r . "asawmc J ti-MtLUfl uiiwiwiniwwwnnwiiiwiwin mniffl I WILLAMETTE FARMER; "Tmwn.v;"flnn fvw M fe )K HI CENTAUR LINIMENTS. 'One Kind forttio Human rninlly. "The other for Blnrses and Atil muls. Theso Liniments ne ulniply the nailer of the world. Their effect arc llttlo lcs than mnrvcllotid. The AVIuto I.liilnicnt In for the human fatnl ly. It will dtlvo itlicumitirin, "clatiea anil Neuralgia from the fyMein; rttres Timbijjo. Chlllbhtlnt, Lock Jaw, r.ly, llch and tnojt Cittancouo Ernptlonr; It erttuct treat fruti frozen hand or feet and tho pot een of Ultct and stlng of eroaiciu reptile-; It kuIi duo? anclllntrf, mid alleviate piln of every kind When aprolus or bruise? o.cnr. It It, the mod potent remedy uvir tllacovircil t hcil the Injured pirta. The Centaur Lliilmcnt 1- naed 1th urcat i nicacy fur Som Throat, Tootlince, C'ulietl llrcus!., Ear ache, and Wont lhck. The follow In;; la but nram plo of niiiuerons tuMlmonhl: Imjiwa Home. Jcrr. Co., Ind., May S3, lk"X f 'li uk n'my .iiiy to Inform joit that I havo nf-ferr-d nines, null nnllun feet Mid chord". A ten bottle i r l'-iitaur Liniment tint douu the work lor mo I 1iij n.it bun Irou from theso rsollliiir In cljj'it jian- Noi Urn parfeclly well. The Llnl mmi ouirlu to be applied rm MaNJAMIN nnowN." The proof la In tl v ttla). It 1 reliable, It la bnndy. It U cluap, and cvarj family fhould hive the While Ccutnnr Mnlment. Tin- Ytlliiu Centntir T.ltiliuciit U adapt ed to the loti.jh miuclef, cord and Heidi of horsoi andnuluvita It h performul more widi rful curce, In thico yeaw, of spivln, S train, Wind-galls, Scratch c. evruny, Mill tcencr.il Lamina, than ntl other rcttn caluexltnco Read what the jtrctt Exprcaa men my of It: "New YottK, January, lfl Uv 'r owner of horio fhould give tin) CrNr.cn LisiMii.Ta trial. WocoaMdirlt the beat articled-orti-edlnoar ctnlilcf. "M M1MI, Hnpt Aditnr.x. St-Mes, Is. . K. l'Ll.1.. Sttpt.U. h.Jrx. BtalileN. V. "Al.llfclU'ts. Ol.lN, fcupt. jf.tt Ex. Stable, N ." Tii beat patrona oftlila Llnlmintaro Fanleraand Vctrlutt'yi'urt'eona. whonrcciatlnnally usltij; notni Llnlairnt. It heals UalU, Wound mid Toll evil, lotuovci Swoltjn;;. tuiil la worth million ofdu'.lnra amoi'ly to r tinner, Llvcry-ireu, tocWroirer, tim . , i . . 1 1 , , i.' d thnti ha Iuk buries or cMtlo. I t i rVrhrcamnt do for 0 the Centaur Lin hni v III d at a trilling; coat. 1 li Llnli.iunta nro old by sll doft.ew lurotuliotit t iiuimirj. lhiy aro warranted by tho proprietor, ana n bottle will bo Mlroti tosiry l'arritr or l'hj slclan wh j dilri lo let thtm. L-ilxiratory of J. H. .Kobk & Co., -SO Uv Sti, Nw Voms. Honey. VMttlici'w Cnitortn U a comjiUto tnbitltuto rorCatorOll, nud la a pleawnt to tuko a Honey. It U particularly adapted to Tel thins and lrrllablo ehlldri-u. Itdcitroya wortna, oaaltnllatca the food, rerfula'o the Stomach, and curoa Wind Colic. Few rcaudlea oro aa cl'lcailoua for I'oTcrlahneaa, Croup, Wornia and Wbooplns Coush. Catrla U a rclcntl tic and purdj cxtab!o preuiratlon, ..-.-wn" thtli Caitor Ull Mid xicitliir gaga nor srluca. 1 repar od by Me.ara. J. U. Ito.B A Co., 10 Uey Street, New York, from the recipe of Samuel I'ltchcr, M. D., of JJjirntUble. Maa. JAJCXUU MEI.Ii, SncccMortoJ. M. KreLKB & Co., OS Liberty t - - NKW YOHK, OomuilMloii -V)uront TOtt HUVINO AND ronWAHDINO KUOM F Now York via iMhmnf, l'aclOc ltillro.d anc Sua Horn, all Linda of Mercliaudlac, and for t ho Mlt ofV-odacwfromtbol'aclPCCoaat, for tho wllectloi of niofior. tc- ucm' nfcNT10W ?.,rCPCr.OVCKGJ! ' ''A 8URK CUUB FOU Soab, SoroWv.Worm. Foot Rot, AND ALL Parasites that infost Sheep. TT IS SAFER, BETTER AND VASTLY CHEAP THAN ANY OTHER EFFECTUAL REMEDY FOR THE TREATMENT OF SnEEP. IT Improves the Health OF THE ANIMAL, AND THE QUALITY OP THE WOOL. X3f One gallon I enou-i'i for one