Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 13, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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(For the Willamette Farmer,
Rosebukq, July 8th, 1877.
A trip from Salem to thla town is not
rery Interesting until you arrive at Juno
tion, a very thriving town created by the
building of the O.AC.It.R., and the pres
ent terminus of the freight train?. At
this place we hitched the freight cars
that were destined for depots further
South. At this place we came near hav
ing a serious accident, as the engine dri
vers came down on the passenger cars at
too grcnt a speed and sent the cars buck
with a rattle, and threw a lady who was
standing, flat on the floor of the car but
not injuring her, ulthough frightening
her and friends considerably.
Tlio next place is Eugene City, and has
grown wonderfully, and ns wo passed
near the State University, wo "noticed
that it was a very presentable brick edi
fice, and Just closed a very successful ses
sion. At this city wo wero reinforced by
the addition of Hons. M. P. Dcady and
Joseph Smith and families, tho former
orated at Iloscburg on the 4th, and tho
lu'tcr stopped at Snowden Springs.
The general characteristic" of lite coun
try changes very materially, from Ann
level plains to that of hills and dale, in
fact mountainous, aud the grade Is quite
steep, but tlie scenery is very Interesting.
Comstock mills which nrc of consider
able reputation, are situated amid the
. t I u .. ! t- ill In nH Hnlllnn
IIIUUIIUUII?, nun ill- mi, wi mtnci ni.ni,
the water runs South down the Calapoola
Mountains At this mill tho Railroad .
Company hnvo men boreing for stone
cml, ntiti have sunk oiui propped hole J
clclity feet, nnd went through a scam
eight feet thick, and If they succeed In
flntling coal In the presuntaud next bore-1
Ing, It Is the Intention to commence min
ing for coal in a systemiitlo stylo. This1
mill also furnishes a great amount of
lumber to all the towns South of that
placo, and consists mostly of yellow fir.
At Snowden Springs wo found several
Salem people who have conio out to test
the medicinal virtues of the water of the
spring. A neat hotel is hero conducted
by Mr. Ycaton, and seems to be very
popular with his cosmopolitan guests.
Yoncolla, near where Hon. Jessie Ap
plegate lives, Is a point where tome
whi-iir, mid wool Isshlnnfil. and the Gran
gers, so wo were Informed, are building'
a suiiicieniiy commoaious wareuouse.
Oakland Is a thriving little place, and
is materially assisted by tho Railroad
Company! is a town were the1 trains stop
for supper jtnd breakfast. It Is plclur-
esuuelv situated amid oak-covered hills,
and could bo safely recommended for
Wilbur Is n small town named after
Rev. J. H. Wlbur, and is sustained by a
school or Academy founded by that
successful educator, It is now under! Urn
charge of Prof. Frank H. Grubby and his
estimable wife, formerly of Willamette
University of your city.; .The town lslt
uated two miles North' or the Umpqua
bridge, and seven miles from the present
terminus of the Railroad Uoseburg. '
Roscburg Is a beautiful aiid picturesque,
town, the county 'Sat of Douglas couuty,
and contains about five hundred Inhabi
tant, and transact considerate bttsluess,
is a shipping polat for all the towya
iiutli. even to Jacksonville 100 mile dis
tant. It' contains 'a brick court house
aud jail. Odd Fellow and Masouio halls,.
r-twroruireecnurcnu3.aiiu nnvuinnEt
school house, whlcli Is well attuivieu,
hardware, dry goods, groceries, agricul
tural Iranlttmenl uireiielvs. saloons and
other establishments thatco to nuke up
a town. TheC. & O. Stage Company at
4t.lu ..I...A ftathn TTnntn lfltrlM..l'u mil!l
bum il.bu mm ww w..vv vm..... .mm.
and all who travel on Concord coaches
drawn hi six horses, whose reins are
manipulated by JvIiiiph who formerly
were In tho employ of O, & C. S. Com.
pnnv when it threaded the Willamette
valley Its entire length The usual crowd
attends the departure of the stage every
nvotilni: that ulwnys did In Sulein, In
days gone by, the tirivt-r holds the same
position In public estimation, cscially
If a small favor Is to be asked by leaving
a letter or small pacKag-s to some one
along the road. v
There Is now crestquHiilltles of wool
hulnir brought into town and stored In
the dltlerent wurohoues tit the depot for
shipment to Portland ami outer points.
