r' t,'S'fi(iJ.',OT''r.; vn ifrrnrmnTtiKiMWiirMinnMfi. - - L Atsisssatmtaf. . -"iwwisf3Emgmmmm . r ttryp'?ttgg!ftratia-"J-t-'""'" WILLAMETTE FARMER 8 siW n II1 5 r !t. ? ' - I ; V - BY TELEGRAPH. ATlmoa' special from Washington aay a the Treasury Department having issued noarly thirty-three million dollars in sub Bldlary Bllvor coins, and tblrtoen million dollars in fractional currency bolngancor tain ud hi tho amount now outfltandlntr, little inoro than Tour million dollars In nllvor n nmin to bo Ismiod tncoinplntn the fifty mil Hon dollars nulhnrlzod by CotiRruftH as tho maximum Htnutint of silver coins mid true tloiml mirroncy lo bo oulKtRtitlltiu: ntnnii time. Alter tlin reinttlnliiK lour nillliorih Iinvu boiiii 1-utioil silvor coins will only ho isiued In c.x!hanK'i for fructlonal currency iiipmuhoiI I r led million. Unlninorp, Juno 10 MnrMinl Dougln' y t -tordny vlill'i1.Sf. MI'iianl'M, Tn!ht ro-m'y, Maryland, tor llio llrni Hum iliou tut li u tt fujjlilvo M:io II your w ll van v.c 1 h t'Olflil hV liMlonilHI- UXHVPr, (V.pl,. TliUIIIti Auld, mid by Wni. M. Ihill', ulio iujilit Jilin riHilliiK nudK")rriihv M ytHtm'xo. Ju nn M(Mt(i' to llio iMiUirnl jin-;l Li.iuulHMi hiilililmt if In S20 yciri from no.v t'.io ru mwi tirnplo ns it rutin, 1'Hil lint ml viiitfod huwmil llio jiolnt vvlitru li vi wIkiii otimiKiipiitod It Ii (IooiikxI num. Uo oicournK"l tlioin lo imm miuhpv iiml to kci'ji It. A poor pdnplo nroiilnuya iuloiplMil put )lo. To bo ruipi'ctml, llioy miiit uot money mid property. Without mutiny tlioro N no loliure, without lolsuro no tliouRht, wlihotit thought no proKroHi. FOREIGN. Now York, Juno II). (Irant tuM In a ro nont mi'otlni;: I luiuivertvlitiltnud with lliti klndiiiiHHKliowti by KnlMimwi to iinuim! oxprniwiid to Am'rl"n, I roj;ni. tliut I iim tiimliliiiiilf (iiitlcly loexpKFS my llmiiUi for tlin miiniloid fraurnal 'iirlnsii h 1 liiioi (t)lviiil. Words would Mil, I'npicltlli u lib tho llmllittlnna ol a public siKiucli. t xpross my fcolliiK-i In this H-Runf. I hop wluui oppori unity Is ollnrhfl mo of calinpr and il lllnrnto moiiieiilH to Put mi n turd my kmio- fill rrt'(inlllMii nf llin IrHltiriml anntimi.n'N t tho KiicIImIi pooplo HIiJ llio (J -irn oi Aliiurl o In ren l r -id- qiiHto P s'i. 'J'ho hj ",'Ii of J'rl Hi invllln liii Inspired HioiiiiMs In lay loom whldh It Is l,iiiKi-ibloadiqiiHi(ly to prttftftiit. Nrr havo 1 felt so lunch tc now my jsnerty In ilir4s to lvoduo- lesion loinyatr-uHon frirlJifiiiotlicrroim y. tiisnt's li-yid shook ni.der piurn ! unlinl I.elliiH and lis nitlniiid wild n . u sum hitqtiMifoto exprs lit lioj.i that ' i wotfli, m lor k ilxiy bid .. . ' iii", v.o ih! bu heard In b-.ttll cuiinliin , nnl lev t i llifi wnl' n of KnirH'h sp 'd:ln! i ciplo aiitilin fruti'liiy )f ibohtiiuun net'. Hr l'ftirliiiri(.fiiiii s -IIuidoim i.uh ln nidurlon r i-ihI Hi dly i".iu.ci."i od, No lutdlftilou is pi i '' n"f '' tjSn piopri rd. Ainoiis, Juiio Itt In ( ' - sitting tuu ( iitfoii'. i of li'jpuiio ii'i lulnNior of justice (muIm1 that th i ollfy of tli noviirii ltin .!. to wlu'uilllv.'rv ptspanxiai.a, as Uraero in U lit annriir or Inter breoiuu iu -olvml In i' i pi'iout w, r. WHiilii;.'in,Jtiin).