'Jf'Y'':" ' lln V K -- I' t WILLAMETTE FARMER. Q I f i ; : ., s 1- i -.'1 , Ijilhmtttt fymn. isscso iVntnwur, bt OBAIG, OLABKB rxraun A. CLAK iusbsbs ax rsoraurroa. SKK. BVW. rata CitaaasMrtotlaa.' OB AMI. Te: Oma eorrr. one Tear (6 Onseosy, six moattuiassasBSMwavvk........ Oa eooy. three inonusoassavaeraw.. iiti........'.... ljt..... , v BALKM, FRID)AYtsJULT , 1877. Greenbacks' tn The Maine State (Oraenlaack Convention met at Skowhegan on tbe'l&a, ejolon Chase ol Turner, cualrmanTaafltendaaoe js-aa' Terr large. The ofcelrmM, oongrkalaUd Ike convention urxjanlh rapid apreid of principle jepreaentUyiy, Ithavparty.i In Maine. The platroraV (adopted afcree,aub-' atanllally with tne view given Dyne ia tat TAiutin two week ksoe. h v , ",-, ' A platform wa oaahiroausly. adopted d manrilncr Immndlata .Masai of ttiaKrsSuklB. Uon act of January 17 ISTfc.tkattbi, govern aaent anume Ha sovereign .lunoiion 'ana the faith and resource of tbe nation In har monywith itbergenlu or xiurc government and adapted to tbe wants of legitimate bust ne tnsi aa laataa pracuoauie uiuuu un note be withdrawn and replaood by paper money issued by tbo government directly to tbe people and bo made full legal tender for alldobts public and prlvato, except wbero coin la In tbo contract: that this inonoy shall bo reculvablo for nil dullim, duo and taxea, and bo, ItilnrohanKablo with a low Intereat boarlng Kovornuiont; that tho government rcmonollr.o hllvor) that tbo present bondod dfibtoflho country be funded as rapidly aa Kialble Into registered interchangeable nd bearing a low rate of Interest; that tbo public domain should bo reserved for aotual settlers, and that there shall be retrench ment and economy In all branches of tbe public servloti. Slate and county committees wore appoint d, andltev. JJ. K. Munson,ofBkowbegan, was nominated for Governor. latter oroo Is fall arrows ahe will nave about two bushels. Johnnla Howell talks Plated better tbaa anrktfBjt&,OB tbe pHAt, aaasieflrjendswoa't krww-'aiav.'awiivaner. he taken a. nap In . one at iKeWy-'stsBd' ckalrs, I J ' . t THB AOBTTtV;' ' " i I Is' MajoKW. V, -Rtaehart, formerly an Araty ofloer.Bod whoooaaaeted oampalajns sgslaM these amefadlan-aaly a law ytars aaa-ttbfc. geMasanly aatt aecomasadaatng aSlL'ts' MfVi'TLVO. Boasibkacks-' Warren oonsoajur'the bkeksmlaVaad Misspells Hedsy of WoodKurn.ita teacher of 'lbs eotiooll TnTBeaarvatlea ooaUlnaVS.779 squarajmllesfor r,778,G00 f acre j about acresoi.Whlak Is feaoedk4- under culUVa tkm.'.,Tfae nun be of Indians- under Major. Rinkarta obarge; aOBSlstlag of I, jriVTKS 3f iJtMBvAKD BAJIWAOKS i W between evea!-Bnd eight : hundred. Beside' tbe nuasar,tf flatee there, there ire frrer 2,000 of the wMe WW lirNortliertt ' AjliosNtfraektraBd '.aslnwrakV When iney.wera aa tne. war paw arw' year' ago, Geo. Crook's bov t'maawaV Bather warm- for thJ,iptuxlnf asWhadUliraaoat of their-? nones, ana laa-naiaaoo.wsiw sawn uji moit IrMiOekM. 3 Soap FATTJune ieV?- w arrive Bert tne-wta uinnsi one w&kfrotaMlem. Yon can liaMnectka piwsaannaasaJwaarBi snavv played Idlers oai Greenback ConrentioR Viot Moinkh Iowa, July 11. The green bask stale convention met to-day. About 100 delegates woro present. O. N. Gates was made n mporary chairman. Upon rtaaseinbllng tbo convention adopt ed a ulaiforni doclar Inif that labor, tho crea tor of eallh, taeltbor donlcd Itn Just re ward oi In uuomployod. and produotiye In aluatrlti aro paralyzod by tho mlamanago ment of tho national finance. First Tho specie resumption clauaeahould be rtH'od forthwith, and the