hune'ri-d to two tmu Ircd Sheep, accordinj,' totbiir age, ttrcngth, and condition. It la put np In FIVE-GALLON CANS-Prlce, (13 'per cau. Send for circular, to T. A. DAVIS & Co.. PORTLAND, OREGON, U'liolcinlo AKCiila Tor tht Mate, Or to vour nearest Retail Drnuslat. mA Mrs. Hohror'o Now Romody ron ran z.uiras IS UZET1XO WITU WOXDEltFUL SUCCESS I TIII3 PIRELY VEGETARLU REMEDY HAS no e ial li ,he relief and rare of Coaqha, Colda, Athm, llronchltU. Cronp, Whojplne Conch, Mea lei, 4c. It ha produced ono remarLable enrea. Soli lr rlrueiflitB cunerallr Prepared only by JOHN L. JIIUHI'HY, Monmoath. Or., 'To whom all l.tteta of bnaincta rhould bu addreaeed J. A. STBATTO.V, Attorney at Law, SALEM. OREGON. Office on Bute Streetjoppoalte the Bennett House. BY TELEGRAPH. Boston, Juno 12. Gov. Blco has recoivod assurances that President liavps will roach Boston on t ho 20tb Inst, and will remain in tho city two daya," nltendlnir. Harvard Collego Cotnuinncomeut Wednesday, and visiting Providence Tuurndy. WRshitiKton, June 12. President llayen, nUliouxU In forntor years p-odiHtwspd, liku many (itlinr hard money tnpti, lundlmro to tlio provahint dootrluni of llimnclul wrltrrM In favor of it Mngle roM ntaudnrd, bat tim'.o rlnlly changed his vIowh regatdlni; tho wisdom aud proprloty of tho nolo! 1S73, wnicn uemonoiizen tnooiu jngui teuuer dol lar. Ho is now in favor nf It rommipilxt tlonand of tun io-adopllon of tho doublu stnndard ofcold and silver. Now York. Juno 13. H. Gov Ilomlrlt'lts railed to-tlny in tlm ttteatnihlp Wojihlit for Unrojie. Ho wm nc'-otnpanifd titliHslilp liyrt lamo crowd of lrlmids,lio wished him ion t oyiigo. Tho Wnrld'n Wishltifrion m.s Unlicui Siatt t)l 1 1 let nttornov Howard of L'.iih iwft furSnlt li-tkn aft r lul midurHtniulliiK with tho ProMdt-u' Hint tt'toruov prnernl.Knd with iifsur.uit;i thu hi' will In Htipport'.d in tho proxHctttlnn of I'lljibatn Yoiinj; on nny com. irtmit nviiifiiicn iiiipKuHtliiK lilin In tho Mountain Moadow Musaimo IIii 1ms uNo I rendlrcotfd lo proicu:o tlu Proptiot mi n hnruo of uiNapplicatlou or coorinnMii funtlH whilo Jin wa Indlun nicNit, provided t tit iill'vied I'rlnin Is not lnrrd. Situ raiotuo, Juno 13. Crop and wonlh ir rcporiH f.om rII prlncipl Milnn In Hie t!to how no inatniil variation iroiu jre Mous reports. HitrvesMiiK has coinmeivod In many loi-alUle? In the nortlmrr- p i:lon of thoStntn. Tlf rrcent spoil of ht wtjtther lux rccAlonM hut Irlllinir damaeo. A tllaht KhnukaKQ roporlftd in noma local UIph, and In mno j 1 ices tho north wlntl vhloh piovalh d Hlmtti-icd tlio (train u littlj, hut tho nuln nllVctof tliu limit ittn4 to lmvo be'iito lusten rlpptilni; i wnk or morn. Tho p trumo Iipnteit Iprni Is now- oer, IhotiKh It Ik b'.IU very warm In manv Interior nlleys. UoMon, Juno 11. IntllcMliotiH nro that I'resldout Hayes will rooolvo us warm a vel iiomo ai wiw ovor uccorded n I'losldent. Qrrat proparatlotm aro hi-Init niHdo. Atlanta, Juno li. Tho mnjorliy for Con ventlon Hl.nPO; noitkrrn oountios almost unanimous lor It. Now York, June 1 1 Tho llorald's oalilo st Ihuoro:tl)althut jmIriiw! )( iiiluUivr to fiormany. Uiutlin, Juno H Tho Ntftln niiij Unllri! Stute-i pnto'iiolnejlira, nf'-r h ''trriit xml u ait'n, exjirfM h conlldon iipppf thut tho Krasshopiwra hivn rmrly ohssiI lo ln i-iin9 of iMnoT in Nobra.ska. Waihlnxtna, June II. Uun (1 A.. !! nliiKHAiu tvp'l kii'iwu in -tiir tmst in coi. iibo Ion vtih the Wslhpfftxjditlou to Culm, died to day, nod ii-., nr. Juno 13 Si'imtor Jouiw it n convorllo fJen Butlci Mia, nml Ik now m btmnvly liifvorof paper intioy n he was throe your ago In f,-. or of gih .i.irl silver i a in hlvrly. Tho World' Washlncton spmilil mivii thv well known philatithropUt, W. V. oioor.in dUtrlhutcd -0.000 niitmiR jioor men and women who wero