Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 22, 1877, Image 1

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    Mi a
5)2,50 por Year.
licijlc Thrcthlny Machine Company')
Work Jtestroycd!
Tho follow lug rectum of tint llrooniust
Monday night, wo tabu fioni thoKeorl:
At about 10::ti) tho alarm of II ro tiirtlFil
our cl'.l.eui, and In a low mutuants Tiger
Ktijtitifl mill tliH Hook and L- lb r Company,
sUrvd forihesiswj nf h-' dtor, which
uou'rt r vlHy i di mii1 by the- vvo
wh asr fl'VOi! In :hc nk.v ovci Su'i.j
Sale..1. TliA v'ajiSihl was lilu in fvmiinn,
but is ordered to nurnln, by iheCbferiSu
jrl i i". b dll net !'' i- l.v h i '1i'
1M UriCIU H' .'.. 1 I III '! SS l" !'
I; B3ut . nr t ii i.i
1 i Vi'44 " i ' ' ' 'T ' ' ! '
I , .'I , i ' ..(, t' n '
HI-.- '' i t)v fill' I if
t.lie VI i . I . i I n V w ii'(Nii
'!.' ' .it M. . ti . I mi i vi , oi.
in ' "I Ua i n ' ' '; c i w l II
n .i . ; wu 'i i m '. :i i,.n' ivikjL
a ' 'J) i li ii rtBJ i.tUvttOj ii.nr
l - I- i.l-.v. '. mi. - ufMr It! ,:.! -.
K' Il ! HIT i II 'i"lJ l)U' ' l'i'ij' lltllo
. -i i ! Ii ,'t.r ,!"''.' df n iMni-i
Wit fi'.iji-l (.in (Ir irl ,iil'.,nl ii it
pori-'-le f. n;r, K.i nf wiilcli wth In Hit
shop, . -mom n lurt b nmui W'.ri; util pii
l'. M., HiiiMn ! t "in, kihI Mr. 1 f Riggs
Wll'J It"', tlhi III !.nrt hl.np ui 7:a 1'. m ,
HtatG" tli.i ho exibwul-'ied tlin ili-on hiiiHcf,
but think- 'hat psrhaps Hiiiiui (I'lrili'iiH el
burning col mill rmn.iinod. if.i ws- .unhiI
by ono or tliu ueUMeirs at ubriui 10.10. ntnl
.nonce prii-cu, tell (o endeavor tn extinguish
tbo Aro and aavo tlin IhiIiih, tool-titicsus out
In this ho would Imvn simumlinl but tlmt lit)
nnd lilt Assistants vn) ntlloil oil' to prt'SHrvo
IiIh ihvelllnif limwc, ivIiIim. ottiriiiil tiiiliN
tho lira (ot Hiuli heailiviy 111 tu tlufy tilt their
TborowuHti wnWr tnuk ontilnlnii 1,500
gAllons wliloli ho Jui'l lllleil yoti-riUy innn
n bliallow woll in tlio Uutory .vhtiI but tlm
boitturow no Intotixo thut bo ootilil not use
the pipoatUohcd loknud finally iU lank
bumted atfii oauanil tbiVdMtruutlotrof tl)
osHlnK of nln largo tooirntorM wblol) woro
brokun by tlio wator ildluuint; tho ril hot
iron. Two of tho homo powers which hud
boeu brought for ruulrn tho jirovlousoyen
iu had nil tho woml work ooiiHutnod ami
qunullty of UuIiihh tit which Mr. HIkks had
baoti tiiiKngeJ lor tlio last nix weeks arc
rondorcd uIuiohI entirely uitcloss.
Tho Jolnor't tooln, bi'lml circular paws,
and houio other tlinii wero k-ivchI but a
qunullty of atMHoncit tlmbitr hulllolont for
twolvo Hopttrutora whh coiihutuod, and tin
iron work wa no wprpoJ by thn hunt hh to
bo totally dttatroyd.
