Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 06, 1877, Page 6, Image 6

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, V
Jjfcr-John T. .Tonci, Barton, rhllllpr, Ark.
OitrteerJ, J. Woodman, Paw raw, Van Unrcn,
Mich. .,
IcluterA. II. Hmcdlcy, Crcco, Ifouard, la.
Hteward-A.,1. VauRlin, Memphis. Tcun.
An't Macartl Mortimer Whitehead, Itlddlcbusb,
Bomerrct, N..J. . . ....
Viuiitlaln-H. II. Kllli, SprliigborotiRh. Warren, O.
TnatnurY. M. McDowell, Wayne. Htcuuen.N. Y.
Htcrtlnrv-O. II. KcIIejr, I.oulsvlilc, Ky.
Onti-Krrwr-li. IHnwiildlo, Orchard Orovo, Ind.
CVrM Mri. .lohii T. .folic, Harlon, I'hlllltiP. Atk.
Vlitrn Mm. Nnmtlnl K. AllimP. Mnlltlccllo. Mint!.
Jtmona- Mr Harvey (lodclard, North OMnhv. Ct.
ImiIv Amhtunt MeicardlHtt
Caroline A. Hall,
LouUvlllc, Ky.
1). Wyatt Allien, (Chairman,) Culiceunry, H. C,
K. ll.Mhanktand. Iliibuquo Iowa.
Dudley T. L'liatc, Chrcrnont. N. II.
Alonro (1 itder, Kock Falls, Whiteside. Jll.
W. II. Chambers, Oewctchco, Husecll. Ala,
OlUccra of Oregon Htnto Grange.
J((r-Wiii, Cyrui", Bclo.
Orerneer-A. It. Hhlploy, Osnvceo.
lAclurcr-MTH. B. N. Hunt, Sublimity.
JSecrttaryT. I,, Davldnon. Halcm.
.SUicard-W. II. Thoma, Walla Walla, W. T.
Amiitanl Steward-0. W. Kiddle, CanyonTllIo.
VAaJalnVf. II. Uray. Antnrla.
Trtiuurtr H. V. Leo, Portland,
daU-Kttptr-S.. II. Urahain, FUlicr'a Landing,
Clark county, W. T.
On Mra. I). A. Miller, Jacksonville.
l'umona Mra. 8. I). Durbim, McMmnvlllo.
rtora-Mtf. K. A. Kelly. Kat Portland. , L ,
Lady An't NUuard-Mn. OcorKla Kmlts, flood
Hirer, Wanco eoun y.
KrtcvHv 6Vmmv-Wm. Cym, Scloj n. CTow,
Dalian; K. I.. Hmlth, Hood Hlvcr.
StaU HuHntii AqtntH. V. Leo. rorllasd.
State Grange Deputies for 1877
IWOfflct. Kxprtu,
A Holder Corralll Comltta
Knocli Hklrlno nuttoCrcck
N W Ilandall OrosonClty
J W llaycn Myrtle Creek
O M (laidnor Drain's Htatlon
MULTNOMAH. . .......
riympton Kully Kat Portland.... Bad Portland
1 Y Callemat Iliilterlllo
(I W Hunt sublimity Salum
JN T Miller" lackmnvlllu Jncknonvlllo
F A I'atteriiiiii'. lllckrcal Balem
I.AKB. . .
J J Charlton UiioioUko lackronrillo
Daniel Holer ICcrliyvllle lackronvmo
Jamcii V Matlock (huneii
It A Irvine I.olmiKin Alliany
John 151171!'. Tyh Tho Dallti
1) (I Durham. .'.'.' MpMIiiuvIII
J 8appluton (laiton
I) II Itliiclnrt Canyon City Canyon City
BW Ciiiiierp- Columhla City
II I' llolilini Tillamook tiorllnainlilll
II1IATII.I.A. . ....
,IH Whllu Weolon Werlwil
J lU'iiryrlliriicder.... Oil
wAfiiiNiiniN TKiituroiir.
llrimn Vancouver
ItPHIeln Iiiylon
I.h ltliiT Colfai
M '. tlucidilii ....Itlma
HH Mrihham..' Chiilmlln Po'nt
TIIUIIlTnN, . . ... i
1,0 Aliliolt Olympla Olympla
l liouiimlre Vi'lm
JuUtm llnrtnu i...Sfatt'e Hcattlo
I M I'lirrroii Ulaijuato
Mt II ....!. lril.tllallliri.. . . .... . . ...
