r II "WTLLAMETTE FARMER. ? ni, t Dr. M. S. Saaaaratk. Wo have been permitted to make the following extract from a lettpr sent Mr. Bynre, of tbo Roseburg Plnlndcaler, by Dr. J. Drown a distinguished physician of thnt city, who paid ourclty a vlsltlast week for the sole purposo of consulting Dr. M. S. SuHsarcth, the eminent French Oculist now sojourning nttlioCheinekctu. "Dr. Siissareth, the dlstlngtilshed Oc ulist and Ojtlclnn of Now York city, will visit Itotelinrg In a few dnys, mid If there arc any defective-eyed people there, or anywhere else In tho Umpquii valley, you would render them a real service by making an editorial note of his coining. This, you can safely do, as tho Doctor Is not an itinerant qtincK, rcciucssiy adver tising his wares and unscriiptiously tak ing money without rendering an equiva lent, but a man of science, who fully un derstands tho auntomy and physiology of of the eyes, and who has thoroughly in vestigated the pathology of the disease to which that delicate organ is subject. lie enjoys a world-wide reputation at an oculist, and beyond all question deserves It. Ills examination of tho eye Is quick and painless, and tho readiness with which ho detects defects of vision and skill with which ho applies the remedy required Is remarkable I have myself had tho bcnellt of his professional skill and am wearing a pair of glasses to-day that seem faultless, at any rate. I cannot hoc In what respect they could bo Im proved. I have taken the liberty of saying this juuuii in UUIIIU1UIIUU1.IUII ui iti. onmuiuiih because he Is really a sclent Mo man and has tho finest glasses I have ever seen, flattering myself that an endorsement of this kind from mo would warrant you in commenting fuvorubly upon the Doctor's visit to Hoseburg. I am yours, etc. J.Uuown." Finn Pitoi'AdATtoN. Tho directors of tho Oregon and Washington Fish Propagating Company met lit tho Occi dent in Astoria on Thursday evening, l'rof. Livingstone Htono wns present nnri made a report. Tho situ selected is the Umatilla river. A levy of '-'ft per cent, of the riiilcjcrlbed stock, was made payable to tho treasurer, for the pur pose of bi'glnlng the work ut once. We undiirstaliirtluitMr. Livingstone Stone, tho United Status Kish Commissioner. does not entirely give up tlio Inking of .I.. I. ...... .... ,1... ir. ...... '..i 1. 1.. I... i r'miiiwii ijii iiiu ijjijfi;i itiJHiiiii'ifi, mil will endeavor to secure homo at tho Uimitllla. Not having been successful tfo far up there, he lias deemed it best to take Homo ut Cathalmet bay to hu mire of at least two million young fishes from tho spawn Oreyunltvi (Jiikistian Cur.iiKdi:. Tlio Met.ion yermyAi Thoeoinnioncementoxerclses of Christian College tool; place Wed nnsiluy uRcr'noon commencing at l.ilO and liistliig till five. The essays and orations were nil excellent and gave great credit to tho graduating class. Tho degree wore conferred by Dr. L. J. Hnwlitnd, Htate Superlutcnuent of Public Instruction, with a few very imprnnriato remarks. Tho Daccalaurl nto luhlress was then delivered