"aftwar ' WITAMETTET FARMER ') 1 - " i -Vlf ' SiV Sb rAtfirS KSOin KTBBT FRIDAY, B CLARKE A& CRAIG, PDBLlf nIW AND PBOPnlSTOM. S. A. OliAItKE. I. W. CHAM). Term of Subecrlptton. One copy, ono year (TS number) ?'V Ono copy, fix montha (30 number) 1.25 One copy, three month (la nnmhera) 7 HALEM, FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1877. A Little Effort Needed. A week or so ngo wo wrolo eomcthlnfr with rcforonco to tho Importance of mnking a good exhibit of our Oregon products for tho present yenr, nt tho InduHtrlul Exhibition for tho Stnto of California; to bo hold In Ban Francisco during tho months of August nnd Sep tember, nml cnlled attention to n circu lar Issued by tho Lund Agent of tho O.C. & 11. It. Co., Mr. P. Shul.o, with regard to tho snme. We republish Unit circular in tho liopo that tho object sot fortli therein will command tho atten tion or tho people of ourStato in gener al and of tho farmers in particular, and stimulate tlioso who can show good products to prepare and send thum as directed in tho circular. Tho intention is to show at tho Call fornla Industrial Fair what Oregon can produce, for tho benefit of California and any Blrnngors who may bo In at tendance No doubt wo can got up an exhibit that will bo greatly to our ered' It, and wo understand tlmt tho snmo will bo used as a permanent exhibit nt thcofllco of tho Oregon Immigration Agent In Ban Francisco, nnd so will bo a continual benefit to our State. Theiols only tho month of July In which to proparo our exhibition, and wo hope every farmer who can collect a fair bundlo of headed wheat or oats of any d script ion; of barley, flax, clover timothy, orchard grass, or any kind of natlvo or cultivated gnissoa will proparo a specimen of tho samo and toko or sond to tho nearest railroad station, address ed as directed in tho circular. If a small bundle of grain or grasses Is made put it stick Insido to stiffen It, nnd wrap n paper around tho outsldo, nnd sond a ticket or card with name of producor nnd object producod. Not only grain and grasses nro want ed, but anything nnd everything is do sired that will display to advantage, tho resources nnd capabilities of our Biate. Wool growers enn do much by Mudfng wool samples, for our wools beat5 tho palm of production of this 'CMut. Vegetables and fruits nro es pettier; 4tolreU, and aa they -will In many IrMftHecirifien after the Hair commences, MlectionR will be forward ed nt different times. Tho timber nnd different woods of ourStato should ho represented, and any porson who can contribute a collection of thorn will con fer a groat favor. As wo said before, tho exhibit should comprise all things that demonstrate tho capabilities of tho Pacific North west, and any person who can add to It any trllle, will do something to benefit tho State. The Itiiilroiul Company has shown great liberality and energy in this and many other Instances, and tho people who aro at least equally Interested In tho prosperity of the State, should re spond by active cooperation In making preimratlon for this exhibit. They can thereby close tho mouths and stop tho lies of gosplug critics and false wit' nesses who make n trade or misrepre senting Oregon in tho Interest of Cali fornia laud speculators. Tho Editor of thu J-Urmer intends to do what ho can personally