contraction be lilmntfoned. I Meoond Tbo government should lanno lo- 5al .tender paper money roowl Table for all ebts, aud national banks adould bo abolish od. Third The all vor dollar should be reraon ettsod and made a legal tondor for the pay ment of all government bonds and other debts. Fourth Kqu liable taxation. Fifth Olvll servloe. blxthAll class legislation ahould bo re Hsventh Alohollo trafllo and ooassquent vlls should bo eradicated. Klghth-Oppoaes all subsidies. Ninth-Demands railroad M"-UlaUve con tool. " Tanth-Ueneral reduction la salarUe. Tba' fullowlog ticket for atataoffleara was then nominated! Governor, DmI. P.Btubbsj LleaUnapt-Oovernor, A. H. MoOraadyj for Moprett-aaK Joaa rrtar. The LakaBhork railroad Is ofadlUd wUk wteLttBattLftrtiiW iTim ifvlag auftrnaad funlUea of tba TE1VUJ OF TOM HUXQET. owaeM'iln thlsivlelBitTr Ther klndarsksSrkaaMatkt.the soldiers cap tutingtbea aeHTaheB'tbe Indians stealing them back; each alternately having posses aion, until tbe boys in blue Anally got tired of such foolishness, drove tbe horses Into -what Is now called Dead Horse'Oanydn, arid- liied all or them. After tho inuiansnsa been WIIirFBD INTO SOBJBOTION, Tboy wore placed upon this reservation. Sine then tholr great doalro baa boon to accumulate borsoa, and tboy now havo about GOO. Tboy aoldom soil a horno, and wbon tho Umatilla Indiana camo In lant winter, a Pluto named Capt. Scott utruck hla tonl hla only aheltor from tho storum of winter and traded It for a cnyuno. They allsootnto hold Sam 1J. Parrlaii, Iholr for mer Aneiit, In grateful romomberanco for bla uniform sood treatment of them, and often speak of him and his brothor Charloy. Many of thorn, work on tbe farm and got paid a dollar a day In merchandise MAIJIKUn INDIAN AQBMOTi "Whleh la b3 miles without mud, and 87 rlth Bind, from tbe Warm Hprlnita-a sood day's ride. We meet one of the "unimproved" orderof ItodMen,ln a rathor airy ccatumo waterproof toe nails, a yard of bukakln and a bead necklace. He waved biaboautl full v rounded arm to us. and we nulled un and bad a "talk." II o aoetnod to nut tbo full strength of hla stomach into bla utter ances, and guttorated as follows: llanno ke-mah sly-u-a po-koh ketoh-um ah moo, ohlrt." "Il-a-yT What's biting youT Stale your aasa again, air, if you please, and if you actaally need my only undershirt more than I do myself, you shall havo It." "Uy.nee-spMiqilt honBomeah-pah-moo." "well, vouuglellow, you're a stranger to m. but I think you're oorreot. Just say that all ovsr again) I don't cumtux very well, as 1 dlda'i get over as far aa native languages wUn I weal to school, VrOKSB) AND MOHK Of IT. "Nat-aee y-ha-va teacup konno ketchum Bo-koh.c "dllll axil to oatoh your Uea, old man- btien ditat fuur years. Confine yourself to the niteallnu." "K-y.u ba-by-u po-kee logeadderwa .," "Hold on now, you htut be. misinformed. What In the h ash bva 1 over done to youT Would you talk a fellow to death before be bad com euough lo pay tbe undertaker? Mow, let me try that language. Kaunltvera tatu I glplne bol esprit adacrlptua gltbwl doloo far nlentel gtru calgl gototbedevU M(.io3'iglhAtf)l Uqt " Well, out slock of printer's il and stuff got a ay with him, and he struck for bis wick-e-ap, uiutlerlng1 something Ilka "aty-u-a car- lah pah-moot" Y11K VALLUr la which the Agenoy Is Uuald Is about live nillts Ionic by throe wide, with the North Fork of ilia Malheur river running through Its center. Agricultural operation are carried on under tho supervision of J. II. Howell, the farmer, who displays the same