Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 15, 1877, Page 8, Image 8

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j TTT. I .. v. irT."f
a twenty dsys'Tideover tbo Dunon
grawi country, rdld not converse' with, more
than'two or throo mon who did uot.slgnlfy n
tlealro to holt out cattle, owing uilnly toj n
tendwnfiy of tbo stock to scatter. Thorp nro
doulitJeta inatoy' who profer-Oattlo Yo any
othor Mock to kooj In that , country,, but I
think tho nuinbor Is Htcodlly dimlnlahlng.
On tho i.thor lmnd, horns and aUofpnro
doomed ftafo nnd profitable clock to liamllo
thorij' Tho former In parllcttlnr uro mfq, as
thoy cull mid do liolpthfunnolves to tho abuti
dnnt buncli-Krass by pawing on" thn snow,
ovon In hnrd woathor. fihcpp will do tho
name, provided IIjomiow l-i not po doi'pai to
hldotho Krnit eiillrolv, ird li not crns"f;d.
Shuopnnd wool-growing is tb 1 ait popular
or Ims been liurotgfiiro but Is reoogulzud
at tho moat certainly prolUubta of all. I
cmfdrrlllu imyotjiut brjiltioini; to brln
That thoro In not yet ono .ihcop liolwogn the
CamMdon rnd;Hooky Mountain, whofoilibri
will ulUinntely bo ono hundred. Tho collii
try, asn whole, howovcr, JJ consider muqh
bettor fluItodTorHheop,c:rcd forln thotimnner
practlcod In North Itrltnln, than Ivy what is
know as thoHpanlah way of hording, Hore.
tofbro thoro bavo bcon men who ha ye made
Biouny fast by that method, but many have
failed, or bfcome dljrunted with tho condi
tions of II Co It onlalli, nnd have left tho bus
inoaa. I don't blittno mon for'not uonllnulng
von a profitable bualnoaa under somo condl
tlonw, and mch m I bflleve In and hop for
frojn tho futurederelopmentof wool-growing
iat of thatoucades, I wquld not llko to aoo
Jt flourish under conditions 1cm favorablo to
mon than to tbo brutos thoy btstow tbolr at
tention lo, I have already Indloatod my
TlewH of tho londocy of cattle herilugunf
dor tho prrnoat mode a tending to transform
plrlted, Mirroxpecllng young crtlr.oW of the
UnlUd .States Into Moxlcari Vaquerwi. Tho
tendonoy of Lordjeg ahcep by a alnglo hired
LwdNiunn ltoVoiVnToro dihtruollvo to the
toman animal. 'Tfiko ft! lllurtratlon thucaao
orn young man f twenly-fouror llvo.ivhnKi
acqunlntaiicol maduatthotentof a uolghbor
nhephenl, wDere ho wan forced to go to get
Nomo'.hlng to eat. UN own mtppllna had
dwImUod ilwn lo wmo parched colfeo nnd
about twenty tallow ciikIIiim. This limn told
mo ho wan, at ono tlinn last Full, nix wooka
that bo did not aeon human fnco, nuil during
tho hint two wcokNof which ho waHsohlok
as to bo bnioly nblu to follow tho Hook
nrouud, when tilt neighbor ho wni vIMtlng
wont In enroll of It Int. At nnothnr tlmo tho
owner oflhullock holuiukit uuHthreo wiuikH
rotublug tils sheep much with supplier, and
Ills hordimiau hud (o forago among bin neigh
bors for lilt living. ThU notdn explnnulloii,
and whlaky oxplilui It. Ho atnrtml with
tho bolllo for company, givo It too muiili ut
tontlon rOMill, a broken wagon. Itttiirnml
to Tho Dalles, sought comfort thereof tho
bottle, roMiilt, delay. Started strain, and
again the bottle brought spout a like rssult
h at flrsl, with siothsr drunken delay. An
other ahepbsrd told of hit flook-owner leav
ing him alx week from early la Ootobor, af
tor ho bad had tho ml fortune to have hi
camp equipage, clothing, Unt and beddlug
oonaumod by Uro, to follow h la flock through
wet and dry with an old blanket (la addition
to hUKumniir clothing) to do duty as over
coat during the day and bed at Bight. Hard
lines t some or my young Maada near Ha
lout would aay. One can n la Sootoh herds
man, alter hearing theae details, remarked to
ma: "Tho owner of thiM flooka wero yery
unwlxe lo treat tholr ahepharda ao, aa the
latter could by ono night's Inattention to tho
flock ostiae tho ownor morn lost than would
purohaae tlm alioplier.l'H extras for a yo.tr."
