Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 29, 1877, Page 5, Image 5

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    'Siispr-' rt
I. 0. Q. T.
Grnml Olllcc'r.
o!V. O.T.-W. U. Uunhnr. Sllvcrlon
O. V. l). Conn Mr b. O. McClubrr, Kurcco City.
(, W. V. T.-donuna l.ylo llolla.
U.8e'y-T. 11. Crawford, rorllainl.
O. a . Si c'y I. Siaum, .Monroo
O. Trca. Kiutnt Ki'llojr, l'ortland.
O. Ult.ip. Iter. J. It. N. llcll, Afhlaud.
O. Mar. J. V. Htr.mp), Itiwcliurff.
(). I). Mar Annie K. Undi'riwiml. Cottago Clrorc.
O. Giurd Mary Cartwrljiht, Tho Dalles.
O. Sen. T. V. Ilarton, Amity.
O. Mum. IV C. . Flr-hcr, Stayton.
l'. O. W. 0 T. Tllinnii Kuril, Salem.
Supt, Juvenile Templars Mr, it. K. lloitcr, For.
on Urovo.
Stuto Deputy ;. AV. fl. T'h.
Itev. J. It. N. Holl, Aeh.aud.
Win. HiUf-ell. Wotton.
Cnpt. O. 0. ApplojjAto. I.lnUvIllo.
II. II. Allen, llaluy.
T. II. llatidley, lllllsboro.
AeoBhrcro, Unlla.
II. V Orubbo, Wilbur.
Wm. Orant. Lebanon.
Itev. J. W. Miller, Dallas.
ltov.J. 8 McCain, Kiitfcno.
Wm. Ilarmou, ThulNllet.
Wm. l. Cartor. orvallls.
W. 8 James l'ortland
L. J. ltousu, fltnnmcrvlllo.
II. K. lump, Independence
W. 8. McMeen, Canyon City.
T. II, Crawford, l'ortland..
V. It. Fox, Ajtorlo.
I Hurt, Crcswell.
J. a. Ilonstmi. Junction.
Itev. It. 0. Jenkins, Monroe.
C. II. Walker. Artnrin.
II. N. McKlnney, UakerOlty.
Lake l). Wolfard. C'umillloOlty.
4. A. Mathews, Looking Glar.
L. 0 Fisher, Stayton.
Ilov. K. Hayes. Ltfirondc.
W. II. Llvorninre, St. Johns.
A. M. Allen. I'rlmirlllo.
Her. J. Curto, New Kra.
Dlatrlct Deputy G. W.O.T'm.
W. T. Itlches, Tamer.
W. II. O'Donald, Portland.
J. 8. Cockclroast). Itoiebirg.
II. W. I.ako, Kaulo Creek.
James ColTey, Salem.
Jamta Krwln, Fort Klamath.
Hon. ,T. A. I'rartt. 1'endlcton.
L. II. Itoyal. Albany.
A. .1, uariow. wnriwriKuk .
Mrs. Anna W. Spencor. Gardner.
J. I'. Tuppcr. MarthfMd.
K. K. Fannliir, lllllsboro.
(leorco llolninsor. Union.
E. L. HchlctTeMn, llnck 1'olnt.
MrT. M. J. Thnrn. Oanynnvlllc.
lt.J. Jtallcr, l'eiidlotofl.
1). A. Illttdon, Trent.
Mibortllnnto Lodged.
A'o. Kami. Lodge Dqtuty. Atltlrttt.
. Excelsior W II Carter.... Corvallls
in..WesternStr V M Wadwortli Albany
11. .Capital HcoA Mm. ,VH.'iM'"!