TIih rulinir tirlca Is. we believe. 25 cents
per pound. The Graiigera are building
quite u oonmiiMllouH wiirvltouito tor utcir
use. with hull for Grange purposes, and
will be quitoa convenience to tnttt rjocle
ty. Mr. Owen, the Muster, Is a gentle
meti who Is alive to. the inUTOit of tho
objects of his Grange, and possesses ster
Ilngahlllty. The soil, so far a we have
examined, is black loam, and is some
wltut fur-famed for Its teuaceous consis
tency whon'wet, and tho Indication ant
that It must be terrlllo to haul louds
through, and roads are undoubtedly the
worst In Oregon, but can be made good,
and considerable have already been umde
patuublttj In fact good, already showing
oommeudablo enterprise of tho citizen
ot this county. This Is a good country
lor stock-raising, especially sheep, and
we have been informed that there are
lun'H herds und brlnir In ureut revenue to
the fortunute owners of large truots of
laud and there are several who own
from .1,000 to 7.0(H) acres of laud but Is it
not a question if the county and Stato
would not bo mudu much nioro hetietlicd
if these great tract were not cut up into
smaller farms and settle! by the immi
grants who have coino so far to seek
homes and build up a .State? The sur
rounding hills are mostly covered with a
specie of bluck oak with occasional pitch
pine; the oak 19 good for wnodandjprnb
ably would make a line quality of wugott
timber, and we uro told has been used to
some extent for that purpose.
The lumber that Is tit-l for building
purposes Is sawed at ml'ls situated at
home distance from town, and coindsii ot
wmte pine, celar and lir, bite is cold quite
reasonable prices, but evidently, much
more would be used if there were a door
uiiiUaxh factory in town, but tnere U iu
Institution nf the kind ir. the place, lt-
morrow we shall take a trip out into the
oiniiitrv and Sc-nd vou more notes,
J. IlKNitY
CouureKatiomil Church
llr. C. ('. MMlioti, hIhi Ii whll known
In i lib city, hwI hs Im-m sbnt for Hvorl
yarr, wtH cf nay the pulpU ol tuo Uongrf
K.ti.-i.al ebutclr of this j;lty, ties: SaJt1
mornlug. '
CoQUlLLB City, Coos Co , )
June 23d, 1877. J
Ed. Farmer: Having an occasion to go
down the Coqullle River, I Improved the op
portunity to visit the Black Sand Gold Mines
near the coast.
Tbe steam tug, Katie Cook, carried me to
the Myrtle Grove mills, sixteen miles from
Coqullle City. Here cedar lumber is out for
the San Francisco market, and the Compa
ny own a fifty-eight ton steam schooner
which runs regularly, cnrrylDg out lumber,
and returning with morcbandlce. This Is
the oldest mill on tho river, nnd although
small, and run by a water jvower wbtch en
ables them lo ssw only nbout seven months
of tbe year, tbe parties haveevidontly tnado
It pay.
From hero to Parkersburg, one mile, a
sail-boat had tho honor of my presonce as a
pusenger At Parkersburg Is tbe Coqullle
Mill and Tug Co.'s mill, whloh was not run
ning, It being Sunday; and I was shown
around by the courteous and obliging foro
man, Mr. Chits. Olive, Thn mill building
Is tony by one hundred fret; two storler-,
and runs u tlfijr-slx luult Emorson patuht
planer, tooth circular raw, mid top saw,
which will out a thousand foot of lumbf r
every hour. Those saws am, to ttto at losst,
something of a curiosity. Thn teth are re
movable, being h bit of very lino hard ntco!,
Kh.)ut three-fourths of an Inch loug, shaped
suiuhlefora tooth stone end, and the oth
er end tilting Into h kind of socket, whore
tlnt.v sre tiohll'.tsl by an ltiRonlouly coutrtvod
key-vfP(Uo, They km run one tiny, aud aro
iherf'iAkeu out and other substituted. File
ltglstbut. Uitpetistd with. The mill nlso
runs an "edgur," "out off," Au. This com
pany owns a mi,;, and have threo sailing
:boouers employed to carry out lumber.