- I) tapiiMl' ,"l rjn do allrtir- tlin I'iiii .1 vih'is si. VIhiiii, hays Slil' k til Nlum rm'cM'ly '.iiu u i.- tllill ill ilnclniH if l'l H 'li Clli'lll ill .liii;.l a dlrti'l iii'M'iml ill! if i ii i'loplmt, fur ll jmrp'i'O nt UniuiiU'il tt luii'lii Imm iho tri"i urerol' Ulum lo boapplunl Indolence, ol Is linn lalMi, This IrniMiri Is formed fioiii nil nul oll'iirlutisnf pllgilius wliluli ure uccu muliileii In tho ICadMhor Mtiuun Tliddlinr. If of Mdici irrnlVLs nil iiV(irijo ol 15,1)00,00(1 francs In minimi oll'orliiKs. One oll'urtory ohust was npuund durliiK tho lltHso-T'urklsli war In lH'ii, and mivuihI lai-u hiiiiis wuro 'wliUdrnwn, but tt was iifdirwiinlH umvlii ohm oil. A hucoiiiI chcsit wai opmiml In 1H.', lur iiiK the Crimean war, but thu third has not boun opnned since II IS, It Is cotijovturtsl thuHucuiiuilutloii of iiionnv In tlin lust iiaiu od oaiinnt bo luss thnti ZVI.OOO.COO, mid It Is fully bnl loved that tho total amount of trims, iirooflxlaui will exucml (10J,(HX),OO0 fr.iuc, nud oven a much higher Mini. Black Btranger'a Sire. We notice In the Spirit of the Times, that "Qen. Knox," the sire of Col. Nosmlth'a "Black Stranger," stands at tho head of the calobratod Fashion stables, In New Jersey, st 3150 tho season. Gon. Knox is 23 years old, and four years ago sold for $30,000. Wo havolhoioloru in our Htalo some of tbo finest s rains of blood horsoi In tho world. Wo Intrii that tho colts of "Ulaftk StraiiKor" are Mistalnliu: tho aharactor of stock thoy como from nnbl p. Otio ovldonco boln? that Mr. I'Iich, Cutiiiuld hfli boon oirnrod S2i0 for a colt 3 wc-lfs old. Wo shall iiuduiib odly , In "Hireo of Unn, rank with the most Mvored stos om a p.-oducor of noblo broods ol ovo 'v ula'-H, Broom-Making in Salom. j Mr. C. 't. r.ilwf.ll,u-holhMoiH'.or town, nmrtho I'nnil-iulary, hai cotiiiiifiieod Iho inaiiufacluro of brooms, nt whloh business ho is experienced, with llm intouiion to sup ply country mercliniils in this vicinity, and in liniiF-M 'ii Imllil nn a nrriiMnunt and Iirollt- iiblo buslui'ss. Ho procures tho very host of niitUiiMI, mm In- worKiuausuip spenns ior iolf, ns the brnoins wo bavo soon aro made In tbo handsomest and most substantial manner. Country and town deitlors who may wish to examine his brooms can call on Karrar Urns , who arohlsiiKontslii8aleiii, and will 111) ordors. us such, that may como Irom a dls'aneo. Hero is ii chance lo reco nlo home Industry that wo hopo will not bo lightly overlooked. Put.MMKu's I'ltuir l)itvi:R4. Wo call at bullion to tho r.dvortlsamont of Mr. l'Jum iner, which Klveti prices nud (inscriptions of his frull-dryors. Wo aro natNllud that his drlod fruit Is cqunt lo tiny made, m II t'om inands Iho highest prlc.i whemvor oMornl. Mr. I'lummnr has mado Improvcmonls nud s;curfd jiuonis, that ho occupies u Held r his own, and ll Hume whocontemiilalo drvlntr lnnt and wlstt to do it to itooii a'l- v.uits'c, as well us c