fytypwipp ry $m&wt:,? Mt IY' Wj' MtennnMmMmasumaHCTiMsmciai OlSUtU SIM UafiMMM'i - u - ,mimiih aoaMawMCCM nwaanewiunu unMM'iJi1WMi-M'wM" jyi '.. f, Sfe ?Hv r V. U.v ft i rf j: Ijv , t ;l 1 6 DIRECTORY. ori'i;i:sortiie national uhangh. Miultr John T. .Touch, Ilnrtf.n, l'lillllpe. Ark. 0(crt(crJ J. Woodman, Paw l'aw, Van Hurcfi, ' situirr A. II Hmctlley.Crtrco, Howard, In. AteKWrf A..I. Vaualiu, Mciiitr. 'tutm. A in' I Min Miirlliucr Wlillilnad, .MlddlobuM), Hoinirrt't, N.J . . . ... VninttiiiiH H Hill. Hp'lnnlmroucli. Warren. O. Tmwntr I". M. Mrllnwtll, Wajnc, Miuliou,N.). Necielitru-O. II l.ullcy, I imUvlili. Ky. ' (liitt-ltxr-U Dlnwiddli), Ortlnrd drove, Intl. Vyj-Mrp.. JolinT .lour". Ilirlun, I'IiIiIIdh, Alk. 7or-.Mrr. Hamuli 1!. rl imi. Munllcilln, Minn. Jlwinntt Mrs Harvey (loi'dird, North (Iranti). rt. Isvlij AnihlmU Meuaul-IM Caroline A. Hull, I.julm lllc, Ky. r.xKOUTivn jomhittbk. I). Wyatt Alki'ii, (Chairman,) I'okiabury, 8. C, 12. It. Hhank'ahil, Ilnliwpii! town. tJiKlIt-y T, Cliniiv, Clitri'iimttt N II. Alonu (I jldir, Uork Kail, WhltPflile. Ill W. II. Chambers, Oatrcirlitu.ltUFecll. Ala, Olllccr of Oregon Mute Urungu. Mmttr Win, Cyrim, Htlo. )f.Ni.A. It. Hhlnluv. OnueffO. cftrer-Mrs. K. N. Hunt, Sublimity. titfritaru-t. I. Davldion. Halcin. Attwanf-Xt H. Thuma, Walla Walla, W. T. AmMimI 8tuiinl-U W. Kldillu, Canyonvllle. fAnifaa W. II. dray, Antorla. Treiwirt r-S. 1'. Leo, Portland, Uatt-Kceittr-A. II. Oraliam, I'laticr'a Landing, Clark county, W. T. CVrw-Mra. II. A. Miller. .Jacksonville. itomwin-Mra. H. V. I.Htrhjm, McMiiinvllle. 7or(i-.Mri. K. A. Kelly. Kant l'ortland. d( Au't Mtward-Mtt. Georgia Smith, Hood K!M('"S1m-Wm. CyrnN 8clot It. Clow, Dalhw; K. I.. Hmlth, Hood Ulyer. Wafc UurtntM Agint-i. V. bte. Portland. Btate Orange Deputies for 1877 lUiOfflci. Krpun. BINTOK. A Holder ..Comma Coryallli CLACKAMAS. .. , Knorh Hklrvlno Halts Cree-K. N W Handall Oregon City.. IXIUIII.AH. t ur it..... Mvrtle Creek ............... a M Oa'dner Drain' Station ................ ............. riym?tonTKol7yA".'....Kait Irtland....K.t Portland MAIUOH. PF Cattleman ilntlevlllo a W Hunt Hnbllmlty Balem JH T Miller"! Jaekaonrllle Jaekaonrllle V A l,attt)rott'.........HIckrcal...... ....... ....Balem J J Charlton...'. doooUke Jaekfonvitle DanlcKToi'ie?": Kerl.ytllle Jaekaonrlllo Jamoa WMatlock Oothcn IlAIrvlno....'. Lebanon Albany John Km".3.'!'. TyKl Tho UaUca VAX II ILL. I) O Durham McMInnvllh J Hat)ilnKt (laiton D II Kim' hart.'. Canyon City Canyon City K W Ciinyim Columbia City TIIIAMWOK. . ., .,..., II V lliildiin TlltoinutiK iMirin lnmniii IIMATIII.A. JH WllllH ...Wenliin. oflon I OOK. J HciiryHliriMiU'r.... Ott i wAniiiNiiTtiM Tr.mii rtmr. t I.MIR. H W Itrowii Vniieimvrr KlltlMIIIA. Itl'Hltili I)a)lim I.hltlntfor Colfax Colfax (iiriiAMi). MZ tloo'Mo Mint ' iikiwk. BH MfUmn CliolitlU 1'ii'nt LOAbiHrtl?"'": WUI (,1J"l,ln It IkiimmiIk ..olni Jullun llorloV anitt'o Hcattlo i.i.wi. I.MPIiTiii L'liquatn AKIMA. UICook Klliiitiiint Iiiaiiyoiiintf whom Ibo l)iiuly ni itolnUtl U lint tho iimt nullalilo, in d tho (Iraiucji iir ilju luralliy w III pruiMirly Imllralo lo mo n rlioli. In III .bo plin nl, ror In many Inflame I haubei.ii obllnt'd to nuku ap poiiii iioni" Hiiiioui Kiiuiiuri "..;.." ,;;..,. u Mn.lir Oni-'imHulu (limine, 1'. of II. Mootinij of Subordluato GraiisoB mns roi'NTY. Ilnpti, No. 