Mr. KlgKa bntliiMtCA UN Iimi nt $2 000 mill
at ho In uuiiisurod ho luno-itlio littiiof tnntiy
3'onr'u labor. Jlo piirpnuii liowovur to (nil
up n toinpjr.iry huilaliu? and cootlnun ax
Bixin as jiosilblo bis work of ropilrmit and
titling maoliliitjx. i'ho coiniiDuy'N loa wilt
bo fr.itu 3-i.OOO to ? 10,000 and tlir.y aUo aro
uulusurod. They rt-Milved for tlio present
to (jot tluilr work dono at Drnko'n Hi:tory mid
bojn) to boablti to till alt onltir tliny bni
rocolvt-d, Thcro In sotiiu talk also nt uln;
tboeiiKlnoanil bolloruf tho old mill but c
yet no detluito iirr.iumomitH lias Leon inudi)
This lucliltmt will f;lvoa Hovuro blow to u
vory Important Lirutiuli ol Itututtry which U
of tuo Krtmtoit bt)tiellt tniSiiiiiii anil tlio Mir
roundtni: uuuiury and hhowii tho importance
of (.iKoilui: iukur.iuciM nnd providing a
iiiKhl-watctmniu for bululiiigi mo tx, oa:d to
tho accldonta of II io.
From Yaquina Bay.
ToLKtio, Juno 11, 1S77.
TbiugH aro looking up In ihlx " farad U of
tbo Paupfcr " lit tbojudmeut of your hum
bio corioHpoudtitit li in about time the end of
Mlaut" wan reached, as wo bavo been laying
around loosu tor olyht or ten yean; Home
UmcH with nothing to eat but potatoea with
tbo bklua on, waalied down itb eprlug
water, evon that wat;very palatablo to a
hungry mau, and u tbo etiglneois of tlio
W. V. it (J. U. urrled on tbo 7th, and have
oomtneuced the locdtlon of tbe railroad, wo
are beginning to wear uutropullUu alra
Tho survey wllj commence at the bead of
tide, Elk City, and work toward Corvalll.
I preaumn grailli),? will comuienco uext
wook at tnat point.
Ho, Mr. Editor, very aoou you will bo able
io come over ana see us. otagea aro not
exactly tbe conveyance that an editor
doslrtm; capacity coo uuidll and no dead
bead ticket. Ve will treat you wo1I,un wo
aro a generous people. In tbe language ot
my Irlotid at ui elbow, ''Jlring aloui; jour
blaukelH aud provUlona oud u cttae of
The weather la delightful, sunny Italy
ian'tacomparl.son C'roin ot alt kind aio
looktug Mull; tho lato rtu baa dono au ama
iunamouut ol good.
Our "limb of tho law" bad a "colch" tbe
other day at Newport in tbe ahapu of a law.
suit; tbe action ohlug between John Doe,
plaintiff, aud Jniin lUgsdale, defendant.
It apneara that the two wore lu
Eartnorabip iu mining ou tho beach ; Doe
ad burins down the coaitt, ami while
abiynt llagsilalo moved the machinery and
other cfTocta of the company to some a?cure
place oil' tbe claim, aud on tbe return of
Doe refused to make restitution or tell of
their whereabout ueuce the
Plaintiff gotjudgoienl for f 18 1,60 and coats.
W. 8. Hufford for plantifl and O. Steven for
Theaobooner 'Caroline Medea," la ex
peoted ahortly at tbU port, with marcbandUe
tor tbe dltletetit intTitli.tiitM on thti lUy, and
wilt tiiku u U'luni uirgo of luailnr nnd
ThoUiillfnrtiH lilnck Sutl Oinipiiy,ontlio
Loi'Jli above Xewi nrt iiiiiimoiiffil n'latiing
(hiul on tho Mb ttisi. , hihI .e will nr it Itucw
whotlier ilui nnw liiveut'un li it Mi'cimiti
hiving Hour itiild
King it 5iUII tivo pnroliaed tlifi o'u)iitinr
AIkv, 1 1' AUe, tnr ibe pttrpoo til Uttiing
oviif iiiobut, Mudaieiiov ougatit in li tln.
br uu
Jutin Dl.ike ix iv Cuptibt "fttie trail
.ic,.tutr, imvliig ti.ni'.-.i.i iiui Wiu vVin .