ia..Miillinmiiili Inlin II ()arrlson.....I'otlNnd
lT..UIIIlion H Humphrey HIIIb;ro
S...I.a Creole l"'; ". l'
3H..S Iver KO Kaius by.. Sliverton
S..Iliii Kmlly M Vnndirvcit... .Salem
.ti).. Astoria T.,,0r1A.l'1S'","AV1,r1m
4t..Miirnliibtar MtM8Jllnrilsou,llui;iiuIHn
n-Mnrlon.. (I. W.DImlck ...I uhhard
oT..MIlwnUo I tui l-ncker h. I'ortlatd
in..Fi"inialn Wl VllllaniMin..K.l,orl.ou.i
TL.Vnl Fnntis J K I'Civltl .en
l..Jiilm Jy rt V Thnnips on... Canyon Cltv
M..Ninpue(l MihTVHunrn...Wiloml
ill. .I.HII0 Star W A Mill hkaiim
(IT.. Ultra Montanu....Wni lU'iltii IlnkiT tltv
101). .Marshal I.uo'an i:voret8....:l'rn.llctoM
11 Hrnnklyn I inu,n.y.cflrwr...U. l'ortland
llrti'.-iliurldan Til Falconer Sheridan
120 nmcu IameTl,hltwooI..Ujmac
inn.. Purest (Intve r Huron! roreurun
W hKbU I' A Kennedy sprlncdokl
lM..Vnllcv. I'TMarr.... ......... .llalsty
KH'.Uurel 1' 1 l'lmer HcotMiunr
nSr.Kclfla H milliard.... CotUsoGroTe
ll. . Mount l'laant...Johu l'olty triswell
185 Kail Creek O W N"1 Dexter
D..Grand I'ralrle 1 V 'Hand I'WllS
ll..Ashland A U llclnian..........Aihlai d
10t..KUmth J?mM Muo....tort KlamMh
im..ii,i.Ii W 1) nUinrvtt balem
1Q7..hiIt!n Mrr il uuiivr it-ii
lM"l.ookinic l 3 IIIUrtln....Lookluir t.l;
a).. Tangent llanuer...J J Hoanl. .lan.?c'";
5ll..fort1and MnjOACoburn.. ..I'ofthn
J01..1)rliL:xnt HI ! V,Vl ii
all Oclmco rol,,Wr .V,.,,.,,t7i1.'0
3l3..l(uvhitl Janus lnntKiii..I'ralrlolty
aii::i.land Holurt Kakh ..Urlon
317..(lolieu I llniiiltikfr klini
all. Cn. ".....il W Catc!lrB....Canyonvillu
9111 iVlvrilo..". ..."!..' l 8mllh...V. .Jljri(oCrek
a-..Marhnel.l V V rt Crsln M;rhllrM
a-W..Onward J W l'ropst. AlW
a..IMCnok Iiiilf ?.ulr'' if IV,''1
!tXI..MViet lloin.' ;narle l.'rart Sweet Homo
ati..KKW Creek Ji.l.n Vancun n Kla',K!'K
ail...l i: (Milam l'lnt Hoik
alt Dlll'once SI' (I irrltfiie Ileppm-r
alL.Criwfor' 111 o ...Itohert Ohs..Cwronlsv a
"Vl'ltrownsYlllo W Stani'd.... Hniwiisvlllo
S?l "nter. ........0 K I'rrlli Urowinlllu
i M.iii.ik". ...... .H Il llanlUty.... Mohawk
9M..Hjcncr Croek....J A IlixUen ....bpeurerLreeK
M Monroe I.J Hlarr ....Monrou
UM Woodburo USD. nmy Ufmelmin
Cry il " Wllmot. lleaverion
ss2ii!M' vr,rfeV.i'r:"::::::: iiJ Z
aftll'jrHdlso'Si.rini'.C ' ' llni'ord ,K. l'nrltaiul
8iW Jark..nvlll-. . ". . . VK"; nler lacksonvlllo
10. .Mill Cru W M I'liaudler r.Uiorn
8TI. Ub Creek Iiei.o WillUw........ Ila'wy
"71..1ti)-ui Itlu-r Tho IHymnnd i.oilvll j
3 .1 r.llu noma Smith.. Corm-llu
377 oriiiti II It lllackwell....,...;nlt er
STrt. .Mll.lcma Mury It Smith Mr.hfl..t
i ii..m.,u.iul Ktlilllutiuell -nniner
Mi'cinvd'and KM Gaul... (f.ant
j. Li. ..: ..V .T 1. U'lMiT hl'llo CllfK
3-I..WlllUiuCriH.V. I F Hartley iiVt'l!',:?t?
s.-r7..Ui dance John 4HI.. ...... ...... J !'