by 1'res. T. K. Cainnbell. whicli was renloto with wisdom and advice to those about to leave their ulmn muter. "When," he said violently, "when are you going to pay me that bill? I've dunned you till I'm tired ami mad. Now, I want u positive answer when will you pay It'.'" "Uyjovo'."' was tio reply, "you must take me for a proph et! How iiiii I lull?" Walter A. Wood's Harvester and Self Binders. li inn tlio ll'iVoimii .S'Mr Journal. iul IIhImhI nt MuilUon, In., wo IbI;o Ilin follow lim: (laKATHAi.nni' IIaiiviiviino Maciii.su. l'robiltly Urn ariitlont paIh ol ImrvMxtlnK inn. oblutM ivtr iiihiIh in tlio I'lilltxl HUlim, Hi onnUniM, (or hiiv oiiu llrm, lutjiutt boon mailti by l'Ul.l.Klt, Joil.st-ON it Co., of tills Oily. Ol.lVKIl l)AI.HYMI'I.K,orHl, Pull!, wild ha M, loo (irim In whciit, In limited Kvr valltiy, lots IioiirIiI from Klfi.i Kit, Joiinhon A Co., llilily ouo Wai.tkii A. WoonSnlf. llluilliiK JUrvostnrn. Iiamiymi-i.k, IihiI twt oftbtmt timubiiioi lt ytrnr, with which bo hrv(stiid tho I,:i00 itorea lio tbtttt bail hi Kraln, wo Out tin known Just wbitbuU about, TIih lorly oait niKobinnMnro expert a to liarvat tho 8,000 fturoK, mid da It up In good iHfctMiu, being about 1M0 aero to eaoh mi'lilnt. W umlrtrnuiid that Ma. oon haaluat illlbil eiuih oritur lor Iilmlora lo go to Aus trail Mini Now .oalaml, atuountln to about tlOO.OHi In koUI . Tb la orilt r rrtoltrd from a iw Hinder Mnt out on trail for hut harvest. Tbaaunutl meeting of tho Lincoln Ware houaaeml Shipping Company took place JaatHaturday, June 89, and elected IraH. Towtiaend, J, II, Ilawley, and T. Peart-, dlroetera for tbn naulogyear. A dividend ofaQpe-roeut. wat declared and paid upon tha capital atook , and tbat upon a atorage at UV oenta per buahel. T. i'kaiick, Whaat and Wool. The Malum MilU ottVr only ono dollar per buabel for whaat and wheat quotatlona from Llvor,xol aliow a weak niarkvt Wool ronllnuea ( Improve steadily at Kaatern markflta, Halem buyora ofterSSoaa blgheat llKurit while Douglaa county quota tion are V)f to 30 wula, a we explain ele whore. Huntou, Juno 110 Wool In active tltmiutd aalei of tlm wuok, 'J,7m),0vVI iuiiiUj all avail ablu lots oontlauit to lid ukn at lull and generally advaoojug prlw. Now tleece are arriving fritelv,but thero U nrt niuoli of any aiaortment ntfrrlnir, Some 0,00'1lOvK) pouuda now aold durlair tlio wook at prioatt raiiKh'K from 'l'J'((tSo QuotittluitH for tbo mini pari are noiniimU XX omld not bu purolntasd undorMKtvSilo, No. land X, liUo; Mlob. Igan and Wisismiln rrtiiKod trom T'QIS'S cotnbhn; and iluUhm In uvd duouudi tMhut ot H0,(VtJ (ton nils at MK;C!VVi, nnilv 6'J) ', Teis in dotiiiadi h'i or "r.l.OiW KuadsMU0i.17nt mil oil, llrm fid mid tin olOkr, baits 319 000 mmuhIh hi 35 C0 Utter for rv oliolivi utin'Ti ludk of hhIih In rmiK" of 40t.V) California rlitir In demands a l 1,011,000 viuda2U'ir, uruidpilly at 80 36o; niarkel llrm tor all divlrble lota, Halet of fall, .1)0,000 pouuda at ltfVJlQ. Ca'da with anr nana neatlr arlntet thereon tent to any addreaa upon receipt of it CeBta, and a 8-cent