yrw"? n iV- f j, fc ! " , ,yj7CM'iiii'" " " r .. A.Jl l- CENTAUR wrsH - -M V Z rV LINIMENTS. e Kind fortius Human Family. Tlte other for Morse ana abi- maiM. These Liniments ato simply the wonder of the world. Their effect ro Uttlo less than marvellous. Tke White Liniment Is for the human rami. s. It will drlvo Ithenmatum, Sciatic and KenraiRia ( bnm ihA tiv r.nren Lnmbftpo. GhtllblslllP. Lock- (jaw. Palsy, Itch and mod Cutaneous Eruptions; It f atraeta frost from frozen banns or led, ana mo poi eon of bites and stings or Tcnomoos repine; it no E 4aoe welllnet, and allocates pain of every kind. When1 rpralns or bralsos'oeear, It in tho most potent F ..m JU r iHnrtmrml ta heal tho lnlnrcd parts. The Cantaar Liniment Is used with groat efficacy tot Sloro'Triroat, Teotbace, Cake Breasts, Ear- tactic, ana nua imck. im iuv"is "- - iple ojf anourous testimonials: Iftnuxi Boas, Jir. Co., ina.. ar w. ibts. "I tMak It aar dutT to Inform rotf that I mts anf- tfsrred much with awoUen feet aaa cherts. A raw bottler Of Centanr Liniment has done the wprlc fpr me. I'navanot seen iree iroaaimn ""'". h eight years. How I am psrrsctlyweU. Tha IAaI- .tntouuv w u.., YuUMMU DR0WH. 4, Tbs proof Is In the trial. It la reliable, It la heady, Ht is cheap, and every raauiy snoua nave uw nmw Centaar Liniment. Tfce'YelUw Centaur Ltlaent Is adapt I to the tough mnselet, coras ana nean m nonw and aalmals. It has performed mora womderfnl cores, i three'years, of Spavin, Strain, Wlnd-galle, Bcratca a. Sweeny, and soneral Lameness, than all other emedlos In existence. Bead what the great Kxpresa- en say of It: "Nsw Yonx, January, ibi. ibnfnoi nf horsea ahonld clro the CawrAun iLiinxaMT a trial. Wo consider It the best article or- ir ased in onr sisdicf. II. MAK-tl, 8upt. Adama Kx. Stable;, N. Y. K.l'ULTZ.Snpt.U.b.Jix.Htablea N.Y. .Yt.iiiciit h nf.tN. 8nnt. Nat. Kx. Stabled. N. Y." rrKi... ii-nn. nrthlii T.tnlmtnt aro Fanleraand lYetrtnary sumeoiis, wUo aro continually bibK .urn m.i.l It heal Galls, wounds ana ruuevu, s-moves Bwolllnirs. and Is worth millions or dollars annually to Fanncrs Llvcry-men, BtocK-wowcra, mccpralscrs, and those having norscs or camo. WUflt nFatrtcr cannot do ror jw tno veniaur mo ment will do at a trifling tost. rri.,,... r.i,ilm(.ntrn sold bv nil dealers throuehont tie country. They aro warranted uy mo proprietor md a bottlo will bo given to any Farrier or I'D jsician bo desire lo test thtm. laboratory of J. B. Kohii & Co., U Dsr St.. Nbw Yokk. Honey. l i.t.r'a flamtartst Is a ootaleto MbftltaU ..-... rv. I ..Jl.itnlnuil la take aa UOBfT. k la partlcalarly adapted to Teething an Irritable 4m.i- it rtftatmvfl wonai. UIUUHWI MV wu. .i.i.. ,h nimirh. n1 rama Wind Oollc. Few iUara -- - n m niririnn ror reventanesi. tvap. CT. .n urhnnninv noni.h. Caatprla la a Klentl. UlUl.liUH " MW.n w " b and purely vegetablo preparauon, more n.t lanCaalor Ull ana valuer gaga wrKTvt 7i C- u...M .v. n'Dnii A do aaDev Street. Hew . . . .r o...l Ml.ka' H S.lrf ffa,' irom, wc itcivv w .. , . , nrtable. IlaM, HtOtUM BaTTsTs, ffoeceaaorto J. JC Inus Ok, l,li)rtr'K;, nw im OoiiiTiilaiwrlon'AiroBt PU -BOYINQ AND FORWAKDWa FBOIJ riiew York tUjIathmw, JPaeUe BfUroj. VA L, Uorn. all hind cMorcAandla. ud tor th. saU oust. . oet8U A BURB CUKB FOm i Scrow Worm. Foot Hot, AND ALL ffcrasiteB that infest 8hoep. 13 SAFKt. BBTTBR AND VASTLY CTIKAP- ANY OTIIKH KKFECTOAL IIBICBDY FOB K TRBATHENT OF BHBBP. IT illlliJTWTCB IIIO nCcl1l.ll OF TUB ANIMAL, AND TIIK j QUALITY CP THE WOOL, I ear Ona gallon Is enonsh fnr one bnudred to two Mawd Btsctip, according tothelr age, strength, and KMeuon. BW'putupln FIVK-OALLON CANfl-Prloe; $1S Iseraaii. for elrcolar, to jT. A. DAVIS, fc Co.. POUTLAND, OKBOONj i Wliuleaale Aceata rVr tlte Mate, II artovour nearest IUuil Drucslt. savn Rohrer's New Romedy ' ron txb z.mr i jacKTiNo mm woypKnyuz, soccxbbi IS PURELY VEORTABLK RKMKDY HAS o eaaal In the