Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 29, 1877, Page 2, Image 2

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mvBo KVKiit miday, nr
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Term or Subucrlptlon,
One copy, ono year (RJ number).. .
Ono copy, fix monthf (SO number) ......
Ono copy, tlircn month (IS numnnm ....
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HAIiKM, FKIDAY, JUNK 20, 1877.
The Indian" War.
U'rom llio I)wmton Toller J
Mount Idaho, Juno 10th.
8 p. m. Had nrnvs to nlnht, via Florence,
from Salmon Itlvor. Tho killed ho far as
known, nro dick iiovino, nonry i'.uros, ity
Jlland, llonry Htrowbrldgo, nopliew of LI
froos, Oibnr", Harry MaRon, 0, II. Drown,
Jack Mnnunl, Samuel JJendlot, James Bakor,
Pat Hlco, Victor and Joo OukU; William
Goorgo, wounded. l ....
No womon and children killed on Salmon
river reportod yot. Mr. John Chamberlain
and child wero klllod ntmuno llmo or Norton
wife and other child woundod. Low Day
Tory low; Joo Mooro a Hovoro wound In tho
hip; Mrs. Norton shot in both loan, not
ftoriotiH. Miss Linn lloworsand III1I Norton
ivoro round on tho prnlrlo by our plckots not
hurt. .... ,
Troop arrived to-night. Tho Indians have
left thiHaftornoon, ntlotnptlng lo cross Hal
mon rlvor. Ho wo think Homo effort should
bo inndo to chook thotn from Walla Walla.HN
wo think thoy will go Inward Wnllowii, or
that oounlry.nnd may commitothor doproilft
lloiiN. Thoy havo a fnrgo bund of hornet bo
lomtlng to imopln horo, no thoiiRht, and will
ho pursued by tho people from horo. It Is
JoHoph'M band, with other ronogadoH.
Tlio oporator at Walla Walla tclographod
at H::iO lant ovcnlng (Wodnondny) :
I rocolvod u letter to-day from my brothor,
Ho Is living on tho Alpown, about 15 mlleti
holow LowlHlon. Ho Hays: Tho Norton
murder wwi led by llus-hus-out, Chuff or
tho Wa.wa-wi and 1'aloiit.o Indlam, and
thoro ro more killed than reported. He
HftyH thoro whh a man Htoppod ut his place,
nnd liio man Niaiou an liiuiau iom mm on
unnli declared ho had Indians enough to
whlpallthu HoldlorH at Jinpwai and Walla
Walla irthoy worn at ono pott, lot alono two,
Tho pcoplo at l.owlnton, tho ma" "ayn,
blniuu Howard nnd MouUolh for tho whole
iinti Ho gives mo llio imiiUM of many
ldllml ii'. named In tho iIInimuJioh soul, and
tho linn o Ih worm tlinn tho Ofwionlnii hns
It. Horn- IIiIiirh I kio In the piipor that worn
iiottnlct. iiphod. It did not Marl about n
horwi trni o ut all, but wan ii regular out
hrouk. No rnvfconuor yet.
(Ion. IInunrii;(int tho following dlHpnloh-
tod. I. rod,whluh wan ricolvcil hero yen-
tudiiy :.
Four IjAI'WAI, Juno 10,0 a. m.
dipt, l'orry n'pnrtHhlmit.Thollorltllloil In
tho iKitlon nl llio I7(h. Sont l'orry nminuiil
tloniiiiilorchvoit to Mount Idaho luit nlxllt
and hIiiiII colloctuuouKh furco to mnko Hiiro
work bofoio pushing. Tho Ilmtl Indian
position Ih reported In tho rotilieKt pokMMu
I'ountry botweon liitllo Salmon and Snauo
Itlvor. Tho trnllH aro hlnlo and Hloup
through deep oauyoim.
