lye, tho Insects
were at ones klllod, and thereby, in bis
opinion, an Immense army of worms Indi
rectly exterminated. Albany Arpuy
Rows of grape-vines should run norrh and
south, so that every leaf may gnt the sun
Unlit olther In the forenoon or afternoon.
This la mora Important in September than
during tho boat ofbttintiior. If tho rnwH
run oast and wont, tho vines shivto tho enllro
ground nnd henuo you loso a Jnrgo part, of
tho boat, and tho moment tho sun disappear
tbero is no atorod-up heat to carry tho vines
through the night. Tbla In time of frost Is
of groat importance. Mast. Hoard of Ag
riculture, Ilayden, tbe geologist, starts with a party
of distinguished English geologists to show
them tbe wonders of our terrliorlos. Gene
ral Stralohey, royal engineer in charge of the
British India surveys, snd Sir James Hook
er, superintendent of the Botanical Gardens,
aro among the guests. The party will visit
Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, Utah and the
California gold region.
To the AflalotMl LatlloH In
Why need yoa snnVr with Paralysis when
yoa oan be onred T Why will yoa suffr
wiin ltneumauam wasn you csn oe cursor
And why have so mtny actios and pains
when It is within your reach to be cured t
I am now established In Salem, prepared to tt est
all Chronic Distaste, inch at Rheumatlim, Neuralgia,
Consumption, Kidney disease, and in fact all diseas
es that humea ftsta Is heir to. Bpeclalattentlon paid
to Female Weakatt and nrrom proitratlon, which
Is so common to Ladle. Children' dteeasce sot ex
cepted. In connection with my practice, I have ono
of the celebrated Medicated Vapor Lightning Cream
Baths, which aids vastly la removing all chronlo dtf-
ease. It opens the pores of the skin, and throw off
the allay, morbid matter, which Is one of the great
cautee of eo math eafftrkg. When we onco think
tbat two-tMrA of all wo lake lata opr artim naau
inneaalitaaT)eryoifljCekln,''w'e need sot stop
iwiHWOHirwaj we w vies, wnen we pay 10
tttle attention to Iks most Important em one tor y of
ear bodies. Baring the pest else months I have bad
tals bath la operation, anf many eaa testify to It
edsoacy. I treat patients by the week, or by single
treatment. 1
Ladles will do well to give me a call. Residence,
(ostheast earner of Center snd Snmmer Streets,
Salem. MUM. B. W. CBAIO, M. B.
fwaetUt AdYlM.
You are asked every day through tbo ool
urns of newspapers aad by your Drujtglst to
use something; for Dyspepsia and Liver Com
plaint that you know nothing; about, you
f;et discouraged spending money without
Ittle suooess. Now to give yoa satisfactory
proof that Gbkhn's Auocst Flowkr will
oure you of Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint
with all Its euects, such as HourHlomaoh,
Sick ilesdsobe, Habitual Costlvoness, palpi
tatiou of tbe Uesrt, Heartburn, Water-brash
Fullness at tbe pit of theBtomaoh, Yellow
Ukln, Coated Tongue, Comlug up of food
after eating, low spirits, Ao., wo ask you to
go to your Druggist - -
and got a Satuplo Bottlo of Ghkkn'h An
oust FbowEit for 10 cents aud try It. or a
Regular Hle for 76 cents, two doses will ro
lleve you.
Tbe Lincoln Warehouse and 8hlpplng Co.
will receive proposals for a olerk to oonduot
the business of tbe company nndsr tbe
supervision of the directors for eleven
months from tbe 4'.h day of August, 1877.
Persons making application will meet tbe
directors at the Co.'s warehouse at Llnooln
on said day at IS o'clock, noon, presenting
at the same lime thelrreoommendatlons and
Ira 8. Townhknd,
Pies. Board of Directors,
July 0, 4w.
