WILLAMETTE FARMER. 5 i. 0. Qi ! r 1 1, a: o x" o ia-v Crimtl OMIcer. O. V. O.T.-W. IS. UunW. Sllurton t. V. i). Coun Mm S. V. Mi-i'liur, Kujrcno City. (J. bi o'y-T. 11 CMuTonl. l'ortland. G. A . Scc'y -1(. Stii tii, Mntinro O. Treio.Cmiii'i Kulliuir, 1'ortliml. (1. Chap. liir. J. 1. N. liU. An bland. (I. Mur.-.I. V. Strnnsn. lioilurg. fl. 1). Mir Auwlu li. Undorwomi, Cottleo Gtovo. . Uiurd Mary (.'nun right, The Dalles', n. Hoa T.V llarton, Amity. O. Mi". L- C. . Flher. Hlaylon. I. O. W. 0 T.-Tllmuti VorU, Silotn. 5ni)t..IavcnlloTi;mplar Mr. Jl. JB. Hosier, for est Urou. Ninto ISr-iuity . IV. (I. 'lii. l(v. .r It. N. lit 11, Ali .iud. Win. ilivici. Wet)ii. C-itit. o i Attplesatc. LltiUvtllo. 11. II. Alton. llalwy. T. II Hundley. IllfUuoro. Aiihrrve, unll.is. It V Clruhbo. Wilbur. Wm. Orant, I.olmunti. lluv. .1. W. Mlllpr, Dallas. ltav.J h McCain, Uiieudu. Wm. Ilnrmmi, Thu Dtllng, Win. n I'irtrr.' urvAUU. W. H June I'ortltnd L. .1. ltoun , HmiimrrvlUe. II !'. itvnu, Iiiilcpuiidi'iiro. W. t. MoM'-cn, Can) on City, 'i' It (Yum Pint, I'ortl.ind. V " Put, Aidnrln. 1 Hurt. Cni'tl. J. f lljuffn. .luncttnn. lluv. 11. ('. iTimUIn. Mot roc. . It. Wulkcr. W rift. II. N Milvluiicy. ll.ik.cr City. - Ltiku D. Wolftird. Oiqullltf !. . A Mathcw. UiiiMn Olan'. ,. 0 I'irlii'r, SUlon. Huv. IS llayo. Li Orniilr. W. II. Llvcrniwv, St. Jolnif. A. M. Allen, l'rliicvlllo. llov .). Catto, Now lira. Dlxtrlct Dt'imtr C W.O.T'w. W. T. Hlchfo, Turner. W. II. O'Donald, Portland. J 8. CuekulrrArr. Hocbnrj. II. W. Lako, Knulo Creek. Jumct Coffey, Salem. Janua Krwln, Fort Klamath. Uon. J. A. I'rut'tt, l'cndlcton. L. It. Royal, Albany. A. J. Harlow. CartwrlRbt'a. Mr. Anna W. Hpcnccr, Qardnor, J. P. Topper. MarMifMd. U.K. Fannllff, IHII'boro. Oconto Hclnlnircr, Union. K. L. Hchleflilln, itock l'olnt. Mrr. M. J. Thoni, OiinjouTlllc. H.J, Hnlky, Pendleton, D. A. Hindoo, Trent. Hubordlnate I.odat n. Jfo. Namt. Lotigt Utputy. Addrttt. 9 ExccUlor W II Carter Corvalll 10..WciitcrnHtar KM Vadworth Alhany II.. Capital (loo A htli'R.. fnlun l'J..Mutttioiuali John lUlarrlfon I'ottliiud 17..IIIllboro all Humphrey Hlllboro 2.1. .La Crcolo A K Lylo Dallas 31. .silver It01tamhy ...Hllvcrton ;M..Umh ., KmllyM Vanricrvutt.... Halem 40. .Anuria., Thrif. Joii'clt"' AMoria )l..Miinilnt;bt;ir MtMTllitrrlriiu,Uiirna Virtu 4'l-,MarloiiV. (l.W.l)lmlcU ttubbard nT..MIlviiklo I'ibii Packer K. 1'ortlftf.il t3.. fountain W7 WIIIImion..K, Portland 7I..Vnl 1'niltU IK I'Cavltt Zi'ill H0...1(ihn Day l VThonipon... Canyon Cllv fii)..Noiuinrcfl Mrn rl T WStcarim...i'orilaiid 0I..I,nuo8tar. ... ...W A. Mill- t'hrkair.a u;..UItr.i Moutnnu....Vuillarlon.... llaunr tlltv llK)..Marnhal I.uo'an Itvcrvti