as well as by editorials', to forward this effort, and will visit any portions of thu Willam ette or Umpqim valleys whom valuable contributions can bo gathered, If by so doing tho end can bo moru otrcctually accomplished. It Is u time of year when business Is not pressing and any frloud will confer a favor who will ad vise us wheru wo can lulxir to best ad vnntige. , Okkick-IIoi.dkius' Duty in Em:o tionb. Tho President Unlay address ed tho following circular letter to nil firoiiiinont federal ofllcors throughout ho country: Washington, Juno 23, 1877. Sut: I desire tp call your attention to the follow I ne; mragraph In a letter ml dreesetl by mo to the Secretary of tho Treasury, on the conduct lo bo observ ed by iilllcers or tho general govern ment In relation to elections: "Noofll com shoultl Ih' required or ermlUed to taku Nirl in tlio management or politi cal organlbitloiiH, caucuses, cort vent Ions or election eiitnikilgus. Their right to vote und to express thtlr views on pub lic questions, either orally or through ine press, is not oeiueti, pniviuetl it lc not Intorforo with tho dlM'harirt or their ofllchil duties. No uvo'emoutx rnr poll Ual purpose should bo allowed. ThU rnlo Is applicable to every department of civil service. It should bo' under stood by every ofllcer of tho general government that ho Is expected to con form his conduct to Its requirements. Very respectfully. R. U. Hayes. THE EASTERN WAR. There Is a terrible conflict going on in tho East between thoatmies of RiipMii nnd Turkey, both In Europe and Aslu Minor. Tho Danubo is crossed and (lie ItussiniiH march towards Constantinople, but tho way is still long, tho dermises formidable, tho Turks In great force, ami with the crossing of tho Danubo the war hns but Just commenced. In Asia, tho armies struggle for mastery and the Rus sian progress U temporarily checked, but we hnvo.no doubt Hint It will succeed in tho end. - That any general European war will ensue, seems very doubtful. Harper's Weekly has a cartoon by Nunt that pictures the representatives of the nations sitting around a map of Turkey and Egypt, scissors in hand, ullttlng out tho portions ?nch intends to have. If there is a fair division, there will be no general European war, ami wo anticipate tliatEugland will haven protcetoraleovcr Egypt and tho guardianship of the Suez Cu.iul, and that oilier nations will gore themselves on tho carcass of unhappy Turkey, and that lo tho Turks will he wiped out or tho map of Europe, and Moslem rule to bo ended north or the Dardanelles, a result much to be desired ir any enlightened system or government can follow it. Russia Is to bo left alone to destroy Turkey, and unless tho Czar steps over tho bounds of prudenco and claims too much for the equilibrium or Europe lo afford, pcaeo will not bo disturbed to any greater cxiemtnun at present. with no general war, tho market ror breadstuff will not go wild and wo cannot expect prices toruleenormously high, though wo may expect a ralr price forwlmtwlientwe may hnvo to sell. This contest in the East Is n duel, not a general war, nnd tho quarrels of Russia and Turkey uloue can not prove supremely Important until othor powers engago In the fray. Dit. SAfUAitRTir. Thla eminent nml Hclentiflc oculist arrived on the last steamer. Dr. Sassaroth resides