ocitro a iroril prlic Imioiore, ctin piirchu' Ins lunohlues Willi full ccnll'Vnoe tbtt tho product v. Ill lie all tliatetii tin dnslrd. He Is alrendy nnelxmu riumcrot". or'lTx, mul it h ( m- es If his tn lerprlm would li MwaMiri with an ac.lvo demaud dr hN iiiacuIih. W.WBATBnUrOKS, . w. murnaroBS. Weatherford & Co.. Wholoealo and P.ctall Dc&Iert In DRUGS, PAINTS, OJLS, CLASS, Patent Medioixt.es. CHEMICALS, JE 27 2" xi 222L ory TOILET GOODS, Etc., oto. PURE VINESand LIQUORS, For Medicinal purpoMg. Modloinoa Compounded, and Proscriptions Pilled. Weatiierford & Co., Kc'-ltf fJiimmorcwl trciit. N.VI.K31. S HBBSBN 0. oi Will pay tlic FARBAB, Oregon bynod. Tlin o.rf'-.ii nffj nt tho Cutnberlaml rriobyii'iuii '. huriili will bold Its nEte. 'ion in the C P. ClMiioh. In Nalnm, oom irmnciloi.' r.ti Thurwhiy, Julv fttb, at 780 ft'olocU p. HI. riTATHI) CuiliK. (llrh ponnnT" lnund." I'Oiiad." "How much W ibat bltf turkey leuicr; "l'eniy.flve on't Olrli "Ulvt uw ubout lialf The Mtukels. In Eutern Oregon. Wai.ia Walla, W. T Juno III. Kit. itKCoitn: Thluktuif a lew lines from tlilo portion of the country would bn ol souio luleiiwl to you and your many rcailere, ia imclnlly my old nnUtilinrs in I. Inn county, 1 li'i-lnn to Mrilo, tin the Uilrh of Miy wn slarled Irom our isitliiKo homo In old f.liin, bound for Kisiurii Drcuou; pusned lliroiinh tho bcsiitllul nlty ofSilnm on the U7th liil'lml In I'orlltud tlin aSih, lleto wn look the slimiiinr for Iho Dillos lanihid thu'Jtl h Tho Ititles Is a lively olty: tbuy nuluy uwnl liiwlili though rsthT windy for tlin valley p;oplu. Wo hern took our luuilt and started for U'lilln Witlla cnistltiK Deshulos, .Inhn day'i, Wlllowcrenk, MiilleriuieU. llincli creel.', McKay (trunk, (lumen to tlin Uiniitllla, (lUl.incn 10 nilltis. Hern, on the bank ol the Umullllit Ih reiiilliiiou. 'l'lil is n ulco little town, The next pluwof nolo Is Wus tun, Mtuitind on l'lnn creekj this InhIhoiiUvo. ly iiUuo, 'J.l iiiIIih thtuicrt to Witlla Wullit 17 liillet This Is it business city; populutltii 1 urn told about ;i,(HHI. Walla Witlla valley Is a rich valley of laud) hi"M l.i us kiioiI Kralu as wo over saw In any country. I'roni tho Utiles to Walla Wit tin is it liUU ooniitry, which Is envered with an excellent vuilety of biitiuh pass, tluo for stock) on all the ureaks there urn siiihII rln'.i valleys, tuosily setiled; wn will say we have never traveled iiuiouk'sI a morn Inuipl lablu iitople than wo han louiid lnon wn havn been eit of the mounlaliiH. I'noplo am moral and lutelleetiuli have kocmI schools and Kood society, ill so nut lousllllea wo luvo lounit Kood farms ou the IiIk'i prairies. Uraln looks excellent. A uood many em. Krauts am nhUIIiuj on llinno IiUIiIhiiiIh, whloh will no doubt prove to bo excellent lorsKil cultural luirim.ej. There is yet unoouipled thnusiufs of acre which can bo taken as Iiouio-nUuiU, or pro-emptloim, or under the ttinbnr on 1 1 u re act. Kseli can hold ItW scrts, We will start fur the l'ltlouHoio-iiioriow. Jlt. youiii. Fourth of July Celebration The cltlceu of