energy and woikluiMiai that be did while Nlieel Commissioner in Haleoi. He la very popular with the Indians, who call bias 'Wafc.Ma," or old-man. woik-all-lhs-tlme. Ha is very aaceuil in maasglng hla red wotknea aud showing then what is for their iutermt, and works hardsr tkaa any man on the place. Ha Inlands resigning hla posi tion and returning to Males thla summer, and after their yeaHaealleibelrsttaayfrUBds wm ut gtau io aae ma nmiiy again. TBB INDIAN Hat to part with him and talk about throw lug a lass-rope oa, and keep bias, He ear aiu!y has dona a tree deal for tavsu.aad Mrs-llawell with her proter blal ktndaras, lias fod many a hungry PiMa and vUtUd their nick and they never leava her door wpty handed. SU has ansjafad eoBMwaal in tba llva alotk bus'.Mass, kavbag soma bones and a bushel of cat. When lha In tbo Immediate vicinity of tho Malhour agenoy thore are at preaent only a dozon or so of wlck-e-upa, many of the Indiana being down tbe river oatoblng salmon, and others off lnv the mountain huuttng. Tbey do considerable travel during tho sumtnor sea son, and can make a norso travol for many miles after he vivos out with a wblto man. Mostof them have ssddlos, but tho horae himself Ih made to furnlah the brldlo from bis mane and tall, from which tboy pull hair, twist Into a ropo and then tako a half-bltoh around tbe anlmal'a under Jaw. The squaws don't bollovo In sldo-aaddlos, and distribute thotcsolvoH more ovonly over a home than do white ladles. Throofat aqtinws, six pap pooaos, matting for o ootiplo of wlok-e-ups. and about half a ton of drlod salmon and 'roots Is oonaldorod a fair enrgo for a small cfcyuse pony to pack. HLAUnilTKIIi.lO ISCKNKH Are wltnossed overy Friday, whon throo beef sioora are Kilted for tne Agency. Ton I'lutos do tho butohorlng, and a couple of hundred more, of all ages and both sexes, stand by and toll thorn how. Whon ono of thorn hap pens to fall down flat In tbo blood on tbo slaUKbter houae Moor, tho rout not un a veil of Joy, and think It tbe boat kind of a Joko. Wauon't suppoao the Flutes oat tbo horns or hoof, but those are the only part wasted. Tbey consume tbe tnpo and other Internal fixings right on the spot, and wouldn't think of wasting water by wsahing them. Bam Johnson, i formerly of Salem, but now an extensive cattle dealer of John Day valley, furnlnhea cattle to the Agenoy. Many of the Plates ' UAVBiHKVKRA'. WIVRM. Whlek they bny and sell of aaoh biker. "Hog-ordle" offered to asll us one of Ma .for two horses. We didn't want to hurt hla feeling by telling him that wa didn't need her In our business, ao we offered blaudocatuLtwo Jack-knives for her, but TfcJlsaV to make the' trade. Ho certainly offered us a'good bargain, as a prime article 25!!xq?.t.ife.h0M, wMlefclr to middling will fetch sjfto four horses in open market. Another golden opportunity lost! A Piute named '.mm is anxious to marry some white girl, and says he will pay a good price, to be taken out In horses. A goodobanoe for somebody I Directly North of tho Agonoy stands ti quiN-NK-AU, Or Malheur Poak, a high mountain having a wart near It top, which serves for a land mark In thla country. Around Ita howi Johnny Howell abowod ua tbe old ruts mado by tho emigrant train whloh panned hero en route lor me wiliametto vailoy over a quarter of a century ago. We didn't see the trsln, but believe there were IH wagon In it and It wa piloted around the Blue Moun tain by Col. Joe Meek, Unola Bam Parker, W. J.IIerran and several other who are now solid Haleralte were in it, and tradition aaya that