atamp. Addrc, W. J. ULARKi, Haiem, uragon. A COMPLETE LINE Or EC jA. 3FI 1ST E! S S, Saddles, Whips, Collars, Bridles, Robes, spurs, Etc., Etc. AT DEAR HORN'S, ON COMMERCIAL STREET. DUUIUN'3 BLOCK, SALEM, - OREGON. npr2t-tl WJLLAMETTH TRAlfSPOBTATION AND L0CI8 GOMPAHY. NOTICK THK KOIiLOWINO RATES Of freight on Urnlu anil flour have been en. tnlillnlieil by thin compntiy a tho mnzlmutn rntea for ono year from May lit, 1877, via : Per Ton. Oregon City to Portland fl 00 lliltlovlllo ' .... 1 75 UhnmpocK ' " 1 7 Daylnn " M 2 00 Kiifrllold ' " 3 00 WlieiitUnd " ' 3 60 Lincoln " ' s'O Hlllem " 3 fill Koln " " 175 Independence " " 3 75 Ankeny'n landing " ' 3 m lluennVlata " " 3 00 HprltiKlIlll 3 00 Allmny " " a no (Jorvullla " " 3 60 I'mirln " " 3M Monroe " i 00 Mnrrlnburg " " 4 00 UiiKcneClly " " 0 00 (Iralii n el Klournlilppocl from tho poliilnnhove moiitlonrd illrrattoAatorln will barlmrKed 8100 mr Ion luldltlonnl. Thnnompiiny will ontunrt Willi pnrtloa who deolrn It.lo Iruniiport (iniln and Kloiirnt above ridi- for any ajcclflod time, not exceeding live yonn. H.O.UKKD.VIco lVenldonlW.T.A L.CO. Portland, April 2ri.S77. Muvl-Sm PLUMMER FRUIT DRYERS. l'atontcd April 1877. rilllRSI! MAOIIINK4 AUK UNHUUl.HSRI) 1IY I nny oilier for DryliiK or l'rm'rvlnit Krulln mid Vi'unlnltli'ii of nil kliiiln, ami ure cnitrtictcd and fur. iilflii.il ciimpluta In fiiiirilllfvriint rlrcn, namaly: Tlio Tom Thumb Dryer capacity of ,',' biifhil of iiiiloi iur liour pries ,( 7tl Tlio Mituill I'miilly Hryrr-cnpnclty of ys luehule pir hour irtcu $183 Tlio I'unilly Drycr-capnclty of 3 luirlivln pi-r hour jirlcu , (200 Tho Factory llrycr capacity ofoliuthutt per hour pilco..... Tlitno I)r)r Nvcronwiuilnl the CenU'iinlal Medal and Diploma at Philadelphia In Jhwl. Alu, the (lolil M ilnlot tlio HUto of OrcKMin fur 1STI1, fur cxccllunco uf lUvor, color and condition of fruit All rUc ronitantly on hand and furnlihed onrhort cut notice. Farm and County Hltfhta for aale. Pur further particular and dcrrrlpl'vo cataloxua addrcri IV. D. 1'I.U.MMKII, Patviilro ami Manufacturer. Kail 1'ortlauil, orvKon, JolStf Farms and Laud lor Sale. I Off Kit f OK H M.K ONK f AIIM, Il'iO AUHK8. lit) acrca In cultlrat on, ko(hI orchard, fltua'edon I he Plcarant IIIII road, alxiiit M lulle from Kuirenu City. Alo, ntKiiit 1400 acrra of MIXKI) LAND, iiiiiinof Ihu bctt ialley and lienverdam Land In the riiiinty, unrounded li hill and lirurli land. Three or four very Rood farina can bo madii out of It. (Iixid placo for n colony. Want to pell tho whn'o lot tOKCth. or. ThU lind Utlluated In l.cno county, about 13 mile from Kueeno City, and alx from Crvvell. JuH AildrtM V. II. DUNN, Kwjtnt City. Nonce. 0HKG0N & CAM FPU MA ItAILUOAP. TIIK KUI.IOW1NO ltATKHOKUKiaiITON (Irnlii. KlourHiid Mill HluIN, IncorloiiiU, un trr ptibllalitd UrltTnf tli t'oiiipiny muter diito ofjHiill iry Dili. IH77. will be maintained un tli maximum rutva until Muy 3UI, 1H78, via t Per lOftl. Mllwaukle ClMrkuiiiaa (iienm i;nv Hook Uland t'ltuby Aurora llublmnl Woodburn (lervala llinoka Halein Turner Marlon Jefleraon Miller' A limy Tanaeul HheJd'a llalaey Muddy lliirrlaburs Juunllon l.upei'a lo IVirtland 7 renin ' . 