.," t$f ft ft W1IJLAMETTE FARMER. 2 f I h ' k '. I& t f- v it i ? Stftemtttt ffrmts. MCVXB IDaY FB1BAT, IT CLARKE fe OBAIG, mumU AX9 raOVMBTOM. B. A. CtVAKKB. . W. CMAIG, .Tense f Saaaerlpttaa. ... One copy, one yearMaast ben)... . .....M.St One copy, six ssontha (M Bombers) 1.3 Ont copy, three monthf (IS flamberi) - .T BALBM, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1677. CELEttATIOif OF TKI FOUITH. Never dawned a Fourth of July moralng on the Capital City more , unpropltloua arid forbidding than the one of yesterday. 'The sky was overcast with heavyj leaden clouds, while a November chilliness, pervaded the atmosphere,' and every indication pointed toward a jirearyViwet day. The citizens, however were early astir', dressed In 'sett I. Sunday bsblllmeats, with aoonntenanoea ex prcsslve of a determination to make the best oflt. " -.s , Along towards nine o'clock the sky cleared up and by noon the day was aa fair a any ono could wish. ' -- The favorito objective points for Salemltes seemed to bo Turner's and Albany, as tbosn two plaoes wero accessible by cars, and tho cost of reaching them trilling, as com. pared wlln oiueriocaiiuos. The excursion train from Portland drew up to the platform at the dopot at 0:15 pre cisely and after the usual scramble for seals, about throo hundred doiiuona of tho Capital City were whizzed awny np the vnllny nnilor tbo command of Major Charlie Wilson, (be urbauo and gontlemanly con ductor In charge. At Turner's about one hundred left tbo sta tion tocolebrato In an adjacent grovo, whllo tho balanco wont on to Albany. At Marlon the happy ezourslonlsts wororolnforced by a band of somo 26 persons bent on putting In a "full holiday." Five miles fartbor, as the train drow slowly lu to Jefferson station tbo rich notes of "Hall Columbia" floated In tbe air from the Jefferson brass band, load by Jdhn W. HolanUJ" which were atatloned on tbe platform togivetbeexcualonlstsaklndly greeting. Tvrentv minutes later the whlstlo blew. announcing our arrival at the busy, bustling city of AUlANY. This oltv had on its holiday dress snre enough, flags floated from many of the prln- American people. It would hardly have been possible to select UeflaeecbfjBora Inn portanee, and to deliver lesttfaaor'aoliileaj' wisdom more essential to natloaaPprbji "7f",-, .. .. it . J . r sr. u. ii. uorneuns, on loap.n oi xurser Orange, made some practical and valuable remarks, tbey were listened to with Interest. Rev. M. Lane, of Sllverton, was called on to represent the I. O. O. T., which he did In' a short and Impromptu speech that was replete with wit, numor and anecdote, with a flavor of temperance. Then Master Wrenny Crews recited with good eflect Joseph Rodman Drake's magnifi cent apostrophe to tbe American' flax, ami with tbe last strains of muslo from onolr and band the exercises olosed, all going home conscious of a hsppy day. The balloon that was to ascend went np In a name, ana tne Dan mat was to iojiow win Irfav. nndnnhtkant htmv fnnttlmlnc to matiin until, the night melted Into tho dawn. B1LVKRTOW. The crowd was large, coming from the banks of the Molalla, Butte Croek, Abifaoa and tbe foot hills near tbatembryo city. The barbecue was enjoyed aud the oration by Hon. W. R. Dunbar exceodod any previous effort of that distinguished Kontleman. R C. Geer Esq., mado a tip top marshal and the procession was no plus ultra. Tbe dance was enjoyable and tbo Wymans andShrtior Morlllf drow crowded houses in the after. noon and evening, urken'h FEnnv iuiidoe. The flno brldgo across