in Now York, and ho bus been induced to pay Portland a visit, as much through a defllro to soo this prosperous und rapid ly growing young Htnto of which ho has hoard recently hucIi favoralilo re ports, as for professional purposes. Ho has beon Bojournlng for tho past fcix month In California. Judging from tlio very complimentary credentials which ho boars, Dr. Sassaroth has mot with very gratifying success In tho Goldon State. Prominent among thoso who bear cheerful testimony or the sci entific skill of Dr. S. as nn oculist, can bo mentioned: Dr. John Leconto and Dr.'JoB. Leconto of tho University of California: Dr.'E. T. Wl'klns. mtlw. 'Napalrngne'-Ajiyiuui; T. II. Slnex JJ. u., or oanm om coiiogc; "r. C'a Harrington, or Marys vilie; Dr. G. A. Bhurlleir, of Stockton Insano Asylum: Dr. ligen, of Santa Cruz; Dr. Ollen dorf, of Sacrimento, und many othor prominent men of that State. Dr. S. lias traveled till over tho Union, and hits endorsements from hundreds of leading physicians, divines, lawyer?) iiudjotirimllttfl. Ho will remain only about two wooks in tho city. Oiryun (mi. Dr. Sassarotli has mot with eiiunl success in Oregon. Drs. J. C. Hawtli- om, J, I). I'ilklufon and (Hil.-H'llii of Ihium ii-cLmor tiu,.n u uduurabiy ud.ipted to rortlllllll IlllVO llValleil tlieniSelVOi llflmVlt.lrtAtAHKTUexpeel torenmlnonlyun. his great skill. That lie Is eminent as an oculist wo cannot doubt as wo have personal ovldoncoor his skill in filling glasisos to dofuutlvu visions. Tlio editor or tlio Faumku novor know and never could learn tho peculiarity that made his vision very Uufcctlvu until Dr. S.is Haroth inado an examination, and thu dofuct wits novor so well remedied as bytllO glasses that ho procured from that gOUtlematl. a Dr. Sassaroth goes South from Salem it'id his card will show at what dates ho will visit Albany, Kitgene, Uoseburg and othor places south. Wo can torn moud his professional skill to nil per- sous who wish to vision. romody dofectivo Umpqua and Willamette Wools. A. frhud write from the Umpqaa tfie fol lowing poktai ript fi a hi aireaa letter: "Wool la quoted here to-day (July 1) atSOto 90 oenUK" We have taken otae palae ii naderetasd the reuoQ why Douglaa county wool brings SoenUto '!) centa per pound more than Willamette w,ool for wo are aallafled that it do bring U tod we hare reaaon to believe that they rahu letter and wore aaleable wool there lha here. In fad we know that wool buyer aay anck'te the caae, aad that belairaata wool grower or tola valley ahould Irnoiedlataly eonanaeooe Inveatlfa lion to underalaad why they oennot oomparo with Uaapqaa wool grower In the wool market. Tue aauae day wool waa worth px lo SO ont la UniQua, quota! m bare were) 27 lo i oaato with XA eeot frelgkt ekarg la uur feror. WilluotMr.TtiOBaaaSmlih.Mr. H Davla aad aome other wool grower of laeUrapqua IcWmiik.Ib the FAaMKH.aoai cornet tde of the 'urae'tr of the po alar wool taer', Po. . haps they produce more of th combing wool, and ro what lirHecIintr Hlleflta Item! how much do their flaw airmen. Any thing that will bur on Una Mibjtcs will ln valuable for all wool grower b re bux ion Tor iub br,Ht tests tlm" havo been or tnav In furnlHlicii! by itxperlonee, end tbo more Improvo bo quality of Orogond wool the baiter for all co'icerrwl. Attention Hoiciimkn. W. C. M.tnrln