relief and rare of Coughs, Oolds, Has, ironcnius, uroup, wnoopms uoaj;n, jsca . Ac. It has produced some remarkable cares. & nv ilniegisU eenerallv. Prepared oaly by JtfHN Ij. MDHPnT. Monmouth. Or.. I whom aH lettara of bonne should bo addrraaeeL J. A. STRATT9M, ttorney at Law. 8AL.RM. OREGON. xrtins -. ATTENTION y'ajSHEEP Growers j i - A.',V'K t i bv WVI r4wttwcjCR00Tetta r"HsT.lOWIS,MOiB THE TJfOEPENDEirr VOTERS. Gcorgo'-Willlsra Cartt'ih his 6rit!e lit Union College last' Wednesday, Bald some good things. He always does when he sets about it. And among the best on tho occasion referred to was concerning tho prlvllcgo every voter has of scratch ing partisan tickets nnd voting for tho bcBt men. Said he. dcnlorlnc tho excess of party spirit, "tho remedy lies, and lies alone, in the courageous Indepeiid-jiKtiof tno individual citizen, mo oniy way, for instance, to procure tho party nomi nation of good men ; is for every sclf rcspcctlng voter to refuso to voto for bad men. In tliu medieval theology thcdovils feared nothing no much as a drop of holy water and the slen of the cross, by which they wcro exercised. Tho evil spirits of party fear nothing so much as bolting and scratching. In hoc sijjno vitiocs. If a farmer would reap a- good crop, ho scratches tho weeds out of his field. If wo would have good men upon tho ticket wo must scratch bad men off. If scratch ing breaks down tho party, letVlt break for the success of the party by such means would breau down tuecountry. xue evil Bplrito must be taught by means (Mat they can understand. 'Them' fellows, ald tho captain of a canal boat of hlsrmtH 'them fellows think yon never mean'a thing until you kick them. Thcy.foelthat.and understand.'" ' BXOW TOUR OWH"MORW. Blow your own horn. Yes, give it t blast and lot modesty t blush If aho will. This delicacy ban been the stumbling block of thousands of really good and capable men. Make a noise, ll will at tract somebody. Let tho world know that you are alive and Intend to drlvo things until you get to tho top of tho hiU and make a fortune. To tho man of en ergy and nrescrveranco mountains aro but molo hills. 'TIs only the drones Unit fall. They aro always looking on tho black side, predicting disaster, always complaining of tho hard times always waiting for something to turttup. Such men aover will And good times, uorpros porlty, Neither will they over find friends or admirers among IlrHt-cIass busi ness men. If ynu would succeed in any thing, don't standstill. Uo ahead. Don't be afraid. Do something. If you don't blow tho horn Homebody olso will, but not ror your uetifiit except "in n Horn." PNITED"sTATslciI WINNER. "Ill blows tho wind that profits no body." While IUihhIii and Turkey aro niarHlialllng their legions for tho fray, aud aro expending millions for the pur posoof aunlhllatlngcnch other, the arms and ammunition fuctnrtcs of the United States it re reap! tier n rich harvest. They are kept running night nnd day in order to meet tho urgent dumunds for their products, and it is to bo presumed ttiat they aro not working without profit. Those who dance must pay tho fiddler, and if Russia and Turkey will quarrel and fight, that Is no reason why they should not pay a rounaprle for the ma terUlnwlth which they carry on their bloody pustlmo. Barm Barnad. A barn belonKlnir lo Mrs. A. B. fjoaper on tho promises corner of Marloa and High street was burned yesterday about, 10 o'clock. It appears that two little' children aged three and four years respectively of Mr. j. u. Adicuis, wDore uotn dear mutes, end who live In the house to wbloh the barn la attached bad crawled upon the hay mow to' play. It is supposed that they bad matahea with them, aad net being aware of the dan rer, Ignited them, aad set the hay on Are. One of the little fellows narrowly escaped perishing In the flames and it waa only with difficulty that be 'waa rescued. A bern aeroaa