Lewis Illver will celebrate the com Inn Kouith of July, ou the north Fork of I.9wii Hlver. about I miles fioni ! kill, near Martin's I.audlnir. Hoplutt the trood cllUons of liswis Illver will not torcet to till their baskets with the necessaries of life, lo kenp sou', and body together, before iNtvluii lor thrtcolehratlou, lor weoxpecta Imnntlml dinner and a Kuentl uooil time. Hoit.C. l.sucasinr, will be the Orator ul the day. J.N. IWrtii will Klvna iUuco in the eveulilK at l."w Illver (IraiiKU Hall, tickets ?'-. HiHid iuunIo In attendance. The steamer Hydra will leave Columbia City at half ptkt seven lit the tuornlii;,f allium at Hi. Helen, l-'alUe'a l.iullnn on ltke lUyer. IV kin, l.sceuter, thence to Marlln's l.aiulliiR. t-Vie on the I tout US cents, to and from, J, S. Sru.t.. Pokln, CowllUt'o., W.T. Mr. I. D. I'rettyinan of l'olk wunty, nre hiuils us with a fritrant bnuipiut havliiK in It 37 dllt'nreiit kinds of tlowers, urates and Kniln. Ainoni? thu tlowers aro some pinks from a plant that wai transplanted to folk tvnmly sill (roti: Multnomah, 17 yearn airo. It either shows a very hardy plant or tho exceeding richness of the oll across the rlvar. The wl'ui iniirki'! In Mrcriool is t-tcmJily ili.clinliiK snd ibu ipiotnlloi m on this const .ir. Mieiuly uoiiilual, not lo bo depended on after iiarv(t Thnro nro i'o oll'uis ior on iruIiiK 'ho iii st ctii thai wu hu.r nr, and wo navo oniy hpeciiiniioti as io mo iiiiure, wuu it prospfcr.,1 hut the KiijMish market will not bo suLtuliied at any hlt;h lluuru mid that stllliinluit of freli?hts will work to dUadvnu liiMoof tho producer. Wo bear thai X'J, has been offered and re fused nt Portland, as freight rate for wbent lo Liverpool nfinr harvest, and It Is already apparent that woHhall bavo little or no ship. iiliiK coiii'dk direct to tlin Columbia river, but must ilopond ou vessols ohartored nt ban Kranclxuo, or to como from Hut port. Itecent nharters at San Francisco aro for Cork U. IC. X2. 7s. por ton, and we hear still later by private advices that freights ure nllllliiK thnro sloco that time. While wo look for remunerative prlcos, and bellovn thu comliiK harvest will be so abundant as to make Oregon fitrmors pros perous, If they tiM comiiion prudence, we would continually caution our friends apilnst expecting loo much and (specially iiKslnst spendliiK their money before they vet It. 1 1 Is never Mite to count chlckous be lorn they hatch, nud the present lluurrs In MvcriMiol do not ludlcatu fear of a general Ilimiptaii war or of it short supply of, bread "lull's. They barely JustllUst whea't alit dolUr a bushel lieru at it low rate of freight to Liverpool. Tho wool market Jusllllexiurcautlou made early in the season, ilutt wool glowers could lose nothlni; by tnklui; lluiii to ecll and that prices were safo to advance within a few weeks. Our llosiun and i'hllndelphla re I oris show constant Impioteiiuiuts In de mand nud prleoitt the Kii nud llih (ninth dayj niornliiK us wn k lo 1 "', w'n learn thai Uilu per lb. fjr good lleece, now ollar oil In Salem. Liverpool, Juno ll. lire idtulV eaxler. W'linV, fnrnvenme I'Mllfornlitwhlin, 1'Js M I'Js 7d for club: IhQlls Id f.ir red Western splint;. Philadelphia, June 111 Wool llrmer.wiih xllnhlly upwaid lemleueyi the market Is barn; new clip sclli fast ns It arrives. Colo rmln washed, '!