The Indetattltable and ubiquitous Capt. Ju
dab Parktr, is the presiding gtnlua of the
From Parkeraburg to Randolph, three
miles, In a skiff, and I stopped forth night.
Here, nnder lbs river bluff, on a narrow
strip of land, Is living five or six families,
and there isa store and poat-offlce; a hotel
and bar; and a wharf. Notwithstanding the
dltnloutlvsoaaaof tbe plaoe, there fa a good
deal of trade here; this ling tbe polst of
supply for the mine, and settlers round
about. A wagon road leads up the bluff,
and svroM the country, three miles,' to the
Hlsek Eland Mints.
Climbing the hill next morning, I pais by
A pleatant shady road, through fine greea
timber, where the shadows are peopled
with euorinout moqultow, who paw tbe'r
time performing ,opra, airs, while lylug
In wait for prey. These fallow are, as a
rule, scarce lathe Coqutlla Valley; hut here'
they make up Ife.wse'aad ferocity , what they
laek in autnbeea elaewatre. Woe lo un
guarded pedistrlan, wbosits oa a mosey
log by Ike roadside to kyWfrn.'ret.
fa faU aiefcquka,' teiwtstltw) fkmmtf
traveler afar off,.aBd'eektag;kW!are,-'i4
.w,auJag bl kn m tae UalV.tBeJMi4K
at limb, he rushes, around UbToaf a pie for
esion sounding wIuks', arousing' his kins
folk and nelabbors for an attack. These
oruadr then advance In swarms, and the
sound of their wings is mlugled with the
roarofths distant surf. Whatupforiunhlee
are here foi tbe reduotlou of plethora, Tbe
meat radical of old foxy phlthotnuilMs' could
UiMlro no mure. Urutblug, slapplog, tight
lug, Is of no ayill no loti as orto retain sta
tion. The visiter hero tuuu keep moving, r
low, hlood.
Usll a utile's wslk,tkei you out of green
timber aud utorq'iltoe, Into the "burn;"'
where tb- tre-M are all dead, aud only tbe
soared and blackeusd tnink4 are staodluK;
and tbe audy rosd, wlnd-4 and unduUks
through a rsl"ii dnvtsttted by fire. Ilsre
Is thn mountain Whortleberry, wild iliac,
and varlouM flowering plants, and a dense
growth of young firs and ordr., wberewttb
nature Is endeavorlrg to re-forest this
burnt dlstrlot." In Ibis luus'y region, the
birds alng gaily to the luoresaiug surf ronr;
cottontail rabbits gallop Irlxkily acroas It
road, srnMIng aut'inif tbe gre-n berbsget
thu nurnitindlug drs,tlailou is nothing lo
tbi-ro; aud a barefooted quw, with a Jltllu
black do, Is the only human mH by your
oorrspotideut, while plodding his way on
ward t. ward the vat? of the ocrldent.
Tbe mining region Is au old beach, two
and fuiH half mlbs from the pre6ot one.
T'o-oompaules aro wotklng li-re, about
one-fourth of a tnlln span. The lilai-k Sand
la laid lu aatrata from two, Ipetx Teet tblok
and fifty to onrt hundred feet bsasath the
Mtrfioa. Tbe ont," at tbe months of the
tuniiflx, having been slulutd out to a depth
of tiny ftat, tho formation Is clearly shown,
uniuUilug entirely ol"tundj gn-y, white, and
yvllnw. Old sand dane.1, covered wllli a lew
luohe or soil, snd a growth of gUnt lira and
o darn, which inlfc-htliHvu aorved lu the days
of Kins Solomon, for beun and raf on, for
tbohousHof his favorite eonoublne.
