&$ww$fpl !. -W. yuimamtjwamn)f1IMaWltmtMliifJ mw, ,,;' nxtmsHtmw 0 A. r i r "WrJLLL,AMETTE FARMER. 2 n I , iJi I, , (Mitt ' i m h "V- U : Ifr, mid kin f Si, ttJIanuite m ntmtt. I08DXD ITKPT miDAT, BT CLARKE & CRAIG, rvBLiatiEm Ann rnonuiTORS. K. A. CLAIIKB. D. W. CUAIO. Term of Hnbacrlptlon. Ono copy, ono year (52 number) ??0 Odd copy, Mx month (SO number) 1.2S One copy, three months (18 number) 76 HALEM, FIUDAY, JUNE 2-', 1877. WILLAMETTE UNIVER8ITY. Meeting of the Alumni. From tho Dtlly llocord, Juno 14. Tho HpaclouH Chnpol of tlio Unlvorslty wrh ilorwoly crowded last nlKht, and tunny woro obliged oltbor to romalu standing or rotiroaltogothor. Tho oxerolsos woro oponod with music, bolngan Instrumental duet by Misses E, llrnvman and T. lloldornoss. which WU Torvwoll executed, aud then thoolansof 1877 wih Introduced by J. It. Holwood, in a noat and appropriate opooob, and being cor dially wolcomod Into the society or their prodocosHorc. tboy took tbolr seat on tho platform. Then followed an earnest and elo quent prayorby tbo llev. Mr. Hum. Noxtcaino tbo nolo "Chiming Hollo," by Mlim Ellen J. Obamberlln, and an horolear voluo mug out and filled tho paclouu chapel tho perfect stillness and rapt attention of tho audlonco attoRtod tho away those ayron strains exerclsod ovor all her bearers. Tho choir rondorod able assistance, and tho wbolo porfonnanco was loudly and contin uously applauded. Mr. H. II, Ilowltt, of tho class of 1870 was thou Introduced, und procoodod to deliver an address on Y. Ho tint called tho atten tion of his iudlU)rs to tbolr programmes on which tlmy would Hud that letter which stands nu it Hlnglo stem and but one foot, wbilNt iibovo thosu aro two arms, Its smaller to tho right, lis .turgor to tlio left. Ho then spoko of those rudo ngeH long slnco burled In oblivion, mid of which few scattered memorials ruimtlii, amongst ilicxo Is tho imtuo of I'ylhngoras, and this Grecian sago had ruuderud tlio HVIVUMSY, Of the ancient Orixiks, famous ns bolng tho t.yiultul of life. Tho stout representing llfo, whllo charnelrr I unfounded. Tlio right arm, tlio path of virtue mill honor, tlio lelt thittot vii-e, Ignorance anil misery." Tho spcultor thon spolio eloquently of tlio lulls, ir.noU and illlllonltlos which itwulled tho vouth or both sexes In fholr ournoy "up tho Y of llfo,"but hn told tlium llmfliidiisii y, ability, hi. (t good conduct, would miroiy uu nblo Hum loHiiruiount, the sharp turn from tho stt in, mid climb tixiutluu'ly to tlio top of tho rlxi" mm of tho Y of lllo," tho position oocup.ml by tlio brut and tlio noblest of all c'Iiiiih iiimI countries. Th npeiikur then Instanced I'luy, Webster, Culhomi iinil many others us I'X.iuiph's of tlio power of lu. client Mippli'inontod by Industry. Ho showed how talent. Industry and tlio succoostul axi'iuil of tiie Y of II I'n went not cuiillucd loiuiy cln.s In jarlloulnr. In oauli luuruud profusion thero wern uotod t'.viuiplo, and aiiildht tbo merchants Htoud tho unmoor (lnorgo l'o.ibo.ly rov.'ioil In both hem Uptimes twit ilillauthrolil, Tliiiu, In iilhul Ing to the ii"Mortlon that clrmtiiiHtaiicfx maku iiiuii, aud not men olrcuuiHtuucoii, bo npoko of h most InloroNtliig liltiloryof tho Krone li Kevolutlon, which he had met with, and ou which, though mot admirably wrltlou, In overy oilier rovpoct, tuli mlstukiin Ide.t wan Inculcated, and ho then lirltttly reviewed the curoorM of IMulon, ltobenplrro aud Mlra beau, a llluMtratlug tho truth of the opx ltu iirox)nltlon, nitmely, that men make theiiiMelvtH. The apoakor thou In very well ohooxn