Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 15, 1877, Page 7, Image 7

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,rr-T F jTTTIC1
-Wf fofM Cimjti.-
?t .iTT
ConJncted by Mitt Uattte D. Cianaa.
"Out of the Month of Babci"
My llttlu mere and II read
My I'luto In my easy clmlr;
And slit) was building on tlie tl lor
A luvk of cards w lUi w ondrous euro.
Wo worked In nlhtncp, but, alaa 1
Allium; Hit, PHtds n mighty p.
And it h n Hie lltlloHr exclHlml.
"Weill KuchiiHM I.o- k, Unolo Wilt! "
I fmvu h atari nnd drojpod my boolt
It ftlliriuloI bid r-ud
a H)iiiiMiuminutirriMt tlirlliml,
I c.nd with carinas w llio child.
Tlio uncotnolom'tiltjl w litre din nit,
"A-humi tboiiKlitiMs loiiKunuoiilil bubble forth
btratmo parables uf llio nLd ftlo.
Yo-, sucblsllfcl a Ulel bouso,
A oomuion doom hslh tumbled hII,
KlnK',Qutmnaud Kunve.aud plain aud trump
A motley crew In motley full I
Wo rear our hopes, r.o I'lirraoh'a tomb, -
Nor braia could bull I wo nur a names -
But, iioou or Into, n Hid collapse,
Aod (troat tlio ruin of tho aroo.
Ah, Mich la llft-l Ob. nhiI and (drudgo
That IothhiiiI wi.dniiiMiord.itnl f d
SniiiBttro tin bulbil r.. ImmMmvo yet
OiiooudflgnlnUHuoihur lain; 4 W r
Somo when tbi' bo'io N tin v mill;,,,
Somo wiiim .tnn'vo hull a llttlu iriorc'c
And Miiiin wlmii iivlcnuM ba'b uuhUnod
Amu md, ibiid, or hlKljfcijIloor.
Orhbotild you win llie InpmoM slaifp.t
iuL.ia,iuuiiiiui(iu inn iiiii(i-ptiiii
jum uertt uitMiuv ioicj ri jumbo,
'Hut I can build It w.mkIii.'
My nolulitor awo was ro.tehetl. Can babes
Behold what rvann muiim In vain ?
An, emmiiomi it rih liic, I tboiiKht
"I Cg, USSr.'?, IMIIICI ItllpHRhllll "
There nro aovoral interesting com
munications which we cannot publish
this week, owing to want of space.
Rose's Saturday Night
klftir4 TTTTVTir
J-ll-.i .. aw-''i "..
JSKKaSPWr of beauty and
trutn, mofH perseverance and God-like
long-suffering and pntienco.ttrmnshe
who from hor cooi calm heights of
strength and self-reliance, looks down
in pity on those who toil all their lives
in the yalloy of humiliation.
Bellovo mo Hose, there is compensa
tion. If it bo as Dr. Holland says, -that,
" The purest streams or human lovo
Flow tranquilly Lover,
""'KUsfi by pressure from above,
lib God's band on tlio lever.
Tbo Jlrst are turbldtstand mounts.
Tho last aro sweetest nud soMnoHt."
tiiou mi mis weight of caro ami trial
may come to seem a blessing to us oven
iicro. If pain and weariness but pro
duco tho beautiful fruit of patienco and
self sacrifice, In a ripened clittructcr
that shall become lovely to nil behold
ers, can we not afford to bear and do all
that Is sent to us with a sorono trust
that ull bo, In.tHo.endT-well? L C.
Iwea byjlnln thqgnwge, I am J 1st
the womln thet needs It. So the flrsi
thlnglkridwed;h cbrhmltteo oftrjree
: waited on mo, two men and one worn
In, tew seo ef I wero tho right kind o'
womln to bo a granger. I woro voted
for and privately informed that Jlst
lucked ono o' boln black balled. I tell
you brotherln I were fearfully shook"
npover this now.". But when I went,
to pay my respects to tho offlcers I wero
amazed, nhd in vain t pulled my specs
I cn WMkT'tUMM'A MAVt fcluow
I ri r.i r j ," n Ux: cil ia
It is curious to notice the oDinloiM'of
the world In regard towhatconatiUtea
aman..,irono enjoys pleasantly the
pleasant things of life;' and Is always
ready to minglo,WlthAo:l.ery.itfid mako
himeoir agrceabtb byhlH pouto-manners
and suavity toward ajl, ho Is called a
flrst-rato man, a good ' man, a noblo
. But does this mako the real greatness
and goodness of a man? Politeness and
suavity, nnd a willingness to mako
one's self ngrceablo undor every ordl-
Ki). HoMi: Ciiii'm:: I .see that yoirr
coru'spoiidont " lto.se," has c.illeti out
povcralH.vmp-itlilzorri who have attemp
ted to comfort her in (heir own way.