tnoSantlatn, throo milos from Jeiferson, bad a fine picnic "! ebrato." TnnScloand Jefforson brass bands furnished tho music and Dr. E. J. IMwno, Prlnolpal of tho Joflerson Instltuto deliver od tho oration which was pronounced to be an effort worthy of a larger audience. Everybody enjoyed thomsolvos butJobniiv Roland tho loader of tbo Joflerson Bund, who wanted to bo at Turner', whore be was rolobratlng in spirit, with his "Jliujmon Mower." MKIIAMA. A crowd of people from tho surrounding country met and onjoyed tbemselves with an elk barbecue, at this place. Dr. C. LI. Hall doll vend an oration that added another laurol to tbo wreatb bo wears as a popular and pleasing speaker. ZEN A. cloal bulldlnica. and the streets wereltbrona ed with vehloles from every "nook and cor ner" of Linn and adjacent counties. , , Chlsf Marshal, J, H.ilerreo, bad the pro oesslon well in hand on tbe arrival of the excursion train, wnlou opened to receive Governor Cbadwlck, Treasurer Brown and other distinguished visitors, who had Just arrived, then again took up the llneof march for Hacklemau's grove (the finest In Ore goo). The exercises at the grove wero more than ordinarily Interesting, tbe muslo was good, tbe oraMon by lion G, W. Yooum, was or thodox, tbe after-speech (Impromptu) by Governor Cbadwlck need eloquent ami an-. proprlate to the occasion. The Declaration read by Gen. M.V.Brown, the genial editor of tho State Rights Demo crat, "was way up." It was reported In the crowd that the Gen eral had offered aslxdollarohromotoallof those who would remain to tbe end of tbe reading, and parties of alx who would "sit It out," w old receive a houseand lot. The re sult was, that the General bad a "full house." (Shall look for onr cbromo next express,) After tbe usual exerolsea tbe dinner was enjoyed and tbea tbe orowd after more exercises at the stand adjourned to tbe olty where the hot was fully developed that there la "Lota of fun In Oregon." The meobanloa Brass Band went to the, bank of tae river and gave several spirited tunes, while the "Undines" of this city, gave tbe assembled multitude an exhibition of their skill, Tbe Bow Java came out and gave the best they had in the shop, and their grotesuuu appearance caused any amount of merri ment. In tbe evening the Wiltons entertained those dramatically Inclined, while tbe light footed and gay hearted, tripped away the hours until broad daylight this morning. Wo cannot close thla hasty account of tbo day at Albany without noting tho splondid appoarauoo, In the procession, of tbo Portland military companies, the Liberty Car, and iMtrtlcularly tho Fire Department under JhlefKuglneer, Joo Wobbor. Both engines worn handsomely decorated and Linn's steamer was drawn by W. 0. Myers' nug ulllceut Peroheron horse. TUHNKH'H. Tbo clouds that mado unploasant threats In the morning, prevented mauy from atteudlug tbe celebration at this place, but ijullo a uumbcr weut up from Salem on tbe exoiirHinn train, and hundreds of wagons loaded with fsiulllea from Marlon aud also Polk county, arrived by half past ten, aud the pleasaut grove near tbo station was tbe scene of a brilliant gathering. The Dallas hind and volunteer glee clubs dU coursed good music. A Liberty Car carried btututirul little girls emblamatlcof tho States, and tbo Goddess of Liberty, pertousted by MU Hollo Steele, rodo aloft lu triumph. The day proved exceptionally line, aud by the lime the exerolsea roinmouoed, the snu shlno was compensating lor the cloud and ralu of tbo past wwk." Tito Declaration of Independence was