Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 06, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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MouAWK,On., June 23, 1877.
Ed, Fabm'er: Tho causo of temperance ia
worthy of the notico of every man and wo
man In tho land. It Is a work in which
young and old may engage to benefit tboso
that havo fallon into tho (emptor's suaro.
We havo men and women lu tho land who
are doing what they can for this good wotk,
but there are others that are trying to pult
down; their nature Is to destroy, yot some ul
tho latter class (strango to say) are professed
christians. Now gentlemen, if you lako tho
Blblo for your guldo, how can you con
scientiously wago a warlaro against tho
causo of temperance? Is not temperauto
taught lu the Bible? Let us notico a few
passagos: Pro v. 20:1 "Wlno Is a moiktr,
strong drink Is raging , and whoeoevor is de
ceived thereby Is not wise." Prov. 23:20, UO,
31, 32 "Who hath woe? who hath sorrow?
who hath contentions? who hath babbling?
who hath wounda without cause? who
hath rcdnosu of eyes? They that tarry long
at tho wiue: thoy that go to eeok mixed
wlno. Louk not thou upon tho wlno when it
is rod, when It givoth Us color in tho Hip,
when it movotu itself aright. At tho last it
blteihllkoa Berpont and stlngotu liktion
adder." I would give many more, but M
this sufflco for tho present, for overy Illbln
rtader Is acquainted with thorn, aotitlomon,
you that oppono tho tmuporanco movement,
will you plcaeo tell us on what giouuds jou
lUml? Doe the nibloglvoc)Uany yrounda
on which to Miuitf lu a warfare iiyiltiuttcm
pertincb? If it does, will homo aiio lie kind
ouough to point it out, as wo hnvo beeu un
able to find it? Wo nro taucht to rnlfco Iho
fallen: j es, that Is what wo are working for,
to ralao those that havo follon into tho snare
of human degradation and to kcop others
from falling into that horrlblo pit. Against
such a vice Is marshaled tho temperance re
formation. That this is no fancy picture,
overy ono of you know j overy onoof you
can glanco back over tho past and count
aomotbat startod in life with onorgy and
groat promise, who now He in a drunkard's
grave, or havo lowered themselves to the
level of the brute by Intoxicating liquors.
We aee young men that have been led
astray by some suppoted friend, but alas I
bow often have they found thattbekoniip
Dosed friends led their captives into mlicry
kmiflnatruetlonl Youns men. beware of
those friend! they are aa a wolf in sheep's
clothing seeking whom thoy may dovour.
They lead their victims on and on until at
last the domon has control of their appotlip,
and they are doomed to destruction. The
country woman launches ber boy with
trembling upon tho temptations of city life)
kuowlng what vices surround hlui there she
oarnostly prays that be may not foil Into the
snare of the tempter. Bo Hours to build up
defenses In the numerous avenues of It ap
proach and guard weak humanity from the
touch of its pestilential band. Tbo rot-e
of beauty c wither undor lis breath; tbo
yni,ih nt manhood becomes weak under
iUaway aud will hasten la Morrow to the
grave the man who not.long sine waa In the
DlOOm OT TOIIU nuu mo iB'
Widows and orphans are cusrd to mourn
A..iihmintlmiilviriir of a drunken bus-
hand and father. Then aoelng the evils of
lmtemperanve how wm you still persist In
. mmmvXnit asainiit ihn noble cause of torn tier-
' ance. Throw sfcldo your prejudice and let
us endeavor to face the mounter intemper
ance wherever It roars Its head, and drive It
from tho land of Freedom.
AD'ii.rii Cook.
life Insurance.
Aumsvilu:, Juno 20, 1877.
Ed. Faimikii: Tbo following vlows of dlf
foront peoplo ou lllo lusuraccp, taicm from
"Flut Century or National Uxinihiicii," may
be iutcredtlng und inairuoilvo to yourre.ul.
era. Plcaso glvo it a Uci iu tho Kaumuii.