(&'i'; unwsNlmd. 180'c; extra nud tunrlim nulled, ;i'J:i7ii; No, 1 end Miper nulUiLIWQMc; Tnxus lino and unsil iiiii, 18iV'; noarsH, ltl'o; Calirorula tluo and medium, lMXta; coarse, 20QiSj. Highest Market Price " I FWH- mmsm- Bounds -r i..i.i f w JO X. .8a SACIC AMD TWINE "i?itrnlnlniil. BtKiuirunr u j. j:j:i:iu:n. r.'.ii!ti: i:itoTUEtits. Ssluin, Mi) I. IbtMJra. The Old Immigrant Route Across the Cuicudc Itloutiliiliis, KOW OWNKll 11VTIIB Cascade HoadarO Bridge Company, IluniilnK via Hnmly, iU. llixxl, and Harlow's (late, IS NOW OPKN, and travel of all kind lias hc KUii. Thu roitl In In pied repair, extrnMvii Im fniTomentt aro belni; made every year. The I.AU tKb llll. 1.3 nruaUuradtd. bliicii-titldcci nroon ill tho itruami. Thl read iiotut rrcatved a holla u rub ndr, aud jet It II tho shortest, bnst. and cltf p e route over the mountain. Dl'lanco over the mountain!, 44 mile. From Portland, over thu mountain. 78 mllvi. From Hilem, 100 mllca. HaTKa-WSKoni, (2; Saddlei.UK; Packf, 25c; Cat tle, tor; Hhri-ii, nc. Kor all pilnx and comlne from or lntu Marlon. am. hill, Warlilnuloii, Linn, Denton, and l'olk coontlcf, this I br far tbo bcrl. urarent. and cheaneit route. H. I). COALMAN, l'roddeut. lUnvir K. Cuom, tire. lolml HIGH-OLVSS Plenty of good I ami taking at Also. la Mid lo wait for the MONEY For nil ktndj of Lea 11 11liNUtiurhuLwifl n, iVnlc, llortfMtitfl llondi. ate. (avnd i ik. 1 a IViiinl an. I .1 iiatlAdsH tflUS IW VIII Ull. iwatm wshi .""'""H mrw. or ior ioot uoi jvu itiuvuiii uouftuinaLucM ItUnk ltooktcrnjlblnjt In lh I'riuUnji or Itook-a miuiuk uno. mm u iv n. IWA1TK. Ftcura lUvk au4 JoMTlntir u4 ikKJkMna.r, HUt trtrt, rt&LkMi Onruu. MADE J. W. HOBART. IMl'OltTKIt AND llltKKDKIt OK l'UHlMlltHIi Lluiii ami llnrk IIUAII.TIA and llrown and Ulille l.liliIIN OUlolCOXlM, ami AYI.K!dlUltV 3DTJCX.tEi. HfttUfaciioii Kuarniiii'i'tt. l-'or Price I.lnt, liwii, and V.i:x, nddriM J. W. 1101IAK l a0ml llu.'iii VUta, Or. KELLY & UNDERWOOD, c:o WUJs CarriEge & Wagou Mm, Salem, Oregon, KAVK ON HANI) A'CIIOICK LOT OK FOUIt Sprtuj- Wagons, Garriagos, &, Buggies, of their own make, Manufactured of tho 1IRS1 quality of Jorrvy Hickory. (llveuta vail, aideianilte our work, and Judjto for oatn hen All Wlind of ltcpalrtn; anddencal Jobbing done at rhori notice. ajai wtcy U r SPECTACLES, SPECTACLES! For Old and Young. Far-Sighted aud Near-Sighted, MUootlnicOlatMcs ftr Sportsmen. 