Ut. VVblw 1MK 1kii a inUhtil l ubile h-t Vui.t
atHlCxpralrt l.kviii u iti.tlbt . mi
aopomtn '.Jsttuu Ki .
Kr mi" k f i.iu h
V'y pi " m t In i
(Iff int. I I
i ' Ae i . i
Hxlld rt-i ll.tll I I
Aiiiwi'". "ii ii'
't ' i it I ' . . ..
' lti,c.
l.niiitu-r bit' '
l . i.. , :
.;:imi?i3 ill bi.v " ' '
i ' t in. i if 1 1 '
ir!ee. rli but ' i.v
l i
),.' ti
Ui.'l . Ul,' !
i ii, . I r .j. i. i n , .
x'oftiao t,Lv mi .! i ii
tii" i i
..I llli"
ym t'fi-W, H-r . h .(,1 ,i
Uft t'oi,i i jv.i t ..
Tbo lAotiio fine btiis Company.
A! ii'.u.;l il-i ihui il iilim mi- it e "i .;.
abMd4mn' ti Mif i u'lwuy.ijili iu tl)i.ti.li
in. i delay it ill (ii'MMon tiieiii in lb ui.
Mini" of tlin nrilcri ibav hnvn iposlvul, vet
WMilit bnppv t . h kIh till! I! it' Infill lube
abl io Mifiply hll ilie Hi'vrn urM unit IIu'm"
powura wliloh tin y lm eii"itxe (il mr ' i.ti
I'HS ol till tlio nvont'd ii.iilnir rv IiK-Ii liml
biuii jiMvltloil fir Ht p.ir.i or will pio
vuiit them tuiinul'tuiiirliig tiny tuoie
this muoii but tuey will bo able Mill to
continue Hiipphlng Homo ptmotN, but
not In tiiioli iiumot'rM H thoy t'ontmuplnted,
Thoy bavo ongiigrd tiimporHrllv tho hsnIi
iuicu or the umuhlno hIkii of I), V. Drake,
and hopo to bo ubm to nil tlio msjorlty ol
their oidera. They veto turning out urn
abliica from tholr wotkBhopa rapidly when
thin unloret'Omi calamity occurred j but it la
to bo bopd. that tho.clt.loii.ifMeni nnd
ton vicinity wlllnouder every asalatanco In
tbelr power to a company who havooiigiued
In a biiHlnea which will ao materially benollt
ibo eutlro agricultural community,
A Sliiciilnr Incident.
A ulnguUr occurrence took place yeiter
day whoruln tho bnaulllul llttU child, Aired
about lOmontliH, of Mr (. 1', Mnuzoy, lvq.,
oh u io near Inning Its life. Thn Utile Mmver
wuaorawrllugainuud on thn floor nud In Hm
pnrambulatinnH enmn across a cutorplllar,
which It got bold of, nud like till children of
that ago, put tho thing into ila mouth. Mr.
O. Pillar mmln light nud In hoiiiii wy
poloueil Ibo child hi lbt the llpi boonne
Nwolleu while tlin whole Inxltln of thn tuoiilb
ttiimul blank. Medina! Hailtuic naaiMlIrd
nud nuni'dlpM prnmiilly nduilnlMtrHl mid
tho brbtlit llttlo fallow mih till right ngalu
thin morning.
Tho Dnllna Cuniii Mnotlnc.
I'Votn u gontltuii in who liiujust returned
from I)1Iiih we leiirii thut tho unnunl mi.t
Ing of tho Ulirlntl:in Oliuruh N being well
attetutcd aud much intnroit Is innulfehtt'd.
Anting tbe well liiiowu prna"litirH prrHcnt
are John A. 1'owoll and IC. ISilpM, of I, tun;
Philip Mill key mid 1. lliiriintt. of Lhiih;
II. M. Wallnr. T. V Campholl and I) .1.
Stanley, of Polk; R (J. Ai1hih.Ii. h, Itow
laud, and tint elder nut) vnuiuer Uhvh
Moh, of thin city and Elder llirma. of
jaoKwon lountv. i nu inoutung wilt con
tlnuoover uex .Su'iiUy.
