-e f fet Tivl'Tiirtf-gwT mm,'-''&!$' " 'lf'B8lJ8'':-,tyftv WILLAMETTE FARMER. 'v f tCi CENTAUR LINIMENTS. cOnc Kluil tui'tltE3uiiiaii Tamil)'. The other (or Horses mirt Ani mals. Theso Liniments mo simply tbo wonder of Hi world. Thrlr effect' nro llttlo Wt thin mimcllons. Tlio tVIuto I.lnltnciit Is forllio hunmn fatal if. It ttt drivo IlhiMiiuitlftii, sciatica sml Neuralgia from the system; cures Liimlngo. Chllllitalns, Lock )w, Palsy, Itcu and wojI Ciitatinmis Kruiitlnns; It extracts frcst from frozen hands or feet, and the pul ton of bites and sting of venomous rcptllof ; It suli duos swellings, and allcrlates pain of every kind. When sprains or bruises occur, It U tlio most potent remedy ercr discovered to Ucal tho Injured parts. Tho Centaur Llalment Is used with great eDlcacy for Boro Throat, Toothace, Caked meant., Ear. .atie, and Weak Back. Tho following Is but asam. joof numerous testimonials: "Ihdiaka Horn, Jiirr, Co., Ind.. May 88, 1873. "I think It my duty to Inform you that I have suf fered much with swollen feet and chords. A row bottles or Centaur Liniment has dono the work fur me. I haro not been frco from these swellings In -eight years. Mow I am. perfectly well. The Lint .ntouxht to be applied wjr- mQyfJJ The proof la In the trial. It lu rellablo, It Is bandy, M U cheap, and every famUy should hare the White -Osctaar Liniment The Yellow CeaUaar Liniment Is adapt- -ed U the tough muscles, cords and flesh of horses . aad animals. It hat performed more woadcrful cures, to three yean, or Spavin, Strain, Wind-galls, Scratch. a. Sweeny, and general Lameness, than all other .Mmsdlea In existence. Bead what the great Express- sea say of If "Ntw Yobk, January, 1874. very owner orhorsce should .give the CjirfAun laiMBRT a trial. We contldtr It tho best article ey erased In our stabler. -II. MAH-II, Hunt. Adams Kx. Stables, N. T. 'S.PULTZ.Snpl.U.H.ax.BUbles , H.Y. 'AL1IKUT H. OL1N, Bupt. Nat. Kx. Stables, N. Y." TH. boat patrons or this Llnlnuntaro Farrieraand Tetrlnary HnntcoM, who are continually nslng some liniment. It heals Galls, Wounds and roll-evil, .Mtnovea Swellings, and la worth mlUloaa or dollars ..annually to Farmers, Llvcry-mon, Stock-nxowers, keepralscrs, and thoeo having hordes or catllo. What a Farrier cannot do for $50 tho CenUur Lin kment will do at a trifling cost. Theso Liniments aro sold by all dealers tbrouithout the conntry. They are warranted by tho proprietors, aad a bottle will bo given to any l'arrlcr or l'byslelan wato desire lo test thrm. Laboratory of J. I). Ilosi! A Co., Dxt 8t.. New Yoaa. Money. I'ltvIicr'N (liiMorln I a cutuplito iubtltuto fur Outer Oil, ami U us pUnssmt to take as Honey. It U putkiilarlynd.ii'tu'l to TixtUiig .d Irritable children. ItdoMwjs wunni, nlnllatci the food, rojnlato tho titom-irli, mid cures Wind Colic. Kuw a. . ...it.-.,...- t..ia 1..j.ldlii..4 lr.iun t rciiu-ult nrcniimtaiicuriuf ,uiwirHvrr ,-, Worms aud Whooping cuiijdi cieicrm is a irjciiii do six! purely vi-gitablij Tn-pkralfiin. muru urcitlvo than Castor Oil and (.either gags nor grille. Prepar ed by Mum. .1. II. 1Iib & Co., HI loy btreet, New York, from the reclpo of feamHc) l'ltclar, II. 1)., of UiriKUbto. Mm. X.7J 011X4 BULL, faucciur to J. II. Krci.xu it Co., 35 Mbertr at., - - MJW YOIWC, Commission Vjeiit. Iult DCYINU AND POHWAKDING FltOX . .Net? Voi It vl.i Irthmii, 1'aclUc Itnllroul, ai. L ipe iloru. all Uud f .MurcJuudlso, una lor tho enU of l'lodai't from tliM Tdclflc coast, for tho culivcner of our.t'i. ac. ouhtf ATTENTION Sl-ifcnP GROWERS!! ..'V- . V. .rOUCSHEEpDi '-TA':UrorCTURCD ".rsLJ Sr.LOUIS.MO.O ' A SUK CUllU KOIl 3cab, Sorow Worm. Foot Hot, AND ALL Parasites that