Mr. Joros, a broker, Imlrirolnaiiemilatlvo
mind, thought IwMt to provide fur hi ftml
Jy In iiiKOVtttitol midden iltaib, by Inhuilng
bis lllo for their LiuiMt, in ttiunmior Jlfiy
tliouhand dollar, In Jve companies, to
thousand dollara each. Time iirovixt hU
wlsdutu lu to doltiji, an he died within tbo
miiio vear. This l a mot striking llliihtia
lion n'f Ibw bent-Ill of 1 f Insurant!", Urn
. n,:,'T , and ulariu II vVru wi
Sri i "lS to Lffiabto trfA: n
-5!::..f.ri-.. r,.- iimm,.lvM. M. Joiibh'm
nfnrnvliilnif for IllBftiaelve-t,
frlniiil unil nnli'lilmrH llOlliirutulHlwl llbr Oil
ilwl hbr on
bavlux ii BOiuforeable hiiiiiMrtneciired In thin
way, und admlro the torntlioiinhtof Mr.
Jouea lu uiakiiiat tlilt iieodnd iroUlou.
Tbo luauranco companies piilillali nilHelrlk.
Inr cma of the actvautsRn of Inauraiii'O
vriAnll v
aion lor urn iuiuy m i u ruumu ""
denly lakbn away. Ue claims tbattt will be
abetter Investment than depoaltlng In i
avlnga bank , or auy other uaa be oan make
of bU money. Tbe customer anally yield
under tbe luflueuce of tbla remarkably
lucky caae. and oonaenta to apply fnrateu
ihoawand dollar policy. Mr. Clark, wbo ba
policy of two thousand dollars, Is complete
ly discouraged in oonsequenoe of living so.
loBR. Ma ixid, oa going Into tbe estimate,
that be baa already paid, including interest,
tare than the amount or his policy, and
till baa a fab: prospector living twenty-five
or thirty years. He declares Insurance a
ssbeine for a lew to gat a fat living outcf the
Many, Tbe policy holders In addition to
thilrown families, have a host or oQIcent
and clerks to support In palatial quarters,
tfUh-salaries of from two to twenty- five thou
aaadTdollara per year, oasldes an army of
gents with coram last ons from ten to ufty
. ... a .. r It 1 . a.. t... lIiiiIiIjI Iiu ullil
Koent. Tneae cnaooes are so nig a ioidk
itha eoapaatra sra buying the prospao
Uvs commission, psjing enormous sums,
aa high aa one haadiad thousand dollars to
aa ladlvldusl sgenl. Who furnlsbes tba
aoniiT It Ukes twoniy-nva cases Ilka
amino to pay taa loss on Mr. Jones, very
mkatyha abortaaed his days by (usurious
llvloi. Ha paM hi prsmtums whh other
ttoVWM moaay, bia astata ba ag baakiop.
thaspaoplamaasga while , aliva to provld
fcr laalr owaTariar death their fasnllk aup
boH on tba aamlngs of Uborlng noon. 8o It
com with tba poor raaa. It deprive blm of
27r..iL. in'ha.lBSjai wUh. taklBgallha
wr -.- -TT. B..wk lbM
-. '
sparawaay wr' -
SSSiSrL of Wr JoneVB ca"e lit Hollolt an an- U '" were nswl io expro dNr.Hpot
nn nifi niiiv ui n HKuniuuinr inwvi
Is only two hundred and tlfiy millions con
trolled bv these companies, this would give
ouo hundred and twenty-tire thousand a
capital of two thousand dollars each. They
tell us wo can't take, care of It may Do out
it is humiliating for a lull-grown man to
acknowledge It, and become a ward of an
lubiiranco cotnpinv. Who knows whether
snmeof the oflliilals will cot become de
faulters In the sum of a fow millions each?
Mr. 0. will abindon lilt policy, sacrlllce
what he hai paid, and try to take caro of hM
own earnings. Ho hai no money to publish
bis tuck to tbo world. The company don't
seo It for their Interest to do it. Agents are
careful not to mention It, na It is Important
people should think life insurance all lnok.
The annual oxppuses or all com pan Ins
amount to eighteen or twenty millions
policy holders pay thin of course.
Ohio Correspondence.
