fl " rur Km aaPf frl7 f 'VP afcv vfcWaJWsr'-l--y st ae H $2,50 per Year. The Indian War. The Oregonlan oontalna the following dis patch from Gen. Howard, dated at Camp Williams, left bank of sooth fork of Clear water, near mouth of Cottonwood, I. T., Ju ly 12, 1876: By making a foroed march, I atraok the enemy at 1 p. m. yesterday, about DOOstroog, In a deep oanyon near the mouth of the Cot tonwood, on the south fork of Clearwater. I opened Are at once with a howitasr. and anoooeded In starting tho Indiana from their position . Passing aronnd a transverse canyon for a mile and a half. I beiran tho battle in Rood eernost, and dismounting formed in ravines ana oeutnu roox barricades, well prepared For sevun hours every ohargo wo made ground on them. Still at night our position was not a vory goou ono as tno enemy lay contiguous to my communications and I was short of rations. This morn ing, by a determined effort, wo regtlned our spring, of wator from somo sharpshooters. This afternoon I gave our linos to tho euro of Captain Perry, commanding, tlio oavulryof uapiain Aiiie, me naitaiinn or inrautry, nun draw out Captain Millars' battalion of srtll- lery acting as Infantry. Just as wo woro roadv torooommonce oflbnslvo work. Crtnt. Jaokaon with a paok train appeared iu sight ooyonu tno inuiana' position. Miller punn ed out In skirmish order, mot tuo.lrain and esoortod.it suocossfully; they bad hardly formed a junction wfth us whon tho artillery battalion, already boyond tho enomy's flunk, madoa rapid movement taking Galling guns and howitzer along. The Indians inado ono desporato tflort to nana; Miner, nut railed and men gave way. Everything was then pushed to tho pursuit. We shelled tbem rapidly from tho hlsh bluff, as they escaped Irom tho left bunk of the river, and followed them, etoaping In every dlreotlon, as fir a the river, and aro now across and going into eamp at 7:30 p.m. The lossea of the Indiana appear to bo thlr teen killed and quite a large number wound ad. We have Captain Bancroft and Lieut. Williams, wounded; also eleven enlisted men killed and 24 wounded. Their camps were abandoned la great haste, leaving muon plunder, xne Indiana rougut as well as any troops I ever aaw, and so did ours. not one man felling In duty. I bow believe that I am In fine condition, Just as soon aa Green appears trom Boise, lo make thorough work with these Indiana. They are making rar toe bosks oouairy, ana i ror ooaesnira ilea at Mount Idaho. Trooea havA-tMtvwr done harder or more rapid campaigning or oetier ngnnng man moso. O.O. Howard, Brig. Gea. Commanding. Washington, July 14. Gen. McDowell tel egraphs from Man Francisco that he In relolo ed to hear of Gen. Howard's Important victory over me inuiana, wnion ne considers very opportune as having a lendenoy to de ter fettering Indiana from Joining Joseph's Dana. WHO ARE THJ3YT Phhrydalk, July 8, 1877. lam Informed that the wheat, which was awarded the first and highest premium at tno worms rainasiyear, was on exnim tlon at the Oregon (Mate Fair, of 1875, and was passed by without any award or publlo notice whatever, while I am Informed every farmer and miller who examined thnaam plo at our State Fair, pronounced it the best wheat they ever seen. The exhibitor feeling that injustice had been done his sample, furnished Commissioner Dufur one peck from the bushel exhibetod here, for the Cen tennial at Phlldelpbla, and the result was aa stated above, this same sample beating the samples from U parte of tho world. I wonld like for you Mr. Editor to Inform me through your Interesting paper, who the committee was that awarded the premiums at the State Fair of 1875, especially tho com mittee on wheat. It la strange indeed, that the Superlnten dent, would appoiot men who either were not qualified or were not devoted to their