Beautiful Wutobei.
Mr. V. W. Martin hiajust mcnlvwl aotno
elegant pecelniHUH of wurkinnncbin In thn
watoh line. One irzii nf tho artlilHS ore
Waltbain, made expreealy for Mr. Martin,
and baa bla name on tbe dial plates and
Inner work. A atom winder, ohnafd,
double caned gold watoh for 175, it to be
aeon In thn now invoice, that ii too pretty In
talk about, uuleea you bayo tho "tqulvl
lentn" to buy It. Mr. M. baa hIso eeveral
watches without cttea, remarkable fir tho
beauty and precision of their tiioveinenta.
When you are pakfiing drop in and taken
Reiident Pbyaloian.
Dr. O M, Dodson one of the recent grad
uateiof tho Medical Dopanment of the Wib
latnottn University, leaven to-day for tho
Aiaineur Agency, wuere no naa naen ap
nnlnted as the tenident Physlolan nf that
Reservation, Dr. D idacn wai In the Union
army during the rebellion and roe from the
raukn to the position of Major, lie illd not
commence thoHtudy of medicine umli ho
had reached thn prluiHof lite.
Machinery Sold.
B. F. Drikoaold liiunoutli two plauors,
one to go toStayton iu tbU county and one
fir Ek Oreek, llenton county. Tho work
turned out by Mr. Drake, uudor tbo super
vision of Mr. John Moliuau, the superinten
dent, equaU any on the coast. Wo are glad
to note that thl establishment la fant taking
a leading position In HioBtaUi for manufac
turing all kinds of mill machinery.
First Cut of tba Season,
From Mr. O. C. Kuney, ono of T. Cun
nlngliainiV Co.'a traveling agenia we lexrn
that five acre of barley were cut on Mr.
Kuller'a place nor Harrlsburg on Saturday
la-it, June IC. The barlnv waa ripe and
ready for tbe sickle." Tbla la probably
tbe first grain cut for tbe eeaaon of 1877 In
tbe Willamette Valley.
Christian College baa 44 pupila in tbe
collegiate and 86 la tbe preparatory depart
ment. Teat institution b mud end prosperous.
Many Settlers Killed Troops Ordered to
the Scene Fighting: reported.
Walluln, Jmie is Tlio yl (Mora from liw.
i.'i o ii.n j.ivi Unix, id nnd "f mi tlio lullow
tug Jttii.... i c.o nt in ti:
L i-istim Tf'lcr's
i Mm: Tburnda; ' ui :m
'ttflit dtwn the
news llini tin- li iti dh, (f
r ." i- .1 ivHiih'M
Iia'kI and ibo "Milit o i Her
r li hm, veto aa-
mlnblfdn-i I'liiins l, irti
iti "ne maklnir
d IUOJI1' ll' ll I III
Fiti' i niiiin-
inj: ui i UK i tin h
It Vi I !l n otic
er vUlii ii i bad l W
I'tiiJ ii.i Siilmntt
VR. li.n'.atid
riVi I' no.' i " met. i
!i 'eu ili t ! r- -n
"e ll' n '. uo'i . '
...11. r. 'U' I l.OUI.' I
' rl Juirt
.Hi V ifl
-king frr
X tr. ip
i.i -uCA p.