Ltrge trees, lying I'mtin, erldeutly drift
lo arx eucouuiertid lit the tunnels. At tho
tlioeof my vlxlcthe workmen were cutilng
through one of uitkuown wood, ninety feet
below the surlaee. At oilier, cut through Id
the Miui tunnel, a red vQtxl (Soguol) over
riur fool In diiinitttor, hord iiunilHiakahle
HvMfnraof havtMlxmii htibjtu.ol to pound
ing lu Hirt a-tirf. 'Jlko lo.'S, sro v)eniy
two feet nl.oe the prtfit i-ea Iftt'l, In a
hilly, slnioHt iiiouutalnouH country, uimle
up itlnio-l entirf lr of pure nd csrryitg u
hw firiih of old irHns l'uy Isll tbi io
ry of the Wmi of lime in thU b-cnll-y,
ttir rt'llnl the boiiiid'iwp. Paeltie, "berr
ing iios mud 4vs hH own UUUii.." t.t
th hum tnriiiauiju alM biiowm liy wlntl ioi
r'fcpib edfree lh, watont followed tb
Sarof Kuijhv,and lhMrpof tv oud out
aif utiles ol term iIi'mc-iIu, bss bttvusihUd
tottjt Het shor.ior the Auwrtcrtnti-ititit ti'.
Vii'lklltl tbeprci-frH is goiutt n,aiitl,oir
tlf.cte"5rituuel H not only galatug k""' i
but the tlrelets ocsaa laexpeudlug ita ener
gies for the benefit of asan, and continually
casting up Its golden aaads within reaoh ot
the lucky miner. The richest und is said to
be on the present beaea, where It Is covered
with water at every tide. Various theories
are advanced to explain this gradual reced
ing of the ooean; butperhapa M ingenious,
and saliBtsotory as any Is that of tbe sailor,
who accounts lor it In wis wise. That aa the
earth whirls rapidly to tbe east, tbe water
being a heavy liquid and easily movable, to
unablo to keep pace with the motion, and
therefore naturally slashes round to the oth
er side. "Qulen 8abe."
The Slack Sand Is believed to have como
from the coast mountains, being brougm
down by tbe streams to the sea, and then
beat up atdioro. This being true, It follow
logically, that Black S nd containing gold,
should oefuutid tnoreor leai, all along tho
coast. Thn and resembles very Jne-gralm d
gunpowder, but It Is not entirely black.
Undir a iitHgiiltlnr it shows beautiful, clem ,
polished blsek tiraina Intersptrsed with dlt
rereutly tinted nnstes, from clear white, aud
transparent, to a ruby red, Tho gold la very
fine, nlmoit mlcronnpla lu lut character, and
Is therefore very difficult to eavo by ordinary
methods. Indeed It 1 claimed that the ssr.d
In the "tall race" eonttlns twice I lie quantity
of (told that is takeu out by the process
through which ltpMt.
At the C. H. M, Co's mine tho sand Isslm
ply wnahwl In a sluice, sud paed over a
copper ttluto covered wlib mercury; hut
p-triles lately from Sin Frrtiiol-coare jiuttlng
up at their initio timchlm Ktuiu'ii u the
Frue Concentrator. 'I'ltN tme'tlne consk'S
of en eintles rubbirbelt, luviug a tUuu't
KhikIIi) up on it!ith eile, About hv'U lot
or thin bolt Ilex level Isii-rolly, Inn ti Incllu.
tcl lti'ttnvii-H, () thst wnti r Mill mil with a
brbk current. The belt l-nlventwniiulloi.H
by Mtllable iiincMneO ! s sbsking uiutlon
Horn sldi lo kIiIk, sud a Mow travnllu-t mo
tion nj;rlttht tho current (if mer ilowlug
over It. On this hektho "Qi U ll mted In
wa'or and aultated, and tlmtld xlmok down
on to the btdt where tt lniXH-i-ted toadhnro;
thu Hand posslutr on down, with tho water In
to tho lailr'ce; the Bold rH-nlnir with tbe belt
over the pulley, l jnrrtd and wanhed off on
thn tinder side.
This machine will, It Is clnlmed, save eigh
ty per nant. of the xold. If ho, thore Is a
big bonsnta" here, and Black Sand Mining
will lake a front seat aaaoug tbe Industries of
Oregon. , M.
Drowwkd On Kliea Pork, Willow Creek,
Umatilla Co., June lft,l?77, Lvdla Luolnda,
youngest dauahta or A. J. and Mary Chase.
A,e, one yesK two months, and sixteen
days. Ores on City KatcrprUe please copy.
Tbe Lincoln-Ware bouse and HhloDina Co
will reoelve propotsabi fur a oterk to conduct
tbe buxlnaas of the cntirpany tinder tbe
aupsrvtsioa or tne tnreouirs for . eleven
montns from, ina i-b uv ot August, ibit.