I'mdletoD Ilk. llrooklyn rimi-McGiv...U. l'ortl.md ll8..lierhliin Tit I'aludiier Hhutl.lan lQt) I)amirii4 IinnpTChltvn(I..I)raaeu ll.,For'Ft(lrnvi t'O lluford ForctUrno lM..tMirlni;dcld I A Keuntily "prlnctleld lS3..Vnlley I'TMarr..... ......... ItaUiy lM..Weiton lame l(likairltk....Wttou 15'l. .Dolman II K Jhaiiu.... Junction lill..llatmon Win Mtclndl ThuDilU 101,. Union W(I l'ottir Tnniir lT..Eiklon 1' W Ithoade hlkton 17rt..tiirvl I' I lalmer.....v.aeotthur 170..PiclAa H milliard.... Cvltaorodrovii lrtl. .Mount l,laant....Iuliii Tally Cretwoll lf..l'alt Creek. ..,... M Ncot Dexter HW..(innd l'ralrto It r lUnil Iryln li..Alilind A I) llulman At hlaud l!)l..KlAmitli I.nno Kiun..,,I''urt Klamath 10i..!.nlilri WlX'tuwit falim 107..Kden Mrtll il.litiivf I'hieulx 10S..l.oikli)Kniaii J II Martin... .LooUm; uUt aI..T.injnt limner....! J llord Innecnt )l I'oriMiiil MmOAC'obiini.., .Tonlaiid '.M7..llrld.'i,port (ID llljr Ialla 3U..()choco TUIIiker I'rlncvlli.i 'J:l..ltovtval Jamii' rinti' piti..t,ralrlo City 3l4.,Liland ltotirl Kakli Urlou 217..Coihuii J HarclMkiT Hulicu ill..Cui)on l W Caictiloi:....Canvonvillo IO..M)rlla I M Smith.... .Mjrllo Creek 9i7..Marihltild V W A Crtlii Murhtlold 32-I..Ciiullla W vV llaytn Conullo J-JO. .Onward J W IVotivt. Alhany i'H)..t'aCri'ek.., Iuli-a Kndoy Drain' WI..Swi'1't llorno CharlcCMlt Sweet Hi.mo 3U.,Raulo Creek Jihu VaiiCur'ii...lfcIoi'rtik JW. .Alt K Ollllnm 1'll'U ltock 9il,.I)llli:cnco HrtlHrUnB........llcppur 3iS..Abl(ua D I) .lark Iliit'o Cicek 3I7..Cmw(op)'I11 u ...Itohtirl ()la..Crwfordvlllo UO,.llrowniTtlle W Ktanard Urownllla 261. .Center O K rrrlli HruwniUllo ovi..Mnhawk 0 1 Hardlfty Mohawk JBI..8oencer Creok....JA IloUftu ....Spencer Creek 9M. Monroo ....I. JHtarr Monroe 3M..Woodburu US Ilonuey WooObnrn 2S7..Crrul ItllWlltuo! Uenvenon S&S.,Amtty Jarac A l.tkeoa Amity M..Orecn MoanUln ..Win. llufU Ca'twriKhl' 9dI,,Wrt Union Pavld Lenox Wett Union U. Triumph II William Independence M..UeTal Wm. l'erry, .a.r,n!u 3(M. .Table Rock AMorUon am'aVa'ley 6tl..Cmlton Sumner Carr Orltou tt7..Btbel.- OLNeale.. .....Bethel M8..raradlM8prtne,.CO Uoiford K. Portland aM,,JackMnillle KKthlcr Jackfonvllle 970.. Mill Cree" W M "handler Kikhorn S71. .Lake Creek litre yillli.........ll1tey 73.,Roae Hirer Tboa Uajmond WoodtUle i 7d..Cornellne Bmma Smith Cornelia i77Ocan o It U'aekwell....... .Gardner 78..Mllllcoma Mary It Smith Mrhn!d T79..1loraewood KdOUunuell Bnmner 80.. Cleveland K M Uood Cleveland tst . .Deer Creek Sarah Cocktlieaio. .Itoeborc tU.."akland H A WalUre Oakland KCl-IIowell lmlrle....Ja. A. Ka. ..Howell VralJle M..H'verlde ....A V Learned bt. Jobne S8t..SUloCr-ek J I Wilder Slato Cre-k