It hiionld bo rciiR'mbcrcd that all
women Itavo not thubame imttir.il abtl
Itie., and Micro isnhou great dl.lci'oucc
In those iKqulremunts that give exper
ience .and Judgment, nnd power to plan
and execute work expeditiously. There
aro nmny unfortunate women who were
not taught to worlc when ul the ago
in which proficiency in anything U
most easily acquired. II is a (uostloti
with mo M'hctlier a wnnian cim ever
learn to do washing orany hurdvorlc
quickly or ousjjy, If she has never d'ono
It untirafU'r growth, llr'nftniueilflhuit
Is no question whether some women
can over learn to do it quickly or onM
ly. Oiie of my nelglibors bifid to mo
I 4feSr.rAli
7 iSHPWiil1 1'JTO'S
Tills woman
built, with
for sm ii
Koies. Continued.
Tito tea roses give tho most satisfac
tion of all roses, whero they can bo
raised without danger of having them
frozen but overy'cold Winter. Hero
iu Portland thoy stand very tfoff.'elfel
tered by so many housesbiit iu the
w,nirysthcy should bo planted affninst
it South wall and protected In Winter
by 8r brush, - and somo of tho best I
should, advise you not to plant at all,
except In boxes that can bo removed
to.tho cefiaror sitting rooirTduring tli"o
coldest part of tho Winter., Tho tun.
dercst nro: Cloth of Gold, bright yellow;
(the finest shaped flower), La Marque,
pure white, (beautiful), Solfutcrre.
creamy white, (fine). Theso.throo arc
viuiiuura hiu can no raised as standards
by cutting back for a few years; nftor
wl'.lcli tlioy take the habit of common
roses. Marshal Nicl is a little hardier,
but not to bo depended on. It l.s also a
rntiner, but does well in pots or boxes;
It is bright yellow and most fragrant.
Of these, tho Marshal Nfel and La
Maiquo aro tho best for running on
walls and ralters of i'r.-f.nlmiu.w
Saffrano, very tender, most beaut lml
light yellow buds, flno for Winter; only
for pots Qlolre do Dijon, one of the
tlnest or teas but cvy tendor and hard
togottruo; ll Is a tricolor, pink, huff,
ami-blush, sweot and flhelyslialioTl. '
jf)f (ho. hardier sorts aro "Mush lea,
tltio iu bud nnd hardiest of" all. JJy (lie
way, many- tea rows" nre only 'valued
far tho buds, tho full-blown ro-o being
loose and half lmilil Vrliti i... t
good, medium grower. There aroina-
--.,,-.. j . . ,
a an to
liardlness Tho best of (huso an : I for-'
down an tried to look over them to seo (nary circumstance, Is a commendable
what thoy be ngoln' tew do with pore V'dity; but If it man possesses nothing
oldllop.y. But arter many trials I JJJ.Xlt'ln tho 'world? ",y tthm'yiir'
Ki,i uiruiiKii, luui i.ien sicn a siioUln' a' I Tho oualKv of politeness ovorv man
11V flflirtl lllnl tnTHI
1 Another Iiitei-Js'tlug clafs I J lit1!,
bon ; be twcep'JKe ;lWt vfo:cia?.4
hands, and slch lots o' grub my old eyes
never see. Then tho M. had a llttlo
mall which ho hit on a IIKlo sland, so
hard, that I Jumped and holered and
droped my specs, nnd nforo I could pick
them spcc9 up, somo ono sloped right
pnjNiom, nnd I wasout3dolars tho first
tlrty. But when thoy all sot down, I
sot down tow, law how I did watch tow
seo what I must do. Finally 1 30o tho
men hold In up tholr hands, and Jlst as
I got my hand up thelra went down,
Air I Wero bound to voto Jlst liko nieco
Jllrah's man. I woro not goln to voto
liko weak minded wimln. Well, boln'U
Ith degro member I wont low tho S.'Cj.'
uhu j. were siont-'iicd tew seo so many
flno folks.i.Wliy If you bclievo mo Miss
Etlltor thoro were country.wlinln thoro
wllh silk dresses and gold watchos.and
tho men had atnvn nltm Imtj wi.n t
spoKo to.nieco Rlrnh how they looked,
sho laughed and eays.slio, "Aunt Hcd-
sy" (she nlors called mo Aunt II) "you
seem to bo astonished because you aw
such mi intelligent delegation present.
