SSSSaSSIMaS WILLAMETTE FARMER. V Wi il -T. N STORING HAT. 1IT ALKXANDElt HYDB. ' The bay harvest la close at hand, and a Wayno County farmer wishes (o know tho beet inodo of storlne hay, and especially do slros Intormatlon about what bo calls buy barrack. Kvery way wecormltlor tho rlok Inp; Hiid stacking of hay uml tfrnln 11 poor moilo or slorao. Our eorrofponiieui Hputtus of hoelnj,' ninny ricks hint Full In passim? from Now York to J'hlliulolnhl, ami wo do not wonilor Hint thoy lllod his oy, for thf.y nroHlKUillrRiit of fiit tomh nnd nvnrllowliit,' barnH. Any ono, liowovor, who hn tried tho dllloiont wny of storing lmy itnuks, rlck, nnd barns look upon tho formor with llttlo favor. As a temporary expedlunt BtnckM-tnay bo toloratud, but wo should ntiv or build ricks. A ton of hay oeiinot bo pli'k od up In ono phiL'o nnd put down In (toother without inoro or loss wm'o. Tlio loss In rv olrdupolo, liowovor, is much Ins thnn tho loss of what tlioohiimNtM i-till "iheln," tho volntllo khs wliloli t'ts.ipns Iron) hay nnd nil dry herbs when oxpoaud to tlm Mr, nnd (h poclally when Btlrrnd. It Is this tholli whh-h gives ton Its peculiar urotiiatlu flavor nnd fltlinulfttlUKOfl'i'ct.niHl to prevent, tlio oscapo or w n lull iuo ton is Kepi in iiftni uuxmh, uneu with load. Wbon tho toi Is stoepud, tho tho In Is extracted by tho wator, but, II nloepod too Ions, this volatllo nubstancn Hies otf In to tho air, and tho tea, as tho old ladles Hay, la dead. In llko manner hay from wliloli tho aroma has boon dissipated by probing and moving, If not dead, has lost half It Tlrtuo. Tho author of tho Text Book for Agriculture says and we consldor him Eoed authority: "A good abed, adapted for ay abovo and for stock beneath, with pro per racks, payi 1U own cost In tbroo soaions In saving alone." Every farmer must have noticed that moved bay ponda poorly, nnd the reaaon la that It has loit IU aroma. The theln, which haa vanished Into thin air in the prooesi of removal, does not possets nuoh actual nutrition, but It haa the peculiar etreot or stimulating viui aouon ana pro ventlnir tho waste or tho animal tissues, and la therefore eoutvalent to food. Muoh of this theln is lost in tho proem's of drying. Ovordnod hay is llko over-burnt cofloo. The aroma has gono hlghor than tho wood blnotwlnotb. Tno truo prlnolplo In curing and storing hay, therefore, Is to oxposo It aa llttlo as posHlblo to tho winds and woathor. If thoro Is no dow or rain upon the grass when cut, nor any allowod to fall upon It after It is out, tho curing Is a slmplo process, for tho natural Juloos or tho plant aro oailly o ooncontrntodthat thoy will not ferment. Wo wish to rotaln tholr Julcei ho that tho hay may bo as near llko grusi ns nnsNlblo groon, tender, and succulent. Half tho hay we see Is brown, woody fibre, nut too Into and drlod loo muoh. Huoli hay may soil, for mtny purcbaiors think that groon hay niiiht nooossarlly bo heavy, nnd thoy thoroforo ooncludo ft Is economical to