M.,WllllamCreek....J V Hartley Appletato is7..I)f flanre John Zell M'ltou H..t'leaaut Hill Moe Wooawrd....Wtfton 29..McMIduv He Kmll Ilnrl? McMlr.uvIll- 201,. ! Urinlu I AMcWhotter....Iwtliiaiido aatoSumoiervllle J II Itlnehart....Sumii:ervlllo 2W.. Dunbar N S IIMnk Tho Covo an.. Philomath Wm HartM Philomath y) I.. New Km Dr. J latin .New Kra 29.1..LowtrMolal)a Wm ll4niiltuti....t...MolalU 2I..Canby Wm Knl;hi Cut.by 2'r7..Fori't Creek I.. C. (Intry App'niMtu 30..ltattleiuaki.. ...U W Guitey Trent Il'rotn the Orefjoniau. GRAND LODGE I. 0. G. T. nnvr day mokmno simon. Aliiasv, Jun 12, 1877. The Grand Lotlpe ot I (. tl.T. mat Iioro to-ilav In Goml Teniplnr llsll hihI w'a-joillod to nrW by W It Dunbar, O W O T. OlUeerH went protnt hs follow t: V U Dunbar. O V 0 T; Kalo McC'liint;. Graml Couu.; Kiuma KeltoKg, .G T; L O Kisbor, G Mess. l'ro teni appointment wore rntnln hh (hi lows: Mrs. Dr. GrllHn, G V V T; V S Jamf-8. O Si O II IUeil, G A S; J K Houston, G M; 1) r.Tavlor.G DM: Ctip:. DOUmler. wood, G I G;'Hon. i: K I'Aiiiuup. G S: Dr. J CrhIo.G Uhp; Nat Holmmi, P O W CT; SUHr M A (i oxter. Snpt JuvenllaTemplire. Tin cotumittee on credentials reporttit tho following; KUrilESENTATlVEh KKTITLKD TO MKATS: No. 0-W R Carter, W U UiRbyj alteniatea FAiinlt Orcor. No. 10-AM Hoop, SM WeMWl; alter-nate-, P M Wailnwonli. Ella Hideout. No. 11 Mrs. J Erl, Jobn Earl. No. 12 Lo P A Shaw, E E Kellogc, 0 J William, V II O'DoiiHhl; altornates.aG.tv lord.Euuna O'Dotinld, Auulo Haydcti, D'li T.n lor. No. 17-11 1 Moipati, T Haudley, H II HiiinphtitjN. No. .'Id U U Haniby. Orpbn Crnrstnn; al urnnlt, W It Dnulpiir, Jhiiips Hnnnhv. No. SO At .1 UoHlord, K M Vamletvorlj tiliui!Kto, A WIdhIow. No. r7 I II LKnilprt..Tolni Pai'kor. No. 71-S S Gluillf , .1 K 1 Cn lit. No.tfU-W S J-inio, c II Whittle-, A E Illok-. No. ICO-.T II IUIIpx , tir, V C7 McKiiy. No. Ho Ilclbii Ktlly, E E I.onR, J N Wlirolur; allfrnriU", 1. Turner, Ilebirca Flloh, Jotrif r MrGrew No. ISO S It Stoitj nl'oriiatn, M E UoxUr. No. IflU-U H A) loo. It C iKvIa, Ms. M .1 Ve nliuid; ultnn au r, l TMutrr, W V lools, uninn i uoihri. No 110-.T i: II"nln'M:il.iM;C!uretl!or nmn, Jillio Moore, V Himion. No. 1(11 W lluinian, c U Ilfled.Mary Curtwrlght, Corn.'llR OMnirpt. Nn. 1K0-P Wilbur, K K MpKIiiiiPV; altor iiam, V O Mi'Klnnov, 3 H Mlllor. No. 170 J I Hamilton; alternate, P W Khoudcs. No. 17110 C Undorwood, II Knoxj niter itatH, It y Ctuilu. No ISr I Hurt, Katfl MoOltirfj. No. 1SS A J Ortun. M E Greoti. ' No. lis'J-P Mj er, W T L-i k, J UN llnll, J I) Itiudnn; ultcriHtcx, II c Hill, M V HID, C Gonituhllil, ltOiiel Apiik'jniiH. No. IDS-A A MaHmwh, II II King. No ji:i-W V Nottlmlr.r. No, IMO-.I A Aibini, E A NtiicU. No. '."