'nun :&, 'Mmnnnuyataimumm&nifmmiit', 6 WILLAMETTE FARMER: n""R9'nI J 'BMM " !( '"Til'M lllirdliir77jTiiiiim li-.- .? " V 5W fM l& r; ' . " , 5 v: Wn t DIRECTORY. OVI'IOKItSortho NATIONAL OUANGII. Matter .John T. .Tone, lUrlnn. I'lillllpe. Ark. Occrtttrr-J, J. Woodman, Paw 1'nw, Van Ilurcr., Mich. lACturtrS. II. Smcdlcy, Oreco, Howard, la. MtticanlA. .1. Vmiyliii, Mcmilil.T!iili. 1m7 Mwir.-Miirtlmcr Whitehead, Mlddlibarii, Somerset, N.J. Una)laln$. II. Hill. Hirln;rliorotiKh. Wnrren. O. Trtimmr -V, M. Mellon HI, Wiiyne, Hti'tilicn.N.'i . titcittiiruO. II. Keller, l.uiilnvlllu, Ky. (lalt-h'trpcr-U. Dlnuldillf, Urclmrd drove, Ind. Vrrti .Mr. John T. .tunc, llarlon, I'lilllluc. A rk. flora -Mr. Nnmui'l U. Aduin. Jlontlcello, Minn. Jjmonti Mr Ilimey (lu-lilnril, North (Jraritiy. CI teily AuM'tnt fitticartl - Mlrt Carolluo A. Hall, Louisville, Ky. sxnrt'Titri rosuiiiTsr. 1). Wyatt Alkm, (f'rinlriiMii,) tvdicsbiiry, H. C. IS. It. Hhanlciniitl. l)iitiuiiio town. Jlmllnv 'I'. t'hnp. CI in niunt N. II. Atiinr.ii (1 .Id' r, Jtuclt 1'sli, IHK tele. III. W. II. Uh.imln.re, Ottn-ichco, Iluncll. Ala, oriicers ororejjon State firnuue. Mailer Win. Cyrus, f elo. Octruf'i-A. It. Hhiily, (I'wpbo. Ifclurvr Mr. I'. N. Hunt, Hubl. rally. tt'crtlaiy -'!'. I. l)ntliliiu Kali'in. flUictrif-W II. TbiuiiiK. Wall Walls, W. T. Atiiftant Mi mini -(J W, Kiddle, CViyonvlllo, CAail'ilnW. H. Giny. AlurU. Trmiitrtr- . I'. I., l'nrtUnd, Gate-h'x ier -A. II. (Iruhsni, PUher Lasdlnp, CJ.-irk count, W. T. (hw-Mi. II. . Millar. JsckfonTlllo. J'jMOiM- Mr. H I), lliirh .m, McMmnvl In. tow-Mr . K. A. IMIy. Kt Inn aitd. lAilt '""' tU'MttnlStr. Ueorgt Smllh. Hood ltlvor, Warroroiin y. Jitfciitlc Vummlllf-Wm. Cyro, Btlo: It. flow. Dllla-; K. I. Hmllli, II nd ltlvor. ffjftf H'ul.itM Ai n -H. c. Kim. rorllaad. State Grange Xteputlea for 1877 ..Camllli Cotwlln ..Hail Pert land .fculem DSTOS. A Holder , oi.aoka.mai. , Kiineh Hklrlno ltau Crack.... N W lUndall Oregon thy... . iniwuas. .IW tiara Mjrrtlf'r-ck... (I M nmdi.cr llraln'a malum MULTSIIHall. Mympu.il Holly Hut Portland. M.UltlW. I'PCaitlamiti Ilqtterltla (I W limit SiiMlinliy JM TMIHtr" lactannrltlo JacItiODvllla PAI'attanoa. Illekrol ..Mem I J Charlton OoojeLah Jiicktouv.Uu Ilinld riMtnr Kwbyrlll JackMiirlUe , UAMB. . .ltmot W Matlock Oobtt UAIrvtmi....'. CbnoB Albany r&i.si. .Tyali Tap issui'i ...Ucilllinvllh. ..UmIuQ .Canyou city Canyon City Columbia t'lly Tillamook Kurth Yambtll ....WotutJ..v Woton Ott- 1onn Rod.. TAX'lll.L. IlCOarhm I 8a ipliui'-ii .. II HA NT. DHIIIni'lmri.... OOl.t'allil.t, OWM.Iwell.... riuMriwis. II P HoWeu IIMATIU. .18 Wnlto rnoi. I IlenryHhruodr. WAiiiiKOTON tmiuroisv. CkAUK. H W Hroiva Vnnooavcr Om.D.'IIIIA. Hl'Siln Dayinii WIIITMAM. I.blttnr I'llHIIUlf, ' M . Oimlxhi IKIIUR, HH'Maiblmm.... TIItllTliN, I, (1 Abboll Olyinpbt is Ijiiiitcmire .cim.. Jiillui Itorliin' Sciill'u HiAttlo l.liWH, I M riorixui Clniii.it YAKIMA. CI' Cool. Klk'hrimrit Initny nullity wbcru tbo Drpilty n, imlnliil l not thu met iMiltitlilo, nr.il tbo (Irniicv of b liH'nlliy will iiropmly IndlraUi In mo n rlioliv. I w III ho ptcn id, Tor In niitiiy liiotniiron I lmi Iwn ulillucd tn maku tip. ioliiliin'iit wltbiiut kuiiHlwIodH tn fllijivi". MAftcr Orison HtalctlrniiKo, 1. of II. THE PIONEERS. The citizens of Salom Biid its vicinity wokn up this morning with tbo idea that thin was the Fourth of July, at least so It appears from the numlior of vehicles of all sorts and sizes which, from early morning, crowded tbo strops Hnd rnndo the dust fly on tho road to tlioKnlr Ground. Tho Fair Ground Itself iHcoinplnloly overrun with sun-burnt I'io nctrs Hiid their fiimillos, whlloovery avitll ahlo conveyance, from a