S2gSSgK5JlKSl (...TarKrr-.f aif? JWW sr-wr3s oif .M Wr . 1 WILLAMETTE FARMER. 4 fiimj&nv&4&&i&8t&$etrsiS&Si i iu si i N, few; jjft WiWWWS IflSOKI) BVKIlV MllDAV, BV OX-A.XCJCX3 Ks OliAIG, I'UHI.ISIIKtlH AMI i'JUMMllr.TOIK. N. A. CI.AIIKK. 1. W. CJKAIC. Terms of Nulxrrlptloii. Ono conv. miu yonrlMnumbrriO Ono copy, fix month (U'l rmmbrriO (12. .Id 1.2.', Ono copy, thri'n tnnnttiK (1.1 nnmhtr) ..... SALKM, RKIDAT, Jl'NH 1!U, 1877. Tho Locks Law. Kn. ''AitMi:it: WIillu llio IaicUh Law w as poildliin boforu tho last IcKlMalurp, n IjrihI ofhtroil tootors woro busy Uufutnliitf Hh pro- vIhIohm and ropresonlmK tlia eontof tho com mission would bo ho Kroat an (o entrill n Krlovoim bunion of luxation upon tho pco plo; thiH claptrap may lmvolinrifcorno weight with thoso who woro not cotivoraatit will) tho Law, and It In for thin pnrpono that I (Ichiro to ontor Into Homo ilotnlli in oxplalnliiK tho namo nud tho benollcont riHiilU (rrowliiK out of it, but I think you could nomorocom proliormlvoly onlltrliton tho pcopio with rof orouco to tho subject than to publlnli tho Law ltrolf hi cxicwio, as It Is clear, Mirclnct, and ooinplolo, and not da no intorprotor to tho ordinary mind. Tho pooplo found ILpiiinoIvoh lunntrango prndlcainout by tho original onnutmont un dor which tho JjOcUh franohlHo was oroatod ; It was a Ioono, disjointed, and disconnected bunglo, inado purposely Indcllnlto and bo llovod to liavo boon connived at by ihoso at that tlmo liiftli l authority in llio aiTrtlrBOt" atato, who woro buslor prolootlng tholr In dividual sharo of tho upolla than tbev woro Vigilant In tho Interest of tho people; and when the lent legislature convened an act or oorporato auloldo had boon pushed an far as a pliant Dtnlrlcl Attorney could carry it, and tbo Htato waa only aavod from tho position of a coniHsntlng party to tho illilncorporatlon by tho notion of tho Hticcoodlng Dlatrlct At tornoy who irayorHod tho ground of IiIh pre dooossor nnd put tho Wlllnmotlo Fa I In Canal and JjOoUh Company In ftatu ijuu, leaving thorn thn ordinary motliod of dlnlncorpora tlon,HhonM thoy doHlro lo do w, without tho Hpoelal nsHont of tho Htntv. It la bellovnd by many good lawyorfl, that had tho crafty urhrnioof Ihorompany lieou carried through, that all tho moulod luturoat of tho Stain would burn bcon IonI to It; and that thn sue Connor lo tho defunct corporation would stop Into tho proporly without any of tho trnmmolH, restriction, or condition preced ent Imposed by tho original net. It doex not nood very deep or profound knowledcoof law to comprohoud why If A. and II. have tnado a covenant with eaoh other, of which ono baa buoomo tlrod and tbo other parly content! to a dlsaolutlonthat tho original oompaot fall to tbo ground this wn the Voalllon of affalra wbou the I.ocka Co. want ed to commit milcldo, and tho then district attornoy reprowntlng the Htati'n aldo of the compact wan consenting to tlio aot. Atanyrato at tho convonlng of tho last legislature any ono in tho Intorost of tho poo plo could plainly boo 1st, nu olfori; being made on tho part of tho V. F. C. it Ii, Co , to eccapo tho Imperfeully otiuinoratcd enac tion of tho original 1-ockn Law; t!d, it com bination of tho Itallroad Company, Iho WIN lamotto Falla Canal nnd Lock Coinpuuy, and U. 11. Kcott it Co,, who had pushed freights to an exorbitant rate In tho valley; 3d, nu nttltudo of mouaco on tho part of tho Look Co, toward any Independent boat which might CHxay to paxa through their prlvalo properly im thoy toriued tho IawUh Thunii precoucorlod iiu'iinunm on tho part of tho would-bo monopollMN had lo bo met and thwarted or ulau Iho pooplo would bo Hindu lo minor for tlitlr liidfU'oreui'o. Ah tho result of UiW condition ofulMlrH tho present Look a Law oamo into rxIsuuuH, it wih Intro ducetl by tho lion. M. U. George, and went through tho llory orilenl