Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 06, 1877, Page 3, Image 3

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iM stiSMSaeaatM
f .
j-joae Klud lor tli o Unman Family.
iflie other tor Horses anil Ani
These Liniments ale simply tbe wonder of the
World. Their effect ate little lots than marvellous.
The Wliito Liniment Is for the human fatal
'. It will drlTO Rheumatism, Pclattca and Neuralgia
isi tho system; cures lumbago, Chlllblalnt, Lock-
Palsy, Itch and most Cutaneous Eruptions; It
xtracla frost from frozen lunds or feet, and tho pol-
of bites and sting of venomous reptiles; It sub-
ines swellings, ana alleviates pain or every Kina.
on sprains or brnlses occur. It U tho most potent
eremedr ever discovered t. heal tho Injured parts.
frhe Centaur Liniment Is used with great efficacy for
rflore Throat, Toothace, Caked Breasts, Ear
tsche, and Weak Back. Tho following Is but a tarn
iple of numerous testimonials:
"Indian notes, Jarr, Co., Ind., Mar 23, 1873.
"I think It my duty to Inform you that I havo auf-
ifsrred much with swollen feet and chords. A few
bottles of Centaur Llalment hat done tho work for
'Me. 1 have not been froo from these swelling In
aiirht Tears. Now I am perfectly well. Tho Llnl-
.CM ooxm 10 00 appueo warm. .. ..
The proof la In tho trial. It Is reliable, It la handy,
la cheep, and every family should have the wnite
iaur Liniment.
The Yellow Centaur Iitnlment Is adapt-
to the tough muscles, cords and flesh of horses
P animals. It has performed moro woadcrful cures,
lirco years, of Spavin, Btraln, Wind-galls, Scratch
Bweeny, and general Lamoncss, than all other
cdlea in exlstenco. Read what the great Express
i say of It:
"New YonK, January, 1874,
kl Every owner of horses should give tho Ctntxvn
JcVnimkntu trial, Woconsldirlt tho best artlclooy
im used In our stablts.
, Auama ax. nwDicr, n. i.
. Htamcs w. x.
. ax. Htamcs, . i."
Llnlmintaro Farriers and
'.1,1..-, unmnnna whn urn continually nslnir some
I'yUniment. It heals Galls, Wouuds and Poll evil,
i "sfcomuvee Swolllncs. and Is worth millions of dollars
(.Annually to Formers, Livery-men, Btock-arowcrs,
V hi . . .. ., It..... t. m mh ra ! M. I'M fill.
Kiccuraitrrs. mm inimu n"s "i'" -
What ljatrler cannot do for $ tho Centaur Lin-
sent ttll do at a triaiiic cost.
'ThcioLlulmciitsaro sold by all dealers throiuliout
j country. They nro warranted by tho proprietors.
nd a bottlo w 111 bo glycu to any Karrlcr or Physician
idcslro lo teet tlit ui.
Laboratory of J. B. llonK &-Co
Ui ukt or.. n iojih. r
S'PItelicr'n Cnntorla Is a completo substitute
ilDrCfttor Oil, and Is as pleasant, to taxo as iioncy.
!, Mis particularly adapted to TotlMtig and Irritable
! Ji.1I.j .. f . .1-t.i.. w..ma n..lmllfltl-il ihn fflOll.
togulate tho Btomach, and cures Wind Colic. I'ew
emedies aro as i lucailous for I ovcrtslincss, croup,
Forms aud Wnooplng Cough. Castcrlais a fclunll-
: id purely vegetable preparation, moro eucciivo
an Ceetor OH and neither gigs nor gripes, rrepar-
t biLlUsars. J. II. Hoss & Co., 4U Dey Htrtct, Jufv
rnrtr. rrimi thu foclua of Hauiael I'llchcr, 31. l) or
riuUblo. Mars. ,
HucciesortoJ. SI. KseLia & Co.,
' 05 Liberty at., - NKW VOMK,
OuiimilHMlon .Vfjoint
i "Ki PULTZ. Snpt.U. H. hx
it "ALilBllTS. OUN. Supt. Hat
'M Thnbcst natrons of this
,'DJi HUn 1UIA Til. .r.iiiiiiir, v.mw .h...w, k-.w
I Capo Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, aud fur tbe salt
;M rrouacu iroin luo raciac cuari, tur lut ujuoiu
or money, c i.id
hecp Growers h
Sorew Worm.
r Foot Hot,
Par&siteg that infest Sheep.