wheolb.trrow ton hhtidcoino buirpy, has been pibf-scd into tho sorvlco. I'i ovislon lias been mado for a'susc Inpthn llnrst of tho visitors, J. O. Wright and Uollisitliavo HpncIoiiH and cool rcttciils lor illftpijiiHlt.i.' Aictlo Kida, Icoi', f-trawborrles and oroain ramlv, Iriilts and Mich othtrllKht nlrM-linimix. l, u.s Jiyrms iiispcuH no- pnir lii..r. Iin.ui'il liv I' nlll'fir Ij-lltiV WffetS' ' o.tl.HiKl lonhil down In Htlcopwllnr. ilnts ! wdl thl'e I'luiinraphN KntntielM, of tho West SIioip, will mi ply el i'Mi M'MfllMK inn'crlii , 1 r,rth(l li..M(lllllltV, lltul H.W.IIliOr Will lit , any one with rnmphi.o tnyoU o of Jf-weliy, for two ll f. Hut ory low pasensor. fioin I'onianc, 'Pinri tipiiiis lucrum, " in Itmllv hi lli;S() tho I'loncils innrchi'd to thu Kmvii, imd !.(. nipftlntr huh called tn order. I'im r vtu drltvciod ly Ilov. riiillln nutl tlen ll) I'rf silent Hon. Jim. Wiuto dHlver ui n trh f uddriss of u.hou.e, In which ho ni'ro ri.irrtilnrly nlludoil to tho loss tho I'ionti had aantnlned durlnRtho pan w hv OmiUwthh 01 Jnxrph Cox, J.C. Avorv, iwipn WiIcoshiiii lit iintcrMiruwiriro ornnihy. and pronounc-pd a Itiartfelt iiiio- KlMnon Ho !(! HlU. MO llllll nun iiin.'ini lion. Mvccid Kvans, of olytupln, wlo jro rifilnd 10 drlivorHii bL e, lnHiructlo,Hiid (.mo tlnn-rt i lrquBiit tifldr. us, iLhriniu' ilinonrlv history ot Oregon hiiU the i'.inmlit .itirl lmrdfthlr of lliollmtfio' tiers. 'At tho (Oticllislon fit hlsBudres proeei iimsln tho cro'o bttvo nwey for n picnic 'llunor which In turn cao hbt for thu f tr- noou oxcroict miWfiiofcrew'CK. Wo Rav, in ourlntls-iie tho proctwdlnjjH, at tho Fair Grounds durlnx tho for om mn of tho Hint lsy or tho l'lonr'a uoUbrnUon. Taking up iho thread whore wo dropped h, tvo uvnimniiiM with the oiiano I'noRitHstot;, Which was formed under tho dlrroli'iu of fion. It'ilph (J. (iur; OHCh year licudul by a haulier, ana foliowou hv timfio wbu catnn io OrPKou In tbojoariepro ontcd; tho whole W h.vii baud or itirrlnc martial mualn. Tim tniii'h Io Ihnttrovo wuvniiort but riivo nil nu opportunity to look upon a portion of moan mumy tmtu ana woini.ii a no m oe in early hlitory of our beautiful Stalo. at Tin; anovis. After ft few romtrki by Hon. John Mtnto the Prsldent, and Urinural Joel I'altuor, HON. hCM'Jlt'.N HTAATS ..Coifix... ........ KtinA Clidmlli. IVnt. CnUux ..Olympln Mootintjof Subordinato arangos llopn, No. -I, ni'iiilsln Albany, nu tho l.i mill IISituriUvH of kiiuIi uioiith, at Ilia. m. O.vk I'laln, Xo. 0, In lliiUny, Jiul mul lili H.uiiril.tYxui II a. in. Ittnnnr. Xo. WK In GnvwInrdHvlllo, Ut HiiiClnl NitiurdiiyM, atV. u. SyrnuiiKi Xo. b.'l, at :lllltirs Station, I'll Sitiurilay, at I i. in. l.al).moii X, UI, at I.tilmuou, Ui und Ith ij.ttiirday. at III a. in. HiMiid I'ralilt No. 10, Hli Siitiinlay. Knox Ihitto Xo, L".', Ut and Mid .Sal in diiVH, Hinilam Xo. :I7, -ml and Ith .'.mutiny, ut 10 a in. llnivniIUi Xo. 10, lstt and t!ml Hutur. llAVK. T.ui;fiiit, Xo. 7, lutatulllril Frl.lnyt, at 10 i. 111, ll.trrlxliiiri;, Xo, 11, lit and ilrd S.ttur il.iVH, ai Ida, 111, Hliuild, Xo. tl, Ut and il.l Saturdays, at 10 11. 111. lUppy lit 1110 Xo. HI, 1st and :td Saturday' in iiaoIi iiionth from October (0 Juno, ami tin tint Ut Saturday tho luliuicn of tho your. llarmoiiv Xo. .;!, II rd S.tturday, tf KUlarlv, oxoopt In Nov. lco., Jan,, Fob., und Match, when they moot tho lt Friday. IIHNTOX COUXTV. Soap Crook Xo It, 1st Saturday ut 10 a, m. Wlllamollo No. M, 1st Thurxday, st 10 u m l'hllouutth, Xo 1'.', Ith Saturday, at 10 u in I..VXK COUNTY. CroMUiill. Xo. ill, Ith Saturday, 1 p. 111. Kupmo, Xo. Ml, in Kiikuiiu City, :trl Sat day, at 10 a, 111. Charity, Xo, "tl. iM Sttunlay. (loihiiti, Xo. 