UT IrWIIII imi.-. .,"-
III any roiinlr whuro tho Hrputy a, pointed I not ,
tlm moil iiiialiln,iir.il tho tlrn or 'liuiiKiillty will
iiropoily liiiltcstiiliiiiiaarliolrtf. I will ti pit n d,fr
In ninny liMlnnriHi I lin tmj'li oWlijis to liwku ap.
M...lmei.t without knowUM.tomn..iHi
Mater Orri'on Hialotlr'aiw, P. of II.
Meellnc of Subordinate Granges
Hope, No. 21, meets In Albsny, on tbo 1st ,
unit :iHtiirilvs of each month, at 111 a. m
Oilc I'laln, No. (I, In llalsey, 2nd and Itli
Hitiiirdavaat II a. in.
II inner. No, InVi, In Urawlordsvllle, 1st
and :ird H.diinlnyN, at 2 p. m.
Hyraetiso No. I:i, at Millers .Station, lib
Saturday, at 1 p. m.
I.'Umnon No. 21, at Lebanon, 2J and Itli
Haturdity, at 10 a. m.
Grand Prattle No, 10, Itli Saturday.
Knox llutto No. 22, 1st and Ilrd Hat it r
days. Httitlam No. :17, 2nd and Itli Haturdnys,
at 10 a. ui.
Ilrowiuvillo No, ID, 1st and 2nd Hatur-
faugoiit, No. 7, Ut and Ilrd Fridays, at 10
'lla'rrlMburg, No, 11, Ut and Ilrd Satur
days, at 10 a, in.
Hhedil, No, tl, Ut and 3J Haturdays, at 10
a. m.
Happy lie mo No. 10, Ut and ad Haturdays
In each month from October to June, and ou
the Ut Nalurday the balaiico of tbo year.
lUrtnouv No. 23, 3rd Saturday, regularly,
except In Nov. Duo., Jan., Feb., and March,
wheu thoy meet the Ut Friday.
Soap Creek No II, Ut Saturday at 10 a, in.
Willamette No, ftJ, Ut Thursday, at 10 a.m
Philomath, No 12, 4th Saturday, at 10 a.m.
Oroaawoll, No. til, 4th Saturday, 1 p. in.
Kugenn, No, 60, lit UtigJiio City, 3rd Sat
.day, at 10 a. in.
Charily, No. 70, 2 1 Saturday.
Ooaben, No. 101, IslSatuidty. at lOoVbx'k
Juuolloii City, No, til, 2nd Saturday, at 1
, m.
MoKeiule, No. 107, Camp Creek, 2d Hatur
Oak Point, No. 3, Ut and 3rd Saturdays,
Salem Orang, No, J7, Ut and Ul Satur
days lit eaoli mouth, exo ipi In Auuimt, Sep
tember, and October, when It iuuhIm only on
the UtSatunlav at tholr hull lu Salem.
Ablqua, NoliU, -lih Satunlay.
Hook Point, No IS, 3lStturday, all p. m.
llutto Crouk, No, 82, 3rd Saturday, at 10
a. iu,
llevnrtoti No. 100, tncoU Ut, Saturday, at
10 o'clock. '
Marlon County Pomona Qruugo
Will meet at Salem Orange Hall on tho Ural
Friday In July, at 11 o'clock a. m,
O. O, tli.KSN, Sco'y.
I will pay f?3, In gold, pn'mluui for Ihn
beat lllaek Slraunor" oolt exhlbttiM at tho
State FalrthU fall, J. W. Nkjmitii.
Ed. Farmer: Please find enclosed an es
say written and read at a plonlo given under
Ibo ausplcles of Powell Valley Grange, by
Thos. II. Price of Acme Grange, on last Sat
urday. Bevoral of tbo loading member of
Grange thought it might do some good if It
was published.
J. It. William.
'Mr, rresldonl, Ladies and Gontlemen: Wo
havo mot lovnllmr undor tlio msjostlo firs of
our brmutiriil nnd prosperous state to onjoy a
day, as beautiful as Is given ovon to sunny
Itiily, In social conversation nnd plonMire.
