wr . t WILLAMETTE. FARMER. 1. 1 . y P i if f r H I ft V Appeal to Patroni. Arouno, ye son of toll t Awake from your Bleep of lotbargy t The groat world looks to you tor acllon prompt and trtio. Brothers of tbo plow, think of It the power is with you. Wield It with honorand benefit pride. Let your hearts swell with grateful gratitude to tlio Glvor of all good for Ills bounteous blcnliiKB. Cat off your fears. Look up ward, my brothers success awaits tin. Our cause U Just. Heaven speeds the right Bight will rulo, and not might. You hac it In your power to help yourselves, l'utroiu, now tmo that power. It Is jour right, join privileges to htoro your grain whoro It will still bo In your own control. Do It, brothurs, it is your only safoty. Many othor roads to success aro open for your choice, on of which Is, control lug tho wool market. Don't hull your wool to any nnd ovory ono pool it. Bond It whoro the highest market prlro In yours. That is your right, You pay tor ov ery oxtra man's time in handling your wool and grain. It conies out of your pockets, Shut out these tons of hundreds of useloss middle men, and work together, work as one, co-operate I You must oome to this, my brothers, If you would succeed financially. Keep right on with your co-operative stores. Make them a success. Leave out your cred it system. Pay as you go. Manyandmany poor farmer has lost his home by credit by the wily tradesman saying, "Here, I am not afraid to trust you, buy what you want. Credit la our style. Here, Mister, take so and so." The next thing the farmer knows, there la a mortgngo on the doar little home, the merchant has that lovod homo, and he is homeless. " Buying on tick " has ruined him. Let us not give up our oo-operatlvo hoad quarters. Lot each and ovory ono of us take hold with might and main and holp our solves. 'TlsourUodglvon right to lookout for "number ono." We oin, will, nover say fall, but use tho pov or that Is nlready oum. mothers In tho "bunch grius" coun try, you love tho catno of the Patron. Work with us of tbo vslley of tho beautiful Willamette Wo need i-aoh othor's help. Lot us hoar from you often. Your uccohos wlllglvous loy, your sorrows will bo ours, Tho dour old Faummh am bo tho medium through which wo umy lionr from sud en courauo (noli other. Never tor us has uo- cons iitood so fmrBH itdotw no at, Action has taken tho plucn of experiment. Kduoitotl men aro coming to tho trout histoid of the Ignorant. Tried men of inhiut, taut, and ability, are at the helm. Keel (toured our H, M, is doing and will do all in h,ls power for us, It Is for tho homo grauuet IioIoIIh, 'tis for them he plans. ' I'fn for thorn he id ve both tlino and inouoy. It Is lor them ho prays. Huacess Is sure to bo ours, whoro the besd I working tor tho lolling, sutrerltig, and discouraged grange ueMlou here aud there, meeting, It neod be, In tho buck part of an old shop, or perhaps in homo aoltnol homo. While In attendance nt the Hlato Urango I wm II Hod with now hope by the ouhtburst of a brother from away oft youdor In thebunoli grass oounlry saying: " though Sou sink, though you fall, though this State range is scattered, though the grango, as M organhutlon ceases to Ira, yet