of debate and numerous re lure neon to oommlttun without adding In or subtrautlug nnythlug Irom tlio Hill us It utmo fiom his hand, AH of the oppoMllon that could bo arrajod agaliiHt It and tho inouopollbts were iwnliliioiia Iii hunt lug' up recruit wan drummed up from lopit'simUllvt'Mi'iiht of the mountain nud woutli of Lino county, whoso constituent urinuit thouglit to have so lively an Inter et In tho matter, end their rin.y rirfiic mio climbed to tho poraiuilvo Inllueuco of tho monopolist. Tiient w.n howover throa or four seuilo exoonllous lo this, where whUkoy, elgarn, nud agency relations at tached a few alley minion to the combina tion. 'lh.U "little buul" will have a lmtd tlmo of It In explaining their aotlon to their con stituent in any fitturo peoples' luquet over tlitlr doings, nnd wo nht.ll no further "ook their duinerlta lo disclose. " Ah a result of tho bcIIoii of a right minded nii-J'irlty, tho Locks law was oimeUd, and by ko overwhelming a vote In Its fitvor, that the (loeruor did not dare veto it, although' hi wympitliloH wero known to b with the inonopolUts; bear In mind Iho Hill psssed at u tlmo when tho l'r'klitcnt of the Look tiiupuiyopenly boas'ed to jou, Mr, lMltor, that Iho ltocks wero their private proporly and thoy proposed to do with them as they caw 111, without any dictation from tho peo ple; hLo rtuneiubor tkat tho frciitht larltl of thu c)Uibluutlon wa double and tieble w hal it Ih at tho proaeut time, and It will heap, part ut how this Uw ha bun vanity ndvwn tugvou' to tho people; under Iih piotoctlon other Ihim wio built and iho cumb'.uutlou 1'reliiblTarlttdUtoUud. Tho comiiiksluueiH appointed uudr Iho law wero uthorUd, emisiwered, and ro ipilred lo bring and maintain any act Ion suit or proceeding in wary or proper to compel tho W, I l and L. Co, or their Mic-wtor loli op nud inatiitalii nld Lock scalding to thoitelhud and lutecpibUd tonus of iho original net, and to recover nuy damnno-. nr liability which sild corporation might b llablo to pay by reason of a fnlluro to cnnrnriu t Riich rctiulremento. They werocmpowir (.(I to lilro nttornoys in tho proncui'"iiol this object end to certify their horvlces o tint IcgMnturo for payment. They hnvo anpf-r vision ofand control tho.cxtent of any nr n- od repairs on tho Locks with authority lo i x ( pedlto llioin ii'thoro Isovidcnco of ctilpnhM delay on tho part of tho company. The Locks Company aro rnjuirod by the nci to pais boua In tho order of their nrm!, cliarglng therofor not to exceed fll'i om per ton for tho nulual amount of Irfciftlit on beard tho boat und ton cents fortaoh pss-' fencer, Uoat owners nro refpilred lo corllly to ln , nocrrtary of tho Hoard of Canal Cominl-slon- crs Iho nunibor of tons of frolght and pns heugors on board oach boat, each succen-ivo trip, and aro put under a heavy ponalty fir falso statomont. Tho necessity for thl re quirement is apparent whon it Is rotuember I'd tlint.n percoutnuo of Iho rovonues ofihe Locks goos to tho School Fund In ropsytiicnt of Iho j'200,000 loan granted by tlioHtnle.nnd so other moans would bo obtainable lorn ccrtiilnlug what tho actual recoipt aro, rather than to leavo It to tho say mi ol an In lorested party. This last provlHlon cl'ed i tho ono through or by which tho Lock Co, hnvo Nought to mako n breach In Iho citadel of tho law; they bavo rofusod to ront'er a tmuscrlptof frolghta from boat ownoil by them to tho Secretary of tho Hoard, and weio promptly sued by tho Canal CommlHshnor, Tho company hnvo availed tliomselvesot all tho laws delays, but lu tho slow course of tlmo It wan brought to Issuo boforo Judge Sliattuck who decided that tho exaction wns lognl, and ono which tho Htato Loglslaturo might reasonably mako, taking all Iho tlmo thoy could before announcing an appeal to tho Supromo Court, this thoy bavo finally dono, but In tho light