3-iS.,'.ant lllll Moc oo.lwfcrd.... n
!W9..MflMlin.v llo Kmll Tlml-I Mr.Mlniivll -
S1..U Own M I A WcWhniti-r....UriMli
.Jl..Stimmrvlllt J II Utnhait....fuiuwervlllti
2-rl..I)uiili4r ...N' l'1"1 '.T,?,a ' "vo
91..l'HiloiiMlli Wm Hanle.s I'MlnuwIU
S-ll.-New B" r 3 ylo ,w,'iH
83S..Lowi-rMuUlU Win lUmllum ""
2"..l.,anby,. Wm Knbh ....Cauby
2U7..Pore.l Creek L. O.Uty App'drslo
lKW..IUttIesnak! II W Pulley T"-
W. U. Punbir, O.W.O.T., hiw announced
the followlriK State Deputies commlsutontd
for tbo present Urand Idpeyenr, tU: Cart.
0.0. ApplfRato, Llnkvllle; II. H. Allen
Halsey; Hav.JI It. N. Dell, Aahland; Wm.
Russell, Weotonj John l. Karl, Salem; Mrs.
M. K. Hoxtur, Forest Orove; Dr. J. Casio,
New Kra; Nat Uolman, Dallaj; W,H. JamPK,
Portland; Hon. U, D. Morgan, Hlllcboroj
Iaalah Hurt,('ro.wall. Othor appointment
will bo nnnotinwd as aoon DMrlctaart.
herd from. DUtrlct Ih-put lea of last-Hr
will conHnue to fcervo uutil their aucccs.ora
are appalntod.
know W. L. Wade, at the North Salem atore,
don't need to be told that there la no belts r
man In bu'lnes, and thoso who don't know
him can -find out much to their advanlape
by glvlmt blin a call at the brick atore, oppo
aite,the Woolen Factory alte. We doubt If
any middle man ' ever bed more friends
than Lincoln Wade.
WM On llllli;M.HJlHI..,JllvrlH
Vu... iri.ln.jlalll. 17AB.I.t
..Hnton w" !iricT tr::lwr
viin . r v iinosari iwkiuu
,...' V'l.. !... flu.t1l .PsttlUrilllli'ri
In.ll A ILTltlkH . nillllV
1I Vt Union David Uwn.....yMt Union,
S . 'I rlumph II Wll "am liid wydww
3..i.o l Win. I'erry ;(lJ.rv?u
in .Thi K.r.V Mor Imn ... m'i-nify
2SI..D0l'rl;f0eK rIl trRitrru...."-v.....t
lu nSklnii.! M A Wallaro......... '"Wa ;.
9-tl-llnwell l'Mlne....J4. A. My.. . Howell I'm jo
no, K........1.I.. V I.i urni'd M. Jo'n
Tho foltoRlu? rosolullnns pse(l nr. tho
lat Stato Orango express tho fioltiiKS of pto
plo hi regard to thulr rights, which ouht to
bo rospautod If cotnpauku oxpect thoir pnt
ronnze: Whureaa, tho Supremo Court of tho United
Statin has in iunusiUo dcclatouHHtllrniPil
tbn light of tboptoplo, in liKWalloffinot
inents, lo delluo tho llnnlH of corpomtlvo
rlnliti nnd oxactloii!, plnulujr them wiilitn
tho purview ot h'gMatlvo bodies; therefore,
Dciotved, That this convocation horoby
r.xifiid Its UiankH mid (rrHtltudna to tint
mnmlwHOftholHMlOronoti Loslslutnru who
valautly fought tint lljht for thopeiijlo
nv;aliiht tho Locks Jlotinpolv, nnd ho ly
lf;lsltIon placed tho hiatus f tlitm corpoin
lion Mjunrtly within tho bounds of law.
Whereas, wo honr that the said Locks
Cotnpnny, noiwltliatandlni; tho matidatiw or
tho court and tho Jaw In rottard to tho tnat
tcr, i roslHthiK plain requlromontR, bv not
furnishing tho Canal CotuniUMoiiera with
llsMof frclf;ht, as therein required; there
fore, Itainl vod, That wo call upon tho said Canal
CflUiiiillotiera to vlunrouly assort the
rlKhtHOt Ihoproplo and compol a strict ob
hcrvancoofsald law, bellevlug its unlorce.
niutit Hit) only aafefiuard for roaaonablo
IrolKlita In tbn Wllhiuintio Valley, until tho
pfoplo through tho next U-glslaturo can
tntiroforolhly, and generally usseit tholr
Deaolved, That wo recommend a hearty
support of tho Companies that Imvo placul
boataon tho Whlatnetlo river, thentby io
duehiK rrolKhta to a reusouablo ttandard.