Wllllnm luo, who brought thoso lottorn.
nayH ho whh n ncout on Inn own hook and
waa In tho light ; that It took plauo at the foot
or tho While lllrd Canyon, IiihIohiI iff tho
hoadi that upon tho Ural llro or tho Indiana
tho noldlorii broko rank mid retreated, uud
tho olllcora could not rally thorn to hen the
onemvthat tho Iudlana pumuodthein about
10 mlfoii to J. M. Crook'a Uno, UrliiK con
Untlyi that tho IndUim had bettor guna
Mid their aim wax deadly rrom tho Omtt that
thoro waa about I!M Indiana In purMiiltwoll
mountod; that urtor tho light tlio Indluns
had u war daucoou tho prnlrlo; that ho, with
Kminftiril. briiiiuht dlnnatchOH throuuh rrom
Col. l'orry to llio pot; that oil" tho road four
miKH north ot iiim inmru iiouno moy wuru
Htlncked by llvo Indlaim Junt aa tho moon
wax going down; that thoy entrenched them
celvoH behind homo rocks anil Kouoriird
Htreugtheuluutholr portion by tiring vtlth
hU Henry rltlo till ho tired ": hhota by tho
drollning light iff iho moon. At daybreak
tho Indiana fell buck, oarrying nuoff their
iiumhor doad or wounded, upon a horNo.
Thoy thou camuou without furtlu-r iikiIvniu
tlon. Wii havo bororo us Hon. llowanPn
dlHpatohtoCol, Wood, iff ihilo JunolKlhat
II a. m.. giving tho uuiiiberot'thoi'omiimud
klllod and mhhlng at 'J7, exclusive or Mout.
Tliollor, who wim killed.
A letter Ironi l-'athor LVtalilo nays that tho
Inillium aro all ipilft on Haiigiiuui Crook,
though many iff too No, rori'imnnd I'alousiH
nro thoro. Miwongor Ji.Ht through in two
drtj'H. This morning tho Almoin arrived
with 7."moro regular who proceeded directly
to tho garrison and aro to Ioavo thoro tiffs
evening for the noeno or notion, VnlunteorN
liavoeomo from Columbia oounly W. T.,
and more mo on Iho mad. Tho kkUWvs in
I'urndlNo valley aro utockiulod ami havo sunt
to town for ammunition,
WalU Walla, Juno Ut 11 a, in. Dr. Dorr
hint reoolvod a letter dited LowUton, yebler
dav, which Haya:
Iho Indiana havo klllod every man on
Salmon rlvor, but havo Ion tho women uud
children llvo. A company or viualry and
Jim Lawyer (Indian) anil forty of his men
ramu to LowInIoii to-day, with nil tho whites
ofKamlah. Tho ronorvatlou and (.apunl Ih
bitudoued,and all havo eomo to LewUlnn.
llmvojukt returned from atcoul to Orand
Hondo river, Wo ran upon a paitycffwar
rloranr about fifty, on tho Houtli nldoof
Hnnko river. Thoy appeared In Iw making
their way to Wallowa, Tho IudlaiiH have
got tho bent orthoHnldlera. Up to tho prox
tut llmo, thoy havo klllod about thirty
oldlerN.and driven them buck rrom Whim
lllrd canyon to Mount Idaho. Tho killed
and wounded up to the proHeut time number
about lllivt 'tho troop Iroui Walla Walls
tannot ge'l In Cnmas 1'ralrlo. It will lUo f00
troops to whip Jomph'a baiul,
Walla Wall., Juno lil.Ort. m.-WInno.
innroi hiiiI his Imnd aro e.impvd iifar t'o
Cieik, Inldsho, iirmed, Thoy olftlm lobe
IKiuoiblo. but tho (iovornor tulegiaphed lo
Kllver Cltv luslriuulons Ur him to ntuis
undhouffiiEoil to do mi, Keying ho wou'd
D.ht llit, About W or JM Indluna Irmn
Mhlheiir ItovervMllou pasod Malheur Yll
Ugu Monday uilh u bund if hcirm- In the
dlrtotloiior tho Wolor oouuiry. U Is n.
lortil that llio IndUm at Onion t'ltv mII
theijovtfrnmmtt had holier inVo AKtnt Kino
Imti uh.v or ho might bo klllod.