forniH ui tbut ho will rMimln In Vnrlon ni'l Lino counties, nt the Hiullntii imI 1 alitii heretofore, uurtl the fliatnf Auifu-t wldi hi celebrated I'urulirr' n Millions White PHfiee and rjeu , Fl"tiry. w hit ad ortbeuitnt for change of twins. WitHhiiiuion, .Inn" '-- M.ll iirvli! n hrten jilHceil on the following mute In Oif nri: Frm Canyon (!ty, Orni't rotintx. to f'rttnp McDuruiiitt, owe week; d-o ir"tn Oooho Likn, Lnko county, to I'rinevll , ttVm cnuntv, wt-ekly i-rvk; nlo, injm CV quill, Ohy, Coos county, to I'lrvie, once h wtek. DIt. 8A8SARETH; THE EMINENT OCU LIST, WW remain hi SAM3M at tltn CluuifUita Hotel until Krldiiy oveiiltn', July Oth. At AMlANY.'fnint Satuidny nioriilfg until TiimUv ancriimn.Julv lO'li. AtKUOKNK, WidneMlny and Tiiur'ri.v July llth end l2'b. At noHKHUKG, fiotn lMilny July l li, lo Monilav. July Kith. After wlilnli, lie will prococd (oJAf'KSOV VIM.KhiiiI AsllliAND I0NEY For all kin lof I. rod JlkAK". Fit "1 " !" en, IcvU, Mortrap ltnniU. vtc. mill all pormi ror uinuii. nui"i '" ".'."".".'.'"ir" Jouru, or (or Hoot an I Job Printing. X(ookbln;llnir. ttUnV llntbi i...nrlhlm In the erlntlnif Of SnoK lormi for On nil, l'nbatit Oounly and JiMllcei Nndlnirllni-, ncrnl to I'- M. A M A f WAITK, rUcam Hook and Job l'rlnlcr and Bookbinder, MAUE sum aircet, halem, uregon TAKE CAM! OK YOUK EES. DR. M. 8. 8ASSARETH. Tni4 VKRY DlHTlNaUIBUKD PIIF.NCH OCULIST (or ovorSlyniri pxporlouce), er rWtd on the utmmar City of Oheter. nd I now kUpnlnglIloomN".ai.'hcmpkoHot"l.wlt)re he will remain until the 3.1 or July. HI nrtlce hours are from 10 A. m. IoS r. M. Comultallun Irfe. One of the k-ndlnr paperi of Indiana aaya or Dr.Hnaiireth "Ho la without doubt it yry Rilentiantiian.whn lint thorouthly luillfd the ryr, nnd fully nndwtanda ll the dlaeaaw and drfecU lo wht'h It l "Uhject. He trHta thrae. nmiiTea allobtructlon, nnd perfonnathe meat dimcult operatlnn whcnnccory J butthflirat roiurdy ho mrnlnhra lor the defective eyf a'ght la then oi rwrfoet Kaa we ever aaw. Looklrg IhroiiRh a pair nMilalaieali like hnvlrg h julr of new ejo The plrnauru end Hllfticllon van only be rrallicd liy ncmal ItUI. Thrae ulnaaex HremndeuiHin the moat 'clfntlflc principle, Nnd thertrore ere notonlr Junt what la needed, butao rtrfert lhat the pemou ualns theio U aotrcely were (hat Hiiy ilaMcaatall are hi fore hlaeyea Urrr. 1imi irottrd motuco'afuiy a number of our leading oltlc-n,aml we notlre that he ! )f t mnlird by tliobtnliufurmcd people wherever ho Pr. (Hick, an eminent nhyatclan, write aa fol lows to Dr. Haaaarelli t "Havlinc ei Joyed the uae ofyonroyimlaiiea.atadap-edloiny eye by you In trwn, Ifrwltliatl w uld b drllot In in" duty lothnaealnillariy rWl'o ed as I em, If I did not make till acknowledgement of gratltudo to yon My Klaaae. both for r adlng und wlkln;, alve me entlieaall'artlon." Haye thu D-lphl (Indiana) Journal l "We a-e xceedtntr y ciutlnue In reoummondlng truve). 