Improves the Health
t3T One gallon Is enough for one hundred to two
imrrMtmocp, according toiueir age, strengu, ana
I-It Is put up In FIVE-GALLON CANS-Prico, $13
Mr can.
Betid for circular, to
T. A. DAVI8 & Co.,
U'hulctfAln AgesitM lor Ibo Mate.
Or M roar nearest IKtall Druggist. mvft
rMrg. Rohror's New Itonaody
no ends! In the rUlef and niro of Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, lJronehltls, Croup, Whooplnc Cough, Mta-
Sio. &C it uas prijuceu tome icmnrkauw cures.
Bold hv I'mai'tbU rsncrallv Propirwl only bjr
JOHN' b. nUI'JlV, ilonroouth. Or.,
To whom all letters of bualncts hoald be addn-sscd
Attorney air Law,
8AL.KM1. OREGON., -,,
"Office oa 8Ute Btret,)epUe . lae. teaaett Mom.
11 t'M
i f & & WFSW3 'fJ 8T.10UI8.M0T LM
After the organization aa given In tbe
Daily Rkoord of yesterday afternoon the
following proceedings woro bad.
Tbe apoolal commltloo consisting of Dra.
Welch, Gray and mrbor, reported nothing
Bccomplmhedat tho last Leglnlaturo except
ing to havo their bill laid upon tho tablo.
Same committee was continued.
l)rs. U. Smith, O. W. Gray and T. L.
Nleklin were appointed a conituittoo to have
tbn Association Incorporated.
Report of officers heard and adopted.
An Interesting discussion took place on
Amosthetlca and kindred aubjocta which
were participated In by Dra. Chance, Nlcklln,
Gray, E. O. Smith, Swick and Welch.
Tho meeting was called at 8 o'clock p.m.
Dr. Li, S. Skiff In tho chair.
On motion Or. 11. P. Swiok was oleoled a
motnber of the Association, and Dr. E. O.
Smith was appointed a cotnmltteo to inform
him of bis election.
Dr. Harvey of Eugene, addressed tho soot
oty on the fiubject of Anesthesia, which was
ably handled and Interesting.
A voto of thanks was then tendered Dr.
Ilarvoy for bis address, and an Honorary
membership of thoSoolty, voted him.
On motion tho soclly adjourned until
this morning at 0 o'clock.
Tho Society met at 9 o'clock at the Chem
eketa hotel, Dr. H. Smith in the Chair.
Dr. Harvey gave in a clear, conoiao man
ner tbo steps to tako to guard against acci
dent in administering AmostheUoa.
Opinions based upon experience upon the
samo aubjeot wore given by Dr. Skiff, Bar
ber, Chance and Weloh,
' A discussion was then entered into as to
the relativo valuo of dlflbrent matorlal used
for filling teeth.
After otbor unimportant business tho
moeting adjourned until 2 o'clock p. m.
Juno 28th, 1877.
Afternoon sosMon convened in tho parlors
of tho Cbomoketa Hotol, at 2 o'clock.
Tho subject of administration of Anrostbo
tics contlnuod. Aflor an animatod discus
Hlou tho following resolutions, ollorod by Dr.
Goo. II. Ohnnco, of Portland, was adopted
by tho Society:
Wborcas, Owing to tho risk attending tho
itn or.nll anrothntlc: In surgical oporatlong
and tho vkiiy ciiii:.vti)AN(ii:ii In the nil in lit -Istratlou
ofohlnroforiu In btich oases.
Hi:.-Kr,vi:t, That tho Oregon Stato Dpntal
Society dlsapprovo of tlio uso of cblorolorm
as an iirtmthrllo m dnntnl oporntlons, (litre
forodorucointnend and rospnctfully rrqtient
nil persona engaged in the prnctico 1ouiIh
try In the fjtalo of Oregon to dlsootHlirilo l'H
UHuasan umiMthutla, liellevlng tlint.y ad
opting Mich u courso wo ahall do honor to
our proil'MsIon hi well ai jitbtico to our pa
tients, f
ldiction of oniuer.M (hen being In order,
Dr. L, S. Skill una olectod I'rosltunt; U. W.