,,n'1 " ,,y " unm wo can KBI" ""o mea
WHICH Will IllllKU U1 lilllin IIHII.7 1.1 UU( Oltllf.
numolgbbor, or ourAolves, I hold wo shall
do well and tho tlmo will bo well spout.
You, I perceive aro brltnfull of Joviality,
good naturo and contontmont, and you have
rauso to ho, for very few localities on this
oarth nro fitvorod as is Oregon, wih hor
mild nnd salubrious cllmsto, rich, well-llni-berod
and well-watered landH, never falling
crops, excellent schools and social lnstltu
lions, nnd liberal laws.
Horo wo can worship God afiorlho dictates
ofourown hearts without toar or molesta
tion. Hero wo bavo schools for tho educa
tion of our children second to nono In tho
world. Horo wo raise whoat and grain of
all kinds, superior In quality nnd quantity to
anyHtateor country, and fruits tbatdofy
description for flavor, beauty and size. Our
horses cattlo and sbeep too are receiving
marked nntlco in tbo world's market. Of
our vogotableH I shall nay nothing, except
that liner ones aro not grown. Tbo question
thon Is, what moro can one ask In a country
where tho advantages aro so many and Im
portant, tbo drawbacks so few and Insignifi
cant: whoro tho farmer raises potatoes with
out broaklng bis inok knocking the bugs off
oach hill Into a pan, or popnorlng thorn with
that deadly poison Paris Croon; where wo
do not havo to keop a hen and chickens
undor ovory plum treo or slniko each trno
two or throe limes a day to keep tho Curcullo
(bug) from stinging ovory plum so that not
onn will bo loll on tho true to rlpon, nnd
whoro no whlto-wlngod rod-logged pests of
grasshoppors swoop down on our fields or
gf grain In thousands of myriads which
darkou tho face of tho whole heavens mid In
n few houra out up every vestige of anything
green, so tliut crop which have t ken
months ol labor nnd euro to produce nro ut
terly destroyed In a few iniiiulosT This Is
what wo wim I : moro coiilliloncu nod sociabil
ity iimotig tho f.irmorH of OreKon, loss 01 ivy
mid Jealousy. Wo went to meet tosether
niton mid tulk over our fields, crops and
herds, to i ucourngu nun another, mid If
neighbor A ha u lino horsq, liflghhor II mi
oxri'Htint cow, or lffj'a farm Is kept In good
condition, toll them of It and praise them;
and because your Iioiiho or farm are nut so
large, your horso so fsst, or cow n line, do
not envy thorn, ll'jmembor, if ourneluh
born itio irospcrous, It lends to lit p us also,
iieHiues, tne praise win cost you iioiiiingnnii
will do them much iwnd by luciliiii; tlioin in
moro strenuous iH'.iph to Improve their
liirmi mid st''uk, I'lirmum of Oregon culil
vnto loss land, jiiIso boiler crops, earn it liv
ing e isler, uml have more lohuro ilniu :hnti
firmer of nlmost any otluir Hlntoor coun
try: wo should mike it obligatory then to
spend purt of this lohuro In social oxulmugn
of tliniiglitamul Ideas; got your neighbor'
opinion on tho btsl methods and Union to
plow, sow nnd roup; prune or plant trees;
what varieties of Iruit, grain or vegetables
moiiilnpled to cortalu soils; what kinds of
stock are most prollublo to raUe, mid in.iny
other things which would be lUNiruolivoutid
liilercHtlug to (llqcutm, for one person tutnuot
know Hull, be hoover no experienced, idu
cated Hli'l llilflllgent,aud jOll know the old
mtxliu ''two heads aro better than one, If
oiio i.i a she cp'x head." Tlieti let us moot to
gether In the Grange where wo can meet all
our neighbor In the same litiio It would
, i , it , ' , "
iko 10 seo nun, nun laying hsuio prejiiuioo
spiMid a few honiauiicoor twlco n iniiulh in
being soolublo nnd In niHklug tlui Grangea
,,jMl,Hnl ,,)lu.n ()l v r otirtoHo-, but
rIho for iiiir wives, mii.m and daughler n
place wlimoiill chilli delight touicollnuotht-r
in Imtinonv and enliiy lheuielves after the
, loll of tlui firm. No nllior ninltl Institution
. Is so well aildpledtoourwHiilsastlioGrHtme;
It looks after our prontiulary lulereHts to u
iiorlnln exient and might and would do
much better for us If we, its members, were
moro llrinly nulled; but tta greatest bill wink
Ik Its social and educational features, whloh
commend tho Ormge to many ouruot think
ing men and inuken It worthy our bel of
forla and support. Wo all need more ikIiiciv
Hop, not alouo In books, but everything
which tends to advance man's welfare iu this
world. Our children also should be educat
ed and taught by example that the occiiim
Hon many of them aro in follow Is not a life
of Isolatinu uud hellish drudgery, of nucoss.