Perepus making application will meettba
directors at the. QoWwatehmm at.Llnooln
op said day at U n'otock, noon, preeeuttnir
at tbe same time their recuuitaendalloBs and
Pres. Board of l)re,.,tors.
July 0,-4. '
Xa Yoor Ufa Worth. 10 C eats I
Blckneas DrttvaUjevmbers. and arenr-
body oninplalrra of pesnsdKtswe during tbelr
life. Wbeu alvk, tha;objot Is to get well:
now to say pWlniy, that fio parson In thla
world that Is ufJvtrU wllb Uyapepals, Llrer
Oomalalat and liaaJaWtt.. such a. Indtaea-
tion, Cotliveneas, Hlak JleHisMhe.SourS'om
aah. Heart rliirn, falpltslri-rt.'of tha Heart,
DnnraM-d Hidrtc. lUiHttisies. eta. oau take
-fJaataeVa 'AuausTFLswuhkiHftalug
txuoi nun r"ft miyiih iiHrt in. a" "
ynbr drnaslr arid je.t tsVmpIe ltl for 10
oentH, btiu sry lb; i(ftuiar , 70 osata
1 wo uhr-M writ relieve, yon.
Book and Job Printer,
Holmsu'a Slock, Old anite Cham
ber. Hulm.
MM. mentor NfwTip-. Culi. ito., to toy alrnuljr
rxUU)l?s liook auU JnU unite. 1 ain nu pnir( lo
Book, Plain, wid Ornamontal
On PkarC A el let', ttnA mt Iteaaea
ulile I'rlcea,
Stock Certilicites a Specially.
Itavlns the Iaie4tan tinrntof M nloz Ortlflcate
Iln ana cut adkiut lo Ut dut ol work of aiiy
Oaw lu Urr4t, I aiu urV"f W exhale oMtra In
the VKKY UaT vtyln tiTasy lamtwr of color a.
elrtd, aad ou ' ort kbllcvt' "
j.lir AddA t A.'L. DTINnON. Kalem, Or.
In the ma'tcrortha OoarJUnfhlr 0' JMward lrea-
lllot au At rd UunlUot, minor belt of Aofjtu
boulllot, drCard
A petition for tbe appclutmtnt of a O laMUn tar
Mid ulunr hu hariuir own l its day nlrd la Iro
batti. It t honby o dit. tlt m lice to all ptiou
i'ier l-1 In thi- nmirtt'it)y pubilc.tl.ia lath.
WiLLtMa-rrs 'MMa Ut iutwo ucr-lo rtcU
aupeartuUte CVumy Coanor Harlnacouaiy. state
of uirgen, ou tho eih aty til abxum, A IK IBTT, at
Sn'eluck p. nu. aiid b w,cju, If auy they haw,
why aatd tutniUu atiouU ixt tw aiiO'-teu'd, played
for In ldpmm.u. JOHN C. PkKHLic.
Countv JiHo, Merioo Co., Uruo.
8lfm. Jul Mi. tH77.i.
la the County Cuuit t lu nu e ut un-gou fjr tl.r
C'tuiit of rlail 11.
T. II Cox. iiUluttO'. I
v V
Garwood (lr vuu, I)f f-ndn'. )
To IIAKWi tif RIlKhNi: ilufi-naanti
Ik t Nass or- tub hTATtor Oukiion; Yon are
burrliy iiimumiiu'iUmI nqulrMi louMjimr unrl n-w.r
iLd loui'.iuiiit ami 4.lin)Mi In tlio almritriitlllrd
aciioii lu tru tiljou.r.intHt u.u'l by lliw lli.t day of
thu Ki'ptvirbtr ti-nn. 1(77 tkt-m f. In i, 3d tiny
tipuui?Hr, IKrr.riUdtv ih-nnrttn- it ft iUy of III J
tera or ea.ci tuu loliow'.nw rnv .'ip.iatn.ii i,( thi
time rcrltHit In tl.e o-dir lor pulmmiioii lienor.