Gray, of Albany, Vloo Pnaidont. S. .1. liar
her, of Portland, Corresponding and Record
ing Secretary; K. O. Smith, of Albany Treas
urer. Discussion (lieu turnod on tlio rolallvo
valuo of inatorlalH hko1 In tilling and pro
vervinpof teeth, as Wfll as the various modem
of tnuiilpiilntliiij I' e aamo. Tho tnult of
tlio (IImiiinhIoh was a prorcrancn for noi.n as
such lllling matorlal in tbo largo number of
casoa. Alter aonio other unlmp'irltint busi
ness tho Society ndjourncd until 8 i t., to
meet at tho parlor of tho Ohtmoketa Hotel.
Dr. Ctianco exhibited un Interesting speci
men of enlargement of tho alvoular pro
Tho Society wea called to order at 8 p. m ,
Dr. Li. SSkllT, tho newly eleoted 'Ptns'lUonl,
In tho chair.
Tlio matter of Incorporating was fully dis
cus ted, and style of articles agreed upon.
Dra. Chanco, Nlcklln and Cardwtdl, wore
appointed to rovlsu tho Constitution and
On motion tho Ihanka of tbo Society wero
tinitnltiioti.Hlv tendered H. !'. Matheus of the
Ohemeketa Hotel, for tho uso of bla parlors
fortho mctitlngs of tho Soclotv.
Dra. Chanco, Nlcklln and Welch weronp
rolntcd ai'omtnltteotoannouncoprogriiumo
for tho next annual meeting.
Tho committee apimlnted the following
on 0hays: I1,,F, Swick, on "Eruption of tbo
Teeth. E. O.' Smith, on "Analomy of the
Kaco." S. J. Barber, on tho "Nerves of tbe
Sublect for discussion: "Carles, its cau&o
and eifeots."
Meeting adjourned to meot in Portland,
December, on tho third Wcdnosday,
ftlaraudera Beware.
Mrs. J. A. Johua wishes us to nay that
although her farm house is In ashes, she
warns berry-hunlors and ramblers from
tnsoasalngupon hergrouudr, picking fruit,
tearing down fences, et al. Sho will prose
euto for any damages done by aucb persons.
Chemekota Lodge, No. 1,1. O. O F.,at a
regular moeting held at their ball Wednes
day evening, elected tbe following ofnoers
for the term commencing July 1st: Wni.
Waldo, N. G.s M. L. Chamberlain, V. G.i F..
Q. Moore, Recording Secretary Thomas
Reynolds, Treasurer. .
tmr xxx
This is the Original Article-All
EniToai Ttoiui. Pn: Dear Sirs I have Jat roado
siulrrel. putllacoiua can each of tho following poisons:
.tin nlld mII. .1 W.l.blun. L wlbmln.lnv ftnaMII tf
One ran of
rol Poison: and as manr as ten cans of Bteela's Squirrel
lasts! s, WUK9Kf9KUf
jour n-aders, I send it lor tbelr heneflt. Youm, vefy r.spectfully, H. P. Wooiiwahd,
IUvwahds, April o, 1810. ' t
la Purctiaalug rare should be taken to order WAKSLKE's. '
Successfully Used to Proteot Standing
The Best Medium for tho Destruction of Gophers. Full Direc
tions with each Can,
I. J..
of XrufgH utio OIioihIouIm,
. aumio Aau j.anAuiw vvuurtn vui uuhhiuau nuiuui,
'Office, comer of Montgomery tai Baab tUeeta, SAN WMAHCMO0, '
I've been thinking of you, Mother,
Though the while my lips were dumb,
Thinking that you know so llttlo
Of the woman I've become.
When I left you, it was morning.
Blush of dawn was on ray cheek;
Now the dust and toll of noonday
Check tho words I fain would speak.