infest Sheep. TT i SAFEH I1ETTEII AND VASTLY CHEAP THAN ANYOTHCIt KFFCCTUAL ItBMEDY FOll THK TilEATMENT OF 8UEEI". IT Emprovec the Health OF THR ANIMAL, AND THK QUALITY CP TOE WOOL. tW One galloa Is rnonch for one hundred to two ntulrclbheip auordici; to their ajc, rtrength, and condition. ItUputuplo FlVn-OALtON CANS-rrice, $19 .porran. Send r.r circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co. POUTLAND, OttUOON, tVhoInKaln Akciiih for tlio Mute. Or to Tour newt U'.'tall DrncElst. mvft Mrs. Roliror's Now Romody fou tub naijas IS MEBTIXQ WITH WOSDKIiVUh SUCCESS I mills PORKLY VEORTADLE RF.MEDY nAE A no eiual In the relief and care of Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Urondilt!, Croup, Whooping Couch, Mea sles, ic. It has produced some rcmarkallo cures. Bold br dnuVt cm-ral'v Prepared only by JOHN I.. jUIJltl'IlY, Jlonraouth. Or., To whom all letters of busiuers rfcouU bo addri-ctcd J. A. STRATTOV, Attorney at Law, HAI..M. OUKQON. Office oa State Streotippotlte the Uttnelt nouie. 'Eve's UitANDDAUGitTEns." rnry Clcmmcr. in it Into letter to tho Inde pendent, writes of tho now mistress of tlio Whtto House ns follows: Sho 1ms u shigiihirly and gentlo anil winning face. It looks out from the hands of n .smooth dark hair with that tender light in tho eyes which wo have como to associate always with tho Madonna. I have never seen such u face reign In tho Whi to lloti'-e. I wonder what tho world of Vanity Fair will do with it. Will it friz that linlr? powder that face? draw those sweet juiro lines awry with pride? baro those shoulders? shorten those sleeves? hide .John Wes ley's discipline out of sight, as It poses and minces before "the llrst lady of tho land?" What will sho do wlfh it, this woman of tlio heart and homo? Strong as bho Is fair, will she have tho grace to use it as not abusing it; to he in it, yet not of It; priestess of a religion pure and undented, holding tho whito lamp of her womanhood unshaken and un sullied, high above tho heated crowd that fawns, flatters aud spoils? Tho Lord In heaven knows. All I know is that Mr. and Mrs. Hayes aro tho finest looking typo of innn and woman that I Imvo ovor seen tako thoir abode In tho White House. The Way to Haiiden Butter. An English buttor-makor of largo experi ence, who is now on a visit to tho Uni ted States for tho purposo of looking over tho checso and buttor dairies, gives us tho following information con cerning a method in practice among tho best buttor-makors in England for rendering butter firm aud solid during hot weatnor. Carbonato of 6oda and alum aro used for tho purposo, mado Into powder. For twenty pounds of buttor and tcaspoonful of enrbonato of soda and ono of powdered alum aro mingled together at tho timo of churn ing and put into tho cream. Tho effect of this powder is to mako tho buttor como firm and solid, and glvo It a clean Hweot flavor. It docs not ontor tho buttor, but its action is upon tho cream, and It passes on with tho buttormllk. Tho Ingredients of tho powder should not bo mingled togother until required to bo used, or at tho timo tho cream is lu tho churn ready for churning. Ahout Mor.iM.