MEssns. Editors: I rend with much "11110
feeling to mysolf tho controversy which pro
vills amongst your lady contributor on
Hint much aggravated question tho rights
of women, They are no doubt all hand
Kotini, and have given prima facie evidence
or being smart ou both bides of the question
Htid It would feeni somewhat mercenary for
mo to tuUo fcldo Irriiii, but I cannot refrain
from this nluiplo tvaerllrtu: I would sooner
seo my wlf,i and other omllooklng ftinulo
eofraiichlHcd, ney more no to tho pol's
with apqitnd ( f tntulllgont and woll-olud In
dies, ntul wo thnm Intolltgiutly deposit tin Ir
billo'H, tlmu to sttind lu ix crowd of iJI color
of tho sterner lords of crcutlon, nnreluped
lu Iho fiiuuiof clours and bnd wblsky, imhI
hoi vote tiller voo depOHlted lo till upon tbo
vunl or woo of tbU great nation, by way of
majorities, wlirn inhiiy nfn.ild oleavero
worth, lu fact only cost, toiuo uuscrupul'jus
olHco hct-kor a dr.tm of whisk) or n glnss ot
laer. l).i not forgot that most of what wo
ureU nttrlbutublu to female Inllucnco, but
furtbor, doponoutHittb not.
I notico tho evidences of rapid develop
ment by way of Introilucloc lino stock and
a strict adhoreucit to lh) prluolplos of honest
industry. Tho oxample of snub men as Bu-
fur, Mlnto, Myers, and a nost of others of
which I read, Is of Incalculable valuo to any
locality In whloh their InQuonca Is seen. It
Is a fiot I dislike to record that the men of
grit and enterprise fchove West, leaving the
wealthy, lazy, self-satisfied, penurious, -
fish, bigoted, pious class behind. The result
ia but too obvloos, Hooloty gradually retro-
grides. Right hero In tho broad glare of
that great light, tho Wosleyan University,
all observing pooplo admit that overy depart
ment of business, all systems of reform, ex
cept tho Murphy rampaae, have taken a
back step, or at least a dead lock. The stock
or theO. 0. fcI.K.,can be easily purchased
at334 per cent, ou tbo dollar. ;ils connec
tions are Cleveland, Columbuf, and Cincin
nati, but It has seen Its best days. Hogs, so
long worshiped In this region, have bad'a
rail aa great aa Adam's, and now you nearly
havo to pay a man to get him to tako one. ,
May llogors frigidly, aud frost, nearly ev
ery night has awakened serious apprehen
sions with regard to Iho wheat crop, whloh
never looked so promising before. Fruit la
a failure. Wneat during trie first War cloud
shot up to two dollars, and now rates at f 1.60
per bushel. Corn-planting la late by one
month, Mnd the forest Is Just beginning to
tako on its livery of green. But Just now
Dr. Watt's hymn gives consolation:
" Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But tnut hlui for U la graue;
Belinda frowning pnividnuce,
llo Indt-s u binlllng face."
I yesterday asked a farntf r why ho wih fo
late In planting his Kirly Itoi-o (xilntoeh? llo
mid he planted In tbo moon (mcmilug the
Hlgii). 1 told him to quit (bat and plant lu
tbo ground, lie becnino ludlxnant und I
Tlh uuxttliiio I wrl) I will Ukoa t.peclul
t iplouud go lu lutiioiiH, Now, lam , our, still
imiproually fi loudly, Jno. VAti:im
Leonardburg, Oblo, My 28, 1877.
What Do You call jour Fftthort
'Tno old mm won't Iwtinojto" "IMi.iwJ
my gnv'uer'll lnt meyo" "Wrll, I huvnri'1
said anything In my pop about it." .Snob
talk among boys l wty coiiimoii. Wiiuu
Iiovh trot to be oi a cvrinln !. rrnm ! v
slxu .. tl.V W l ri,k H iiuuly, Hi
-klnK of Ulw totn lo .mIkjt ., ...
"0 ""'0 lni worJ Wo iV "OH Mhh,
' nil SnuiretOHM." run." "rJovpn.
or," or "llov ," liihttml ol Uihor, one of
tbn b"M, aud which MioulU bo. next lo
niothtir, the iJenrent of iihuhm, TtiU nick
nanilui; Is not by any m"in nutillnod lo
mil-, niirl rrmuli Imivh. lull illlforiunali-lv iir-
llioae wiiii imn iikii hi
lHn at all, but especially not when jou
mean lather. v
Shan't and Won't.