buy tho brown, orispy Hluir. Thny don't know what good hay U h well as tholr Jinrxoi and cowh do. Put two locks ol hay beforo i cow, ono groon nnd lull of Its mtturnl Juleps, mul tho other brown nnd brittle, nnd she will turn up )icr no-o it tlio lattor, nnd roll tho other ns n sweet morsol Into her stomach. Our plan for curing nnd Htorlug liny Is to nut tho grass when most full of Its mittim! Juloos. tlml is when In blossom, nnd nlwnyH Hrtorlhodnwisnll'; let It Hound wither till afternoon, then tedder, nnd boloro tlm dow IJoglus (o fall rako und gather Into mnnll conlrnl cooks. If thogrnss Is put Into cock wlill'i dry Hiid warm, tho ctirlng process goes on during tho night, mul tho uoxt morning, Ifspnud nfiortho dow Ims rlxii, tin hour or two ofHUiiNlilun will lit It Tor tho mow. Tho tighter tho mow Is tho boiler wo llko It. If tho bottom Is oemoiitod. nnd tho Hides boardttd with matched Html" mid mndo nlr tight, tho fermonlnllnn, If any, will bo eon lined to tlio top of tho mow, lor air In hIiao lutoly estoullal to formenlntfon, Tho moro hay put Into Midi n mow In duo day tho bet tor It will keep, for It will bo moro compact, and less air can circulate through It, Tho farm on which wo woro brought up belong ed to a clergyman, and It was the custom of bis parish to turn nut onmnno, make it lire, aa It was callod, and do tho dominie's buy In ono day. Ily day-light tho imtHunf tho aoyluot mowing innoiiluoH worn then un knownwas heard In tlio Holds, After break feat and tanr.y bittern, oatuo tho tedder lug. nud how tho grass did Ily. llullard had not then Invented his mschlnn, hut nu ny hand mado light work of tossing tho bay kbout, and muoh loosing did It rnpilro, for It was full of dow. In tho afternoon oaino the carts, and tho crop was all stowed away bfforo sundown. Homo of tho farmers ahnok tholr heads at tills rapid modo of miring hay, and hinted about green hay nnd (jroon clergyman, hut tho venerablo clorgy man was uot so green ns thoy supposed. For many years wo fed out tho hay linn atorod. and never fed irreonor or belter. Truo, It soinotlmes formouted at tho lop of inoninw, inn iuo iiiriiieiiintiou was couiiupti to the surface. At tho depth of u font or two Iho hay was soft and green, and wuh eaten with avldl'y by tho stock. Hay slowed on tho Mcallold or In a stuck romilro moro curing than that put Into a tight mow, as tho air has greater aeco's to it. Pokd In a largo deep hag It Is pionerved from rormontHtlon as fruit Is In unsii. This tho olMorvIng old clergyman utidenilood, for ho ordort'd thogrmiiii'Mt h.y to bo put in tho osiitro of tho mow, and the on the NCAtfold. If bay must bostackod, build, up n plat form of old hoard or rails on which thn stack P4ii ho planed, otherwise that which oomo4 lu oonKut with tho ground will absorb innliturnaudhoUmgfld, Tho shaping of a stack la quit an art and should not be trus'od (o a ijreoiiliorn. The best form Is that of a non' egg with thn smull end up ward, ami If tho top Is