and oloquont wordn Npoko of thoxo great ntultis man, lawyern, preacherN.aud orntorrt Illnn lliirke, l'Mtrliik Henry, Spurgeon, rrofenHor IvIwurilN and otherit who bad climbed tho right biauch of that " v III' I.IKK," Which tho dais ho now addniscd worujiikt ..Liiiilm. l.t iiii.itiil Ho NpoUe In feeling turiuK of tlio Wllliim otto UuUorhltv, tlio "Alint Miner" from whoso Hholterlug roof ho hud ptsod out into tlio world howiu yonri Mucti, and told of tho dllllciilllox ho and Ills clitssuMiei Irul en coiiuteied In thtlr Journty up the Y f ti. Then concluded by an rurnem and focllug exbortatlou lo IiIm lieurerH lontilvn evrr to iikceiul that right iiriu of tbo Y of llfo which l I ho post of viituoiuid honor. Next billowed nil In-tilinienlitl solo by Miss i:ivi llro.Miiau aud tolhUsiiuceodid an iway on "Sruiuiw," written by Miss tier trulo !:. Miller and reud by Mrs. Maitio II. Nisitl, this was a vtiry MiKgvfctlvo mid aiiius- ingsoiioia , 1U( the manner In which lie mated lt,uau ,.- ,i it ' "'J" ,.. ..,. ,LJ ' evidence of a disciplined lulud and well cul Treat tig of all sorts and M.s or "Mumps," (V( (( ., Tmm a voiMj ,lll0l WAS Hllll. literal and metaphorical, their tint am oy .miVs llortha and Allium Moort-s, an.l tibtuiM, Ibi; Injuries to ttj. rocilvcd from and ,m,0mr ,,r VoIc. of tho twin hl-iei. the bmiellts occasionally courrred by ' i.i,,...,.,,, i.nriiinnlniislv toct.iher. President "stlllllDS." To thUsuccoedod n magnificently render ed solo by .Mrs. Helen Straiten aud thou came a literary treat or tho richest sort, imtmily a poem entitled " WUKCKk," liy Samuel h, hlmpNon, the truest poet Ore gon ever prodiiotid, hiu! oho of tlio most btlllUiitNtara lu tho coiiNtellallou or tbo Al umni. This poem was react by Mr, Olms, It. Moore, and tlitu Hon. Nyl. O. Sluipxon came forth In the role of Annalist, aud cm kldtultig that (as ho rouurlted bluisoll) be was only a Mihsil'iitn and trying lo rovengo hlniMlf on the man who had vlollinlr.d him, ho Hiiiil.v.nl remarkably welt and kept hlxMiidloiu'ti lu mars of laughter by his quaint humur mid extiaoriliuary puunlng abilities us Mr. Simpson' MtVirts aro nil "ul getieti's" "grnvo mingled wlih kiiv nnd lively with kovoiit,"iiNUlirirlvlmpnNlhhttu glvea fall Idea ol his Annuls w lilcii to bu prop, erlv nppti elated tboy iiitiNt pn beard. I hen the Aniboui wasi-aiig, tho ll.uieiliotion pro nounced by Itev. Mr. Ittixsauil tlio audtoii'n hl.iwly dlspomtd uuuului.itis lu iholr prais 1 1 tbo Alumni. Tho uiiiiuil eleoliii or olU'Mrs f the Alumni of Hio tVillauiotte Unhoit-llv, took pl.ici es.enlaysltt niuoii wlih the followitig remit. For I'rosl.leiit-P. Willis. Vice I'lo-lileiiis Mr. IJuiU.v York Moore, iiUm i r 18-Mij I'. II. t'tawruril, 'tWs M-U Slmpnio, (Hi I'lik'ov )enu, 'iWj Mrs. Helen lllliiin Mrattm, 'etl; Mrs. l.ooia Slinjmon Km ell, i,7; Angle ()iutiln,l t'J, A.iiiuMix, 'm; ,ii. .Mitttle (III ert Jott, '7Ui ,Mt lily. Itibiiifciiii S'.Mwater, '7I Mr, I -r iiiii-on Ktil.t'uswinb. '7.'; Albf.-S Niitiiolls, "Jlt J. N lhtM'aii, '7I M (I. Houtl, '7ftj MU.TIu'nsalUiblernex., 'TCi (1. A.(lnibl.e, '77 Snjitlurjl'liaili'" 11. Mounts. 