That is becauso wo aro unacquainted
wllh tho talent belonging to tho rural
dlstrlch?."-"Prottysoon I" beared a per-
r.w.t I...-, r ... r....-..it . ...
'l"'""" ""I" icjiriiiny IlKliatCII, nil"
thinks I hi myself, they want tor put
mo out caso r nmnot so fine as t'othera.
But nieco Itlrah (oiled me, (hoy bo ex
cited over threo womln delegates, who
woro chosen without t lie Ir husband.
1 sod (o hor lliey had oughlor ho ruled
out, thoy have no business without
tholr men. But nlecft rtirali says In a
sorter grlovodstllo, "Why Aunt Hop
sy how can you spealc so, don't you
know (hey wero chosen in nceordunoo
with (ho law which Uw people, htul.
Why Hhould Marion and Clackamas ho
defrauded of (heir chmen rcproHontlvesy
Now tho M. of Tlio N. 0. had sont out
a proclamation ns lo ie10 these slstera
should lie, lint InntJlnw m yory (jitrc'
uiij uurii'ii in ino pocuet or one, tho
authorities of (hoV. ti iup,i0,otto,hoi
ovdr,otir he.Hlmn'r.. llSv.iV 1,(0 I
should cultivate; yet this Is not tho
thing which makes n man. It certain
ly adds (o his popularity, and conso
auontly to his success in an ontorprlso
that needs tho influence nnd assistanco
ef the people; but It docs not discipllno
him for severe trials, and build him up
again with hopo In caso of Important
Tho ploaaant things of Hfo those
which are popularly called best tho
calm experiences donovor mako men;
but tho rugged oxporioncos, tho torn
pests, tho trials. .
Ifnnian has passed tho ago or mid
dle Hfo with no murks of trlnl nr Hlruir-
gle written upon bib features-no wrink
les of caro and sorrow tuinti hU hrmv .
you limy well bellovo that ho has not yet
graduated In tho severe school which
constitutes a man.
Ileal manhood Is heroic; It experi
ences hi Its passago through tho world,
from tho cradlo to tho grave, good and
ovil, horo troublo nnd thoro Joy, hero
rudeness nnd there smoothness, ono
working with tho other,, nnd all, tho
food-ami tho ovil blended in the char
acter, and accepted with stoicism and
puttoncc. ' J
This beautiful) uneomplalnlngnccept
nuco of tho good nnd tho ovfi or lire
forms tho greater part of that education
which makes 11 man liwlend u num. In
'distinction from an animal, which can
lutvo no such education In distinction
too, from tho common human botiiir,
who grumbles at tho smallest failure,
and cringes under adversity without
dignity or mantliics.i.
ItalLand.fcK(7rjiL'lvi,iltoy'0'i.iJoPf thorbest-for jrnrden.
wfilllUaO:Ar rARi.riili'M'loiA lorinlMin 5iw5,, HAitlrtil
sm ill, w itlii,tituij; battkijunll(he ria ts ttHM?'wJJ t-'i tup!ahnpcH,.jioiidnH rill--nnd
liiiud-iifiitjdtiltl. She fliftlitj ton, largo iwlilloif In Wlbwl'r.'iiot1'
.1 I k - t .11 .Ml III! 1 las ! I InuAtk ...TT . f - WW . .
simply iinpoioio to tin mo washing """v tn Jrnniii; ijouriton itii-i-ii, I
for a family of six or eight in ludf a Ul'""-'nlp r(iy !,t"Ii. very Hue, but not
m hardy. ThIs cI.Kh will loo fnorooV Ices
Tlio too groat deslro or speaking Is n
sign of folly.
'Marriage Is promotion,' says George
Lliot. In tho oyos of Mich a reasonora
nvm wllh liss tlilrd wlfo would doubt
los pass for a brigadlergeuural.
Books aro voices or tho dead (0 tlio
living ami make ti9 holrsof tlio HTu or
past uge.s.
"Yhom do you liko host, Aunt Juno
or Aunt Mary?" saked 11 llttlu mlsn.