that oh ml with lr.iw or aoarmt grass, stnuklug U as good as rlok lug aud uiuuli olioapor. V, ). VViiicj. Revival near Solo, Lina Co. Scut, .luno'Jillh, IS77. Tlio Ullt Oliuroli, At I'nivltliinix', smvon mllni nouttitutHt of till iiliu'o, r IiwvIiik h auuotHNlul mvlvnl. Hhvh, John (Miorii, Davlil I.viidIi, J, I) Sott'li. mul A.J. IIuhhv knr, liavo lioon iiiliiUtrlitluiil In tlio work. Tlm m-Mitliiir Iihi now Inmh rtiiuuiii; U n tiny with Inn llultt Hli;n of ntittnmttnt; forty tlvo Imvn IxtAii K'liloil to tlm ulinruli; In uro 'ratiff. lutt fnttti lnm!crypsrof voulli who woro not RiliipU In rrlino, hi tlui lwtnf itinn would ilotlnii: to Oik iiutul ftllioritinl uiothor wIiohh lui.vU woro iWHtod lv in my wlntors ttiitl who It l nulsnmtlil tho way of rltflitoous. iicmi anil (IikI, to know. 'I'lio lmiUnllilir, too, has liatlii.t, mill In uklngr k look Into tlm Nliiful ilnptli of lila own wiulj U Iroiiilillnj; uiwn tlio vory vnrRo of ruin mul Intlloltoti. Miy hu turnl totloil, ami Untl it lilmuolrsi llfu liuforo num. Wxi, CvitUri. IIoiuk Powimiu. Tlm l'lioUo Throstilnu; Machine Co. i ro Mill turning out Miami Itorso-jHiworn, hih! wo nro kI'Uo ny Mint they Ami ontultlonililo nolo for lhm. MAnitiKD -At tho roililoiHHi of tho lirltlo'rt ifttttnr, llonry Hamilton, tmir V.Ut I'olk iv., on tho'Jttli. Juno, 1877, hv T. Voiroo. J. ', Mr. T. M. Antiunion mul MUi A, U, IWtup ton,lllor I'olkcouuty, It It Willi tllllt Jn0lll KlHItt 111 4 Hllltl tl'O uxotiliior lilllio III It ihoinU, uml hUqiurir, mill thoro, to Kteru Capitalists for fJo.tKW, -- ---. Wheat and Wool. There Is nothing new of importance to re port in connection with wheat. Prices offer ed in Oregon aro based only on tho homo de mand. Salem Mills still offer 91.10 por bush ol for old whoat, but thero Is no criterion frm which to prodicalo tho price for tho coming crop. Liverpool quotation) nro weaker nil tho llmo. As to tho l'urnpe.m, It looks very much ns if nil the Groat Powers went looking on contentedly nt tho Uiimo-Ttirklnh war. with n silent under standing that, ench Is to profit by the divi sion to bo mndo nt Its cloo. 'flint being tlio oi-, noghiieral war miiv hn expected, mid i innrkot I'tr breudstull'-i will not bo innto rltr'v nlfeftod. Wool Jus iiteadlly ndvnncod until good lots of wool hero nt S'alem bring TiYx ciwits. Thn Itnston mul 1'hllailelphU wool markets Ihvo Hliown connttint Improvement each dav for wot-ks pvd. Wo nro glmJ to seo our wol-growers meet with cotninenurto prof lie, mid hoi)') thoy took our ndvlco. or acted vi iholr own Jiidgmout uot to mnko too miteh Imsto to sell, XJHE PLUMMER FRUIT DRYERS. Patented April 1877. TI1BSB MACHINES ARK UN8URPAB8BD BT atir other for Drjrlng or FrCKerrlDC Frnlta and Vrxetst))es of all kinds, and are constructed and far nlthcd compleU In foar different tlics, ntmclj; Tbe.Tons Thaatb Dryer espscltr of X bdnbel of apples per boor pries $ TO Tbe Hmall Family Dryer capacity of IX basnets psr hour-prlco $123 The Family Dryer capacity of 9 batbela per boar price .