-1I-G GoNpliilnrtlcr. No. l'30-I.otiKi MoEiMlrv. N. 217 -It Ui.i.vi, 11 V Crawford, Jiinn 01 No 2.'.5-S Driver, H M D.-Ivrr; tiltoniHtf", Ij J M'.nrr. K.tiul'i Starr. No. iwa-ll Prttteruoii, C E Myers, S llrown No.lidl-EEPnmilnir. NtM-'iIJ Mttry Waller. I) M Dnvnl. No.'JOS Ida FranolH.Jonnlo Klolda. No. 271 O Bennett, D A ltlulny. No. 1270-E L Sabulllln, T llaymnnd. No. ISO W M Abbott, O TNalljaltor. ntitfB, 11 USparlln, Anulo E Klncald. No. 280 Emll Horns, Jno Maloue. No. 20.1-W 0 McGee, Dr. Green. No. 201 II Fanober, Emily Panoberj alternates, J Catto, ItT liarber. No. 207 J McKeo, J Coonoy. Tho Grand Lodge dofrree was eon furred upon all tboso who bad not previously taken it. Tho nunal rules of order wore adopted, tho irratid olllnnra nubinltted their reportx, and conhlderablo formal buslium wnH traua aoted. HVKN1NO HKSKIO.V. A larno number ot delegate were preont and tnuoti Kcoii feeling nmtilfHied. A num ber of speeches wero mado and reporiH from lodnoi recolyed. Tho G W 0 T reported tho death on Sun day InatntKlftier A E Hicks iidelrptto from Notipatell IiOdun to tb la Grand IdKn. On molloti. n eummltteo viih nppolntiid to pre pare miliublo riKnliilloiiM to her memory. At n Into bourn recrra wna taken until to morrow uiurnhitr. KEUJXD DAY. Tho Grand Lotlun wm e.illed to order by tho G W 0 T, W It Dunbar. Addltloniil rej.oit ol tho cotiiinltteo on oro dentlHlM mhs ii)oi!onn folloMc: No. 2.1-0 I) Doaue. Inny Iwlndv. No. 185-Go. M Neet, E M Neel"; alter nHtH, E V T WBriie', A T WHrner. No. 270- Jonny J DvIh, It H Connor; niter nates 15 Dnpen, Win Chandler. No. 277 U G M .Sweet; alterniilo, SMer MrGheo. 4 No. 25:i-A:iln P.irfoiia. Tho reporiH of the K'innil nlllcnra were aub. milled eMerday, but bnlni; uunble toobtalu u Mkjlit ofihem, I report tlinni lo-day. TnoGW Heerotary hIjowh hi bin report nolle a filliuu oirin tlm nnmiior of IoiIdhh prluelpnlly In farming diMriut nnd out of too uuy plants wnom the X)pulatlon In ebMi)jHbIe. Though the numlifr of loilra Is htnuller t Imn Inst year, I ho hciiihI membur-(-li)j' rrporltd Ih eariy ujimI to that of )ut v'fr, tburt) bslni: 3.7C0 tu " d sHiiilluv. TliMrn Ih b lario Io'.n In ilio fiminulnl depart tueiitof thh Graud I.'iduo, owliiu'tn redun lion ofthu per c.iplni lux two ye.ifn rj:o. Tho report of Hot Grand TreiMirur (-Iiomh only 0nn band, but no imiobtednesiof llm Grand Lod .