I auOglad to ha able to aay that la not tho
way in my of tho theop owuora treat tholr
adoption!'. Such mon aitho Wataonn.t Co.,
the (Irani ilro.,T, IJjyd, or Wasiu county,
and iiien llko "J. Frar.or, M, b'toon, Major
llurklmrt, of UinntllU Co., and no doubt
n.uy otliorarj toi-luiiiuno and wlso to
Iron their ouiploym In that luauiior. Uu-
dor Kood Ireiithioiit the life la uo lounly that
In I'tiroriila It produoet lusinlty In grrator
ratio than aiiyJuther-ocvuimtlonanh: If tho
Hluipiiord ilon not loio forco of mind under
thoiilinott tntolur-tblo lonulliiMa, liu ajil'loi
down to mi ni(oKt?ioiU U tho bulueNthat
uitllM It I in fir any other piirHiil), TliAl thn
Nooicli molhodof liuvlng tho shoplionl mar
rliil nnd ulvltig blin I lie beneiltuf oclflv,
bo'.ir than thn HpanUli under vhlchtho
honUiiirtii rarely married, h lllustinKul bv
tho hlatory of the llrat Napoleon . UK ariii
In Spilu chatftd and tcatlorud tho Hpiulah
...I.. . m. . .
gru:iHiNinMii nwnrr un 'I iuoiro'ivw HCfdi
iihu, nnd h"U jSpiln i bl iv frJin wliloli It
noyer rrotvnrnil, It v.s o(,herwNa hen
thuSjolch (lreM ret'olyed tho ahook of hi
legions l Waterloo It iniy Uon (aritclmd
Idiu that i x illlary oyoiipttliyjen l th'mjjje.
mon timid, mid a lonely Ufa luuda to tloatmy
force of I'lmtactori but bo that aa It may, I
am agaliiht any o.tiupiilon that roba man of
Modal oiijiymiiiit uioruiMinpK't'Jly than Ifho
wattho Intiulof ontiof thoacdltiry'iYlUol
a prison. 1 will a ty thorervro.lo any young
friend 1 havoubvuttjilwii who ddubjna going
Into tho " ahenp btitluex,," KiU of.'the (JAa
cadoi, MiHitirit thi couaent of Mary Jann to
tHMir you ciuipaii); git, Irjouloajiiifag
trualy rellablii" n-MiMtUli In-biMlnorThO"
will take Ntlly'.Vhu afu'if tvii ivutjLol ,
ami uiualo, and amuo for a good family
paper or two to follow you 'o tlw uervt
Itoatotnoe. Tako no uioiea'on thttit uu o
aoouro food lor in oo of tho Ural V luteb.
Ing a hard one. Enter upon the uiulvrUklug
with moderato esueotatloua of roiit, bHt
with the datermloaUoa that cooto goodaaav
one or bad one , you will ' aukea M0
or apoll a horn" at wool-growlsf , aavd I'U
guaraataa la four or tv yaari ya wlU
taaotoota watara aa buateaaa aaa. To U
loatrato what 1 wamm laara, I wUlraUto
aoaie would mkW opmvmmaifmi ana
OH of the great cattle kings, down on the
Joafe Day river waa'ao exercised on tb'prob-
able laideboe of tba 'settlement that he vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. Keys, In order to dlsauade
them Irom. tho Ir enterprise. He drew a
gloom plcturo' of the probable failure of,
inoir crops, apu ino consequent aiaryanon oi
thoir family, Tho family aro Irish and Mrs,
K. got her temper up, nnd film told him-
thoy had hold tholr farm In Wostorn Oregon1
nud bouzhthtock with (ho Intention of try
Ing stock Mtalng In KAitorn Oregon. Thtltf
thoy liked tbo looks of tholocUlon thoy bnd
llxod upon nnd meant to try It If tho first
your crop rtlil fill; that, como tho worst to
tbo worst, thoy had koplsomo of their inonns
In " lo-nrvo " and would draw on that. This
showed tho man Hint ho hud a prudently do
tormlnod tnirly to deal with, and wns at tho
eitd of ltl: pita, Iio qiiest-ioned, howevor,
how much tho " rosRrvo might bo rolled up
on, and sho answorod him it good flyo yeir.,
undlhoy tiieitiitto stny tin, long nt.tho loast.