read by Rev. Mr. Lano, uftertbo opening prayer by Rev. Mr. Clark. Then came tbe otallonof 0. lLMooroa.K-ti, , whouhoee fur hlssublect tbo necessity oi education to qualify the waswa for intelli gent extrcUe uf the ruling power. The ad dress was listened to by a large audlenoo, wuu great inter st, ami oaiiou .ortu warm ootuiueudallona from all. It was masterly In soope, aud able In overy detail, abowlng Uio Importanoe of education to secure and per petuatetbo llbert'eaof the American people, and citing the et lie already Impressed upon tbe nation by existing Ignorance, aa well as picturing the fate of tbe Republic, If educa tion aud moral training shall beoagltcled A brier notice cannot do Justice to an argu ment that was clear anu even exhaustive. The addreaa was exceedingly well delivered. Tuaerowd dispersed for lunob.and after two hours in feasting and hilarity, was is called to the stand by the muslo ol the baud, and Mr. IUii Clark, President ofthsdsy (mhofonratandepproprUiMopenlDgreinaikii ilrttrv in have been incntloued) then Intro duced Jitdite H P. Boise, whose address was Uevmd to exposing tbe evils of corruption and exirevoiiaioa that exist la our govern in.i ei"t puhlln enlrirlts, tbe bondel Oi bis of Nlkn, Stale aud muulelualltee and Uo nf rwllntatl corporations, all of which hv pothroaied In arerklesa way tlu piayertv, energy and Ufa of the nation and Ualahab liaabs. The address of Judse BoUe was re pleU with lesaona of pradaaca and wladow, aa well aa aa Ivjuueiten to pablle as well aa prlvata aoaasty and liellty. The two ors (loca war leaaeaa of great Importaaoa to out psepU.aad aomhlasd taa moat Importen KttWM aaias4 to atewre Ua weiauao(U Tbecolobratlon at this place was orthodox. P. II. D'Aroy, tbe rising young orator oftbls city, received with becoming modesty tho plaudits of tbo assemblage for his finely do ll vereu oration, At BoMburg. Robebubo, July A, 1877. My introduction to Roseburg yesterday, (3d) was very nnpropltlous, aa there was a fry heavy shower of rain falling at tho time that tbe cars rolled up to tbe depot, and .being a total stranger, your correspondent had considerable trouble In findtns aplaooto atop at, as there was quite a large crowd who came to aitenu tno colouration to-aay. Thla morning was ushered In by the firing of the anvil, which echoed and re-echoed lu tbe surrounding bills and then rolled away in tbe distance until finally cosslng to rever berate. The morning was decidedly cold and olondr, but tboso acquainted with the ollmate p-ojihOHled a waroi and ploaaant day, whlob was verified about 10 o'cloek bv the ciouus nreaaing away, anu allowing me sun to warm np tbe atmosphere. At an early hour the citizens oommencod arriving by wagon loads, while the roada wero lined with young ladios and gentlemen riding on horseback, and lu fact I have seen more ladles on horses to-day than you will see In a yesr In Hslom, and recalled to mem ory, years gone by, when that waa the usual way of travel In the valley. At ten o'clock, tbe procession formed nndf r the direction of tbe Marahala of the day, lead by the Rotcburg brass band, who fur nlsbed very good muslo. There waa one lone representative of the ' CXLKBHATKP TEXAH RANGERS, Then followed by the different base ball clubs, President of tbe Day and Orator, In carriages, liberty oar, with little girls repre senting tbe different States, drawn by six splendid chestnut sorrol horses, followed by citizens In a long mlng of wagons. At tbo stand, which was In a beautiful grove of blsok 04k,'he utual exorolssa wore