A trim (.sipy.
N. W. ItAMiALi,, Sco.Stato OMIlgO.
At a regular meeting of MoMlnnvlllo
OranRo, No. 31, I'. of II.. Juno 10, 1877, tho
following preamblo aud resolutions were
Whoreaa, tho W. T. A L. Co., whllo enjoy
Inn a monopoly of tho carrying trado on tho
Willamette and Yamhill river, oxaoted
from tho peoplo exorbitant rat on of frelaht;
and, whereas, tbo P. P.T. Co., In plaelmr
upon thoso rlvora tho atoamer MoMlnnvlllo,
have caused the roduotion or frolKht to fair
llvlnfcptlcesl and, whereas, If tho MoMliin
ylllo bo not austalnod, sho will suiror tho falo
or othor boats which havo dared to ctunpeto
BRaliiNt the ' old lino," and leave ua axaln at
tho moroy of a oulloss monoixily; and,
whorear, our morohantM, drtiKKlsts, shoo
dealara, blacksmiths, nnd others who seek
our pntrnuaac, lay upon their patrons tho
burden of transportation; nnd, whereas, all
perfons who plvo their Ireluht lo tho "old
line," whllo tho McMlnnvlllo Is ablo and
w IIIIiik to servo them as well for n reasonable
iMimpiMiMitlon, aro upward lo tho be'.t lnler
rsiHoftho ruriiilnj; community anil to llio
KMiieml piosporlty of thtieountry; thoreroro,
Iti-Holvod, That, other tlilima bhlnjr tqiial,
wo will withhold from miuIi pe rou our pat
roimx'i'. and give It to those who patronir.o
our lincri'Ms.
Itesolvctl, That wo will not support bv
our patroiiDRo sny piper which wo havo
ttood reason to believe 1 not In sympathy
with tin. Inilepouilmit lines and opposed lo
opiu('lo mouopolirH,
Kihul vod, That n copy of llitsn rosolutlnna
bo furnlsliKl the Wit.i.AMKrrr. Fahmku, tho
7c, aud YhidIiIII JtejtoUtr. for publication.
V. M. Otitis. Ch'n Committee.
Notes from Spring. Valley Grange.
Klslcr Hunt and myaolf mot by invitation
with SpriuB Valley Oranno, on Saturday
Wat. This Granjfo meets at Zena, Polk Co.,
In ono of tho best portions of Polk, aud for
orcharding tho country In not surpassed by
portion ofourStato.
On tho farm of Dro. Toller, I saw many
lino old plum trees tweuty-flyo years old, in
IHirfeat hoallh, and ho baa a laro orchard of
pruuos aud neaoh plums. Tho peaoli plum,
I am torry to say, seems to bo short lived.
Whllo many or Dro. Toller's peach plums
wtruappareutly healthy (h laro numbor bore
slpns of speedy decay, aud his treos were na
yet only front Ihrco to four years old, and
ho has lino r.ltintlou for tho plum. Tho
leach plum paya firsettltijr, nevertheless, ns
It bears heavily while living, many of tbo
trees bearing tho hfcond year after planting.
Wo stopped over nielli with Dro. Tollor,
aud tho next day ho led tho way to tho
firntiKd hall, where wo found u i;ood turn
out. Dro, Olbfon, Master of this Grange, is
n very elllclettt ilaslor. Dro. White lun
slilo Ovoister. Dro, Plerco la riecrotary,nnd
his rrport wm a modtl ono, Mha L.J,
Wajker la Cores, Miss Sarah Gibson, I'otno.