duties, as committee men in such cases, or in any similar Important duties. By the way, I may mention that It seems to bo the general wish In this section, that earnplesof this whoat should bo placed on exhibition at tho World's Fair to be held next year in Paris, and I learn that such Is the purpose of tho owner of said premium wheat. A. Fahmkr. THE HAY CROP. balkm Praiiiih, July 10, 1877. Tho supply of hay this station in Wlllam etlee Valley will be fully up to tho demand. Persons traveling lately In the central coun ties of the valley report the hay crop as very good. Besldo this, hundrods of (one of volunteer oatn are out for hay. So far the weather Is very Que for curing hay. Fall oats are heavy and are about all out and saved. Lirgo totinago of hay will bo i-aved in the Columbia bottom thin year, as there have beeu no great floods In tho rlvor to destroy it. The prioeof hay In Saloru has not settled down to a certain rate. New hav sells at present at ten dollwra per ton In our streets from the meido s. The Kiooutlve Commltte of the State Agricultural SocUty otter eleven dollar per ton for the supply of nay at the comingotatn isir. mere m muon late sown swail oats, that will make good winter feed as hay. Pluto. Contract Awarded The contract for building (be Grandstand and other fixtures at .tbe Fair Ground, baa Imi awarded to N. Potter, at SW. The con traet papers will be prepared In a day or two, when the work will be commenced. All the leaker for Us laaareveaBeata eoatem . slated to the greaad. M, BY TELEGRAPH. F0MIGK. London, July 16. A. dispatch from Cal cutta says the latest aocounU from the famine district of M wires are somewhat worse. The rainfall has been slight over a portion of the affected area. Numbers of natives on the publlo works are receiving gratuitous Increased rollef. There has been groat mortality from disease, especially among children. Tho situation In Mysore fa aisooniioai,ann me prospeot in soutnern India Is far from reassnrlug. Constantinople, July 10 Adlspatou dated Saturday, announces that the Russians are approaching RasKrnd, and have probably aireauy cut tno railway noor mat point, it is oonjocted by some that tho Turks will main tHluadofenslvo lino extending from Rust clink via Shumla to Osmau Bus, and will rvo battlo In open Held. Loudon, July 10. There Is no trustworthy news from tho armies In Hulutirla. Tho spec ial dispatches announcing great battles wero progressing, pmvo groundless: time, the Uuslans aro closing In upon Rtititahuk Is probable, although lliolr couoontratloii must still bo In a vory btukw.ird state Tolrgra- hlo communication btwnn lluslohuk ttnd huuila was Intact to Friday. St. 1'etorHburg, Julv 10 Hen. Tupkorsoir reports that ho found tlio town of lUysr.ld destroyed nnd tho nttuosphorit so Itifruted from itond lioiiles that It was Impossible to romaln In tho placs. From tho Hconnof tho Insurrection In Cau casia It Is reported that the Llzllans havo ro antnod thootfrnslvo. Gun, Alkassuirtnnruhed on July 13'h from Loknvlto to Tkuralchlll, on tho right bank of tho Gallgsl, and has driven the ouoiuy from au entrenched position and forced them be hind Mnkva and occuplod Guouiu, 20 miles north of Sukum Kaloh, Constantinople, July 10. 'It Is mid the Turks have beaten the Russians and unoc cupied Tlrnova, also tnat Ismail Pasha en tered Russian territory and advanced six miles on the road to Tlflle. Paris, July 10 it la staled Austria Inlands to propose meditation as soon as decisive action of either of the belligerents baa dear ly defined the military situation. Vienna, July 10. A special says Count Andrassy has made representations at Buoha ret aad Belgrade with a "View "of causing Servian territory to be respected. Rouma- nla hasrenonncd all Idea ot military action. For several weeks at least the position in Asia