Shan't and Won't were two little brothers',
Angrv Hnd wilier and irrntTi
Trvaud Will are dear little alaters,
, Ono scarcely can love them enongb.
Hban'tand Won't looked dowu on tbelr not
Tbelr race were dismal to sees
Trv and Will are brighter than roses , ,
la May, and blithe a a bee.
Shan't and Won't were backward and atopld,
LIUle.ltdd they knowi
Try and Will learn a'luietulng new dally,
And seldom sra heedless or slow.
Shan't and Won't loved'notblog, no nothing,
Ho much aato have tbelr owu way I
Try and Will alva up to tbelr elders,
And try to please others at play.
Thai Kend-Avexta Is ont o! tbe ascrd
books of ibn world, being lbs Bible of tbe
Parr.aea and banllng down tbe religion of
Zoroaster. Tbe meaning of the word baa
bees a matter of doubt and dlscianlou. Tba
last authority, M. d Harlei, wbo dUcuaae
lb subject in tba last number or tbe Journal
Aslstluue, oonelurlts tbat Zsad-Avaata, or
ratbat Avesta-Suud mtaaa Ma Jaw
Aa Indisanat parsoa la Ilka aa
lsttar. which every one may raadt
sMaliaai worth raadiag. r ',,
Do aa job would be doaa by.
maaamiaw ahasius
I From the Daily lit cord.
A late (learner brought up from San Fran
cisco a ntwly married couplo fresh from tho
Stales. A middle aged.f.irmer, or settlor of
Washington Territory wont oant after a wife.
Girls nrelrnlhor over abundant In somo pntts
of thocajt, and tbo Washington Territory
farmer wont siralgbt back to the region ho
camo t'roln and picked out from nmoug the
folks he used to know a girl twenty-two
yoHin hW Junior, mid olfered to innko ber Ins
wife, llo did n very foolish thing when bo
did It. fcbo did a very Beinoless thing w Ik n
she took him for better or worao without
caring u cent for him, not ovon haying it nen
tlmoulal fcellug In bis favor.
She w9 a nice looking girl of eighteen and
ho was a ploddlnp, uulmproilblo tort of a
man who had reached bis forty years of age.
Some Miusiblo woman or thirty would havo
suited blm to n T, but tlu foolish fellow
wanted tho most for hU tnntioy aud he paid
hi "dlMrestm" to u girl lu bor teens.
Having married, tbo lll-inntubcd pair
alarti'd for.Winblugton To'iitoiy luManier.
Thoy slrwd not on tbo onWr or their going
tut wont quiiikly aud by tbo cheapest povsl
bio means of oonvejanco.
When they reuohtd San Franchco they
secured jvusHg" nu tbn Me-imer and iijaiIo
tbulr bridal touch Iu lite nifning'-,
Tbo prudoi't lellow didn't w.int lo waii
bm mound In 1u.xuiKm travel, and that
boiicyinopu In thu t(erijio diilu'i. ln tliti
Irl' hunrt by any uioau'. Slio piulnly told
bltn alio didn't ciiiu lor blm, tiul not only
told otbf r tbo kiihh bin threw In tbo i;ra
Unions Information that they bad been mar
ried seven dyx and s'ie wan llrtul of hlui
nlready. Bbo huUI she meant to leavo him at
soon aa she reached Portland; that she
wanted to como to this country and all sho
marriod bhai for was to get a free paisage.
She hadn't a very exalted Idea or a wile's
marrlago vows, to beglu with, and wo learn
that when sho reached l'ortluuj she left bor
now ''hubby" to return lo his lonely bache
lor ranche In Washington Territory, while
she took the first train for the Upper Willam
ette wbero sho will dnuhileas llud another
buband better kulted to bor ambitious
Aceata fe Ike Wlllaairtte Parmer.