the alley belong lag to Mr. Jcrdan also took fire, bat waa saved from serious dam ge. Both Mrs. Gosper's)- house and Mr. Jordan's boose were insured by Reed A- Cox, but the barns were not. The Alert Hook and Lejder Company were on the spot and saved tbe spread of the1 devouring ele ment, Lom of barn and contents about f 300. Qaartanrllle Itaams. From Mr. Cos Uchwatka who arrived In this city laatevenlng from tbeSantiam mines we learn the following: The new tunnel at the White Bull mine is now In about thirty feet and they expect to strike the ledge In about ninety more. The character of the rock Is changing for the better. The cot at Canal fork will be com pleted In about two weeks when tbe water will bo turned out from the river and mining operations commenced. Some other partita are at work on Santiara crevlcing. Donlca House, at Quarisvllle, caught Are on tbe morning nf tbe 10:h, but tbe flamos were speedily extinguished. The furniture was slightly damaged and a trifling loss was sus tained by Mr. Joseph Randolph. WHY IS IT SO T Lands of all sorts In Yamhill and Polk eountlos are bald at higher figures than similar land are held In Marlon county. The toll la uo better there ; t'mber is harder lo oomo at: water Is no better uud plentler, nor aro markets as good and nonvenlnnt n in Marion county. The peoplo in I'olk to a oonsldorablo extent depend upon Salem for their muikot and tho ferryago to tbmn in a heavy lois. There Is more open or pralrlo land In Polk or Ynmulll thu there is In Marlon county. And there Is much low, wetland In thot-eooontltHgood for mnmln wh If properly ditched. M. On the lOvh Inxt.. W. H. Diinlmr. O W. C. T., orxinUd at mis, I'olk county, Union lempio. l. u. u, r,, witu twenty eintit mem- vart; oiuwrs are hs ioiidvts: j. h.. r, i.avnt, I). T : Eintni Cornetr. K. II. .: Ieons liomett, L,U.S ; Kmlly M. Vandervert, J). v, i ; it, inaio, u. n ; rrnnuoi rniuipsf u, A. S.: K. 11. Cornott. I). V. S l Kllzalxith i-iuiim. v. i.: uuaritw runiins u. u : ii. a. Iliuluv n M.t ir.maKul'l.llllrwj II ll -. y--...., . ., .........- "11 '. '. m,; uornoua rnuiips, u u ; iiarvey Massey J.3.,,nd Agnes Hell, i. D. T. Great Goodness. We clip the fillowlnir luterestlnir "whop. per" from the New York Suu of lato date . ''A farmer In Oregon baa had a field of sixty acres of grain 6a ten ly rabbits, and all of his other fluids baret-utlered, although in a iph extern, irotn tneir uepreuaiioriH. Ilunilrodu are shot every day, but haodreds more ootae out from theHagy brush snd take their places." 'Will CesmsmsjHce. Uncle Divld Newaome Infornis us that some of the farmers ont on Howell Prairie wili;ooBataeaee cutting their Fall grain tbe rat of next week. Then the olatter of the reaper ea4 la hnsa of tbreewher will he kaarei mrssjoeat tae enure leasts bwdUff r fsulaa4. .l-..-M JF AMM-hiK. BY TELECItAf H. Mt. Louts, July 11, John Green, of Ran dolph county, who shot and killed his wife last Friday, was taken from JU last night by about lirty men and hunsr. Chicago, July ll. The Inter-Ocoan's H!s. initrck eneolal snvn the steamer Fletcher han Just arrived from Little Big Horn, bringing tue remains oi uen . uusior sou omr oiueora massacred with him June 25th, 1870 They will bo taken to Fort Lincoln for tho present. New York. July 10. Tbe Herald's New Orleans special says: Tho cxoltement rela tive to me indicted members oi mo roiurn Inur hoard still nnntlnuna. PitklU. havlllir stated the Krand ury which found tho bills were entirely Democratic, tho foreman, O'Brlon, states that there wero only four Democratic mem era out or tne aixieonj or the other twolve four wero nogroes and tho others conservative aud liberals. He also states that tho action was taked entirely on their own volition and no prominent politi cians appeared before the Jury until snrn- mnnoo as witnessos. Thn Rnaalan BmvnrnmAnt has PUrohasod 8,000 bales of cotton hero within a few