'Jli umolHlu Albany, mi llio lot nml ilHxitiriUvM nf I'Hiili iimntli, ut 10 u. in. Otic I'itln, Nn. li In UnUoy, '-nil nml Ith Hiiiirilinuill . in. , Humor. No. UK, In Cruwfonlnvlllti, 1st iiiulilril HittunluyH. nt'jp. in. Hnicnni No. Kl, ni Mllltin Stntloii, Itb B.itiirtliy.ul 1 i. ni. ,, , ... liHlMiion No. 'H, it Ub.inon, 'J I nml -llii Kiitunltv. il 10 h. in tlr.iiul I'rulilo No. IH, I li Situnliiy. Knox ltuttu No. 'JJ, 1st mid nt S.dur- Nuitlitui No. 117, Sml mid Itli Satmtlays, nt 10 ii in. ..,.., llroA-navllltt No. 10, Ut nml Slid hiiltir- "'I'miKoiit, No. 7, Ut mid llrd I-'rldnyH, ut 10 'iLiirliliiirji, No. It, lu mid llrd Sattir tlu"4. ni 10 ti in. Slmdil, No, it, Ut mid :il SitlurdiiyH, ut 10 'll tjuy lit mil No. HI, Ut mid Ud HMimlnyn In n ion month rmiii iiotouer to Juiiii.hiuI on tint Ut Suluriliiy thti li.iUiU'nortlio joar, llitrnionv No. u.1, llrd Hatnrduy, rrKiilnrlv, oxoopt In Nov. Duo,, Jun., Feb., mid Murcti, wliou lbty mont Hut Ut Friday. iii:nix)n county. Soip Crook. No II, UtN.tliiidii.vitt (On. m. WllluniHlltt No. (a, Ut Tltiirndiiy, at 10 it.m lMilloumlli, No IS, UtiMturdiiy.tit lOn.m. h.VNi: COUNTY. UrtMHivnll, Nu. 01. I'll HrtlnriliiV, 1 1. III. KiiKinm, No. :xl, In KtiKiuui Olty, :ird Hut .tiny, ut 10 o. m. tllmrlty, No 70. Sd S,itnr('y. (Ionium, No. 101. Ut Saturday, ut lOo'clook Jiiuullon City, No. U, Sod hutnrdiy, ut I 'Mokunalo, No. 107, Camp UrtHk', Sd Swtur. ly 1'OliK COUNTY. Oiik Point, No. :l, Ut mid :trd Sutnrdiiyn. MAJUON COUNTY. BalmnliMiiiiti, No. , Ut mid li Siitiir. day In 40li month, tnoi In Atiitimt, Sop tomlmr, and Ooiobtr, whon It niimtH only on tho Ut S.tiuriliivi iliHlr IimII In Sdom. Aliloua, No KM, Itli S.UnnUi.v. HitiiW IMlnt. No IS. ad.MtnriUy.iitl P. ill. lluttu Orouk. No. 8J. 3rd Saturday, nt 10 ' '"' WASHINGTON COUNTY. liakvvrtoti No. 100, moots Ut, S.iturday, nt lOu'olook. Marlon County Pomona Qrango Will nuHit at Salem Uraugo Hull on tho first Friday in July, at 11 o'olook a, m. " (1, (1, (li.KN.N, Sco'y. IwillpwSW, In noli!, premium for tho li-ist "IJUiik Htrim-or" colt exhibited at tho HMM FdlrthU fall, J. W. Nkjmitu. - Address to Farmers. Tho farmers of tho United Status hold In their grasp a vast powor, and they aro be ginning lo hoo tliat thoy must uso It for tholr own protection. Wo havo noen that out of a total population of 33,653,371 In tho United Slates in 1870, 5,022 471 porsonst.or moto than ona hovontli ot tho onllro pojiuhtlon oi tho union, wcro cngaRrd In ofrrlculttiral pur Mills. In tho bitnii year, tho total inulo pop illation or tho nptibllo woh 10,401,50", oftlia number of persons Klifii as engaged In n?rleuUiirl purmilln C.C25.C0T tvrro irialos. So tint tho mnl'is of tho firmliiB Claris number tnoto Ibun ono fotiilh of Ihoentlro nmlo population of the country. Ol the 10, IO!,r,Uf malm itlvon aboo, 8,125,011 wero twenty oiic.ori ofiiRoand over, or almott cuo baltof tlio male population constitute tho ioIIiik class. Assuming tho atno pro norlloti for tho aurleultural class. Wo hIihII lliul that about S.000,000 of this class aro volers. Tho tru h la, hotvovor, thatlho pop ulation iHRroator. ortho5,r25,00JaKrlcultur Ists, 420,381 woro from Blztoon to llfty-nlno, and 443,031 woro sixty and ovor. Hy tho census from whloh tboso Dguros aro taken, the numbor of farmers and planters Is placed nt 2,055,030 malos , nono of whom aro undor slxtoon years of age; very few can bomlnorr, and It seems clear that tho (treat majority of thorn must bo voters. Wo think, then, that wo aro warranted In asserting that tho num ber of perrons ongagod In agricultural pur suits and possessing