101. MSaturdiy, at 10 o'clock Jiuiuiloit Cl.y, Xo, U, -ud Siiiurduy, in 1 p. in. MoKimilo, Xo. 107, ('.imp Crtiok, 'Jl Kitur ' ly. roi.lv COUNTY. Oik I'olut, Xo. U, Ut and ilrd Saturdaya. M A UlON COUNTY. SaIciii Omiikp, No. , Ut und Ith Saur tUyi In uiqii iniinih, except 1.1 Aiuust, op. toiiilnir, and Oo' lii r, whim It meets only 011 tlin Ut Saturday - n. iboir hull In S.ili'iu, Alilipitt, No I. it, Uti iiiiday, ltovk I'.ilnl, N.i -b. tUsniir.lny, ut 1 p, in. llnlto Crook, No. H'J, :ird SituuUy, at 10 a. m, WASHINGTON COUNTY. Hoiivpttoit Xo. 100, mcoli Ut, S.itunltiv, at 10 o'clock. Marlon County Pomona OraiiKO Will moot at Silom (irano Hall on tho llrst Friday In July, at II o'olook a, in, O. (1, Oi.iinn, Sto'y. '. Thu BoiiAtorNI oammlttoti to InvoitlirAto (lov. Orovor, will lojtve hero on tho D.ikota ou tho'-'OUi lu', rttituliluR 1'oitUiul via I'iikuI 'tiouud, Was Intriiiiuccd, wn'i Kve, in tr, ctiOHin und li. en excn'lliitfly tuttrilii manlier, hhnluh ofii portion of the amlira tioii of lrt(j, Several of the Incident rcUu d Ar At 11 worth vrotorvlm for the future bis. loriftii ofOnaou, and will nppHArAOou in Hie Daily Mki no. At tho ciuhIusIoii or Mi. SiitutH addic-", Mri, A.J. HUSIW'AV WnsiwIIM for. Mho "iinni forward and Inld in her truly orluhml uianncr, the story of u tcirtu thai Mivupt uver iho "c.ininmnby" of IJardMtrahhlp over so iii.hiv voarn iiko. und detulled tint uairow ounpo of her-ulf ami balm Mm, I), win ho.irtdy nluitirod 11a h'io Uit tho Maud to iniiko Miy for Ho v. J. Ij. I'arrltili, Dr. Win. McKay 11ml othur.s. Tho Ntinpor hour I. living urrlvod tho rompauv iKlJoiirund but c.iino logothur utlii wild uiany uudltlonii. in Tin:, r,vi:,NtNii Tho road to tho Fair Clionud who UirniiKod with vehicles, und though tho dust Hew up Hi clouds, khIIv drcN'od younu uiiuthiiniiu. and roy-clieokcd, bright-eyed duuiieU, all wore hurryliiK 0111 last nlnhttottio I'louetr's mil. At a very early hour tliodancocommmicod and hefuro smiHtit thu merry note of tho Hand were heard, and thu Htimtorl.in volco of tlio(,'oiitl(imnii vlii)''o,illi,d oil." Amid tho oak tree thorn was niilio 11 dlf. fiirmil Hi-tine; tliern tho old iMiup lire blned and round H Worn ualhored tlc nibii anil womou wlm had endured hiioinraud li.itd shlM in erosion tho plaint und li.irrmi dus. orti 011 their 101110 to OreKuii. 1 lie lltful lire Unlit nlo.ituocl amid tho Miuihro jjrovi n mill, tlii.ro, by that old c.uop Urn Win. Itirl-.u told tlinsiory of hit J niriitiv uciuii thiiconilnoni In 'I.Miuw thu train MilVinul and wiMied.but l 111 pushed on In mil tli.i proinlsdii 1 mil. I low thoy reached 111 last, tl o oritHs of tlln Cascudo taii;e, and lion, when a bwolltti MOf.NTAIN TOItlllJ.M' Hccnuiit io bar tlmir lurthnr prnj:rntH, ho boldly wmled In biilthoiiKhliialdeii(h was mi liumlut'ii' that hit hcnri umt luck ultli bmuliic lovo to Iho lunthcr m liu had chnUh od Ins Inr.iiiiiy and whom lr lli.uinht lie would mko no mom. Ono o ins compiny, .1. M. lluiiiu uiii tluiro l.isi niitiit, and tin loo, spoke of tlms'j rniich old tlnie.s unit how aoiiio m: r t lotoiupauy hail MU.t "ihoy could never Marxo, for limy had nlw.ty It.uiin." Mr. Iltrlow claluied that Ui was llmllrnt iiihii that nvt 1 ilrnvo it wiikou across 1I10 cas imiIk uimiiitamHiiiidthoro.idU hiiil.known ik. tho lUilow route. Then 0110 after auolhor old nloucor ami llmlr wivisiiroMn atthuiwllot tlielr priiHlddiil John Mluto. K. X. Cooke, and Henry How ott loM their oxperloucta and Mr, l.'iiili. ary. of Yamhill, while shn dUolauued tint title of pioneer, yet aa worker and By in pa tUltor wlih them, Kvu her oxpsrleucH with tho force ami o1ihuuiico of a born orator. In fontr.iot tc this wax