weoka and since tbe war oommenoea nas proDamy taken throe times that amount. . Tbe Sun's letter from Cbaneston sutes many negroes are preparing to leave for Li beria. Meetings of negroes have been held m ranilitAta the ablaot. The wbtea In some oases are becoming rather alarmed, hoping for a oontlnnanoe or negro laoor. Charleston, July 12. The whites and blaoke met yesterday at the scene or last fall Btlerton riots, and adopted resolutions look ing to the cessation of race troubles, and to dropping the pending prosecutions In the state and federal, , , . The Llberlan Emlgant Society claim to have enrolled 2,600 names In this olty and 80,000 In the state. New York, July 12. Tbe Orangemen of this city have abandoned nubllo parades as part or their celobratlon of July 12th and will content themselves to-day with an excursion. Dancing will be the order or the day and evening, tho opening grand march dedicated to President Hayes. Milwaukee, Wis., July 11. The Sentinel has tolegrams from points In Minnesota, Iowa and Dakota which report grasshoppers in largo numbers flying with the wind. In Minnesota tho hoppers aro flying north, only a tow alighting At points heard from. In MlunoAota tho hoppers are doing no damage. Tho farmers aroucouraged with tho crop prospflolp, In sonio plaoos expecting average crops. AtHauck Contra, Minn., If no mora hoppers arrlvo they will harvestabout half a crop; In Dakota about 10 per cont, of tho wtuatcropls rultiod. On tho whole tho re port is favorable . Mjntreal, July 11. Thd city wears a poacoablu aipcot to-night. Tho polios anil othor loidlng authorities think there will bo no dlRturbauou during tho day, but faar noma troublo arising toward evening from Indulgonoo in drinking. Tho Irish Catholic Union la holding a prlvato meotlng to-night. Orders woro received from Ottawa to day that all voluntnor reKlmonts holdthomselves lu readiness for an emergency. July 12 The Orangemon bad no public parado to day, but Individual members at tend ohuroh. Indications this morning are that violence will be attempt,, aa two or tbree thousand or a mouey crow are alto Oango Halt, St. James street, M ing tne uraugeuaen, wna ex tlou x, tbe ssanner IrVwh Wh tl line the streets as If to lntlssldaie ciranonmen affirm their Intention to their bargain, hut If Interfered with eosalaf out of the ohuroh there will be. bloodshed. Tbe congregation at Knox Cbureh hi not, very larse. most or tne people Mill om- side awaiting what nay tarn b. ', , v (,v. 1:30 p. m. A stranger has JnetbeeTot dead in Victoria touare. Tbe treaM1 is Just beginning. A man was killed on the steps of Dunn'a store, where he had been nnrwaed by tbe crowd. Fifteen shots altogether were nred. tier Majesty's is tn regiments uau fax baa been telegraphed to.be In readiness to start for this place should troops 1e need ed. The name of tbe man killed la Hicks. Tbree persons are wounded) the great La Oross player, Glraox, and a pointer named Boone, dangerously; the third, a woman1, hi woupdedLln the. leg.. The exoltement to ia oreaajng, and the etieees an erowded. . . , a n.m.-Tb whole VaotesreroalBelu! Ing field batteries. haret.beeaftorderedetH.il Tbe exoltement la Increasing. It la rnraoreC the Oatbollo anion ,raen, are' all being sap-, pueu wim ansa sum iiieui ONtneim. v The poor polleerregnlatlone are generally blamed for tbe trokblee to-day. TheOranga-t men who pledged' themselves not to parade were openly Intimidated -bythe roughs e4 loefera who early toOkrplaeoa on the streets, armed with weapof-and'fenl words. Both parties expected and were prepared for .the worst. Tbe Orangemen went quietly to ehnrch this morning, .buttt waa rumored they would bring out the harmless 'Union Jack, aad crowds hnrrled to Knox church In anticipation or that. Inside tbe ehnrch re galia and c range lilies were common. Ottawa, Out., July 12. Tbe Orangemen paraded tho city twloe this