rccenlly thrown out ol ompln' niont ly rttuon of rcducilon m the departmonts. Worn Point, Juno 1 1. Nearly n.dOO p"oplo wl'mRed llio t'loslut; oxfintlMO-H of tho jcni'M atln flHss lndnr. The llrnt addrp-s was dtOIVHrrd by Prof. Thompou, jiresldent of llio hoard of visitors, lollowiiil by Uonirnl Haucock. lilttlu ltook, Juno 13. Out) half tho cotton crop nlonir tho river may bo consideruil dost roved. Now burs. N. Y . Juno 13. Snvmitnmi.vnnr i'iJiS'iJJtodWilWirW: mors do not tiunk tuoy wm uo uanKcrous in dostroylnp; tho crops. t Th World'8 Washinplou Hpocial ftayst Tho President leavos for' Iloston ou thoU-Mh. Uo will no to New kIIampshlro, and visit Provldonco. Soon after tho Ith of July lie coos to Richmond and Poloraburs, and por haps to WhltoSulphnr SpilngH, tioino tlmti diirlne tlio miminpr ho will o lo ViMitiont. Now York, Juno 16. Towncond, Tweod's countol, notllios tho World nowsnapur that Twcetl'a confetKlou will bo furnished tho pros next Tuemlay, Tho Herald' louder says that Tlldon's ro rout Hpoech, buwallliiK his loss f tho l'ro-l-duiitliil chair, not only killed hlum-lf but tho Oonioprallo party. The movement to mako Ilonililcks tho next DemocruMu cindiilaio for llio i'ro-1 ileucy Nulhorlnt;o.insderrthlo hoid. It Is tlt'clarod that Tlldtm'K Irlemls plodKid Hen dricks tho next nomination bcioro ho imrfed lo accf pt Iho kH-'Otitl jil.ico nt tho St. 1ouIh oonventlon. TwppiI'h friends aro much dlsPonrKod by tho t.illuro of tho tuiiliorltles In niot-pt his binto'H ovldotifti nuHinst rlnji asf-ooistcx mid t him frco. There U roason lo bellovo that tho Irtlluro was i-nuswl ly counter nvldonco liowli)(: tluit tnuulxjf Twpd'H prolldrod los t knotty would boovorwhtilmeil bvrobuttlu ovidonco; iduo lh.it ho tramrfdrnil to Huropo tlio proceotls or a iariio amount oi property which is still within IiIk con lot mid ouht! to ba Hurrondored to the city from which it was .plundered. uuiuio, juna to, ino tMiiior'a national Association appointed a commute o to iutiuire Into tho oxnedlency of ostabllshlnea ooiIi-ko under tho direction ut the association for the education of millers. Chicago, June 15 The Journal's Wash ington special hays Ohlof Justice Walte has just returned from South Carolina. Uo says during three weeks' stay la Charleston not h sluglo i-oolal call was made on him or his daughter by tho old ox rebel eloment. Ho wos treated tnoro like an outcast and crimi nal than a gentleman. Judgo Walto's Irioutls hero aro Indignant and tho President and cabinet t.oom urnatly astonished. Ho was treated with marked respect by tho citizens of Grocn&boro and lUlelgh, North Carolina, where ho held court. Wanhlnitlon, Juno 10. Tho Star avK It Is not true that Corcoran has given 920,000 or any amount (o bu dlsti United among di charged government employees. Itev. Abbott Marlln returned tiom n con feieuut with Blplng Hull, hdltl at tint laimr'c camp in tho Ilrl'lsh Pof.osoiiH May 2Sh. Sluing Hull was rourioous. Ho told the sanio old story of his wrongs. Tho conclus ion roached was that Kitting Hn'l would not rolurn to tho United Stales, btu would ro main In tho Ilrltlsh Possoaslons, Ho could ut.t bear tho idea of t-urrouderlng his possei-s. Ions, poulos, urtns, etc,, nud busidrM (tared for his personal t-afety. The Iudlins lost till lliolr lo JgtiH and many arms uutl Htipolles while crosblDg tho river this spring, bud are In bid condition tocontlnuotho war. Tiiere am 320 lodges, or about 1,000 warriors. Tho Ilritisb officers sympathized with them d assured tbtm of protection during good bo havlor. H nator Conklln has pai'od for Kurope. A detach out of Mexlan troors were pur sued the other day to our aide of tho Hlo Gnsndo antl at lacked on our toil by Mexi can revolutionists. Tho President is supposod to regard with favor the romocdtlzition of sliver. Xewburgh, June 10. John C. Adam, post master of tbli city, is president of the com mon counoll, he announcos tils resignation o f tho la'ter position owing to an intimation from tho postoiilco 'department that the ad- mmSSmSsSStmMmiA iiirjar itllilii ministration does not wish Its officials to hold municipal positions. The board of pardons, after a session last ing from I) o'clock Saturday ovenlug until 12:30 a. tu. Sunday , rof used to commute the death sentence to llfo imnrlinnmeut In the cases oi too couvioien .