Minor la tolerably olaar. ' ., Makbter-aaba-.lftUKaR'ritte-abad u,ww mea, an Mid, ineiuaiag me iLsrsgsr rUon. y Gen. Mellkofl Is at Kalin with about 35.000 men, but superior to the Turks In cavalry and artillery. Tho garrison of Bttonm made no impar taut movement as far as reported. Thu Turks having withdrawn all the troops from tho Montenegrin frontier rxoopt Rarrlsoiis of forts and blcck houses, Prince Monoiaa is preparing to besiege Nlcslo again. Buobarest, July 17. The great central dopot contains stores of meal to whlek he supplies of rloe for the relief of the Maatal famine were a mere bagatelle. SbUova will be the immediate aad Tlrnova the advance depot. A rapid advance on Rustchuk does not seem Imminent. Correspondents in Shnmla state they per sonally witnessed the Russlaus attack un armed Turks, woandod old men, women and children. Kafugeot, Hay the Russian troops attacked wagon trains fleeing to Shumla and murder ed people indiscriminately. 1 he Turks have evacuated and the Rus sians occupied Medjento and Mongrllr in Dobrudscba. Constantinople, July 17. The second American frjga has arrived in the Bospo iu. Kara, July 17. The Russians have fallon hack from flatoum. It is rnmored that the column will Join Gen, Mellkofl and again Invade Armenia. New York, July J7 A "nwdal, giving an account of the capture of N k )hiIi, wiys as soon as tho Russians cuuio within elfiHjtlve runge of tho Turkish position tbey were met by aBevorenrttllory tiro, wliiuli, however, did not check the ndvanoH, and to which they replltd with a still more formidablii lire. The Turks being ttOHtod on a com manding position had isiuolderable ftdviui t.ue. and as the Umiluiw Hiiiiro.ulil frlitht fill caps were luide Iu ttioir ritiiks by tho TurkUu artillery. With surprising v.lor, however, thby oontiniied to approiuh tlio liquids, ami as s'ton m they C4in4 within ritlH rango ihey ojwnt"! u Utrrible ilru on the Turks for halfan hour. This was continued with uuabated vigor until ubout mid day Sunday, when au order for ussiult we Kiver , and the whole KuttsUui line, support ed by several batteries u( artlllf ry, stormed tho helKhtu ocoupled by the Turks. During the awful climb In the f.ico of a deadly tire the Russians suffered terribly, while the Turks, stubbornly defending their position, sustained enual logs. After ob alnlng tos- session of ihobolghtscommsnUitiK the town, st a terrible cost, the Jtusslnns virtually liati Nlkopolls at thdlr mercy, Tho Turks, find Inir their line of retreat threatened, abandon ed tho town, Which was llllod with Turkish dead. Many wounded were found in the streets and In the houses, whore they had beeu abandoned by tho Turks in the baste of retreat. As regards supplies, tho Russians leave uotblng to ouauue. Adrlanople, July 17. Tho Russians are attacking the town, which is occupied by two battalions of Turks. Rarouf Pasha is expected tbera with a large force. This Rus siaa adyasea guard baa traversed the Heior peaa through the Balkan mounfaBs. Ths foreaefwalek aUaeklBg party forrasa part has oeea pied Yaada valley. Tha Rus SAJUE v TM" -r-t OREGON, JULY 20, sian force Is estimated at 10,009, but they are destitute of artillery. London, July 17. A war correspondent telegraphs that after blookadiai the fortress of the quadrilateral, 100,08a sen are avail able (or crossing the Balkaas by the western line of Invasion, exoluslve of Gen. Zimmer men's army in the eastern section. Ruobarest, July 17. Preparations contin ue for a battle near Rustohnk, whither a por tion of the garrison of Slllstila' has already gnno, It la said that all tba. work done by tho international Danube ooamlasion will be lost In pnntoquence of the measures taken by tho Russlaus to obstruct the mouth of the Danube Panama, July 7. According to news' re ceived by thn steamship Orya, lioundor has again been tho seine of voloanlo eruptions and destructive Hoods, causing, It Is feared, loss of llfo and destruction of property. On Juno 20th, from nabaloys to Tumbel, detona tions resembling the dlaobargo'of cannon, were heard. At Ysguahl It wa,sald the re ports oh tno fnmi tho north. At 4 p. til, that day a heavy shower of ashes commended lo fall. 