1'rwtsnior M1-h Marie U. Smith. Kieichit Cou'tulttiHt Utiiiy H. tillTry aud Miss ('lata A Wall, tlrtor for I87S-S, 0 K'tyal, O-slor lor ItsJU J A. Koilwttnd, INhU; lor ISiV-Mn. Auitdhi Scrlbcr Miller P.vr fir IST8-"irt I. Slimmn. Al.liall fir ItiP.t Syl C, allUpCU. , mmencement Tzerciiei. Loop beforotho appointed hour tho chapol of the Univorsity was filled with anaudlenco who had collected from all parts of the Stales to bo present at tho Graduating Kxerclsos or tue ciass or i7 s. Viewed from the platform tho hall looked llko somo parterre in which the brigbt-hued flowers of tropical climes Htrovo to overshad ow tho bright oyes which boa mod from benoath them, tbo walls were festoonoJ with lloral wroaths encircling pictures, mottot", were suspended between tbo arches snu midway bung amluaturo vossol all decked out with roses an oniblem, percbanco of that HUlI OK LIKE. on which tbo graduates aro about to ombnrk. Prnmntlv at 2 p. m. President Catch an nounced that tho oxercisos would cotnmeuco and tho Aurora String bandusuered In tuo performances with enlivening strains. Then came tho Aulhom "Pralno jo tho Lord" by tho Graduating cIbss and Oholr, and tbo solom notos rose and fell under the skillful leading and accompaniment of Mien Ellen J. Cbamborlln and Mrs. Ulanoho Pat terson. An earnest and heartfolt prayor was then niTnrnd lin bv the HOV. Towor. thon tbo literary exorcises commoncod. "Charles Hnmncr" was tho thomo of 0n. A, Poeblei who, in well choson words brlelly outllnod tbocareor of that groat Statesmsu who, In early youth having onloyed all tho advantages which a thorough homo educa tion and onlargod European travel could bo stow, devoted all bis time and talont lo the enfranchisement of tbo negro. A bold ad vo rate of freedom, and staunch supporter of the ITnlnn. tint when tho civil war had ended' ono or tho first to extend tho band of friend ship to tho Southerner. "Genius, powr and unri'xuu. lint morn esnflclallv virtue Kracnl the life and onshrlucd tho momory of "CharipiSumnor."' MIhbNoUIo A. Cookothon road In a clear and distinct volcoan essay ontltlod "TIIINflS THAT l.'OhT NOTHINd," nnd wasMlowed by Mlsi Norn Itoss who hud solocted "ShrlncsJ' ns tho subject oHier vorv miggcHllvo and poctlo essay. .Miss Anna Ltwrenco was tho noxt In order aud her "Last Loaf" wbh an ellort contain ing many suggostlvo thoughts, clothed In suitable litnguago and delivered with clear nous nnd good omphnNis. Thon tho Inspiring music or tho Hand pnated lortli ngnin ami as iiieirHirnius cimm u Mr. Frank Irvlno stepped rurwnrd and de ll t-nreil mi oration on "Tlio South." This young gontleinan dlsplavod consider itili powers of Elocution and Hlietorlc, nnd ws lollowed by Miss Kinmu Jouoi who irv very pliiHslng (.kotnh entitled " Wlro. " Nextcamo "Tidal Waves" by M'ns Ni.l'.l. Moaohiim. Tills essay illspla)rd oniildiT ahlo powcrH of Imagluatlon nnd tho grm-o I til gealurrH which ncpompaiiind lw rulm tlou were desorvi'dly npplHudcd. Mr. (Jiiucy A.Orulilm thoiigavon gnip'i Icaud extremely well written 'ut-llnii ol the liotolo llfo and auhluvemnutHof (ikoikii: a. cUHriut ; Coticlndlng with Lungfollow's reli-brnlc I linns on tlio (loath ol I Imtolilviilroii'tUoiirrnl Again the music of tlio band charmed the nurM or tlio audlonco and then MIinNuviU Grlllltli told or those " flolilon Sands:" ol thoceaor lltoraturo and knnwkilgii whlni rur excellnil In value thoso hands of the (Inlden slrenms or Uallforuli. Tlio truo Golden b'andM worn tho thought Till cam of n mother aud the loving monitions ol friends. Miss Idi Mutton's theme was "Hilt ! Mandeb." tho "(Jato of Teats," who-o tho bare, ragged, volcanlo poiki or tlio Afrloin aud Anlntlo const towor gloomily abovo the ntnli and roar of foam-cri,tot breakers anil whirling cddloJ, portending shipwreck to tho Arab Hdiiiimn lu his Htorm-touhed bark. She told of tho Gate or Tears In that dark shadow which sottlod over tho oyosof John Milton, and in the occasional gloom whlo'i nvershadowH oioh human life, "Etch one meets his Habel-Maudeb," "The Unseen World" of Frank McCully's was the world of Intellect and science, and ably did bo depicture the beauties of that glo rious world. Again tbo tniislo pealed forth, and then Miss Ada May spoke of "llulldliig," an employment in which wo arc nil inoro or less dimmed from tho cradle to tho grave." I ltolIilliiL'. over biilbllim l-AHI.KS !C Till: At II, "Is llfiuidroinu? or Is soul soul bulldlnga nnllt.?" This young ladvV language nuil tlo.