-wouy .ilamilrtH, sen tenced to bo hanged Thursday mxt, i, Lexington, Juno 10 Tho trottiug races cdtnmmu-o Tuesday nnd ountlmio four davs. riiey prmnlso to he tho mosthiiccesful over hidil In Knntucky. Tho purses have all boon lilted, nnd tint llmo Is expected. FOREIGN. Now York, Juno 12. Cobirt Pjsti.i 1ms been ordered to bombard Oilesa. Loudon. Juno 12. There Is nlinmt nn nt ornboucoof nowa of iutetiwt oltLer from Abln, llio Otuuboor Moutiuegro. J'ho two armies on mo umuuo are w-uiciiing one an otlicr, and cuntionadlug xs fritpiput, but tliu Husii.ius h;te not dltclond ilielr Inten tions, Tho Loiil Maroraml wile will nccomuany Uen. Gnint to too Crjsfal Palaen on VrlA& . Chluajjn, Jot 13 Tho Trilttinn'K IluoliHr est i-orrep unit tic tins 'pn n prUutn letter troiuiihlgh Ittt'sliin olllulil ut.si Potorsburg tuonnot thfi Grand Duke's niaiF, protesting tiirmstly uutl with uMt bitterness agtiluM tho Idea Unit tho U.ir will unkn pcnn wiM ovHcuato lloumiinla. Uoooutdders Itnn Ig-u-milliv wliloli the ttuiuUn p nplu w-iiiild not tolnintn, and adds that the t ir, Ik loin ho )ik llio oipltiil, potHonilly iQiorinod tho wrltei that Itusslu' now i rani nuii(uest had b gon, Tlio Trl'Mmo'i liondtm special mvs tho flfiKi'liot Derby untl MaiiNliurv last nlgltt eitced tnuuh lnterwtt. Diiibv's Ipw can i unity no gathered from iitssp-rcii, dm his trn-liui; Is d )ub:iessly luollutil rattier toward i-eaoe tlmnwui. Tho war party's sniu and o itHinntiirpnmont Is U-hi UiihIhikI tunnot louialn quint, now that lur fontnuroliil In tur. His wm threatened. A illusion of tho countty iiiiot'Ao row pirlUson wr issues Is not ImprotiAlilu. '1 he Htdlcals proiont n do urtultied Irimlaud nro oupol:on, but chu not prnvHil in I'aillaiunnt atpreMnt. Noudon, Juno 1 1. Probably no alienipt will bo m.ulo to ornt-s tho iMnubo hiford July. Tlilssiippnslih n Is s rutiglithetied bv (ho pto'nnt Mttto or I ho IiHOtilni. C'ousinntlnoplo, Juno 13. An official telo grkiuut Junolil sAys SuMiiun Paahn bus forced tliHOtiltamu) of DlUiv ps, nfterasin Miiitmrv battle, aud l- ndvancn g on Nlcslt. Muniotiegrinsiirolti full rtfroat. Suloliuan'ti Jiliigloii w Ith two other TurKixli corps Is t v ptlMll luim 'till t lj . YiniiiKi, Juu- 13 Snleluisn I'aslm started ypsicrdav to rnvluiuiil NlyU ftr h im. Vlfim J'lno 13 (.vtrfftfii Mgns point to ThurmUv ur I'llday uwt h the dute for croDhiuK th-t Dauubrt. Just In tnru lliutojwr tiion iskes plpoii It U oxK'fl'ajU the t'zir will ItMiia a nitiiilfrislo. l)lHpKit'hi-s to tbo Kur-lmn trleraphio agency i'tH tliit IttlShl l-t itm-. d ,J to (1. s) ' i'-thi route to India, on I oiiMijuxiiily 'tm ibe ueu'rallly ut the Nik, canal and K-pt. it KhtlS la Lroioutll, Julie II. Till) HllS slHinmstloii tloiirmluud a'tark on Kur.