-A. correspondent of flio Jiurul Hun gives tho following method of destroying moles: "Collect a number of earth worms, kill them and mix them up with a lot of powder ed mix vomica: let this mixture stand uqout 'JMunir.i In a heap; then tako the worms and place ono or more of them hero and there in the holes or tracks of tho moles, and nark where pou placo them, aud examine therein a day or two and you will And more dead moles than yon do worms. This N tho best remedy I have o or m?gii tried, and I hopo iiirmers aud gardners troubled with thorn will try this receipt and re port tho results." As to tho necessity fordoing someth ing to repress this pest of tho garden there can ho llttlo doubt in tho mind of ono wlialtns had a bed of riovcral thous and strawberry plants burrowed com pletely from end to end, and throe fourths of tho plant destroyed. If moles aro a remedy against insect pssts the remedy is worse tiiiin tno uiso.iso. A Land kuli.oi'Gold andSilvku. A correspundentof tho London T,mcs writing from Alexandria, Informs tho public that Cap. liiulon, the Atrichia traveler, has mado n "Had" of personal Interest. At tho remiest of the Khedive ho hits visited the "Land of Mldlnn," tho desolate region on tho casern side of tho Gulf of Aknbah, tho easternmost of tho two long and nar row estuaries which)theUcd Sea ends. Accompanied by M. George Mario, it Kronen engineer, (..apt. niirton inuiieii In Midlau on April 2, and in an expedi tion of 6omo weeks explored a region full of ruined towns, built of solid mu oiiry, with made rouN, aqueducts llvo miles long, artlllcial lakes, and massive fortresses, all marking a wealthy and powerful ncople. Their wealth was liuicd on milling operations, and C'.ipt, Morton' reports tho existence of gold, silver, tin, antimony, uud turquoise . mines. Tho auriferous region Is ex tensive, indeed, tho discoverer believes I ho has opened up a California, and tho ' Ivhedlvo propoos to have tho country worked by European capitalists. It will ho romembeied that lu the Dlble, ' Midian is always described as a land i PATENT Vi fWjjjfi Squill ISISSSS Gopher T3W?tAW ix -jrrr-? ,jrw r ' ".nrc,k.aLfciir ',s V- -... .-.-yx.JSis 1E1 2ic t o jc itjol This is tho Original Article-a 11 Others aro Inforior Imitations! F.iMToiti Herat. TnK: I)e.irPlr-I l.arojait maIo an rxperlmcnt with prtport-.l rolton for kllllnjr Kjutrrel pnltlnirnuta un each of t!n foilowliij; polroiu: Acan o' llirney's, a can of Sieel' anil a tau uf Ihuart'clecal til WaLtlett's hx't'imluatrr Or.ocau of WaLo'cuV kills as maur asstvenof Harney's Hquir rul I'olton; aud as mi!iya tru cuof HUule's fqnlrrel rnlxiu, Thinking Ilia reult will be Interertlii to joar readers, I lead It lor tliclr bciioat. Vuurs, wrir rrsnixtfullr, K. 1', Wiioiiwahu. lU-tuiniis, April b, Jtfit). In l'urtliaslii rare kliould be tukeu to order WAKKLEC'N, lVAKELEE'S SQUIRRKE. AXU GOI'IIKR EXTEnMI.N'ATOR 18 TnK ONLY AOKNT Successfully Used to Protect Standing; Grain. The Best Medium for tho Sestruotion of Gophers. Full Direc tions with each Can. WH0LE3ALB AOENTS FOit OHEOON, I. -A.. X3L'X7PX8 dt CO. , VortUm. H. P. WAKELEE & CO., Iiux)OitorM ol I3rtijjH ao OIiiii1ii1m, AOENTS AND MANAQUItS OOLUKN CITY CIIHMIOAL WOItKS, Office, corner of Montgomery and Dash streets, 8ArVayHANClllCO. full of metals especially good silver and load. It Is moro than prohablo that Soloman's Ophlr was situated there, as the small ships In which ho Imported gold, Ivory, and peacocks were launch ed nt tho head of tho Ited Sea. Mldlnn Is part of tho Egyptian VIcero.il ty. PrneniulhiS'j of tho Snlom TonrliovO Ah fiot'laMmi, li"Ut-ilt J"C CniifviU ohotil BuUdiujs, dt'AO P.M., Juno 11.1817. Tho Af-soclatltHi was called to order promptly by the President. Tho Secretary being absent, Mr. X. N. Stoovcs iw appointed to (111 the place. The roll was called, and eight members responded to their names. Mies Mattlc Powell was appointed opcclal critic. No Irregular buelhcss. The subject for consideration, "Primary Heading,0 was Introduced liy Mls Mario E. Smith, whose talk Indicated tlint alio well understood this very Important branch of education, yet wo all felt that Miss Smith left out much