1 igphyklcliinv, yet when we Dud nnewhotetal onlaauil .kill Mieetidmved by Ilio beat medical wm In tttaMta,we feel that we run no rltk In i'ietniiitiiitttttue inomiavoruii u nuin, wo huvelnat-niel um wtiota wo otu cenulnly en (lormi. WeatludUi lr. Haareth, an eminent Krench Oculla1, whole ery hlithly leenmmen ded by Dr. Kltoh f Urnport. lint. (Jlick, O'Kar-l-ll andoihrpplflaiiof If.tyefe, midicoi-n orilieleatclllaciiaiirholliiacca." The H' ulli (lend Iteulater apuakt lliua of the vrc-ni aklll of Dr.KiK'iirulh s "Ho la n eiyelnn title o ull'lnnd tlinruuidily umJtrMMiid tned"l Irate nrwnnlania of ilin eye H lm trt'iiteil wlih l ho iin.at kTiitlryliiu'rcculix i iimuher oCour lehillegcltlzeua.tiicludlin; ex-Vive 1'ieat- '(knttilfiix " A I. I'rtlincr.n Prominent member nfllipPlly , lltiikiifAltiiiny.New Yorlc.mja : "I iik t?-,-m iuu.iin tu ri'lrrlnit tmhn time ikbeut five your iun; wIihii Jim furuiMhid me W'th thu tltaieje- , KOihxo 1 tivi-r hid i (VHaion lo live, and to bmr 1 iHlillllli.llll . I III.. ILllHlrllll .. Mf Mlr lllllll.tf All, III Ill in xl TiH'ulay, 1IU lime la limited, nnd thuMi win. wUli incnuanU him timild cull eitrly, lie em lo oi), ii every day txHween 10 a. M. und 6 d'o'ock I. M Suxaxuous, In tho County Court of the St.Ve of Oregon for the luuniy ui aarwn. T. 11. Cox. pUlctllT, I e Oarwiiod (irteae, Defendant. ) To OAltWOOU (HtKKNK. defendant: in Tin maui or tux BTAT ur ubcoon: You are liereliv tuuiiuoDtdaud remitted toa'irarand imutr Tin NAm or tux dtat ur Obcoon: I 1 hrt i inlllilMlnl rili'il Ai nlliftL 11 II III IiIm njuiv.i.fin,lli.ul anion In ineakote-narocHt court by the flirt day of lkiti.Kl.ini lui . 1 k iftniM nt mil . I. .. .1.1 .1... im Seinimuur, jtrn.Ntlddav beluittbenr-tdar oflhi - lurtu ui ti(i uuk luutiTfiuK inn raiurauou 01 ine time uiccil)ivd in the order tor publkatiou lienor. Attt U jou fall o to appear aud anioer. for want tiitnof nUtntln will take JuJt;ment axaiutt )ou aa ptajrtl for In Ida complaint, to wit, tor (tie auui ef onu hundred and HP tbereou ilncoinoilthilayuf Jauuary, ItflO. at twelve pur era . per annum, and for c,U and d a lurecmenta i-f lUUaciti n, Tbl anroinon la bubllrlied tirordir lyuoiiarv, iotincr vim imereal ?Zi?'!l , TtnTJua0 of toun " IU" I'. U U'AUOY, Attorney for I'ldnlltr. ralem, Juljru, lb77. ilwtl N0T1CK TO rERSSXS 1NTINBHQ KMI0I1TK Tv OkKtON. TO Direct Pftsiage from New York to Portland, Oregon. L nirAKTMiMr o. a O. H.. I ruaTkAND, Jane 1 crt. f THKCMKOON BTKAMelttl COMPANY s tinted to carry ea tie Iron tteaaiablp. now btleir ballt at ("heater !' , ay John Roach a Am. auon her rumBlaitna. ea or anoat Ibe 15th da at Jiamn. I IhTB ateerii; peaaaagera (rota Naw York lo rVrlUnd. f Mnct, ta Om Strait of Macallan, at U exlrraely low rate or Hi. ma arraacy. board laetoded. TtaUa'aamerwtllbatba beat, ain(cet and noit comroilibly airancW efclp erer ballt la the Unlied euica . liMr4. UV kaM. OUnaaaliiDa! 4A imi In lenUi re ft baas; tV" depth, of hkl; caparlty, I 110 tone; x rabU aM 600 etecraeepaiaetigcia. I Tie a IUih wool Uaa atearaK will receive tpeclai ai- I wool Um etcaraxe will reeelve tpeclai ai wttl beaauvide i wtu all ao4, m Imp-ote. lu eaUlaUon IU ba prraxt Krary at It k tU t Mm coatUrt of paeeairfv, leuuoa; it w pe Bcmaanath tenuoi lll t iaM l Ike coaawt of paaaenirerv aait tlia tar will be of akakat aaailli. Wit nf iK. deck r 4B HI be Med ap lux rvtncerallay parpna ea, wltb a view lo lareJak paaaeaatr Ireah atat rlae Ik whoMt oyMtf . lac nn ajra wllfb aee la aaoat alytyaaya. ToaMWiiMreeaawkeAaalraloeBtlrrataloOraawe. ar lealtaral aa4 ataw laujlaaa aia WlU be take at ry low lata. 4 -. , rotparaoaaaMWkaktea4a U ike AUaatU USE IN THE not See that our Trade Mark is on each Package! o 4 a e Si PUEE