-i The fighting lasted duilngSiunlay.Sundiiv and Alomlay. Tho Muscovlie tionpn wuro lopulsed with grout i-l.iughler St. Petersburg, Juno II Turks aro at tempting to form counter approaches ut Kiirs.uud aro constantly making snrtlfs The ltusslan batteries have been very sou (cslul In fruhtrallug till tlioo attempts. Sorliis woroyestorday lepulsfd with n heavy loss to tho Turks. Scleral ltusslniiH were Hllghtly wotintkd. Uuahnrost. Juno 15. On tho Kusslan army nny foreshadowing of poace would fll wltn a thrill of passloato dlsusl tliutwoUliLsAr,aln. Thorocan uo no question tuai mo army ro gards Constantinople as tho only goaf that can contout it. Tho Oar will return to Iluasla Immediate ly altor he has wltneisod and participated lu tho passage of tho Dauubo. Hrzeroum, Juno 15.' Sickness, cspeo'ally typhus, causes greater gaps n the Turkish ranks In Asia than tho volunteers aroublo to till up. During tho Iatt six months at least 10 000 men have died In the hospitals. Loudon, Juuo 15. A eorrospondott wrltea that tho Idea among the Russians is that half-way measures will not sulllco. llulg-i-rla must become us autonomous us Seryla nml Itoumanla. Ht.oroum, Juno 15. Muhktar Pasha's po sitional Zewln Is believed to bo unassaila ble. Tho Turkish right confront tlio litis stun left In ni open district of Alnshklrt. An ungugomout Is Imminent. Tho Kusslan de tachment, tho comer of which occupied HnglMulu, has fallen back in tho direction of Kant. Uliiuigo, Juno 15. Tho lutorOcimn'H Lou donspeclil ui iho Hugllsh cabinet Is said to bo dl Id id on Uortich.ikoir'H reply. Der by .mil Salisbury think Ituasla'N iitmiraucos aro tatlsfau'ory. Iteacoi stleld Is biubborn on fcomo points, and iliclures turihtr dliilo matlo corriispondenco Jiecessary beloro Lug land nan absolutely define her position. St. Petersburg, Juno 15 It Is officially tin .nnuueed that. Muhktar Pasha has been ro inforcod by twenty battailous, from Trebl 7.0 n do. Iondon, Juno 15. The Karl of Dorby, Siatl'jrd Northcotn. Lord Aberdaro. Vis count Cardwell, Lortl Tentordon and Right lion, Mr. I'orster, with their wives, lmvo gtviin notice of their intention to bo present at Guild Hall to day when tho freedom of the olty will be presented to Gen. Grant. Lady Sterling Maxwell, better known as Hon. Mrs. Norton, Is dead. Loudon, Juno 17. Special dlspatohes from Paris agree that Saturday's anting of the chamber of deputies was one of the most vio lent ever witnessed. Tho Times correspond ent says it extended over five bourn and a half. During that time thero was ono pro longed roar. At one tlmo, when Garabetta faald that the power was In suspicious hands, Iho mluislor of public works sprang with a tliiuatoiitng air towards tho tribune, and tho numbers of tho Hlght and Left dashed forward. Ushers had to separate tho bintllo armies. It really reemed as If thero would be a hand 'to hand tight. All iustlucttvoly waited for tho reports of revolvers. London, Juno 10. Count Sobonviloft Is to assure Husland that tho route to India by way of the Suii'. Canal nnd tho Pemlsu Gulf IMreej that treaties will be observed, and that thoquobtlou of the Bosporus and Darda nelles will bo settled at tho end of tho war by u Luropt-au congress. lleond ththo p !nts uo bngsgemttnt has been undertaken, K Is ronorlhd that Prlucj Gortschakolf In his reply to Lnglaud disavowing any wish on tho pirt of Russia to lako possession of Constantinople, declares that the olty ought to Lolong to none of tho Kurnpoan powois. Uhe Russians liavo detlnluly determined to make tlio pas&agn of tho Danube botwevii Pikt-to and Turner Magurlell. Preparations iudiiMtn early operations. A dl'-pntoh dated Shumla, June 12th, says tho attempt to cross la hourly expected. There Is great excitement at RuUchuk and Hhumla. There is ovory oppoaranco of des jierato lighting shortly. Specials tay that tho Porto has concluded, as a measure of safety, to occupy the princi pal positions In Servfa, President MoMahon baa called on the Senate of France to aid him In dhvolylog the chamber of deputies, which doe not agree with bis views of government. Tbla will necessitate a now olectlou of deputies by tho people It Is thought many Turkish omcorsaro bought up by Russian gold. v Mukhtar Pasha has improved bis