iilit-r eiftie
tr fi in L
. ll i .I.N
i -rn ,-u tlo
. al.ot bU
if -i ll ii'i'l f to
nr'i'ii'i' i it;.t '
i r b ri. ' ft'i t
' 1 1 i h t ) tin (rc
" ' ' . 1. ii . 'i
l i pttHOK in n
t. h : ' I k lieu. iiu.iri
-ii. i toKe uom uvrii
mi Mr iMooto
t 'iiMuml r
tuiil mm I iltv
i 'i Hie ilf ; hat) l
nUtl". il, CO HO III t
l ill l.Oti I
!l I S HI ' I
hImii- oil t
Mr l)K'f
rovid uuil
Ai'kit nil tbe
ib. in. it to
l, anil ttftl t
ii ' i v il.iitir
'i iu i-'f" isiaif oft
lirtu ivilf)
'. I'ihi, if d were thrt',i'iiin an n
' k ii, on
1 1 1 to
n.i low.., and dein mdi l inir I
IWm l I I llu I (wi-io, . ' ,
i ,. tollou In N front Mfc. I'I'Ik: limta
I '): n t'.ie Indian's h vl Ki " n.i i ick the
Hrtil.'iKiia Siliuon Itlvor, t n prl had
Lii'ioti) ' .'.lrullud place on Oou ltiwuod ore ek
bj n Ot f.pnuiii'c; tlict Cnjn .IntueH Hiker,
' iiitul H iindli't, wife nti'l !nir c'llldren,
Hurry Mason. Uiury Ellux nnd the Wor
ren espressmaii bad been kljlnil onSiltnoii
III or. That it pack train nf dirty intiloa bud
been iiltrokod neitr Cold Spring nnd tho two
white iiinti, Davenport and Ousley killed,
uuil two hiiirbreed Iodlana escaped and tbe
cargo was cuptttrd; that the Indla'n.i and
Mittloia were lighting below Chapman'.
Alter tbo arrival or Ool. Por.y "a illnpatoh
ciinolo tbo tffoct th&t. nvV'lvidat Mt.
Idaho outnrdai' HlorV,'Uj:tN'l'f!jt:satllO
rojwriH of killed true; thatihe Indiana bud
gone to Salmon River; that thn troops wero
in pursuit of them iu hopcn of overtaking
theiniit tho crcmlng. Moisagos from the
Kamla, brought nlo by Indian runnera to
tho ngeuoy , htato that ti had boon asoorUln
od that 20 whiten bad beon killed ao fsra
known; that tho wbltei had killed White
Illnl, tlio chief of bla baud, aud bla family.
I.owlstim ban mi organization of about 00
tiibti imorly fitted for homo duty In caie of
an omiTgHticv, i wicprupimoi or inrantry
aro expmted burn on ttio xteamur from
Wallula to.iiigbt, ami 25 cavalry men from
Wulhi Wulla tti morrow. Five hundred In
dU'iH nrooti Iimig Mau Creek. No boatlll
tlt"i t hero yet.
(JtUO p m Tho troopn with 1B0 men from
Mount Idaho niicounttred the Indiana nl tho
head of Whim Ulrd Cnuyou; troopa db
tuuiintfdmid left n fuw hulillor.i and tho 20
tVinndly ItnlUiiH to hold tbelr lioros. The
Ititlliini opened tho lire upon tho troops and
lighting was continued for anino time. Tho
trlundlv lull mis hrenne iiliirmtd. mid the
Mildiera j7HHrdlng tho Iioimk could neo that
inn iiiiitaiia were cltiug tho neat ol the light
and ibo Mildlcia lotreatlng. Tho citirena
oJtitaln, Sergeunt I.yllo, nnd one aoltlier waa
known tu bn Ullleil, Htid the wboln borho
gu.iid ol Indiana and ivhliiH broke mid run,
Mime fjr Mount IiImIjo aud houio lor Lupwal,
leaving tho Ikiim'h to run loono over the
prnirle. TJioho cohiIiiu Io Lunuul never
htoppul till t hey reached Ibo post. Tbo ro
Mill of thofighi Janotkuown. Matty of tho
bntiiiN on tho prairie are burned.
8o'elocku. in,, Juno 18. D. Muuroo ar
rive d from tbp garrlaon nt half. past 2 tbla
morningand lellt ua Hint n third aoldler bad
nrrlved at the garrlxon last evening from the
light, oud reported tho troopa on footareaur
rotinded by the Indiana In the canyon and
In a band to band tigbt. Col. Perry and
about one-half rf the command arenald to be
killed and tbe remainder surrounded lu the
canyon and ngbtlng ugninat odda wben the
foldler left.
PomxANn, June 19.
UniTon Daily itKixum i
Gen. O. O. Howard telegraphs from
the front Hub morning, to tho headquart
er of tho Dcpnrtnient of the Columbia,
In this city: "forward all tho available
troops at Port Townaend, W. T., Camp
Harney, Forts Catiby and Htevotu.lnmio
dlutely,to Wallula. Also to forward, upon
their arrival, the troopa now due by the
atenmerfront Kltka."