they tried to flllOB T1IKIH OXKIf WITH OOLD. Which tbey found In a creek somewhere In thlsvlolaky, but couldn't make the stuff work right. At that time they evidently knew aa little about the precious metal while la Ita native state, aa did tbe band or Flutes who robbed the Canyon City stage eight years ago. They found to.OOOIn golddnat, pat up la bnokakla baga, ripped open the ban and oarrled them ofl. leaving the void on the groaad, where it was subsequently found. Aa our horses needed new shoes, we tried to And that, UOI.D BOTTOMHD CHUBB, Hut after bunting awhllo. Johnny Howell onuoluded that gold shoe would be rather too "loud." anyway, and thought he oould make good enough ones out of Iron, And we were willing he ahould, A fallow never needatorunoutoftobsooo at the agenoy every Piute you meet, will aak you for the weed, and If you have none, be will offer to sail yoo a ohew for four bits. In company with Johnny Howell wa took a ten day trip seeing the country and hunting hla mules, aim among omer piaoas visitea I lha lull aaiiaaiatr i meant narr an it fain th t t bvfaat vats aa jIesWwiras.yo walk. iB-fnawj ataun Druan,rwnKSBB-MSBasv'-ae fcel tkakkftrl that there at aamaiMes aid aai mattea amkad, let tka ty p;ka aver so low trotDBBvMtMfiraiSKowiraiav ,. TKsfHiiriiranrhiSa.ararlf a'alntmlasmiiar aMaraadnpketssaytaeinr In "mlBsrolosjy,' theolftsifiand. doxoloa3r'( ,There-iarerjoed : BieajBiaBarNBHvr' in aevwHW-apriagsji sawHjnaBwaaaHBTlanr. radaawaaaatalaef keaaVat Baaittial weatfawte taeton, but he ,- ... w-. . una a icjaifiaUatitMi.tf.w!4 ., --1 'Tber-DlsaajaatyBiiaaasassawin froth 12.600 a.saavaawata attltJ(aia7moun. Ulnsarid Mils aiat ak sj i-fia-fiJa, composed of quartx, felsparrsto. TheraBre''ivo or six loads worked near., here a with flattering nrosnects. There are -not-more-tbaB.-thlety-.me:at4 TforKTiere r mining, out were mere ooo, as there ahould be, the mining Interests would soon be developed, and my opinion Is, that the tlmo will come whon there will be a large mining camp hero not Inferior to any In Novada. A NEW COUNTY WAMTKD. Wasco county is vory noar 200 miles square. Ills too large for a county and not qulto largo enough for a Stato. Itun n line 60 miles then from tho Cascades to tho Lino mountains East and Went, mako Prlnovllle tho county seat and you bavo a good alzeablo ann goi-at-ablo county. Prlnovlllo Is a nice location for n (own. Tbero is at present two stores thero that will compare favorably wun any in me vaney: one Is kept by Mr. Arthur Broyman, well known In Salem, and partner Mr. Summer vllle, formerly of Indopendenco. Tbo other by Mr. Lucky. Three blacksmith shops, two hotele, a livery stable, grist mill and about twenty houses comprises tho town. Desert City has an elevation of about 5,000 feet abovo tbo sea levol and they have had loe every night since wo haye boon bore. We aro having a big time in anticipation of the Fourth of July. The following pro gramme la being circulated. Grand Salute at Sunrlao. Procession to form at 10 o'clock, march through the principal streets of the oltyto the public square; alter whloh Mr. C. M. Cartwrlgbt will climb a sago brush and read the Declaration of Independence to be followed by an oration upon the ' 'Rise and Fall of Mining Stocks" by Prof. Hard up. At tbe conclusion of tbo oration tho crowd will retire in good order to Hltoboook A storey's restaurant to partako or a good square meal and to receive what presents they may find to their address on a "Christ mas troo." Tbe weather doubtless suggests this feature of the day, and tbe idea would only have originated in Prof. Uardup's cranium. Editor. TUB XMIO RATION OF '45 Passed through this valley about 7 miles from hero. In the desert on tbo line of their march, we eame across a lonely grave of a person who bad died that year. Tbe name had been obliterated by the destroying band of time, i Soma cattle kunUra found old wagons near Glass Battaln the big desert and aa aoonaa the weather get warmer our party atble WHEAT AKD OATS CttioppalntttkU 03T JJBO-".7'ta.