lug toll after the Almighty Dollar, lint that
It Is one of the most noble and hotinrahlH
and tho most tisrfol and iudeeudent pro
fesslon they can follow) thai It la tho health
iest and tiTeasantest they could select, and
that It offers n wider Held for education and
Intelligence than any other. Hut thoy can
not bo taught this by keeping thorn tied to
tho plow tall or tolling on the farm from
early morning until latent night, with bare
ly tlmo to eat and sleep; on the contrary,
undor atiou treatment they will not only fall
to seo anything plnaaam or ennobling In
such a Ills, but will twrlously doubt it aud as
aoon as they can leave It wllldoaa thousands
aro doing every year, Hock to the cities and
towns where they are exposed to number,
less temptatloua aud vlooa to which icaoy
fall victims' content to earn a scanty and
prtutrloiiH living booaue they can have
some enjoymonu, rather than atay at homo
on the farm, where they mo nothing before
them but a lire of slayUh toll, with noou
Joymentaor relaxations from the old rou
tine, eat, work and leop, day after day aud
year after year. Thus we lose many of our
brightest ami moat Intelligent men and wo.
men who leave tho country aud farm to bo
leaders In advanolng some other prof.uislou,
while, had Ufa at home been more Inviting
and tolerable, they would from choice have
remalued with us and by thsir intelligence
and Influence havo done much to encourane
and to elevate us to our true position and
rank In the world, Let us then strive to
make homo plcaatut by providing amuse
ineutsaives, good book and paper, and
also time to use or enjoy them. Kncouragn
visits between neighbors' children; have
good times among them ourselves; show
them that In order to enjoy recreation they
must work; that all play would soon batiste
aud that tho great object In living In this
world Is to leave It belter for our atay here,
and unless wn do that Ufa la a failure. Ix't
them g nut aud by actual ccniarUous
loam that ibetr own home la the best, lly
so doing, and enjoy lug ourselves with thorn
im we aro to-day, wo shall soon see tho of
fcots In their Increased love and respect for
their parents, home and friend.
Very Doirablo Property for Salo.
Ninety-three acre of land on Salem Prai
rie, tiaar the Fair Ground, will bo ecld ntu
great bargalu to cash purchaser. For terms
and other 'luforwratiou Inquire of 8. A.
Clarke, at the Pahmku oiHce, Saltta.
The Indian War.
Walla Walla, June 27. James Ewort, a
rename omzen or uonax, writes frcra mere
June 25tb, to P. IJ. Johnson: "Thelndlans
have killed a Mr. Illtcblo on Pine week. No
mistake about it now; Nez Porces were tho
murderers. We are quiotly armlngso aa to
produce no scare."
Acting on orders rocelved from headquar
ters, Co. B, 1st U. 8. cavalry, Martad from
1-ort Klamath on Monday last for the seat of
tho Indian war In Idaho territory. Thoy are
expected to arrive at Iloseburg this evening
snd will arrive hero about Friday evening,
There aro sixty men and horses In tho com
pany. San 1-ranolsco, Juno 28. A pross dlspstoh
from Bolso City says: Tho three companlos
of tho 1st cavalry and two or tho 12ih Infan
try, now on routo to this point, aro expeotod
to arrlvo In n fow days, liolso will bo mado
a supply oopot nnd strongly garrisoned.
Capt. bobbins' company, thirty men, aro in
camp on unner Wolzer until Inlnnrf hv rnr.
ular troops with ordora to movo northward.
Tho position of tho hostllos on Salmon rlv-
or Is ono of groat natural atrongtb, in which
thoy will be ablo to occupy tbo attontlon of
mi mo iruupn wuo may no sontagainettnom.
It will be Impossible to provonttbem from
receiving romforcemonta from Indians dis
posed lojoln thom who can reach them in
small dotaohmonU through tbo country so
pcrfoctly known to them.