position nnd will try lo rollovo Kara. It Is said the KiissIaii Imrn mitT.irml tnr. rimo josses ueforo Kara. Nlcslo hns been rovlctuallod nftor tro moudtui9carniigo. Tho Kiyptlnii contingent hasrrlvod at Constnntinoplu. , Tho relations botween Russia nnd England are most critical. Gen. Qrant in England. Loi.d m, Juno 15. Gen. Grant has written tho Miiyor or Southampton that previous en Kiiuiiiiems protnnt his accepting tho Invlla tlnn to the hospitalities of that city tit nros- nnt, hut bo hoped lo visit tho (own later lu the summer. A special performance will bo given nt tho Royal Italian Opera, Covent (Mrdeti, Jumt'JJJ, In honor or (Son. Grant. Grant was not present nt Oxfjrd cominuiuo union. The students whilo waiting for roc- iimiuu 1 1 nrious pn.-Miocms unit other por lions nf tho piogrnnnnc, Inwo u custom ol phntirlng ot hissing tl10 utitucs of public otmraelors. All pipors this morning ro mark H-oulIarly hearty reception evoked by Gen. Grant's namo which wns ono of tho llrst propo-itl, Tht follow ing w tho rovlsetl jirogramtno of Grunt's mm cutout: Prldav inornlng ho receives tho freedom of tho city of London, Vi May nfiei noon nttontls Iho reto nt Crystal Palace, Situnliv General tmd Mrs. fJrant dlue with tho Murtpilsof Loruo find Princess Lmilso t Keiislgntou Palacej Monday morniniy bfoikfast with Geo. W. Small, Motiduv pvoiilnu dlniiat Roform rluli. I.oril nranvlllti presiding! Tuosdav attoinl tho Mo Ht Alevntidm Pulnco; Wednesday dlno with Lord Rlponj Thursday meet Prinroof Willi's lit tl illniier kIviiii nt tlm AliiPrlnmi I'll, nornj , Krltlay morn Itig ho takes up his With (,'ollNlll Gllliorill fililoaii! l'rl. rostuenco tliy ovenlng nttentla stato porforiustico nttho u nerii huh Miusequiiiitiy tlio tjucen'rt hall glvonnt Huok'nclmm P.ilaoa. -Ml ...U Ficnlo nt Aurorn. I'nuii Dally Ricnrd, Juno IS Ry nine a.m., yostorday, tho platform of the depot was thronged by n largo unmoor of our eltlr.tmsvlio wero uuxlously expect lug Iho rrrlv il or tha oxrursloii Irhlft which was to convey them lo tho plonlo nt Amora. I'utinttiHllv Ht tho appointed IImo,tho vvhls- Uo was iioml, nnd tho long train of oars sUmiuoiI up to tho platform. "All nbonul," wits lli cry; tho ladles wero ushered Into llio p-issongor cmt 1$' Hint model Condgotor John Ilelllngor, (ho males kcrambled Into tho rrelgli.cirs which had been littod up with pi uilc seatH uud oir thoy went. About two hundred pusiougori eturlod fruiit Silem, no on tho cms rattled past llrooks, French Priihlo, Gorvals, Wood bunt und Hubbtinlf, nudthoillt-luntkouudof nut slo nnnouncod that Aurora was near. On reaching It tho excursionists woro ro colvod by tho Aurora Rand nud n sort or heml-mllllary company, organized lor tho occasion. At their heuii Mood John Wiu-r nrrajed with tho Insignia and goUMioaded cano of Dr. Koll who was not presold, and iu a lew- uiumoms mo iram irom roruaim i camo lu sluht. all adorned. wltllnreo.n I n , -r -......-r., ..u -wU.,.u saluted with their nabors, tho baud struck up an inspiring oir, and tho "Tumors," with tho passongers from Portland nnd .othor towns, poured out of tho cars, and with tholr ban uors, carried aloft, aesomblod oloso to tho track. The procession was soon forinod, nnd with tho band In front, lllod along through Dr. Kolls MAOSII'ICKNT OltClfAltl), Aud vineyard, uud thou into tho park whoro they halted nud woro briefly nddressod by l'red Kllnr of Portland, and thou, with thrco cheers for tho Aurora Rand, nnd throoiuoro fur tho Turn Vorolns, tho ploasuro xeokors dUperbcd all through tho beautiful grounds. Various fihids had been erected, nud front thorn higer-btier, fcoda-water, Ico-crortiu,ples, were dispensed to tho multitude. Thoro was ulbo n temporary rostaurunt which furnlshod lea, cotl'ee, and othor light