" f ,J"' V,V(.T Yv " ?m..M i kjhh wrarttBttiaMa!iwttits HTt ? rrrrVfr" Ff t 'ft . (, i J. A- WILLAMETTE FARMjlH. I .... .'' - A. fef- 13" (? If - K" i ?v, 1 j - ;. f1 ft JM IJ & V riri' Pr THE INDIAN WAR. jRfqiWfiFXl TviffiTTE MV?5 While tlio otitbronk"of which wo road g olliSli ' Wj)vWCiS&w4vAti tliowcirans of -eltlcrs of Eastern Orcgcm, 3 Yd Vje'rt-- h tho nmi-lrcnty Kcz I'orcc, known iih a y V ' ' ' .lovcith'H Imnil. uro tho mine Imlluni , 1M.W&. A, ,.uni evehv j-mday, nr ' GJL,j.lim & OKAIGii ronuPiiBiwANnwiornjcToM. ; . A ''' ' Term "I 'nunriii'"in. gSS:&0tKS:;v.::v.v. 'ift unu.inr. SAliKM. KIUDAY, .11 NK !M, 1877. Carrying tho Wnr iivo Africa. Wo must crodlt tho Oregon mid Call forniii Railroad Company with putting " " , . , r ,".. MJ ...i ,, forth a great tic il or en e gj ,(. show ug great Judgment an lex po !-, Ing lavishly of money, to make he iiiurits ol Oregon known abroad, the " .... t f if... lateHtlnstaueool whuniHmanuesi uia,V(,y nlc ,,. (.ai)t 1Viry.s mniniift circular lately Issued by I'. .Slii'Ul.c', JinHH,n.rod to the extent u'Hi-rtcil. Jhit Imd ygent (). &. L. U. U. t,0. mis iron, by tho omigmni. paHslug through California, tho circular proceeds. To meot unr.Bnoiniblo prejudlctn, It noonm to uh tlioro will bo nothing inoro eiruolivo tbnn to nlftco beforo tlnipeoiloorCillforijlaii complolo collodion or tho vrlnd productn of our Hlate, and to nhow that they are unequal ed, atiy wliero. Tho Idea oxprossed in tho circular Id both politic and courageous. Oregon haa to continually contend, In Califor nia, agnlnHt fftlsehoodH concornlng Ore gon and mlsroprcHontntlonB an to tho advantages offered by greedy land .spec ulators of California, who stmro no ef fort or cost needed to doter tho emi grant horn coming to our Statu and turn hint into (ho treachuroiiH not that laud monopolists and speculators havo Bpread for IiVji in Houthorn California. JIow to countorict this falsehood and iiilHrcroH.oi)Vll,l)ngl)eon a ques "Uecognlzlnir thatw".scr?A,U answer. Ing tho Railroad Company propoR collect a good roi.ro.sot.tutiou of Oregon products, similar to that exhibited at J'liJIudelphlu last year, and place (hem for exhibition in tho (Jreut industrla that takes place during tho mouths of August and September, opening Au gust 7, 1077. There Is something bold, enterpris ing and thorough in tho conception and execution of this Idea, that Is eminent ly attractive and satisfactory. In tho llrst place, wo wish to disarm all tho hostile criticism In California, that for mercenary motives belies Oregon to strangers; and in tho becoud place, wo havo a very laudable ambition to prove to all the worthy people of that State,. that wo deservu their respect and one worth retaining as friends. Wo have, perhaps, been, very naturally, more or less