I was not surprised to fioo. this woman's
d-tuglitor lu-x( morning get up and preparo
broakfast.fiir horsolf and two smallor slHlers,
drofsedtliciu,saddlad tholr pony and storied
them on their eight mile rldo to Rohool, then
wentund uiiplckotod her own aaddlo horse,
atuo-yoar-oklsho had brokon horsolf; she
saddled him against his will, mountod and
shot over tho plain as wo may suppose nn
unwilling Tartar's brldo would do. While
watching tho daughter's foarlossuess, I Hik
ed tbo kindness of a small lunch at tbo
hands of her mothor, as I was going Into
unsottlod oountty, Hlnryatlon? What a
lunch 1 1 I had It for throo aquaro meals, and
still some loft. There la no sign that starva
tion will over affect that woman's heart or
family. They have been thoro two years and
their ulllcious nolghbor has nover retnrued
to soo If his gloomy predictions woro vorlllod.
Hop-Growers' Convention.
Euokni: City, JnnJ 10, 1877.
En, Faumkr. l'urauanl toagroomout, tho
memberonttendlng tho Ilop-Ornwora Con
vention, which convened In thlsolly, May
lUd, molngiiln ut tho Court llouso In this
placo. on Kriday, Juno b.h. Aflor the meet
ing was called to order, tho following pre
amble tins read and ndoptod, viz:
Ah It Ih uu old mid established fact that no-oiHitiillvnt-xurtlou
Ih generally met with sue-ui-tM,
and thnt ilivlilon N rulnoiM to any on
lerprlM't, nnd having hitd within tho Inst your
opportunities of morn thoroughly realizing
llH'MD facts, wt, at Imp urowers of Oregon, do
herulty bind ourHtilxts lootlior, forming
ihN Houiiity, whluh shitll bo known ai tho
" I.ituo Co. (lop grnwor' AMsoulitliou, thu
object of whluh hhull ho to promotu tho gen
m il hihI mutual Inloriiitol' thoso ougauod In
rnl.liiK. curing, mid putting In proper tdntpo
nnd ittiidltlou for market, thai product
known under the nmno of hops,
and by-laws gitvo hi their roports, which
wero nucoptod and adopted. It was deoldid
to hold election of olllcors ou tho tlrat Satur
day In Juno or avory year. Thoottlcers
looted for tho onaulng year are: President,
A. A.Hmlthi Vloe-Praaldents,J. Day, T. D.
reward, II. Boottt Seo., J. II. Hrown( Trees.
A. W.l'atteraoni Cor. Boo., A. W. Patterson.
The aaaoclailou will aubaorlbe for the lirmo
cr'a Uuanlian,ot London. Koglasd, and oth
er Journals that glva reliable hop raporta.
It la decided to have a uniform alaa of bales
for bops, lour feet long, IB In. wide, and 2
feet deep. The prloe for picking this year Is
27K cents par boxj boxes same else as here
tofore, longth 3 reel, depth 'I foot, width 18
The association Is strong In membership,
and has funds snbacrihod and paid In, so as
lo enable It to accomplish Its purpono.
We would gladly rooelve communications
front hop growers' associations, hop-grow-is,
dealers In hops, or oommltslou ageualea.
We would also urge all hop-growers In Lano
Co., to oo-operato with us and asilat In tho
advancement of this groat Induyry.
Next meeting of the asHOolallou, tint Fri
day In July. A. A. -Smith, l'res.
J. II. Uitow.s, Soo'y.
1). NN . Weathorford, who pleaded "guilty"
to a obarrfo of forxery, was brought up tor
Nontenco to day at '- I. M. ,bnforo lion. It. 1.
Holo II was HMiit the I'eitlienlUry f.ir
two yonrsi that bolng tho abortett pirlod
allowed by btw.
Thero It nothing now In relation lo wool.
U5cuiitnU o He rid hero In t-nlein (i good
u'ntdeNHiid no hlgbei prlco tlinn that has
brou paid for the bo I, (Joiulderablo imaull
ly of wool li lludlug ll.t wry (om-ttketat
llmt lliire.
Wh-iit htta dropjied In l.lvernl, anil
Htlv'in Mlll.t now oll'ur $110 per bushel.
While wo iwilU'lptto giod prices after bar
VVlvso cJtiulon our frlf iiiIh iut lo expect ox
trtvtijttic i mo itnd to be if iwudt'ilt n im)mI-
J bio In loUtlou to muuey uuttltrs until bur-
vet It ri.ilUt-d.