Mm, Mlnlo's plain iiiivariilshed tale of her llrst Iiotisokuopiu lit Mai I011 county. How tho Ural sat ol ciorkory alio i;oi was font butcher knives and then how ulio. launched out into ux tiav.i:auce ami not an Iron kettle which -ervoii lor mt, p.m, b.ku oven unit frying pin, and how ho uotiuHy .ivo dltiiiur ptr 1 1 n with Ihn ooNily oiiitll. Jus', then lutothor plouoor from Y.tmhlll lenurkid that Mluto was well tlxod, for all ho had, wan i "lurked Mick." Mrs. A J. Dunlwuy was ealltd out and promptly 10. upended and rvumutt'd bovor.il ploaiant In cidents nf pioneer I lie, Dr. Win. McKay, from Umiilllli tohl htr.iii:its orlesof ihn tlrKt. lutroductlou of ya iIoiih iruitsund vnK'tabh. All this ilmo, round tho ilowlm; embers, u crowd ol the old hiililei witti their wives and litiiiilhs wero (alherod, liueichiiiigliiu tatos and iHiiiiiiUoornvtHi.' I'm time wtum ilioy rroovd thu pl.iins. Ttioro wetoDiu'l CUrko und T, ('. Shaw, of Marlon, audit. Olds of Yamhill, IHvoliultirlonf Polk, F. C.ollemau, from Ohamp.iei:, W, l Mjor, of AmIiImuiI, I'ci kins ami Hurdy, of Yamhill, llu Um iithieti lauulrtd ouuder, who ln.il tiraicKodofthosUe and xwltthtof the Yum lilllcis, and many othora lioso imiutx are uukno.vu. WhUo touts KloinlnK anion w: (ho trKa pointed tint the bpot wberi ulbcrt wtro camped, but tho Mrulns of iiiushi uud tho rATrun or manv vinrr CAUtiod the majority to leave the cimp tiro and rep.Ur to the ball loom. if the plotuers were luvustotued to tUi cm like thU, thoy tmut have had omn J'llv K30tl times for the spiolous hall was UlUd t us uttuott capacity. Hrlnht eyes ll-sJied ou every side, and lltho! figures floatod throURh the mmsy dance m their feet kept time to the measure of quadrille, echottlsohe, or mazour ka. Tberuusloof the band under tbo'sklll. rul leadership of J, 11. Uaas, was maKnlu cent, and tho dancers seemed to enjoy it thoroughly. Thoiloor-niauaRorsendeavorod to give satisfaction to everyone, but In spllo of all .their oxortionn tbo floor was over crowded. Thlrty.fthjht eetls of quudrilles beinj: In motion at tho i-anio tl.iio.und when a Mihultlscho was played, tbo number of per formers was so great that couplo encounter ed couple every Instant find cnroined Htid rlcooboled nualnst oinli other ovor.v instant- The Hour loo became rather slippery, and Homo disconsolate votiths coniplilnid iliat that thoro wns uo chalk on it. Da nee suc ceeded dance in rapid succoislon. Ico creiutie, ioda. ami other lijrht refreshments vniiwuiKi rapiuivnnd Mcsrs. Wrlcht, Hoi bert and lml.t Dvrno wpro Jp' busy mlnls terlnglo iho want's of the i nuhlnpo. Hour alter hour passed awayjin'-ksiind omnlbuo I.MII10 llllU Wellf ill IHpId MIClO'NIOII, suppniH were latim at'd still the mtirriiniut waxed fitiind liirious as If thed.iiic ri wtrolu8u stble to IViDkiik. IJntftli tinn"1 must havo nu end, In tho way tlawn th. m-rry pnity dls porieil to rei.i ilinle v,lir. 1 iiiiisutel nor tin nu todu-om of tiiol'louKui'i IMi. Second "Day. CVJNCIX'sION. Tho a-soclatlon iii!-bl 10:30 iVIx It, In t! r pHlllon ibis tnonilior. mui ih. IiiiomIiu i-llliora for tho onsuiii. Priioldsnt. J. Hhi'i-him. s.. luel Pnlmsr, DAyton: 1: J. IJ. Hrown, KaUin; ( iar, mam II, llrM. urer, M. linker, (Mho):..' Whu, Vatuhlll, It, C. i Ajonifim, inn. Heolved,t)mlDr, W.i' VcKt iqu -t ci in furnlahall t Jjo iIoh'I-. known 1, . i.im ooniooio'l with llieeariv 1 s'orv t Or m . who a view of ImMiji ' in:, ik "1! tu lu tbi; anrals f ibewLlrtv, TIk, moling Unit '"J The p-i'.iu or Rihi'I 1 letiuii) mwlnld hut v llie i-eHson. J A-'dretsfiii wcr'atlolh of Drlcu. J, l mU, Atcivty, uraini,antt 1 Pol k . Tne ruoetlnff then kl k 1 ir "a te i lo Hit: ". 