FKEt M miEJuE12&& F3&MEM e V fTm"fHVtY FFICKHNofHie NATIONAL ORANGE. Matttr John T. .Ton c(, Barton, Phillip. Ark. dman, I'avr 1'aw, Van Dares, OctrietrJ.J. Woodman Mich. iMturtrk, II. Hmcilley, Crcaco, Howard, la, SUneanlA. J. Vnutfhn, Mcmiilila.Teua. Ii7 Steward Mortimer Whitehead, Mlddlebueu, Bomcrrct. N. J. CnapMnH. II. Kill, BprltntltnrouRh, warren, O. Trtanrtr-r. M. McDowell, Wayne, Htcueeii.N.Y, .SucrelaryO, II, Keller, l.oulvlllo, Kv. Gate-h'triKrl). Dinwiddle, Orrhnnl drove, Ind. Certn Mr. John T. .Team, llirlon, I'lillllim, Alk, Ftota-Mtr. Samuel K. Adamr, Aloiiliccllo, Minn. umoni Mr llnncy (loililarrl, North Mruiihy, Ct. vy A'iMimt .Steward hUn C'arollnu A. Hall, Loulavlllt, Ky. EICUUTIVH COMMITTKB. 1). Wyntt Aiken, (Chairman,) I'nltcebury, H. V, V,. It. Hlinnk mil. Iluliuiiui Iomii. IMillpy T. ( linrv. CI in mint N. II, Allium (I .liter. Uim k I'ui,,- Whlti'dili'. HI. W. It. ChutiiiHrx, (Janmliio, Hurcell, Ala, OlllrcrN of Oregon Mtalo Urutiue. WntttrVi'm. f'jriif, Frio. fJumrrr-A It S'lipli.y, Oswfpn, , , lAciufr-ilit.K N. Hunt, Sublimity. ti-tcittttiu'V. I, l)itld'on. Halcm, . -, -auwanf-W II. Tiiii'iim, U'airCViiUi, V. T.' Atthlnnt Ntviiird -u V. Illildlu, C'aiijenvlllcr Ciniilaln W. II. (Ir.iy, A.loilu. ,. ,- TrHWirtr-HfV, l.e i'6tllanil. S t (laU-Ki'iMr- A II. (ImIiuiii, I'lslicr'rf 1uidlii,', Clark count, W T. (Vn-1-Mr. II. A. Mlllor. .lackninVllln. Jiinoim Mri H I), llurhiin, McM-mivl lc. 7VM-MrK. I A.K'lly I'arl I'nttUliJ., , l.mlij Ain't .StcwtrJ ilre. (leort;ll HmlthrUooil M'l.nn tnnn r. k&eutlte VomintUuVTn. C'yriif, Stlo; It. Clow, DjIIih; I'. I,. Hniltli. IIimkI lliwr. , filali Jlulit(4i I''Ht-'l. I'. !. I'orlloud. Stato Grange neimtiou for 1877 IUI OJflct. firjirtii. IUNTON. A llolilir I'l.AtlUMAH. Kiinrh hklrvluc, N W llnmlill .Corralll; .Corrallli llutto Creek, Oregon city., nuLiiuii. J.W llatel .......MjMloOi-d: , t, fl.T.l.i... ll.,lna ritllliili ...... M H l.,lll'l .,.... ..,rtlt. f, j.VW.t ...... MUI.TSOialI, I'i . l'l)inilnn Killf Ratt rirllaud....KnitJoJllnd MAIIIOt, 1 l'f.'nllenriii Iliilluvlllu irr U W Hunt Uuhllinlly..,. KaJcia i Ikl KIJfr. I 'JN TMIIIufA lackuntlllo JacktonvUlo I'nUv. 1' A I'atturiwji Illckrual Baltm I.4KS. .1 J Clinrlton (luore Ijke TacknoaTlUe jii'KnuaB, IJ.uik'l Klnl..i Kerbyvllle JacknouTUlo t.Air. JuiiH'ii W MatliKW ....(liulicn I.INN, It A Irtlno Lebanon Albany nxtso, John Km! Tyjjli Tke Dallci rMuiu.. ) ( Duilimn...., McMlnnvlll) J H.tppliiKtou Oaituu IIIUNT, I) II lllmlinrt Canyon City Canyon City IOI.VM1IU. U W.Murll Columbia City Tii.i.muoit. II 1''ii Tillamook North Vamhlll I'MATIU.A, J H Wlil tn Wvtlon Wvatou 1111)14. J Henry Hhroedcr,... Ott wauiiMirroN Tinnirunr, (LAIIU. , ,v H VT Itrown...., Vancouver.. I.,, oolumuu. ' ......,... 1, i DIOIIIi .., ...... WllltMAH. f n ut.i. ..uayion... ......,........., IIb Itlnxerr. Colfax.. , OHSilaua. ' TtVV CoUax H2 uooiiaia Kima ........ .......f.... VIKHCB. Sti Maikham Chehalts loat TIIUnaTHN, 1. 