Washington, Juno "I. Tho li.llowlni; dtx
iiiiioh im tioeiMid by lh LVmmiHhioiter
i'i'Uh iMIhIip, Imin tint N r. IVieos ewonoi :
Non rtworvatlon IiulUua comiuoneod hos
tlluio mi iho lih lobt. Up m daio (th
lil.h) .tUotiiinHHiit loporied inurdond uud
four lmtUiN killed, Hen HowMd la beio
in cvtitinviid, Tho hONtllia aro hlinut 1(M
dtrong, and nro roportod to havo gone lo Hit
tslmt n ilvxr ounlry mid nro nmklntt foi
iho Wolcor Valley In Soutlioru Idaho
Troup are in pursuit, about twelve hnui
behind, U-orvallou Indians urn irn Ii
tho (loveiniuotit A o-Minmny Is founri
iiudor Iho htsd chtiffnnd N pioUvllug ihe
KeltUruttil of Kcuilaaud cmployi.
(Signed) Watklns, InNpoctor; Monhilth,
In (1 Inn Agont.
Gen. Howard having telegraphed don,
Sherman that disaffected Indians lo tho
number or 1.600 lu all, nad othor factH and
other factH and particular which have In
stibstnnco enmo Ironi San Francisco, In press
tologramw, 3en. Sherman sentu telegrmn to
Gon. McUowoll an lollows:
Youo Hovoral dlMpatcheu received, nnd I
trust tho tlrst report or tho disaster to two
companlos under Capt. Terry will provo In
correct, and that tho combination among
Unaffected Indians is not as oxtomdvo a re
ported. Still wo must moet tho danger Hnd
ovorcomo It, bo It what it may. (Jon. How
nrd is on tho spot and can ascertain the exact
truth. You can first support bltn by b11 tho
troops available, and call for relnforcotnontH
only afior you have used nil subject lo your
command. Tho nggregato number of Indian
scouts poRslblo for your division is 180.
Surely you can lot Howard havo pn even
hundred bvordorltiK Knutz to dhchargo n
IcorroHpondlng nuinbor.
I lit m HIT fl fltf 1 XT' f m n I
V. 1. DUIillMAni uoiinnn
Win Nnnrntarv of War this momlnit receiv
ed tho rollowlug lologram Trom Oov. llruy
man, or Idaho Territory:
"- Boibk CITY, I. T., Juno 11.
To tho War Department, Washington: A
disastrous Indian war hen begun. Thern Is
no Territorial law croatlng militia, and only
20 regulars hero. I want authority to or
ganlro, monnt and provision volunteers at
government oxpenso. V Immtdlnto notion la
neco?nary. M. HiiJvman, Gov. Idnho.
To this tho Secretary or war roplled that ho
hnd no suthorlty to aiithorlzo him to organ
Izo, mount nnd provision volunloors at gov
ornmout exnonso, but that Gon. Howard hnd
been fully Instructed nnd clothed with nil
niithorlly tho Department can confer, nnd
that ho might furnish arms nnd ammuni
tion nH provided by Inw. Gon Sliornmn
nUosentn telegram to Gon. McDowell, ro
forrlngto tliotelogram rrom Gov. Iliuvman
of Idnho nnd tho reply therolo, saying Gov.
Howard may Itsuo, nt his discretion, inns
lu.ts not exceeding r00, and not ovor i.T,000
rounds of nmmunlllou.
Following spi olal teiegrnm lo tho Oregon
Inn was recoivod last evening:
Dat.i.I'.h, Juno "1, 1877.
Father Wilbur ban Just como lu rrom
ainonif his Indians. Ho savn nositlvely thnt
SknmTnh, Moses nnd Smohalhi nro with tholr
pooplo, una woro never inoio peaceaoio.
On vcHtcrduv tnornliitr Qunurul M. V.
Ilrown commanding tho rieconil llrl'.'itdo
or (). H. M., Kent tho followUttf dlsiKitoli
to tlio anvornor:
A MIAN v, Juno 10.
Governor V. '. Chmlwhh:
Tin- Ki coiid Jtrlgntlo, 0. H. M Ih ill tlio
Horvlceof thoHtiitofor Indiiui liostllltlcH
Cllbtof lllOlllllllillM. iSIaiit V. IlllOWN.
Ililg. (Ion. Coiminimlliitf.
Tlio (Invcriinr iiitHWorud by imill tho
snino tiny follows:
Hxi'inmvH Ornoi:,
Huluiii, .Itinu 11). 1S77. J
Uvncml Ilrown:
Dkak Hut: Your jmtrlotlo ollor nf tlio
oiiiiiI.lmI inulitlu of tlio Statu for (ho
Clllllplllu'll llglllllht tllO ImllllMH I'llHt of tho
inniiiitiliiH duly iicclvcd.