undervalued, because wu havo lacked wealth and population, while at tho saiuo Itiiuo wo have resented tho necessity that has made us play second fiddle to California. It is "carrying tho war into Afaico," to display our products and mako known our resources In tho very; cita del whero wo huvo hitherto found so many foes, but that Is tho surest way to silence calumny and ensure respect, and wo credit tho O. A. C. 11. 11. Co. with ono more lustanco shown of abili ty to dofond tho Interests of Oregon. It may look a talflo ungenerous for us to make this parade of success at tho tlinu when thoir fortunes are clouded; for us to dlspluy proofs that our most exuberant harvests coiuo contempom neyus with their bovorert drouth but that happens to bo about tho way nat ural laws work, and it is not necessary to bo delicate about making our ml van tages known in all proper ways, and especially so to cork up all tho lying lips that In the past have never -crup-led to Invent and utter reckle.ss lies about Oregon. T.io ottom.tr wo havo alluded to ivtuluil id hs lollow.; "Slietilit HiN iii4 or uttir vltiux, nuM re- KHlllfllllV IUIU.t mt 10 MMllI lit. OllllMIS ol Uratiw Hint Ur.i-ii in Hnvtt, V,oi.h., l'U, IVi.lt, W....I, Timliur, nut imli'Kx nwuu'Ki'iiirril lrnn il tun. A rile; .it It.u tit. ititv riiirutt w.'rlni, nil Onnvd to tl'ii niiduMniied. will b J tw.tnl til lr lit I'lkinc" Any toiieiimlitHeviii.tM. tiivnrrvti In eollic tiu; ntut iivoMhk Kitii.tiUx tt.ipM. ' As tin KxliP I'tnn pj tins on llm 7 li dv el AUKiiotiUiv iltxtrBten Hi it ttHtelon inteiultd I iritXllltllll.nl hlteliM lO.U'll I'.lHIitMl lii'.'uri .'uly :li, I'nm ' li iihuImM tlt-rUm il tit iiii'luiu in .st tt l-Y.uitd.oii nit evert, kitunutirdtiiitii; Uio votiuiiuauvoof Uio l.lt littloa, Vrt. O l.liiu, vtir-i tii tljii.ti II m, .. ... iM.iiti to Orruuu In i.sil, Mini U...K vit'ti'-iitti hlnii during l lu Ct tet .ir, la ISIS, tirl nil ,Hiii llth iiihi, ut i' rontt uoiMii l, tinuit, l'olk euunly, tt;tsl W i. 1 ...I....1. ... ..liWtli.lt. IIVIHI'I flUI I ,1 I.. ...... .1... iinmnK III flu. rrilVi'ril' to ho m.,.1 (o leading n,r...a through-. ...out wlh he m V ""d out tho .State, Niys:: m.d tho IcadeiHexteiitcd In a Huu.iu.iry Wo eontoinnlati. pnIi bl'ltu? ' tb TwolrUi . immil,r l() convey a If-son fur the future. itniiibfrini .xiiltiitton. to he belli ni Sun I' ran-1,.,.,,,,.,,,..,,,,,,,,,,.,, ,..,, mlmrnl)le InilliM".. (iImo, dnrliiK tho nii.nllwirAn.u-tiiinlHp- f( wno, wo ,.a1J fu, Hymputliy, hut not JSfrl,S,,&Wi,U,, S fSSLtfiVSia' ronrlS ... do 1U I tVl.St U lle beiuue Znnco 1. 