thntsho knows and practices In her school. Perhaps sho Tolt that these peculiar methods, theo llttlo plans which every successful teuch or of young children must adopt, would not Interest many of tho teachers. Whllo wo teach some particular grade, wo should fit ourselves to teach any grado. Hoi.ce, each member of the Association is asked to contribute of his or her stock of knowledgo to tho gonoral good. Miss D'Arcy followed Miss Smith, nnd gave sonic of hor methods of teaching very young children how to road. Mrs. L. G. Adair brought up many In teresting points. Sho would begin teach ing words that children could understand, not necessarily short words, but such as could bo put together in sentences. Every word, sontencc, and lesson should bo thoroughly undcistood beforo going to another. Mrs. Acialr recommends Webb's Charts as a great assistance In teaching reading. Wo ought to havo them In our Bohools. Mr. Gregg was the fourth spoaker. Subject-Orthoepy. Mr. Gregg con tended that this subject should recolvo much attention In tho lower grades. Ex plained articulation, ayllablcutlon and accent ; nnd showed now necessary a a knowledge of tho rules of each was to tho learner. Mr. Stoovcs closed tho performance, taking tho subject of Inflections, which ho handled with skill. Compared grace ful reading to graceful walking. Showed that not only In music, which Is Itself a great teacher of Indention, but In tho simple reading of words thereat power or the reader, lies In Inflection. Sever al examples were cited; among them Whitfield's pronunciation of Mesopota mia. Ho would teach tho rules, and then praotlco by reading a seuteuco and re quiring tho child to read lu tho same manner. The performance was creditable to the second division. Misses Taylor and Powell and Messrs. Gregg aud Handle took part In tho gen eral dlsciis'lou. As tho election of officers and other Irregular biihlno's comes beforo tho Aho elation, and will occupy the whole timo of thonuxt meeting, the Oth 10th and lltli Items in tho order. or business, Were omitted. Under nulluMied business tho Secre tary read tho minutes of tho previous meeting, nnd they were approved. Miss Adair was absent on account of sickness lu family. Messrs. Grefis and llnudlo were tardy on account of tliulr time nieces being slow. Tho special critic mado her report, after which tho Association adjourned. S A. Handi.i:, Seretary. Tin: Champion I.iAit. A Dt.tioltor do elHro.1 in the prosenco nl u (Iozdii paHnnur& on i WiKiiIwnrd nvomio ear that liu luid nouii firtysovea foot of snow iitonutltiin In Oam liu, burjIiiKup town, tint tint huow was dugout, and under tliti ertmt tint trefs blew (oni".! ant liny wont In swIinmliiK, tlio t-hiii'i h In July. Ono man vim tu roil to uk, "Wlint bociuiu or Urn crust?" "It'n hniiK Ingup there yrtl" rtipllwl llto noblo llnrj "nnd tno mmi who doubts my word wmitn lit snip oil' lIioe.tr for linlf it nilnutel" No ono ntvftp'cd tlio oliallonuti, and Jn eom mituutwl Uilllnc l!ut ho hud ftmi liullHtoum Unit weighed hx ikhiihN enuli. An KiMoru pnpwr Hrty.: "Wont Virginia liir Dim InrpoH nnd most vuhntlila body of t'irilnr of any htiUn lu tin) Union. I'mf, ritulnoHtinntos tliattlioHreHHitll novpr t 1 hv furostn 4 fodUoe n 11,000.000 nnd 10,000, iiuros. nnd t lint llin vuliiitot tlmsurpluH ex norubhi limber is fully $73,000 000 us Itslntuls In the fonMH, Tim oak, whIiiiiI, olmrry , iihIi. p ip'tr, m-tplo, olm, nycaui'Ko. uud louintt ittulu a mI.ii thortt not t-urpoaKod on Iho Amwrlcnn continent. " Tho wrlior of this lud prnbnbly novur soan tlio fjrtiftM of Ore 1:011. AXD inatorS BY TELEGRAPH. Great Firo nt St. Johns, Now Brunswick 1 io,uuu