eiiaotod, excoDt tho reading of tbe declara tion of Independence, which wssbya MUs Mluulo Lookwood, and excelled anyetlort of tbe kind lb it I have over listened to, aud that haa been seversl. Judgo Doady'a ad drf was IntercHtliiK, and rontaluod a great deal of Information, mid did not pursuutho usual track of spnml-eaitlH style, and was llhtonml to with merited attention. c The CommltteAof Arrangements had pro vided tables In tho urove and at most tbey wero Inadetl with edlblm of every descrip tion, from ihompHclmiH baskets of tho farm ers, ami all tbo oiny relation feasted to reple tion. Tbe people of Douglas county are oatrlntin and do nothlnir by halves flags on horses and team, whllo the Chinese mil- saucn waa imiUktrloiuiy exploded by the patriotic younuH'era with a zeal that would brook no Interference, In tbe afternoon tho ,'HornlboF(iuei" mado their appearance, and paraded the streets, much tribe edltlcatlou of tbe little folks, and evident stltaotlun to tbemelves. There was a Htlrli(l content between the Jsckaonvllle and RoHeburg btso ball clubs, but tho snu was inoxt too hot for your cor reetondunt, I wlllenlyglvotberesult, wbloh waa as fullows: RtMebuig 18, Jackson ville It Thern was a wmtnn turned over whlleonm lug Into lown thl morulug and bruised up a boy oousidersble. At tbo lluie nf closing tbe mall, dancing commenced in a temporary hall erected for that purpoMt, Salkm. SHORT aCHOQL SEMXOMB. ln Sp FranclBoo vthcu experiment of tcblBg children out one iteeeion oiuirce tuiantrfaiiY.haa Droved vervMtlsfactory, aM in asTjtuob as it also enKbleS teachers to give instruction to their classes In one room daily, and affords time for scholars tojearn the rudiments of the uselnl arts, the people of that city are well pleased with the innovation. To persons who have never given par- licuiar aiteuiion to toe mauer, ii may cause surprise when tbey are told that children may be bettereducatedby teach ing them tbe usual exercises of the schools In one session of three hours tlmu thnv ran be bv heeninc them from five to six hours In a school room, and send ing them home to bo taught lessons by their parents In tbe evening. Thofc who have control of the public schools of Ban Francisco have shown an intelligent desire to avail themselves of the Improvements of lateryears, and they perceive that the progress of children de pends more upon the manner lu which they ore taught than upon the timu con sumed in committing to memory the les sons of the text books. Where the tui tion of a school is so arranged Unit n ecs slon of two or three hours Ts-given, with rroror Illustrations of the idea it is de signed to convey to the minds of the learners, and another session of about the same'leiigtli Is do voted to technical work, which will employ the linnds, tho ejes and the tnlnd ngreeably, each will bo re garded us recreation, ami tho develop ment of menial power and nklll will bo satisfactory. But when an undue leiipth of time is occupied with tusks In which tho mind is crammed with matter Itcnu not diirevt. both mind and body are In jured by the exercise, and mental dyspep sia rt'HUHH. The true olm of education Is the devel opment or mental and plij slcal power, and skill, and much Judgment is needed iu directing the exercises designed to ac complish this object lu the best manner. One interesting Idea conveyed to the mind'of a young learner will sometimes occupy it pleasantly for a considerable time, without confinement In a school room. Show a class of little children a horse, and nsk why tho