7 rent ... III ntitji ......... II cell la II ornta ................ ..11 renin H reulx ..II centa II centa II conU lUci'ula Ilrullla l'2rinta ttcenla ..........H centa .llSrenta ..................l. oeuia 17 centa .............1R centa ...tOoenta ..,............ Ji cemi ............ ..,.x3 centa , , ..SMcent M centa so centa , ........St centa ..................'-. cenia McenU ... , .1 centa ... .............. . can la Slccoia Stoeuu MHittMiMii no H u ,.,,,,,, WccnU IrilnK Ktmenn " Hprlnyfleld " (K)ilieu " tlrraanrll " Uitliani M iimtoek'a " Drain " Yonoilla Oakland " llmpqua " llniiltiir ' NocharKerdrayvaeat Finland. It. KUKIII.KK, Vice Pre. 0 lt.lt.ro. rorllaud, Oregon, June Dili, 1877. elIC niMMIiMWiiw 30 THE THRESHER OF THE DAY!!! The Minnesota Chief! rJ?li Crvitlnir Suoei .ol t Century. IxporIeiiso ! Mont Perfeot Thresher, Best Cleaner, LighUit Run nine. Most Durable, and Economical Ma- ohine in the World ! Wherever Introduced, over the Draper and Vibrator Machines ! MANUF ACTUHKO 11V SEYMOUR, 8ABIN & C01?8tillwateri Minnesota, JOHN MOO HE, Akou for Oregon and Washington Torritory. IV UoacrlptUo ClrcoUri teal ou apprcitlon, 1. O. A4Croaa. ALUAN V, OH. J. W. WEATaWUTOBD. Weatherford & Go.. Wholesale and Retail Dealore It DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS. JEP errumery TOILET GOODS, , Etc., etc PURE WINES and LIQUORS, kor Medicinal purpose. lYiedloiiiea Oompoonded, and Preioriptiona Filled. Weatherford & Co.. Frttr Oommerctai itreat, NALRM. m HERRIN & F1RRAR, W1U pay the Highest Market Price a ron 500,000 POUNDS or "W O O Li. SACKS AND -TWINE ITuriilMlifMl. Inquire of W. JT. IIKltltKN. PAIIIUIl IIUOTlIKItS. Salem, Miy 1, 18T7-am. The Old Immigrant Route Acrona tho Caacade Irlountalua, wow owned nr Till CascadoXoadautl Brido Company, ItiiuulnR via Handy, Ml. Hood, and narlow'a Gate, IS NOW OI'KN, and trarol of all kltidd lian be tun. Tho road la In cm d repair, cxtcnMvo Im frnvi'mentanrubelbK made trery ttr.' The I.AIT IKI. 1III.I.H urn all KMilul. Mu'ep-biWiiareon all the tlreama. Thl road never rtcelvert a pom n nt ridy, and yet It II the ahorteal, lt. and ch-n-at mntn ovor tha mouutalua. I)l,uuce over the mountain!, 14 inllen, from lnrtlnd. over tho mountain, 78 mllct. from Salem, 100 mllce. HVn:- Waxon. fi Saddlra.Wc; Packa, tic ; Cat. tie. Iilc; Hheep, :io for all Liilnir and comlm from dr Int Marinn, am. hill, Warhlnuton. Linn, lleuton, and Polk counllM", thin la by far the beat, ntnol, and chcanett lonte. H. 1. COALMAN, Pre-ldict. IIarvkt B. Clione, Hoc. letml HIGH-OLA.S poult n."y. J. W. HCBART, IMI'OIITKU AND lIUKKUEIt OP Pl'HK-IllinD Llulit and Hark Ut.llinA and llrovau ami While I.KHllimN Olxlolnozxaw. aiol AYI.KM1IUHY XTjpXa. HatUractlou Kuarauterd. for Price LUt. fowl, and i:fi:, addrr J. W. IIOllAHT. apilm'l llama VUta, Or. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, Carriage & Wagon Makers. Salem, Oregon, HAVK ON HAND A CHOICE LOT OF FOCIl UprlDtt Wagoni, Carriages, &. BuggieB, of their own make, Manufactured of the IlKSl quality ofJeraey Hickory. Ulvenaa call, aidexamlie oar work, and judge for yourtelyc. Ail Kimaa ot itepainns and uenttai jodmck none at abort notice. aps SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. Far-Sighted and Noar-Signted, afcootlaicGlaMM for Bprtaa. BTKKL, B1LVKH, AND GOLD FRAMBS. I AM prepared to aopplr RpcUeIea to lit all jre,at prlcea to eult. Vt. W. MAKTIN, Jeweler A OptUtan, Dank Block, Btate Ht. Halem, Kay 1. IDTfi. am 4Sk WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, USE THE AVERILL FAZ1TT It Is; prepared ready for Immediate use, and or ALL DESIRABLE COLORS AND PURE WHITE. It Is ensy to npplK and It will not crnek, peel or chalk oIT. For; durability! bcaaty, land brilliancy of color it Is For sale In any quantity by WEATHERFORD & CO. ....DEALERS IN. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AND PERFUMERY. SALEM, JOHN HUGHES, DEALER IN O-rooerles and. Provisions, FAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, jSli.L Building Materials OF ALL 18 THK AGENT FOIt TIIK BALK OK THE RUBBER PAINT, ALU COLORS, Myr Ks Ho-voiiHtlai'N VaruInliUM, HOWELL & BEOTHEES' WALL PAPEE AND BOEDEE, Stato Stroot, FRANK BROS. & CO., 104 & 108 Front Street. - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. IMI'OnTBUB AND DEALE11S IN Agricultural I Sole I'nclUc Aeenla for tbe WALTEE A. WOOD'S HAEVESTING MACHINES, Embracing Endless Chain and Sweep Rake, Self-Raking Reaper?, One- and Two-Horso Iron Mowern, JMCowing Attach ments, Harvesters, and Self-Binders. Tho Walter A. Wood Unrivalled Harvester and Solf-IHndor Ii the srratnt Lborlvlnc Machine In tbe world. Willi tnUmichtne. one man with tlireo Iiornn can tax cd bind from IS to IS acrra of gra'n per ilar. and lit two wiwk time ed In harTfuilni: a crop liy br. ElnoloK In fon. It raay ho Ufed either ai- allariti" tcr atid aclMUnOcr, or Ilarieder aloao Tho Harvester and Self-binder U the het and mot wonderfal Marvelling Machine CTrr known. Tbe Waller A. Wood Tluin llako and new Iron Sweep Hake (SKLVOtAKING UKAPRIIN ) Are the bed HilflUklnir Hrapcra on rait h. and we are Malting for tho man who will eiiy U and Kl" ua a rhauce to try It airaiutt anjrthtuii made, KAHMKU3 AND DKALKIM, Are cautioned agalnrt a cl'etp and II. -ht mower offer ed a Wood macblnH, and purchaser biml I be aura that thPT got mtchlnet tamieit "WALTKIl A. WUOD," at nono other are Ktnulne. The "utnoaa Walter A. Wood's New Double-Geared Open-Guard Iron Mowers, With Drata Ucarlng, patent Oil ("upt. and new and Improved Guard, an guaranteed to be the Beat Mowera In the World. The Walter A. Wood Improved Treadwell Header. Warranted tuperlor to any Header In the market, Iron Wheel, ttrirluc Ilalance. Miloitable Heel, madt trors and durable. Itun hj Cbtn Inatead or Bella; nono acqualntod with lleaaer. alter liavlnn een tnU nachlne.needbe toldthUla the Ust Ueaderln the MarWtt, a U will be appa'cut on richt It took Aral premium at the Centeunlal, Mat. Uruce late of Den ton crawly bU( uuo of the Judge who made the awini. The LA BELLE WAGON, Pride of (be Parlllo Coa.i, KAItM, SPUINO. nr KXPHEsS, wide or narrow track. Ruteru b.