tiH, and Mrs. Teller Is I'Jorn. It is pleasant
to mo it Clmnxo as well olllcered as Is Hpilu;;
Valloy, end ro ell onlerril. Atriont; the
vinl.ur-i uoilcid Dto, unil Slbter Claik,
Dro. Clark was oallotl on lo ixtmpllly tho
uuwrClon work, nod did o in an able inn li
ner, and hi remarks for tho Rood cf the Or
der who !! revolted. An nddress ias
read by A. W. Henry, on " Chinese labor,'1
whleh uoiilalued M)in valuable hints, iu,it
was rather nrifrlnal. I was ordered s-ni to
lite lrAit.M)tlt for publication, hl-ier Hunt
ifhpouded in a very etlluient tmniicroo ihe
practical duiies of ins(iib"is of the Ordir,
and a. I'Oimratulated on her im)irneuiiint
In i.u'.'llo siieaklnit. Taken altogether, it- Is
nlea.aiH to visit lo vllt pilnj Valley
Grangeat least wo found itn.
U. W. Hu.sr.
Minm:ota Ciiikk.Wo call attention lo
thWTtireidilnt; nnuliltio, ntfirod forsato by
Mr. M ore, or Alt) toy. It Is said to stand
a, tho head or the list In tho Western States,
and must possess peculiar virtues, or Mr.
Monro would not havo coma expressly to
OroKon to attend to Its sale, lie Is confident
that it will become a favo;lto with Oregon
farmers after they have expsrleuco of lis val
ue and workluK qualities.
FnuiT-DiiYiNO. Thoro is to bo a fils frn t
crop the present year and all who will have
f tilt lo dry should be making preparations.
Plummor has his dryers all sizes and prices,
from $75 to fGOO, and his machlues manufac
ture a dried product fully equal to any
made, which Is provou by tho fact that the
dried fruit made by them commands the
highest price.
Foiinituub. John Oray, opposlto tbo
Dink corner, Salem, keeps a good stock of
all sorts of furniture and boddltiK, and m
be p.Ud to show his goods to all those wish.
lot; to puruhaaa. Mr. Gmv Is a pleasant aud
reliable man to deal with and will be glad
to see you In a n loudly ay.
Intelligence rt ached fit- city yesterday of
thedeatn of John M. Ki ree, formerly of
Salem, lie died at Petiluma, California.
Roiercos' Silo.
"TT,CB Isl.crel'yplven that hy Mrnmof nmnder
x nruic virciui oun ni 'ne Miie or iMovon or
l nrniciirciui nun m wie Mute or iMouon or
ho run lynf Marlon, nindo on the 33th day orJii(.
V. I). lSTi. iilrvctlm-rt saloef er iiln te.l eM! ''cro
naner iirscrlboil, vnlrli said r t smk l ,r tsljrrt
nlniilt III partition In sild ur un rnurt lictweni
iieiiri-u A. mich rt nil oincrii. iniiniins. ami cii'ni-. i ah
dcrson and others. ri'Ieliilnlit. the n.iderslKiml, II
11am Waldo, W II. MeCnlly. ami V It Smith, red
eeillily appointed uy onior oi rnlil ilnu't ro'irt to
lusko pnrtltlun of sal J resl o'tnu. ,i ,t iic o'clo k
In tliaartvrnrimonsvitiiru'aytniiasriut.i)' cf Jnlv, i.
1). 1S7, at the tourt-'intiso Hor in Mler.i. Msrloti
Coanty, tlrcijon. proccciliosellut nnMir aiictlun to
tho hli:lift bidder for Bold i.ln of.tliu I.'nltril
Htitn 10 bu I'd on tno jy or c.. n'l ilie
rollowinjriacrlDcureatrsinie, u)rti':"MiuatelnMa
rlon l.'onntv. Stale of iirogoii. and 1. In.- n ilnrt i.f n..
Dointlon liind eUliu f N W. I olncll, In srrtlnns n
and 31 In T. 7 e. 11 3 W. of he WllLiinelte Meridian,
and (!cctlbed ns follows, to wit: INimmeiicliii' Jl n
point en the swuo rosd lea tine from Silcm in Allium .
nt the S. K. corner df n pleio oi and owned hy John
Crltn. riinulnK thence S. - 14. no mln W at'-ni' silil
re.ld 7 elialns to thoN. K corner nr tho Odd Fid.
lows' ltnral Cometeiyj thenca westerly atunir the
North lino or said leinelcry, Sil clrilns; thence
Month with tho Wcwl lino of said remitcry aivl
chains: thenco N. 71 dejr. 30 mln. Y. 1 1.81 chains;
thence North 1.1.S0 chains; ihcr.ceN. 71 ilc. no tnln.W .