(. T.iken Hlti'n..tli(.r, there Ik no roasou for dNuoiiniKeiiii tit. A rtJiolullou pnMsed rrqulrlnK the G H uot to (.olid tho Q P W or olrctilarH to Statn Dcpullea until (hey had tiled wlib tho Gntnd Secretary a receipt from tho F a ol their JoUpo Htiowlnic their own due were paid lor the quarter or whlah the P W wax to be UHd. Mm. ME Ifoxter, the superintendent of Juvenile Templars, Hubuilttf d nor annual re port lotha G O, fcuowlnic that durlriKthe yvur tuero iiau ueeu urKanisen inree lemplea. On account of lack of intereat of the older member of the order in the ohlldren the temple bad not been aa auoceaaful aa ougnt to be exported. AVTKRNOON 8UBI0N. Tho el eo' loo of otUoera wm tbe tlratbual nece. W 11 Dunbar, tbe preaent Ineumbenl, wan elected OWOj without oppoaitlon . ForG W 1'oqn. there wero a number of candidates Fanny Myera of Aahland belux aucceexfn In carrylnir off the honors GWV T, Mm Einnia-.KellOKK of Mult nomah Indue wan elected. GSco, W H James of Nonrrell lodye. G Treaa, J E Houston of Dnlavan lodue. Repreventatlvea to the It W O L. J E Ma nor of Gervals lodue and Emma Kfllocvnf Multnomah loUpe. Allernale Heleti Kel Iv of Brooklyn lodtto and E (J (Irilllu of wnfiru star liul'o. Portland as ilxtd as the nextplnco ol roeollnirnflhlsGrrtiid L'h, and utuhehto ond Tii'nluy In Juuu, JKTS. Tho UnanceroniinitieHHiibinlttrd ttielrre port, of which tho following i u aummtry: KSTIMATKD i:XI'J:.N'iiKS Duos to It W O Ij goo TO Printing .'100 00 .Suppl.ev 200 (i() I,":tim) tiuid 1,'J.V) CO Grand Secretary 410 no Inddoutul :uxj 00 Total J610 00 t.i n;irriiiiK di:u.mh,. Percapl'atax (20oiiilNperineiiibir ,fjr7l 20 tjalHoi i.iippliuN.., Kill (o C'Hbli on liamli , n oi Total :',725 fcO Ho'oUed, That the jxir capita tat bo rail ed to TO rontK por m mtr. 2. Tint tho Grand Secretary 'it Hilary lo reduced to $100 per aiuium. ;i. Thai otllcers' blau't and reporN be furnl-lui) to MtltordlorftH lod'ire quarierly. 4. That tne GmiuI Iwluror br(iu;l'd totnUeup colh'ctlun, to bi Ukmi Tit muli pUct-H aa ho may deem proper, lor the bsuo til ofthu Grand Lode. J. II. Lamiihkt. Jam II, Uvit.uv, I. ilUHT. O, H. WlUT.NEY, J. K. P. t'AVirr. Tbe following Grand oOlcera were appoint ed by tho G W 0 T, tu aervo for tho ensuimr yiar: 0 Chap, It 0 Ilnnsby; G AS, (' II Itoed; G Momj, J It lltllev; G Mar, I,r llhir; G I) M. Ella ttiJeou ; G I u.SM Driver; y, J IC PC'tMtt. UVJlNlNti i:sii.r. On nceountof tho coiit!' coinineticpnienl oxcroi-eH the Grand oln-rs were not ptibllu ly InsUUed. The Grand 1-Ir.A oop-icd in thosnbortH natuilcgrois.tttid tho Grand oIIIoum ww in "lallerl by P S ynl't1', wicit u,o solemn and linprcmvo eei imjalfs oi tl (. a t itluml. KpnrchPH weio inti' by n .u y or tho Ulpln bea, end much RQ'l l i.. t; prevailed. icmoititinuA nr np c t ttio meiuorv r-i Sltnr A E IJIck.wJw i (lop fd. The Graud liOUgri mil mined to meet .) moriow JuririiltittHf S:lfi Throughout lh ess'i.-i tl.im r.r a lante tiuuit)r of member wivl vtii.,r havi b-i-Ti hi ,Ht;r rutHtRv. 