'Ihestoitmer Islay, on her way from l'iinama to Guayaquil, drat nptlced tho fall or us tins at Msnta, and continued tsrecelvo tltetii until urrlvlnc lUOtmynrjuH. Nodonht, as on other occasions, tho ashes have l)eon transported to a dlstancn of 200 leagues irom thn volcano which had thrown them out. On account of tlionbsoiion of acids Inlhoashos they aro not llkoly to bo Irjnrlous to tho crops orcattlp, as on previous ncottslous. Washlnmon, Julv 10. No action has been taken by tho war dopartmsnt toward order ing more troops away from tha south. The I Infantry, recently on dntjr at Atlanta, having bon orderod westito'reldforoe Gen, Howard, but few troops are left In the south. The whole body of troop now stationed In the southern states, wlthtaa aioeptlon of iiuirn in iusbb iu opersHiras .,B"L Mexican marauders, does not exosad 1,090 or l,2O0 men. t It Is the Intention of tba navat anthorlliea toarmalltbeba-t veaaala wltk rifled ord nance aa fast as It can ba atada. Chleago, July 17. THa Jeuraal says of crops, that the news eoaMwass .very good without exoaptlon aa to MM laealHf or char acter of tba crops. J v , wasningtoB, jDiy m. usesa 'a weoatin Bed Oneatla, BeateA eonaty, Hdae. Uaten eouatv.' Ofaaw 1 1 it Land irerry, Douglas coaaty, Oresjea. "' ' Postmasters aapslatai ' ft Harris, 5"Sf"J-.?'?"-?0l yrHiwai .v. uwawsui vottt .AiJ eun - turn Ka oaiiMtifcF la asfc that baa aa assssla or thto kiad la tkair amidst. Ha to a eoward of tba werat type aad ble vtotiaa are geaar ally selected from asseng the meet pure aad reined and bis charges er innendos caaaet always be refuted. Many a happy house hold baa been broken up by tbe cowardly writings of an Irresponsible, destardly vil lain, whodare not sign hi, name to bis letters. He generally writes noon scraps of paper picked up at odd places so that be cannot ba traced. If found, an anBonymoas letter writer should be hung to tha nrat tree with out svon a hearing In Judge Lynoh's court. During the past few days an asssssln of this kind has been at work In Halomand Vlolultyv Que attempt st suicide and several threatened divorce cases are already tbe re suit of bis dolose. Well-known honorable men's wives have reooivsd letters hinting of, iniiueiuy on tne parts ortueir loige torus, ladles of nnlmpoachable standing In society have been slandered to their hncbands and friends without the slightest foundation In fact. Should It oontinue, certain suspected nerxons will bo closely shadowed and woe be it lo tbemlroaughtlntheact. Ills life would not be worth the prioeof a short strong cord. Ip the moan time we say to those who are recelvlnc those letters to-recelve them with out Rlvliur thorn a oassliiK thntiRbt but only consider tbem the emanations of a foul, de- pnTou villain. IMPORTANT DISPATCH. A dispatch was fcent by Govornor Chad wick, to the President today, asklnirhlm to suspond the order recently made M. Con novnr, Indian Aitent, to gather the Indians in umattita un-ervatinti. inoians who are neaooful declaro that they will fight If the order is carried nut. List of Letters, Remifnint; uncalled for in the Stsyton cost- otllce: liilyeu TaMUm Miss, lluriifllt Kdward, Ilenrr Haran, IIIUW K.. iioniierRou ur. J,, Hook Flora, HlronsThiiliins, Lyttle Charles, 1'iiiiiiiey M. VV Kycrafi Leo, Soars Thoinns, Williams Klexander, Jones William, McCan Alllo, Plrogon Marthy, Smith Narah, Scott Jacb., Wllloon Uronla, A. D.Gaku.vuh,!, M. Tiik Unas Ciiuns. In another column of this week's