of tho recent doclslons ofthoUnltod Stntos Supromo Court nfllrm lug tho right of iho leglalaturo of nStntoto regulaloall things relating to public con vonlonco, thoro In no doubt but llmtilin company wlll.llnally ncknowlodgo tho sov ereignty of.lho law. So far thoy hnvo ovlno ed a mulish stubbornness nnd purso-prnud disposition, an if their cxnllod height could not bo fottorcd with tho trammels of law , Thn Lock CommlHslouorH liavo never rolnx ed their light for Iho people nud nro deserv ing of much encomium for their porslslcner, Humming tho wholo mnttnrup, Mr. ICdltor tho pooplo owo very miioh to tho prccloneo oftlio Inst leglslatiiro which took tho bull j by tho horn nud fetterod him with gyves of law, by leiiMon of which, nnd only that, wo now hnvo freights on n reasonable liasls. We own much to Iho Canal Commissioners who hnvo boon steadfast nud constant In their lutoutloii to coinpol tho recalcitrant Locks Co. to conform to tho law, nud when thn cost of this commission Is mndo up, lot it bo romomborod that nothing but tbo obsll naoy and blind porvorsonoss of tho magnates of tho 0. 8. N , Co . lias caused tho bulk of It ; iholr contumacy shows tbo latent disposition In them to encroach upon tho rights of tho pooplo, and tbo few dollars spout by tho tax payers to resist thn tyranny of a monopoly ran not bo ropontod lu tho Wlllnmotto valley. It behooves tbo next Leglslatiiro to go ono stop farther, and by as rigid n law to declnro tho mnxlmum of freights over railroad linos, and tho monopoly of the O. S. N, Co. oast of tho mountains will bo broken, a Iholr port age connection will then bo under tint do minion of law und tho restrictions of legisla tion, which being done, thn Incubus of their solo occupancy will ntoucn bn removed, nud independent lines will swarm nu thn waters of the Upper Columbia ns they now do on tho Willamette. Tho freighters of thl vnlloy nro well awn re who aro Iholr friends In Iho tnnporlutlon biislnex; Ihey know which oim; allies had their hands on tho thro it of tho people thai wero only disengaged nller Iho bulk ol Isst setsons carriage had been taken lo mar ket; Ihey now havothooportunltyofdlvl,1 lug their patronago so that thu bouts which under the assuring protection of tho Iocks I.nw wero I no means of ri duclng freights ton rti'isoniblo huMs shall have u t.ilr sharo of patronage. More than thl they do not ml;, and ItM'HUs nsaiirt'd. unless resolution m Intention mo us vnpld iih an empty drouin, Unit the IrelghKr will not forgo: their oft repeated declaration of support to thne Iriemlly lilies nbove indloali d. fT( ""'uia. fit KYiffan i 1 IIBtWiTffiaMtMfMnrffil 'T' 'n iVffifn TnY ii n" w v USE THE W U J Li mmm e? Sk3: Ii. IIV & i:. HIK$ II9 The llldlinST market prlco pill fur any amount of W'ikii. .Iuiiu l 8m Walter A. Wood's Harvester ana Self Binder. Thn following tele.iram should hnvo ap peared last week, but owing to lllucssof tho editor, it, with other matter, fulled to rocolvo attention due; llAiiiiisiuMio, Uu., Juno 1(1, 1877. To Fii.vnk linos, cc Co,, Portland: After u very severe lest of Iho Walter A. Wood's Harvester ami Self Hindi r lu tho tldd, It proved ucouiiileto successi and wo sold threo during thu trial. W. H. Kkwmmiy. Tlioahovtt iHinllrma'thooxporloncaof var ious f.irmors who inado thorough trUU of these inachlnes last year, as was sot fJitti in tho letter published soino weeks a so by Mr. (leo, W. limit of what Iio-kiw and heard du ring his travels among friends in Yamhill county. Am. Itiniiv at Last, -For sverl wetks past wo havo been brisking In a now prc.-vs for,work,uud thtre tunny dllllcultleslo over come, slight changes lo miiko to bccnre per fect woik, and ns n oomtnueuco tho paper h.is not If en well printed, Wo bellevn Unit then dlllU'iillles nud InipertVctlon.s ba o now beeiinxenvime, slid hopo lu futuio to send lbs Wu.i.AMKiTt: Faumuii to Its friends wiarlngu tlrte!aapiHwruiu). And when wm hco sulllolent ucourKeinent lo do so wo Intend to eulargo tho pair hiul give consld- erablo inort reading matter. 