1 t Yior J'rt hlen-, 1 0 n ;i t vec,-o'Hr, irxoutitflni; Micr- l ' 1 iiipopiji Ti'as . Dlncwrst Jo. er, Marion 1 TJi. i-n-d v, ! trora , vii,ipv,ii was aw J it u pnUJlyLed In tl hv r,(ir, I'alnur, ( JUimn, Dr. Win 1 s epvm h .ima, I Oakey Hall.-T1io Now York Sun tells this atory of tho Gotham lawyer who absconded to England: In ono of tho lost cases ho tried to represent a widow whoso husband had been killed by carelessness. The de fendant was represented by a man emi nent In his profession. Tho defense proved by an employe that all that could be (fono to insure sufoty was done, lie was a fine-looking ninn, and his story Imd weight with the Jury. Oakey fult that the witness was hurting him, so he questioned him, and asked him if lie htui over been convicted 01 a icm ony. He said "No." "Are you cer tain?,' "Yes, sir." "Wore yon never arrostodV" "Ye, I was arrested for hitting 11 man, but the .ludge let mo oil"." Meanwhile Oakey sent to the records und recuroil a tiMiif-crlpt of the man's trial tiinl conviction of a felon-Itui-, a.s.atilt, M-iiteine being MUpi'iidcd. lit; showed it to tbo opposing lawyer, nntl that gentleman at once niw the force of it. They agreed Hint a verdict must be L'iveii for Hull In any event, and It was only a (iiietloii of llow much. Oakey paused for a moment, put tho paper into his pocket, leum-d ou his blind 11 while, and then turning to the other lawyer, said "Brother , J dont think this witness hits done me ho mtii'li barm Hint 1 can't win my enso. With this, ofiour-c, I would win, but it would ruin him. lie seems to bo n well-meniiing num. be hits a family and stands well with ids employers, llo probably thought be told the truth when bo Mild tho Judge let him oil'. 1 can't bear to 11? n this. Ills cmploypivi would doubt lew (llwlnirro him, and his companions would twit mm. " Pi It In my pocket. And ho did. lfii'dK Keep your 3fyo en your Fntfeev." I.nst ovenliiKou! ai um Pavilion oojnrred 1 KniiiMtiKliicli!M t- ii woriliv of men- an (toiling An old uK,n xixiy esrs oTitfre, Whi mm formul on the IWo room, and from hie lam tin-, vui sunlild latlliO l '. lin Wii- ortl.oeiniroswt. Sotn .1 1 .tri, pxr.'spps (ois i' itiuhiiii. a 'etr ihat In ons con trt f ihe 1 .ti: In the wr- !! milier lli lvr)vi,;.-iilus 01 Iho iiiiik.c lall iipouliu Mrssnrl ho wits no I ii""r !h loitering, fr. ui-, d ,, w!. e I'obl.t IlinlUCOUld ec-e v linar ,i wvijf-' bill was : r,4iisfr)rin$(l ill e iit.'.vau I "pp'o to of sixteen, for ho - n.. i.ui into no corner slid iMJatioKtllibi .Mfuu. hu intddle ot thH suit nntl then h i)( n. W4111I1 our fuller dano-," Hi .i.M.i,.,.d cutilitir pk'.finwlnuK, ami Jam, 11 j. s inn ion itifhe IiIkIi would crack hN Iih! tuxetlior end slni; out "kiwp 1111 cy.t m nnr Uiber," then ho i;o liuni 11 si 1 nle of ihp iulnr old-fohlonttl "doublt s'.iuIIb," auti ((mi teilrtdtoihocormiriiUK I tl.u siv-.tiiH ol hii pliiUKo from his ditbcui.lniirs. On tho Mnsoio. Jloumt tliocamp lire, .isi nlijiht, as Win H:iriow wus lt"crlhlnh' then! ventures of the men or 'II and '15, lu ctcsslrm the plains ho liiippouod to JOtn.xrk ih.11 lbs moil or those years' oinluratlon were "rocUless. advenlur mm, uud lull of iihihcJm," wreinlnn tn placs them rather higher than the men of lntr tlalo. When Mrs, Dtmlwav, lu rcprnisn to Jno. Mintn'scall nihdu herfaix romm-lct; hn turned to Mr. lUrlow and Mild, "that though nil ho had said of tho Mi's ami M.Vh whs truo, tho company with which she oiuiti "wem lully their tquals lu ml venturous spirit mid recklesMiess, and us io muscle" (mil hero sho tlrnw herosuir up and stretched forth hbraruif) well l think I can compaio favor ably with Mr. Harlow." Plstolnd. Tho Hon. Klwood Kvans, yesterday morn