-u'tloil weroexcollont, wild excited unsld- ei'titilo :ipplau t'lii-n "t'liiui Lire" was illkOUMl'll tty .AllfM , iiaitiuLoiiier in u virv tiie""iiiiK u i. I replete with bot.inlcai kiinwltw go. but i illikulii.l nr oil leoliii I'litltlt-H. .MIns lollll-r! ... . it, i.. . -. .........!.. ' 'evhltuillv litlinrllHfoiiienl herfiv her's tastes and abllltv. and will ibiubtliM fallow lu Ills looTpiims, iw sue iritvirses uio iliiiis hi i tollmen. Homo ilizatu. "TheOood Time conilnir," was the sub-( Tiiirilislo bomillicoilons havobocn llil Jcit of an oration by Mr. Kichard J. Nichols, i,, ti,M ut twi days by pupils returning Hatch then announced that the exeichts would recommence at 8 i M precisely, and the llsm-dlctiou being pruunuurod by Itrtv. Ilelnluger the audience cllireil uradusllv, whilst tho baud tilled tho chapel with harmony. Evening; Session. At 8 P.M. precisely the Ooininotineinent exerulkUM wero rcmiuied. The cbaptd ws again crowded and many were compelled to return being unable to obtain mlml-nlon. The lively intasuii's or the Aurom tmnd tilled tbo air for a fow mom tuts ; thou the anthem "Lot all the Nations hear" was hi'Hutlfully rendered by Iho (liuduallnc Ulataatiduholr. Ntxt camo " Life Muslo" au isotay lull of potHlcal Ibongbts, ami hluh aspirations by Miss ltfilli Mtiorca who left llm platform to In iwuuplod bv hr wUtor Miss AUbea, who described tho lives of too mauy of us as DttUTiNn i.t kk i:i:ds '"ii'tfeon tliooic on ocmiu'a llilnto kail, Wln-rrVr tbo sl'iims may Mvvp;ltiu tcoipekti Incut li prevail," Hurried along by tho rapid river of life 'mhUt oddlssaud whlrl-ponts ; miiuo reich lug at last some unlet bsven but mhiio wr Ulilug In the vohko " I'uwept, iiuliouored aud uitiMim:." Slut told how some tilt-led atom: that river, anchor st laxt elcso tuolor llm wol'tiof llm Kternil Oily, whll-t niirtrs tlrlftiiigalou to uunihiii d.iiigcis end with ilun masts and tailored balls ko ihtwu "Wo may inontn over llm wnvk of the i'lit but wo may burn from Hum a lis. on 'or the fitttlitt cuUbuo-o of our osii trull i.mI. f)od bel hihI direct us all lo thai tiitvoti when) we may llud Kiornal rel mid uns-t sgsiii to psrt ii more." "Corruption wIiin cut morn than HoUHsty" wm tin title a very able oration by Mr. Tliooiss V .l-ry. lit It h liiftmued Hot f runes of Wiils-y who, rllng I'rom a luilotierV 1-V in the proud pmlilou of Osrdliul aud I'riin ItuleruTKugUnd.funlc lo p)vi.ity su I ds trace when he romivik lha plh of rclltnd TtiHspi-sker tffarrtil toj the siwlent mstnl. oflbe (jwlsli king, aud eouiiiieiiled. on the fse that llit rttigua tf lite Jut monarch av. eratrsi .t yeaw whlt 13 ws the usiml llmitoribunrlchtiHiiis. Theu allud- lug to mordrtccutocourruixs, he,tutucvd thecal of'Dosi Tweed" rulerofTammany, President or the Americus, rullpg with al most Blisolute sway in the politics of New York chy, nnd then a criminal fugitive and an outcast f raying for morcy, and striving to purchase release by the betrayal of his form er asoclates Afieran itnnrv.it devoted to mnlo the Itev. P S. Knight delivered his addresr. I he Itov