we are grangers for Ufa. We have taken life mem ersblps, We never Intend to give up our loved granges. We oauuot live without them, They aro our hope, they are the al tars around which wo gather. Tons, In our Isolation, they aro hII In all, We will riar our temples, wu will make homo for our children, we will gather thorn around our altars, Ther will take the aaored vows. Tiny will lo faithful. We old and sorely tried will gather there too. Clod being uur heler, we aro irrauK" for life." No won iter those aniei words, so full of pathos, almost brought tears to theoycMot man v. Wo will say with that loving brother so far away, that Me loo aro grangers for life. Wo will rear our tomplrs. and msko homes for our youth. Wo will gather them around our altars, we will touch them the hluher emoluments of life. We will touch them IndMiendenre. We will teach them man hood, We will teach thorn to feel proud of mo rarmer'a nailing, wo win iiisiiu ino principles of olfprtKorvalloii In their young aud lender intuitu. Yes, brothers of the rnystlu grange, wo are working, wo are may lng lor success, Oiiruauae is gallantly aud triumphantly working Its way to eminence. The day Is not far distant, aye, this very day, wo can aay with our distant hrollitr that the grange Is too near and dear tn ua to give her up. Let in never, no never give up the good ship (1 ranger. Uuldo her aright. Oh, work as a mighty hostwhoxo mono Is "kxcuijiIoii " 1'uhIi right onward. Itt It retoiiud In thundering tones lo our hitter Klalts of M),000 strong, that wit ate nuri'hlug onward. Thai our watchword are Hope. IVruoxoro Muhitaiiki.. Turner, Juno 14,1877. the wire worm. Hay en ttlng has been Inter rupted by rain, but In those districts where cutting is not commenced farmers will reap en advantage In a heavier crop. Taking In to consideration the uncertainty of the weather, it' is probable the harvest of 1877 will not prove so disappointing us that of 1670 as far as the yield is concerned, but it la very duubtlul whrtherlt will beJcqually sat isfactory In point of quality. Theartlclo whs bint year very tlno. The quantity of English w tipat rmmtlnlng In farmers' hands la vury 'rtfllntr, iinii tho firmer tone which has clitr iombd trndo bo'h at Mark Lane end In o.ninirt rnurkots Ims lurlhor strenuthoned holdorh' vImwc Imports into London con- Itriiii libers), owing to pxtonle rxporta tons going On from northern HumIb, rtrrl hU up to Friday arnauntlng to nearly C-V01 qnarlers. Howovor a fairly brlk tlpliisiitl ma been experienced at an improvement of ore Miming per qunrtpr on inoweeK. ruo Mi arilunii with which tho ad vanco has 1ohi in.ilutiiln.Hl senms to Indicate that a tinning point Iihh been roached end prlcoi may be oxpertea to improve If Russian supplle diminish this Is more likely, ns very limited stocks of English In termers' hands will rircesilate Increased drain upon foreign sup plies for the next twoor three months, nnd with tho vlslblosupplyln Amorlcan less than half what It was at this (Imo last year, tbore appears little probabilities of any Important outward movement from that country. At E resent rate of importation our wanta are clng supplied, and for the moment the weather remains a most important factor in trade. w.wuTHiaroaD. . w. wmTJJUroiu. 