1 JinXtik B." frlemls with tho whiten and tho gnat TrZ I d r I o l.reiiullco that bulk of tho trlho remain mi. This band After alluding to il o pnjuuico u.ai ()f J()h(, ,,,H lmV(J n0VI,r b(;t.n frliull- iHHomit to ho met with, ngaliiHtOro- iiiniiuli thov havo boon reHtralned by iho wlio'o elulni to tho Wlllowu Valley, in ,Jlloll c)llIl(y( Oregon, has nmdo ., ,,,,.,,,, ... ,., ,... ,m.i ,,,,,. . liable, whllu the mad tit is on, to at- i ti.t vmii. it u. hiiW.oSc,i tt :.m ij10 ,Hllin..c oil IntlliuiH of Itlnlto IU') I WnslilKnn Territory will Imtmm il is 'opportunity foru il,'ht and rimli to (' . ! aid of Joseph and his band. It I fm i d that any temporary succckh och'ti"l in tho emnmoiiuoment limy infatiuiL' I ' i -allucloil el-owncio ami mi hwuh w u , ft . proportions. Tho i. - llmU.omiw llt llrHl Vl.ry ,l:ely m-r, INniluGtod eNowhoio ami m mvell u o . .. .1 At ..1 1....I.. "I H'H tlVltlill nniitnnv... - -- u..ii(iiil nun llifltt fllir llitllT in. mill VI llfllliM ,tiHia( ,.,10K, any event, n.itl vvi- hi thov ott.erH. nor beootllo hostile until llnw. Whllo tho main Nez l'orces have be come Honil-clvlllzed and havo a reopted ChrlHtliit.lty, this baud hiisreniulued In a wild state and practice the Idolatrous and 'wtvngo customs of their fathers. They refused to become parties to tho treaty, mid deny tho right or others to act for them; they remo to receive any or tho benefits derived from tho treaty and nnvoolwayHtlhinandcd possesion if their own hinds. They are considered outlaws by tho rest of tho bunds, and their conduct has always been of a kind with Copt. Jack and Ills renegade Mo does, and It may easily bo that thov will rival the deeds of Iho Modou war, for they can muster more forco than tho Moilocs liuil, atitt thai iiiouniiiiu region pOHSCHHCS fllHttlCfHCW 1111(1 tlcfllcS lllllt OlI'tT advantages equal to the lava bed, for In dian warfaro to succeed, and from llici-e fiiHtiifhHfs tuey can mako raids at lelsuio on the surrounding sittlcmcntH. If tho .Salmon River mountains become the refuge for the Hmobolla faiiatiesaud the tUsud'octcd li.dlvldualsof the Moutaiiii, Idaho, Oregon anil Washington tribe., tho number may swell to a point where heavy and well armed forco must take u' Held to dislodge and defeat them; but time. on iho other hand, may chow that tho outbreak possesses less forco than has been represented. tnVitnrpiiyf'Mtti-r. runw.' JtfotvV-oAtftfti Orof k started yctitordiiy for Mud .Sprlnc. Thoy K" oTprlatid by tho way of tlio 1.Iih non routo and expect to know "vhnt Is wln.i" about Hilvor mud, boloro Ihovrolurii tollils " llllho." Mr. V. 0. (irlswold Informs us Hint work will noon bo mhuiiuhI on Ids now wit.i.r vsorkH, atljiiemit tollio AKrluultursI bnllil. ItW, and piiHliiid to completion. Ilo IntmiiN to Imvo ttio vorkn In tjood rutinlng onlur by tlio IhI of November next. (IUKG0N & CALIFOUXIA KAILIIOAI). TUP KOMOWINd UATt:Kt)H,KIti:iOIITl)N tlrnlii, l'lniiriitiil Mill KiniN. Ill rurliiiut", iih nr ililiUli-il liirlir-if