Words of love's full recognition
Of your ftlthfut, earnest care,
Aud aknowledgo of your patlenco
That goes with me everywhere.
When I lea you, such a difference
Lay betwoon your life and mine;
Old you seemed, and calm and quiet;
I so full of youtli'a bright wlno.
Now up to yoursouls's full stature
And your very thoughts I've grown;
As I listen, e'en my footsteps
Seem an echo of your own.
Fa.sh my worn and busy Angers
Llko your hands before me cast;
And my voice, in song or laughter,
Booms a sound from tbat sweet past.
Ah I tho years, like dropping water,
Wear and shape us, every one;
Till wa seem to bo but strangers
To the solves of years agone.
Only memories of each other,
Like to memories of the dead,
These are all we have, my mother,
When tho best has all been said.
Strange that suoh a world-wide distance
E'er should come between os two
'Twlxta mother and her darling,
Once so noar andyefr'tls truo.
Years have crowded In betwoen us,
Stretch of plain and mountain awoll,
And wo hayo no heart communings.
Though in tbo samo world wo dwell.
Seems It not you might be nearer,
Woroyou in tbatothor land,
Whoro wo both must be, dear Mothor,
E'er I clasp again your hand?
Salkm, Oiieoon.
Merited Help.
Slnco tho misfortune which Mr. D. L,
ltlggs met with in having bis machlno shop
destroyed by lire, aovoral of our liberal
minded citizens havo Interested lhonichos
in his bohall. They hlarted a subscription
pittmr and yesterday ovoulng bad raised tho
sum of 30, which, togo(Jior with othor help
londored him, will do much towards assist
ing him to rebuild hla ubopH mid make
another Btart in tho raco of Ilia. Mr. Rlggs
Is qulto an old man, which makos tho pus
cm tender of aid tho moro appropriate. If
ho wax in tho vigor of youth ho could prob
ably work up unitldoJ, but considering hla
advanced ago this would havo boon much
moro dllUuiilt for him to hnvo done unaided.
Wo trust to noon nen hlin carrying forward
hla buslncaa as heretofore Mercury.
The Jury In tho cao of Mre. Phllbrook vs.
tho Railroad Company, for tlatnagea sus
tained at Pasa Creek, last Summer, after bo
lug out about 18 hours, gavo notice to Judgo
Bono that they could not ngroe, who dis
charged thorn and contlnuod tho oaao until
tho next court. It is tho reported that they
fctoodalx to alxon the 11 rat ballot. On the
flrial ballot they stood 11 for. plaintiff and 1
for defnndant. On tho question of damages
the highest amount talked of was $2,600.
Book Bindery.
Now that Mrs. U. D. Snvdor has about
completed all tho heavy State wofk and an-J
nuai rpporiH or ntaio aotnptioN, ane wisuca to
inform tho publto that alio In prepared to do
book binding of all kinds prompt
ly. Persons having flies of inagaalnea,
papers, tuusla, otc. can have thorn bound at
reasonable rates.. No tluio llko tho present
so fond in vour documonts and you can
build up a lino library at a small expenso.
An Inhuman Stepmothor.
Wo are credibly Inlorined that there is an
Inhuman step-mother living noar Stayton,
who is In tho habit of cruelly boating her
atop daughtor, aged about 10 years, until she
is in u fainting condition, and then sousing
hor Into a tub of cold water to bring her to.
Her neighbors havo takon tbe matter in
hand and unless sho "goes slow" horeafter,
intend Introducing ber to tho nearest mill
Tho now track connecting the Farmers'
warehouse at JefToraon, with the main traok
of the O. & O. Railroad, is to bo built im
mediately. Tho work of grading, aud the
furnishing of ties is to bo dono by the ware
house company. Tho Railway folks fur
nlshos the Iron, and puts it down. This
arrangement will bo of mutual benefit to
both companies.
Jasper N. Matbeny an ox-Sheriff of this
county, reoently shot Himself In the knee,
on Burnt river, East of the Mountains.
Frank Cooper while going over the moun
tains to Eastern Oregon, one day last week,
write that their party, waa "dogged" three
miles by a bear.