forenoon, and then left to celebrate In country places. Washington, July 13 Tbe Indian war Is lha principal toplo In the Cabinet councils. It is rewarded necessary to Uks every proper method lo end forever hostile demonstra tions of Indian tribes, This latest outbreak la considered as serious M any of late years. The government will use every rueource to give.a fatal stroke to Indian troubles. Nine companies loft Atlanta, Oa., this morning en route to Idaho via Ht. Lonls, Cheyenne, and Denver City, The Herald's Washington correspondent IntervJawed M&rary ,on onr Invasion of Mexico, reeeatly, and smked.wb.at wd would do If called:: upon; by f Mexjco, . Uq said, -I thinkdn rajMsxloo-'allfged the fact of in vasion and sbtll.pDlte)iror demand repara tion, I may MHWraue'-ha id ready fnrnlnh ed moA'prec&detit, and. therefore wo have tqiml cause.uf cotuj!nliit, ' Now Vork July' 12, The .Courier Dos KlstsUnja yesterddy'rAinarkei I hat there "A wmie ilikHAthfactlon among too Frcii'ih that tho contract, to furnish Franco a great amouutof proviHlons tied boon given lo a Carman firm. This point is valuable an tihowlni; tlicro must be noiuethlnir In the original story that Franco had made lha contracts dotorlbod, Sprlngtlelil Mas Julv 12. GcMrfinlth Maid.lu atrial offpeed at llampdon parki day mado 23:10 aud 20. In the 2:30 cIuhh, Dilverlit, Mdy Pritohard '2-1, OulmarSJ, Kekt time, 2:25. In tho 21 das, May Bird 1st, Adelatde&l, Comet 8J. Thro 23, 2S. Chlcatto, July 13. Tbe Journals washing ton speoiul nays H Is authoritatively au noil nod that Qenerals Ord and Trurno had a friendly oonforonce and reached amicable srrMiigeiueiits for the suppression of M bid can ratlin. PreAidnnt Diss manlfrwtH anxiety to imlutHlit friendship with the United States. Now York, July 13 Through confessions made by eovoral members of tbe silk and lace emoggling ring, three trunks have been secured ooutalnlng a mass ef Invoices, bill or lading, cancelod checks and private letters. These papers will be used to secure tbe ar rests or Implicated parties, aad ae evidence against theaa oa prosecution. Nsw York, July1 M.-Durtag J(jm present week about two sslillon bsekeU grata have SWSM WSNSB IB BSHS SBMBntS WW SBBSKIBSSI SM eoatlaeexat swlere, and afpltoaie bawe ovao heTfibbSniSk taen.w kee been made to two of Ihe" largest European steamship lines for a trionth ahead for all the room thoy have unengaged for grain. 'In one 'nstanoe the offer has been dooltned at current rates. Washington, July 14. Major Walsh nf tho Canada mounted police, visited Sltttng Bull noar tbe headwaters or Frenchman's oroek. Sitting Bull eald ho lud dooldod to romain with the Canadian Indians during tho sum mer; that he would do nothing sgalnst tbe law; ho camo thnro bicuise he wastlrodof lighting, snd tr ho could uot' make a living In Canada ho would roturn to tho United Slates. Spoiled Kgto, Rain in the Face, Medloino Iloarand a number orother chiefs nfttio hoslllo Sioux woro present, together with about 200 lodRes or Indians, Thoy wore told they would bo allowed ammunition for hunting purposes aud should any of their people crosi to tho Amorlcan sldaand com mit any deprodatlons the chiefs would be held resporstble and punished. New York. July 14. A Washington spe cial says the dispatch from Minister Wash- ourno at Paris sutes mat ne deairoa to do relieved rrom dutv by the lit of Auxust. Uovornor Noyos will arrange to roach Paris oerore mat uate. BavardTavlor has been offered the' mis sion to St. Petersburg' In the place oftQ.T. uoxer. Boston, July 14. James Russell Lowell, minister to, Spain, sailed to-day for Liver, pool. A salute of 15 guns was fired from the navy yard. j rORHQN. Berlin. Jul v 10. At last Interview Lord Odo RussellTnformed Prince Bismarck that England wonld under ,no 'condition what ever, suffer Hussian', dooupaUon of Constan tinople. Prince Bismarck 'replied that be considered the