15 uO chains; thence N. 37 tWg it, .'I II chains tn u
point on tho Hnnlli bontidary lino of Him land of Abra
ham Mveri: tlu'neo Klstnlv with snlil tlnn in ihn
iilarom Ucirlnnlnfr. cnnttlnl it nlni ly-ol lit (iijincie
of land, tnoro or less." Tho mowing lU'i.s upon
inu saitt rem o-iiuu rejouiu iiii.iu-iitti, io wu:
balance el about four hundred dollar on a I'lnrtt'iye
In fsvor of Lewis Johnson en tin' iindlxUtrd tTH-l(l 0
thoreor bcloiiBliii: ti John U. WrlRht nnd Chnrlc
Uxifovairr, ixuntul nil or about tho iXlth day el
April 1873(0 srettro the pajment of a prcmls.oiy
ntitofor Jl4M.CiO 1th Interest lioni Cutout tho rate
of ono por con. pur month.
!. a mtirtuijjo In favorof Abr.cr Allen onthnun II.
culed mi or about tho int'iiliy nf.Mucn isil tusicure
the parment of n promlsnrv nolo 'or J0i.tO with In
terest from March 13th. 187J, at the rate of one iter
Cent, per month.
Haled at balcm, .vanon cnnr.ty, urciron, .Iiuio'J.tli,
1877. -WIubUM WAI.UU,
804 Id-forces.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY vlituo or two cxccstlons lamird cut of tho
Hounrkhlc, County lYnrt of the Stata of Oreirnn
lor the county ol Mntlon. in tli.i snth day or June,
1S17, both acalnst James Mitlhee, il-fi uOsnt, tho ono
In favorer 11. V. McCanlcy, pulntltTj for thu sum or
to hundred and clhtyel(ht and ttvim iUUn U. M.
Koldculn, aud thirty-lercu and fn ton dollars costs,
toxcthcr with ono per cent, per month interest ami
accruing costs; tho othor It. favor ef Terrell X Oil
llnuhAm plalntlir, rnr IhO sum or one hundred and
fifty tbico dollars add twenty-flvo and M-1W dollars
costs, nd tsn percent, per annum Interrstand accru
ing costs; 1 have h viiil upon and will sell at imhlle
auction on HATUUDAY, tho 28th day of JULY,
1M77. at 3 o'clock p. m si lliu court house il'mr, all
thu rhht. title, slid lutcicst ef Hit raid Jsuu Mcdheo
In and to the lolliiwlnii-descilhetl ptemlses, to wit
lltn.. I.. II M If ttVV kli.l III !... nt f.. lntn..
iuii4,i .. ,..,,..., .. mm .... .... in ..in, it'll
county Orecon. coinmciio'nerat IheN. Vt, cottier ef
the hid owned by lln-iiiir, hdrs, und Uamphull, from
which ciirmrn tlrSOfiiihot illin,u'ir bears S. ti do
SO mln. K. CI link dlflartj thence N. HVSJ iVg V.
P.lW chains; thcuriiN .1 fiOclialiisi thence .n, MWdi-g
V. e.vi chains; tliuici ri. in ill-.- v. tiv.1 ctialiis;
thence H. alKil'V I!. :IS0 chilli.; thenca M. VO deir.
-I.'iliiln. W. illll) chains; thence H. M dec, K 13.4,'J
chains to thu llnohi'tAceii Jehus, I'des A i'n ; ihencu
N 37 do. It 17.11') chains to thu n-aci of beliiiilnu
roiitali.lnsr .'ilnn.t 1 1 KXI ncrct. Aim, t.nt No, f ur (I)
In Mod: Ne. ten (III) In den, II. JuntVnildlll'm In thu
rlty or Siloin, In M.ul"ii county nnd Mato of Uregnn,
asshnwu listiio rccoriU-fl platof raid aildltlon In thu
ItM-ordi'i's elllco In thu county or Marten nnd Ktatu of
Uncoil. J A. HAKKIt.