IiiiiKintiuli its I lmvo no power to koikI
troops out of tlio State, I lmvo tonilorod
the orgiiiil.ed inulitlu mi tho purtof tlio
Hlule, anil on tlio olloi.s ninilo by Hn huiiu-
rlorollleerHto (Ion. Howard coininuiiiiiiic
Di'purtmont or Coltimliln for tlio hiiIiI
eitinpalgii, tlio United Htatco pitying for
tho Korvieefl. To thin I lmvo received tin
uiiuwer us yet.
I lmvo the honor, etc.
H. 1 Ciiawick, Governor.
Tlio (Jciicrul arrived from Albany by
the JCxpress this morning, nnd nftoriwt
Interview with the (lovernnr, Immedi
ately gave orders to Capt. J. II. Lister to
reurtilt Company 10 (Capital Guards) to
their innxliiuiin standard. Also tele
graphed as folIowH to Corvallls:
Sai.i'.m, .Time 21, 1877.
Capt. I). CartMc, Corvullln:
Hiivuyoti turned over iirmi nntl iiinti
nltlon of your company (organized for
the Mndou war) to County .Itidgu iff
llentoii'.' M. V. Hitow.v.
The following answer whh roeolved to
the foiogolng.
CoitvAiit.lH, Juno'-l.
flcncml Ji V, Uruwn, Salttn:
lluvo ttinieil otui' lo the eouiily, fjutis
at the College. Can bo forwarded to yon
upon writer of County Judge. He can't
bo found. Will hcu bltn Ihin ov.-nlnj;.
1). Caiu.ihm:.
on' l'Ott I'OUTI.AM).
Giiiiernl Ilrown left on tho afternoon
train for Portland, onrryliiK tho follow
I tig; letter hf liibtrtictions.
KxKeirrivn Otrici:, )
Salem, Juno "I. I
Iluni Oj:n. M. V. IIiiow.n:
Klit: Yon will pleiso ask Oen. O. O.
Howard eomnmndlng Department of Co
hinihla, If In his power to furnish the
State iff OroL'on with such amiH and am
munition an you may deem neeobsury fo.
the protection of the settlers on cur ex
posed frontier, and advlso with me,
S. F. Chaiiwick, Ouvernor.
AITKAI. 11)11 All).
The Governor received, thlrf A. M , the
Union, Junolil.
Govkunou ruAmvii'KS
Great ahirm felt hero for tho oltl.ons of
tho Wallowa. Wo have gutiH but no
ammunition. Vienna forwntil with ut
most dlsp'iteh B.lHK) rtuiiuli for U. H.
iuusl;etHHmiri,00O for iiecdlo guns.
Ii. U. lillAI.NAOO,
I'ouniy Judge,
In answer 3,000 eatrhlgod were for-
wauled by express this i'. M. till that
worn ready.
1,AT13HT.S: .
n.ao t. m.
The Governor has reed veil u telgram
stating that orders wouhl have to eomo
rrom Wiislilnglon to deliver U. S, nrma
and atumuulllou lo elticeus,
1). Cur' Isle Honda dispatch thnt guns
and amimmlMoii will be ivnt from Cxir
vutllsi toalem to-night.
The CapMnl Gtiarda meet tiMillit In
thilrnrmory toreeelvo volunteers.
Uit evening Governor Chadwlck sent
tho lollowlnu dlspntuh to WtibhliiKtoo
I). O.
Bai.km, Juno -1.
Han. John ir. Michel, U. i VttiiCor,
ii it,,, fi.,.f.., -. w.
Oenerul Htown, who Is In Portland, tel
egiMphs tills a. M., as follows:
PourriANU, June 2J.
Gov. .S'. F. Chadioick:
Plenty of iimmuultion and arms at
Vancouver hut can't get them without
your reiiulsltion on tho Secretary of Mir.
Please ask hlinforan order on General
Howard for 10,000 rounds of inetnllc car
tridges. Mnlor Wood will transfer on
receipt of otder. Maut V. JiltoWN.
waiting oitin:tts.