II. D. Banborn, Kstj., of Portland, rep
rexeiitlng a commilteu of prominent clt
izonaof thut city, nrrivutl y tho innrn
ing train, and had an Interview with
the Govornor.
Tho result of which; tho Governor
tonus the committee fiuHtiiiid of anna and
6,000 catrltlgea. (o he forwarded to tho
cltlzotm of Lewlaton anil Idaho for
their defense ugulnst the aavagea. Mr.
Banborn returned by the down mall train
with tho inunltloiiH.
COMI'ANII'.H Ti:.M)i:itKI),
The Governor received, this morning,
the following dispatch from Captain
Cooko of the Washington Guards, of
PoiiTbANi), June, 19.
Gov. S. F. Chadwick:
My company is at yourservlce for cam-
uign now opening in Oregon and
Cofla nandlng Co. A.
O.K. If.
IS 7 7.
TltlJ tlOVllltNOIl'.S ANSWKIt.
In leply to tlio foregoing dispatch the
Govornor sunt back tills v. m., tlio
following: '
jr. Cookr, Cantuin I'ommanttinti Co, A.
O. ,v, M:
lIu.stllltli'H nut in Oregon, nave no
tttithoril.v tofiMitl ttoojH Diilortho Stttte.
Sliuubl Gen. ilowanl toqtii'it tltusLTvlecj
of your com puny pormlHRlou will bo
given you to go. ThanltH for yottr patri
otic nnbr. H.'V. CirAuwu-K.
Tin: capitaji (lu.viturt
Captalb - M. T'iHtcr, of tho Capital
Gnniili, of thla olty, ttlao intitle a vol1
Iwtl tender of lila coinpnity lo-Uisy to
tho Governor.
im Hie ftortip.uiy tneota (o-nlglil tho
lender will doubt It sa bo mtllltil nmt
tua.lu i.i wtltlns-
I r..M.
Tho Knimut Guard of I'orllatiil. huve
Juiit ti'legrapliiMl to IheGoveriuir ollVirliig
tin ir MTVIWS.
Go". Mart V. Drown of Albany,
commanding the 2-1 llilginlc l. K. M. has
nlati telegraphed tbe Governor, odorlng
the entire coiiiinaiiil. ,
Il la niniui'tHi on tho struct Hint Gov.
C'luiil wiik ha ti-li-KiMplicd Gen. 0. O.
llowiutl teiiilerlng the orgiinl.uilltltul in
of tho Htate. Ah we aro Just going to
press canutit hh- tlio Governor In tluio
to Hiibstaiitlate or dlsptnvu the minor.
Tbo (bryoiiittii ot Wednesday Maya:
Mljould all thn illMiinVclod tribes of Indians,
Including the tion-trouty Nez I'erccH, Cmiir
d'Aleue, Palnuco, Spokane, Flathead and
other cattrrrd bauds, Join White Ulrd and
Chief Jcsenb'rt warrior in common cause
agaluattho wbltoa, It la eetlmated that at
lesataOOO braves can be muatered latoihe
aaabjs.vlf Ahl'hal4'altt fHaaa
oo ana sanguinary inutan war woutu in-
nvtlBlilu flr.ur
Tbnstcamor Calllornla la expected to ar
rive hero from Sitka to-night atxiut 12o'clock.
She will have on board about 75 men. Tboie
aoldlora will bo transferred to tbo steamer
Onoonla to-morrow morning to connect wltb
tho steamer Aluiota at Colllo which Is now
under welting orders, Tbo latter steamer
win leave tor ljowiston, Jdaiio 'ierrtiory,
inursiiay ovemng tinmeuiaieiy on tne arri
val of the tralu from Tbe Dalles.
A party of soldiers, numbering 28, from
Fort Townsond will arrlvo bore this evening
by Any ol Kalauiu. Thoy will also embark
on thoOnennta bound for tho seat of tho In-
iIIhii war.