MioilfT ftiloii county, Oteitoti.
KuUitr, Oregon, June is. IH77.-lw
Book and Job Printer,
A.JKI XSoollliulvr,
Holman's 21ock, Old Sen aro Cham
bcr, O.Ucm.
neut or Now Tjrpvs, Cuts, ttu., to my already
rxtvuslvo Hook and Job OfUce, I nm new prepared to
do uny and all kinds of
Book, Plain, and Ornamontal
On Miort .Vol Ice, and at ftcuNOii
ahlu I'rlccN.
Slnck Ccrlillcaics a Specialty.
Itavlnu tho la'cert .nsnlincnt or M 'nlni Cerllflcate
lines ana cuts uiUi'tiil tn that klud uf wink of Miiy
O.l en In Orei'im. I am ironrcd tn externa order In
thu VKltY llGsT (tj If. In uny i.umhir of colors de
sired, and en stort nulloe,
Jultr Addnss A. I.. 8TIN0ON, k'alem, Or.
I'llEMIL'M 1MII) I'Olt
joiiiv wriiiBisRir.
.liino 0, lb77r.il SAI.KM.
and Threshers,
i;2:i'.-.m..v hicos.',
June liml SALEW
500,000 LBS".
Highest Market Price Paid
Juno 1-ul MALUM.
Highest Gash Price
"W o o
JTor Sulo ly
Salem, X ay 11, 1677. l&aj
wmtmmmmtmtmm wiiwiwiiwi i wirn ' ttntictMUMxvmwamtM
Salom, Fortlaud, Albany, Junotiou City, and Walla Walla
S':lu agknts fou
The following 1'IHST-CLASS Miii'liinorf, which wo tiro now rocolvlng for tho
Sonsoxi of 1077,
Both End and aido bliako Tight-Geared.
Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines,
T1G1 IT-n EAR KI J N 1 SI1AK10.
8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Horse Powor.
iAIauiifiicturcil ly
With Now and Valuablo
Haines' Illinois Hectdor.
Wrought. Iron unci Scrow-IIub Wheels, luljustnblo Iteol nnd Truss Frninc.
Wrought -Iron Combined Reapers and.
tf TTtwt tat-wn-r .t .f mat
Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers.
WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes.
Johnston Mowers, one size.
OojJLd.-VLGV or. 9 f
Furst &. Sradlcy Sulky Unkrs, OXHMVBNIfXAL Sulky nuke, Self Xiorap,
ho Dost la Uo. '
Tlilmlilu Miuln and Iron-axlo Framu, and R-'rclftlit 1Va(;oiiN, all hIzch
Newton 4-spring Hacks, iniido expressly for llio urcRon lUarkcl. M
aXTo-vcrtoaa. Threo-Sprlni;, l'latform Spring, and Hcroll-iprlm; X2Cncli.t nutl IlDIHlIEHy
GAi'dou Oity X2.o-xrm, 'x
IlnrriitVHiiiKl DiiltlvntorKt Jiirlen riiy Niillcy unit (Jiuitr IMnwm I'lii'inrrkiVrleiifl
4Ut, V IN IHIIf.l.H) Vhii Hriint .V llnil'o .miMTDIt llromt enl MCItUKtC und
(lUU'tVA'ieit) 'AI'ITAI. HIITIV.TOl"; 4 ll.VM.XJIt.XiM'.S
)iiriv.uii:s. i lie itit in i in- u'nriit.
I, re tli it nuil ICtililiur llllriN(J, .lliii'lilnii KxtniN, JluriMvarf, Iron, and Strol.
Vr- Hpeclal Circulars. Illustrnted, wl'h prices sent to any address, Ireo or choree. We aro MANUl'AO
TUltKltrt' AOCNTH, and wii.t. ski.i. at iicii-iiock I'liici.s.
ma7 KrontHt., P0IlTf.NI Commercial 81., HAI.FM: and Cheadlc's lllock, AlIUNV, Oil.
The Eest Bargains Yet.