A illHiminli rinni Afnlor General W. II.
Klllnger of Portland, received by the
Governor this A.M., states that lm Is
awaiting orders. , .
One iiu in I red stand of arms arrived
from Corvalll.s by tho mull train this
f. M.f and were deposited in the Cnpltnl
utiiini Armory. , , ,,,
The Capital Guards and volunteers will
meet, to-night at 7 o'clock sharp for drill.
All volunteers must bo present unless
excused by Captain Lister, tho com
manding officer. , ,
Tho following dispatch was received
bv tho Governor from tho Secretary or
War at ono o'clock v. M
Washington. D. C, June 2:1. .
Gov. &'. J. Chadwlck. Salem, Ogn.:
I have, seen your dispatch to facnator
Mltcliel and have sent the following dis
patch to Gen. McDowell, Sun Francisco.
"Tho Governor of Oregon asks for arms
and auuinltlon for volunteer'. You will
direct them to bo furnished upon the
Governors requisition an provided by
Joint Resolution, of July .".Otli 1870 and
March ad, 1877."
Gunnon W. MoUiiaky,
.Secretary of War.
Tho Joint. Resolution of July JWtti pro
vides tho manner In which the arms
shall he delivered, etc.
Gov. Chadwlck went to Portland atone
r. M., to confer with tho Military De
partment, and to facilitate Iho drawing
or arniH, etc.
Gov. Chadwlck received tho following
telegiatn this A. M:
Wi:ston, June 2'2, 1877.
To Gov. Chadwlck, Salem :
Can you send one hundred stand of
arms to Weston ? Chas. MuMonuis.
Sai.i:m, June --, 1S77.
Chas. MtiMorrixlhtir Sir :
I huvo mado a requisition for guns and
umuiiltlou tinder your leiitiost, of Depart
ment Comnuiudcrut Poillaiid, Gen. O. O.
Howard. ,
Jty tho enclosed rcoltitloti (puhlUhed
above) you will see that I can get no
Spriiigflold rifles or needle guns, tor tho
reason that they aie the guns now used
by Iho U. H. troops, I eun only get the
gtniH not used by by (lie troops, which
are muskets. You will see by this that I
havo done tlio bt I could. You will see
furtherthat I have to given bond to ie
turn these guns or pay fur them.
Von will therefore account to mo for
them when tho use of thein has ceased.
Your most oh't Servant.
S. R Chadwlelc,
General Ilrown has directed the Capi
tal Guards to he tilled up at once, and
hold themselves ready for marching
The Guards will meet to-night for
drill and to receive volunteers.
Gen. Howard telegraphs Portland this
A.M. that tho Indians Have all crossed
Bunko River and seem to be pushing to
the South Kast.
Recruiting at Salem.
As pornimouuaoiuont in the Daily ItKcoim
of yesterduv, mid In small poslor circulated
on tho street, tho Capital Guards met last
night nt their armory tor tlio purpose of lin
ing up tlio rnuks of tho company to tho
maximum standard, so as to bo In leurilnoss
in rt'Kioii(l to tho call of tlio Governor should
llioy tiu ueoiiotl to mil m proiootingino iron
UcrvcltlotnouiHor thoStato Ironi tlu threat
ened attack of tho Indians now on tho war
path In Idaho near the Oregon and Wash
legion Territory Ihifs.
'i ln meeting wasoffltd to order by O.ip
tain .1. It. Lister, who promptly Mated tho
object, of tlio mootlni.'.
At tho conclusion or his statemnt tho
mooting was nddrcxred by O. A, Cutting,
lv(l , and sovornl others, when an Invitntien
wHhulvuu to all to eomo forwaul nnd sign
tho roll.
rinriy-olglit iKtrsoii respondod, who
slguoil tbo following document:
Wo, tho undersigned, willingly consent to
uolvtstof tlm Mountains t lljlit Indlnus us
voluiitoors for tho period ol ninety duys.