gefitlenian specially HnnnunuMl that he Intended lo dlrtct his discourse to thogrHduuiitigolBSs m particular, and thru Inking ii'i hi text tbo words "Heboid 1 liave ot before vou n ojwn door, wh cl) no iiihii Chii hhiit." bo nriMK-df-d In leisuund luor ous language lo point not lo tlieiu lht they wore not lu tho act of lluNhing but of com menclng their education, that tboy weie now before that "open door" of knowledge which over Invites tbo entrance of the student. "The Collriro rommeuceujerit" which Is usually luiAiilned to be tbo finish, Is In reality what Its name suggests, too nngtn nlng of an education." "That Open Djor" is lu reality "Opportunity," and tho chief boiH'tlt of tchool Instruction Is that It disci plines the mind, and reuders it able to avail llselfof the opportunities which pr Hont themsslves (o every one desirous of acquiring knowieJgo by a perusal of the great VOLUME OK NATUltE, Every psice of whlob Is reploto with Instruc tion and lovollnroM, from the modtst vlolot that blusbe amid the tall gross, to tho ma- lestlo snow peaks which tower up In the xklo " He told bts hearers when they wore about to uhoosH fur themselves a carcor, thst they must ru'ollect that from this llmo fortli they must depend on thenuolvts alone, and recotiec: "tiiat ttiougn in an tuo it-arneu professions tho basements woro crowded. still ther was always plenty of room at the top." "The nnbUiit study of mankind Is iiihii " Tho lowest inoanlng of MircM Is mero com met cliil prosperity and "The Open Door," the opportunity of knowledge should never bo ileurtdvd lu tho worship or the Almighty dollar. unit oyes ni no Kraiiiisur lu n o-in, nobniin y In n violet but duller Is that mind which la H"s no notlc-i r tho D'tors which open u.twaril. "Hniiieuiher with grut Itudowliat parcntb and Irlunds bavo done In giving you this I'nlvtrelty edncallon wlilch Is tho opportunity, "1 ho Open Door." Mls.s Adit Mav then s.un: a bcautirul solo, Tim Day Is Done," and then l'rMdotu Oatch couforrod thedgruijs which wern tho trophies of the lllornrv iitUliiino-ls of tho clas. Sam U. Siinioti'd benutll'til words, "AT PA UT I Ml." Snniidcd Mill innrnnsipiMtfllv when ulteteil by voiiiig, clear volca, nnd lloited lu lloN or melody thrniiuh tlio pnoli'tiu chapel, then ltuv, JSttcc, of Wnshingioii IVnl'orv. j n- (hiiii..i tlio II ii,i Mellon, pml whilst the Aurma Hand ponied forth I iwmn Mrslns, tlir, st aiidfoucu Mnwly wlt'idiew, aud, the 'niiiuii'nreinontiixHfcl-iisof tho Wlllatn'otio Unlyirsliy, for 1877, woro concluded. Alkf.? nnd Athemctims. At tho 'ticliis'iut tif tlio ".xeroUro In the fin v-iNlti I'lmpol, Isst cvulitg, ttio tuoui- lieiHOf tllfkO COl'lollfM, UlllltllM grioitiitlng .I ,i.n hum their gue.ti ntij uirci it to tlio ro mi I iioloiigtng and lllKd up bv ten nit uib'rs .'ii uielieH, Hero llm b iw Wits llllbint," i t'u f tir vtiinrl's of tho iniiois who loo);n i strive, j so bowllclitiig, "it tho platform, were iramfiiimril Into siillug it I)ik, who (lilted round dltpMi-liig ice criams, sugar eoatid cil;es, und all o'hrr siibsiltutfs tor Aiiibroclii, tbo food of the (lods, until their uucls wero coinrHilh'd In despair to cry, "hold, enough." Then merry lauchtcr anil wttlv remarks vnr lurd on every side, o.d tales of former Alkiis' and AOflotUltnBtotrtr short npe dies nnd rt-JolndiM ulven, and uood wlt-bcs iuterchungsd, until the mid tilulit eliliiies pioclalmed that the hour of parting had arrived, audio with many a kind word ami litarly hand shake Alkas mid A'luvmiins pnhi'd cut from tho halls or tho Unlversi'v Into the starrv night. "May their shtuitm uovor be Ics " Parting Word. The momli.trs or tho graduating class r r '77 nnd n rw invited quests met yesterday eve iilngHttho rrshli'tico or Hon. J, H. Moores' tooij'ty one ni'iro-oolnl mneilug lu'roretliav oicniteil, ai'd pcrhni s not lo meet Hgaln for a long ttuio, If eor. Music, Coitvermloii -traw !'