Tho protujixi of nropt Is all thatcould bo
desired, hihI probably thn bi.tt ever known
lit the history of Oregon. All conditions
lutv btmii Uvorablrt sud without uiilooked
fur and vt-ry ttniixtial onuses should beenr
wo atisll liutna most MicoeMful and wonder-'
nil harvest In uvory reaped.
S.Uom uierchanls .are j'llor'ntftOcwuts xr
biuhel ftr.oal' itntlby tUMUt'sll.dsiuaad;
tuy at i'i jr Jim', - -, i v t 1
Kngsaro voilU IJij lo Ifri por dosenj but
ter, ISo toltJo.iriHiiiidj now poutoes ll.'.'S
tutll.691 pv biuhelJ Th4 lusrkot' Is wVll
"sttppllmt lth fruUa and vegetables.
PtriUdeliihla.Junu i'J. Wools sq trco; pr'-
ok Miimir tvitn upwarti isiuixaovi txtioraao-
AasUrti, l?(is-,7.li tmwahel, Wihi extra
sud merino imllled.. WAVt No. 1 sUper
pulled, JUfcJMi Texas flue aud medium, MM
Mi'wvsriMt, ItUlSj California flue and inedU
.m S;U1'iinlu.i'.V '
Liverpool, Jnue IS. ItraadstuMi weaker:
wheal IU 4daia Bd for avarajra 'QallftrtRla
whlM, IU SJsias tad IbreluVs Us Cdaliia for
ml wasters) avnact oorst.'M aMaSts M for
mow mlxsd Wiaalara. Kaoalpto of wkaat for
Ue past tbraa dajs, 3t,, Awartoaa WW.
Usarow. torn .- Wa sra.liMiawM.
rasa rae 9em sW, OMa m4
ItTfcTisyFii ijiiWiliinCT
SMaaBffiHEAaMEB-- rix
4 c n -
Ed. FARMKn: I takn thla oDDortnnltv
tbrongH tho columns of your paper, to In.
form 'its' numerous readers that there will be
a grand picnic given by tbo mombors qf tho
V. V, la Bocloly ofKock Point ripon tbo old
plciilojfrounds on tho' 'farm of Hob. Geo. B.
V&wnlng, near Sublimity. Mualo by the
I Sjay.tgu.bras band, also by Ibo Kock Point
oooir. Amunemonts or various Kinua, anu
speeches by nontlomon unsoloolod as yet.
,13lg dinner for all; after which will bo a
thrlble baso ball match and various othor
hmuspmoriN, In tho oyenlng ft grand ball
Is expectoi. IuvltatlonH freo to all. Thurs
day before tho -ith 8uuday In Juno.
IIamlim J. Oiliioy.
ltocky .Point, Juno 4th.
vA,l.JlIr. Mine, who resides somo six mlloH
below Sale in, on tho riterroad, wa-i engaged
yosfordty, Inthopplngn troo 'r tho pur
16o of prooiirlng tun bark, tho trco hap
pened, lo Its fall, to ntrlkn anothor eight
liiqhuihi tliauittor. Tho Utter was brokon
by tho'foroo of-tlio blow and n frngmeutof
It struck Mr., M Ino ou the bnok, fracturing
iiinspinoin procoss or ttireo or tuo vr rtoora),
Indicting a sovero llesh wound, nnd bruising
ulm.oousldnrably. Dr. O. Hall wai I in mod 1
atoly nont for and reports tho Injuries as bo
ng of a vory serious nature
Thomas Carlylo has MTltten ft strong
letter protcstini? against tho courso of
the agitators In England who would
plungu that country Into tho war. Ho
(lecliirt-.s that tho hostile feeling against
Russia is the result of ignoraneo nnd
"Afv- Hnll )' anlfl n rl.itlurr rtinltini in
her olght-year-old, "what pleasure do
you feel likff giving up during the Len
ten seasonW "'Well, tna, I guess I'll
Htoy away rrom school," wns the reply.
I v. irskxaznroan.
Weatherford & Co..
Wholesale and RetullDolerfln
Patent Medicines,
E3 erfumery
Etc, eto.
For Medicinal pnrpotei.
Bsfedioiaei Oomponnded, aud
Proscriptions Fillvd.
Weatherford k Co..
Frttf Oommerelslatraal. NAEtBllt.
Will pay the
Highest Market Price
500,000 POUNDS
7V O O 2Ls-
Kr.pilrvM)f M.J. IIJillilKN.