Albiny....... ........... J B HaunoD
Amity.. ....It LiWIiniium
CotUtftj QroTO....... , J 11 Hl.urtrliliie
iionrun rfcn ujti
HuonaVlfU.. ... Wm Well, J W Uotrt
nrowntrlllo... .,..,.....,, W H Kirk
llrrtlBTillB... J WlUcht-Mvt
Cnyun QIIm ' 0 II ltblnohirt
CnjfO0lllo..,,....' , , W T llrlcvi
roqulll. Cltr-Vy. !? VH Mttteiut
U It limnoriirt
Colu' VallQ7ft.tV.. W I Clurke
ciIaiuib .. ... ......U J Mnrneon
urawrnratviuo ii'.mn umra
Uure.... ,...! .....U K Ki'UiUIl
CorvatlU ,.v. ...E Woodward
Crcwell... .. ,.., .Hocn Kuox
Cli;kmM..,..,t.. W A Mllli
l-Atnp v;ruK....Mt., mmmorpicy
..w.JULee. DMduthrla
...B Hndikrr
Aiaiu i
.Krrwrou A Drain
uaiducui. ...M.k....-i. . t ......
DaTtoD...,,....fr. .,....,. ....
,Klk;lou..t....,i'.4,.(M ...... J.. A II tlaluM
Kn cone.... "l,.i-iA'.,..,,.v.... ...... j.. Jphn'MfOhink
Koi Valley ...,..,, ....i....,....i.A U (lanturr
r uvb uiyiuj..,.
.,,,,(...1MJUUUI'. "i,urilB
(.s ..,. " liauuraikcr
.1 tw-ill. . . nu '
................. 1 uniiirv
i .n T m.i.
l.a I".--. I h 'I I' '-- ...j ...
HBlPUTa .....................
...,.....................& w main
liarriaDUig..,.,,., i.,..uirani pinmi
IIIllbOri). ,,...,,,, X A l.uellliiK
llenuer .'..., Murrnw & llurren
Imicpendence. W I. Ildvln
Junction ....bmltb. lra(lud A Co., W 1, Lemon
.lickfoi.vlliu ......M I'elerfon
KlneV Valley t'limnr .V;i'r-nio
JclTeraon , .Tclm W llnlunl
Lewlatllle II U McVlnmouda
Larayettu ...Dr I'opplotun. A Ulfunry
Luhanon.. , S H ''laiiuhtuu
Monroe , Joa Ittlity
McMuimllle ,. JllMurrU, A llidil
Monmouth , V Wa(frlioue
MM 1'ialii, W'l , David Slump
Needy Wm Mnrt-land
Now Km J futto
r"i'TCllr)lla , I' V Cn-tlcm in
Norili Yiimhlll ....IlOSlunrrl
Ojlilnnd ...H K Itayiiiiuid
0oo... , It bhlpbiy
Oil J II HrbrtMMler
Oniipni Oily M Itncnii
Ivn Melon W A Wh'tTfin
I'miria Dr. I II Inliiu
I'llitlti'cW , i: ri'lllum
I'm (land ,... 1 Lee, Awtit Hlnti flrnn'u
l'rlnu-vlllu. M I'lliifl"
l'errydalo ,.., lrf.'nv' hto'o
r . rniier-on
lime, Tlmu Munkero
r ii iiiiinuni
W M I'liwer. 0 It WlieHer
HnrlnaneM,., .A fl Ilnvey
Hilillmlty .".. ... -Ii-h" Diixiilni'
Hwei lli.inu lieu Marl.a
Sheridan .0......
Tan runt VH llarzeo
Tho l)alle HI. Ilrooki
Turner , W III 'arr
Vancojror. ..., H W llnmn
Wllltmi-lte Fork , M WHklim
Walla Walla , J V rirnwer
WaMn... , , J 0 Klder
VcpcalU 3 Jt Itlllton, H8 AppleKato
Book and Job Printer,
.And nuUllndort
JLIolman'a Slock, Old Oeaate Cham
brr. Sal)m.
muntof New TD. Cuta. fte.. to mv alreaJi
muutnl NewTjp-. Cuta, fie., to my alrtaly
utiu.l'ii lluok aad Job Ofttce, I am now prepared lo
do any and all kloda of
Book, Plain, and Ornamental
Oa .Shot Kaflce anal at'Keasaa
able I'rlcea.