Inir, preoctiiisl to Marlon Martin of liine county, a udlcofuutliiilty which had ciohed tho i.i. iliis. It is mi old flint lock ilrioon pistol, rutoil ami biljortd. havhii; mock and b.Airol l.isinnod ioi;ether with u strip of hiick sltlu. When Mr. Martin received this pro cl(,u iinlclohetold tho boys all round that "lie hada pilr of Jua. Miohshootlnn ir.ins but one day hocamo In.o tMinp and he had the h.ilnti rs hut nary pNtol." oali.asitj3ms". Ji'.m: I.'i, l7S. A. li. Sivlor fiirmerly or Siinrhlan, Oiin routovetl Ills drim Mnro to tbl. place. J l id the llncst I'stalillnliiuout III Iho city. Thee tinii iiiKHtinir of tho Chrhtttau Churoli ciimuient'fd M'f'tirduv. Jim Uiun has built an addition to bin stable, 10 M'commodaio camp 11111 Hop lolks. M. M. Kills Inn a ul'uiiiucii ot.tOtlhiuu' near the i;roniid. Tim nmiNi.Hlon tbat fellnwed the Into Mrs. Mtiry tidltiiu M the ton.b was the larnunt overs'.en In Dallas. Win tiny, while lunakliiK a boro last Wediiestlay, c.nt ihrown hrcaklm: his nrin at tho wrist, umshliiK his none, ami knockluR out two upper twth. He U ut-.tilnj: aloun nicely under the treatniont or Dr. Smith. It. L. II. A Bold Robbery. This f.irenouii aUiut 11 o'clock the liom-o of Mr. John Savage, ojiponltn theentrauce to the Fair Grounds was entered and u itnltl watch and a lot of Jewelry taken. Mr. S.iv aj;o was hbnuii iroui home ami Mrs. Savaco li'id uoue to nolithbors ou an ernind ami was absent but , fnw moments. TIih theft was acoitupllsbed (iilikly ami bklllfullv dillltiK her abiouco. The w.it-ih, welry and a involvcr Moleti from Mr. John Sivtu-o's mhIiIcium notr llio Filr Oround ,i,tnrdsy m irnlii';, was found by .Nlrs, Savhum luat evening near the yard Kale hidden lu the tail urat-.s uudtr mine boards The thiol lu hi huny had hcon-lcil It ilnite, doiilitltky Inttudlucin not it under ilHii'iirofiili;lit. Howovir Ifsiich was his Intention ho c.ot mo-t Uniuitfoliy tripled up in lit ciUula'lons. Wndnesiby eveulnt:, aben x o'clock, tliedelllnhouooi Mri, Julia A. John, on her farm two tulles .South of Salem, ou the l.eabo Fury road, took tiro from a opsrk tin tbo roof wlillo sho was Ironlni;, and boon ths hoiiMiand ull Its contents were entirely wiisuuusl. Yery lltlie of any value belnc; sivotl Mrs. Johns and lur dtunhtor were alone at hniue, all tint tnen belmrotl at work. The tine sa bnnre fanned the tlrt, and hur tled the duMruellon, Sojr?iit was the wind tht burning shlmtbs were turtlcd up the hill quitter or a lulln dUtant, and n en by Mr ami Mrs.S. A. Clarke, who were vlsliiuj: their 11: ice, ijIvIuk them tho tlrst tio!lceof the d Ulster. Thev hurritnl down to tlml Iho Iioihu a mass of embers. It was btruiiio Ilia! nII the time the tiro listed 110 one pvd the rmd. Tho house was insuroJ by Heed A- Cox for $1,000 which will uot cover tho Io. There was also ?I00 lusurauce. ech, on furulture and clothing. "1 wori'li r If ii'n -oil ickn i-s that mnknx AllorKlwyt a-hetvlf n up anohor'-t" ex claimed Aunt Hpybnl), as elio locked tuouKutfuliy u fr- m tbo paper. To what lunRth may tho widow go when she deuliiN a new pvrent fur her children? liio nmy go ono atap.fa'iior. A child, bAlnarnsked whi.f were tho ihno Krcat faaxts of the Jew-, pmtnpily replied: H. slffuwl. rltrin.r. liltrl Kim fir ." -' 1 --, ..-.,-,.... VDD& 6 i V. . VI'-KKHY, Auioia.illolcc. 