(300 Tbe Factory Dryer-capacity of 6 basbcls per boar pilco These Drjors were awarded tho Centennial Medal and diploma at Philadelphia In 1H80, Alno, tho (lold M dal ol tlio Hlato of Oregon for 1870, fur exccllcnco of nTor, color and condition of Fruit. All constantly on band and furnltlicd on short est notice. Farm ana County Hlghto for lc. For farther particulars and ilcrcrlntlvo cstaloirne address V. H. I'LUMMBIt, Fatcntco and Manufacturer. JotStf Eat Portland, Oregon, Farmi and Land lor Sale. IOKKKIt FOIt HLB ONK VAUM, 320 AOHEH, UK) acres In cultivation, kowI orchard, rltua'cdon thn I'learant Hill rotil, nlidiit 21 nillcn from KuL'cnu City. Alo, about MOO nrrca of MIXKI) LAM), omo of Iho best valley anil biavcr-dam l.nnd In tho county, ruiriMiiidrd liy bill and bruoli land. Three or four vnrv l-ooiI fnrmn tan lio mmlii out of It. (luod place fur a colony. Want to Ml tlio who'o lot togeth er. This Land Inaltuntcd In l.ctio county, nliont 13 mill' from Kuirvnu City, ntul Mx from CrcKwcll. Jetf AddrfM V. II. DUNN, Kugene City. WILLAMETTE TRANSPORTATION AND LOCKS JOMPAHY. XTOTICK TIIK KOM.OWINd HATIH OF Krnliilit mi (Jriiln mul Klnur liuvu limi tiilillslii'd hy iIiIn ciiMipuiy in Him iniixlmum rntPN for Diiujiurf torn .liny IKI, IS77, VII I ror roil Ok-koii City to I'ort luml 81 M lliitliivlllo ' ' ITS Clntinpofj: " I 7 lliytmi " " I'm Kiilrlli'lil ' " S ll Whoutliiiiil " ' a ta l.lnrolu " " s H) Hut. in " " 3 Tin Kola 3 7A lmli'ppiiilmirri " " 3 71 AnkiMiy'-. LiiiidlliK " " HIM) lllii'iiit Vlatil " " m Mprlnu IIIU " " :i mi Alhuiiy " " :ui (J-irviiliU " " a M IVorlu " " aft' Monnin " 4 ro lliirrlHtniru " " I no Ktmuno city " " 5 oo (Jruln nnd Klouralilppoil from too poliitaiiliiiv lilPiitlmiiMl Olrcutto Ahtoilu will lio cliuittud St 00 lur ton mlitttloiiul, Tliorompnuy will rnntnnct with pnrtli'N wl'o dolro It, to trutmport (Inilu ami Klmirnt abnvu rmi-i, for nny spccittcil tliuo, nut 'XcuihIIiih tlvo Ur,,H n.ItKKll, Vice 1'Ki.lilcnt W T. A UCO. I'oitluuit, April IS, wr. Muvl-am NOJTICH. OBEGON it OALIFOUNIA UAILUOAD. TIIK KOI.TOWINO UATKHOfKltklOMTON' (Iniln. Kliiurnml Mill Hiiilt'4, In car IdikIh, iih por ptibllnliKl lurllfof tho Uoinpnny nmlnr ilulo ofJuniiHry Otli. IK77. will lio iniiniiiliii-il nx tlio iimxlinum rutea until May Slat, 1378, viz : l'or ion It m. Mllwaukln to Portland 7'ciiIh UlHcknnms " 7 renin Ori'iioii CUV " Iiio-ntii Itoolc Uluml " 11 renin L'antiy " It omtn Aiimrn " II ct'nlH Hiititniril " I rents WiMKllniru " llceniM (lervals " llrontH H'ooks ' limit Hnli'in " PJcoiiIh rtirner " I J cents Mnrlon " I'Jrpnls Jift'iitBon " Ilrema Mlllnr " Ilconli. A luny " l.lri'iilH Tansi-nl " n ecu In HIU'.I.I'I " 17l-KOtN lla'xpy " 18 rent Muddy " IHcentu lliirrlatiun: " JirniM Junction vacont l.iitiHi'4 " ,.al eent IrvlnK " ..fSoi'tits Kilvnno " anci-uu Hprlnjtlel.l ' HI rent Uhi-n " Mrt'iita Cn-ntwell " .,:ncouta Ijitlmin " .ceiil Coiuriooli', " a)riit DrNlu " atrouiN Yonoilla " aei.M (Nklnnil " ..iHrnnta llln)xiiit " Alivnu ltiMi-tuiri: " atriuis Nnh'ri!K fnrilrityasciit INiillitnil. It. KOhlll.HK, Vlcnrwi.n A 0 It, It. ri. l'orlliind, Urrtfini, JlllioOill.lh-;, lIHlf. THE THRESHER OF THE DAY!!! The Minnesota Chief! 