30 Cvdi with anr name ncatlr srtnled thereon lent to any addreae upon receipt of 25 rents, and a a cent itamp. Addrrta, w. J. VLAnxs, oticm, uragon. WILLAMETTE TBAI8P0RTATI0H AID LOCK COMPAIY. NOTICE THE FOLLOWING RATES OF Freight on Oraln unit Flour have bnn ea tHbllabed by this company as the maximum rate for one year from May lxt, 1877, viz: Per Ton. tn Portland SI 00 I 7ft OrNton Oily nimoviiio Champocg ' Daylon " Knlrfleld ' Wheatland " Lincoln " Hnlmi " Kola " ltiilecn(lcnco " Ankony'x l.nndlng " Iluena Vlnta " HprlrigHIII " Albany " Oorvallls " I'oorla " Monron " lliirrlahnrir ' Kuifono City Weatherford & Co.. Wholeealo and Retail Dealer In DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, CLASS. Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. IF orr-u.na.ery TOILET GOODS, Etc, etc. PURE WINESand LIQUORS, For Medicinal porpoeca. SSedioinei Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co.. FeJtf Commercial tree. HALBAI. . I 7.1 .200 , 3 01) , 3C0 , aro , a no , 3 7 , 3 75 , .100 .100 :i no . :t to . :i co 8 A" 400 4 00 ROD Ornln nml FlourMlilnnml from thntMilntHnhnvn liioiilloni'il dlri'atlo Ahloilu will becharKCd SI 00 imrton ailillllnnal. Tliernrnpany will roninnot with pirtlns wl'o (hulnt It. In transport (train anil Flonrat uliove ral h for any Hpcclflcil tlmo, net ixcccillne tlvo 0lr"H.(J. HI:K1), Vim Prekldent W.T. A KCO. Portland. April li. 1877. Muvl-.'lm Tho Wboat Market. Tbo wheat markot IsunohanKed here, with favorable newa from Knitlaud, whoro prlutut have advanced and stocks haye ilcoreaaid. The revorsea met with by the IliuMins throa'eo a prolongation of the ICtrn war, this will havo lis ctfooi on thu muruot lor breaditulN. I . Ho uiws from California U that the wheat yield Is mora than was eipeoled, but It Is no doubt Unlit atthn b al, NosUipuiimti of nar crop aro lialnjt nmiloaiyiit, and IroUhiN remain low, with plMitvol toniiwaHOAklinr otrttixu Weh(Mrnfn little nut, only, In tvhiut, less than Ut ,ear, and iln prixpct for a KtKtil stereo yinld llumnU toe Statu appiirx lorUln. IOjjul Tenders in I'ortluutl buying (V; sellliu. M. Mil ver Colo IJiGS er iNnit.dlioount. London, Jnlv 10, KreadNtutla tlrmer; Wheat, r'J'IGvU'Jtf"! foruvarut (Ulliornia wh llo 1'Ja WWISs tor dub: ll0l'J4tld Ibr red western, European Qralu Market. LotUHtN, July 3, TUe Murk- Isinn lUpress aya rviwrta ot the Kniwhitf wheat plant are. Knerally aeakliiK, favorable, but an early rveat aeema imnrt)bAbit dnxplle the pre nt Improvement In the weather and oonsld ring the fact that the plant has coma Into tha ear aouio ten dya later than the averatre time, Iteports from the northern and mid land ooiinilea are tn tho effect that although sunshine u done much lo promote the de velopment of cereal crop there art still out daatrloU when bad effjcUuf the severe prluK ara plainly seen lu tha thluuea aud plry character pf the wheal plant. Advlowt aa to tha appaarancaa of sprlug com ar aaaawhat ooBtradtotoryi butou tbawkol U prospaot of a aatWfcntory yUld of barlsy aad oMi to dubioH, Ut ferwar plant having v U aarUlB lotaUtttoa, beeawaok lbaM4bjr A COMI'LETK LINE OK Jk. 3FL 3NT