( rit . t-iul it mnculllctMit nipppr m ide tho time pass n rapid wings. Atinit ad dnsoiss woro .h-eii. dud farewolls oxel anii- oil t'haio-y Moon's and Miles Miller were i.icir.itor un. J hiiinrrllt. iiml h'i flu, lini.r . . ' : - - ulnleil on n' .n pMly ivsiheiMriv might , .u M ,., v,r tho sllvi r Wiflnn eltc; n ... i ... .i .............. -,i i Un.l .nine wo lih.iuio. somo to tho IMonieM nd souto in the Alleghanlans, lioiutt lo Mi,nd the long vacation. Oneiery road In likis itiiiiiiir fu may meet vehicles simlhirlv letHii, Tho pupil", past and pri-s out.ot tho U'lU.tuiolto Uulveralty wlihtbelr iieoMiiptin Inii relatives and Iriemls form tpilto a host In thomselves, nnd show how well, thtiiiiiis to bo derived from atletnt n 1 1 co at tint Institution, are appreciated throughout nil the State. Fourth Timor. Hon. Wni. It Dunbsr, who has Just been oteo'oil fvir iho f.Mtrtb time to tha honorable posblon of Grand Worthy Chief Templar r tint State, mU this morning. He looks tine In the new sulj presented him by his f lends a Hid recent session of the Grunt Lodge at Albsny. lie will appoint his dop utiv lu a few diys. GUAXD JPRY REPORT. Gl!ANI J WHY ItOOM, " S.VLKM, MA1U0N CO. OON. Ju.Mi Hih, 1S77. J To the Honorable Circuit Court of Marlon County, Oieuon We, Iho Grand Jury would rispicituilv leport that we have examined tbo Court llou.e, In nil of ita various depart meolH, and tlml all the otllcts neatly and wall kept. The County Jail, uudertho supervls loiufThos II. Ucyuolds, Isclfanaudlngo'xl cinditlon f rtlio contiuemeiit (if pribouers. The Cotintj Itxi-onU we tlnd esceedlni:lv well kepi, boihas to safety andconvenlcuoi far re'oieiuHi. The Court home we tlnd In a very leaky condition, which will In ashnrt tlm r.uwo 'crlous damapo to tho building, Wo have ttKo uxaiiibiml tlioStsto Penlteu lliry and lied It well oonducted. The build Ing'tawtilt ventilated, anil every inenlenco for (bo hcsbliaud cKsnllntH of tlmlumates. Thentara nttv lu tbo bulldltig ubiety-four co'ivlc's all In irood health. TlieCounlv Poor House, under tho man auHiueut of Win II, Ohappull, is well kept In every particular, and we recommend that the pui'pois u the countv l moved to theo quartern. K. L. Hiiihaiip, H. A Jack, WM. It CU1.VEU, Jons Johnson, F. X Mathiku, Jam eh Stan usy, T. C. Shaw, Foreman, i The Turk ait vHtlug wondroui llberml la their relltjion.lNot m huumcta of chrUlfauia for utHtrly a year. Attention, ,p.J Jrr, '. iyswr2sr J! IVm. m. .Blft. i T-Vt"Sb. ..-?(. . v? f ki - The Imported Percheron Stallions, WHITE PRINCE AND GEN. FLEUKY. M . of r-ach weolt. At tlio Mablo of UtTiN & DAVIDSON, BaloxU, ou KItlDA V, V. M., ana BAT UltDAY nnd MONDAY. A M. of each eok. , .,, ,. .,.. . ,., Tcrxaa-Barj IN U. b. OOLU COIN, TUG SKsSON Due at 'ho end of tbo tcaon. I have Bomo very Pine JEitSEY CATTLE for Sale. Every family that kecpn a cow fhonld liavo a JEHSEY, or at least a hllf blood. Famlllca that havo ntcdi. thum will not do wlthoni ttiim, If thuy are to ho bad. ... , ,. , . I Layo already lifnixl s eltcular with flue engraving of mv Horr and Maicf. a vle of my Stable;; with a history if the Hcrcheronf , and why they aro preteued toother lare borrvri fumu hlnte on brc-dltig;. mo utmanuior inric norpep in nurope uuu Amenta, etc a!3a) WHEAT AMD OATS Choppod into Feed, For OnoToutb. Toll. ....Amu ... Sash, Doors, Blinds, 3Vroii.lcllxi.eai r Tiirniiig. Slttlr Weill, IkcriNtesidN, lliii'cnus, MimilN, TablvN, FANNING MILLS, .Ind nil Ulndx ol Fmtiltti)'. V lltD-HO KI'UIISS -lijjio'Atr Hid n AlW'nik OUIiai X, IMUt'lll. i in j r .! ii-. EAILROAD LANDS. 