1c Is p.oliib;i nn adjourn ment will btj bad ulwi't nouti. Si'KCtMKNa ok Knit Win.. Mr. I, s Towast'Jid, of PerrydVo, P.lk county, sonds tiscurdaauipliaof vt''il f.om full htaoitcd and H blood Jjlcctstor n'uep of bis own rnlslny, tbo length or whleti Is rfspcetlvely 11 tied 12 Ir.chis. ru- h ctiilpr wool s dellaiiis the Inarm tl.n ' enrts of HoUliio mai'til'uilnier'i to wo Kcowln- in Orutfnn. A. L. TENSOW," Book and Job Printer, ..VimI .U(llIiutr, SSohnaa's Slftclt, Old rcnate Cham ber. Bulcm. HAVIXO AllDKD AN KXTIJNSIVK ASSOHT ment of New Typt. Cui, ttc, to tny nlrcady ixtinMvu Hook ami Job Ofllci1, 1 nm nuw pripircd to ilon'jy ami all klndaof Book, Plain, and Ornamental Printing, On Short ifotlec, niul at Kcunou able 1'rlccN. Slock Ccrtilicates a Specialty. Ilavine the larseit ataottment of MlnlDtf Corlltlcato lavlnj; tbo larseit ataottment or MlnlDtf Ci-rtlrtcato iif anu cuti adapted to that kind of work or any ica lu Orwnn. I am pn-parcd to entente (inters lu i VRitY IlEaT ftylc, luatiy uimbcr uf colore du- liuup anu cull UlBCO tbe rlrtd. and ou abort nollco Jour Addrcra A. b. 8TIN80N, Halem, Or. THE PLUMMER FRUIT DRYERS, I'atentoU April 1877. rvn:i: maoihskh ahi5 psstutPASSKD iiy JL miy o.hcr for Drylnjr er I'nrcrvins rmlln nnd ViBntnnli' of all klnde, nrd ani vMiftmctcd mid lur nUhid complctu lu four tllllVriMit clrin, natnuly: The Tom Tliunih Dryer-raparlty nf ! liUflnl of nriilii- pir lioui -inlit $ 73 llin Sitiull I'ninllr lrjrr-rata;ltyrf l.S, UiikIioI p(r liour-prlic , fits Tlio If 10 1 1 y Hrycr-ro) nelly of a imrliol pir liour price , f-zw TI10 I'nctory Itryor-rapacity ef tl luitl.rU per liour pitco ThimDrjcr were nuatdul tlm t.'enti nnlnl Modal and llpln n at I'hllAilvlpti'.a in Unl Alrn. thu (iold M dal ol tl.o Stnto of Oriti'im for IHTI1. fur I'XCilk'iK'u ofilivor, cilurand comllllflnut Fruit All ilri' c jiirtautly ou band hi.d furuliliadoutbort latnotlrc. I'uriii mid Count)' Klulilu for anlo. For further particulars mil iUtrrlpt'o catnloi;ue aiiurvi . . w. . I'l.u.MPir.u, rr.tcnlio aiid .Miruficturur. JelStf " Kat I'urtland, c rvjjou Farms and Laud tor Sale. Y fltrrMM. trllt mm nvi. ij.i,r .i.kft a.tit.u 111 nrri tu cnllliut on, kkiiI ercliaul, rltua vdnu tho PKapiibt Illll runl, nlioiil !l n.llc frnni Kut-cno City. Abo, about 11(10 licrci nf MIXKI) LAND, rnmi-of tliobt'iit alley aim liravcrdnm l.aml lu tho county, m rounded ly bill and linuli (and. Tarre or 1..111 ii-ij (mh, laiuip van iiu iiuii, ,mi iji 11, iiuuil place for a colony. V.'nnt tu oll tlio wlio'c lot togi Hi. vr. TbU IjiihI l cltn'itoJ In I.cno cniiuty, about Id inllCK fiuui huu'i'i.u C'i'y, au.i lx ' kiii (.'movill, J08 Addrc V II. ull.NN, Kugne