'()li, Aunt Mary, or course, 'cnuso sho
keeps tho cookies tin tho lower shelf.
Art posses n liingungo which speaks
to all oyc.vntid Is iliiderstood by nil tin-'
tlons. t r
A WOmiUlof IniOfcL'lHO.U'lll Ivonlwnva
but of
In will make -Ihot'lfrest Tnd'dryest
hair pliant ant losy..The experi
ment is worth trying, and If porseYeretl
la I will doubtless provo successful,
while tho doso'may bo increased with,
still moro decided effect. , M
Fow peoplo havo reason to regrot.
that they havo talked too llttlo. for
bear lo sport an opinion on tho subject
of which you nro Ignorant, especially
In thoprosenco ofthoso to whom it Is
fiimlllar. ir It bo not always In your
poworto speak to (ho purpose, Itcor
talnly Is to bo silent; nnd, though
thousands have remembered with pain
tholr garrulity, row havo reason (0 ro
penl tholr silence.
Why Is a moth fluttering about u enn
dlo liko a man getting off his horse?
Ho Is going to n-llght.
Is Your Hfo Worth 10 Cents!
Slekneo prevail everywhere, and every
body complain of some dlneanedut log their
1Kb. Whon slrk, tbo object la to get wollj . .
now to aay plainly that no poreon In this
world that U KufTirlii with Dyapepala, Hvor 1
Complaint ami ltaffTcota, such as IndigeH
tlon, Costlveness, Sick Ilrnditcbo.aourHtom- 1
aoh, Heart nurn, Palpitation or tho Heart,
Dopntnaed SpirltH, IllllounnoiN, etc, can tako
OnrjKN'a Auou.st Kuiwiat wlthoutgettlng '
rellor and cure, If you doubt, tbln ro ton J
your drujjulit nnd kot a Samplv Itottlo Tor 10
conta, and try It. ItoRular bIo, 75 coutn'
Two doaen will roliovo vou. '
W. Ii. WADE,
IX. odafBll fH)rtmHofl
Grnral Merohandif e,
DryOoodt. V ti
Boot 9l ShoM,
,; uiotning-
tlcnUtod for tho City mid Country Trade, tlooirhtaa.
ovf, nd will bo Kolil t in SMALL A I'ltOFlT. ai
hoto xttia HKLL AT COST. T"OoOli ddlvrrcd to
my Dtt ol tliu cltv free of cbartro. NoyBy
.- '
ls, not ofmg.ilnlng adlnlratlon
ivivrvimr i(, a
'-llI(ltlK'Cr .-rtlWlllll.lWni i.,iill.
lIiJ Ann Maria, you ookdo.ipuliko
.aimed (0 ( ip'P'.h of irr. 'r i . ......
R'lfcjipni't' governed by m;v.v, Imt
JJy a la.w prtHflrtjinedito'tlui uiplh, (W
' ""j nnuumini veirjpiiiiiiRtrm rieili
yoMhink niVyBitnVieoinsi.ioi7lii,jriui!,i t '--
the-("liniti be d. . Mtu7 mu 11 .t a1 A JuVy.dcclaic'd'Hlfal tlio
Homo - Mado and Hand-Mado
B q O T s .
L yna enn to nccomnuiinted by cIIIhk
.it AiuiNtioiigN .Shop,
On 8IAI0 Street, opporlto WILLIS'S HOOK 8T0IIB.
Itciuilrliiir neitttiuntt tinimitlu .i,.n n.v. .- .
t-'-4 Iwclatfl U'.TI. AU.llS-fllOWU. '
1 iiavb I'URciiAsnn tub nNTina.
InturrM of Mcrini. Vciton A Loiinharr In.
tho Furniture Htcro on the wef I rblu of
wiiis.M kissed with tluw." jOuiltvpar
''Oh, .rolinliiKli.'cd It wasn't a .row;
-wis lint Tom Kluhlw, and I mh tho
itioti htul
CommerrUI SI reel, Salem,
SOUTMENT uf kiio.1 fur tlio rrUll trade.
r UliVii 1 Uttti a UrUULbTKH Vou4
rtirlni' it. Cluuiilier Rnlu.ki !'
ROCKERS. &.C . 1
,. . llr the it or iluuio niece.