refreshments, whilst thoio w ho wlsliod for HOtnothlug more Hubitiintl.il woro nicommodatod fit Iho far famed Aurora Restaurant, kepi by Wm, Koll ,fc Com puny, vv hero about six hundred per eons wero entortalnod during tho day. Thou there was it "Schut7onfest," whoro a stout Teuton hired out toyrillesatllvocontsashot, aud tho umbltlous youths tried to hit a vvhlto spot iu a Inrgot twonty yards olf. If tho cen ter huppoued to bo hit a gaudily painted chap was supposod to Jump up, but bo .was apparently tlrod out aud did not Jump worth a cent. During the afternoon old Dr. Kiel himself, appoarod, took charge of the mili tary company and put them through tbelr ex ercises with great vim, considering his ad vanced ago, mnch to the edification of tboso present. Thoro was also soino very excellent miulu by Messrs. W. Lludormau, J, Quant, W. H. Dellg.O. Jj, Lonborgor, L.Lovl, D. .lii.llo, aud K, Klass, who sang sovoral hunting and forest songs In llrst rato stylo. During tho Utter part of the day Tumors, vlsltorn aud fraulolns wblrlod. around Injtho Valso or glided gracefully through tho rmadrlllo, but their pleasuro aud comfort would liavo been greatly Increased if proper dauclng-iloors had been provided. Dancing ou Iho "oiu:i:n hvvaiui" Ileatls very nicely, but wlion the "sward" Is dust und gnivol tho actual oxporleuco Is not xc djllaious, In various parts of tho Park tho htandard of tho Tumors, tlio old Ger man Confederation nnd tho more modern Umpire wero placed In charge of houtlnols belonging to tbenamuloss military orr,unl .illon aud tho drums beat uud guard wph relieved ut duo Intervals. At ono limit tlio company was led by tho old teacher of tho settlement, Profemor Rugal, who had crossed tho plains with Dr. Koll lu '55 aud remained ovor sinco with his family. About 5 o'clock the excursionists begun to return to Aurora and then tho Restau rant was again crowded and a host of pretty " DKUTSt'lILANDKRINNH " Ministered to tho wants of the hungry. Punctually at 0:30 tbo cars loaded up with yiiM Ihe'mombors of the picnic started almost simultaneously north and south and with cheers and' the waving of hats and band korchlefs the ploasuro-satod excursionists startodon tholr rolurn trips nnd tho last nolos of tho Aurora band dlod nwny In tbo distance. Tho railroad officials nud tho gontlomon who had chargo of tho excursion (Mr. Ferdinand Motsszer of Portland, nnd J, Honry Haas, from Salotn), desorvo great crodlt forthoordor and regularity maintain ed ns not tho slightest mishap or ncoldont mnrrod tho enjoyment or tho day. Tho Fourth nt Silverton. Mi.vmiTo.v, Juno 13th. Thinking a fo,v llotns from this plJco ro garillng iho looming colouration of" our Nn tlonal A'milvorr.irvnnd othrr tlilntf nniii bo Intorostlng to iv pottlon of your ro.idors, horo goes. As ti starter, I will cay that overy thing np portioning lo tho celebration, Is going on .smoothly, n-d every piopanuioti nccossary lo Insure n good time, is being inado. Tlio commltleo df arrangoinonts has tnkou n now dojuirturo, and vvJll lutroducs miny' now fiMiuro. A leading- ono will bo tho pirndo or n numbtr of young lndlou on horseback, tho leading ono parrying tlio national ensign, nud nil wearing tho "Roil Whilo nnd llltm." Tho commlttco w 111 sparo no pains lo mako this part or tho prognunmo ono of the best "performances" of Iho kind ovorxeou In our Slalo; tho Indies' dials nt oqttestrlinshlp ntour Slnto Fairs lo tho con trary notwithstanding. Tho car of llttlo girls, each ropresonllngn Stato, will bo mngnlucant In tho oxtremo. This Ptntotnnnt no nno will doubt when they nro lurorinod that Iho Irroprcsslblo Cul. Gcor ' is goltlng up tho ear nud will handlo tho ribbons ovor Iho six horses that will drnw tho beautiful cir nnd Its precious burden on tlml'ocialou. Thero