Tho Indians' camp on Salmon nvor is
about 200 mllos from IJolan City by tho shor
ter route usually traveled. Coirilnir south
ward It passes up Little Salmon across the
mountains, and then down the Wolser rlrer
through tho settlements. Tho hostile aro
notllkoly to como this way, unless hotly
proseod on all othor aides, or successful
onough to sparo a force for raiding tho set
tlemonts. If surrounded on all sblos thoy
will bo nblo to maintain a long end llorco re
sistance, as tho country in which operations
will hols rough Bnd mountainous In tho ox
tremo, and strongholds with which tbo Indi
ans nro perfectly familiar. Thoro Is danger
Ihst whilonttentlon Is being directed to tho
position on thoSalmon and nil tbo fores lin
ing cent In that direction. tlUiillWileil Indi
ans who havo not ynt joined tho hostile
ctmpmiyopena game in othor quarters.
Tho Oregonlan of Juno 20th says: Col. II.
Clay Wooil received a dispatch yesterday
forenoon from Onn. Howard, dated "Juno
27th, beyond Mount Idaho, at tho Front,
8: IS n. in." Wo havo kindly boon pormlttcd
to m.iko tho following extract:
"Wo havo overtaken Ohlof Joseph, who
Is well pislod at tho mouth of While Hlrd
CKiik. While Hlrd Im in charge of tho entire
united bands. Joseph la lighting elder. Tho
Indians nro hold, nnd walling fur us to en
usgothem. Our lirndquiirtorH to night will
bo at tbo mouth of Whlto Hlrd creek Most
of our dnnd bavn boon found. Twoiilv-sovou
were burled. Wo rescued cltlr.on Manuel,
who whs wounded nnd In a starving eondl
tlnn. Tho rains nro troublesome; roads nnd
trails bud. Tho troons are Iu tin. Im-t of
spirits nnd rendy for declsivo work."
A correspondent ofthn Oregonlnn,wllh tho
troops, writing snmo ditto ns nlnvo, mys:
Tho details of murders nro horrible In tho
e.xtnme, There nro mivhmI women In Mi,
Idaho, wives of sottlera, who imrtoly es
caped or were rescued after buffering tho
iiiosi nomine nuirogt-a.
Tlio roconnoller ha-i discovered tho Indians
oiRMinpcd across llio Salmon river, some 200
warriors hi ntiiiibnr. Tlio country Is of the
most mug! l character, trnnieudous mount
Mns and Diuiyotm rendorlng It dilllciilt for
tioopa lo (ravel, ndded to which tlio heavy
and continuous rains have made the mount
ain trails extremely slippery.
No Inlellluenco of any niilbrsak'niiiong
the other IuillsiH Iu this vlclultv. Officers
and men are In excellent spirits, And engor
or n vuniiLii in ino iiiiiihiis.
Now York, Juno :t0. A dlpaloh from
Lowistou, Ihahu, dated the 23rh, Hivan man
lust In from the front t-avs Howard has drlv
oii Jufuplt from Horsn Shoo bind intoaridgo
nnd he wHHlohavooiienod lire lust nlclit.
San FrmieNco, JunoJlD A press dNpatch
from It jI-o City has n small foico on Welser
composed nf Capt. Itendler's command of
i,i mou mm ;su maiio volunteers Uliiler Capt.
Itobbliix, cannot move northward lo auy
purH:se until tho arrival of troopi ox pouted
fiom the south.
Tlio p hllluii of tho Iudlins, whloh Is ou
tint south side of Salmon river, is the strong
est uud most favorable for tholr modoofwar
fare that could bo Imagined. It Is full of
natural oiisuoios to the approach of (roops,
and adonis ample scopo lo the Indian lo re
main mid light or retreat, as tliev may soo
lit. The troops may cross tho river under
cover ornrtlliery, but when aarosa they will
have steep mountains to ollmbaud reckv
canyons to cross to gut at tho Indians. With,
out sullluleut lorce from this shin toooopo
rale with Ueu. Howard, U Is dlllluult to ace
how ho can hold tho Indiana to an engage
ment or do anything effectual against thorn.
It Is now bolleved here that tho hostlles will
como this way, but thoro Isno adequate force
yet here to prevent them If they should to
Bemarkable Cowa.
Linn Co., June 20, 1877.