pipor will be found the ad vor. ilseuiont of tho "Boss Churu," which Is pro nouuosd by those who havo used It to te tho best churn over Invented. Mr. II, A liawklns, lato from tho Kat, Is the agent, whon residence Is at Auuisvllln, Oreaon, whore he can be addressed for particulars. New Mill at Taraer's. Mr. tf , J), Cockerllue, s new comsr from the Eastern elope, is putting up a new flour ing mill at Turner's Station. The limber for tbe frame and a portion of tbe other 1 amber is already oa tba ground and tba earpeater work is to oouseenee at once. Wa are glad taaotatbtoavideaee of prosperity ea tba fat of our sabarbaa towa. T - a a a, .,,.. 1 aa . t'f - li Vr 1877. Oregon, u lean by Oklota. Wa take the following from tbe Stuben- vllle, Ohio, Herald or June 20th. It from tbe peu of Mr. J. M. Reed, brother-in-law of G. A. Cutting of this olty, who recently paid our valley a visit : Editor Hkralu: It may be of Interest to your many readers to peruse a communica tion concerning atrip to the moat distant State ot our Union. If they will (In their minds) accompany me In a flying trip across thecontlnont to San Francisco, and spend a week In seolns tbuoltv and ltsnumerona ob jects or Interest, wo will then be ready to take passage on board ono of the O. S.S. Company's vessoN, sailing every week from San Francisco to Portland, Oregon. Of the sea voyage or rdiiio inreo days, bo lore arriv ing at uoiumuia itivcr bar, tne least said tbe bettor, however, ono IIiIur will attract your attention, after having crossed the bar and entered tho broad and beautiful rlvor, that many now fucos now suddonlv appear on dock; you enquire of them "Where havo you beenT" "Oh, just taking a nap, wasn't a bit sea Nick." ' Ascending tho rlvor u short dlslnnco a sic. nal uuii Is flrod uud our uood shin Anchors at tho docks at AHTOIUA, Thn oldest city of Oregon, with a nomitatlon r l vo thousand, a porter entry and tho principal point ror salmon Usulng, which in dustry is carried on quilo oxtouslvuly, amounting to at least $5,000 annually. I no wuisuo is-sounded, calling us on board, and wo continue un thn beautiful river with Its numerous Island, high blull ubuks, neayiiy iiinoereu wun massivo II r trees, whoto tons seem almost ready to pleroo tho clouds, finally wo readied tho mouth or tho Willametto (pronounced Wll lam et) Into which our trusty pilot guides ua and in a vory short tlmo another sigual gun announces tuat wo aro about to arrlvo at 1-OllTI.AND, The commercial emporlnm or the North west, with a population or 12,000, four dally and several weekly newspapers, ohurobes, schools, hospitals, street railway, Ore alarm telegraph and a No. 1 Are department. At tha docks wa find both steamship and sail ing vessels that ply between this and' ports f stBa) MAHMtilnn iutalilaii nmllna - Jb. n utua luiiuuirn, uiu uiuiuarjr unilta doing business on tbe two rivers, dossing tha river by ferry to'Kast Portland, we lake tha O. A O. railroad, which exteada aoM MO sallesdne sooth, and moat of tbe distance RMlowa aaarwuiaueua. vauey, wa came to Kim Haatosr--Trw-l ha Hi nto-rniUsi br fella sooae thirty or forty feet-bill, bar tba skillful engineer and mechanic overeoase ail oDstaoies anu ouiu a oaaai wim iooks, araand tba fells. Splendid water power is here obtained and utilised to a considerable extent. The train moves on and wa begin to feel we are nearlng the end of our Journey for the present: a gentleman calls attention . li. !.!.... ti r a .lt An mmb IK .1. w iiidbuuiiiu ui m vtfj uu uui if,ui iio train stops and we alight In ths capital city of Oregon SALKM, A very handsome place, population 6.000. wide streets, well shaded. One court bouse, capltol, mot yet flnished,)WlllameUa Univer sity, larae couvont and uood public schools. Consldsrabla manufacturing ia tba way of Hour, lurnitiire, sw anc