WHITE, FOE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WOEKj: Jet Blaok ; and AT1T1 COLORS. Mixed :FlesMa.y for TJo. AND EASILY APPLIED. For Sale by tho Agcntx: JOHN AND HODGE. Tlajtlalo DraggliitH, ad Dealers la. PalaU, Olla, aad Glaaa, NO. 75 FRbVlT HTltKKT. PACIFIC THRESHING MACHINE COJHP'Y, saflurauiunau ur baaaaaaHaaVaw nxtrttn. c.ia7a 3&imtr u iiMMaBBaia??a T" airTrar S!laBK5iBMyalaaSra iiSiawaaawHawaP9pHrPl (aT!a&?i2H8BaaaBa?aBaaBiB E2HaW BaBaHlS9raaHa3Baa'BaBaBBaHaK$:S :vlWBWaaaWawBaWWSa5BrtPcr PELTON'8 SIX-FOLD HOR8E-POWERS And Counterbalance Separators. INCOnroHVTED AT BALKM. OKEUON. OOTOBBK 7, 1878. 8 M. oLa, V lee I'-ealdent : W. II. Uaarairraa, orao aPoviro: lat HA.AU. UKEUUN. or ureiro n lroa autTwoodeii TIIK HKI'AHVIOU HAVKa TUE UlUlN For titatea wl.blnirto coiielo Oregon thla offera a rare oppbrlunltj, at thu niinoyauc-e and fatlKUO of the ovvr'anil route by rail aro avoided, aud inu (.anaxu It coiitlderably leu. Koipanluilar Information address F. C. r-cbmldt, 1 Sonth .William itrcel, .New Yoik. or lJjmOJ K SOHULZK. Land Ateut O. & O. It. It. Co , I'ortlind, 0,'n. IS 1'ItEMIUM PAID FOR jEMjcl "Woolfli! .FOII W. GILBERT. junee, isnu VAI.E9I. Leo Willis, BROS I.KAVK TO OM.LTIIK ATTENTION OF tho public to hla new stock of Pianos and Organs In atore and Ir i -We, wblch are offered at Groutly - floditootl Irico, etlbnr for caah or on luttaUmentt, tut atocK or Books and Stationery la alao COMPLTTE, and wUl be ae'.d at Prict to ault the tlmea. . Will furnlah, at ahart nolle, any Book pobljiaedl U the Unit, d btatea, at pobliahar'a rate'. wjucra aoiicuea, aaa aa eiaiinuon ol bit itock reapectfilly tnyltcd. LEO WILLI8, Bute Street, ajUaleua. apttoj WOOL T Im St E. HIRSCH. 'TteBWBaaT avariutprle paid fr aayaa-eaat " "" Jat-a or . Hoparaiior. wool wanted THES JLS9 WORLD! Iooi"Voc5L ! ?ii- Co. f p I Sla!! Hi I. i HUGHES. Salom, SNELL & CO.. XOgJ.fPXA.JJTP,, Or. PKLTON, TRESIOXNT; J. IUIT BvLiopirloz to wkXkry rtxr In vaais. MarjBfaa Secretary. Or ruateiTala. TIIK fOWult LAUTd a LIFE-TIME. lurtner parllcuura, adiintia the omcera named abore, or baucii, March 88 ly 1004. 1877. The Only Strictly Wholesale Drug Home In Oregon. T. A DAVIS fe CO., 71 Proitt Nlreet, IRTI.AND, OllliGON, OFFKIl TO TIIK DltL'O ANI) OENEItAL MKB iliaujlfo trade a coaiplclu amortineut of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Tine Chemicals, Cia&sware, Shop Furniture, nd Druggistc' Sundries. ALSO, WINDOW GLASS,, Of all Uei and quaUlIea. WHITE LEAD, Of the leading brandi, In Una and kega, COLORS INOAN8 andDBY Putty, Lampblaok, Bed Lead, Glue. VARNISHES, Including the flueat brand for Coach ralnlera' nte. Paint, Whitewash, aad VaraUk Braihet. L.INSRKB OIL, In barrel and cana. TarpeBtlBf, Coal 9111, Castor Oil, lard Oil,. NeatVIbot Oil, Fl.a Ml, Aloonol, In barrela an4 eaaee., Blue Vllrlal, sulahar, Caatlio Saay, Ceaceatratca Lye, Pataaa. ' Slttasraa J1 Icixtda. QuickBilver and Stryohninvv rra .aa lo Qaart, Half-Oallon, One-Oalloa, aad FlTW-Qallaaa. " aa earraia, m . etc. We are Age&U for Oregon and WMalagto Tarri toryfer THE AVERILL PAINT, rna bkt mixkd paint nt uas w aau aaa aml,l imS. aa ! aaa Jayaea rtaftt.ry Mnaiftaet, - fta W. ha tm MAia tf .Mi kAnMa tmm m- bilnxaatocapai.wllkaayaaarkU.a Ua.Oaaat, mw m hwyBiia.i va yiau.e wl1 prwTV, aay . LLOaL, 5:.Ti sw -t T(