Mr. Hen). Johnson of Albany was the own
er of two Durham cows half alders and
aged respectively live and six year.i. These
oowa Mr. Johnson milked. For oneyear from
inn lime I be grass became good In the
sprlug till the uilddlaoraummer, tfaeaecos
were rod little or nothing; from that time on
thev were well-fed. An aumiraU aocnutit nf
ooftoffofdaudunmberof pouodaof butter
mado during that tlmo as kept by Mrs.
JnhUMHi shows thn t'lllofflng tin a res: Cost
of feed 1 10, number of pouudsof butterruade
uuriiig iuo year irom uotn cows 010, uoaidea
uslug all tho cream and milk that the family
wanted. Mr. JoIiiimui sold the six-year old
cow to Mr. Nathnu Bond, of Albany, for $10.
Mr. Hnnd feeds her all she wtll eat, aud re
ceives dally from her SO pound of milk and
makes weekly 10 pounds of butler.
Thn abovo atatemaut is true as can be
verified. Now let us hear from the row
oouutrli-s or anywhoro else, aud If better
figures than the above can no produced, ex
tending over a like, period of time, why then
we will l'aokiiowed9tho oorp." Hut until
such are produced, we shall claim for Linn
Co. the banner not only for whet-ralslng
but ato for having two of tbo beat butler
making cows In the State of Oregon, Next.
A Raak Atteaapt.
A man by (ho uatne of (took who was dis
charged from tho Penitentiary, last Saturday
uiiiriilng, after serving two yean, fore rob
berytiimmluvd in Yauiulll county, came lo
tho city and obtaining n revolver returned
Saturday night with thoKVOwwl deterbilnat
Hon of eifvcilng u general i cape of tbo pria.
oners, Ho was ditovored by the guant and
nfltr notice, tired at, the shot l.ktngtirct In
tbollifhy ismoftherlgH arm. Conk dU
charge it his revolver twico without eilsct and
theuttaik leg lull. After a abort ohm he
was cantured and lodged Injill. Hlsex
amlmJIon will take place Mfore If: A. John
sou, Km , to-morrow aioralnjirattto'olock:.
1 -..! . 41 .3
Sowing andlaping
Sow wllh a generous hand,
Pause not for toll or pain;
Weary not through the heat of snmmer,
Weary not through the cold spring rain
But wait till tbo autumn comos
For tbo sheaves of golden grain.
Scatter the seod, and fear not,
A table will bo sproad;
What matter If you are too wearv
To oat your hatd-earned bread?
Sow, while tbo oarth Is broken,
For tbo hungry must be fed.
Sow while tho seeds nro lying
In tho worm earth's bosom deep,
And your warm toars fall upon It
Thoy will stir In tholr qulot Bleep;
And tho groen blades rlso the qulckor,
Perchanco for tho tears you woop.
Thon sow for tho houra aro fleeting,
And tho seed must fall, to-day;
And ciro not what hnnds shall roap it,
Or If you ha'o passod away
Hofore tho waving cornfields
shall gladdon tho sunny day.
Sow and look onward, upward,
Whore thoslarry llgty appoars
Where, Inpplteof tbo coward's doubting,
Or your own boarts trembling fears,
You shall reap In Joy tho harvest
You bayosown, to-day, In tears.
Wo mako tho following oxtract from an
Interesting lotter to tbo Wltlametto Farmer,
from Mr. Samuol L. Brooks, of Tbo, Dalles:
Junk. 24.
"Tho Indian troubles In Idaho Is all tbo
topic of conversation nowa-days, and ono
that Is of great interest horo, as somo of tho
wandorlng "Dreamers" aroscatteredall along
tho Columbia rlyor, North and South of us.
Perhaps a littlo Information on tbo Indian
matter would bo of Interest lo you.
Thoro aro perhaps somo 2000 'Dreamers' In
Columbia Basin, whoso rollglon Is nothing
moro or less than Spiritualism. Thoy bo
liovothnt tho departed spirits of tho doad
hover around thom, giving thom strength
tihyslcally andmnnuilly nnd that they aro
to posioss these luuds, with all tho growth
aud Imnrovomflnts mndo bv tho whites.