animal has but "one toe nail," whileother animals have a greater number. In most cases they will subsequently observe tbe feet of every animal they meet, and count tho toes. .In this there is pleasant exercise of the mind and real culture. A svstom of Uachiug which constantly presents new ideas to the mind will give much in struction In a little time. The Imported Percheron Stallions. SI inrr-r-r-amiTt Taa-a-r-aor-m a ittv y--xTaT wtit nTTii YyjnuLAJEJ kmm.imjfj .ayju AxCim. rjLiJiiLJjtij wiLLpund the tartiinfc fcmion. comracncinff Arrtiii M, aoh coQUAtHBtf Win mtb or.TOLT. t the Mam M.. of e&ch week. At the uble of liiN DAVIDSON, MA.l92&a.c od PRIDAT. P. M., And SAf- uui'ni anu xiiViilAi, a ui tavu nniai Fox-XXXaB-afflO IN U. 8. GOLD COIK, TitE 8BBONi-Dneat1heendof the eeaton. Ixuiuriuioe, S40r U. 8! oold com I have lome very Fine JEitSEY CATTLE for Sale. Brer family that keeps a cow t bonld have a JERSEY, or at losit s hilf-blood. Famlllei that hsro niii them will not do without them, If they are to be bad. . I hitTR ilrpadr Imnpd a clrenlar with flue ecfratlliffa of mv Ilorsci and Mna. a v!w n( n ai.iiV with a hln'ory of the Perchcronf ; and why they are preferred to other large bonur: somo biota on breedlaTP the demnnd lur lare boreec in Enropo ana America, etc. Tbey will be tent oa application. a!3m) 71T;-Oi EAILROAD LANDS. Liroral XorniHl LOW I'HlfK.t LONG TlinEi LOW INTEHKST1 Tno Oregon and California and Oregon Central Kallroad Companies OFFEK their Latidr for tale upon tbe follow tne libe ral tertnr: One tenth of the price In cah; IntercM on the balnnceat the rate of rvvc-n per ctnt. ulo cr after fair; and each followlnR year une tenth nf tbo principal and Interutt on thu balance at the rate of wen per cent per snnu n. llotb principal and litter t payahlo In u. 8. Cnrrrncy. A discount of tn per crnt. will "e allowed for caph Wf- Lcttra to bo addrcned tn P. bCHULZE, Land Agent U. C. It. h.. I'ortland. Oreson. County Court. Halkm, July 6, 1877. Samnsl Lake, Supervisor of District IS, (Ablcjos) resigned and H. C. Tweeat ap pointed In bis plsoe. Goorpe A. EJph, County Clfcrk, Annual Itoport received, found correct aud placed on Ulo. A. F. wbcoler, County Treasurer ditto. July 0. Drs. Sharpies and Harvey wero allowed 9100 for tbe post mortem examination of Alloa Townsond'a remains. Amonnt asked $200. In tbe matter of tbo obange of the Salem and Jeflarson road, Win. Stewart, N. U. Loon ay and Hugh Harrison appointed vlow era. , T. T.'Pishor, Surveyor,to meet at Ter hune's, Friday, July 20th. Hnndry accounts examined and ordered paid. The road from Marlon Taylor's to tbe mala North Fork of tbo' Uantlam river, oruerea fyssoiianna A'Oi r i Laft 'J kair Marks. Our town Min, tbo past few weeks, to bo Infested with iwiiy latrouy thieves aud bur- ulars. On Fourth of July nliht onaof the larito plate windows of W. W. Martin'a Jew elry ainre wna drillfd, evidently with a tliamnud. In two plaoH, InalcatliiK that tbe operator intended to make a email opening om to reach liU band In and secure val uable gold uimnfU Inside. Aa tbe Job waa Incomplete iliolblevea were evidently fright nd on before tbey oould accomplish their object. A Vadnakla CoUectioa. Mr. O. It. JulinMiu goe to Portland to-day to pack aud remove to ibe Central Museum nrth8ohon and fvileye Natural History ooletv, loonteil lu Halein a very floe collec tion, of shells, pnroba for the Society from James OulM Tbeonllectlon consists of over a ihnuaand peoliuen, properly named, and Is wprth one hm-dred aud flftv dollars. Tae purchase mnnev