VUy. FJIKMIUM I'AID KOIt rixro Wools! JOIIIV W.GILBERT, Juno 8, 1677ml HALKM. HEAVY 40 IucUcm Vld, FOR DRAPER.8 ros Headers and Threshers, DREYN Un08. Janeliml HALEM I i 500,000 LBS. "77anteci ! Highest Market Price Paid in-- BREYUIAN BROS. Juno 1 ml HAI.KM. cct; ,wiPcflaB.i I WILL OlVi." TUB Highest Cask Price run AL0, SHEEP - WASH TOBACCO, .For Sale ly M. MI2R. Wool Wanted Salem, Utj U, 1817. l&nl T. CUNK1NGHA3I & CO., Salom, Portland, Albany, Junction City, and Vs7alla Walla Tlio following KIUST-CLAS3 Almjliinc, which wo an; now rocuivinjj for tho Sonisou. o 3L077. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING IACH1NBS, Both End nnd xido halce Tight-Uoarcd. Westinglioase Vibrator Threshing Machines, TICUIT- ilUIIKP I'N'! SUAKF. J. I. CASE'S THRESHING- ENGINES, 8, 10, 12, 15, aud 18 r orae Power. Pl TVk?11 Wrought-Iron "tcaafiw Manufactured li) .1. I. I'asc & (., With Now and Valuablo Trnprovomonts for 1877. 23n & i 23. o ' Illinois S3C o zs, 3L 2 SrNOl.l'.'tlKAU, Wrotijylit.lroii iintl .Smnv-ltttb Wheels tuljttstahlo ltccl ami Truss Fmmo. WROUGHT - IRON HARVESTERS, Wrought - Iron Combined Reapers and MOWMRS. Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single Mowers, three sizes. Johnston Mowers, one size. ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, runt 4l Bradley Sulky Knkrs, OSXffTBXf XffXAA Sulky Xako, Self Xwmp, Tho Boat in Uso. Thimble 8koln nnd Iron-nxlo Frame, nnd FrclRlit WaKonH, nil nIzcm Newton 4-spring Hacks, made expressly for tho Oregon Market. KToAxrtoaa. Tlircc-Sprinjr, 1'latform SprliiR, aud bcroll-Sprlnir XXaclcua mid IIUCJHKH. G-arclon. Oity Plcwr, Ilnrrow. ami rnlllvafnr.l Curtlcn Clly ftulky nmt Oniiu l'limut I'nnnrrn' I'rlcud GUA1N DltlLIiNl Van llruiit A: I)an iTIONITOIt llriofil iih Mlltlt uud (ULTIVATOIll (lAI'ITAI. rill'll VATOUS( rUNMMJIIAill'M cnrrivious. the n-t in im woiiii. I.ntlicr nnd It lib her llia.TI.NfJ, .tlnclilnit iCxlrn., llnrdwnn1, Iron, nnd Stout. tflf" HiicclnlClrciilarn. Illnitinlc(l, wl'li iirlecs cnt ti any nddrcrx, licfl of cliatfi'. Wo nru M.vNUt'At' TUItnitS' AOE.NT.", and will cell at ncit-iiocu inicrf. T. CUNNINGFAT.I & CO., ma7 I'rontSt, l'OKTIANI); Commcrrlnl St., bAt.KM: and Cluaillc' Illfcli, Al.lUNV, OH. The Best Bargains Yet. REVOLUTION in this ritici: or Dry Goods, JlNIl IjidtOM mid Oontn' FURNISHINCt goods, ANII GENERAL MERCHANDISE, AT TDK OLD STAND HA VlVCl DOUQIIT OUT TUB KNTIHK 8TOCK or Clothiox and Dry Oooda of a lame BANKRUPT SALE -IW San Francisco, 4tO 3Pr Cent.! Lf than actual cot of rnanafactuiliifr, I am enabled to ten my enure iukk oi Clothing, Gonta' Furnlihing Gooda, Dress Goods, Linens, Parasols, Ruohing, Linon Collar and