Aid ir )u till 11 t'i miftx ami MiiKuvr. foriu
tarrrof 11I tint in mIII Uw Ju uu-nv Ralii't )iu -pi)'tj
f.if In hi. ri-mpinli.t, in lt. lor thu una nf
one liuuiliul nu I fit y nol i.f. ti'i-llur "lib luirfri
Uiiieou l;i(i-lla-xliuiljyor Ji'Mir, S7 Jttn'i'
lrci .piraiint.il, ai.o fr rri-t-nnj ilU'H.r-ineut
tft'iltai'Mi 'll.l. uiiiiuiii-If lUiiiIuU liyomu
or Juhu O. 1Vi.1)!i-. Juu,tf vt tola court, cicl tbv
XtlLayof JuiiH.ls'.i
I', tl tt'AH'tY, Atturiivyf.irHiliiilir,
t-tlorj. Jul) U.1M7. tlhl t
I BtabUbhed 184.-0.
13 W. A. Q. HIM510W6'
Original Liver Medicine.
?OJf Af.L DIE .f A- U? TltE LIVER. HOUR-
SE-tS Of '1 HB HTOf Afll. WHti VY Af-Ffc-
PKHUt, Diki Hollar.
r. a. davim. c.
.,, .WhoV.ale DnsjUH.1lKroi.tM, I'otttanisav
itjt',-liu. Axerna fur vttgoa.
Salem, Portland, .Albany, Junotion City, and Walla Walla
Tho following FIRST-CLASS Machines,
tsoia jsna ana oiao naKe xignt-uearea.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
a, iv, ix, io, ana
Manufactured by
With Now and Valuable
Haines' Illinois Hleader,
Wrouglit'Iron nnd Scrow-IIub Wlteels, adjustable Reel nnd Truss Frame.
Wrought -Iron Combined Reapers and
Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowers, one size.
Ooxxd.Ti.or or . ff
rarat Bralley Iky Kakcs. OXM TBJfWraJC aulky Make, elf Xra,
Via Sit ! Vat.
Tkiaabis) aualat nasi lrM-xle rmaae, nasi frcliat wairaaa, all alcaa'
Newtoi 4-spring Hacks, Bade expressly for the OreKoa Market.
3H'B'VCt03a. Thrte-Sprlan, PUtrbna Sprint, SQd fkroll-Sprlon 3BKaoXkjSB aa4 OSOIBa,
a-axctaaL Olty Plows,
Harrwaan najlllratorsi Oara.N City
a.atai.r ) nmmmtr aitii
W HdmI.I CMmlar. Ill.ttiatud. with arlcM. tent
T OltBRS' AOMMTN, aad wiu. isll at ssn-aoca
mpt k arnai- mvniin a.r
VIVATUHB. tha Raat lai th. 1
marT Fraat at. PORTfcaKD ; Comaterelal at., BALBM t aad Cheadle's Block, ALB4MT, OR.
Riere)i' 8ai.
NOTICI l fcereby lTtn that, by rlrtue of as order
of theCtresltiioart of tbe elate of Oreroa 'or
the ceewty of Marlon, made on the Mth day of Jat e,
A. D. 1877. dtrectlajr a' aale of ceraln real aetata Sere
tnaner ueeerlbed. Which raid real relate la thr aabject
ola,uttla partltloa la said elttult coart between
Gaorire A. Nee and other. pUtctlaV and Iteore An
deraon and other. drfVndaata, the underalf ned, WIU
Ham Waldo, W-H.McCully.aBd F. K.Huttb. rtUt
nadQly aasoialed y order ol said elrta't conrtto
nub, yartltlsa of aatd rati eUte. will at aae o'clo'J(
In il af sua oa Saturday the SSth day of July, A.
D. 18T7, at the coarMioae. rtoor lu Salem. Marion
Ooaaiy, Urua.-troc4KdtoeUat pqbllc auction to
4S hifht, etsJir.4ae-fX o4a --UotSed
H t to'be'aald na the day of ale, ad tha
foUowlsg dercrlMd real estate, to t 'situate In Ma
rl.-a Uouuty. Hiatd of Oiatn, and belnir a part AT llie
Djtutlou Und cWIsi i f N W. t'olaall, la m ellone S3
aad 84 Id.T. 7 s. K S W. of the Willamette Meridian,
and deecrlbed aa follow, to wit: Cnmiaeiiclnir it a
point on the a'aie road lea ilDf from Salem to Albauy,
at tbe b. K. corner of a pier, of iaivd owned by John
t'rl it, runnlnr llieuco H. otf. SO rain. W. al ni' mid
road 7 OS chain, to the N. K. corner of the Odd IM
Iowa' Kural Uemotery; thence wnt-rly a'oor tho
North lino or aid vmvtery, W M cbalut; thence
Sooth with tbe Wl lino of aatd rum-torr aitrj
chain: thence JJ. 71 dee. 90 mln. W. 14.31 chain;
thcnceNorb tlSDchiilnrjllitnco N. 71 drir. l inln.tV.