Repairing and Jobblngr
Aud i rufiioMlflo trlcj, ail (in frtlltAf ifnrlnniin
. 4
1 Jri
day, as t your model huiiic-Ueeiiin tloe
II. K Is tlio h.'iino with tlio Ironing.
Thesy with tho cooking, cliuiniiig, and
scrubbing, take up Iter tune (ill towaul
tho last or (he week, oapoclully if hor
"litiio Mary" Irippeus to bun boy who,
it Is understood, must help ids rather
Instead or his mother. When (licho
tasks arc laid aside till conquered for
tho week, tho Hide overtaxed woman
Is to worn aud weary that both hotly
and mindaroin poorcoudition to "quilt
quilts," entertain company, do fancy
work, or even plan tho campaign for
tho next week. This may boa view
of tho " shady side," but (hero are ma
ny women who spend much of (heir
lives on that sido, for want or health,
strength, experience, and proper (rain
ing, to enable them to accomplish tholr
home-work jtitt us it ehoultl bo done,
nnd ns somo may do it who nro moro
fortunate, or who nro smarter in that
Tlio best way is, when wo know wo
nro doing tho best wo can, and all wo
can, not to worry If everything Is not
dono Just when it should be. If wo
have moro to do than wo aro able to do,
select that which Is of tho most im
portance every way and mako up .our
minds to leave tho rest undone nnd not
worry over It. No one, even our criti
cal neighlors, ought to requlro of us
moro than wo can do, and tako the pro
per caro of ourselves meanwhile. We
should strlvo to train our children in a
way to enable them to overcome our
difficulties ns much' as possible, but we
should not let whnt others say, or do,
or think, keen us at work When "wo
ought to r.est.rfn'ndnjilaco-flr.oux
(he dps of tho luiuiehert'oVcTy, Winter
vet far their continuous long blooming
(hey should bo in every garden.
Moss roses aro not now Inquired fni,
why I do not know. Formerly (hey
sold readily, now I havo not Mild on'o
for (wo years. Tho perpetual moss is
no Improvement 011 tho old Juno va
rlely, of which tlio pink moss is tho
best ns to buds and mossy covering.
iunny uowrososaro Introduced every
year, mainly by French growors, but
they aro loo often a repetition of older
varieties; a row only aro hotter (linn
Giant or Rattles, La Fay, etc. Hoses
should havo a llhoral treatment; two
or threo shovelfuls of mnnuro put
around tho plant In Fall, and t.p.uled
in in .Spring, repays In abundant bloom
in ouiiiiiiur. in pens inoy biiotiKJ nave
fresh soil overy Spring, mid bo water
ed with manure water once a week,
while growing. Hi:nuy Mu.i.ku.
Aunt Hepsy at the State Grange.
Miss En. I woro fearfully, worked up
over my lust letter to you. " Don't you
think sura o' my frionds say you rlt
nun luuer;, icd, hr, mat mat veryl
single ono voted (igbi It. Muf I think ,",u" " jiuiilh "by- nn Mimninwn
tills Is leidin' loTw.iiiilii'i.rltfirt. iihthr'T'i'M ,' ,V,M,l,t " ,? lM V'H" (" l
... ,.t 1 mi., a.1 - ' trfl : ' i''-ii,tthi M lnnll( verdict re.siK'fflnir' rt
am. mightily agin y (hK r t,0 I,,,,,, who had been MWetl ! to 'Vltiui"lii
kind. Rut niece Itlrili Hiy.s "no, it jfi a mill, wliun tjio jilry rufiinikii: 'Xo
thu rights of tho I".soriI. IohimuI Jlst ' l,,mu Ouii hoalaohod to tho macliln
who I hey wantJlew roDrdsentitliom:" I Vl''J
nut tnot don't change my ns nil. Tliosn
poor fndliiblo uomen hevo no right
there unless (hey hovoi man thoro
tow tell thorn how tow vole. Whon
1110 nod my nieco Hindi got homo ami
visited our own irranira somo mm i.n(
up (ow (ell what (hey dono at theS'.nlo
Orangonnd In speaking of (ho honor
paid tho State Grange by the Ed. Fau
Mr.it, ami tho visit to tho I'enltenlory,
and I'rof. GutchoM iuvllallon (o tho
University, a llttlo womln raised up
says sho "0 what did ye? do tltut
wiison'f. toudlu' to business, Unit w.is
llo'isnrIn!''nntI them's my senlimouts
(ow. Rut nieco Itlrah looks at nvnrv.i
tiling different (ow what I do, mid alio
sed it showed how tlio Order S'lwgtln
ln' influence, and diet it ware belli'
felt (o bo a power In tho land, nnd moro
over tliot wo will iiccc give up the
good ship Untngur. NMeco Illr.ih was
dreadful sory (hoy could not accept tlio
OitA.vcin I'm:. Orato (ho yellow rind
oronorro.sh orange, tako thojulco and
pulp or two largo orangos; add to tliem
one cupful of sugar and the boston yolks
of threo eggs; mix ono cupful or milk
with the whites or tho eggs beaton to a
froth; bako In puh' paste.