1 xil t o xr t
o , . u ' y,
Others are Inferior Imitatiorm!
an experiment with prepared poison for kllllnp
a can o iisrnej , a can oi nieeio s ana a can n
A can or Harney s, a can of (Steele's and a
wake.eu s kill as msoy aa seven of Ilamey a Hqulr
U'll U HTMn's Will. R,.nw .. MAn tt llaivil
Poison. Thinking the result will he Interestluz to
T3J.'rXm OO.f Portland.
Constantinople, June 20. It Is asserted
tbat the English conanl at Itustohnk, who
also acts for the Unltod Stater:, unavalllngly
endeavored to avert the Husslan Are kby
hoisting tbe American flag.
AiIvIuom from Ki.jroum states that Muk
htar I'Hhha Iihh won a great victory and has
taken a thousand nrisonors. A fresh attack
by Kusslatia on Ilatoum Is exneotcd.t, A
thouhrtiul Husalans capitulated at llayaxld-,
A Dellbaba (ipeolnl says that after throe
dav'a lighting tbo ItusMatB again fell back.
Buoharo"t, Juno 1!5. Tho Turks havo ovao
uated and Iluaslana occupied ilirzova. '
Thu Cr.'tr has left for Ulurgovo. Prince
Oorlschhkoir arrived hero aocompanlod by
hHatHtl, tho lli'ailan chancollory.
Up to Monday iS.OOO Ituaalans had crossed
tbe Danube.
Loudon, Juno 20. Gon. Grant and wlfo
left London yesterday ou tho afternoon tralu
from 1'addington and arrived at Windsor at
Siltf. They wore conveyed In one ofller
Majosty's carriages to the casto whoro they
wero reoelvod by tbo Queen at the bottom of
thoBlaircaso at tho Queon's Instance, and
conducted through tho state corridor to tho
white drawing room. In tho oyonlng a grand
dinner party was glvon In Gen. Grant's
honor, during whloh tho band of tbe Grena
dlor Guarda played in the quadrangle.
Tho Turks are evidently concentrating
their forces by abandoning with a show of
resistance all less Important points aatbo
Russians advanoe.
In Armenia tho Turks are doing better.
They have sucoeedod In preventing Russian
troops advanolug from the direction of
Bayazld,oireotlng a Junction with the column
marching upon Krzeroum from Kara, but
tho Turks aro nnablo to sneoor Kara, and
whon tho latter is rod u cod tho Russian Junc
tion can readily bo otlootod for tho grand
Hold light on Krr.oroum plains, whloh many
strategists still bollovo is to bo tho docislvo
baltlo In advanco of renowed efforts by
European powera for peaco.
Paris, Juno i!0. Tho Russian tolographlo
agenoy coulraJIcta tho rumorod unfriendly
fooling bolwoun Russia and tho groat powors,
and saya Russia will loyally koop hor prom
Isud poaco of Europe.
Ruitohuck, June'JO. Thobonbardmentof
this placo contlnuod all dsv yesterday. Eng
lish agent report thatthoEngllHhoonsulato,
whloh had a largo Union Jaok lloatlng,
deems to havo been Hluglcd out for concou.
tratod lire, and was completely tlostroyod.
Tho Turks In return partly destroyed
Gulrgovo. HflVoti huudrod kIioIIh fell thoro
yiHierday. 800 to-day. Ono Russian battory
tuts been dlauiouiittl. Tiie Rushlana appar
ently inedllato a Horloua attempt to capturo
tho Island of Pyrgos. .. ,
Turks claim a victory in Asia Minor, but
thoir claim I reoulved with Homo doubt.
There ih terrible lighting going ou both hi
Asia antl Europe.
Tho Montenegrins and Turks are doing'
dcHperato flghtlug, and tho Turks dostroy
thomtamlt ofhouBosus thoy dovastato Mon
tenegrin territory,
PriuceChnrlt-aitnd tho Roumanian army
am assaulting Wlddln,
TliocnmHlngof tho Dauubo by tho Rus
aiatiH omitlnuiR at sevoral points, and Is
fiercely opposed by tho Turks. Thoro has
not nfum bfon moro tcrrltlo war waged than
Ih now pronctited by Ruauia.