-a. TBTOJUU r....Auoi.. V - r adi, DHPB, Blindis i , , aMTTrT-iTinrTi a . -- : " 5ltbei'tajB-wWorrtBdc got toete Bawsr isua. u is saawing -ana kalllBg hare-dy kat Inaaglae-you are get; iirjrcoidjaaaaiintnevauey inaaaau. ibta --m -.- -Knasaa iska en Mawtaiai i aaav - - t-. r - ., . iiuifTOiitiiw wmv y.u. r " TBlB)lBr of the Des Oaates, lles, in ae day, and m "T! mTr7 TaarwaVk af tol amoA.aod-fjciaUedlaokinRooDBtryrnaTer P AlVMII MlliliSi Iae7var Sage kmab, basarooksrtaKL AilT-XSIlTSr sanaiuaatablrd or even acrioxw toDreaa' -n asms uiwbw .-.-..- i worn HIS. I' ,t I I I ' I I ' - I 1 .". " " ' K kcnrwkmiorU Saddles,- WBfpaV '. Collifoto;.-.,. y Robwv;: ,' SpttTB, Etc. , '' ' -Jtaav Blskseaa Etc., AT- OH COMMERCIAL STREET, DURBIN'S BLOCK, feALEM - - OREGON. apr21-tl NOTICE. OREGON & CALIFORNIA RAILROAD. THK FOLT.OW1NO ItATEH OK FREIGHT ON Grain. Flour anil Mill HtuITi, In cur londs, as per publish d turllTof tho Company under date of Jnnunry tli, 1877. will bo maintained nstho maxlmnm rates until May 81st, 1878. via : Per 100 lbs. to Portland 7 cents 7 cent THE PHJMMER FRUIT DRYEIS. srasaat April ibti. 1 , WAfBTBTaa..aJlE UWBURPAflBsm BT other wrTtajtM or PrtaerrlBg Frntu aad iptote IB BMt dUtsrent'iUei, namely: tamvimr-eapcitr of x jsaasrsjar-pric' $ . WiTrriiKiij oi if ft ar" 7""-i-TirT"".; lS'TJi,"r:i"""",," fv Tsiilir alijar-capsdtjr of 8 bushel V4Pror-JHrlce..Ui u.,--, tjntsssi&WenrawariedaWCenUsiilal Medal aaa DIpHfca aP hulaiisiSa BiMBO. Also. thaOou WdalofmeBtMwoftenBN;i870, for excellence of aToly fcolor (SaawlatFrnlt "ill sliswicoDBatttlronBantaiid famished on short- in7" asHti(rjaatwis;ats for aale. Tor farther psrileBiara,'asid(defcrlpttve atalocn. adiMM - 4J.T.-.8. PIAJMMER, iiuiuupiiuu juuuuiinr, JslStfV sati'orUand, oregoa. m. IUMP HAHMBV, Where we found but a ghost of a garrison, the company of lha 1st Cavalry and that of the Slat Infantry being very slim in num bers, the lalter having but ten men at Ketreet. tub uova are waiting for aomeming to turn an, anil in ine meantime practioe upion wnnoui arm on me parvus grouna, out are not up with tba Capital Quarda Tbey told a of one of the private getting married the other day I Q-roosalemt Married on f IS a month, and nb existing appropriation for hla pay Pseoetohl ashes) Prayara are re quested. , The ooatpeay quarters ad other bulldlnn are very substantial, but the nlaoa I IkarftifiiWohUed, ketmi bont 75Us southwest' Wa atalheur Aaeacy. About the Pom yoa aaa the usaal aaaibar of nalll- lary dot, wfco follow th fortune oftheaol dtar bov. and attend Kavlelle. BetreataBd TatlaBtbk'nUIry.raJaka. Calling your ova dag U Ilka WBgtagout yl"nartha daleai aiaatrdoa about mall tltae each Indi vidual talaka yoa mean klai. P. 8. These sketches waraaeaaad bafara Ik ladlaa trouble la Idaka whlek aeoeaaU for ao ateattoa kales; made Of tkeaa. Kb. will sjo to tkoae. wasona. follow If nosalbl their trail aad look for tba "Sua Bucket Digalns." ir Ua emtgraUoa of that year aaw gold, aa reportad J am aaUsOed that it waa within 00 mile of thla plaoe. When weyraturn will