occupation of Constantinople the beat way to obtain the purposes for whloh the war was commenced. Vienna .July 10. The Tagsblatt publishes shocking accounts of atrocities committed by Circassians anu uaani uazouxs aner mo regulars evacuated Dobrudscha. AtKorostl every Christian nouKO was puiagou anu many persons wero killed including some clergymen. Accounts irnm uussia acKnowieugoinai, tho campaign In Asia is a oomploto falluro and will havo to bo renewed in Kurnpo. Thore is no doubt tlint the Turks havoglvon up tho dofonfo of the Uno nf the Juntra, tChlcaRo. July 11. ThoTrlbuno'a London special (ays: with tho cspturo of Tlernova tne ltussians gained au iniporiaiu position, being thus put In possoanlon of tho approauh to tho Sohlpka pas. Military authoritlos hero think the Grand Dukti'M forco will ad Van co through tho h-i to Adrlnuoplo, thus threatening Constiintluopln in front aud Shumla In tho rear. In Aula tho situation Is not so bad au re ported, Oonoral TurgurawifT ontrlved to usoapo tolUyaald,nnd tho Russian srtny lu Vrmsnla waa thus saved ftotn n groat dis aster. TboTlmeit,ln a leading artlolo, enyHltls bolioved tho RubsIsuh cannot advanoo In force upon tho Balkans until they havo ro cured tholroommuulcatioim by constructing a position on the Danube us strong as any in tho possession or tho Turks, This will re quire a month at least. , London, July II. Rusirtani oulolal dis patches dated Aloxandropol virtually adnaltt tbe selgo or Kara.has boen raUed, . Paris. Jnlv-lfLrr-Thn MonVtorBMauetrJ bitterly eensare tbe audacious Intrigues or MMBMnaparuata. Tne organ or ine,eonser native nnlon says .that aaoold tbe election remit In a radloal vlotory there) wonld be a forasHkbleerUls, another dhwolellon aad van Mvnlntlon. -rCelogne.Jaly 11. Ex-Presldent Grant lef to-day, prooeedlng up the Rhine. He will be received in Frankfort to-morrow night by;aeommlttee neaaea oy tne Anteriean ooaaul. Cbloago, July 12. The Tribune's London special says: The fleet at Beats bay will be relnfbroed by the 'Achilles, armor elad. oarnrlna! 16 nas: tbe Aitnootart.' Ironelad earrylas: 17 laaat tbe Ruby., earrylag 12 guns: the Flamingo, gunboat; tbe Shannon, armor olad, carrying 9 gua,and tbe Trei marts, carrying 'four 25 ton guns, WMb tbeae addUlon,lbe British fleet will eoaalat of 24 vessels mounting 160 gans, and 8,000 ren, Tbe people and newspapers' who hare all S long stubbornly refused to read tbe algae r the times will nleaseexplaln if. tkle latest move or the war means anything. All the members or tbe cabinet went to Windsor to-day where a special eoaneu waa held; presided over by the Queen. Unaaoally Important news may be expect ed shortly. The tbree fold development or tbe Russian advanoe gives confldenoe to tbe view that there are signs they will make' a bold dash through' the Sohlpka: pass a a" basis for ni; tarter operations acalsut Adrtanople. Tbe dlsUnoe rroas Tlernova to Hohlpka la 3t) miles, from the month or the pass to Adrian ppie 120 miles; and thence' to Constantinople Is 140 miles. THns the event' guard or the Russians Is already but 300 Bailee away from tbe Ottoman capital. ,. , , Tiflls. July 12. Bayaald citadel baa beet mIIavjuI hv flhn. IVrirakaaanrr. who com pletely defeated tbe Turkish layestlBa Mree. numbering 80,000, capturing fonr guns and eighty prisoners. The town or Bayaald, is, destroyed, . ,, .' ionuon, July ia. iDe senate er me -nni-verslty or London bas decided to admit wo men to degrees in other aoultleaaa well as thatormedldue. " , , . . ,, Fresb uwpatcnes rrom Austria are nownn der coBSldaraUon by tbe "oablnet. "As the Roumanians are about to cross the Danube the pressure upon the Austrian government has been renewed by Russia lo secure their consent to the moving or Russian troops through tbe territory of Bervla. and it Is pre sumed every Inducement will be offored to tho emperor of Austria to proserve his neu tral