Thoy hold that govornmont cannot tsko this
Inheritance from them. 'Ibo Great Spirits,
or leadorsmnong tbetii, nro Kaglo-from-thn
Light and Joseph, Schmo-ha-la Is Chief of
tlio Priest Itipfd Irlbe; Sca-ml-ah, Chief of
the Tutu-Water (Celllo); Motes, Chief of n
rriiiiunnt of Spoliation ; mid oh you know,
Kiglnlroin thn Light nnd Joseph, Olilufs of
witntleriuirlrlhonof Nor. Forces.
Had government walled until Fall boforo
an ntlemnt Wds mndoto nlaeo thom on res-
nrviitlntis bloodshed might have been pre
vented. Tho iiollovof laklnu Ilium from
their llsherlen mid c.imn.i grounds In tholr
hm vest lime for supplicH, works to tho ut
must Joopardy, as thoy tho Indian") knows
no other, mid re'i1l7.n no other mode of sub
sistence. HeilOs, Indliins can travel aud
subsist In Summer time, when In whiter
thoy nro at mercy to n ouiihldorable extent,
of whatever may turn up. We nil cqxot a
ueuend Indian war. As far its thoso Dreamers
Hro concerned, don't think I am appologlz
Ing for the outbreak, I am not only con
demning thn policy of -government lu wait
In till tho most Oiling hmhoii (Mines lor Indi
an birbiiri-ms. Hud wo somo of Gen.
Crook's medicine, trouble would soon end.
We extract the following from a loiter ro-
oelved by tin frcm u
Indiana, yesterday,
frjoud in Winchester,
The lottor bears the
date of Juno 20th, 1877.
"Col. A. 11. Me.tohnm of your city deliver
ed a lecture hero last nluht to u crowded
house, ou tho sulyVot ot'lho "Mnduo. wnr"
wh lull was listened to villi close attention.
Many present never ha I heard but ono side
oriliM subject mid did iiutkunw what wrongs
had been committed egnliist the Indians.
Col. Meacham ulso spoko nt the Murphy
Mass Meeting tho night before.
The Murphy movement Is rolling like n
tidal wave over tho Ki'lorn States, swooping
all before Its mighty currout Moio than two
thirds of tlio citizens nt U'iuolieter nnd
vicinity have taken the pledge, and what la
IwUtor, aro keeping It. I Impo tup good news
will foon come from tho PwiHlr Coast that
thaillMnd country Is redoeim.nl from tho
curse of King Alcohol "
A Nent Compilmont.
ConvAU.isCoi.u:oK June 27th, 1877.
Wtll .miii oIiIIko the Faculty by liihorilug
the accompsnylDg resolutions?
U.S. llAWTItOllNR.
Heaolved, That the Fanulty of Corvallls
State Agricultural Oolleija are highly phai-od
with tholr ht-aotlful eainlogiie, prlntod by
Mr E. M. Wallet f Sa'ein
Resolved, That ihey Iwrelic fonder tbolr
slnoere thanks lo Mr K, M . Wsl- for special
courtonles. H. J. Hawtii'iinh,
Secretary of Fjoulty.
From Malbenr.
Judge II. A. Johnson of ibis oily received
to-day, a lotter from bis on Frank who la
at tho Malheur Agenoy. The letter bear the
date ot June 21, and states that everything
Isyetqulst among the Indians on that re
serve, although they are much cxolted over
tlia rumors that are coming In. A number
of Indians, however, who belong lo that
reservation are abtent and may be with
Joseph's band. Mr. Howell and family had
left for the Willamette Valley. The men on
the Agency wore In good shape In defend
thnnia-lveam case of hu attack, whloh how
ever, they did not renlly fear.
Uoraea Stolen.
During last nUht tho barn of Mr. George
Mercer of South Salem, ws entered and four
horxea taken nut. One of the horses wan
fniiud Ibis morning tied to a feuce near the
barn a the theives found he wouldn't ride
The other threo animals were taken off, but
they are so well knon aud aa itrona wtn
promptly cutout at an early hour Una
morning thev will probably bo recovered
aud the tbelvea captured.
On Saturday thn borne wr recovered,
being found tied iu tho brush near tho Fair
Q round.
A Good Endorsement
Mr. D. L. Green, of this town, who was
ongagod for a term of yean as finishing
painter for the Pttt'a Threshing MnoUluo
Comptny, B.tva the Marcellua Hero Id of
New York, Is now employed by tho Paolfio
Threshing Maohluo Company of Salem,
Oregon, Mr. Ureen undeistauds that branch
of the palntln- buslue s thoroughly ami cau
lurn out as, toodworl: as the next man,
1 ' . i
Conner CUrk Doing.