reopio iiomoicasi S't..lohn4, N. H . .ftino'Jl, This niornlnfr, nt 2:;0 oVlnok, u llro broku out lu MuLniiKh IIii'h tioIl(irlnn), l'nrtlund stroot. A eii-oni; north" out winil wtu blowlne, nnd In nn In crriliblv hluut Mmcu or llmo tho Hjiiich nnrst oiu, crtrrviii(r will! llnin huniltuH (il Iioumix, Hinrm, iiml lunibor jHid'i. Tho llro irf.tlrnpltlly uiwurd tho biiBlncss portion of s. Jiiiiis. oloiirinj: In its career ttntlro Mrnpitnr bulliiitiKa, In Atot, Hut onllro ally vim h f CltHtuct, InoluilliiK tho whim 01 mill shipping:, Auioiik tho pnbllo bulUllngH ilwlnnwl iito tliti ihuv postulHuo, vulupd at iilOO.OOOj KttnKini lunnr, VIctolU hnt 1, nod 0110 !' iimslo, driiiniino lyuoum, Uiontho tnl, nnd nmny other pnbllo hullillti!fl. Hvory bi)ltinloHiut mnirly hU tho rotnll houses wero dihttojnd, TIih only bunk bitved was tbo b.tuk or llrltlsh North America. Serornl sohnonorR ond larger vossels wero burned, Hafts laden with goods nnd housobold wares reodlly cnuuht tho llitmes nnd wnro oonum od. Tho tlurco wind drovo tho Uauios to tho south nnd oast nnd destroyed ovorythlng they reuohod to tho water's odgo. Five mon aud two Inrants nro now known to havo lost their lives. Many are missing. Tho loss is ostltnatod at from 1 10,000,000 to 115,000,000, nnd tho Insurnnco will not, It li thought, ex ceed 80,000.000. Thousands or people wander tho streetn uomoless aud in despair. The de struction or provisions or all kinds teems to point to a famine. Relief must come soon or many will perish from want. Few saved even their clothes, Tho fire is still raging. Mo hopes areontortalned of extinguishing It until It has exhausted itself for want of ma terial to keep it alive. The wind has gone down, but tho fire still bums freely. Thagas woiks aro destroyed, and the remainder of the city is in darkness. The area burned Is nearly two hundred acres. The U. S. Consul telegraphs for aid for the suffering people. Fifteen thousand people aro homoless. St. Johns, Juno 21. Yesterday was the most calamitous dav ovor known In the an nals of Ht. Johns, Nothing; could have como moro suddenly man tno nre wmou de stroyed so many valuable lives, wasted property by millions, arrested many and varied forms of industry and spread not on ly desolation but terror and consternation all around. Publics bulldlngu, palaoes of oom mo roe, temples or rollglon, banks, palatial rosldonoes, nowspapor and telegraph bflloea, sohool houses, almost everything of whloh tho oltlsona of Ht. Johns folt proud, wero all In a row hours laid in ruins. Tho loss on hotels, ohurchos, sohool housos, banks, oto., was mado a thousand timos moro painful by tho lamontablo destruction or llfo accompa nying It. No cloar estimate or tho valno or tlio prop erty destroyed or Inmuanon can bo glvon. It In certain ton or twolvo millions aro gono. luMinuion mon think tlioir rlskn may run up to tlvo nillllnim. Tlio ontlro huslnoss por tion or tho city Is destroyed. Not a loading ostnbllHlmiMU hits escapbd. Now York, Juno 21, A Portland, Mo., prlvuto dispatch I mm St. John, nl I p. in., lays: Alter imrofut tmllmalo.lt hnt boon do ubled that fully hair tho city Ih dostrnyed. Women nnd uullilron nro nn tltONtroflls cry ing for brc.ul, ivnd tho scene beggars descrip tion. Virrrsvii.i.i:, I'a., JunifSl. Tliocondomn. od Molly iMitgulreM worn hung this mornlnii, ttt 1'ottMvlllo, MhiiuIi Uhunk, nnd Wllkoa burro. No diHturbauco. XT.... V..l. I...... 11.1 1. .. II......1..M iiutv iuin. tfiniu ., iv tiuuvjr iiiiiiiiui- ftorui nrovnilud vcnioriluv throughout tho Northern States. Iluporttt or dlHiuttor como from nil directions hotiHoH and churohoH iinroofuil, fruit Uohh doatroyed, nnd in iiomo