3Liilcittl Xci'iiimT LOW l'lticr.l JT.ONlJ TIIE! 1,(IIV I.NTBIItHSTl Tnc Oregon anil California nnd Oregon Central Kallroiitl t'onipitnlos ori-TJIt lliolr IjumN for folitiipnu tliu f'll'ovlncllbt ml lerin-: Or.u tentl, of tliu lui.o bie.i'l;; I ilunrt on Ills bnbt.cunt lllu rate of n:uii pur citit. env u-ir nficr i"ilc; niiil inch follow lo ' enr vnv itiitli of tin-irlncli.-il milt llit.T rt nu ibe talnurc lit tin- mt ef "vi'ii p'Tcint jH-rainm , li.itli jirbiclpal .nut liner. t pnttolii r. S. t'tirr-ni'y. Aib-Kiilllt oft II pi-r -i I.t Mf-ll "0i ir.rci.h V" I.eturs to be m!i!ri;"rl l- 1. M'llVl 7.I., l.uml utnl I). X U. Jl. Ii.. I'lirtU'Kl. Ont'oii. JOHN W2WTO, UtlRKIIIEK Of MFAimO RHERP, rjl.VKKS ;t!i 3i".i"' hi i-flV-rlnj to ilie W.ol-r rowcrf of II. Uri'itcii iiml I'ih eilj.iliilnir Tcrrltnil- tt.u ehutice tuMirclim.- TllOlttil illlllltb'l) jr lll.NO, anil n- mirih. iiirui'' u.irreficd mtir mcv i-ir, mm win mi-ili'itvtii- in. ill Muvp of tlio puiiie quality nml ml mint Ml't'II CllilAl'Jilt llATBS thin men cull pnJi'llily Lu luiixiriei!, t xainlnatloii anil cempnrloii w tilt etli. i-r H ci p oiliml hi tlio maiki-t lire roolhlly Inviti'd. Aililrcff JOHN MINTO, rnli'm, Orcccu. N. 15. Tbi Ittmnnnd. Ham I-nmbnil tliu flock can tin rrt'ii on the IsLANI) FARM, adjoining salom. Thu i:ii (an bo t.'cn n. tliu Mine place, or at tlio IlILb t.Mt.M four un.l n Imll intlcn routli of Die city. bulum. tJC3Uiuln:r.lPulT). T11K FINE Thoroughbr9d Stallion BSLAWARE w ILL STAND TUB KN8UIX0 SEASON KEAIt Tho Farm or II. K. Ankeny, 10 miles sotitlt or Sali'tii, Lower t-'iuitlnm It'iltom ttniler tliefhnr.-u of, nnd at tliu rrlilciicu or, .Mr J. T UKt KW'tlll SoiKiu roiiitiivialii,; April lt ami cmltn July lit, hmlrc by tlicSca.son.9I.1; Insurance $20. l'-ij-ilm- In colli coin, at llm tlmo cf rrvlcr.or whrii m.iro (MVk' to bu In '(ml Marc fauna tll'tancopittii'.eil auJcircd for at 1 jitr uc.-k. but no rlrkii tulirii. U a Mood tut) ; IV, li.iiuN lilcii, ami Wilkin 1,H3 lbi". nnylmt The Celebrated Tlioroushbrcil Stallion BR. LINDSLEY Wr ILL BTAND THE ENSUINC1 8EA80N AT SALEM, From March 10th to Ja'r 10th. V-e can tto taken to the LUery buble of IImii & DoTlii-on, or nut lo ft nt i Salem. mti'J JAMES F. DYUKB Season of 1877. THE IMI'OItTEI) CLYDESDALS STALLION YOUNG MARQUIS, TROTTING STALLION AUTOCRAT, VVILL MAKE THE SEASON OF U77, FROM Ajitll 11 to July lit, a follow.: .it Win. Ackcr'S I'nloii Stahle. Taylor street, i'orllnml, MONDAYS, after 10 o'clock; TUESDAYS. WED NESDAYS, and THURSDAYS, it 1 p. in.; ana At tUu Owuer'M Farm, Keedvlllo, Waihlwiton county, on FUIDAYS, SATUltDAYS, ami SUNDAYS. AUer July In. at UEKDV1LLE. Wa.hlnKiou county, TKK8-AUTOCmT, toliuare, 50. YOUNO MAUlUIS, to Inmre $40. Stttlemtnt to bo made ttbn lutrtK are kuowu to be In foal, I'aaUrage at ItKtUTii.ii limited to a fuw mart; brought from a dla taucv, AddrcM, m. a-.: PrtUa. Or AI.VCK LOTHIAN, H4vUe. te tf Horsemen N-..'i;''v, UK 'fS t ft . 4. yLi V mi-m lJLHI .ll!" iuv; ivui uv nu, uunf.ii.i.iuu. tt. o. 3vi vjjn. MIXjiTClNr, Half Brolher to Caledonia Chfef, Hie fastest Trotting lallion in Canaila. Slruil by llnvc'f Io.ial George lMin liy old IliKln ny. t!o cvlcljrMul Irlrli ll'ooil JI .rrc. i ciunu fut Mnii'i In East Portlr.nd, At tho t-'laUi of JOHN KHAVRII, fiom April Itlk. to July lt, li7. tf'10 to liiMiirc, ihihIiIi- ulicn tho Mnru l ktionii lo ho In out, .'