wilt. again. ?;." PnirtEViixie. July 7. Having UMhad tkla point,; homeward bound I thtWt drap yeua line. Wa lijMog)Mi mtvy's river aad got osw 108 mllfc.'frena-'thUi plaoe," when we were met by aa axpraaamaa coming from Harney valley to wara the aet tier or Beaver Valley to be on the lookout; aa all tbe Snake Indiana bad left the Malheur reservation, that most of tba soldiers bad gone to fight Joaepb'a band, and tho Bottlers or Iltrney valley bad gone to Fort Uainey for pro tection. Upon the receipt of this Intelligence we thought that we wiuld retreat by alow marches to ihe Willamette. Wo uronota bit afraid of Indians, Ohl no, but wo woro afraid they might atampodo our anlmala (they have two cay aae and a mule In tbe party) or accidentally raise our scalps. Our only gan waa not reliable and oontoquently we were not on'a war footing. Seriously BDoaklna. the ohanoui m (hat theredtlevila will steal all the cattle and horses In close range of the soap holes, If m"j aia not property ajuaraeu. wu mo morning or tna rourm or July a slwash who bad got full or tangle leg by some means or other rode Into one or tbe silver boles. Ha was recovered at night but strange to say, wben taken out had turned to aollld silver. Ha waa aent to Professor Hurley to be assayed. His horse was taken out the next day la tbe aatne condition. I bad made arrangement to exhibit him at the oomlng State Pair, when, In handling him HobIlruoe,a oolored Individual, broke hi tall and lea ear off, thu destroying him for exhibition. Another one of my specula tions gone up. That there Is plenty of silver at Cam poreek there 1 no doubt, but it will take two year to Kettheooontry prospected. ir the Portland oompany had given Prof. Hurley the mean to hire men tbey might have been doing well by thla time, paying a dlvldeud ou all their investments, and their mines would have bad a reputation second to none on the coast. Mark my prediction this will b a big paying inlnlngoountry one of these dsya. Pmok Hahdup. Mltwnukle Clackamas Oregon City Hook Inland Can by Aurora Hubbard Wood burn nervnls Ilrooka Salem Turner Marlon Jefferson Minor's Albany Tangent HheJit's Hnlsey Muddy Harrlsburg Junction Luper'a Irving Kuaenn Hprlngfleld Goshen Cmaswell Latham Comitock'u Drain Yonollft Onkland Umpqua inenum ....... ........ ..... ..i lOoents 11 cents Ilornls 11 cents 11 cents ..11 cents Uronta 11 cents 13 cents IS cents 12 cents 13 cents 14 cents Ifi rents IS cents 17conts , 18 cant 19 cents SOcenti S3 cents an cents .88 cents .nooents .11 cent S.) cents 85 cents m cents IB cents 8)conia ...OTconts ..woenta ..33 cents 33 cents a see 44ets Half Brother to Caledonia Chief;' tkt fastest Trotting Stallion in Canada, Blrod by Hflwo' BotsI Geortro. Dam by old nark, way, the celebrated Irish Wood jjoreo, will stand foe Mares In East Portland, At the Stables of JOHN 8UAVKR; from April 1BUY tpJnly 1st, 18T7. 40 to Insure, piysble when' the Mare Is known lo lio In oal. $'25 Tor tbe 8ea oa, payablo at the time of service. JOHN REDMOND. March 0,1877. .......... No charso for d ravage at Portland. .. ..