A. L. 8TIN8ON,
Book and Job Printer,
JVinl Bookbinder,
Melataa's Slock, Old 'ate Obaa
ber, Salem.
ment of New Type. Cut, tie., to my already
em-owe hook aaa wuu urace, i bui now prepared to
do any and all kindi of
Book, Plain, and Ornamental
Ob Assort Ifetlce, aad at Keaaea
able l'rlcea.
Stock Certificates a Specialty.
Having the larcest assortment of Mlnlnff Certltcate
llnee and cat adapted to that kind of work of any
Oaee In Oreeon, f am prepared to extent orders In
the VXKY BI8T style, U any n saber of colors de
sired, aad on abort notice.
Jeltf Address A. L. aTINBON, Salem, Or.
StUbUahcdl 1S40.
DB. A. Q.:IMM03Na'
Original Liver Medicine.
fob ail dibxabw or m livih, bods-
lBtClt, BeUar,
T, A. BAVaa, tt c:
sasytMsa. Assets for Oreeon.
Salem, Portland, Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Wall
The following FIRST-CLASS Machines, which we aro now receiving; for the-
Both End and Side Shake Tight-Geared.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Horse Power.
Manufactured by
With New and Valuable
Halne Illinois XXIe et X r
Wrought-Iron and Scrow-Hub Wheels, udjuatablo Reel nnd Truss Frame.
Wroueht - Iron Combined Reapers and
Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mower.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowers, one size.
4 Oonaueror. ' '
rarat k Bradley sulky Hakes, OfiMXSNMIAI, Bulky Sake, Self Duns,
Tho Beat in Vae.
Thimble Skein ad Iron-axle Frame, aad Freight Wagons, all ulaea
Newton 4-spring Hacks, nmdo expressly Tor the Oregon Market.
KTo-vetoxi Three-Spring, rutform Bprlng, and Scroll-Spring XXeaolcsa aud BUUtillM,
Ornrdou Olty Plow,
Ilarroweand nnltlrators; nnrdrn City Bulky and nana Ploiv. Varmen) friend-
UHA1N BKsXLat Van Brant dc Bia'a ITIONiroil Hrond-ra.t NKKItKIt and
CUIriVATOIt", Ike Heat In the World.
Leather aud Hnbber BKLTINU, machine Kxtrae, Hardware. Iron, aud Hleel.
rvr" Special Circulars, lllimtrated, with prices, tent to any aildrca, ireo or cbirpu. Wo aro MANUFAO
UUBH8' AUKNTH, and will kkll at bed-hiktc mucks.
mj7 Front St., 1'OKTLAND ; Commercial St., SALRM : and Cliradlo'i lllock, AU1AN V, OU.
Reloroes' Sale.
"VTOTIOB Ie hereby ttlrcn that, by vlrtno of an order
Xl of tbo Circuit Court of Hie Bute
of Ore iron for
the cenuty of Marlon, inado on the Mlb day of J
inatlor deicrlbcd. Which said roal cttate I lb eabject
a. u. ltm, airccuni
a atoof certain reel estate hero-
of a salt In partition In aali
4 Ctrrnll coan netwaca
Utstlsy aaeOeotve Aa.
it Ilia HHitHlai&4 . atjlt
Oeenr A. aae aaa outers, i
aereon ana oiner, nnenaao
UVlVVii SUU Vtuoist sn-isjsusase ihv auuvirisuvu,- rw t-
Ham Waldo. W. II. XcCatly, and F. K. Smith, refer
ee duly appointed by order of said clrcu't.conrtto
make partition of tald real eetate. will at ene o'clock
in me anernooa on aeiureay we win aay or joiy, a.