E. SJ, Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, Spurs, Etc., Etc. DEAR HORN'S, ON COMMERCIAL STREET, DUIUilN'rt Iir)CK, SALEM - OREGON. surtMl NOTICF, OBKOON CALIFORNIA BA1LH0AU. TIIK FOIiTOWINO nTKHniTFnKlOUTON Oral ii, Flour ami Mill HiunV, In car load', as per publltli'd isrlrfi.t tlmConipitny uniier date nfjaiumry Sill. 1877. will lie iimliitalinil as the maximum rates until May 31il, 1378, via i 1'or ionics. In Portland 7 en's 7 renin HEBREN & FARRAR, win rr tho Highest Market Price ron 500,000 POUNDS XrtT O 3 L.. SACKS A1VI TWINE ITuriilNliol. Kliriulroof IV. J. IIKIIRKN, FAKHAlt IlltUTllBltS. Uilom, Miy t, 16T7-.1m. Mllwaukle Ulunkamas (limniUIitv I took I.Und ranur Aumra lull)nl WiHMtiiurn ClervaU H'ooks H'tlcin rornrr Marlon JtlTtiriiDii Mlllt'r'4 A tuny Tiinrnl HIUMlll'H II a 'hoy Motl.lv HarrlMiniri: Jiiunilon I.iiiiiii ' Irtli'K Hprlnnflolil (IllHtll'll Crt'Mtrll thulium )itituokU Drslo Ynmi ilia ilklamt Uiupuiia It'xxMirit ........ ........ ....... ....... .... ..... Notlntiu rnrdrayuveat IVirllaiid. It. KOhlll.KIt, Vlesl're. .10 Portland, OrvKini, Jtuio uili. IWT7 Iilomls II runts ...................lo nit II rent II fnt II emu It rents ..M........( .....II ontt llonlii II nun I J fiil" MftMlU Ilct'iit mri'iiiH HcMilit nruiiU .....,.. iKronli i 10 cvn In .................. "JO I flltM ttrtinu .................. l Cflltx Wl'HllU 'KimiiU atcruu Mentis MpkiiM ...,,...... .... cvniM ....... ......... .,.! t'Clll1 , .Scroll s '.ltonu ....ttins .not nit .....IkCt'lltS rt.lt.r-i. Ifuir. The Old Immigrant Route Across tho Cascade irioiinlalns, hOW OWNKD 11T THE Cascade Hoad ace Bridro Oompany, Hunnlns vis Msndy, Mt. Hood, and Iltrlow's Oste, IH NOW OPJKN, andtrsvvl of til kinds htibe rud. Tho road Ulngoid repair, extunrlvn Im firovemcnt sro balng tiudo vvvry jur. The LAU BL HILLS sro all jrridtd. bhwit-brldgr sro on all tho itretmi. This road ncmr rccolved a hollah ub ridy,aDdyetlt tt tho ahortett, ttt, sndchrap em wuto oror lbs roouiiulun. UliUnco oror the mounUlnt. 44 oiliest From Portland, orer tho mououms. TS milt. From Plcm, 100 miles. KaTKH WshOO', $; Siddlet.CUe; l'ack, 35c; Cat- tic. ivki onvrp, oe. . For sll cuing and cotttlnc from or Into Marlon, Yam hill, WarblnRton. Linn, llonUm, aod Io)lc cunntlca, Ibla Is by far tho bail, nesioat, and chrapent route. H. O, COALMAN, 1'roMdtnt. UaaviT K. Cnon, Bee. lolnit HIGH.OLA68 J. W. HOBART. IMrOUTKIt AND llHEKDEIt OF l'UIlK-llRRD Llalit aud Dark MMAliniA and llrown and While I.KU1KIIIN Qblol&onai, am( AVLKSllUltY XXTOCfit. Hatttracllun uuaranlevu. Fur l'rirn Lift, Fowli1, and f.O!t, addrtta J. W. HOIIAItT, aiH,ra3 Uurna VUta, Or. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, ; Carrls6 & Wagon Makers. Salem, Oregon, UAVE ON HAND A CHOICE LOT OF FOUIt Hprlnu Wagons. Carriages, & Buggies, of their own make, Manufactured of the ltKSI quality ot Jersey Ulckcry. Ulvouna call, ai.U cxauilt e tmr wurlr, and Judxe for yoaiIr. AU WtiuiU of Itepalrlnj; anddeneial JobUnc done at nhort notice. apt! SPECTACLES, SPECTACLESI For Old and Young. Fur-Siglitod and Nciir-SigTited, KbooilHirOlaases for Snortamem HTKKI,, MILYKK, AND HOLD FKAMK.H. T AM preptrrd to aupply "p-rudi lo Ot all vyer, a) m. price to iuii. . m. .miinn, Jeweler A OvtK tan. ttanW llluck. btatu Kt. 