8TKKL, 8ILVKK, AND OOLU KKAME.S. I AM preptrrd to tupply Hprclaclrato lit at )o,al price to utl. to. W. ItlAllI'lN, Jawclcr & Opthlan, ilank Ulock, btatu 8t. HUm, MarlO.lHTd. em 1 ! THK THUESNER OF THE DAY i - . The Minnesota Chief! Xliu Cfvniiiir 8utMthN of it Century Exiorlonjo J 0 Most Perfeot Thresher, Best Cleaner, Lightest Run nine. Most Durable, and Economical Ma- ohine in the World ! Wherever introduced, over tho Draper and Vibrator Machines ! MANUKAOTCIKI) MV SEYMOUR, 8ABIN A CO., Stillwater, Minnesota. JOHN MOOBE, A sent for Oiogon and Waibington Territory. tW D(icHptlT ClrcoUra aat oa appUcatlon. p. . Jkrm, MLHANV, OH. WHEN YOU WANT TO PAINT, .USE THE., AVERILL PAINT. It Is prepared ready lor Immediate use, and or ALL DE8IRAQLE COLORS AMD PUHJ5 VHSTE. It is easy lo npply, and tt Hill not crack, pee! or clialk air. For durability, beauty, and Iirli laiicyof color it Is For sale in any qmuiJity by WEATHERFORD & 60. ....DKALKKS IN-. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, AWD PHRFUMISRY.- SALEM, : : : 011EGON. nmyl2lf TOciturijtjMWM. M.Mciriuiiwju.utiiai!yTijjVjaxa3?grcri'TawiTrTTg,ct!&ii rxz.'M.iMUjjiTBvn J O H N " I-I U G H E 8 . DKALlilt IN . PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLAS OT ALL KIBTDS. IS 1 IfK AOF.NT FOIt THK SALE OF THK RUBBER PAINT, ALL COLORS, HOWELL & BROTHERS' WALL PAPER AND BORDER, A.N I) Stato Stroot, Salem, Oregon. FRANK BROS. fc CO., 104 & 106 Front Street. - - - PORTLAND, OREGON". IMrOHTEUS AND DEALERS IN Agricultural Implements ! Nolo PaclUc Agent for tbo Genuine and World-lienowntd WALTER A. WOOD'S HARVESTING MACHINES, Embracing Endless Chain and Sweep Rake, Self-Raking Reaper, One- and Two-Horse Iron Mowers, Mowing Attach ments, Harvesters, and Solf-Riudors. Tho Walter A, Wood Unrivalled lrarvostcr and Self-Binder In ttio Kfi'atoi't Labor Hivlnu Marhllie in Mm world. With llito iinrlillK'. one in.ni wlili tlm-o li ir k can cm ami bind Iron 14 to IS ftrmMif tfraui ynr.H. nnil In iwu uevk tlmu wtl In liancfiliitf n trn b be (Inniin; In vutnon. II mn bn n'oiti'ltbir xr a ilmo (it and Svlr-Uliider, ora Ilarmiteraloun Tho Ilnrvcstor and Solf-BinuVr U llioliotaii'l imift womU'rfUl ll.inettluK Macbinc (AcrknuvMi. The Walti-r A. Wood I'll in Hake and now Iron Sweep Rake ;HM'-H.VKirVJ UllAI'Iill I Arothcbfft Siirilakuu Iti-a.-.r. nn . !, .11 l if arc wallliiB fur lim mail li- wl I'O.yu aiul tliou h ( liaucu lu try It aen.l anylhliiu iiikiN fAllMhlts AND l)!.I.SUS. ArecaulloiHHlacalni'tac'iKiii anil U ht ;nnr offiif. id h a Wood mactilur. and purciijpcrr -liutiM ho uro that the Kt rarhlnt' rttttmiwl "WI.TfcH A. WOOD," a none other aruK.'""'De- Tho ''anion Walter A. Wood's New Double-Geared Open-Guard Iron Mowers. With llrar Hearing, patent Oil Cap, ami new nil IniproToJ (luarrN, ara uuaranteU to tw th Hett Muwnn in tho World. Thu Walter A. Wood Improved Treadwell Header. Warranted superior to any Header In the xarket, Iron Wheel. Mprlnc Halance, .iOJnttilo Heel, made tiope and ilnr.ible. Han by Chtlm Inrtead of Ilelt; tiono acquaint nt wlih lleaoer. alter ha?ln een trl machlue, need be told thl I the llet (leader lu the Uarket, aalt willbvappaieutKii lsbt It took tt premlam at thu Ceutennlal, iUJ llrnco lite of Hen toil county btlnc ouo of the Judcc who tuide th award. The LA BELLE WAGON, Pride of tho l'uclOc Coaat. t'AUM, 81'UINO. or EXl'ltKSS. wide or narrow track. Bitrrn bed and too