1). 1BTT, at the conrt-aonse door In Halem, Marlon
Coanty, Orexon, proceed to sell at public auction to
th highest bidder for sold coin of ths United
Htatee lo be M on the day of sale, all the
following deKiibed real enUte, to wit: "Situate In Ma
rion fJcnntr. Htata of Umron. and belns a nart of the
Donation land claim of N W. Colwell, laeectlonaBS
and SI In T. m K. 8 W. of the Willamette Meridian,
and described a follow, to wit: Commencing; at a
point on the itage road leading from Halem to Albany,
at the S. B. corner of a piece of land owned by John
Crlm, running thence S. S i eg. 90 mln. W. alanf said
road 7 00 chain to IheN.k. corner of the Odd Kel
low' Itural Cemetery; thenco westerly along tho
North lino of ald cemetery, .) chain; tbenco
South with the Wot Hue of ld cemetery 8-1.01
chain: thence N. 74 deg. 30 mln. W. H.M chalne;
thencoNorth lS.t9chalna; thence N. 71 dog. 110 mln.W.
ll!9 chains; thenco N. 17 deg B. !NM1 chain to a
point on the South boundary Hue of the land of Abra
ham Mrorr; thenco Kaatrrly with ald lino to tbo
placo of beglnnlag, conutnlug nlnety-elht (Uti) acre
of land, more or le." The fi Mowing Hen upon
tbe raid real ettate remain untlittoU, to wit: A
balance of about four hundred dollar on a mnrtgSL-o
In favor of Lewie Jotin.on on the undivided lTU-lou)
thereof belonging te John , Wright and Chirle
Uufuvage, executed on or about the 80th day ol
April IbTi to iniirn the payment of a promWory
note for $Hm.OO wllh lutcreit from dato at the rate
of one per cent per month.
Abo, a mnrtgtgo In favor of Abner Allen on the undl-Tldrd430-10UOtbereofbelongingio(leorgeA.Bdeeie-culcd
on or about thu IStnasy of March 1871 toeecure
the payment of a promlimry note for W).00 with In
teret from March 13tb, 1873, at tbe rale of one por
cent, per month.
aiea at saiem, Marion county, ureeon. jane iu),
WlkUlta WAI.UU,
P. K.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of two execution laioed out of the
Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon
for the county of Marlon: on tho S6th diy of June,
1HT7, both agalnat Jame McObee, defendant, tbe one
In favor of 0. V. McCaoley, plalntlS; for tbe lam of
two hundred and eighty-eight and 35-100 dollar V. 8.
geld coin, and tblrty-even and tn-100 dollar cot(,
together with ono per cent, per month Interest and
accruing coat; tbe other Ir. favor of Terrell A (ill
llngbam plalntllTa, for lbs um of one hundred and
nfly-three dollar add twenty-dve and 20-1W (dolUra
coat, and ten percent, per annum Intereatand accru
ing coat; I have levied upon and will aell at nubllo
auction on SATURDAY, the 38th day of JULY.
1H77. at 9 o'clock p. m at the court-houae door, all
tba rljibt. title, and Inteteat of the (aid J ami
In and to tbe lollowlnx-deacrtbod premlae. to wit
llulnclnT. 7B.. IL8W.. and In See. St. In Marlon
n nanon
corour of
county. Oregon, commeuclnu; at tho H. W,
which corner a flr 3d tnebe diameter bear S, 9 dei
lav liuu uwiiou ui ortujerv. K-uca. muu aiuuuvii.
90 mln. K. 00 link dlaUnt; thence N. WM deg. W.
U.oschalna; thence N SMchalna: llience N. tax deg
W. 8 60 chalna; thence S, IS deg. W. 9 13 chalne;
thence H. H At K. 3.50 chalna: thence S. 90 deg.
45 mln. W, 800 chalna; thence H. Co deg. B. 18.W
chain to the line between Jcbns, Bde A Co.i thence
N. 97 der. K. 17.V9 chalne to the place of beginning,
containing 90 and 14 100 acre. Also, Lot No. four (4)
In block No. ten (10) In Oeo. II. Jone' addition to the
city of Salem. In Marlon county and State of Oregon,
as shown by the recorded plat of ald addition In tbe
Recorder's office In the county of Marlon and State of
Oregon. J. A. IIAKBK.
Sheriff Marlon county, Oregon.