15 Ot cbnlnt: Uwlico N. 17 drs K. iKHI chln to k
paint on lu Snath boundary lino of tlinUudof Abrt.
Jiani Mrir! tbnnr. Ktlrily with ald line to tlio
blare ni oeirinnieir, cortiini cninnyri lit iij acio
or laud, wore or K." Tho r Hawing line upon
tb ald rval e'teto remain unatU9i, lu wit:
balance ot about four Imudr.l dnlUt on a pinrtditu
In f.vorof Lewi, Johnpon on the undivided 17U-IO0
tuoreoT bulonKlnu t Johu tl. Wrtitut and cnatlv
Uxaforatrr. mcuttd on or about the SOlli day ot
Aptl ism to ,icur the paymmit of a pnmWrory
mlufor IH8S.O0 with Inluicrt Horn date at tl.e rate
of one per cent per month,
AUo. amnrtKitie In lavorof Ahner Allen on the undl.
Tldrd 430-lUOfl tbrreofbelonultic oOvorge A.Edt eic
culml bii or about the ISt lU-iy uf Match IStl tortruru
the patrment of a pro-nU.ii'y note tor fiOl.lO with lu.
t-rel from Match IStb. lint, at tbe rate of obo per
cent per inoulb.
uaiva at Dajetn, aarion county. "r"ifn, juuc xttn,
lI. WI..LI1M WAMlit,
r. It BM1TH,
aut r.eferee.
Bherifi'a Sal.
BY rlttue of two r xocr.tlone U.urd cut of the
Honorable County t'ourlor theHlate uf Orrvon
to tbe craaty ot Marlon, oil lb- Kl'b day or Jute,
li77. I4ith aualiKt Jame McUboe. lUfrndant. tbe 00
In tavorof H. t. McCauler, inalnllff; for tbe tnia of
I o hundred and eighty etshl and xvtuo noiurs u n.
Vld cotn, and thirty tevei. aud HI 100 dolUr cimM.
lotretbei wllbouoiwr cuut. Pur month luirrn'l aad
u'-cralnR coefi the o'hnr It. fior ol Trrll A (ill.
najintm piaiiiiina, ror uie rum oi one ununr. a uo
(Wlf tbrredolUiett twtmrHveir.1 su-tcu .lollarfl
o.l. udtn per cm t, praimuoi Ir.irrtatand a.cn.
Ingrown I bav I-vlnt npoa and wl 1 full at t.uMIc
auction un SA'tUHUAY. the DHili io of JULY,
IS77. at 7 ovjoca p. in., at tbe court linufn mor. all
the hht. title, abd Intrreet of III. ral-i Jtn- MUJtitt)
In aid tii tbe followliiK-deccrltiud pie..Ue. to lt
lt.ti.uln r. 1 B.. It. S ft . and lu Stc. Z-U lu Marlon
couuty, lirvkOii.roniaienc Uifat tlii.V V, comt-r of
l'i land owned by llri if . tur, and l'amplill, from
wr.icucoriirranr-itlliii.nediai,eTi'r ueim n, i an
SOniiu. K.&I huki- ilii-tatl: tl.t-nco N. HW floi V.