-dandtoii box, or California take rack lod atd box. with California and t)ret)n adjust able ltuLl-UU UK VKK. 1 he Kt brake mnde. LIQIIT imWV AND WAUUANTKD. Kveiy wheel rolled In billing nil before tlio tire Is ot, ai.d the waiui ha tinl the t.t of the climate of California beicrthn any other wijtnn ti theinor ket. and run four to the nuudrtM i undt ll.'Utci thu any other, owln to our mini; a eVeln manufactured extirelT for u from brat patterns wnlch are not anVctetl by tbe wiather, and cast from the celebraud w S. - rasjiitf For Sale! S TIIK FINK HESIDKNCE corner of CVm-ner. H;'J rlalard Division str't. la deriraHe rltuailon, .LUvwllb houirltrvv, well tlnlshed, and convemect. ly arroitiinl, and croanj tantcfUlly orimminlcd. Will tn mid vory low aud on accommodatlup terua. Aptdy to liEfs WILLIS, sit Tattoa'a Ulock bute bu. baua. may2tf KINDS. AJID- Salem, Oregon. Implements! Gcnnlno mid 1VorldlIeuouncd Lake r-uccrlor iron, and from the tuperlor manner In which our kolnaru ct aod every whtel balanced. All perfect track. Tne Bufo'd Iron Hans and Milky Plow, and tho Browne Iron Sulky Plow. - Milht Draft, callr Adjusted with Screw or l.cvorw for Level or Mdehlll Oronnrt. These riowa aro e. peclalij rt commended to tbo Farmer' ol Oricou end Nalnuton Territory aa tho Lightest Uralt, the most r-uusiantlal, symmetrical ard the moat raIIy rnutriilled, and n dolnj better v ork nnder all comlf. tlnns tbau any other How In tho market. The Famous Black Hawk Single Plow. Kakt fir m-n and beast. Mover full to clean well. Thee plow havo been thoro jsMy inil trre r ly tete In California apd el. ewhcre.nud fuub'i upvrlort alt other All th'e I'Iawk arc lulu warranted to be the beat on the Pacific Coa-t. A fnll t'k of ttxlms alwaj on baud for the above riow. 1 hv Red Jacket Chilled Iron Flow. With Steel Point and Cotter. And tbe renowned COLLINS PLOWS AXD EXTRAS, And tbe Celebrated M'SHERRY F0ECE FEED DRILL. A full line or the best STEEL GOODS In the market: also a full assortment of the most lm proved kind or AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMEBTS. A full Block of-Rxtraa for the Walter A, Wood, and oilier llarrratlas Ma caalkieai kept coaataBtly, on hand. Bytend'neua your addn-ss. and apeclfjlnc tbe ar tlclea w.uted. wo will mail you Descriptive Circular ane Price Msta free, and will luml.h auy lutther " forujitloii desired. "" Ainc' t'i-llorHe Power Pot table Meant t-.'silneH and complete TltreNlilug or illlll Outfit. The St. Louis Invincible Thresher AND 8 and 10 HOUSE CARY MOUNTED TOWER. w..Hw... .. uucfiuiroucui oi too ractorv wi here last rnrtoirnuhii rnn... ..i 1 ... ...r: I make these the most ronulir nuehlni in iw NEWBURY, Manager, I'OIITLAND, OR. Notice. I" 1IAVK A HOUSE AMI LOT THAT I will ,,?t,iJ'!?.for Uad la lh8 ry. 'illle cood. May 1st iwr, u. J nKS,Jv nuOWN TrfiPH l?u,,f"Pltas ''"a free. P. Jt. CvBj I 'Bua(ix, Blooinlnstou Nuraory, III. OREGON. J , uf"' ' v if i.ti