'a'era, 'vlO IS!. Bin wi.lil mam ACH TIIM THRESHER OF THE DAY!!! The Minnesota Chief ! Xlio Orovmiiir Suoocmn ol u Century l&cpuriouoo I Mot Perfot Thi'eshsr, Beit 01anr, Lighteit Run' uinf , Moit Durable, and Economical Ma- ohine in the World ! Wherever introduced, pver the Draper aid Vjbralor, Machines! HANUIAOryiUP BT SEYMOUR. SAB1N 4CO.V StlllwiiUr, Minnesota. JHN - MOOVX, Ant for Oregon and Washington Territory W BMriUT Ctrcalara mt'a afsjteatlM ' r ' ?.. fM, ALBANY, NK. i - WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, ......USE THE AVERILL PAINT It is' prepared ready (or immediate use, and or ALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PURE WHITE. It is easy to apply, and it will not crack, peel or chnlk off. For durability, beauty, and brlKInncy of color It Is , For sale In any quantity by WEATHERFORD & GO. .... DEALERS IN. DRUGS, PAINT8, OILS, AND PERFUMERY. SALEM, : : : OREGON. may2tf JOHN HUGHES, DEALER IN C3krooe.rie ,xx3. Provisions, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, Jk.ia.CL Building Materials OF ALL KINDS. IS THE AGENT FOK TUE SALE OF TUE RUBBER PAINT, ALL COLORS, Myor Xs 3L.fvoiiNtoiii'N VairuiMlicirw, HOWELL & BROTHERS' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, -AND- JSSctxx STTCLenoL Hilme. State Stroot, Snlem, Orogon. FRANK BROS. fc CO., 104 & 106 Front Street, - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. IMPOnTBns AND DKALEHS IN Agricultural Implements' Rale Pacific Axanta fr the Ccaalae and WorlRaowaed WALTER A. WOOD'S HARVESTING MACHINES, Embracing Endlesa Chain and Sweep Rake, Self-Raking Reaper, One and Two-Horse Iron Mowers, Mowing Attach ments, Harvesters, and Self-Binders. Tho Walter A, Wood Unrivalled Harvester and Solf-Bindor I tho grtatert I.abor-KAvtnj; Marhlnn In tho world. With tnli mtchlno, one man wlllt thrtio hnrrra can rut and bind from li to IS atrr of urn n per ilar, and In two week time -nt In Uarviilii; a cmt lr he Klnnlnir tn rium)ii. It may h UfcJ rliliir m llurvca tor and Hclf-Ulmlcr, or aa llar.tf liT aluuu Tho Harvester nnd Sulf-Binrier lthhrrt and moit wondorful lUrvoitlnR Macbtne uver Wnuwu. Tbo Waller A. Wood flhin Kako and new lion Sweep Kako (SKr.F-H.lHINi: IIKAfKItN) Are the bent Ktiritaklns Itm;ur oma Hi, aiid c ar walling fur tlioinm hIi m ll .-i.y tt abduUe u a i riauco to try It a.Mii.t any thlny mtdi FAIlMtU .NI) IIKALKIC, .reraultoni'dajrlnt ac'urp i'mI II, lit mowenilTiir. nlan Wood mucnlui , aud I'urcVtu-r- '11111111 bo ture that they k"1 in'Clitutit tori .en "VI.TKft A. VUOD,'fauoiiootlararo'fiiunu. Tho vimou Waller A. Wood's Now Double-Reared Guard Iron Mowers, With Bra 'trarlnc. patent OilCnua. and new and Improved (luantt, are cuarantecd to bo the Meat Mowera In thu World. '1 tie Treadwell Open- Walter A. Wood Improved Header. Warranted ropcrtor to any Header tn tl e market. Iron Wheel. trlui: lUUncu, -xiliulnMj Heel, made truce ami durable. lEuu by Clixlm Inft.ml of lllti; 1 0110 arijualnt 4 with llrauer. attr huvltjf wm tnU uucblnu, need ha tMd thUU tho II -'t ueidnrln the Uarkct. aatt Mill bapravut mi lebt it took nnt tireiulmu at tbe I'ei teiiidil, Maj llru'e lain