John ('Iihm', Dr 1) M Jonov,
i'. w .Nortoii, m i vntKlU3,
Franlt T I'suus, . K Myors,
A.k Sieretnry of War to lust rutc Com
muior of Di'iinrtment of Columbia to
supply oIUxoiih of Oregon In vicinity of
Ilillian llOStllllies, Willi anno nun imiuu-
nltlon fiom Vaueover on reiiulsltion of
Iho Governor. Ulll'en In Wallow
vHlloy nro In (lunger of attach and havo
applied to mo for arms and ammunltlou.
TlioS'ato has none.
S. V, Cii.vuwtCK, Governor,
M J Hlco.
Homer Hillock,
.1 S NIolioU,
Ii 1j l..fforo,
S F Parker,
.1 1) Hoyl,
It K Ward,
O Hedges,
T Hurker.
K I Cliiimberlain,
t) I) Ford,
M 11 Thornton,
Clus I.i'loiOU,
v it Ttr,
llonrv Ststes,
Frank N Gilbert,
J D Kelt.
N J Forrol,
A J Wilsou,
Chas Mack,
Abo Mend,
G It Graves,
W K llauklns,
O 8 Hlco,
U Todhuuter.
U W lioll,
M lUrdolot,
J t) Jefferson,
F Hutchinson,
M L Hutlor,
H Doming,
U !' libit.
jSLttJ3L1033L, DE2TorseiXl13.
. KM
Vv! iv -" ' -Jli" JL-Vl
. t"'Kik -
Tho Imported Peroheron Stallions,
M of i-aWert. Atln. .WitortirM BAVIIJBO.V, Salom, on fltlUAY, P. Jt., and 8A1-"SiAoYs-ffiaG
IN V. 8.COOLC01N, THE 3EABON-Do at iho end of tho .ca.on.
I have Bomo very Fine JRJtSEY CATTLE for Sale.
Kvcry family that keeps a cow rtionld havo a JBIISEY, or atjeatt a hilfblood. Families that hYo naed
thcmwllli.qtilowltoutthcm,irihoarotobebad. ...,, ... . ,io- t .q..v,..
Ith a Lhls'oryiif the IVrcheror., nnd why they aro preferred to other lare horfcr: tome Mnt on brsedtng;
. i.n,.,,.ir.,.i...ni.r...iln icir.nii! nn,i Amirlca. etc. 1 hey will be rent on application.
xw. o. 3arv3nn.
ChoDped into Feed', .
Por n.o,l,exitlr jPoll.
Sash, Boors, Blinds,
Tiii'tiing'. Stair work, HcdstcnrtM,
EIiiicaiiN, MtUMlN, Tlll)ICN.
And all kltidM ol Bin nltuio,
At IWU-HOSU I'MCEI. Shop a' Ag-Jcul;nTinVn,k'
bnlWhU, .lutein. i OIMMCNNIM.
Hillioriil Xoi'iiihI
Tno OrcRon and California anil Oregon
Central Itallrond I'onipiiules
OKI-'filt their Land for inloupnii tlio follnwlnir lll
ml ierm Ono tenth of tho prlco In casli; lutercf t on
tho balance at tho rate of i-cvrn percent, ono year
alter File; and each folloulng your oniMrntli of tho
iirlnclpiil mid ItitcreU on thu balance at iho nito iif
wven pur cent tier annn i, Ilolli principal nnd Inter
tl l'.ijnhlo In It. B. I'lirrniey.
A illtcoimt ort"ii iiercfiit. will ' okIIowi-iI for cavil
(V Letters lo ho aililroxcd to 1. MillUI 'Ai, I.und
Acrnl O. O. It. Ii . 1'oilland. Oirirtni.
jiiiRniKii or
fiy VKI'.S pleaiire In "ITerlnc to the SV'ol-OroiverK id
I. urtvini-iiiil Din uilli'lntiiirTerrllnrli'M tho chanco
to pnrcluiKit TllOlIUUdllllltlUi MkIIINOS, ami n-
jiirlnrr nirllr IntervtU'd that thev can. and will on
do.iviir lo. fell Mieep uf tho f.iino tuiallty and valno nt
MUCH ClIKM'KIt ItATKS thm fucli can potntbly
ho Imported, hxnmtnatlon and comparlunn with oili
er Sheep ollcred lu tho u-nrliet nro coullally InvtUd.
Hnlem, Oreiron.
N. II. Tim Itamnand Itam ljmbof tho Dock can
bo f ecu on iho ISLAND KAH.M, ndjolnlng Halom.