Ycfteribiy morning a courier was dispatch
ed from Tho l)4lleH for Fort Harney. Ho
was Instructed to ride day and night until bo
reached that post. Ills Instructions from tbo
department commander woro to order all
available Ironps at that post toprocftd Im
mediately to Fort Lapwal.
I.utt evening at f::!0 o'clock Mr. S G I toed
received tho following dlspatah:
A ) tiling man Just arrived hern from Mon
tana, where bo bad boeu with a band of cat
tle, nays that ho una detained two days and a
half by the Indians In tho Cmtir d'Alono
Mountains mid then made his escape. Ho
reports tlio mountains full of Indians who
nro working down this way. Tbo excite
ment Increases and a number of volunteer."!
Mart lor tho upper country this evening.
Two companies of cavalry left about noon
for Lupwal. Exolleuiont runs blgb, and the
oploonlho other sldo of Snako rlvoraro
without any assistance and are making for
tho garrisons.
From San Franolaoo yostorday, 19tb, we
bavo tho following dlspatohev:
At Headquarters of tho Division of tbe
Pueblo lu this olty arrangements are being
rapidly effected for concentration of troopa
at tbe scene of tbe Indian outbreak In Idabo.
Miller's company from Fort Stevens and
Mile's from Fort Vancouver are now at Ce
lilo, en route t) Lewlaton. Hodney'a com
pauy at Fort Tnwusend Is under orders; and
three companies of artillery lust arrived at
FortTownsend frrm Hllkaaro also ordered
to tho scene of hostilities. Four companies
of cavalry lu the Department of California
aro placed ULdor orders of den. Howard, Of
these companies thit of Captain Sumner,
now at tho Presidio, will go via Redding;
company I from Camp Hal leek will go via
WinnemucoA, Com pauy A, Flrat Cavalry,
at Fort MoDormlt, will proceed to Howard's
headquarters direct. Iu military circles tbe
outbreak is considered serious. The Indians
are bravo and wnrllko and well supplied wltb
arms, Tho total strength at tho disposal of
uonetai uowaru wueu an ine troops piaceu
under bis orders are concentrated will only
rcaoh about 800, while the strength of tbe In
dians la estimated by some to bo 2,000, though
prubibly tnoro rellabloestbliatoa will reduce
the number of Indians to about balf that
number, or at most 1 COO,
Governor Chadwick, this morning, dis
patched General Howard as follows:
Hxkcl'tivk Omci:, Hai.kji, On.
June, 111, 1877. J
Jirlfj. Gen. O. O. Jlowaril, Conwuiuilhiy
JJepurlment of Columbia I'ortUmil.
I tender to you the organized tnalltlu
of this Rtato for duty In your campaign
against the Indians. Service to be paid
by the United Bmtes.
S. F. Chadwick, Governor.
Tho following dispatch was received
from Portland late yesterday afternoon,
at tbe Executive office, and replied to by
mail this v. u by the Oovernor.
J'oitTi.ANn, Juno 10.
S, P. ChaOu'lckt
Etninctt Guanl icatly forortlersngainsL
IniliiiiiH east of tho Mountains.
h. Walton,
tin; ciovtutNoit'rt itr.fiA'.
KxiicuTivr. Ori'ior,
Hiiluin, .ltint'20, 1877. I
Captain L. Walton. Command 'Inn "'
HieM CfudrtiK, O. .V. il"., J'tlanli
Silt Your telograai Muting that tlto
Ktniuult Guntils wore rontly for onlorn
ngnlnsL Indians east of the liioiintaliiM,
dtilv rnvlvetl.
8lioublltlio ticccaanry (o call out tho
Oregon tinopi ! will advise yon. I thniilc
yon fur' tills piumpl and iittilotcolllir.
I tun your most ob't. servJl,
rt. F. Ch miwivk, Governor.
riiM r.vriTAi. uUAitim.
lulliiwIiiK note Innn our
i.iuiijmii.v, which explains neon, was tu
iwIyuiIhI (he Capitol ut in o'clock till
1 'AiiMortv Capitai. nifAllIIH,
Milom, .ltiuo'JO, 1877. '
Gof. ,v. P. CiadwfuL'
Silt' Af n sncclnl mooting of (he com
pany, held lust night, tho following nm
Hon was iidoiitctl, iiniinlinmialy:
JiMolvctl, That this company (emlOr
their services lo the "lovernnr of tho
Ktate, with their tleslro to go east rtfthu
nioiintalus to where the IuiIIiiiih nro
lighting, for actual servlc, should Gen.