tho right of suffrage, Is over 4,000,000 or fully onohalf of tho entire population of tho Republic. We boo no roa- son to distrust this estimate. It appeam falr( and though wo havo no doflnlto returns to offer upon thin hoad, wo aro kuro that wo are vory near tho actual truth In placing tho vot ing strongth of tho farming classes at ono half of that of tho entlro country, Now, If this bo true, It noods no arguraont to prove lo tho farmers of this country that thoy possess the power as well an tho deslro lo remody the gilevanoes of which thoy complain. Four million voters unltod in a common cause, and seeking tho triumph of a common prin ciple, aro capablo of accomplishing anything. Hut thoy must bo united, thoro must bo no divisions among them, no quarreling ovor potty Issuos. Tho groat objects for which they strive must bo first aohlovod, and minor dlfroroncos notllod afterwards. What oaii bo moro Imttortant to tho furmor than tho caiiHoof his own Independence? This re demption from his slavory to tho monopn Hoi that havo wrotiKod him no dooply, mid robbed him ho thoroughly? Htato and Fin! n nil legislation cau bo ho thoroughly controlled by this powerful army of ototf, .that no unjust ar buriloiisom law can bo onauted to their dladimitai). Tho reptal oftlioHonf wliluh they I'ompl ilu can boof-I'-Milotl. And tho pasiio of mich as run uet'tisary lo (ho lutiiitiimltiii of mi era of Jiibikoiind itiiillty Nouurod. It will liuu gmat nml glorious rovolutlon. And It Mill bo pcnrofiil. 'J hero will bo no Mrlfu; no blood bhctl; no ruined homes; no Ntnrviiig willow s and orphans to out tluilr rejiroiiolioi upon tho moil who undorlauo tho chiiimo. On tho contrary, tho ouumleH of tho peoplo will bo thoroughly tlnloalod in u quiet mid luvixlblo tumiiiMr; mid llio fewer of llio inon opollsta will bo uo tliorotiKbly broken thi.t they will no longer ho able lo opprimnnd urlud tho poor, or tboso los fortuuato than thoiusclviiH. Tho pocr of bringing nbmr. a dlll'oreiit condlllou of all'tlrs Imlng t tins hu cured lo tho f irmors, it bccomcn n hdIoiuu duty upon tholr purl to usu it. In doing ko, thryiMii liuiieltt not only iliriimihv, but tho onllro nation. 'lhopi)('rolihoiiionoH lists to opprosH must bu broken; mid thoy otu break It. They oun rid tho country of the t;n.it our.su that has bom tovlng It for n long. Hut, In onlorlo accoiuptUh nuj ihlnj;, the fanui'iV xnto miut ho ca hh h mill in latorol tho imMturiw tUtiirril, autl of llio men ehoatui lo carry Into e.ecii'loii tLcao iiUHUiu, llhhorlii UiIh oto has bpon di vided, mid llio inouojollhtu liatolHl.iu nd vmitiiKU of this division to Malen their yoke upon (ho nation. Let llio fiirmora now com bine fir tho noiotiipllihmeut of thn cmU thoy havo In view, mid (horn will hn thou minis nfiotcs thrown with tlit'in by tho out' slilo publlu, who IniMi a common Itilcio, t with tlu in; mid Mimm Is cvitulii. Hy pre senting as koIIiI front all over tho Union upon question vital to (hem, and by nctliiK 10,01111 man lu (ho hour of coutlict with tho enemy, thumiucebsof tho farmora movement will bo as certain as (ho rUlug of tho sun. Tho be-d. opportunity ever prmentt'd to tho American tanner, of combined and cm r getlo netlou In bcihalfof their rights, is held nuttotheui nt prosont by tho order of the Patrons of iltisbuulry, an orpuiUa Ion which U tolng to Mtuk tor tho good of tho whole country, Mr. K.lllor, hoping that you will excuoo thU lemtthy article, and glxu It publicity In Mitir