-r. .. '. .. . . .. .... k. KUM.iiUf.il, vico rrea.u. u. it. ii. uo. rortland, Oregon, Juno 9tu, 1877. loietr. STAYTON - AaTlll. rpui 8 W1TB MILL nAH BKKK RXPAIKXD. NSW HUtSHMT. and has one of Drake's Mew Planers, aad we ar now prepared to ssppiv aastclsa LDMBKB, roort or dresn d, at short nolle. Prices rang Froaa f fl8.5 per M. BUyton. Or., May IS, 1877. Sin SALM FOUNDRY, ft Maobino Shop, 1ALKM ORIOON B. F. DRAKE, Frop'r. iTRAM KNaiNES, SAW MILLS, GRIST MrLLS, Ileapeis, Pomps, and all kinds and styles of Ms cnlnery made to order. Machinery repaired at a short noth Pattern-makUs. done In all Its various forms, and all kinds of lines and Iron Castings rarnltbed at short notice. Also, mannfactnrcr of KNTKIIPIUSK l'LANKH an MATCUKR. and bTlCKKHS and BUAl'KltM Mtr4wU OVER THtf BARLOW ROUTE. Mr. Jap, Mlnto returned yesterday from a trip to Eastern Oron, where he had bean with his father to hunt a aultabla ranohe for their larae flock of aheen. Thev went b the way of the Pasa by Mount JetTerson and returned by the Barlow route. The dssorln. lion over waa recently glyea in tbe Daily Kkoohii taken tram a latter written by Hon. John Mlnto from tba Black Butte. In returning Mr. Mlnto speaks ofaome rough storms lately aiperieaoed by those paailna; over the Barlow roata. Mr. Manly Moore, of thu oounly wkk a large flock of of aheap got o vor saMr. Others were not ao fortuaaU. BUntaaoa Brea., af Uaa county, lost 160 head. Nortkaatt, of tkla county, lost only 1 kaad by pot ia. 8aow and rata alluatU tkeflrstaf Jaly, making tba roads bad, An aeeldsBl aaaartasl at tka brldss over tha cwaay iaat wees;, Taataasaor a atr. Jonea baekd off tka dugway tsaaHag 'oa to the bridge drewatag tka karaas aad losing the wage and eoataata. Mr. Wiato kaa aad a Baeeaaafal kat rather rough (rip; A ntabla raaaka waa faaad aad kia larae geek will aedrivea over about tka arst of tka eotatag aaaatk. Ageat for tbe Willamette Farmer. Albany .... ...... ............ J R Hannen Amity., . ............ ........... r. ,,..., HI. Simpson Cottase Urore J U Hhortrldse x"tuu... , , j eg uavis liaena VUti Wa Wells, J W llobart HrownsTllle W K Kirk llutterllle J w iurhM. Canyon City D II 1th In chart Canyunvllle w T Brims Coqullls City PH Msttesoa Cole's YaUey W II Clarke CUtsop....... , R J Morrison CrawfordSTlue Hubert OUts Cot. ..... .......11 P Kendall Corrslll ,...., , S Woodward Cresweu. ...,. .. .Roscoe Knox CUckamas.. w a Mills Camp Creek , GBHammersley Dallas,,,. -,.. , .....J D Lee, D M Gothrie Dealer B Uandsaker Dram's ..Krewson A Drain pamascas.. , KPoibes Dayton...... ,,,, , o Uadaway Klkton. ...... .., .......,... A B llatnes Kagtne. ..; , John McClonjc ros'Valley k a D Gardner PorvstUrove... H Unhe, WLCartls Gohen ,, .....J Ilandtaker nervals., ................ ................ .S M Gaines llalsey,,,, ,..........,.. .,,,,, T J Black I urlibu... Illram fmlth HllUboro A Lucille? JOHN MINTO. aasiDsn or MERINO SHEEP, TAKES plcasnro In offorlnir to the WeolGrowsrs ot Oregon and the adjolnlnrj Terrttorl-s the chance to purchase TUOROUUllBItBD MKRINOB, and sarins parties Interested that they can, and wlU en. deavor to. sell Sheop of tho same quality and value at MUCU ClIRAI'KR TltATKS than sneh can possibly be Imported. Bzamlnttlon and comparison with oth er Sheep offered la the market are cordially Invited. u Address JOUN MINTO, Salem, Orceoa. N. D. Tho Rams and Jtaro, Lambs of the flock caa bo seen on the ISLAND FARM, adjoining Saleaa. The Rwes can bo seen at tho camo place, or at the HILL PARM fonr and a hall miles south of the cltv. Salem, September 10, 1878. Farm and"Land iorfSale. sasani u u roao. aboot m miicn fmm Knm.ni City.' Also, about 1400 acres of MIXRD LAND, tome of the best valler and boavcr.dsm Land in th county, surrounded by hill and brush land.' Three or four very good farms un be mado out of It. Good place for a colony. Want to sell the wholo lot toctsth or. This Land Is situated In Lena county,, about It mues irom aupone vuy, ana six rrom uroswell. job Aaaress juu ha ifum