Inklancoi humnn llfo lost. Tlio rrlhunoprosN rooms wero llnoded, bocauso tho pavement on Mpruco nireoi was up for ro pairs; no great damago. In Piilludolphla, passongors In tho mreot earn woro lu soiuo Iiihihiicch obllgod lo binml up on tho boats, whllo tno homos Hrnm. Now York. Juno 22. Socrotnry or fitnto Itlgelow, today, lu dofoiiHO or Mr. Fnlr ohlli!'n notion in thn enso or Ttvood, said that wiille tliobtatemont was unuoruonsiuorniiou liiliirnmtlon roauliod tbo Attorney Oencral Tweed Imt to hit credit In Kuroim two mill ion dollnrx, uud that bo Is only waiting to necuro hlnd!alinrgt! to rejoin IiIh contedn rates loembitrk with Ibein In n larco btreot ralhsuy upeculitlinu lu Madrid. rOREIQN. St. Poterbburg, Jtiuo2l, A Uonstitutlnoplo dliputuh iwhurtH tlint I.iynnl, IlritUh nmliitt NHdnr, liu't eoutiKolod tlio .S11II1111 to make pihiL'o IniiiipilliUi ly. All tho iiilnlNtorN,(ix oept itedill'l'rtsha, mlulstir or wur, woro In fivor of peano. ThoTurklNh fuces in Armenlt, lliuugb tuny iwdto vigorous fflluti or i(inltiitic(t, nro nylilontlv iiulii retiring toward Kr.urnum Mini tho IttifiHlnns uro ngalu mlvaiiulng. Tills Iti uonntdc red in Indlealo tint tbo Iliuudiu tlegoof Kara 1, prugrebsing favorably und Unit tbo bwlcgiug lorco Is expected hoon to be Into for cnncertid demonttratlnu. wliloli must oltliiir destroy Mukbtiir Pndin'H army or rompel it to nn (ijtiiilly fntul retreat. Iiiulon, Juno 21. A upoclal from Dobba. ba voullrm.1 tho report that the Turk sudor t d u Mtvero dofeat lu Saturday's battlo. Tho ciigagoment commenced nt six In tho morn ing and latod till coon. Coltlnje, June 21. Yes lord ay tho Turks occupied tho vltlago or Martlnoz, tho Mon leuogrlns retiring to the holgliUt abovo with out renlhtanco. To-day the Turks attompted to movo toward Danllograd. After a despe rato struggle of llvo hours tho Turks were drlvMt bock to Hiiur. abandoning their camp und buggago to tho Montenegrins. A considerable llrltlsh forco Is said to bo under nrdorH to proceed to Kgvpt. Probably no declaration will be made, but the troop will occupy J;ypt ostensibly to protect tno Hui'7. canal. Kngllsh btattninen favor a doner union or Kngllsh interests there. Annexa tion or Kgypt nnd a protectorate Is now bo llovod tho only bolutlou or the problem by which tho Queen's vessels may pans unim peded through tho canal, and that no belli gerent vessels shall be tolorated tbero. Actu al proprietorship is the only moans of secur ing this Mid. A battle In tlio open Hold between the Kits Man nnd tho Turks commanded by Mob o met, look placo In Asia Minor, and resulted lu n ItutMun victory. Tho Turkish defeat noar Hpuz, by the MontonegrliiH, was a most disastrous rout. It wat only tho artillery of tlio forts that ha red tho Turkish army from destruction. Tho Turks (on the othor hand) claim that Ibey aro successful in Montenegro, aud tho campaign is considered over, Chicago, Juno 22. The Trlbune'a special from London says the cabinet has apparent ly mado temporary but not unchangeable decision after dally mooting Air over a fort night. Whore serious divisions existed among mombors it U now evident tho war party has galnod an !miortnnt point In to curing tbo occupation or J;ypt, thus allow ing Kngland to proservo a prolonsoof neu trality yot manage to bo ready for an oilier irency calling for actlvo hostilities against Itussla, This stems to bo tho protr rum 1110 Now wo expect to hear hourly that tho Itus blaus havo crotsod the Ddiiubo. lndon, June 21. In addition to tho bridge constructed In front of Ibrall, which la from 700 to 800 yards in length, with an extension upon Inundated Turkish torrltory, thollusslana havo built n largo number of ran s whloh Imvo boon towod to-day Into an arm of tho stroatu, whoro tho two monitors woro sunk. Tho Ilusslans havo .constructod In nil n thousand rafts nnu ponloono, ohlelly In tho rlvorSurotli, of which n largo number nro being uod nt Ibrnll, but leaving onough lor n bridge ntOalat. 