Miliiaolo (Mpor, which wo aroidwaja ready to welcoiuo to our iliMilllmjH, I loiiialu thti Uiauera' friend. J, S. Stilu 1'okln, W.T Juno 6,1877. Coiubluntiou Cflobrntlon. Tho citizens or Sclo and JelVii'sou will uiillo temiison thn Fouith of Jul , at UreonN Forrv biblmi and celebrate tbo day with it royal lMsl:tt plento and tin iiku.i1 amount of spvaklng, music, oto. Tho following persona upptsir lu the prot;miitiui. Prcolilctuof tho day, Jacob Conbor. Orator, Dr. K.J. IUiuid. Header of Declaration, F. P. Jones. Chaplain, Hay. S. Miller. Oraud Maruhal, G, W. Jolnuon. TIikiiuinIo will bo furulshod by the Solo and Jetl'orsoti Hrass H-iuiU. Thono who wih to puss, a pleasant dsy upon tho lovely hanks of tho awiarolllug Santltm, nro invited to bo ptcsfut. Greenbaolt Efeotlac. Them will Itui mooting of llio citizens of Monmouth nml vicinity, on Saturday, Juno 30th, at ouo o'clock r, i., for tho purporo of forming it "Oreotibjck Club." Hon. N. L. llutler will bo present to sddroa thOii aemblod. upon tho UnaurUl quratlons of thoiUy, Uverj body lutorwtod U united to altoud, WILLAMETTE Lewis .County, W. T. Thlnkiogsome of your roadors would bo Intorosted to learn of tho agricultural advan tngoaorLowitj county, Washington Territory, and especially tboso who havolatoly Imnil I'ratotl to fits slopo, I venturo tbo follow ing: Tho section of which I particulaily wrlioimioar tho cetilral part of llio counts, In tho vicinity or, or not dhtant from tho Northern Paelllo railroad. Tho best land for cultivation 1j river bottom land, uU of which requires clearing. Tho growth upon this kind or land consists principally of soft unplo, yino maplo, ash, ultlar,cultt!m, nod oi'fitloual codar, or fir, In fact on sonio lands tin-growth or fir mid co'lar Is considerable. Tho Nowaukum ritor which moaudora through quite u portion of this county, al though quito a stream In winter, noer dunugos by ovorllow. Thoro aro occasional s'roains llowlng Into tho Newaukum river addlug to tho convenience If not tbo fertility of tho lands through which they pass. To delineate moro oloarly tho general appoar anco of tho country of which 1 spoak, I will say It is, generally speaking, heavily timber ed. Tho best lands aro ownod olthor by roBldonts, who always wclcomo now comors, or by speculators who years ago thought of making a good interest on tholr invostmont, nut who, I oan safely say, havo bean disap pointed and now after having paid taxes on their land for years aro offering to sell for from threo to Ave dollars poracre; thoso are faotsof which I am well acquainted, thoro being several hundred acres of such land as I havodosorlbod within threo and four miles ofNowaukum town, on N. P. It. It., and now oflerod for sale at prices above namod. Thoro aro some exoollont tracts of land which labor or capital or both would con vortlnto valuable grain and hay farms. Comparatively speaking of tho total oroa of tho country, good land well looatod with reforonoo to market is not abundant, but tboso living on tho lino of tho N. V. It. It, havo cortalnly advantages whloh fow loca tions rival with every prospeot of improve ment. Thoro aro several boautiful prairies. tho largost ot whloh Is tho Cowlitz, whoro aro oxcollent farms and sovornl ontorprlslng and successful farmors; the soil Is good, loca tion fivo or six miles from railroad station, Ah in all countrlos, so horo thore aro farms forsalo, not only pralrlo farms but farms whloh havo been uloarod along tho