The boiiibiirdmeut of Kara continues wllji
vigor. It la certain that tho TurkH aro mak
ing it formidable tloftiiioo. ' ,
A Russian olilolal (lispntah, datod Katr.u
bun I. nt-Hr iUtoum, Juno -3, saya tho Turks
atlackel the right v.Ing'HpoHltlouon'thAl!lth
Inst. The fight lastod H-hours, Tho Turks
wero ropuli with groat Iohk.
at. Petersburg, Juno 27. Ail oftlolaltole,-,
cram from Gen. Teraukasyolfronoriathaton
Juno 2Wt lila1 oolnrun'wtM attacked TiMf
Uijar by 'M battalions of Turks with 12 gurls,
and 4,600 horse. Afier teu hours' fighting
tho Turks were repulsed.
Grand Duko Nluholaa telegraphs that the
dilUcultauil complloatod task ot croaalng
tho Danube la achioved. Hlstova aud the
NurroundiiiK heights Bra In our hands. Gon.
Drauoinlroira division with tho mountain
urtlllery was tho drat to cross. They are
now, evonlugoftho27tb, on tho othor sldo,
the 8th army corns, and 4th rlflo brlgaUo,
aud the Villi division la now crossing.
Now YorU.JiinoliS. TiinTlmoH' Iondon
special nays: Thoro Is nothing In the present
condition of alfalrH In England to warrant a
particularly noperut view or me situation.
Sorlous diflerencos in tho Hrltlsb cabinet
still exist, with no prospoot of settlement.
Tho troublo Ih that tho mombors cannot
agroo uion tho sum to bo askod for in tho
yoto of credit, throe of tho gentlomen in the
cabinet opposing tho measure altogether.
The dllllcultlcs surrounding the government
begin to tell seriously upon Iteaoonsfleld,
and bla health, whloh for several vears hat
boon none of the strongest, glvos nvldonoe of
nroauing uown ontireiy. us looks very in,
aud his Irloniln expresa groat anxloty In re
gard to his condition.
Thoro's an article in tbe Berlin Post sug
gesting a transfer of tho European Turkish
provinces to Austria, tbe Greek provinces ex
cepted. It la said to be inspired by Bismark
w ho does not wish Russia to get too tnuoh
territory, ills understanding with the Cur
is perfect, and there la possibly eotse foun
dation for the statement that Germany and
Russia have a secret treaty of alliance, and
this causes mnch of the hesitation character
Ulng the action of tbe British cabinet,
Paris, June 27. A violent newspaper arti
cle written by M, DeOaseagnao, la prodBolag
a groat sensation, It recommends that the
consuls general should not be permitted to
meet lest they beoomi. hotbeds of agitation;
also that the government should announce
its Intention of turning out tbo new Chamber
If It should be as strongly Republican aa the
one dissolved, ! ' '
Zawln, June 28, The Russian attaok on
tho Turkish position bore was repulsed,
dosplU) the repeated assaults. Tbe Turks
had 10,000 men, but tbelr numerical Inferior
Icy wos balanced by tbelr well fortified posi
tion. The Russians fought with the greatest
Bucharest. Juno 28. Tbe Russian olQolala
are a surprised as tbe general publlo at tbe
on with which tbe crossing of tbe Danube
waa effected, and at the allghtneesof the re
sistance. The Turks seemingly made up
tbeirmluda tbattbe passage would beau
tempted at Turna Magarelll. Tbe tremend
ous bombardment of Nikopol is also served
to divert attention and confirm them lu this
Tho Russians crossed at Potrocenl yeter
day upon rafts, the son of Grand Duko
Nicholas going over on tho first one. Grand
JJuke Nicholas crossed at 3 o'clock in tbo
morning atPetrocenl and it is olllolally stat
ed tbat thoro wero pO.OQO RusttUnaou thq
aoutliern side of tho Danube this morning
oppoMfo'theHymnllr.iand Petrocenl lino.