11 1 so. A tolegram Irom Ibrall announces that 0, 000 ItiisslniiH crotsed tlit Danube rroni U tlat. yciterday nnd tool: tho holghts bo bind Snioezllla noar Mntchln. Tho Turks havo abandoned Mntchln. . Tho Hnsshna on landing on Iho Turkish bink or tho DinuliQ ponottaied dlroctly into tho Interior boliind tho hills, gaining ossos clou of tho heights rotuikditidlng Mntchln, niter nn nbstluitn light with a body oflUshi Hiizouks. Tho ongngeniont lastod from day break until noon. Tho capturo or Mntchln 19 Immlnont. Knndon. Juno 22. An Krzorouin dlsnatoh confirms tho ronort that lUynzld hns boon roocoupiou u'r mo lurus, Tho iiussian gar risons worn drl von out nnd somo mado tirls- oners. It believed nn engagement on n largo scalo between tho ItusBlau left and tho llus slan right Is Immlnont. Juno 2, A Coltiule oorresnondont of the Times telegraphs under da to of yesterday as follows: Suleiman Pasha advanoos Tory slowly. Tho road Is obstlnatoly oontestod by tho Montenegrins. I have no doubt niv seirthatho will saooeed in gottlng through, dui wun vory gravo losser. Constantlnonle. June 23. InteUlsenoe re ceived to-day announoes that Mukntar I'asna nas been engaged sinoe Thursday with tho Russian army atTatkhod lav bet wet a Khorason and Dellbaba. The battle was nro coeding all day yesterdays result unknown. a telegram irom MUKntar rasna states that the Turks attacked, on tbo 20th Inst., the Russian division encamped at Illllatii. Th fight lasted until nlghtrall. The Russian di vision was out in two and fled In disorder. Later from the Indian War. LewlMou, Thursday morning, 8 o'oiook, June 22. Pike Davenport , John Havard and two other men arrived from Mt. Idaho last night. They report that Mrs, Manuel and child, and George vYoodard, bad been mur dered on Halmon river. Moat of the remain ing families are forted up at Slate creek, and have a defense of about 40 able-bodied oltl aena. Chapman with 35 volunteer went to proceed from thoir defenses at Mt. Idaho to reconnottor the position or tho Indians, who aro supposed to bo aomowhoro In the direc tion of Salmon .rlvor. In tho light Charles llorton ot tbo volunteers was klllod. The Now Tonlno arrived this morning with 107 troops. About 50 volunloors havo arrived horo from Columbia county, but few orthetn hav6 bti liable arms, but aro awaiting them from bolow. Low Day has diod or his wounds. Tlio following dlspatoh wasrooolvod at military headquarters yostordny morning from (Ion. O. O. Howard: Four IjAI'WAI, I. T, Juno 20 0:25 p. in. A mossago received from Col. Perry inkos tho loss UJ, moaning oxoluslvo of I.lout. Tbeller, wlioin. Capt. Trlmblo placed, wounded, upon Ids hnrso. Tbeller was after wards klllod. The Florence peoplo report ed to having ellflctually bloukod tbo Indian trail toward Iilltlo Salmon nnd Wolsor. Ho iurorooinenlH leave horo Friday morning without lull. It is tlio worst pusdhlo coun try for us Tor Indian lighting. Sun Kronolnco. Juno 22. A Wlnnonnioca press dlspiiuh says (lor. Hrayulnn of Idaho rtcolvod u dlsp dull from Wlnnoinueca, chlof of the PiuloH, now nt Hllvor Ullv, In wblcli tlio chief unsure thoQovornor ho hns no In tention or brtiaklug tho poaco with tho whlumi that Ifim Indian outbronk occurs ho will remain rrloudly, but If ho wan Is to light ho will glvo fair warning, A press dlspatoh from Jiolso Oity nays: Tho bcouo of tho inassncro Is