vrvawvii. P. U. DUNN, Rugtni City. Home -Made and Hand-lSad Boojrs. IP TOU WANT A GOOD-PITTING PDJtl BOOT" yoa can be accommodated by calling AC AraaitreaaK'g 8ka, Oa BUts Btreet. opposite WILLIS'S BOOK STORK.' Atx Woax WABJiaxTBD. Price Rsxsovasls. Reaalrlaa; ntntty and promptly dens. Grra Ma a Oau. IstiatQ M. AaiaBTMiaNU. Alterative iicuucr.. jtorrow iierrcn nuepenaenre w I. Ilodcln Junction Smith, Brataeld A Co., W L Lemon "tksonyllle H Peterson Klnc a Valley...... , ....,,,..,. Conner A Crtino Jefferson... .....Jchn W Roland Lewlsvtlle , II O McTimmonds Lafayette Dr l'oppleton. ABIieury Lebanon ,; S II Clanithton Monroe...... ,,,, Jos Kelsey McMtnnTllle J B Morris. A Held Monmouth,... w Wsterhouse Mill Plain, WT David Stamp Needy.. .. ..,,,..,,,,,,. ...,Wm Morelanu rtew are.. ...... ...,....,.... ...... , ..,, ,, J Casto neweusTiue. rv CasUeman North Yamhill DO Stewart Oakland.... ,,.B K Raymond pswego AR Shipley v... ............................. .....j u ocaroeaar ...................... t- mt HIMn lelOS.aa ................. .MT A AVKItntMn Peoria......... ........,Dr J II Irvine PUot nock... ............... ................B Glllhun aUaBd; a PL,Afeut Stat Grange PnneavlUe. .... ......... .... n m ihih ji Jarrydal....,...,,,. ..... MeQrsw'sbtore Klcareal.... .................. ...,....,P A Patterson Koseovrg............ .,........,,,. ..Tho Stalta - tfun, mos jtiukers Bllvertoa........ .............. .... n bukksm. Shedd'....., WM Powers, OR Wheeler i'.bii"v.................................a u uovey BssllaaMr.. .................,,,,,,, ..John Dowsing B west Hesse,.. , ....,.,,.... .. .....,Bea Marke euicnww Orogon City.. renniei To Purity the Blod nso pr. j. Alterative. It acts directly on tho blood, stimulating tho aLborbonts, ovorcomlng-Uio obetlnato sLtto of tho poroH of tho skin, and imparting a healthy glow to tho Comploxlon. PlmplOH, Pustnlos, Tottor, and Skin Diseases of all kinds, Mercurial AflbctlonH, Tumors, and all vnrlo tios of complainta arising from do pravod or dtsordorod blood, aro ef fectually eradicated by this romody. Scrofula In all rtt Fonts u cured. by the peralstont usq of Br. Jayate's AJtcratlre. It dostroya tbo poison ous principle which originates Scro fula, and ultimately drives It from tbo aystom. It will remove onlorgo monta of the Glands or Bonos, and ia a safe romody la cases of Ulcers or Soros or all kinds. Drojrty and Droptkal Swdtinp aro effectually cured by Br. Jayae's AI- tersoive. By stimulating tho action or tho absorbents, all watery or cal careous doposltlonB aro gradually carried off, toning up tho patlontat tho same tlmo, by strongtlionlng tho dlgostivo organs and exciting tho Liver, Klduoys, Ac. to perform their functions. For Dyspepsia nntl Liver Complaint It has proven n romody, and It has eutablishod euros in cosci of Epilepsy. It may bo safely relied on by any ono needing a medlulno 'o build up tho system, cleanso tho blood, or to r&storo tho normal action fif tbo Socrctlvo Organs, Oreioo:DAVW OO-iwkol"! Agents. PortUaal a ... 1 tst a 8 a4TS99 aayTT-.r ' BlWU IVHy. ' eeeW H 9t(sf-a stBiaBa?-l ! ..O W aWOWFa SrSMMft "! slsf WUklu SrlLy ? F Brrvff Jjl , ,J C KVbVwt imMMis m aaalllOB. MBADDlftamtsl REAL ESTATS LOAMS. mew AN wiBiixsrti Trait InTeitmtnt Cfnpnyr SCtrTLANB. fllHlS Ooajpanspwpyred to aeaotlaU tosa la axed periods of yesis, or MMWMm, aovttr t of yeais, or repayaU by sayeariy la- WUXUM KKD, Maaanr.. tPUstStmrportUaa. v.a ATTOBjrET AT XAW OPBRA HOCBK, BALKaX . B, caeasr, at hsad of stain, fclaa :W .J A .Vs. a .. 'vAHaPBaWK. . i.. iiKJi..., .-V.