river, and In my judgmont offered low, and yot I do not wish to onoourago auy to oouio horo who aro afraid ofthoforcs's or tho loll uecersary tonubduo them. Of markots cattle aro vory low, noyorn a better time to stock a rami. Produce mar ket Ih good, liuttor l-i S." routs per pound. i:KH inio not been below 18 cents por do.en ami nro now 20 cents per dozen. Ii was upon such laud us I havo doscrlbetl as rlvor boitoiii laud (hat tho who it furnished from county to tho Centennial Inhibition was grown. Tlio average ylbld on biiua luuil l.i from 18 to 15 bushels to llio acre; hay two to Ihrco tons per ncro. Persons who wUh lo purchaso laud In Lewis county will do woll lo unqulM of James T Horry or tbo County Auditor, loo itod at CholmlU Station, Lewis county. it. j. n. Norlhainplon, Mass,, Juno 14. An oyn wltucaH deM-rlbes the Kceue: Tho Ilauip ahlru superior t'tiurt lud Just adjourned and there were many loams on the roul loading t" llailloy ami Aiuhcr.t. Suddenly the mot violent galu ior known lu tbo county j)riing up awninpiin'od with hail. Pconlu ia middroio ti).in the brltlgo for ahelier Irom i ho storm mull it company of tlltrcn porioii. wiuo lKiiiMth Hid roof of tho bridge, suddenly tlio houy tlinbors begut to creak and Inn M'cond llio Mrucluro was rulsrd bodily lu tlio nlr mid hurled with Hdeafun lug crash Into tho river below. It was com. plottjly demoll iheit by tho tall. A gang of tutu dam iIiim plant liiuneili ttely wcui to tho if'cuc. Tho Hi m. body removed was Mrs. MiHltu, of llmll y, l)rui-ctl tuitl crushed ImioiidncagHiiiiiii. Suerlll' Cool;, nf Had bv. w,s vory hfinrt'lv bruised, and will piulMbiy die. O sir;o II. Nnilth, or lliiill-y. t.i.d W. W. SiiiIlI), or Aiiiht.ru, ircelvcd h"ilniH Ii Jul its, bm will recover. O iarn weio (Hkeu nui ellve nod uninjured. Man's Manm-.iis Pollleneea Is to a man what beau'y U to a woman. It croalts an liiNtantanenus lmprrikloii lu his bel'ili, vxhllo the oppodto quality xercl.st nsquluk u ptrJudiiMiinhisi Dim. Tim pilltlolan u ho has this mil mirago easily illstmicra iilltlmrl. val caudlilatcs, fir every voter hn speaks with bd-oiiiMlnMHtilly his friend. Tho very tones in which IioiisWh lor a uu'.oh to Unlit hixclitar, aro often moro potent than tliosoof a Webster or it Clay, Pi'lMituI manners has nrniu made bun duxU Miccosaful, while the bast or men by (heir hardut t-s and coolnens havo douo them-i-elvos an IncalculabUi inury,lheiliell being an rough (hat tho world could not believe that thorn was a preolous kernel within It. Had Italeigli never (lung down his coat In tho mud lor tbo proud Kll.beth to walk on, hla career through Urn would c nicely havo btcn worth recording. Droves or men bav-H Uen hiicMtHsfiil In Hr, by pleasing marnera nloiiH. It Isa trait orobaraotor well worth cultivating. Never forget tho valuo of true olvlllty. riRU A V 1IARRISQURQ. A corroMondoiit nmds us tho psitleular ofthe burning of the drv-hnuhe or DoticUa A Canter at llarrUburir, on the mornlmr of tho SUt, which aro contained loan exiiaofthn Xiicleu. Tho building was worth I00, and lit 000 Tvet of lumber, worth about fJOO. all of whloh was consumed. It was prob.tbly the workofau luceiidUry. u Uouto. Yesterday tho steamer Dakota silled from Sau Francisco for Victoria, having on board tha following persons hound for Portland: D. S, Alex uulornud wife, Senator SauUluirv J. It Jack jo it, Sanator Morton and wire, O. T. Morton, OeorgoISurbduk,SeuVorMe.Mul Imiaud wife, I mac Kinsley, I). L. Klnlov, I). L