ThoEwencan bo n.'eti a. Iho ramo place, or nt tho
HILL KAIIM four anda hall tnllcafouth of tbo city.
Balem, tieptembcr 10, 1873.
Half Brother to Caledonia. Chief, tbe
fiistost Trotting liillion in'Caniuia,
Sired by Ilewc'r Itoyal Oeorjfo Dnsn by old llarka
way, tho celebrated jiWIi llloud Hoi re, will aland for
ilme I)
East Portland,
At Iho Ptablcn of JOHN SHAVER, from April IfiUt
toJnly 1it, 1877. $'IO to Insure, payalilo when
tho Maro In known to ho lu oal. $'25 for tlibMra
Hon, payable at Iho llmo of rervlco.
March TO. 1&77.
Kentucky -Bred Stallion.
Tlio Flno Mnmbrlno TrollInj;.SlnllIon,
Awarded Firot "Premium at tho
Oregon Stato Fair, 1876.
dnrl: brown. ID hand hluli, und wait fired hy Krlcron.
Iki dim hy Hcntln: Sd ly (Iruy I'du'lo; 3d by Amtiif.
lirlKon by Ciiy'n Mnmhrlno1 lilt f cut of tliotrottluR
nmro.Mri. Caimlo. IhyV Mninhr no Chief war trot
lor Mnmhrlno l'aymii'lir, who wan hy Mnmbrlio, out
ofn miru by 1'nyinaider Mnmbrlno w n rnn of
Imp. McMenjMT no wnn llio ilro of Abda lab, and tho
i.thihI Kiro of ItyndlekV llumblo onlnn, mi well n
MaiiihrlnoChUr; thu''ani of tho lutler was a brown
mnrn. n relcbmted rnadrlernnd famoui breeder, tired
y n crny hnrto, n run or Imp. Me(ieiii;er, w ho flood
In IlucliefB ni N. Y. Krlcfon ha n lecor' of 2.30V.
ild heat, ot four y.-urf old, and IA tho hire of Krlc, w lib
n record of ?:Ss.4. nt four Aenrn old, and Dobln, with a
record of 'J. ii., ut two yrarp old, and S !!0, at fix yrf.
old. V. Cnmiif, with rcconl. 'liXW, at thrco yonra
old; nnd It tho rlro of many other j;iod one.
TKRMS-ThoSearnn, t'25.
W1LLSTAX1) lXS.ll.Kjr. at Dnrliln'a Stable
Tliurndny, I'rlony, und Mutuldny.
AT AlllA.Vy, Nouduy and Tliuradny.
Auv otliorj delrlns to no oan call unoti
Ciiituln I.Utor to-day mid Uavo thoir iiauaoo
Drill uirotliiRn will Im luld nt tbo Armory
ovt ry ul);lit for tlio iiiirnoso of iuntriiclliiK
tlio now rioiulla lu tlio luanunl of arum
n.id uiuroliliiK oNolullmm.
Tlio mtnulllly UbtroiiKtliut tho ooinp.iny
will lioriqulrod to no parly lu tlio coining
votk lo tlio neighborhood of tho Wallowa
Vnlioy tonct aa a revoutallvo airninbt Iho
IiulUuMof that heotlnn imrtlolpatlni; in tho
ouluriuk of Josoph'a band, rather than to
do any llj;Ulln.
1'. la thouRhillinttlinpreaoiicm of a largo
foii'o will hoon ihioII ttui dlaturhatice.
'l'hohoof ouronlteus who cm leavo tliplr
lionioi nnd bublmsi ahould haalou to till
up thocoinran).
out of 0,1100 pnpie,Hiirin euouiii nave no
dlllWutty lu rnlMiiR in IM bourn a good
i-ouipauy of 100 iiiou, "Como to tho ceutor."
seriouFaccidemthleo broken.
OuitVAirt, Juno'Ja.
Itev. Tathor VorruUUof tt. Louts p.trUh,
hud his If B broken badly yoaierday after
noon. Ho wa driving Irom thU place to his
n hlilt'in-o at St. l.oula, In a luck when his
horeea bwamo frlKhtenoil and ran off throw
ing hliu violently to tho Rround, the whoela
of the haok pun-dim over him, breaking one
of hi loya, and othorwlie Injurinir him.