box, or California tke rack bed rd tuir, vrlih Califurnta and Orison adlmt. abieltuLLKlt llltVKK. Tho tet brake made, LlOllT l)U.KT AND WAHUANTED Sveiy heel rolled in boiling oil befor tie tiro l ' tc, nna inn huiii tu iuuu iiie iuv ui lue fimaiu of California better than any other was;oii to Iho mar. Ket, aim rum lour to nvo nuuureu iwunu nuniei tnau auy other, owlnto our mlus a fkelu manufaclurtd emronlv for u from bra attern which are not affected by the weather, and cit from the ce'.cbraud Lake Superior Iron, and from tlic nincrlor tinnner In which our rkelna aro et aud every tilled balanced. AU ported track Tlie Rnfo'd Iron Gao and .Milky Plow, ami tho Browne Iron Sulky Plow. I.Uht Draft, raMIr adjured with Screua or tcvera ior Level or Mile-bill Oronul Trwe llow aro e ;!c!al'j n commenced to the 1'arn.er- of Oriiron mid Wa-'lneton Territory a tho l.l.-htit Diolr, the mot ftilirtJii'lal. i-ymmotrlcal aid the m t aIIy contriilliil. aiida itntn; bettrv oris under all coiidl ilou than any other I'low tn the marl.et. Tlie Famous Black Ilawa- SIiirIo Plow. trnltt fur m;u and beat. Never hll to rlean well T Iieo p'o hare hem thoronclily .d over Ij let l In Cnlliorijia nud cbrvt here, and 1011111 rupcrlorto ull otli i .Ml the I'll nro fully warranted to bo tho bot on bo I'aclilc Coat A hill rlo-k Of Katra alwa) ou hand for tho above I'low Tfcii Red Jacket Chilled Iron Plow. With Steel Point nnd Cutter. And the renowned COLLINS PLOWS AHD EXTRAS, And tho Celtbrated M'SEEREY FOECE FEED DRILL. A full line of U10 bet STEEL GOODS Intbomarket:aUoafullaortmentof theinot tn. protedkludof AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. A full utock of Extra for the Walter A, Wood, and other Ilarvemiii ffi. chine kept countautl)-. ou hand. Byeud'ni:a. youraddre, and apecllnu the ar. cle wauud. w-o will man jou Dewrlptl.e I'.rcnlaV S. ."i-'t. ft. - mtoLb -uy luxtberbT: ttcle anu fora.attoiidelred. tnijiMf For Sa'le ! THK FINK RESIDENCE corner of Coram. 111 mm 111.1. 1. in .tri.l. In .t.wiv.M.. iat....4n ILwlth boueUn:e. well nul.hed. and ronemmt. ly arraiiiied, and Kroand taatcfUlly ornamented. Will bo old X70xir lotv and ou accoinoiodatliu term. Apply to LED WILLIS, ttvH ratton'a Block Bute iu biui, Aiucm' 1'i-IlorNo Power Ioi table Slcuiu KiikIiicn and couijiietu ThrcHblng ar 01UI Ouiflt. .The St. Louis Invincible Thresher AND S and 10 IIOPSE CAUY MOL'.NTED POWER. ..i,0i' l!?r l0 .berl nlJ5cWPe J er od I" he Ml!, nlppl alley and ; tho .Norih We.t. aid the comlmj tuaehlno lor the 1'aclflc Coat. fully tmproed wltu eieclal feature to meet the nam of the r"artner or ureuoa. The .saperlntendert or the Factory wia hero tat year to ee what feature could bo added to make these the inot ponalar machlnu In iimun Wo S. NEWBUUY, Manaser, POHTLANO, OU. E Notice. I1IAVE A IIOU8E AND LOX THAT I with to trade for land In the country. Title cood. May nt 13TT. tf. J. HKNftY HHOtfN TrAA ? ?Pring Uata free, F. K A. IOCS) Puawu, Blooailnjtoo Nuwory, 111. A i s'i jfi.tfcit&fcw: t BMBMliBBlS 'mil Y 'V ''.i .' "-f ' air - "