Hihtova, June 2d. On Wednesday tho
Tuiku ware drive u back from the landing
place at tho rlolnt of tho bayonet. Turkish
Infantry, some 3,000 In number, tnado an at
tack on tho troops whloh had lauded but
wero repulsed by the musketry of the brig
ade, whloh Hoon aflor ocoupied tbe height,
Tn Russian loft U in force near ilirsova
and is bolnir constantly strengthened. The
right has secured the orosalng at Hlmnlua
with ease, so that tbe Danublaa passage Is
secured. Toe center baa the oholoe of con
centrating opoa tfae rbjbt or left wing and
oroseing unopposed. Wlddln andNlokopo
lls are isolated from the Turkish quadrllate
,ral arid the present Indndatldns leads to th
conclusion that this muoh vaunted square or
fortresses will be Itself cut in halves and the
Turkish forces separated into three. divisions
without means of communication and with'
tno w iioie Husslan army ocoupylng tho cen
tral position between them and free to movo
with a crushing force upon any oneorthom.
Telegram to Paris papers, asuert Husslan
losses woio enormous at crossing tbe Dan
ube. , j
Chlcngo,"June20.-Tho Tribune's spoolal
from London saya tbe last detach mentor tbe
14th corps orossod this morning on a bride
to Malobin.
aro completo frorj Ga-
Thoro aro 30,000 infantry, and about
Ccasacks in tbo Dobrudtiuha.
Ilirzova was ovacuatod on the advanco or
tbo Russians,
A sevoro fight has boou reported at Tokt
navoda. Yostorday tho Russians wero crossing ho
Danubo at Slmnltr.a, and oxpeoted to make
a crossing at Turna.
At Nlkopolls end' Slllstrla Wednesday tho
losses on both sidos woro appalling,
Nkw Yonir, June 29. A special cable dla
patch states tbat bloody lighting Is going on
atPyagas on the Danubo. Russian troops
are crossing en masso and ongaglug'the
Turks who are making a desperate resist
ance. The slaughter on. both sides has been
terriblo. The Turkish gunboats are also en
gaged In the battle.
Late advices from Turkish sources state
that Turkish foroes claim a victory In the
battle noar Geirvln, Tuesday, and that the
Russians lost 3,000 men.
London, June 20. The Russians have oo- .
cupled the Island of Barca noar Slllstrla. It
Is unknown whetner thoy have sucoeedod In
crossing to tho Turkish side, but report is
that tho Turks havo abandonod thoir posl- .
tlons atTohornakoma and Modsidgo.
From tho latest uows reoelvod hero It ap
pears tbat tho crossing of tho Danubo was
only suonossful from tiymnltza and Slstova.
All other attempts up to Wednosday failed.
Tho Roumanian lolograph Is sllont regarding
yostorday 's events.
Tho Times' London spools) saya: Finan
cial authorities consldor thaVtho Austro
Hungarlan dobatca, Russian u iterations, and
.tqno of tho Modltorranean pros'-, assures for
somo tlmo non-lntorvontion lu tho Orient
and tranquility outside tho actual coiribat
auts. Prtispoots thai thoro will bo ro gonoral
war aro boltor than they havo boon for 30
Now York, July 1, A lolouram from Tro
l)ir.on(ldH)lyw tho Turks, on Friday. itHsault
oil and carrlod'tho Russian poMtlotiH at
IUtoum, achlevlbg n great vlotdry. Tho
Russians rotreated.aflor a aovoro battle ntid
great loss of mon, ,
iLnndnu, July 1. Tho long oxpoolcd crista",
whloh Europelias booh awaltlntt hna virtual- "
)y panod without a strarrglo, Tho Rusilana
havo lea In forco near IlirtebVa, and all thoir
tinnps botwoon JKalarash aud isinnll, ephi'o
30,000, havo, by this time, passed front tbo
nonluirii lo tbu snuthorn bank of tlio Danubo
ahd drlveh tlio Turks to their Hooond lino or
doronsoat KuatondJI and tho Roman walls.
Tliow nroHoutuo obstnelo worth speaking of.
Ills othnrwlio with KustondJI itself. Jloro
thoro havo boon somo hoavy guns innnnted, .
but all told, thoro aro not moro than 10,000
men nt KustomlJI, liioluillng poala ami rorcoa
driven In from tho banks 'of tlio Danubo.
Wo may soon expect to hoar of tho Invest
mont of Ktiftlou(li.