will also bo nnothor car, over which ThonuiH lllolmy has tho supervision, nnd IT any ono Is dliosod to question Thomas' ability to draw llio ribbons ovor thrco sunn loUhbin oott'onud seo. This ear will ho benullfully decorated, nud will contain 18 llt tlo boys, loprosontlng (ho ProsIdeniH, and onolmy of larger growth will represent llio Pallioruf his country. Ho will probably tnrry tho "little hatchet." Piotohftor J, G. McCrnw Is ringing up n wiigon lo haul his choir of vocallstH, which will bo another prominent feature in Iho procession. Tho vetornns of tho Abiqna nr h.ivo been Invited to 'Join in," n Uimaroh, also Gon. J. W. Nosmllh, i:x-0Jpi,rryrnnil hovornl othor "doubtlni'Tl.'"" ',1!"il!o?lfverlon brass band will glvon grand ball In thoovonlng nt Llpidlt's Hnll. Tho Orator, Reador nnd Chaplain nro got tlug ready to Hproad tbomselvos and to do i. .-Hon in Ihnncensloil. rri.n tmrhnmio will bo gotten up In tho good . .., r..H.MVl suoh proparatlqns will be -mndo that will lnsuro ovorybody who nttonds, a gala tlmo. U. A New Park. Tho Oregon and California Railroad Com pany purchased last woek, forty acres of land on tho sightly bltiif Just north of New Era, nnd will procood I tn mod lately to lny out a splondld park, with nil tiiomodorn Improve ments, for tho accommodation of oxcuslons, aud out door gatherings. Tho view from tho bluffs Is grand, and overlooks tho beautiful Willamette whoro It miters tho deep tiliiinnels either side of Rock Island. Mr It, Koohler, tho Vice President of tho Company, nnd (ho onorgetla Managing Dlroctor has taken Iho matter In hand, and will mako It Iho lovoil est place on thd road. Wo suggest 'that tho namo of tho grounds bo called "Koohler Park," nnd thapost town adjacent, Now Krn, bo ohanged to "Koohler City," In honor of tho goutlomnu who Is going to mako their llttlo burg an Important station on tho lino of tho road. j i LETTER ritOM POLK, Dai.lah, June 10, 1877. Tho annual con vocation or tho Christian Church ut Datlas yostorday, was a tlocldod, success. Moro tUau two hundred campers are on tho ground and will contluuo ovor next Sunday.' . The M. L. Ohuroh South, will bold tholr cstnp-meettug at Dlxlo, on tho last Friday In June and continue till after tho first Sabbath In July. ' , t ' Polk countycrops are now looking hotter than evor and promise a big yield. , Rookies and Criminal Drlvinr. Last Saturday afternoon whilo a drovo of 1800 sheep were being drlvon to the Salotn Forry from soma point-near Dlxlo, a hack said to contain tho Independence Raso Rail Club, who wore on their return from a match game nt Amity, pushed iu among tho flock at full spoodaud broke tho legs of four of tho drovo besides soveroly.inJurlngH val uable buck worth $50. 'ihoy will probably be prosecuted by the owners of tho sheen, Dr. I). M Jones, of this oily, nud F, It. Hill, of Albany. ' A Model Wife. Amongst tho excursionists yesterday, thoro was one lady who dasorves that title If nny one over did. Hho.wasougagad In a sclentiflo discussion with n learned professor, nnd on her husband's uppearauco greet oil him wllh an all'octinnato smllo, uutl tho ondoarlng Inquiry, "'Theodore don't you want somo monnyY" simultaneously producing u well filled purso. Thlif notion deserve especial notice uud approbation In theso degenerate duys. A Euuektlou, As Hon. O, P. Morton will prdpibly bo In this city on tho fourth of July, wo would suggest to tho commlttoo of iirrangomeuts that ho bu Invited to attend the Sunday School pic nlo lu Murlon Square, on that day. Wo lmveiio doubt that It not other wlao en gattod he would aoont, and give the llttlo folks Just the same pleasant talk we heard hltn give at a Sunday School plonlo 21 years ago ou the banks of tho Mlssiulwa lu luuluia, ,fc -v m ijk&M lteB.f A J ti -,-i