1Iauni:'kani8.I)1)i.kuy.-H. II, l)earlorn Silem, has a complete stock of goods In Ibis llur, nd maiuificturva i-oino of Ihe best bsiuessou direct orders, lie bassboutov- erythlug lu that linn that you could ask and deserves a call It you htvo need of that ktj le ef goes,. Leo Willis, EE(js i.nw;: to em nu' vrrr.xTioN or tin- puliMc to Ills I UW itlici. uf Pianos and Organs, In store nmltr I "It r, which are mTurulnt Greatly - rtcvliuiotl Xrlc:M, tlllirr for cadi or on luttsllmcutc. tut iroci; uv Wi IN THE WOULD! Books and Stationery In nl o COMl'LKTK, ind w 111 be so'd at price to suit the tlmon. Will rnrn!i.h, at ftmtt nolle-, any llook publlihcd hi tbu Unltxl Malcf, at nbllhirV rale. OnliM filtclttsl, anil an examination ol lit stock rmioclfully Invllul LEO WILLIS, Sitm3 Hlulo Htrott, SxvloxiX. 1004. HOTT. The Only Strictly .Wholcsnlo llrtij; House In Oregon. T. A, DAVIS SL CO., 71 I' r out Mrcrt, ''KTI MU. OUI-'OMN, OKI'ltlt TO TIIK DltUU AND OKNKItM, MEIl I'lniiiilUu trailo a complete uortmi'Ut ef Drugs, Patent Medicine ii, Fine Chcmicais, Glaaaware, Ohop Furniture, "d Druggists' Sundries. A WO, WINDOW GLASS, Of .s.l Aim ami ipiiliiU. VVH3TE LEAD, Of VI tho k'uMii : liraii!i, In tin auj kt-, COLORS INCANtf andDIfif. J'utly, Inxnpblaolc, Hod Load, Gluo. VARNISHES, IcclinJltiRiloftuittbramW for Poach l'alu.er' ue. ralnl, Whltcunsli, and Varnish llrushes, MNSKIIU (III., In barrel anj can. Turpciitlnt', ('onl Oils. Castor Oil, Lara Oil, Aeaivruot Oil, I'lsh Oil. Alootiol, lu barren and rate)., Illun Vitriol, Sulphur. Catitllu Sunp, C'uncoiiU'iifctl Lc, I'utusli. XSlttoij nil ItJLzxdiH. Quioksilvor and Strychnine. VAXl, In ljuarl, Half Ol!on, Ono-i.allou, ami K'soGalloj Cut mi Uarril, etc , ele. We are .eeott for Oreou and Wathlrcton Terri tory for THE AVERILL PAINT, TUK DKSr MIXKU I'AINT IX UsK for UaltUrkr-ai ar le kr'p rip. Hairn been Uat a.d squt ret r Iwa, ai ..e.' aa Jajoea rTrjrltry Unttrtses. tflr W buy or irooiU froai nit hand. lhu en abtiuut to ciiujirio with aur market on the L'oa-t, a a comiiarlion.of our pitcv will I'tore. mj See C8 that our Trade Mark is on eackPackager I i?.-iAiiv!?jr , e3A v ( l a . l. iiPi Si PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK: Jot Blaok j and ALL COLORS, ' tiszoci 3r5.o55.c3.37" Tor' use AND EASILY APPLIED. ' AMI For Sulo !jj- (Ito AkiiIn: JOHN HUGHES, Salom, IVliuU'MiIti Oinpilsts, uil Ut':tlcr In Vnliitx, min, mm inn NO. FHOST STP.nr.T. ... . . S'OXiTI.AaNrE) o PACIFIC TSSfliJESm YG OTACfiSIWE COMPv" MANUPACTOnHLS OP X fes-i, m&z aSSS&VjKji i-j -J' v.tf- PELTO IX-FOLD HORSE-POWERS And Cuuutorbalanco Separators. NC01IP0n.TKD AT 8LKM, OltKliON. OCIOHKK 7. Ma. S. l'ELTON. TRPIDKNT- J. HEY J?1' ico 1U 5 w- UAUP-HTaa. seeroury. ir- Superior to IIIK HKlMlUtUK &AN to THU duAl.N. For luitbtr paiticuUr. addni tnd for circular. Suporior to any o-w xaa. "uaio. JUuiiuuc- UHMl LAB1B A i-ll-J-USIK.. i tueomcera uamidaboio, or aiLCM, iiarcn- ly Established 1840. Original Liver Medicine. FOK ALL 1)I8K .BE O? THU LlVKlt, BOUIt NKSS OPTlIKbTOMAClI, LOSS OK APPE TITE, BICK iiKAiui uk, LTc. irrc. VUICK, due Dollar, T. A. DAVIS & f)l. Wboleaale DrccSUt,7J Kroi t M. IMit'ard, ma)il-4m. Ateata for Oregon. DK. K. V. CII.V.SR, Offlc.luiUoVb.'oc,aunAtr. , HODOS'I Gopher and Squirrel-Killer. 8URE AND BELIADLE POH TIIE DESTBUCTIOIT OP G0PI1UK8, gQUIHUELS, RATS, MICE, CUOWB, 4C. Safer, Ilcttcr, nnd Cheaper that Mncliulnu, lliiirilioi'UN, Ar- HL'tiic, or oilier prcimru tioutt h u Hlnsln trial will convince. SOLD BY DEALERS QENERAILV, AND BY HODGE, SNELL &, CO., Wholesalo Druggists, Koa.TS Front and Ii Flrat 6ta., ruHTLANB. 1 i c'W"? W'. ,.h)iii'.i in.),,y niJi M--ajrft j-i-