VMv.t.r.n Duy ili:ici'.-Tako ono
pntiiMl of hoof, put In a stow p.tn with
out; quart or cold water; let it como ton
boll; then pour off tho water, plnco th
1....1 .in mo siovo, -jreaK in lour cl'l's,
keepconsbindy stirring, iiild ono ton-.
spfMinful or butter, a llttlo pepper, and
very little water; or omit tlio egg-, nnd
add flour Instead to thicken tliu gravy.
or til) per cent, alcohol ouo-lialf pint:
pulverized reIn and gum shellac, or
each one-fourth ounce; lot this cut In
tho alcohol; (hen add linseed oil ono
half pint, anu shako well.
nitKssi.va i-oit LurTuuB Salai).
Roll tho eggs ten minutes; put tho
yolks on 11 large plate, aud rub flno with
SAtKM ForafDafT-S'
' '0A4ac;ilitot Hli, v
ALrv.!r c , . iH. , oni'oofj.
'Bi P. DRAKE, 'Prop'r.
i", I'urjij.4, iipi
i1e to nnler. ,
Itturu.iunVlnj id.
tnd all kln.lt of ItrnM nu.l Jmu ca.tliuii nlrnUhii
I... l. .a ...m...:.'. T
r. "(l
uinrrr re Mirul ill n hurt
ir In all luvariotmri
rnu fa.ll.u. ft.M.lkl
AUei, mnnti;tiirr of KNTEm'
' -Mtirl
liort notice,
I'liANKII in
To Purify the Blood uso r. j-j-..
Alterative. It acts directly on the
blood, Rtltnulatliig tlio ab.iorbonui,.
overcoming tho Qtmtliinto atato of tho .
poroa of tlio (ikln, uiul ImpartlnK
lictltlry glow to tho Completion.
rimploH, PustuloH, Tottor, nnd Hkln
DlhcaHcs of all khula, Murcurbd
AffofltionH, Tumorn, nnd ull vnrlo
tios of coiuplnlntH urlHlng from do
prnvotl or dlaordorod blood, nro ef-,
foctuallyorudlcatod by thin roniotly.
Scrofula In all H Forms u enrod
by tho peraiatont uao of Ur. Jayne'a
1 v
, i,ii'
. i
.. . f.
. a'
, ' w 1 1
1 M
rt .1
c 1
kind Invitadon of i'ror, O. and says ho n wooden firKMiu; mix (hem with ono
Is her dear old
isiiift lita
W " -J
and .(hot It
would a been Her crownln' Joy to a bin
thoro onct more, nnd a seen his irenlal
loiter was compos'cd right In your ofllce. old facoandglvln hlin Ihoxltohand o'
Nleco'RIrah Is blngln' "Pass under
tho rod" and plnyln on her oVgan, nnd
it bothers me so,I will havo (0 say good
by. ; ' 'I . .o-MenEraAJiETU.i
fnt..n -II r.l.n.n. f ltrvu
UWIl COIIftCluillliJua uisi-imiHU" "iL2v I u'.inl lor anv n fw uw.lo f.-i mv l,ml.
- p . . avvr iiuMg s tttj ituoi
Now If I am a wimln I like to havo all
tho honor duo mo, ns a rltor. Nieco
R-lrnh's husband nenrly kilt his self
laughin' ovor that letter. "And to
think' says ho 'that the Ed. of thoFAit-
mer wroto that letter. That Is too fnn-.
ny". Rut thoyiever got me 4o smile,
fur I tliotight it werojj Imposition on
laefif aotd roaltl, furclingin' and do
pendant nsI bo, Ilik of ur folks tor.
knoWirwhenTffo accomplish a thliif?.