'JTlio Orovuliiu Suunw ol -0 Most Porfeot Thresher, Best Gleaner, Lightest Run ning. Most Durable, and Economical Ma ohino in the World ! Wherever Iptrosluced, over the Draper nod Vibrator Machines ! MANlirACTU.'lKt) 11V SEYMOUR, SABIN & COStillwater, Minnesota, JttTlN MOOHE, Acont for Ovcgon and Washington Torritory. ttr l)'scrlpll a Circulars sort ou appl'callcu. l. O. AJUro. AlllASV, OH. t, w. waiTaaaroaD. Weatherford & Co.. Wholesale and Itotali Dealers In PAINTS, OILS, CLASS, Patent Medicines. CHEMICALS, TOILET GOODS, m Etc, etc. PURE WINESand LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Medicines Compounded, and Prescriptions Filled. Weatherford & Co.. FcStf Commercial street. flALBin. HEEREN & FARRAR, Will pay the Highest Market Price -roiT 500,000 POUNDS w SACKS AMD TWIME XIU'lllNlaCtl. Knqulroof W'. J. If lilt It KN, IMItlt.VH llltOTIIiat!). Halcm, Miy t, lbTT-Urn. The Old Immigrant Route AcruMN tho Cnirrailo DIoiiiiIiiIiiii, miw ow.sri) nr the Onscido Sload acd BriOfro Oompnny, It u tin t nu In Hnndy, Mt. Hood, and Harlow' Onto, IN NOW Ol'liN, and trnycl of all Kind lint tic nun. Tliu l In otd repair, uxtcuptvn Im iinivcnirnlKarobvInK mado every )rnr The I.AU ItlUi IIII.I.S nru all (,'radcd. Bhccn.brldKci' arooti nil tint rtrcnniH. Tbln road ncmr n celuit n ooi.i.ii tub. mly.ntid jctlt ll thu kliortrnt, lii-kl, ami clii'iip rot rotitu over th inuuntnlns. Dlptancu oit tlio mouiitaliis, II mtli-s. From 1'ortlnnd, otvr Ilia niuuiitaiiiK. 78 nillrt, l'rom Halcm, IUO nilirn. ItTKN Waxons, (i; Saddle, 60c; Pucks. 2.1c; Cat tle, 10c; Hlatp, 3c. Por nil coIiik and comlnt; from orlntnMnrlmi, Yam bill, Wnrhtnittnn. Mini, Hen ton, and l'olk counties, this la by far tlio bent. lirari'M, and chmpuri route, rl. I). COALMAN, l'rutlduit. IUnvnr B. Cnoas, Bcc. lulml HIGH-OLA.8S OU Xji t? J. W. HOBART. IMPOItTi:it AND IlltKKDWt OF 1'UltH-IlltKI) lilulil and Dark HltAIIMA and llrowu and Wlillo 1.KS1IIOUN OlxlolK.ozxas. ant AYI.KS11UUY X9TJOXaSI. KaiKmcunn Kiinranttui. for rnco, rowi, and K.-irii, addrvt j. w. lioiiAit'r. npilin: I!u-na Vlfta, Or. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, Carriage & Wagon Makers, Salom, Oregon, HAVE ON HANI) A C1IO10K LOT Ol' YOMl Wagons, Carriages, & Buggies, of their own make, Mauufacliirtd of tho HKS1 quality of Jersey Hickory. Olvoma rnll, nidi-xsmlio our work, and Jud;o for youiMvif. All kluuU of Itepalrliu audOcneial Jobblni; douo at rhon nottcu. aptl SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. Far-Sighted und Near-Sighted, NliootliiK-niuaaea lor Hportstncu, 8TEi:L. HILYKIt, AND GOLD KHAMKS. I AM prepred to supply fcp-ctacW to rtt all jr, al price to mil. iv. W. in Alt TIN, Jowvler .t Optl, Ian, Uauk Ulock, btato ttt. Halem, (ay t 1870, m wMimaiaiin wTiaa u Csxttry' Experienoo ! fglMTFW"'" w.wBAnuaroan. D1VBS. WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, USE AVERILL PAINT. It Isjpreimrcd ready lor Immediate use, and of ALL DESIRABLE COLONS AMD PURS WHITE. It Is easy to cnnlyt For durability, and It beauty, will (and For sule In any quanllly by WEATHERFORD & CO. .... DEALERS IN. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AND PERFUMERY. SALEM, : : : OREGON. msy2tf JOHN -DEALER IN- Orooerles PAIJTS, OILS. IS TIIK AGKNT FOK TUB ALK OF TIIK RUBBER PAINT. ALU COLORS, Myr As X-iO-vciiHteluM VtirulKlios. HOWELL & BROTHERS' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, - AN JSaxx sTiJi.stxx Stato Stroot, FRANK BROS. & CO., 104 & 106 Front Stroot. - - - PORTLAND, OREGON. -IMPOIITEUS AND Agricultural Implements! Mole l'aclflo AscntM for lb. Genuine and WorldIlenoM'iifd WALTER A. WOOD'S HARVESTING MACHINES, Embraoing Endless Chain and Sweep Rake, Self-Raking Reapers, One- and Two-Horse Iron Mowers, Mowing Attach ments, Harvesters, and Self-Binders. Tlio Wultor A. Wood Unrivalled Harvester and Self-Binder In tho crcatoit Labor-Saving Maclitno In thu world. With tlita midline one man ultti tlirvu tuirir can cut and bind from U to IS crc of Kr.nn pit day. nnd In two wrckn tliuo tavrd In liarvneth'i; a crt) hjr lie Klnntni; In i-fifou. It roajr hu uu'd utttiernr a Hurt es ter and bclMlluder,- or aa llarii'Stvr ulona Tlio Hnrvestor and Soll-llindor Is thn bftt and most wonderful Ilarvottlni; ilaclilno uvvrkuuHu. Tho Waller A. Wood Olnin Hake and new Iron Sweep Hako (NKLV-UAKINO lllClTKItS) Arothobcft tit'lf Itaklnu Hiapvrs dikamIi, nud we aro Haltluufor Human whii wl-l iirny it atdi;luiis a chauco lu try ll a.-uii.ft nnj tlitnv' modn FAltMliKH AND DKALKltN Are cautioned against a cboip ai.d It lit mower offer ed a a Wood machine, aud urcluer rlumld lio aura that ther tret m. chine namici "Wrtl.TKIt A. WOOlV'at none other aro u'cuulue. The vm0u Walter A. Wood's New Double-Geared Open-Guard Iron Mowers, With Urars Ilcarlnss, intent Oil Cup, and new and Imprmed (luard. ars ituinutced to be the Beat Mow crs lu thu World. Thu Walter A. Wood Improved Header. Treadwell Warranted auperlor to any Header In tho market. Iron Wheel, hprluj; lUIauce, olutnlilrt Itetl, made atioi k and durable. Itun liy ChMns lntead of Kelt; iione acquaint wlih )leaaer. alter luvluj' eon tt.l machine, neud be told tht Is the'lljKt itetderln the ttaikvt, a It wlllbuappaienton rtuht. It took first premium At tho Centennial, MaJ, llruco late of Il.'u ton county blns ubu of the Judge who made the award. The LA BELLE WAGON, I'rldo of the I'm Itlc Coaat, KAHM, sritlXO. or EXI'UKhS, wide or narrow track. Cteru bvd aud lop tox. or California Uku rack bed ard box, with Callfornlt aud Orecou adjutl able Hi.iLI.Ut llltAKK. Tlie bid brake made. LIOHT DUAFT AM) WAltllANTKU. Rveiy wheel rolled In bolllm; oil before tto lira I ct, aud the waoil hi i-toixl thu to.t of thu c'luiatu of California belter than auy other wairou lu the mar ket, and run four to tlvo hundred ix-uud lUhter than auy other, onliu; to our uilu'a Vela mnuufscturvd vxtiressly for u from bras patterus wulch aro uot affected by tho w.alher, and cat from the celebrated W S. raaySMf For Sale ! TIIK FINK UKSIDKNOE corner of Conmcr- .11 ..! It. llt. hI.m.1. In .lai,lra1llt. ktlllAtllin. 