Howard deem tho nsalstiincu of the O. 8.
M. necessary. J. JJ. liiHTKit,
Captain Company JO.
Sd Jlrlgatlo O. 8. M.
'"A similar answer was given to tho foro
golng'dlspatch to tho uuo sotit tho Em
mutt Guards.
Notblncr further can be done bv Gov
r. - I...V .... - ,,..!. .. .
ernor Chadwick until he beare frotw Cbu,i.uI
f Howard;' Th dlBttWtirenfmerhP'
win probably navo to no. sent, to uen.
McDowell, Commander of tho Pacific
Coast Department, who will in turn mud
It to tho Bccrotary of War, who, alter
consulting tho Presldont. will answer
through the sanio round about chanuol.
3:80 v. m.
Gov. Chadwick received a dispatch
from H. Clay Wood of General Howard's
stall, this r. m., stating, thut tho Gover
nor's dispatch to Gen. Howard, sent to
him this morning, had been forwarded
to headquarters at For Lapawi.
Captain J. II. Lister of the Capital
Guards received a dispatch stating that
Gen. M. V. Itrown, commanding the i!d
Ilrlgade O. K. M., would be In Halem to
morrow morolng.
, ,Ikiianon, Juno 13, 1877.
Tbe next reiular mooting of Linn County
Council, P of II, will bo held with Sand
Ridge Orange, No. 67, ou tbo first Monday
lu July , at 10 o'clock a, in .
Fit an k Pikii, Soc'y Counoll.
Kr.iiuTio.s. At the annual meeling of
Clackamas County Pomona Orange, No. 1,
held Juno 12, 1877, the following o dicers
woro elected: N W Randall. Ms H H Carter.
O; A Warner, L John Kruao, S; J W Ulaok
well, AS; PSNoyor, Chap; W Jesso.TjP
It lsves, moo; uooi. irvin, u aj mm, a
Warner, Ceres; Mrs. Mary Short. Pomona;
Mrs. Ellen Irvin, Flora; Mrs. Mary Eves,
Ladles' Stewaid.
Grange 4th of July Celebration
Turner Orange bas extended an Invitation
to tbe adjoining Oranges to meet them In a
fiontoou me iu oi Juiy, at lorner, xue
Invitation, ao far as wo learn. ras been ac
cepted by Salem, Jefferson, and Hock Point
Oranges. Each Orange also was requested
to furnish a speaker for tbe oooaslon, and
Salem Orango unanimously Invited Judge
Ilolae to appear lor mom, and be baa acoepi
Ibo Invitation.
Decoration Say of Salem Orango.
One of tbe most beautiful aud Impressive
ceremonies was performed by Salem Grange
in decorating tbe graves of deceased Patron
on Saturday, June Olb, Tbo frlendaand
relatives and many spoctatora matched from
a grove near by, to tbe Odd Fellows Ceme
tery, and upon the graves of deceased broth
era and slaters, flowers were strewed. While
standing around tho graves the mournful
chant was sang, and brothers and sisters
told of the good deeds of tbo loved and lost
ones, and the hallowing influences of the
Patrons to humanity.
These scones remont tbo Patrons In golden
cords of friendship, of union, mid fraternize
thum into ono common family, with ono
object tho happiness of humanity. May
this ceremony never ho forgotten, but otico
each year let us go whom wo shall feel that
wo are mortal, ami mai wo may so live tuai
brothers and slstors will strew flowers upon
our graves,
Salem Orango passed a resolution to meet
again ou the 2d Saturday lu June, 1878, and
also Invites all Patrons that can, from other
Oranges, to bo present on that occasion,
I will pay 925, in gold, premium for tbo
best Ulaok Stranger" colt exhibited at tbe
Stat Pair UU fall. J. W. Naarnna,
tl- r "fVj
IMF- ,. t