position. London, July 13. A dispatch rrom Kara, July Htl, says this morning Mukhtar Pasha with 18 Held and 0 mountain guns, 600 regu lars, 3,r00 Irregularcayalry, and 30 battal ions or infantry, entered Kara. Yesterday tlitro wai very heavy firing on both sides. Russian headquarters aro eight miles to the northeast, but 'heir batteries are advanc ed In within 4 000 yards on the eaat. The Turkish loss dnrlritr tho siege bas beon tri fling, that, of tho Russians is not known. Their first was, most accurate, and for some days has benn overwhelming, Ovor 2,000 sheila from 1G to IB centimetre guns, were thrown Into this place lu one day,' Mukh tar, Pasha proposes to entrench himself and rflvlotnal Kara for tho winter. At present it Ih well supplied with stores and ammuni tion, The troops are enthusiastic, and the ollloors well educated. The plaoo Is impreg nable. A dispatch frn id Kraoroum states that the attnmptnf I hit Rai-slaus under Gen. Terga kasHotr, to relievo tho bivleged garrison at llavaatd has failed. The Russians after suf fering severn )os retreated to Mount Ararat, where thoy were ugaln defeatod. Tbe Turks look many prisoners and eight guns. A new Turkish srmv is to bo raited for the defease of tho Btlkaus. AS tbe RuMleas advance In tbe districts or Bulgaria lately oeeupled by Turkish forces, they Ab4 taw eesustry desolate. Cora cretw M net yet ready to he gslhsred, end all the KHiAXm i atotelsoMasj baa been destroyed. srylMMereaUJebMbeesiMiaedaadrmn off by ihe retreating Tnrks.'So oompjeb and wlde-prel la the ..devastation fn.Bat garla that every Rnsalia' train sent' to, ts) front has to carry stores of blsoUltand ether supplies, nofonly.for the army,.bntlTor.'the starving popnlatton. Dispatches by tele graph rocolred (hrongh " private sources oonflrm the nows ofaTurk' tsh victory at Kars and othor disasters to the' RuxsUn arms lu Asia Minor. Buoharost.Jrtly 12. Russian advance de tachments reaohod rjahrowa, noar tho south ern boundry or Bulgaria. It Is deolared lhat.altliongh tbof Invest ment of Kars In IntorrupUd, tho slogo haa pot been abandoned. . Constanllnoplo, July 13 Miny Mussul men, with tholrwlfes andohlldron, fleolng beroro tho Ilussltim, have bonn killed by Bulgnrlans In KahnV Bocae defile. lntwon Tlrnora aud Kor.tnlllc. St. Petersburg, July 13. Tho Telegraphlo agenov says Prlnco Bismarck has declared his opinion that any madllatlon at present Is Impossible. It Is .domed, that a convention exists between Ron man la and Servlat Rus sia and Austria hayo ,ageed to'glve' these principalities goou auvico wnnout assuming the right to Intervene. A Russian flftlcial dispatch from' Tift" U iUtes that the Turklah force" defeated When .Gen.Tergukasoff relieved Bayacld numbered 111 AtVi m-irt Wl Vkfl sasi taalnieiFsw ewHAi l London, .July J3. MukhUr Pasha and the blned attack on, the ruSslau center, 'oonstot lngor45 battallonr or infantry, 2 regiments or dragoons,' Oregltnentaof Oossadka and 13 uem Dsuexies. more ,tnan po seige naileries are In position 4,000 metres northwest of Kars. . Krseroum, July 13. The following' official telegram from Bayaald la published: "The besieged Russians nave refused to surrender, the bombardment of tbe cltldelhas been re opened. Gen, Tergnkasoft Is noar Slneck, four hours march from Bayaald. ' Vlonna, July 12. Bucharest telegram donles that the Roumanians Intend to crow tho'Damibo or conoludod In alllanoe with Sorvla. Mukhtar Pasha telegraphs under dato July 11th: Tho nnomy has raised tho camp on tho east of Kars and retroatod. We now oc cupy ltnlto. Iondon, July 12. A d 11 patch from Ply mouth says tho now gun vopsqI Candor Is to bo fitted with tornado apparatus nnd sont aa noon as praoticahlti to iho Dauubo whoro she will bo with hur sister vossel tho Flamingo, undor nrdors of the British ambassadors at Cnuslnutlnoplonnd Vienna for tho protection of British interests. Thn nunlvorHftry or