& for tin; Sen noil, pnynlilonl tliu time of nrvlcc. JOHN REDKIOD. March 10, 1S1T. Kentucky - Bred Stallion. Tlio Fine Mambrino Trolling Stallion, lUSBY. Awardod First Proiuiuart n t tho Oregon Stato Fair, 1876. DFSriHITlON' VND PnnKillEE - I.uty l a d.nrl; brown, til tnil Iiiuii. nml wnn lrel bv Krlciion. li ilnm by llnotlii: iM by limy J'lii-Ir: I by Amlcf. Ktldutt by t'1ny' Mmiibrliio lili-r cut of iliiilroltlnu iimr,. Jlri t iiii-l!i ( hyV Muinlir tin t bli-f- va cot bv Miuiilirli'o I'lijnnfli r, who wiin liy M.imht'i o, out ofn mini b,- I'.iyiniifti'r -Mnnibrtno mik n mid of Imp. Mfi'tiKr-r tic w llivlruof Abc'ilhli ninl tho friiil iro of ltyillcl;'K llninMu oi.lno. at vi-11 ui Mnmbiliio ( lr. I; llm urn f iho la't.-r a brown innro, n ci'lvbiniiil rond.n riiiul f:iiLoui tiucihr, rlrrit by it crny Imrro, n mn or imp. Mcurci pr, ho Hood In Hiichi-K co , N. Y. ItrlCMin lin u u-cont of J 30Vf. Il.lhfilt, ni four y:ir nlil, nnd l tliu rlrfnf Krlt. . Itlx n record of S:S', ut four cari" old, and Uobl -, u till u rvrnril of s ii, ut tuo j-nrii old, and 8, at us yrii. it'll V. Oninli. wlih rcroril. iMO'. ct ihli'V jcaiii old; u ui! I t tho tiro or niiiiyothirtuwd uiiiif. TKUMS-TIio Scaion, i'iS. WILL STAX1) IX SAI.KM. nt Tliirlilti'Jl Stable,. Tliiirrnliiy. l'rli-ny. nil sntiititay. .ITALIIAXr, IHoniliiy nnd Tlturailii) . JOHN YOUMG, aplOoin rroprk-tor. To Purify tho Blood uso nr. jnyne Al(criittr. It nets directly on tlio lilooil, stimulating tlio nbsorlicnt.s, ovorcuiuln tlio oustlimto Htnto of tlio poroi of tho skin, nnd Imparting u Iicaltliy glow to tlio Completion. I'linplcs, Pustules, Totter, nnd SUIti DNoiwos of all hinds, Mercurial AtVcctloni, TuinorH, inil nil vnrlo tlcs of coinplaltiLs nrlsliii; from do-, proved or disordered blood, nro ef fectually eradicated by thin remedy. Scrofula In all Its Forms is-cured by tlio persistent uho of Dr. Jiiyuc'M Alterative. It lies troys tho poison ous prlnclplo wlilcli orlglimtcs Scro fula, nnd ultimately drives It from tlio Hystcm. It will romovo enlarge ments of tho Glands or Boris, und is a safe remedy In cases of Ulcers or Sores of nil kinds. Dropsy and Dropsical Swolllngs nro effectually cured by Ir. Jiiyno'H Al terative. Dy cumulating tho action of tho nbsorbonts, nil watery or cal- . " caroous depositions nro gradually carried off, toning up tlio patient at. tho samo tlmo, by htrciiirtlionlug tho digostlvo organs nnd oscltlng tho I.Ivor, Kldnoys, itc. to perform their Amotions. For Dyspepsia and Llvor Complaint It luus proven rt remedy, mid it has establishes! cures in cases of Kpllepsy. It may bo Kifoly relied on by any ono needing n niodkliio 'o build up tho system, clcauso tho blood, or to rcstoro tlio normal action of tho Secretive Organs. T A. Oreou DAVIS & CO.. Wholesale Aeenu. Tcit'jndu nrlSuit REAL ESTATE LOAMS. OUKGO.V AXD WASUIXGTOX Trost Investment Company OF SCOTLAND. milts Company l prvnsred to nesotlato loana lc. x-ft,n.n,'i.'ri'm5"),0i,-tltU '" oer IMl'ItO VKD01TY riiOl'EMY ard KAHM LANDS, for- fixed periodf cf ytam, or repayable by half jtrarly ln Ullcifiit. Forttrm. appW'to ' ' u'll ii.u nt.tr. v nov!9r ".. .tow, juaKcr, W Ftrfl Street Portland. r. a, sniaUVAir. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPXKA H0U8K, SAUDf. 8. , eoroar, at head of atalra. iel. KS. . .Trr-m Alterative i - 4 l.:K i 4 I M 4 -jj A a mt 1 1 i VM i t. v. 'hS 1Z- WtjmJtiirr '.-""gfaL-T. Jf ,.'!