- . wr-frm . A W.I II
After all, wo bellevolUlMsSutejiKjf .
evenly distributed dJrwWlclfufco m,
it Is, ns JuojhMWo MmptAQOck Zm mtti lotlerfioi
meet that -Mtd fipHy.'toTKlvcn '& !&," !4nutu
on:" and JVOUCIutIOT-.nrvou8rover- eonciutfeuii
worked wojru
tho I' of II, andt waotriUtfktljr
untlcrstud that its- wc, UhepmbflUi-
- v.. '. J
A FreiiQlt woman will lovo her hus
band If he Id either witty or chivalrous;
tahlositoonftil cold water twntnliliiiwvi.
fu U sweet nil; add slowly i salt-si'oon-ful
silt, a leHapoonfut dry mustnrdj und
a teaspoonful granulated sugar; whon
these aro well blended, add very grad
ually three tablosuoonful nt vlmMr.
put In tho Iwttona of, your salad dish,
and niaco tho salad iu It: hut dnn't Mtir
as tjila would mako It wilt ami spoil.
1 nlntiVffnt wi K
$1)tn: JWitiH glfltf WSkbVl bo MW4jtrtioti
oney to
a Qerman woniiin.if ho Is constant am
faithful; a Dutch woman if ho does not
ilUturb hor ejtse and cpnftyrtjoo jnuchf
on 1 nosy l wTTO-mvur hit uisi
an ItHlian'womiWinrihVJd drel
viub.inwii iu vu lounirv 13 uu 1
Mi3iifliibst orr&mbwiaNa
Rst.f?inr WtVsicriJLarsjiM oiLi, u'i uaainJ. r,
HTi HflildMipiTl wwbtua iMtihmMl
e has uleiMiMPufMW m H "Wttv Hltnlit?
M mmmtm -
Kfinn tho till I r ulinin In hi n. ..1A
i ' . . .. . ww........ ...i. ,nv IIIHf,
inniies una
provides all (ho oil
and avoid, trie' uso ofpoj
01 i.t. 11 m nro
1 huir
quired to doyvlopo Us naUiral glis aiitl
Inherent lmfyut slidU.'w ih.I
open. the. oil elaoda .wlllwnit imai.
H)?,iS Wv4vtIortt,vi.llaiil,a the reel-
IW' , . inoirwiiure., 4;oiitlnOHi
nrhslilntr ia thn nrico fi.li.Ml.lTiti,i
ifrtl ..vi...M...JL.. - r..l...u'..i. .?.!. At - ..r .
iJfit .Ufmgmvniaaf-t twmuivrn
AUcnUlve. Itdcatroya tho nolnon-
011a principle which orltrlnatoa Horo
fula, nnd ultima toly drives It from '
tbo nyatm. It will remove onlor'go
monU of tho aiaoda or Iionca, and
la a safo remedy la caaea of Ulcere
or Sore of all kind. ,
ProjMiy md Pfptcal Swelllngt are
oflfectuaTly cured by Br. Jajae'a A
teratlve. By atlmulatlng tho actloa " '
of the abeorbonta, all watery or col
carooua dopoaltlonu aro gnuluolly, ...
carried off, toning up tho' patient M .
W-- .w .....w, ij .. V....lUlllj UJO
u :. i
-It. j
!.fj. 1
ji.fi at I (
.' WV
ov l' a
, u t ImSm
il loiwl
1 ndmt
. -mm ,H.0
' IMMt
iiu.. bn
I i -!Krt
HlLtKlU) rfJIV.
t i a i
dltremllv eirtritui ...,l .lli.7'i.-"rl'"-ln " n
Uver. Kldnora. A-cJth nordi-.''
atminn. wv-;. . A' ial!(inninlftli adl djlw
lunctlQiw. PorDyHnhVaiVr1' ,l'rd,-1,iw
poBipWntlt hM proveri n-rdlHc;!0 ' ,,,',n ",',
wXU h'itebl&rleaf,iorU fh cW'no '"'
fiVt ,ftrveraije.
. x-
nutini ii eiimor ' .:
mjm, Hmiii)mw"li"Mltlt
i( KplJepV'tm Way ttaafelV Vcll'01 el a,',a"' U1
Dy ayno'nee"ltnrt,'a''irlerlfcii!d""'' 00"
arUIHtio'liyfefcLiri!Vfi,iflM'Hw w aI
l.u.. A-immmiXL msr9 tt na.rl ImavIama 1 wcl
Mitttite WeW " " " ftSabtett
k lA -i--'-... !
, XJW!A-h,mtWm.
T - " nrlSml