Stophous. Jacob Itower Mls A. Kills. uud IS lu the stcarnse, Uoolij Prctoutml. II. A. Johuou, P.,q yesterday pronotl to (ho Llnrary at iho Peniteii'Hrj , fotir lvrgfl MilunbUreliloiu vvoiLs. Tho hooka, wero ltuichaacd from tho proceeds ol a l.at colltcdou taken up on tho tump meet bRRroundsat Dalits; Us'. Si; unit v. To. vtotUsnroluierotlu?. and u valuablo a.till. I tlou to tho library. FARMER IMPOETANT GIROULAB. Poiitland, Juno 0, 1877. Wo contemplate exhibiting at tho Twelfth Industrial Exhibition, to bo held nt San Francisco during tho mouths or August end Snpiomborof tlio current year, n collection ol Oregon Products similar to tho Centenni al Exhibit, which has proved so much credit to our State, huiI respectfully request your ii-tlsinncoiu lids undertaking. A on nro no doubt nwmool the tact, Hint our neighbors in (UliinrnliiHrH doliitr much liilury lo our State by Impressing upon lntouumir urogon Imnilgranis their trroneous Ideas of tho ro sources and cllmato or Oregon, thus deter ring them from coming here. To meottheso unreasonable prtudico,ItHcoms to m?,thoro ti ill Do nothing moro t llectlvo than to place bnloro tho people of California a completo collection of tho varied products of our Stato and to hUow that they nro urn quailed auywhoro Should this moet your vlow?, I would re spectfully rtquost jour readers to send us specimens of grains and grassos in sheaf, vonetablo, ilax, fruit, wool timber and artl dim lniinnlnr.tiirntl from them. ArtlnliiH Inft nt nnv railroad station, nd- dressed to tho undersigned, will bo forward ed froo of charge. Any rcatonublo exponso incurred In collecting and packing Bnmplcs will bnnaid. As tho exhibition opens on the 7th day of August, it is desirauio mat arucioa iniennoa for exhibition should reach Portland before July 31st. Fruit will bo received after that date and sent to San Franolsco on every stoamer during tho continuance of tho Ex- uioition. very itespocuuiiy, P. 80HULZE, Land Agont O. A O. H. Co, An Old Folks' Surprise Party. Yoetorday one of thoso pleasant little inci dents occurred that wo like to place on record: Mrs. John O. Wright arrangod an old ladle's surprlso dinner in honor of Mrs. Lucy Wood worth and Mrn. Elizabeth Smith. The former lady Is tbo mother-in-law of Mr. John Berry, and Is vlsltlug at Mrs. Wright's, ana soon expects to return to mediates. Mrs. Woodworth Is only 76 years of age, but old age sets lightly upon her brow, and care seems to have taken Its flight from hervloln Hy. Mrs. Ellzaboth Smith, tbo mother of Hon. Frabrltus it. smith, lias just ceieoratou hor 01st birth day, and looks as if she might survlvo 01 years longor, so halo and hoarty is she In action and appoaranco. Mrs. Woodworth net oxnootlng visitors herself, was inducod to "fix up," to rocolvoa nolghhor who had boon Invited to lunch with Mrs. Wright, but whon tho old ladles of tho city commoncod dropping lu byonos and twos, mid tho elogaut parlora of Ex Mayor Wright's was goltlng tolerably woll flllod up, sho "ausplclonod something" ami sccoptlng tlio situation rocolved hor visitors with nil tho statoly stylo of yoro. Among those present were Mrs, Hobort Kinney, Mrs. Teresa JefTros, Mrs. Sarah Harry, Mrs. Phorno Prlngle, Mrs, Darodaria McFarlanti, Mrs. Kalherlno lUchmmi, Mrs. Mary Taylor mid Mrs. Ellabeth Patterson. Tholr iigos ranged from CO yeaM up to 01, mid such a real good, jolightful, motherly looking parly was novorsueu InSalem bjforn. A number of other