Oufls, Nap- kiDS,Trunk8,VaIisoB, Hats, Capa, &o., Lowor than any Olhor Ilonso IN THU STATL-. My utock of CLOTHING AND FUMISH .iiNGr GOODS X X raa. xxx ourao, My Priocs aro Low ! And Oucd ot tliu I1K.ST inatrrUI. Call early, and Secure bargains ! Gold, Silver, aud Curronoy, all Taken at Par ! Mo mIoyjtcsj, aT nniHWOU) h iii.ook, haiku. Admlntstrator't) Notice. NOTICBIi'Utfri.iiyfiv.'ntlut thu nndrtli,'n(d lita liO'ii apijulijltd aduilnulMlor of Itn iklaie of (leoro Jtiray. i.iccovd, hi tlw (Jonnty IMurt ot ila r)ii county, oliilu uf nrrMil. and that nil pvrtona liar it! cUlrfa afilnl Mid rtv nro ii'iiulrcd to pio catlhu a no, wllli Ibu tr er vuudi-iv, to Ibu uu dirtlucd In llioclty of balrin. lu -ld uiunl). lor all'iwaiicu, nlthlii lx monlbi froui ltd (lalv, Diui iiur o.o, ttm. wl V. 0. KU.NEY, Adjalnlitrttor. WAKELEE'S SQUIRREL AND GOPHER Exterminator ! TEJE ORIGINAL AIvTICLE! All others aro Inferior Imitations ! ltiilTim Uiiiu'. I'iiri'ii l)or Sir I Mvn liift, mndniiii i'XHrui.iiit villi l'iiiti!il ihIm.ii for kill tiiiriinlrru.r. iilllni;nutn caniMli of thu riiilnwlnu pdlKDiiHi A can uf llarnuy'n. n ran of stuuluV, anil a can of thu article filled Wakvlcu'n Kxlenr.liiator. Onu can nf Wnkuluo'a kil n many n nucn of llurucyV -i)iilrrcl 1'idron, and u niaiiy a ten cam of Sioolui" Hijulrrol I'ldfim. TldukliiKtliu rffiilt Mill tm liuu'otlnk' in jour rinrtVr I nnd it lur tliuir li'imat. YiMiri". ery ri'i-pcclfu'ly, 8. I. ooiih'aiiii. Iluy wrtnli1, April f, l7il. tC" In purclili'K'. care tlioud Iiu urvd to onler T. A. Vrs & CO.. J'OHTMXJt, WMttdlt Aytnti. WAK'KI, K'S BATH FOR SHEEP A HINdl.h'TltlAL ONLVI-nece.Mry lun.ivolta uprrlorilllcliL'-y, II. P. WAXSZ.Z3S & CO., Importers of Drugs and Clicniluls, A0EST3 AN1 AlAXAUKHS OOI.DkW CITY VllkUWAL WVIIKH, ap23m9 NAN PUANfJISCO. The I. I'. T. Company's MoMINNVILLE .WILL IvKAYK . , Portland ibr Suluiii Every HIIIDAY. rctnnilus on HATUItDAV, WOH. UA VTN- On MONDAY and WKDNK8 V rcturnlD.' ou J'UKSDAIH aud TJ101MUAY8. People, Patronizo Your Own Eoat! Protection ngnliiNt IIIii IlutcN fautiraiiicfd, JOHN G. WEIGHT, Dealer In FAMILY GROCERIES, Crocknry and Glassware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, co.ii.m:nt:aABu stiikut. Halem, April SO, 1S7S. dAtt Stuckholdoii,' IVTootinrj. "VOT'f 'PI I- f Itv i Ivcii ij.ai tlm a iimii il m tifir .N olTuriJi'' -I'l.r nr m il 'I uiiliii! Cii, hi'I iilivmi i Til" i r Mi WmIh r.a Ihi1 r.tli ill) n .Itini .it ID iV'iM'k u. in firi'in i ifi'i.i- hI.ImHiij Hlroniii. Hill in--. i i; .mil 011,41 Ll.HMO Kr llll HV.il ly wiuii li f r'Hwvi Ulrt.', I I'iri Hi HUif tf Itu Ui'nr (- t. i:Vl3 KU'UV.SFX TUIUSKIt 0-u, Mi) 1U: U-.J. tiic.vUry. I : M ii . I I iami