An regards ton general petition or tbo
Turks lu Asia Minor, thoro can bo but llttlo
doubt that It lias Improved. Tho iilownoas
of tho RusHlau advanco haa not only oroatod
conlldonco, but glvoujlino for making prep
aratlona,'ln nontcquonco of which .It haa
boon resolved to.dpfeii.d a Junction of tho
Toads from Kara and Bayaald, In tho Arxea
valley. ,, ' .
. It aoetns ovldont that tho Turks had decid
edly the best of recent fighting both at '
Doiibaba and owln. At tho latter plaoe tbe
brunt of tho dofouao fell On tho command
of ChofketPasha, notorious for participation
Jn the Bulgarian massacre, and reports say
tbat ho groatly distinguished himself and
contributed largely to tho Turkish aucoosa
by bis porsonal prowoss.
Boston, Juno 20. Boston's Ht. John roller
fund Is f 23.052.
Dos MoIiioh, Juno 20. Tho Republican ,
convention to-morrow will doubtloss bo tbo
largostovor hold In tho Hlato. Paokard la
hero and will doubtloss speak. Oear, Hher- ,
man and Howbold aro candldatos for goy-.' ,.
Tho roll or tho noxt houso made by Clork
Adams shows a Democrat lo majority of 10,
with 7 districts lo hoar from. Ho will prob
ably follow tho oxamplo of Ilayos aud reo
pgnlite Democrats in Florida, and Louisiana.
Charleston, June 2d. The eleotlon for
Charlrston county to till legislative vaoanolM
resulted to-day In tho eleotlon or the Demo-,
oratlo tloket having throe colored and four
teen white names, The Rspubllcana de
cided not to run cny ticket.
President Hayes waa present at Harvard
University Commencement where he waa re
oelvod with distinguished honors. Ha at
tended a banquet at Boston, waa received lat
Rhode Island and other places with favor
able demonstrations.
Oen. Grant haa been entertained' by the
Queen at Windsor Castle, and attended a
State Concert at Buckingham Palaoe. and
wherever be goee in England lareoelved
with distinguished honors.
There waa a large attendance yesterday at
A. J. Alexander's aaie.of blooded horses at
Lexington, Kentuoky. The great feature of
the sale waa live yearling, tbe get of the
celebrated horse Lexington, W..U. Johnson
of Nashville, purchasing one for 13,100, To-,
Ul amount realised by sale, f 10,600. '
New. York. June 28. The World's Mon
treal special aaya: Henry Dunning, the
great ship-builder, of Quebec, baa failed.
Liabilities; 1300,000, A large amount due la
tbestatos. The assets are large. Depress
ion in shipbuilding and low freights caused
tbe failure. , ' ' .
Brevet Major General William P. Hasan,
In command of the 10th Infantry, has been
aeleotod for the position of military attache, ,
to the American legation at Vienna for the
purpose of witnessing military operations
between the Turks and Russians. ,
' Providence, R, I.. June 20. Tho President
aud party romalned ,at the executive man
sion last night. This morning the Prosldoqt
was escorted by Newport arliriery-'and
Providence first guard ofinfanlry to Ibo Mu
aio Hall, whloh was handaomely decorated,
Hero II vo hundrod children of tho publlo
schools were waiting for tho President add
PhiUdelpliut,Jrino'no. Eight hundred
Mennoullf-H arrived JaC night from Rusala,
Inimlgriktifu; fo iwapo roiKKirlptlun.
Washington, Juno 30. Upon tho prosi
(IoiU'h return to (ho city this evening (to pro
ceeded iniuittdlatoly to Mi mimmor'rosl
dnnce, which fa tho largest cottage on tbo ,
grounds of the Soldlerht Home, and tho samo
as formerly occupied by President Lincoln.
All I n ui ate of tho executive mansion, with
.aor.vauiM, down and uocctsBry ell'octa, have
neen romovou to too cnittgo,
Portsmouth, Juno 29, Tho Portsmouth
light artillery, organUod In 1777, has accept
ed the Invitation of tbe mayor of Porta
month, England, to vhlt that olty and re
ceive lta hospitalities.
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