6 M. SMITH, . The Ladies of the White Home. Tho Now York 2Vi'6ticsays: The prosont is an era of kindly sentiment, and, as one token of It, we nro happy to obsorvo In moro than ono Journal pleasant notices of tho lato lady of tho White Ilouto. Mrs. Grant seems to retiro from a position of cousklornblo re sponsibility with tho best wishos of all who know Lor. Undoubtedly sho Is not sorry to go. As a good housnwifo sho has not moba bly found tho lSxccutlvo Mnnslon 11 very convoulf nt plnco of nbodo. All rcpnrlscon- niir In representing Hint ronowned cdlilco to be In n condition somewhat dolapldalcd and actually vorgmtr on the shabby. In fact for o1!ir. years Mrs. Grsut has hnd uo house of her own, nud has really Inon 11 1 tho bond of a largo oiVco miinlalned for tlin tto and bene llt of tic Amorlfan peoplo. Tito 11 odct Iit t!o Mnirtuto which fIio loft nt Gulotm wis dotibtle-s far plcasanter nntl lu t great deal hotter repair. We nro Incllnod to belloo Hint Mr. Hiyes will also Ihlnk with ponio rokrcti'f hersnnj, ehtrintand coniniodloifs Onlo liome, ns thu nuution mlvortlsniients siy, "p ltb till thn modern improvements." We km. w nt least from her cotrespomlcnco thnt such wo the liotnoslck fieHrg of Mrs. John Adams, who was always longing (or fin old liishlonad retldonrxt, half villa nud lulf I rm l:rmo, whifh hefhad loft In Mas Mchu.selts. VVo think It orrilliRUlo lo tho ' ohnr.tntor of American Wiiiimi, ami an ovl doncoof ik'lr tact nod nblllty gncofully lo ndip' tluiuiscilroii lo oircnuistatu'e, ibstno I'rc&iilfut's wife has tliovn any particular lucppacity lirtbn pndiioi Umin,t;ii waut of good broftlloj'jnmldljinlllwl ujRimers. 33 IK3 .TrJ a? X !S T? , HAIiKM, OIlKfJON. Offico movetl uvir IlllEY MAN IJUOS.' NEW SToItC Olrl:u houre from u u. in. to S V. in. Salem .Fiourhig- MHIb, UI'.ST VAMILY VLOV)l UAKEH'S KXTHA, ZSX. SLTEItflNC AND UJtAllAM, MIDDMNOb, HHAN, AND BnOItTh CouMtnutly ou I-Xttutl. SlltrliONl, X'rloo 11 OABII Paid for Wheat ATAIiXi TXIWCBS. It C. KINNEY, 't Htf Auent fi. i M. Co KSr.MlLIMir.I) 1S55. Willamette Nurserv, &. W. WALLINa & SON, PkOPItlETOItS, Oowogo, Clackamas co., Oregon. wajZTngvs 'WW PEACH PLUM, Xlio Ituliuii Prune, And the belt varieties or rium, Prune, I'cncli, Applo. 1'car, Clicrry, Nut and Shade Trees. IN YVlh ASSOHTJIENT. Send for Descriptive Catalogue. B. T K A i G Importer and Dialer in Improved Saages, UOOK. PAHLOR, AND J0X S, o v Ami MinufictiiriT or Tin,8heot-lron & Copper M'A 12 IO, tnlon Dlock. ComtiKrclai Street, SALKU OltKOOX. Y itESPECTFl'Vl.Y INFOHM ALI. ItY OLD i. rrlt.mli lamt euMinr that l havo resniaetl hu.l ncn. ami Imlm ilin paMic KvuiraPy 10 rati anil exsm lua mj tcck unit tiara rut price. Novsl liiTOf G. H. CLA.UGHTON. V-OTAHY 1MIU1.IO. ItfHl K.tatc Ak'UI. J.1 aud t:ollrrtor ort'laliiib. will promiitly at CO.NEANCK A bPaUIALTY, Office at the imi offlc, Xjo"3rtxio?a., Or. Tho (Jrantl liod:e of I. O. U. T. i,f 0ftou olo.sptl pHlahoisttiftho 18'h sriumt om,ioii, In Albiiiy totlny. 'I'ho tcirii )ss bcon Well a'feudid, nud tntlre i-r.oii fptlJnirand unify of purpovo provitlluu. Past (Jrami tiecmtiiry Jauie.s A Hiuilh, Installed thpolll cora lor tho rniiltitf year, on lollowp, W. II. Dunbar, SIlvorton.G. W. C. T. Fannlo Myor, M,ind, O. W. Coun. KuiJiia Kelli-KK. Portland, (7. V. V, T. W. S. Jaino. I'nrihrid, . . M, C. H Iletl, Tl DallP. 0. A. h. J li. Houston, J'ircrtf n, G, T. ltev. It C. ItHtm-bv, Sllvnrmn, (I. Ohtm. L.C FI'hir,SFin, O. M. . Kil Hideout, AJtiany, t. l). M, U: M. Driver, Monroe, (. I. O. J. K. I. t'aviu, Keens, . Sent. Tllm-.n 1'isrtl, ssIhii, 1'. . W . C.T. M. U htiiter, Koreat Omo, Oiuer,lStl ntrin'r nil w of Juv nllo 'IVtupl rs. ?. li. 21 !. , I'tndleh n.Oraid Messenger. Lsst Wi(lii(.il,T Mrft. T. U. Ilarrfenn and a MU IMIIoks, wi h n joiitiK Pete, met Hlth an aci.d -nt wliile wr. Iruo bri'i"ii m-ar Anilt.v, Iliat 1 Mini, rif.r -mI";' fti.i) rci nt lc".t itne ui" t!ieoi'CUMo:s i.:' in wh on iliey wrKiti. i he unlu. .ilnt'itciif'i (., 1 ,., tubiulo Irioi: hltht v.lilli .ii Hit. br.di;r, which wua about