Salem, Oregon, Jane 98. 1877. 4w
Gopher and Squirrel-Killer.
OF 00PHKB8, BiUUUlfl, RATS),
Salcr, Better, aasl Cheaper taaa
itrychalae, PaeBpaeraN, Ar-
aealc, ar elher jsreara
lleaa a a alBBle trial
will caBVlace.
Wholesale Druggitta,
No. 73 Front sad 74 First BU.. riaTIANa.
at XM7T.
Wrought-Iron TTmmAmr
Sinulo-Qoar JOMXX9T9,
J. I. Case & C.,
Improvements for 1877.
The P. P. T. Cofnjf;s
Portlautl for Sulom
Every FRIDAY, returning on SATURDAY,
DAY; reluming on TUBSDAtB and T1IUIUDAYS,
Patronize Tour
Own Boat !
ProtcctloB airalBBt lllgb
In the County Court of tho Statu of Orrgou for the
County of Marlon.
T. II. Cox, plaintiff. I
v. J-
OarwoodUrceno, Defendant. )
To (I.RWOOD (1KBKNK, defondant:
In ths Nams or ths Htats or Ooiuon: You are
hereby auumoned and rcqulrm! to appear aud anawer
the complaint died agalnat you In tbo above-entitled
action In the above-nsiavd court by the flrst dayef
the Soplember term, IH77. thereof, to wit, tho 3d day
of September, 1177. aald day being the flrat day of the
term of laid court following the expiration of tho
time preaertbed In tho order for publication hereof.
Aad If yon fall ao lo appear and anawer. for wait
thereof iilalnllH will take judgment agalnat you as
prayed fur In bla complaint, to wit, fur the iva of
one hundred and fifty dollar, together with Interest
thereon since the 4th day of January, 1H7S, at twelve
per cent, per annum, and for coete and dlsbureeensats
of this actio. This eummon I published by order
of Jobs C. 1'eeblee, Judge of eald court, dated tae
99d day of June, 1877.
I. II D'AHOY, Attorney for rialnllff.
Salem. July 8. 1877. Ilwil
In the matter of the fluardlanahlp of Bdward Don-
lllot and Alfred Doulllot, minor heir of Augusta
Doulllot, deceased.
A petition for tho appointment of a Uuantltn far
said minor belr having been this day Sled In Pro
bate, It 1 hereby oidered that notice to all peraons
Inlereited In the matter be given by publication In the
Willambttb Fahmiu for three incentive week to
appear In tbe County Court for Marlon county. State
of Oregon, on the tub day of Auguat, A. I). 1177, at
9 o'clock p. m., and atw.w cauae, If any they have,
wby aald guardian thould not lo appointed. a tirayed
for la aald petition. JOHN C. 1'BBBLBS,
County Judgo, Marlon Co., Oregon.
Salem. July Otli. 1B77.W3.
Dealer la
Crockery and Glassware,
Wooden and Willow Win,
Tobaooo and Cigars
Balssa, April M, 181a,
Admlniitrator'g Notloe.
NOTICB Is hereby given that th undertlgoee ha
been appointed aamluUtretor of the eetato of
Ueorge Jtffrey. deceed. by th County Court of Ma
rios county, Stat of Oregon, and that all persona
havnt claims agalnat aald eaute are required to pro
cent the same, with the proper voucher, to the en
dorelgard In tba city of Salem, In td coanty. for
allowance, within all monib from this date,
uatea suy v.n, itfn.
C O. KUNKY, AdmlnltUater.
t aaawm i " t
jSr ..LSjife i
H, . ,JJJii..iiL k l' ... '-'""''".'"I-1 I '.'yta ' TX "Kf -. ' . . . ..
tr- r .-.,.,. . - . r UlU a ea man i i i la maa !' , i j . m. . jj, 4 -. .'.j , . , i - . . . j, --r .. js ,j t. t ..i : nai... - . . . t i .. . . m. - ir