the (Niiup tiiv iliulur tlnln of Jiiiut'iry Dili. 8T7. will l. iiiiuiiliiliiril iiHtlm minimum ruled until Mity aUi, 1S7H. vlt i MlhvMikln OIhcUiiiiihh Ori'ifim t'ltv Hock UUml Unit by Aumrn llttbbnnl WiMHlburu (lervAla lliooki Haluttt Turner Mirlon JrflVraon Mlller'a A bitty TauMxnl HaeJil'a llaliry MuilUy lUrtiahurc Junellon I.UtHllU Irving Kuneui Hprlnf field U.tittrii Cnuul iMlliKm t'ointtock' Dnilii Yono tlln llRlltllll IIlllNllll to lNirtlantl 7ri.ui 7 renin In cnlii II rtmtH II ci-iiIm II rvnU ,...11 CflltH IICftllN llrrnU MreaM I 'J renin lUonu lapKiiln Ueeiiii w... HcontN .....15 rent .................. 15 CtfDUl .17cllll ....iacrniit IHCKtlU TOrfiitM SSrenu ticent ! tSrenn SO w n In lit renin ttlcrnlN .,.., n..il . ..... ........t Ctf ll'K .............. t 1 f t II t .3rcn .,,,arvni VOII'N ."Ui'i'lll. ii'i.i-nurt; .aSt'ont Nochxruf forilrnymti nt ("orllHinl It. KDKIII.r.lt, Vlrti I'rxn.tl .to 1'orlUiiJ, Dri'Kinii June Dili, 1877. It. II. .'t. JflOlf. WILLAMETTE TKANSPOHTATIOH ARD LOCKS JOHPABY. vuvnci? Tin: kollowinii hatks dk X I rK.il on tlrnlii mill r'lmtr Iimmi lion t'. litlilltlm.l by thlx iiiiiiinoy in .let iieixlmum l ulna tor ono j uirf nun Mil) lot, l.v.7, vir : IVr Ti ii. Orftrmi Clly to Tortl'tut! l mi lillllslll ' ' i Tf I'liini'iM eg ' " 17. IMvuni " 'J m KhiiiI'mI " ' .tin Wli.-.itUtut ' ' -J.tt l.l04llt " " M .ll lit ' " aM I iftt " " -.'74 Iii.wiiiIi'io '" S 7 Atikftiv'. l..iiJln ; " ,..,.. stm Hut-tut Vl.u " ' 3t H,iiikU..I " " i iV A tuny " " it) I'IVhI U " " Mt) ItoU ' " ."t V Mtilir-rt " " I IW llHIII.IllltV ' " I ll l.iWiuvCiiy 4t n titiit Hint Kltiiirnlilpiol from tito!iiliiUtvi liii'.uloitfil iirin to AtutU wilt becliaiiitJ 1U) lvr ton tiitilltliiinil. Tlueotiiitiiy III roitlnirt wlt't imrt'e v o iliwlit. li, in iiuiik iri HihIi unit r'lmirit uluvi ru'i lortuiy fcvilli'il tliup, t el iviiJiii thy ors (i.Hnri) viw l'tMiMiutw t. a uciy ivitluiui. Aunt a ir. Mm i-s.n 1 1 mS, WOOL XV,n.tec3l. -BT L. & E. II I R S C II, SALEM. Tiu IIKIIIHST mutUt inlco pnlU fur any nmnnnt of Wool. Juno l-2.il Leo Willis, B litis i.kavk to cn.t.'iiu: attb.ntion of tlio imtillc to liU new flock of Pianos and Organs9 It h tutu nuil tr i ive, tt hlclt nro oilercil nt GrtMitly - 12o.tiiMjl X'rliMjK, clllter for enrb or mi Inrtultmi'atr. !" KTiiri; nr y Books and Stationery l nli t'OMl'Lim:, ntut will lio no'U nt urlci toiult till' tllllli", Will runt'n'i, nt hurt notlco, any Hook uilill bed In tlio Unit il Miti', nt iiiibllMifT'K rule. Onlfri -oIIcIiimI anil mi oximlnatluii ut (.If ttock rtmicctf illy IiimUiI LEO WILLIS, H-ate Btrcit. Saloxn. ap<ul lOGd. XOW. The Only Strlrlly Wholesale Drug House in Oregon. m T. A. DAVIS Sl CO., 71iPro.it Ntrccl, H'Hn.NU, OUKOflN, PKIt TO TUB DltUa AND (IKNEKAL MEIl- .LunJUu irudr complete aumirtmcnt