ill 'iHit Ii'kI:. and buckol oiT, tho xiriK on.ltumtts nud hori-e, ell falluiK in ono ifinfui.ed mass ntll-o bottom of the ruvlno. The babe wm. pinked up unconscious but f-horily Hfttrwards mviini, It only Imvlng been htunmid in thofnll. Mrs. flurrlson wns badly brub-od on her limb, and person, whllo Miss lllllinps I'srapcil unhurt. A lor lunnto escape for nil parties, considering tho nature of theaccltlont. Now Hailing. Mr. A. Hush, tho proprietor of the Chem ektlu hotol 1ms ordortd from tlio It a handsomoand stylish Iron railing which la to surround the balcony on tho west sldoof that house. This will Met tho building off to adrHtiiitgnnnd quests or tho hotol will havo n line proinonado and 11 good place to vlewCoininerclHl stree' Trom on c,ala days. Thtoo Thoiiaand Dollar' Worth. Tho I'ltclllo Threshing Machlno Company rtivlmt Vfsterdav throe thousand ditiinrM worth or rdioiiN Ilorio Powers nlioady for ne. Thef-e jioweishatl bfen made for iisnlu tii;ioinlH, butihucotiilnuMl drought In that s'lsto miike.s tbo N.1I0 dull lor nil kinds of ma chinery, and so these poweis'nore purchased iv tin. 1, r. M. Company 10 till contracts al ready made here. Pursuant 10 liictriioih.ii.s iroin proper su ilmrlty, Pii'mastir II. M. Tiiiitihcr engaptd -Ms nionilu,: riinosons or looms ntthe Che .1.. I,, u fur Cie O I. .Morion Senatorial -tiro. vir-lnwtian.iig.Ci inmll it. Thev sreex pfet.d i arilte hero the 1-utor part of noti tteekcr the lir.t of iho week lollow inir. Fouuil Guilty. John Tobln und owou ICecgan wro found Kiilliy lu ihn Clrc.ih Coun tins forenoon, of silliillyaiii lutllclously killing a yaliMblo iinlmal. Tliev ore each hcntoncotl to pay a line offjO and osm. Whnt Kind of nn ond duosn shoonvt leer L-onio tti? A wiixcd ond. X". jCL.. SIXXLltlX, Sui-tiMt, Salem, Oregon, dealer In fcitoreoi'cope nnd Stcrssi feoplc Vlott, and Scene or Haleia and tho rurrouud Injr cnimtry. Lift).lio 1'hotographt, tn India Ink. OU or Witter Oolor. te Toulc. Kvoryone, ntllmo, feels tho, necessity of some restorative or the vital powers, de proved by montal or bodily exhaustion. In such conditions, let every rme. Instead or lly 111 in the alcoliolls or medicinal stimulant-, whltili miiKt bo Inllourid by dooraislou equal lo their nxritauieur, relnvigorate his dorang cd 3 stem by the iinluiwl tonlo elements of Hie Pmiuvian Syuui. Sold by all drug- SlstH. t'lisoiicitca Tcsttinony. Fairfield, Me., April S3, ISM. Oontlemc-n Seeing numerous ccrthlcates lu the Mtuue J-Urtiier, emtlorslnc tho merlta of theiiret 1,uhk K-medy. Wisiaii'h lUr.. amok WiuiCiir.uuY. 1 am imhicrtl mid I lake iilrasiirA In itlvlng public'.. v to Ihn urot oureit icconipliheil in inv isnillv m the ytarlSsri During theumtiier of ih.U year my son, Henry A Archer, now poM muster in this place, was attacked with bpitilug of blood, ismgh, woikuess or lunt's, and geue ral debillt v, so ninoli so that our lamilv pby tlolati declared him to havo a "srteil con sumption." He was under medical treat ment for a number of mouths, but rocelvod 110 benefit from It. At length, Irom tho boll citation of himself ando'hrs, I,wasinduc(t to purchase ono bottle of Wivr.wi'. Halsam or Wiu CiiKitny, which lioneiliod him bo much 1 obtained another, which In a short tlmo restored him to his usual state or health. 1 can fcnrely recommend this routed v to oth ers in liko condition, rorlt Is, I think, all it purporls to ba tub cheat luno kemedy- IS)U THE TIMIisI The nboye statement, gentlemen, la my voluntary offering to you In favor of you disposal. As ever, yours, Andrew Archer. 'd TiLaLWaLaLaaLLaW" ' -g'. - " 1J '' t , 1 - BBBBfllM,l!fliMaajMlaMa iain ii 1 - - --' 1r-.. .-.akatkl.aVA.-t ,fiiJjyi1Wi