planing rams, an run by water power. Ths State prison with about lOOconvloUi la located near the olty and is a well managed Institution. Marlon coun ty contains a larse area of floe agricultural lands, Howell, 'French and Salem prairies being especlHlly rlob and productive of all kinds or trrsln except corn, which doss not do woll in sny part of the valley, because of me oooi niguis. LINN COUNTY Is one of the vory Vest counties of tbe State for agricultural purposes, but perhaps sot anv better than Polk or Yam bill counties. on the west side exrept that It has a little Detter advantages in point or snipping. Al bany, tho county seat, is a growing little city of 4.000 doo plo Is favored with Rood schools. cliitrolms, hotols, two ox three newspapers and a never railing water. power, almost un limited in capacity. , , , INDUaTIIIKH AND IlKsdUIIURS Are numerous, hut whoat Is tho great staple product and may bo regarded as a certain croii, ns rust, tiles, hoppers etc., never appear uimsiroy mo moor ui uiu unsuauuuiaii, Wool irrowlntr. Ilax.hons. vouofable. eto. are all profitable crops, ' ' I'ilUlTri AND nKltlllKrt Of all kinds (oxcent peaches) urow to oerfea tlon, and leir sbtiuduutly. Annies, pears anu piums aro etfooiaiiy line, tno iron no - . ... -.. . - . i. . iii iur,o, aiwujruuijiiu, aim wcw iiayuruu TIIH CUUATK Is mild and pleasHiit; trio' summer days aro not oppresKivoiy warm, and always followed by cool iiluhts, Tlio winter seasou Is tho un- ple4S4iit feature of Oregon. A great deal of rain falls, as h rule, with but llttlnsnowor freezing wuattior. (Confoatlouors uno maiiu fsaiiiimi Ice.) , It would lioimposslblo toglvayourroiders anything like a fair descrliitlon of the coun try In a slintlo lottor. therefore If an vono read ing tho fureKoIng delres to kuijW more of Oregon, I would suifKext ihat they suirl ihelr uamnand address to lls Kxrollttucy,S. F Chad wick, (loveruor, 84lim, Oregon, and his Secretary will take pleasure Iu rnalllnirtliein aamsll pamphlet containing a fund of Infur malton which thoycan peruse with satisfac tion. ZM OSMOLCSION, Tha yaamc HUte of Oregon, wltb a popula- uoa or iu,wuseuisl a surplus pioauo, tro ths farm, ml as, fereat aad stream amount lata atlaaatMt.aMjO0O aBnually, and Iu- ereaalag rapidly aaeb saeeaadlag year, a v '' ".. Volume IX. Number 23, healthy climate and good society, may be trutbfnlly considered a desirable placate' live, but there are certain classes of persoaa earnestly advised against going there, via: oommon laborers, skilled mechaalea wkbeat oapltal, and lightning rod men. Tba tatter wouia surety oome to griar ror warn or traaa In their tine. . A visit to the 8tate Is not much of aa un dertaking these daya of rapid transit, and win no aoiiot repay you as wen hum. Yours Truly, J. If. It. An Appeal from Fakwo. i Whllo wo wore' visiting I r lend Cyrus,' at his home, the other day, ha received thefol-. lowing letter from the Palonse country,, whloh ho permits us to publish, as showing the condition of matters there. Ha regrets that no moans aro at his disposal to use for relief of frlonds In that distant and disturb-' od region: ri Four Mich, Nfs Pxrcks Co,, ) July a, 1877. J To Win, Gyrus, Master 0. 8. G., P. of JI,( Solo, Linn Co,, Oregon: Worthy Masti:i: and Hro : I will Iry to keep you pouted about uvoiiIh hero during tho war slid exulting tunes, Tno pooplo bora aru at present u llttlo mnro reconciled to the Oct. but thoy aro terribly excited and soma aro leaving. Othara are building stockades, and putting their housoa In a state of de fence by barricading tbe doors and windows and mskidg port-holes t.i shoot from. So j far, wo have bad no trouble. Tho Iudlana killed ono man about fifteen miles front bore, and (hat was enough to start tbe people aud they built stookades and aro using all moans In their powor