'll l' u-i.i. hAiiuiiiN,. ufll Hnl.hcil. atd ronientcnt. ly arraiDjed, and Kroaud t.ilerully oiuaraeutcd. WtU bo ld vory low snd on ucvouuiodatlu; lerm. Apply to nMU ttvii ration's Dlock State bu. bauis. THE not crack, peel or clialk ol)'. brilliancy of color It Is HUGHES, and jProvlIon, WIIVPOW GLASS, tx 1 1 3. 1 jtl Materials OF ALL KINDS. - Lime. Salem. Oregon. DEALERS IK- Lako Hupcrtor Iron, and from tho superior manner In which our fkelna aro set and every wheel bnlanccd. Alt perfect track. Tlie Buford Iron Gans and Sulky Plow, and the Browne Iron Sulky Wow. Llht Draft, caMly adjuited with Screw or I.ter for Level or tilde-hill Ground. Thcio 1'lnu nro e. pcclali) recommenrted to tho Farmer of Oiicmi ud Wasbluutnn Territory as thu l.luhteit Draft, tlio mot ublanllal, aymmetrlcal and the mutt aHy controlled, and as dotn belt r v ork under all coiulf. tlous than any other I'low lu tbe market. Tlio Famous Black Hnwfc Single Plow. Kkit for mn and liemt. Never fall tn clean well. Theto plow have bvtu thoro it-li'v nnd mer ly tested In California and el-ow hero, and fmni'i Miperlorto all oth'rt. All lheu l'ltiv nro ftli warranted to bo tho best ou tbu l'actflc t'oat A hill rto k of Kxtre atw ays on hand for tlio bbo e I'luw . ' hu Red Jacket Chilled Iron Plow. With Steel Fotnt and Cutter. And tho renowned COLLINS FLOWS AND EXTRAS, And the Celebrated X'SHERBY FORCE FEED DRILL. A full line or the best STEEL GOODS In the market: also a full amortment of tho mott proved kind of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. lm- A full Mock ofBxtru for llie Waller A. Wood, and other llurventlui; 31 n chlnea kept coiiataiitly, on liaud. llysend'nsut jnurnddret. ami prcfluc tho ar ticle wuuted. we will man you Descriptive Circular anul'rlcu Llt free, aud will tutulrh any lurtbtrln foro.atlou desired. A men' 12-llorNe Power Turlnble hlaiu KuglutN nnd complctu TbrcNlilug or Mill O m lit. Tlio St. Louis Invincible Thresher AND 8 and 10 HOUSE CAItV MOU.NTKD I'OWKlt. rostlvy tint bet machine ier used In the Mlrnl. ppl Valley and the North Wet. avd the cumin machine lor Iho 1'sclBc Coatt. Fully Improvtd wlttt especial features to meet the want of thu Farmers of Oregon. Thu Superintendent of tbe Factory wta hero iat year to etu w bat ftature could bo added to wake metu iu won opuiar macntnvs la urcgwn. KEWBUKY, Manager, I'OHTLAND, Oil. Notice. I HAVE i. 1IOIINK AND LOT THAT I wlh to trade for Una in the couutry. Title food. May 1st 1TI. tf. J. HKNUV, lIltUWN. TrOOO 'UBC",?',r,l!C Usta free. P. K. XlOCO) Fuuutix, Bloomlnizton Nnraory, 111. M if ii vvl i i I I I -?