en Harniou riv er nnd tributaries of that stream coming In from tho northern sido, draining Cum an Prnlrlo and tho neighboring mountains. Tho NHttloment called Cuinas Pralrlo covers foot IiIUh to the north or Florence mbuutaln, ex tending sevenil miles northward Into tho plains which He between Floronco mountain and tho breaking down or tlio table land called Craig's Mountain. Mount Idaho Is about tho center or the ruugo or nettlemouts on Camas prairie, Mutated ut tl.o Toot or Floronco Mountain, slxty-Ilvo union from l,owlhlon, Idaho. Thn HoUleinentM on Halm on river and its trlbulurioi lloto Iho Houth and southwest of Mount Idiaho. nt 11 dlstaiico froiuirito IK) miles. Tho Indlaiiu did not kill tbo woiiio.i or children, but allowed tin in lo ho taUou under iscoit of u ftleiully ujnaw to Hlatu Creek, whluh hud thus fur bucii tinmnlo'loil. At.Slnlo Cieok tint wIiIIch havo fortllled tlicmnnlvos In it stocUnilo fort, into which has been received tho wives mid clilldien of tint iniirdured 111011, togethor with tho lain lies or tlio men who hud csc.in- nil massacre, (lathored In this placn nro tho I'jllowlng perbous: Mrs. Henry ICIfers nnd twonhlldreii, whoso husband was inurdorod ut John I).iy'i oroekj Mr. Hhorwood, wlfo nnd giown (laughter! Hiram Tlliimn. wlfu mid several clilidren; Mrs, Win. Otliorno mid llvo clilidren, whoso husband was inur dorod ut Harry Mason's, on Halmon river; sister or Harry Mason, inurdurod lu his homo; Mrs, Hi O, Drown, husband inur dorod athls storo on Halmon rlyor; Mm. J. Mauuol nnd two children, husband inurdor od at Whito Illrd postolllco; John Woods, Unas, J'ord'a who anu lour cnuuren; 01 r. Colion, wife and sovoral cblldron: William Hhett, wire and sovoral children. Theso row inou aro thus shut up In the midst or hostllo Indians without adequate means of dorenso and without aid will cer tainly bo overM)wored and murdered, as tho Indians declare their determination to tako tho fort and murder the men. It cannot ba hoped tho Indians will again sparo tho wo men and chlldrod after tho lossei they must sustain In capturing tho fori, as tho mon will tight to tho last. Our Informant says ho Is reliably Informed tho Indians did not llro a single building or destroy auy property, but cioanod tho country or stock which they have driven to tho south side or Salmon river. Tho Indians have now thoir princi pal camp and headquarters on Salmon river Just below the mouth or a rimall stream call ed Skookuui Chuck, whllo tho stock Is gathered and pastured on an extouslve tri angular shaped region formed by thoHuako and Salmon rivers and tho high mountain raugo lying about tho forks or Payotlo and Wolsor rivers. Hero tbero is abundant pas turage for summer and winter, aud hero they will douhtlois mako their dual bland. In contradiction lo previous reports that tlio troons hohavod badly, our Informant bays , I iv oltlzotiH who wero in tho light ho Is HS'.lirtni 1110 iriKjjm, iiiuun mejr niiunuu themselves to bo decoyed Into nmbush.dls- nljved throughout the action tho utmost gallantry, und lought like tigers. XiZucli Improved. Tho MesHonuer of Monmouth, organ of tho Christian Chinch lu this Htato, i-ouus to tinnd enlarged, and tbo title changed to PaclfluChrlbthtu MtHScnucr. It shows niuny signs of Improvement, und under tho direc tion of llro, (Stanley, Is 11 faithful txpouont or thut ohuruh'K prlnclli s and Intercom, uud u iicsirviug 01 u iibtrat bupport. Hon. It. P, Home, or this city, delivered tho addruts boforo tbo graduating class of Philomath College last Wednesday ovoulug. M en I 1 tt 1 1 r c I t I i I" V f i kiMsWMMsMSilH ,W-i:.tiT.-yWjsWlllWlimiJWultfA,l ,mtMil0' .-ii i:.,' .SflEiW