Stock CertiQciWes a Specialty.
Ilarlng th)a-nat aaaa-tment of M'nlojr CertlflcaU
ltnea ana cuta adaplMl to that kind of work- of auy
Unco lu Urevou. 1 am prepared M eiiote ordtra lo
tne VgttY BgbT a tyle. In any saaiber of colors de
tired, an en ttort uollce. .
Jeltf Adartas A.TINBON, Balem, Or.
FiUbllihed 1840. '
DJB. A. Q.;.0IMMOMa9
Original' Liver Medicine.
vox ajx pi jiajaa or'rmmuvwti, boub
kbw or tbb btomacb; i)H or apfb-
'ratios, . a awUsur
T. AfVAarsw, die.'
XVboiaiaW Oragattts. Ti rreat at. PerUaaA,
actats aw oiwrsa.
iirmntiirrww IIP"" wsf''0'
Salom, Portland, Albany, Junction City, and Walla Walla
Tho following FIRST-CLASS Blticliines, which wo nro now receiving for tho
Seanon of X877.
Both End and Si do y hake Tight-Geared.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Eorso Powor.
Mamifiictnrcl ly
With Now and Valuablo
Haines' Illinois 3EI a, L r .
Wrou(rhtIroti ami Scrow-llttb Wliools, mljiistublo Jtcol ami Truss Frame.
Wrouelit - Iron Conilbiiied Reapers and
Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowers, one size.
OoxxoLia-eror. ' '
rurst A Sradloy Sulky Hakes, OBZffTBZf ITZAZi Sulky Hake, Self Xiump,
The Seat Id Vie.
Thimble Skein and lroa-axle Frame, and Freight WaKoaii, all Hlzea
Nowtnn 4-sprlng Hacks, made expressly Tor the Oregon Market.
Ucwrton, Tbtcc-ajirlnir, ruifbrm Hprliifr, and Scroll-Sprlni; 3BCo1iubi and BUGGIES
O-ardon Olty Ilc-vrmf
Harrow, and flaltlvafnrai Garden City "ulky and Maria; Flow.t Farmera rrtrad
UUA1N DHIIil.Nt Vmi Rrnnt ft Diaa fflONlTOK llroHilra.t.MKKDKK and
CUlriVATOIia. i lie Hr.t , tlm World.
Lealber and Kabber MBLTING, RIacblne Kxira., Hardware, Iron, and Steel.
XV Ppectal ntrcuttrt, lllof tratcd, wlib price t. rent to any arfdreit, Iroo of cbarjre. We aro MANUFAO-
j'UUttiia' AUiUHio, anu will iiu, at bid-moch
Front St., I'OHTXANDs t'ommcrcUl Bt fALKM: and C'lirsdlaV Block, ALDAN V, OH.
Reieroei Sale;
TVOTICK U bornbr siren that, by vlrttin of an eider
J. of tho Circuit fnutt of tho Htato
Ibt r.anty ot Marlon, mado on tho SSth day of Jnr ,
1. dlrcctlniraaaloor certain real twtato hero-
tnader iicicrlbed. v hlcb tald real t ttalo I (he tvbjcct
nlaanltln parlltlnn In aald clirnlt court between
Oeorco A. Kdea and otherr, plain tl n. and (coro ntx
deraon and otlirr. di-fendanu. tbo underalEiied, Wil
liam Waldo, W. II. McUully. and K. it. Hmllh. refer,
eeada'y appointed by onier ol raid clrcu'l court to
make partition of tald real estate, will at enn o'clock
lilllieaeronoiion Hatorday.the tsthdajr nf July, A,
1). 1HT7, at tho covrt-hnnas dror In rlalrni. Marlon
CMnitly.'OrcKon. proceed lo cell at imbllc auction to
lb hljjlicrt bidder for gold a In of tba Unlt'd
H'atea lo be iitld on itie day of aile, a'l ibe
foUowInc deacrlbedreal eataie, to wl: "Mtuale In Ma.