wen ratal by a subscrip tion among (he members of the Society Stateaiuan. Maeklaerjr KklMa. Tbe Paelflo Tbreahlng Machine Company on Wadaeadax aklppft to Dr. Da via, UarrU hart, hi coaalv. a No. 4 Peltoa Heaarator. Tae Lwsr had by ehlDDed atvaral dava before, so that row tka Dro'or has a oaatplata oaint, ror waicaae pata fi,ww. so B. 8. Day, Walla Tba dav the enwaaklrfe4 aalasllar aiseblaa waua, w, t. of tka Sanatks." Tho horaeof Mr. . M. Plainondon'a sub posed to havn been atnlen last Monday ulgut from tbe yard of Mr. Nloklln's, where It uas turned Into to grar-. wss found yestorday aflernron in a well about 10 ft-et deep on the premises. Mr. P. has been lost In oonjocture everslnco the loss of tho animal, how It could have got out, of tbo vard km tbe fences wero intaot and no signs of Jmnplng litem or of having passed out of any of tbo gates. Tbo animal was Urst discovered by Mrs. Dr. O. II. Hall, who with her husband, wero looking at tbe boiito and lot with a view of purchasing, Tho well where hewasiound waa an uuuod ono and was bidden lu tbo weedHand foliage In tbo corner of tbo nil and main building. He had evldontly backed In as bn wss found xtandlng up with bis bead out of the water In rather a comfortablo position considering tho circumstances. A kaug ofCapt. Jj. 8. Scott's men soon brought hlraout, and barring a little stlOnest, Is all right after his 80 hours confinement. He could have been bought last week for a rea sonable prlco, but now Mr. Plamondon saya he's not for aln at any figure. Flae Wheat. We wero abown, tbls morolog by MeMrs. Jones .t Patterson, (ome wheat taken from a deldnfybout 2 acne, on Mr. O, Dlokln son'a pltro uear tbo city that was 7 foot In height. Mr. Jones think, without doubt. thai It is tho ttnbNt pleco of wheat to day, In the StaUt of Oregon. It Is 10 bead wheat, and tho ground was earn fitly prepared tn ulve this variety of tho cere! a fair trial. In duo tlmowe expeol to report tho yield, whlob will doubtless be something extraordinary. 1 Poatponed. The case of John Cotfoy who was arrested last night for making au asmutt, having a dangerous weapon In his pooaetslon, by olll core J. W. Mlnto aud J. A. lUker, waa brought befjra lUoonler Bowie lliln i. m. For good cause tbo examination was post poned until to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Ball In the sum of M0 waa given for his appearaoce. District Teaekers' IasUtaU. State Soperiatendent of Publlo Instruo tlon, Ii. L. Rowland, haa dealgoated St. Helens, Columbia county, aa tbe place lur holding tbe Teachers' Institute tor tbe Fourth Judicial District. Tbe meeting la fixed tor July 17th, 1867. Tbe Fourth District oon prise tho counties of Washington, Clack- aauu, Multnomah Columbia and Clatsop, AU Qstlst at Maikaar. Mr. U. A. Johtson received to-day a letter from blason Frank at taa Malbeur Ageoov, dated July 1st Everything quiet oa tbe reservation, aad no trouble Is apprehended from tbe Indiana there. He aura writes that Dr. O, M, Dodaoa had arrived and bad en tered upoa the disoba-geof bis duties. JOHN MINTO, saxsDia or MERINO SHEEP, TAKES pleasure In offerln? to the Weol-Growers of Oregon aad the adjoining Terrltori-! the chance to pnrchaio TUOKOtJOUBKKD MKIUNOS, and at faring partlea Intereated tbst tbey can, and will en deavor to. aell Sheep of the aame quality and value at MUCH CURAPER KATKa than inch can potalbly be imported. BiamlnaUon and comparlaon with oth er Sheep offered la the market are cordially invited. Address JOHN MINTO, .... . Balera, Omron. N. B. The Rami and Ham Lambi of the flock can be icen on the ISLAND FARM, adjoining tfalem. Tbe Kwta can bo iten at the fame place, or at tbe 11ILL FARM four and a hall milt eontb of tbe city. Halem, September 10. 