to procure arm,. If wo woro properly armed we oould hold tha country and defend our property and lives. Tho tnd lans broke out so suddenly, and our people have been so little troubled that they nover thought of arms, and the Indians aro prepared for war and we have comparatively no fair arms for defense, and we have our women and children to save, with property' , to defend, and our means of procuring araaa is limited. In fact ready money with ua ia a soars commodity. I have staid with oar brothers and sister and will belptbsm to do all tbey can, and encourage tbem to boldoa. , Our sisters realise tba situation and our poor ' meaaa of defense. I bava told them X tasMMrkt aaany of oar brethren la Oregea ( urn lafannai a., mftr lm la that tuev wtr-a An m . in isw"v -p 'rrsMUwaaavsBssw xim f. at arsaeat. If avMaira ia Om nll beta to procure arms, WV-dU VJ tl wsll. Aalv alva urn sIbm te aaiakt af dtfflculty. Wa wUI secure tbem by aetea or by loan to our greage or aay way you iaey Sropose, but the arms, under thspreaaat anger, we must bava it if possible. It seems strange for P. of H . to ask for araaa. ' an Order given to pesos and tha elevation or mankind, Instead ottbe degrading influences or war, but we are living on the frontiers among the savages, surrounded by these, snd well know the horrors of an Indies war, having heard tbelr yellsand seen tha aflaeto of tbelr savage barbarity. Wa know not when wo may be called oa to defend all wa hold dear lu life. That la the reason for these appeals for arms, and I hops tba Brethren in Oreghn will respond to our call for help. , The health of tha community 'la good at present, some few cases of that fearful soourgo diphtheria. Grange' Botes, I bava none to send. I see the Brethren often, but tbesoene Is changed. We keep scouts out aud use every means of care to guard against surprise. I have cached the' grange records la the ground till tha olive branch of peace aad security agala float oysr ua. Ho tba bss of the seal for awhile will ba dispensed with. Please write wbatyou can do, 11 any tbiag , aud be prompt about It. Wa have Be time to spare. Hoping to bear from you often will close by remalalog ysurs frater nally, Wiluam Kino, Heo'y of Orange No. 16, W. T Address Paloosa Olty, Whitman county, W.T. A Flsaaaat MaeUBg- Hnn. S, J. R. MoMIUan, U, H. Senator from Minnesota, and Major Quinoy A. Ileooks, of this Stale wore old school males together and graduated in the same class. They met recently at Portland for the first tlmo after a eeparatlon or twenty six years. Senator McMillan has been on the bench of District and Supremo Courts of Minnesota for a number of vearsand Just previous to bis election as U". S. Sena'or, he had bees ru-oleoled chief lustlco of tbe-State. From the Sulem Mercury of May Stlth, 1870, we team that MsJor IJrooks emigrated to Oregon crossing tbe plains In lK.il,and has spent most of tho time since then In the publlo sorvloe, serving In various capacities, not ably as Special Agent of tho post office de partment for tbe I'aclflo.. Coast under tho admlnlxiratlou iU" Andrew Johnson, and aa Ahsl, Qr. Mr. Gun, of tho Mate troops In the lato Modoc Indian war, Mfjqr llrooka la now living on his farm at tho ilbtHprlugu near Link vllle, LHa county, In this Stute. i i Tho San. Francitco Fair. "' ', Wo would again urgo upon tho farmora tho necessity of contributing without delay toward tho exhibit of the productions of Or egon at the San Francisco Fair to bo held ia August and Septembtr. All specimens left aUbeFAUMKii office will be promptly fur- warded to the Railroad Office at Portland. Mr. S. A. Clarko la bow traveling through Linn and Lane coaatles, aad 1 meeting wltb good saceess, ''Xt . "k,. - h- Jj M I 4 J i -n. r- ' V I I )l - - , is - f, i.--.! i '- ."' , miVr-r rrBssTr9K-).Qsr igSsPfr'i. J fxm.sZl