thoballtonfthn Boyno has boon extensively colobratod by Oriingo men lu Ireland, Tho day p issud tin without disturbance. Loudon, July 12, Tho bombnrdmout of RUHtnhuk waa ttcoinuionood Tuiixday, dur ing which the RusslanH attempted totnkulhe town by assault, but were repulsed after two hours' lighting. St. Petersburg. July 11. Aeorrrspoudont reports that tho Cr.sr ordered the withdrawal or tho Russians rrom Turkish Armenia. Great dospondenoy prevails among, the troops In oonsequonce. Gun. Mc'llkoll ten dered his resignation and'rrquested a court martial a fortnight ago. The .Grand Duke Mlohael refdsed any longer to Incur jhe'jsw KPMls4kyofearryge Ge.MfllVo -atratagleal operations., ' ,' 'Berlin, Jd(y 11. The National etdngaa eens that Count Andrassy, having obtained positive evidence last. Hervle I mlly pre paring for war, has annoohoed, to the Ra ttan ambassador the determination of; Aas arta.te proceed to the' ooeepatka or.BarbMt New Y'drk? July 12:-A'dlspa(oh r)cable received at the prodoce'exohange froai'Dnb lln' yesterday, announoea large numbers of Colorado beetles on the docks along the rlv ejtLMTy, ' ' ' Chicago, Jnly 14, The Tribune's London special says another pretext for war .baa been found by English joarhala InlbleaUb. Iwhaaentipf m .provisional go Vera men t la denee that IRussIa to ben.t en the1 eempleto thsA'rtrVe'orrJimsokr.ewisUttt menVMre breparlng to folloiUie l?oMl sjen who haWalready 'marohel front SaAwiva foArmenb, and when ready the aray yitU ' Count' MoItkeX qh6ted'Sutlority,,'ir tbe statement, that the-Belkaar nseuntahaa may be passed wlthont serlons difficulty,, by tbe invadlBg force, whose oivilry1 airsiidy bold Tirnova from" whleb lead tbreeof the It Is thought cannot be either taken ornsaak- ed before' any force' ean safely, pass tbe mountains. T ' ' ' ' ', alaa atrocities are coming lu slowly and arouse Indignation, ' ' It s 'reported a t battle, la progreealng at St. Petersburg,' July ' l3.'-The' advanoed goard or baotberiRnaaiaa oorpa baa arrived atPlqlesti. , , ' tl . It Is reported ihat a camp for 80;0M men to prepared at Pioleetl. ' ArbatUeta expected at HskJ Iqnsandka, where the Turks are concentrated Jn great force, The Indian War. Walla, AVella, July U.-Indlao Huperlai tendent Watkina telegraphs: Thehoatllea have forced their way past our cavalry aad are now ae Kamla, Cn the way to Bitter, Root. Their suocess has Induced other Indiana te Join them In small bands, More troops are neeueu. Sudden Death. Mrs. Klmlna Dennis, m othor or O. F. Dermis, Htj , or this city, died suddenly yesterday atiernoon at to'olook at her resi dence at Brook's Station. Mrs. Dennis haa been an Invalid for about a year past, suffer ing from dyspepsia and 'V(,r complaint. Yesterday she appeared bettter than usual yery lively and ate a hearty dinner. Shortly afterwards she was taken with a choking spasm aud In about two hours passed away lo the spirit land. Mrs. Dennis was aged 63 year. 0 months and 6 days. She loaves a husband aud uvo grown children. The fnneral services will take plaoo to-morrow morning rrom her late residence at Brook's Station, after which her remains will lie brought lo Halem fur Inturiiieut In tho Odd Kullow'nllural Cemetery arriving hero about 10 o'clock; ' VuliiabU Horse Lost. , ,' Everybody lu town has remarked What a splendid sptui of forrel honex, owned by Mr. Thomas Townsend, who lives sevoral. miles south or tho city, Ou Katurdaw night onn or them, that ho had beu ottered WOO for the day before, died suddenly. Mr. Townueud lost several valuable horses two or tbree years ago, by being poisoned by some fiend, and Taring that bis enemy bad re turned and ooaameneed bto diabolical work, sent to tbe city and bad two or our best pby Btebms called te snake a past aaertesa exam ination or the aalaaal. The result prerest that tbe bora M Muti " i t : i n" , "S m o -?- ' 'i 1 ra V (ttfirt, -,, -m ,S, Ua.-aM---aai.