of Den ton county b. In,; vi.u of tbe Judge who. nude tho award. The LA BELLK WAGON, Prldo or Ore 1'iU'IUo t'onat, FMtM, 81'KINO, or EXPHKhS, UM or narrow track. Eta'rrn bi-d and to.i box, or Call'omU tke rick bed ard boi. w lilt L'allfornli aud lrein adjust, ab.o KuLLalt lilt KK. '1 he Iwt brake made. LIOUT D1UFT AM) WAltHANTBD. Ktreiy whetl rolletl liibotllns oil before Ire tiro la nt, and thanhwtrotl th tt of tho climtte of California luuter than auy other wagon lu the mar ket, and rum four to Hie hundredth uuda lighter than auy other, owluc to our iiOnc rkeln nianuftcturvd uxpreaaly for ua from bra pattern wblch are not affected by the weather, aud catt front the celebraud We Se tai)SMf Lake Cuperlor Iron, and from the tuperlor manner la which oar tkelne aro ret and enrr wheel balanced. All perfect track. Tne Bufo'd Iron Gans and .Milky Plow, an I the Browno Iron Sulky Plow. Llfht Draft. cally adjured with 8crew or l.ftera lor l.cvl or blue-bill tlronnd Tbvo I'lowv are ea t tcUlU nxoinmi-nded to the Fanner- of Or.fin end WhltiKloa Territory aa the I.lKhtrft llrlt, tha mot ritUtautlal, aymroetrlcal and tho m ft lly controllid, mid doln bctf r v urK under all loudl tlotia thati any other I'luw In Iho market. The Famous Black HawK Singlo Plow. Rtt let 1 for m-n and beat. Never fall to clean well. 1 hero ti'uwa havo beeh lln.ro lytily 1 ml miter, ly teateM lo Cdlllo'iiloiid el-ewli'TC. ml fiumi npi-rorto all oth r til there Ili.tv hie IlI t T.nrriiiled to be tho bet on It e IMclrlc Cnat A f'lll tin k of Extra alway f 011 hand nr the ab i 0 I'Ihh r. 1 ha Hod Jacket Chilled lion Plow.. With Steel I'olnti aud Cultur. And the renowned COLLINS PLOWS AND EXTRAS, Aud the UeUhrated M'SHERRY FORCE FEED DRILL. A full line or the brt STEEL COOOS In tbe market; alo a full aHortmera uf Ike rjnt Im proved Undof AGRICULTURAL IMPLEilUATS. A full atock oi'Itxtrnn for ilio Walter A, Wood, aut olhor llurrr-tlii (! cliluoa kept couatuiitly, on Imiul. Ily'eud'nrtta youratld'e. and (piclfliictlioar. tlcii uaBit-o, wo Mil nm vou IKxjiptlie Circular u Trim I.Wtaine, and wilt utr.liti lu turlbirlu for.uatlon dulled .41UUH' 1-SIttrNc Pi-r I'otlalilo St:un rnirliu'N tuid complelo ' Thrchliln or .Hill Outfit. The St. Louis Invincible Thresher AND 8 and 10 1101WE CAUY MOC.NTHD l'OWER. Vo.Hvely tho bet rutcMnoeter est din the Mlcl lppl alley and the North Wer. ad tho cumlnit ua-lilr.e for tho 1'uclEc Coa.t, fully Improvtd wllb ctpectal f.aturea to meet tbo wanta of tbe farmer of Orecou. Tho Huperlntendeiit or the Factory wt here iat year to ceo what featured could be added to make theao th mot twpular machlnea In Oreusn. NEWBVKV, Manager, POHTIiANB, OB. For Sale I tTUS FINK HESIPKNCK corner of Commer. cUl and Dlvitton ttreeta. In deatrable eltnation, with houMUrce, well fluUhcd, and convenient JUd, and ground Uatefully ornamented. WIU b toM i3ry low aud 00 accommodatltn teraa. Apply w LKO WILLIS. raUoa'aBioU BUtUU luui, Notice. IHAVK 4 HS11HE ANB LOT THAT S wlh to trade for land la tbe eountry. Title good. Kay lit ISTT. If. J. UB.NHY BKOWN. 1SmAa pUlaV.BpcUt Uats free. T. XJLOWj rmmix, Btrwilntton Nnraory, Hi, K ffl ft a 0r famJkje&Livittiffa a fegfte!a,CtfV wwilia'Mlaiianuii iimajam