1873. JsoI'V JIIJR, ; 1 lfe Half Brother to Caledonia Chief, tin,1 fastest Trotting lalllon In Canada, Slrcfl by iIpwc' Royal Oeorfo T)-m by old Hark-, way, uiu ceivursica lllfll uiouu lli.tf C, - imjLi ..CV.Tb ltfke W U S.Mm jktuthefj iir, pAlty 'Iticts fn ft of bite s, iwcl Bntpra cdjr ct ft Cental If Throi Is, and imoi num I "IKDIA Wl think I ed muc I VMof ! Uear k rJKoxb Mu.-ct lit last Portland, Hill ptandfor-'ito bis itl At tho Hlablef of JOHN SHAVER, from Anrll 1RIW. HWf to July lit, 1877. B40 to Insnre, nnyable when hat the Mare If known to be In oal. $95 for tkedea-. vnj ssswi aii iuuuiuoui rviflvu JOHN March fO, 1877. BEDMOND. Tbe Celebrated Thoroughbred Stallloat DR. LINDStEY Thai Tel lufls xmore mnuy IhMP w A Naat Oalea. W. B. Rtoa, Mq , the ireQUl.jvlde-awake aceat and leMgrapa aerator ter the O.ekO. rUUraadtMMSy at AJbaay, haa the aau( net. ooaltat oatke road. Itisntudap hi taa Mrkael beisreaa the laeHat' vattlac roasa aad da aar reaas. Tae niniHareasiI aaraauaa; Hhf Of raoaa taa aapearaaee of a axki pita aa ireitway oato. THE PLUHMER FRUIT DRYERS, Patented April 1877. TOEtE MACIII.IEfl ARE UNSURPASSED BY anro her for Drying or Preaervlng Fmltf end Vecetablcf of all klndf, and are cnttructcd and fur nlihed completo In four different flies, namely: Tbe Tons Thumb Dryer capacity of bufhul of applet per boar prlc 75 The Small Paaallr Bryer cstaclty of W baf beta p'r hour-price $120 Tbe Fanally Dryer capacity of 3 borbela per hoar price $20) The Factory Brjrer-capaclty of 0 bnihele per hour pilce Tbtai Dryers were swarded the Centennial Medal and Diploma at Philadelphia In itsso Also, the Oold M dal mi the State of Oreeoa for 1870, for excellence of fUvor, olor and condition of Frnli All a'zr ooftanUy on band ssd funmhed ontbort eitnottcr. Farm and C'oaaty Rights for aale. .Tut fortLtir particular and dSferlptWe caialocne addrvfi W. 8. l'LVMMKR, Patentee aud Jjnufcturtr. Jelitf Kaat PorUaml, orrgon. SALEM FOUNDRY, & MaebJue Bltop, ALKM. . . . OREGON B. F. DRAKE, Prop'r. ITBAM KNOINB8. SAW MHiS, OR1BT MILUt, J ltuapi-ri, rnmpi, and all Unda and etyle of Ma winery made to order. Machlniry repaired at a rbort notlco. Pattcrn-mokini; dono in all tit various fonni, and all kluda of Brata and Iron Cat Hon fornithed at fhort notice. Alao, mannfactarer of KNTEHI'lUSK l'LANKK an MATCHER, and bTlCKKltS and SUAI'KHH MaywU Aateals for tbo Willamette Farmer. Albany JE Hannnn Amity Hlitilnipfon Cottage (Irore J II Short rl dto ItotlvuB Jeff IMyU IluenaVlfU WnWtlli, J W Uobart llrowiifvllle W R Kirk lluttevllle J V Uacbvldtr Canyon City DIlRhlnebart Canyonvllle W T Url Coqiilll city F8 Mattecnn Colo' alley Wit Clarke CUtrop , R J Morrtfon Craf,nlallle Ribrt (JUm Cove.. B V Kendall Corvalll k Woodward Cretwell Roaeoe Knnz Clackamai W A Mill ('amp Creek Q H Haromert ley 'ana j u Lee, U M Uuthrle Dexti-r Handfakcr uraluv Krvwfon .t Drain pama.cea KFoibei Dayton.. ,',.. ........E O lladauay Klktoo A li Ualnea Rairrne , , John Mct'luni; Kox Valley A I) Oantorr Fontt (Irtive 8 Haebea, W L Cortl Uofben.,,., , ....J Haudraker OcrraU , .......H M Oalnm llalfey..,,, T J Ulark HarrlfbatK , Hiram hmlth Hlllaboro A l.nelllDjt llepner , ,,,,. Morrow & Herren Independence. , ,V h Hodln Junction Smith. Bra.fleld & Co., W I, Lemon JackfODllle, ...,..,...., ,..) ltrron K1pk alley,., ,...,,. ..Conner Cnrno Jcfferaon.... Jihn W RoUrd Lewia Title..... H O McTlmmonda Lafayette Dr Pociilctiin. A It Hmr. Lebanon........ ...,8 U Clanghton Monroe..... , , Jm Kelaey McMuUTlUe JBMorria, A Held Moamoath... ...... ...,,., W Waterhoaae Mill ruin, WT DaTldSump Needy.aa,aaa,aa..aa......aa,,,.a,.a..WBl Moreland Sw P.v. " J Caito r.ewS,liTUlJ:.v ....PF CatUemaa North YamhlU DO Stewart tJBIBnu.....aa..aa.a...aaa.a....a.aa.B K ItaymOnd Oawego t9t a AR Shlplty OU .,...,... JU Schroeder Oretron City j u Bacon Pendleloa , WA Whit-ran PuOna......,aaaa,aa,aaa,.aa,.aa..a,,, JDt J U Irvine i nu iuiu,....,.mi....m..m..mm....mI uttllam Eprtland. S P Lee, Agent But Orange 5?bj i , '" OMPrlnile lit KT I . Mrurew abtore luCkTea4.aa.,...aaa,aa.......a..,,..aaaF A PattertOI, KoMberg,., , ,,, Tho Smith "' - F P Jones, Tho Monker Slltrertoo, TRRibbard Hhedd'e.... WM Powers, CM Wheeler 2PWM A O Hotey HaUlmlty John Downing awsetHeme.,,.,..,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,, ,,Bn Marks sjerMaa.,,, aa , wm. -K-.. .-------....-...,, a. naiic ILL STAND TUB ENSUING SEASON AT'j SyVIEM, ; From March 10th to Jnly 1Mb. Mares can be taken i to the Ltyery HUble of Dean A Davldfon, or aeut tSV mh9 JAME8 r. UVUKE Salem.-' WHEAT AND OATS Chopped into Foed, .Vox sOxxo-ToxLtlx rjroll. aaa.AUO.aaa Sash. Doors. Blinds, , BstToiildiTiKaa, Turrilnr. Malrwark, Bedateadri , fJurenuH. KlaadM, Tftblea, FANNING MILLS.. Aatl all klada et Furalture, At BttD-HO'K PRICZM Shjp at Arlcnl-n-al Works balldlog. fcalene. i0. O F. BKNNIR, Alterative To Purify the Blood uso Dr. jayea Alterative. It acta dlroctly on tbo blood, stimulating tho nbsorbonts, overcoming-tho obstinate stato of tho poroH of tho skin, and Imparting a healthy glow to tho Comploxlon. Pimples, Pustulos, Tottor, and Sklu Dlsoasos of all kinds, Mercurial Afloctlons, Tumors, and all vnrlo tios of complaints arising from do proved or dlsordorod blood, nro ef fectually eradicated by this remedy. Scroflila In all Its Forms u cured by the persistent uso of Dr. Jayne's. Alterative). It destroys tho poison ous prlnclplo which originate Scro fula, and ultlmatoly drives It from tho system. It will remove enlarge ments of tho Glands or Bones, and is a soft) remedy in bases of Ulcers or Soros of all kinds. Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings nro otfectnally cured by Dr. jayae'i. Al terative. By stimulating tho action of tho" absorbents, all watery or cal careous depositions oro gradually carrlod off, toning up tho patient at tbe same time, by strengthening tho dlgestlvo organs and exciting tho Liver, Kidneys, Aa to perform their functions. For Dyspepsia and Llvor Complaint It has proven n remedy, aud It has established cures In cosoi of Epilepsy. It may bo safely rel led on by any one needing a modlc-Ino o build up the system, cleanse tho blood, or to restoro the normal action of tbe Socretlvo Organs. r&jk DAVU 0O.Wft0lssaleAeBti.PortUa6 Oregon. orUml Wat ' I A u IW ''I IMIIIMMM , '.eaaaaasfa..a.ae.-,,,.l(.,ilW II Ht'JJkaVPw !. sss , ,, W Btowb aSeeeetet)C VCUklaU seeesesJ F BsTtWSr t,.k.. j a? Ium J a W ana, BIArlaaie VameaoTcr.. -- 2"J WeMlaVeaaaaaaaaea wakto..... SKAL ESTATE LOANS. mm ini wAsiiNfimr Trait In?eitmnt Coaptnr W BC'TI.AIIa. THIS Company U prepared to aegotlate losaa tsv .Tiroi?.5j5'.0Watcar4 orer latPKO VkD CITT PMOP8TY asd FARM LAUDfl, fe ". perloda rf yeaie, or repayable by aalf-jesrijr la itauaieati. For terra, apply to WILLIAM Ra, Maaaaar, sovltv Flnt Street FarSaad. m . o. ATTomnmr at, OFxaU BOVM, aUUDT. t r Ji . A-- siaaai I at manna wiif y-'p''-'- rj(ltrir)iaprs