U.iW cbalua; tlu-yu N 3 WJ cuaiu.: tlu-ncv N. MH lf K
w. Mou cnatn: tii.tiui n, in uc. tv. u cnatnr;
Ihructi. iClVil K. aS0clialii: tbixjC4 N. 90 iliv
m mill. W. at) chaiui: tliuiic 8. U. dvu K I1.HI
chain to tlielliiclitnu Jilin. Kdc A tin ; tlicuiu
N tldiv. K n.Wicnaliir u tbu paco of biiirlnuliii:
C'lmaUlnirSilaiiii It lWucri;. aImi, Lot No, fmir (I)
in block Si. ten (U) In Ken. II. Jmicr'aildlllou to ti.u
l(u ... .J.I....I I., kt.l ... Hiiilnl. Mini kl.lu t1 ll.a.Hin
...J W r.lWU. .M WW.mwt l. bl'IIHI w. v'v ... w.uv.,
J liwn lit ilia rvcordixl p!at of raid widllinn In thu
in cum. r ooice ill tne county hi niniu nun niuio oi
urou. J. ... IMSUIt,
nunn lati-.n rouuiy.urvau".
Hak-ui.Orifon, Jaunts it7f.-lw
Gopher and Squirrel-Killer.
-U1(B AMI tlKMAIILK r"U Till. Iir.nint.uttw.1
lV Otil'llCIIS, rlljL'lKltKt.4 IIATri,
illCr., CltUAa, C.
hIit. HeftK-r, il ClM-aprr lltnit
MV'jVhUlUf, l'litslnru, !
r.uu:, or ollter preimrii'
tlutiM its u hIiikIu trlul
will eNinvlHt-e.
wtWliolqaalo Druggists;
S.:.73fn.Lt-u7tjJ'iit bt.. PbUTLANB.
which we are now receiving for the
off 1877.
i tiorso jfowor.
J. I. Case & Co.,
Improvements for 1877.
Halktr : nra PartNera rrl.sta
.-ni na.B
rorlal. .
Riaekla. BJtlra llarawarr, Iraai. as atael.
to anr addrcii. Ira. at ehaim. W ara HlHnvin.
exterminator !
All others are Iaferlor Imitations 1
mtosm Ktraat. PasMt Dear Sirs I har.
(aadaanexutrlateit with nrruarefl ntilaiw Sir '
t mx nqoirreti. paiiina; oui a can lacn or id. luili
1 autaaai i m eaa at ttaeweye. a- f aa of-aew
w vi , .iiiu. tiiru naioin. jkaie
tine can or wame am. aa many ae
U.n.'. M.tlr.nl PiiLa. .Hit am n.anw aa J
Steele' Baulrrel 1'oUon. Thlnkliur I In
int.- ettlnic to jour ri adiim I attidTt foi
Your, very re-pecim'!, 8. P.".
Hay ward, April f, 1ST0. i
f9f In purcba.lrir, caro rhon'.d bo need to older
T. A. iAvrs ft CO..
P0UTI.AS6, molttaU Apmti.
A BINUI.R TlttAL ONLY ! nccoirary topioro Its
upcrlorelllcltncy, '
K. 1. W'ASBLXni Sc CO.,
Importers of Drugs and C'licrakals, -
apms NAN VHAN0I8O4.
The P. P. T. Company's
Portliiiid i'or Htilont
Rvvry KUIUaY. returulne oo BATUHDAY,
Da rrturttliiK on TUKHDvtS and THUKilHYS.
Patron izo Your Own Boat!
I'rulccllon nvnlnst lllnh Rate
Dfler In
Crockery and Glassware,
Woodeu and Willow Warp,
Tobacco and Gigaxs
Silnm, April Hf.lSTS.
rtUiuiiUarrrivtii B Notice. ,;
V'OTfi't: w -ii- tin ti thi lb iitideulKtied ba
b." ii ipiiilimi 'tir ii-ntiirof tl.e c.uitu of
i-.irM J - y )tfiri.,ii hi ilir County Court of Mv
1'iM rmiM). ttAie nl (ie,-'ii irid that all tiuraoua
x v cU'"'.!'it 1il ij.ult- aro required topre
.it Ut iu..ii. mil tji.it j' voucbi'ti, lotheun.
urUn i tMiir'irirrUp'. In ld county, for
. l.m.iv.n(i!.iii';-UJ! i'U'Ij. liotu ihUdate,
Ijmi-n nj ') J. !
!U f. C. I.U.S'EY, Admlnlitrttor.
JaffaffaalEa. m
ajaBBBBBBrfSV A1 -
h a-aaaaaaaaKil b
J .
: r-'
! I
Am. ... . M