Geo, A. IMes, (mntv Clerk, recorded In
In the monUi ol June just cloel 0 deeds
and 21, mortgagee. 'He also Issued during
that month 8 marrlarj licenses, miking 10
people temporarily happy. ,
Aoeldeat. ,
Mra. Hattie Bowker, while out horseback
riding Saturday evening mot with an acol
dent which, although serious, will not prov
dangerous. Tbo animal In rearing lost bu
equilibrium and fell over backwards. Im
the fall Mrs. B. had several teeih knocked
oat and sustained some bruises but fortun
ately no bones wore brokon. She bad
under the clrcumstancos a lucky escape
from a moro serious mishap. ,
Twenty to thirty men will be keptnt work
all summer on the Bay end of tbo Corvallls
and Yaqulna railroad.
B. F. Curtis Is building a steamboat at
Coryallls to run between that placo and
Albany nnd will launch It soon.
Coughs and Colds.
From Samuel A. Walkor. Etq., the woll
known Ileal Estate Auctioneer of Boston ,
"Having exporlonced resulu? of a satisfac
tory character from tho uso of Wihtaii'b
Balham ok Wild Chkhhy, in cases of so
vero colds, during tho past two years, 1 bavo
full faith In Its ronovatiug power. I wan
first Induced to try this modiolno by tbo
strong rccommondatlon of a frlond, who
was well-nigh gone with consumption, and
whoso reliof from tho uso of it satisfied mo
of Its great valuo In casos of colds and de
cline, and most oloarly demonstrated to my
mind its great valuo as a restorative, that,
only neods a fair trial to insure a gratefol
recognition from the public" Sold by all
Important to all Invalids. Iron In the
ThoPoruylan Syrup, a protected solution
of tbo protoxide of iron, strlkesat thorootof
dlsoaso by supplying tbo blood with Its vi
tal principle, or life olement Iron, This Is
tho secret of tbo wonderful succoss of thin
remedy n curing Dyspopsla, Liver Com-
Slalnt, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Bolls,
'orvoua AlTeollons, Chills and Fevers, Hu
mors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases
of tlioKldnoys nnd Bladdor, Female Com
plaints, nnd all dlsoasos orlglnntlng in n bnd
statoof tho blood, or uccompanlod by dobll
Ity or a low stato of tho system. Sold by all
X. J.. exaaJ.l.l3.f .xtlrstf
Halcm, Oregon, dealer In HtcrcoKopcs and Hlcroo
uremic Vli-wn. nml Scuiicn of Hnkm and Dm f nrronnd-
In country. Llfc.rlzu l'hotOKraplis, In India Ink, OU
or woicr uoior.
rtCC 3 rfrV aWfohtnAgi-tita. 10 Outfit ft
ODD t&4 I V. U. VICKlIltV, AuKUKta.Alalne.
Dr. H. STJiiTH,
3E3 I3' '3? X 3
OUlco moved over KllUYMAN IirtOS.' NKW STOI
OQlco houra from 9 n. pi. to 5 p.iii.
Salem Flouring Mills. "
UAKEll'ti UXT11A, XXX.
ConHtuiitly on Ilmtd.
rXllior-it l'rico In CASH
Paid for Wheat
0. K1NNKY, ,
Ak'cnt G. I'. M. to
Hept istr
Willametto Ufurserv
Oswofjo, Olaokainao co., Oregon.
Tho Itnllnn Ptmno,
And tho beat varletlca of
Nut and Shade Trees,
Bond for Descriptive Catalogue.
Importer and Dealer la
Imiroved Ranges.
S T O "V
And Manufacturer of
Tin. Sheet-Iron & Copper
Union Block. Commercial 8trcct,
SAL KM, ....... OR HO OX,
McBiliandrfutQCierattiatl tiava reurucd bail
nn. and Inrlto the public grni-raPy to call and eiam
lue mr tock and learn but prices. Novil 18x76f
NOr.VItV PTHLIC. ltd IJ.tate AKe
and Collector olClulnis, vlll Proraotlrat!
!" !?.H,.r.Btllw cnlrntd to hl care. MiKlKO
aBsHL a'aTi aal
l'ot oatca. XrrTTn-nrrTi,,
Offlw at lata