rlnii t'ouuty, Hialo of uieRon.aud bilupn part of ihn
Ilonitlnn Und claim "f N V. t'nlwell. In rerllnna 3
and :H In T. 7 n. K 3 W. of ibo Wlllamettu Meridian,
and dcmlbed aa followa, lo wtt: Commnucinir at a
point ou tnuataKO road leaning from Halcmlo Albany,
at Ibd H. K. corner of a piece nf innd ownul by Jobn
Crlm, rnnnluif thence H, n i eir. 30 mln. W. aMni' aald
road 7UH chalna in tho N. K. corner of Iho Odd l'el
Iowa' Itural Oemetety; tbenco wu.terly ann tbu
North line nl aald cvinelcry, ii V chalna; thnre
Honlb with tbo W ! lino of aald cemetery .'mtt
chalua; llienrn X. 71 deit. 30 mln. V. 14 ill chalnr;
thence Norih!3.H)chaliii';lhoiiCuN. 71 dei. ) tiiln.W.
151.9 cbnlni: thencu N. iff den K 11-11 ch'ilna lo n
linlnt on tbu rUiiitli liuiilidary lino of Ih't land of Abr i
limn )lyer; tbttice Kftirly Mtlli raid llii" to lliu
larom beulunl !)(.'. contilnl g lilt), ly el lit I'.HJncim
of land, more or Wtt," Thu f llnlnt' IKte upon
Hie Ml J real e.tatu remain uuratlailiU, to wlti
bihucaor alKut forirhiiinlrol dollar oi n riorit'i.i
hi foxorof Lewl .lolifrou on tbiiindlliloll7ili0
Ibureof btlni;!ii; l John (I. V rluht and C'liutle
VtUxuer, ii'tulid on or about Ibo WJlli day ol
aii II IHTJ to nciir- lliu nnvniciit of nn inl-niv
ii tu fur HSMiOmI'Ii Intetetlltom dutuat tho laie
of inn) ptr ct.ii per iiinnth.
.!. n inut 'f ii;u in mvorof Abrer Allen on tho mull
Villi iMH-KOMliiT'iillicloiiKll'lf odcorneA.Kilci'exi--culnl
nn uralmiit thu Hlt'iiny of Mairli lull lu-iciiri)
tbo payment of n privnlMwy unto for $H)MI wllli In.
ttreri from Mart Ii l.1lh, IS73, nt thu rutu ofoiiu per
(ml lav luouth.
Dated at bakui, Marlon rounty, fr"vou, Junu Villi,
1S77. WI..I.1 M WAI.UO,
ism , "efem..
fJhoriU's Salo.
BY Yhtuo of lo exccitlona laneil oil of Ihn
llouorib'oCouiily t'ourlof tln-Huto of On-uou
lo. tho CiUiity ol Mailon, in Ilia Sillli day ofJmv,
lrt!7, both a.ainat Jamea llidlice. il-f. iila"t, lhou
Inlavorof II. I'. JliCan'ey. tiialntllf; fur tbu iniin of
t.n li'indinl and t Whly lht aid iVUKl do'.Ura U H.
Kld rutu, und tlurly rneimi.il HI 100 diiUr c.rln,
lo.'i-lhei with onniior mill, per inoiilh uiierei-l u.id
accruing ct; ine oilier Ii favor of Tern II 01'
lliiiMi.m pUliil'ir, for thu urn of one liui.iirril and
flit) thieudolUrfailitluentMlvoanl ai-llU iolUr
eol. Mid I'n pi r cent, piraiiuu'ii Intir.rlanu n iru.
Iiiccmr; I have I vied upou and will mil at nn'tllo
auctlou ou HA1UUDAY. tbu UHlli day of JULY,
lb7T. ut 11 oi lock p. in., at thu cuu't limine ilor, all
Hie rl lit. title, and lull left of the all Jinn a Mrtlheo
In aril In tie li)lliiwliiL'-.liircrl''eo preinlava. lo wll
llelim In I'. 7 H., It. a W. and In bee. H.I. In Marlon
county. Oreuoii. rominenc mr at IhuN. . corner of
lliu Ui. downed by llri-'xer, r.ilca, and Campbell, from
which corner a nrlKI Incho. dla'i.eu-r bear H, u deir
no mm. K. 01 link ill.tar.i; theuce N. WH ('ei; w.