of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Qhemicals, Glassware, Shop Furniture, aud Druggists' Sundries. ALBO, WINDOW GLASS, Ol all Im and qnalltlt. WHITE LEAD, Of ill tho Kwltni: brand, In tlua and ktf, COLORS IN CANS and DRY. Putty, lampblack, Hod Lead, Gluo. VARNISHES, Itit'IiiillLRltioiIiU'iH br.ind for (Vach l'alu.er' me, IMIiit, Wtiltcuash, awl Varnish Uruslies, l.lNi:U OIL, lututircln and rati. Turiuntliit', Coal Oils, rastorOII. Lard Oil, ttt Vfoot (111, Fish Oil. Alcohol, 111 tntrc and r&nv,, Illtio Vitriol, Sulphur, rustilc tSouji, Oiur.iintraletl !.e, Putu.h. 23lttof nil Mudw. Quicksilver aud Strychnine. U O.Mtt. lUirtUllou, Ouo-i.IIoii, aid FoOal'ou tatt aud lUrroJi", rtc . ttc. Wocrj Aitiiti ivr Orison am! Wi.Ulcjtou Trrti tury fr THE AVSR.LL PAINT, T1IK USaP MIX til) 1'AIKT IN U.-.K for SUIUuNr ii'" 'aril lo hbrcpllii. Httlcttt'a i.rp L'alu and ul rrl f-lvm, mil iri'a ttad J4)tu' rrjirlrt.rjr llrdldnci. Jy W Kiy our ckv1 from j.rt bacd. Ibar ett. lb liin In ruatitta tflthanr n.atkclon ttc C'oant. u a tojiiutl.oo.of our pile will proiv. tuj9 USE IN THE :o not 3DolTTc3L ! See that our Trade Mark is on eackFackagel' fftt s II X4i& ?? f: MW- l II -4rW'ril-;''L 'SiMI 'psl.W'W II j 1 TW '11 - o- 0V5 ,fe7. if . . - .1 r ti IS 73 PURE WHITE, FOR INSIDE AND OUTSIDE WORK;; Jot Blaok ; and ALL COLORS. AND EASILY APPLIED. ' For Sulc by tliu AkiiIn: JOHN HUGHES, Salem, HODGE. SHELL & CO.. AND Wboleuale nruirglHtH, and Dealers la PalatH, OIIh. and ciBH NO. 75 FHONT KTRKRT. -.... Bi PACIFIC TIIRESHI YG PELTOjS six-fold horse-powers -a.nu uouuteroaianco separators. I Ii?.?,,,,.l'll;vIE.,.) ?l "AK?.1' 8?n. oirronKii 7. u;u. s. i'klto.v, i'Hesidektj j. hey- -;...., ....,.,,, ,, u, vm-.iiMi, cureiwj, iy uUPOrlOr to nnxr IIIK tt.l KVIUlt BYUi THE lilfl.N. For inttlit - cm! forclrcuu- HfcJTVfcwpajriaaat Tstablislied 1040. Original Liver Medicine. FOli ALL DISE SES OP THE UVElt. SOUK- NES OP T1IK hTOSt.( 11, U'Su OP Al'l'E- TITK.SICI; l!EAI)A( HE, hTV. SIC. tHZlUli, Otto liullur, T. A. U.VVIS A. CO. Whoktalo Dri:i;i;.t, 71 Pruhibt. Potfard, wJJ-'m- Akenu fur OmRi. Ull. K. V. C1IASB, BIiS5'KTufi- MKton U.B. Volttctci-r.. Omco, Daibln'i block. auULir. Mrr THE WORLD! . f-n TT . a i- . ' " -? -X- MACHINE COIUP'V. -'L. r t.aiticuLir. addro. n.i Tmr. n..,.'.i TiT "r " .-- . .,1T- luittufvuiv, ut MALtu, .MaiciW y HOQGS'S Gopher andSquirrel-Killer. SURE AND DELIAULK POlt THE DESTRUCTION. OP GOPHERS, SQUIRRELS, RATS, MICE, CROWS, &C. Fafr, Hcttvr, ami Ctirnper than Mrji'lmliui, Etiox;titoriis, r- xt'iiic, 01 ullici' ii'uiurft. liouH UN i k Infill trial will ctmilncc. SOLD BY DEALERS QKNEIUILY, AND BY HODGE, SNELL & CO., Wholesale Druggibts, Not. 75 Fronund 74 Flrit 8U., PuHTLAND. V i i f "n !l $ & A8lt -..T5- LlWi agy.jiw ; iv ''AT .V