ladles worn exported but sent regrets or woro out of tho city. Ono old lady ngetl 72 was ab-ent on her " wedding trip," othorwlso Bho would huvo bieu there. Mrs. Wright fpread nu eleguut ltintih and when tho Indies were m atotl at tho tablo nml tho tea poured out, fuu communcod, such htorleawero told, such romluocnncra woro brouglit up, hiiuh tixporlnnreHof liuigsyni nartii'.ed that It would havo did tiuyono Rood to havo listened to them. Hut vim In'ivo lo Im initiation ns to how thoafternrtiii whs pasinil In s'jflal ohlt-chut mid only add that Mrs. Wilglit must feet amply repaid, her scheme having mot with hticti unhoiiuded sticctss. Front Mehama. Jiim: S0:h, li77. Tho nrrangemeut.s for ttio odieDratloti at this plsouurti baliu; mstlu for u Jolly tlmo. ThoSiaylon brass baud will furnish the luxtriimeutiil muilomxl Prot. D. C. Powell with his choir (ho vucal. A whole elk will be birb.icuod nml J, X. Smith will furnish tbo animal. Df. 0. 11. Hall will or.tto and W. V. Tilton will be (ho grand uilts'iiiI. Aprocutalou of wanou and liorHomoit will ottnio Irom Sttvtou hi Irnly ' Orl.uiUl " or " Pioneer My lo " I don't know which. Tlio minors from all tlio coups mi tho Uoptir Niniiim vi 1 im heie. I3iorj hojy will ho msUo vveluom... J.. I. IS. AUMhVn.i.1;, June 30. Atlla'overy has rt-cnitly been iimoo in ibis viititv , (hat may throw lluht on borne tiiinu'ri i.'ii ii.uo aip-.r"l mvstcrioii. Mv ntijtlitior, tlio widow lutl-, Vuiiid tlut Ii. r cows dli) uotglvn the iixiiitt ainoiilit lit mi k JiMint (he (lino lhi s'tniiit have givui must. On a t-rtuln nu ruin,', g'ltng out to milk, xli I mini k 1 1 . lil.iiuini. tin neighbor, him Jnsi tliiuh. iil.i. J lit.irju.r. Now, by whiti imini. i ii ii . nr lawvcra mil thUait, and what, p.iu'.. wiild itithch (o the tkoil MoitAl, Ho cartful how jou jtimuh 30iir ncur neighbor of milking yotiruuwH. W. Poutkii. State DoputUs Appoluted, lion. W. It. Dunbar, O. W. U. T., annoiin ctw the follow lug State Deputies forihiH car, viz: lUv. J. H. N. Hell, Ashland, H. 11. Allen, Kq , llaltoy; John Kirl, Salem; Mrs. V.. Iliixter, Forest Orove; Hon. II. Murium, Hlllsboro; Dr. J. Cast.', New Kra; Nat llol man, Dallas; W. S. James, Ponl.iml. Other appointments fir dlllnront locill'ls, will lo mitdnsoon. Dlstiiol Deputies of lnai jvar will continue to s.rve mull tljeli-Mio-cuM.otsaro named lu tint public prints. Tho MussenRor. Wo note that tho Mehsmer that timuirlit the IntalllgHiiiia fiom Ibo M-eno of the IiulUn truiiiiloa to Walla Walla, as pnril klieil in ihe Daily Hi couu yesterday, vhs William Io, Tina gentleman is well known in Ibis city, whoro he was for nt-urly two jestx, bar kHNper f.tr J. O. Adkluw, at the Idaho saloon. Hill U on "the light," Hint those who know him villi -XKiio ItHar soma uood Indian varus when this "cruel war la over," acd Hill gets hick to tho valley. Stoaiuor "Ohio." This light draught biat arrived hero last night about II r. t. She hail beou delayed by the extremely low stags of water on Ihe Upper Hlver, Capt. Scott states that he cau not fix any settled dates for her futuro trips until tho river rises. She takes down twenty Ions of Hour from Kluney's mill and fiftotm tons of freight from the Farmers' Warehouse. Her rudder was slightly dam aged by striking on a bar, but that his boon repaired. School Fond. H.venlly was publlhed In tho Daily Hhcounthe number of children In tho State btviesii the ages of four and twenty years. The amount to each ahlldoutof the common .'hool fiiiul interest is 4(3.S cents coin and IDS omits rurroiun-. making a grand total of fil,372 01 coin aad 9,S4tJ SO curreucy. WITH THEE. I'd rather walk through shower with thoo, Than with another when tho air Is soft with summer, and as fair Tho heavens above us na o ten Cf dim, tinfatbomrd sspphiro, where, Slow drilling on a liquid ky, Tho whllO'Salled ships of Qott ilent by. Sweeter In storm to bo with I lire, Dark waters 'round us, and the roar Of btenkors on an timeen shore Iteoundliig louder on tho lee, Than with another, falling o'er A rippling lnko, where angry ualo May never rend the silken t-all . W. V. Kllmorth in Senbncr for Jnnc. t'oiiulisjuid Colds, From Samuel A, Walker. Eq., Ibo well known ileal Estalo Auctioneer of Hoston. "Having experienced rosults of a snlisfac lory ohoraclor from the uso of Wibtaii'b Halham ot" Wild CinmnY, lu cases or se vere colds, during Iho past two years, 1 havo full faith in Its renovating powor. I was first iuducod to try this mediclno by the strong rocommondatlon of a friend, who was well-nigh gono with consumption, and. wuoso rotior irom tne uso or it satisueu mo of its groat value in caeos of colds and de cllno, and most oloarly demonstrated to my mind Its great vsluo as a restoratlvo, that only needs a fair trial to Insure a grateful recognition from the public." Sold by all druggists. Important to all Invalids. Iron lu Use Blod. The Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of Iron, strikes at the root of disease by supplying tbo blood with Its vi tal principle, or life element Iron. This la tbo secret of tbo wonderful success of thia remedy n curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dlarrhoia, Bolls, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Hu mors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Com plaints, and all dlseasos originating In a bad state of tho blood, or aocompanlod by debil ity or a low state of the system. Sold by all druggists. X". A. Smltli, .Vartlavt, Halom, Oregon, dealer In Htcrcotcopc and Btere rcoplc Vlowi, and Scone or Salem and tbo urroand lujrconntrr, Llfo.Blxo Photograph!, In India Ink, Oil or Water Color. sell RR P &HH aWcoktoAi ;rnta. $10 Ouflt Vw !UY, AuRuata, Maine. rJJ r 0 9 t I.I'.U.VICKl Dr. H. SMITH, X ENTIST, 8ALEM, OitKGON. Ofllco moved over IllfKYMAN IlltOS.' NEW STORK OIllco bourn from u a. in. lo 3 1', m. Salem Flouring Mills. 1I1WT l'AMILY KI.OUH, BAKKlfd EXTKA, XXX. 301'CUKIKIt AND tlUAtlAJI, MIDDLINGS, liltAN, AND BlIOitTS, CosiHruiiily ou Ilmicl. II1ionL X'rloo in O.A.BJHI Paid for Wheat O. KINNKY, Aatnt . if. M. Co Hept istr i:sr,tuMstii;o isss. Willainotto !Wuiserv a. W, WALLING & SON, ritnriiiUTORH. Oawoso, Olaolcaiuaa co., Orogon. WALL1NGTS PEACH PLUM, Tlio Italian Prittic, And the bct varieties of 11 It 111, l'ruuo, l'eacli, Aiplo, Pear. i'liorrs-, Nut and Shade Trees, IN FULL ASSOMMENT. Send for Dosoriptivo Catalogue. B. STRAXG Importer and Dealer la Improved Ranges, COOK. PABL0B, AND BOX O T7" And Manufacturer of Tin, Sheet-Iron & Copper AV A K E, Union Block. Commercial Street. SALKM OREO OX. IntcsrncTpuuLY infoim all mt olb rrUndarilcfUl!nirr tiat I have retnmed bul-n-i. and Invite the pnblle gntral'y to call and exam lue my utock and learn ct prlcet. Nov:l ISxICf 8. II. CLAUGHTON, TroT.nY 1MU1LIC, llrnl tate jRtsat. il and Collector of Claims, will promptly at terd to mx. bni-ntat eutruttiil to hla care. MaKlNQ I l'oit oace. XaobAuou, r-. ip i 1 1 II 4 j K V i . -