Dr. CuMck of thl cltv was mIIchI, and
roct the broken limb. This morning he la
komewhat bettor, but is atlll conaltlered in a
I crltkal oondlttou. M. MirciiLL.
Thoroughbred Stallion
Tho Farm or II. K.Ankcny, 10 miles south
or Snli'iii,
I)wer Pantlam llottom under tho fharco of, Rr.d at
tho realilf uco of. Mr. .1. T HKCKWt 111.
Heaton romnienclui,' April 1ft and endlnz July lit,
Service by the Season. $15; Insurance $20.
Payable in-old coin, nt iho moot icrvico or when
tnnro prue to bo lu foa.
Mare roinailhuuro pi'turcd and cared fiirnt$l
per week, uui no ritk ukeu.
I n Mood Inyj IS hanilf high, and wilyli l.lJJIbf.
miylui i
Tlio Celebrated ThorouRhbicil Stallion
From March 10th to Jnlr 10th. Maro can bo taken
to the Lliery Stable of ltrau &. Havldfon, or cent to
tah'J JAMKd 1'. 11YIIKE Salem.
Season of 1877.
young moms,
AKO till
ApillliUoJuly Ut, a follow;
At Wui. Ackcr'.S I'ulon SluUIo,
Tuyler Ntrcct, Portland,
MONDATS, after 10 o'clock; TUESDAYS. WED
NESDAYS, and THURSDAYS, at 1 p. m.; and
At tbo Owner's Farm, UeedvlIlP,
WMblnston county, on FRIDAYB, SATURDAYS,
and SUNDAYB. After July lit, at UEEUYILLU.
WuMuirton county,
TKK5l-AUTOCRVT,tolnfnre,50. YOUNQ
MARQUIS, to lnmro (40. Settlement to be made
ben manx are kuowu lo bo In foal. Fattnrtee at
lUioriixB limited to a few uarca bronjht from dla
Uun. Aildrv,
m. Or.
Portias t
ap v Sn
To Purify tho Blood uso nr. jnyno
Alternate It nets directly on tho
blood, fitliniilnting tlio nbsorlicntH,
overcoming tho olwtlnnto Htnto of tho
noros of tho nkln, nnil Impnrtlng n
hcnlthy glow to tho Complexion.
lMmplcH, Pustules, Tetter, nnd Skin
Discuses of nil kinds, Morcurlnl
AH'cotloiiH, Tumors, nnd nil vnrlo
tlos of complaints arising from do
pravod or dlsordorcd blood, nro ef
fectually orndlcntcd by this remedy.
Scrofula In all Its Forms is cured
by tho porslstont uso of Dr. Jiiyiio'n
Alterndvc. It destroys tho poison
ous princlplo which originates Scro
fula, and ultimately drives It from
tho Kyutem. It will romovo onlargo
ments of tho Glmids or Bonos, und
is a fcafo remedy In cases of Ulcers
or Sores of all kinds.
Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings nro
elVoctually cured by Dr. Jnyno'n Al
terative. Iiy Btlmulntlng tho action
of tho nbsorbontfl, all watery or cal
caroous depositions aro gradually
carried otf, toning up tho patient nt.
tho saino tlmo, by Htrougthoning tho
dlgcstlvo organs ami exciting tho
Liver, Kidneys, Ac to perform their
functions. For Dyspopsla nnd Liver
Complaint It has proven n remedy,
and it has established cures in cases
of Kpllcpsy. It may bo safoly rolled
on by any ono needing n medlultio
o build up tho system, clcanso tlio
blood, or to rcstoro tho normal action
of tho Socrctlvo Organs.
T. A. DAVIS i CO,, Wholealo Aeenta. PortUn?
Oregon. rvrlBmi
Trost Investment Company
THIS Companr If prepared to negotiate loana In.
nmlruin$N0to:5u,WWcurei orer 1MPRO
nted period i'f jeai. or repayable by lialf-jtarlr la
UUcenu. For term, appw to
hotIBt 9 Flret street Portland.
T. O. SUXaZiXVAir.
8. K, corner, at bead of lUlrt. felly-
-fjft ""5t?w