SiUm, Miy l.UTT Sm.
ami llrowu
LIuUl uiul luik illtAlin.t
WtiltP l.Sl.llill
an AVl.KSIH'ltY
ilirIOII filMNUIIttl,
anil Ki,t;, mldruoK
ror i'if i-in, rpwin,
J, W. IIOllAltr,
l!ufit VUU, Or
-. j
i a
"'Carriage & Wagon Hikers,
)1 r
S&lem, Oregon,
. riptUi
'Wafous, Carriages, JL Bugfiatj
, ox tneir iwn hjc,
UUtuaa call. 4 rumli uur work, and ju&t
'fat rouHtln.
All attnu oi neptinu sou tteneiai joodib nopr
at thou sotlc. P
For Old and Yung.
Ftr-SiKkW o4 Near-8ifltc4.
I'll- i cmuui "" '' '- : " ."'r,T1EKirVtt
im, . .-! n-i - " ' v " rr-"c-.jK-,',T;"i" ' mmim -
h nlym, oatrnji jraAstsm.
, ,-a -r TTXXr
a-a - i ' 1 .Vi -a-.. v.
This is tho Original Article-A 11 Others aro Inferior Imitations!
nntTon nenAt Tnttv. DearBlM-I hae list made an experiment with prcparpl jjolenn for ldlllmr
qnlrreln. tmtllnirnuta ran rndi of tho following pnhonr; Attn o' IMhikVh armortio?Io - nod n un ut
tho arttclo taliwl Wahalea'e hxifrmlr.nlor One enn of Wnkeico'e kMie n many as ejvcnpr Ilnrnvy o f ipilr
rcl Poison; ami an many a ten caniof Htcclo'a Scpilrrel Polion. Tlnnkln-r tliti rejult will he InlbrefthiK lo
j oar reiilorn, I fend It Kir their b'-ucUt. Vonrj, very r spectfully. s. P. W oodwahd.
IUrwAiim, Aprils, 18.
In I'nrclinnIiiK enro should be taken to order Tl"AKKI.BES. ,
Successfully Used to Protect Standing
The Best Medium for tho Destruction of Gophers. Full Direc
tions with eaoh Can.
WnOLBSALH AOBNTS FOR OltKOON, V. .A.. 33a."X7"IIBI tto CO. , Portland.
Importer oV Drujjm uno OliomlualH,
Orate, corner of Montgomery aud Biuh rtrcett, MAN FHANOISCO.
My or .to JltvoiiNtoIn'H ViiriiliOios,
iXX 3"U.,XX
State Stroot,
104 & 106 Front Street. - - PORTLAND, OREGON.
Sols Paclfle Aa.nta fr tits Gmla aa WarK'HssiawMsal
Embraoing Endless Chain and Swop Rake, Self-Raking Reapers,
One- and Two-Horse Iron Mowers, Mowing Attach
ments, Harvesters, and Self-Binders.
Tho Walter A, Wood Unrivalled
Harvester and Self-Hinder
I tho zrratett Labor 8avltg Madilna In thu unrld.
With InU intchliif emu nun with ihrvu hnrii can
cut and hlml rrom vt to is arrr of K'Hii prr il iv. mill
In tuo wpk time mvih! In lnrwixtni; a crop lij li.
lilnulni; In eAon. It myhn,lxli.ihorai nllurx'r
tvraml Holr-llluUi-r, or at llariflrr nlono.
The Hiirvestor and Solf-lSimlor
l t!.ntit mt.l rnut wonderful Ihrvoitlii',' Marliluc
uturUuuuu. Ttii)
Walter A. Wood Phin Kake and new
Iron Sweep Hake '
(Kt:i.i'-it tKiMi iciiAi'ims i
Aro the licit HiiriUkUii: Uiiirrv mi in ill, ,i .1 u
r wallU.i; for the man wu wl i . .j it a ijj;le ti
.ithat.ee tii to ltL.ui.t mijlh'.iu: mi .-
KAHMhlti AXIi U!l Li.lv?,
ArorautlnneJ nualn.t ac eipa-u i! la ....var Cller
e.l it. 4 A'ood iimchlne, and I urct.un.r rhotiM ti rare
Hut thiv vit in ihlne .mui el "W'I.TKH A.