Dry Goods,
I-,iulItH and Gent'
AT Tllft
YTAVivo irjuoiir oittiik i:stiiiu stock
ii or clothing und Dry (1 jod or a fnrcu
San Francisco,
I.e. tlnn actual in't of tiianufuctuiltii;, lam enabled
to sell my ciitlro s'.oik uf
Glothing, Oonta' Furntuhlng
Gooda, Dross Gotxln, Linons,
ParaBolB, Ruohing, Liuon
Oollart. and Ouila, Nap-
HatB, Caps, &.O.,
Lower tlmn any Ollior irouso
My stock or
I m X xxx xxx o xx m o,
My Prioes aro Low !
And Goods or tho IIHST material.
Call early, and Secure Bargains !
Gold, Silver, aud Currenoy, all
Taken at Far !
apJT OlllHWOl.h'H 1IL0VK, HAlKif.
Admiulitrator's Notioe.
"fOTICK U Uurfliriilvtn llit thu uodertlxticd ua
X UHVIl appUIIUt'U BUIIllllnifli'f I.f lliu vriiv v,
(Icorxo Jiirrcy. dccvaned, hy tho County Court of 11a
rkun county, ritale or Orrjtnn, and that all tiurrnni
!. ... -Il... a.a.lbt ntal.1 u.t tttm una riwi il I ril Irt fin.
'U fciailU ajillltl riA iwiv ww ivjmim 'i-
cut tho went), wllh thu prp9t vouihtt, to tloun.
limaQCtf, tUklnUmoatlifrom tliliditc,
Hw ' C. 0. KUNEV, Admlnlitrstor.
Wrou Rlil -Iron
J. I. Case & Co.,
Improvements for 1877.
Exterminator !
All others are Inferior Imitations !
Eiiitoih Itttrui. l'liiox: Drtr Hlr I luvo Jut
mndt an experiment with uitiund tolm for kill
lint Miiulrreifi. puttlnu out a can i arh of tho following
voIoiik! A can nf llnriioy'n, a (an of Htcolo'f, and
ncnnui iiiu ariiciu ruiu-n naKuluuH l.xtirinintlor.
Yotin. wry n-fncclfuMv. H. 1. Wnnnwiim.
lluywardu, April f, 1S70.
IV In purchailDK, raru rliouM bo ucd to order
T. A. iJAVCS & CO..
rOM'l.A.'t, WMttale Attiilt.
A HINOI.K TltlAI, ONIA" In niccnnary to prow lt
uurUr I'tllcUnry.
b. p. WAiFiLnr & oo.,
Imporlers of Drills and C'liuiiiUals,
n-im-t NAN I'ttANClNCO.
Tlio 1. I. T. Comiiany's
will lhavi:
L'vory Kltlll.W. ntnriiliii; on HA'lUltllAY,
I'OII . V'l'itN- 1m MOS'DAY and VIH.NfSK
l.; ri'luriiliik'nu I'UKhDVlH und 'I'llUltsDAYB.
Patrotiisso Your Own Eoat!
Protection siKiiliiNt eil;li Utile
Dealer tn
Crockery and Glassware.
Wooden and Willow Ware,
Tobaooo and Cigars,
Salem, April SO, 1675, din It
Stockholder Moating.
N'OT'Cl'. In Lifibr 1 1 you ilint thu Annual meeting
fi'Turour iii.rii? and Trinlui; Co, will runveuo
ii Tnr.Ji r fii Vnlin''iii hi- i,th diy of Juno at 10
tVltnk u. in. fur Hi iui of ihcilvx 1'lrvvtota
1 1 -I,,, .c.'ir 'Oili iiiimr luiUi-it may Uvally
.vmv b r ruili.i'i' itii'j.'.
lit iiuvr ur thu lliurd.
TUJtNEIt O.'u, May Slit 1S17. BecrtUry,
i inn can or whki'Ioom kiik a many a rtvrn or
llarui'y'ti rtitilrrcl 1'iilrau, and a many an ton rani1 of
StotOoV Hijutrril I'nlnni. Thinking tho rcnilt will ho
luto'i-rtlntr to ioiir rrnitrro. I utnil It forthoir hriirflt.
1 1
.:' '
aw ii iwwBiTii mxSMmMTiimuMm
". ei-vlf .
Jt '
!JK5 ' ' '?.--
. MMiMitt. iv '. 5.: ,.. ,e.
-,l ..A.-'
- (SjfmiitlSml9m!sit4t MiiittiWntf