UiM chalna; thence N 3tOUiaH! thence . WW de
W. HU) clialua; thence h, lb detf. W. "i challm;
UienceH. MMdu; h. 3 50 (halua: tbeucu H. V0 dei;.
4mla, W. a 00 clialua: thence . 65 drit. K 18.U3
chain to tbe line between Jclina, Kdet A Co : thencu
N 27 de. K 17 W chalna to tho piacu of llunli.i:
contal'.h'L'Mand II 100 acre. AUo, Loi No. four (1)
In block No. ten (IU) In Ueo, II, June' addition to tne
city of Halora, Hi Marlnh county and HUte of Oregon,
aa ahowu by luu recorded plat of aald addition In Ibe
llicordf r'a ofllce In tbo county of Marlon aud Bute of
Oregon. J. A. HAKKIt.
Sheriff Varlon county, Oii,ou. ,,
Balem.Orepon, June S3. 1877.
Gopher and Squirrel-Killer.
! OB OOfllf K8, 6QU1BBBL8, KATf ,
falar,' Batter, aad Cheaper taftm
trychalae, lhosalari, Ar
aealc, r elaer areaara- ,
tlaaa aa a alagle trial
Wholcaale DrufglaU,
Xss. Frost sad TI Blrit Btf ., rBtTVBNa.
m.-. s.' . , .. , i r iiimi tiiiin AaistaailsTaBl'Vsv)rfc&
, . . . A-jti, "dftMi mill jffTfi -
J. I. Cuso & Co.,
Improvomonts for 1877.
Exterminator !
All others are Inferior Imjioi
' BotTona iuSat. I'ncaaF Dear Hlrii
made an experiment llb pitpared M
lint Maulrro.f. nulttiut out a cau i acu or lii
potaoue i a rati of llarnvy'a, a can of Hteo'ii'a. aad
a cau of tbu article called Wakelcu'a Kxtennlnator.
Ono can of Wakelee'a kill aa many aa revrn of
llaruey Mulrrc) I'olvon, ami a many aa ten rati of
Utm. u'. Ni.nlr.nl I'.tl.ii.. fl'.liiblH..ll.i
Mleulu'a (jiiulrrel f o ion. Thluklmr lb
lulo'cttlriK io jour rtader. 1 aend It lortheit h ueBt.
ha reault w II bo
Your. er tvatieetfli'lr.
ti. 1. Wooiiwaiiu.
naywaru, npni r, itfiu.
t? Iii piircbaalcfr. raru rlion'd bo uaed to order
T. A. nAvrs & CO..
VOttTLAXB, mdoalt AptnU.
WAKI'll, li'S
A rlNUI.K TKIAI, ll.NI.Y laliecvry topruu!U
tuperlor iCIcliiicy,
H. P. WAiriiLCE Sc ao
Importers of Drugs and C'liemluils,
.Kiu'xr.i .i.v .i.i.v.u;av.v oouikx city
ciiAUivM. worth's.
........ :i'.. . -.. a ..u. "
The 1. V. T. Company's
PMnitll(l ! Hltloili
Kvery PIIIIIAY. rrtirulng on HATUIlDAY,
U.; reinrnlii.' ou I'UUfli.WH and TUUItJllAYa.
Patroiiizo Your Own Boat!
Protection atmliiNt lllgb llutea
Dealer ia
Crockery and Glassware,
Woodei nd Willow Ware,
Tobaeop and Cigars,
aaUm, April M, UW. Btt
dmiulKtriiloi'a) Notice.
."QTH'V. I imrebf vlven that I he iiLilir.ltfiiiT has
HI be-n apiioliltd aitiiiiUiirator-or lie 'a of
torxe J" (Trey, iitei.nl, bi the Uuiily Court c Ma
urn coiu.i), plalu of
ui wrj;'ii ana iai an ui'ianas
ae t,t clan h i rati) trU.te aiV lniHHlJ lo pro
..pi the rat v. uliii li'r i rjier v.iacOvu.
W tit BO-
rtltfii l to the ill) of ral im, (u U wmatl. lor
ii-i !., win, In .ix ucinib iiona k" aula.
limed M.) U b, IV77.
14 C C. KUMKY, A4mUUr.tat.