0i)). nLiuio other aw genuine. Tho l'aiiKi;
Waller A. Wood's Now Double-Geared
Open-Guard Iron Mowers,
With lira "earltiy, jutcr.l Oil Cdp, cml new anil
Impri.uM tlu.nl., rj' kiuranteeil to bo the Veit
Mow er tn tho World. The
Waller A. Wood Improved Treadwell
Warranted nipcrlor lo aey llfader In the market
Irou WIikI. ruin lliliiicw, .uliiftilU UtA. nude
moi'i: and durable. Ituit by iMi-ln Instead t X llvll;
uoi nacnualct i wlih Ili4uir mier linvln,-.'f:i ti
nuchlne nrel b tdd till- I the Ik'H tituder In the
Market, t It will bimiipa-eat on Uht It took flrt
un'wtum at tho CciileuuUL MM llruce Uto of lUn
loii county IhIuj; ucv of the Ju'Jj.c. who ui.mIc the
' rrlde of tlm trlMr fouM,
r.VKX, HPltl.NO, or KXPHCi.i, wide or imrow
traek. Kitiru bnl and top )ix or CaUriiniU tie
rack bad ant Nix.xtlih ClIMrnlt and meson ii'Jmt.
ab.a UOLLhlt Hit VKK, 'the hebrake uiadcyr
ETySfce'l ro!ltl nb-illlns oil heforo to lira I
t, aad tha wiiio ru .txl the tcl of tbo c'lauta
of I'allfoinU beiter than auy oiber wajjou tn the mar-
aei, ana runt ruur to no nunaraa p"uua uKDier iiwu
aay other, owlnj; to uur at tag a
eta manufaetnrad
xnrrlr for ni n
IT for ni from (raw pauarna waicn ara not
affected by the wraibvr, and cut from 'tbo culitraUd
Fr mmHJ
run wmm smnnci orrsr omss
JaetasSaiasaassaawaalajaas. ssat ssanysaj-
h l UVaatK tMaaMa. kak SaHftaiW MaBMafaBS.
i azxea. Froviaions.
i a
Salem Oregon.
Lake Pupertor Ironatid from tho superior manner In
which our kIni aro ret and urcry whtcl lialaoccd,
All porfect track.
Tiie Biifird Iron Gans and Milky Plow,
and the Hrowno Iron Sulky Plow.
Llsht Draft, ally mljnf'cd with Screw rr Lever
for Levl or f Wo tilll Oronml. Tl.rhv l'lown aro e
lecUI'o rtcriinmrnJeil to the Farmer of Oirpiu mil
WanMiiKton Totrltory n tho MiJhtet Drufc, tho
mot i-ulnlan'lal, rymmetrlcal ml Ilia tnoi't la-llr
rontrotlfil, aiilan'iitii bitt r work under all comll
tloiu than any other Mow In the matket.
Tho Famous Black Haw Music Mow.
Karti t fnr nitiiiaiid bent Nover falle to clean well.
'Ihf.o p'.iviiihaie lu'iii tli..foii.'i'v nd fvsirtl) tested
In I'alltoriilaaudclMtnlirri', ml romi'l uK'rlnrti all
nth t All ili'o l'i iv nro fulh vrrractivl in be
tho bot on tU I'arine Coa A full Uu k ot hxtraa
alwite on hand tor LliuMuvoriowc lliei
IK'd Jacket Ciillled Iron Plow.
With Steal rtilutu aad Cuiter. And the nuowned
Ai.il tlo i;eUIriti'il
A full line of tho tent
In tro roarku; aleo a fall attortmenl of the wott
proud kir.dot
A full ktork or Kxti-BK lor lbs Wuller
A. Honil, niiH other Iturvefttlug ?Xs
elilue kept t'oiiatMiitly, on luuul.
U feiiiVnirui ynnraildrett. and cprclllnj thear
ttik Mrjutulr will mat. you DeacrHulte'lhrtnlar
ntiel'rice t.Utu free, and will luiulfh any lurthurlu.
fora.atlou tltnlrud. ' "
AliMut' l'i-llori I'nwrr l'nf'tHblc
htcum LhkIuih nuil complole '
Tkresliitig: ur ,11)11, Uu0(. i
Tbo St. Louis Invinclblo1 Thresher'
AN1 J anil 10 HO Its a CAHY'MOl'.STKD POWKH.1
IVJ'ie.Jy tho Wt machine arer diedlirihe Mll.
alppt ValVy.KUd the North ,We,t utii Uxe.cnutna
nuchlua for tto Paclnc Ooaat. ' KuUy Improved M Ith
eenectal feature to meet the vault of, tin. Janreraol t ,
Oregon. 'Ihe Sapetlnteodeiit of the Factory waa
here u.t yrar la ne what feature could be added to
aouo intio me mo popuur machine la Oregsa.,
Vk 8. iNKWBlKY, Hasher.
, -f
jt 41
1 i
' If