0 Abbott Olympla .Olywpla X Lonuilra ,,..,.,.t.Voln...... ............", KINO, Jultu Ilnrloa Hcatl'.e.. Poattle I.BWI. I. H I'lurnin,.,.. Claiualo.. .....,..,, YAKIMA, CI' Cook KlIunMiarx ,1, In any conntr wbiri tho Depnty ainolntiM la uot tlui moat rnllablo, tho (lrniri' of ilio locality ylll iiropcrly liullcato tomua rholci. I will hoplra'tnl, for in many liKtancvit I l.aui lire n ohllvi'il lo luaku ap. iioibUuvutD without LljuIiiIxo to niiirm. .WM.jOVMUa,wa S 'AntWt Onvou Statu Oranao, 1'. of II Mooting of Suborditmto Granges rv0 Kriiiviiv llplHi'o. 8t; nn.t i lii 'Alliiyfir&-th(riif ' uiiu iiii.tiuriuva m mtcu mouin, in iua. in. Oak I'lalii, No. tl, Iu llalney, 'Jnd and ltd haturdaysni II a..m. , T-v r fr lliiiiinr, No, WVIn OranfnriliiVillor 1st and Urd .Saturdays, at- p. m. : ' i,,i N.vrsMiio No, h3, at Millers Station, lib 'Saturday, at 1 p. in, larimiiou No. 21, el abanon, 'J J and 4tU aaturdarrat' 10 ".'.' Oraud 1'ralrle No. 19, 4th Saturday. " Knox Hutte Nu. 2J, Jat ami 3rd Hatur t,'M . . . i Nautiam No. 37, aaut And -lib Hatunlajra, at 10 a. m. ' llnmiuvllle No. It, let And 2nd Satur days. V 'IViiKont, No. 7, Utaud 3rd Fridays, at 10 a. in. llarrUburg, No. II, 1st and 3rd Satur days, at 10 a. m, j y Yf rmeau, no. U, 1st ami 3J Saturdaya, at 10 u. in. Happy lldnn No. It), tit and 3d .Saturdays In oaoii uiouili Aom Oototnir to June, and on iiusroN oouNrv, Hoap Creek No 11, Ut Saturday at 10 a, in. Willamette No ,VJ, latThursiUy, at 10 rt.m l'hlloinalh, No I J, 4th Saturday, at LANK COUNTY. i'roisMoll, No. 01, 4th Saturday, I p. m lIiiKono, No. .V), lu Kugnaa City, 3rd Sat day, at 10 a. iu. I'litrliy, No 7tl,a.l Salunlay. (IiikIicii, No. lot, l.tSU'.urday, at lOo'clook Juuuiloii City, No, 43, iind Mat ut day, utl i p. in. . ' " MoKeiule, No, 107, Camp Creek, '2d Satur day. roue COUNTY. Oak l'otid, No, 3,, standard Salurdaye.jjj ,h Hmv'hiohcouniV, x a ivi .Mdiiiia, No 13.1, Ith Salunlay, Itni-k I'njm, No 1SY Jlli(r.y, all pni. H.itto Onmk,' So. 8i, 3rd SMiuiUy: ut 10 u. in. WASIUNtll'ON COUNTY. lliitveilou Ni 100, maota Ut, Hdurday, at . . I . . ' f V , . - 10 o'clock. rjTTTT rnofl Tub tlniiKa-Ttiti KuirtlllVf Jaava the total nouiiir of rof psvliu (Irailktu la roirlid atll.iUI, nottluoludlag Alatiatna; OregbnV inn mi naiuroay too luiaaoe or tue year. llarilionv Nil. "A. Mr. I Milnnluv ririlrlv exi'iipt In Nov. Ihw , Jan., Feb., and March, vwhou they moot the Ul Friday, ArlaiiM, MoiiUmi, and Canada. Up lo Ihe Usulng of Mr- Ivellay's riwirt, In 1H7!,, tbera had bimii Uaua.1 In the UulUal Suu, 'i 2U0 ohartern, whlnh, pli Kii last year, makesa total or 'iS,179, vlug 10.M1 O ranees, or about two In. avnry live dadleonaolidated, or dallmiuaai. This Is a praUy aaavy rata of tuorullty, bat not saeaaalr ' whau we re aaeaiber now asaay U tastes, asaaaUllv ta 'tbe BortHersst, wars orgaaUad waeai tbara was not suflscleat larrUory aa4 amBbira le support I bans, ' ' - 7 What U t Orogrt 11 tW following extract from the National Granger I an excellent lllaatnUon of what the grunge la and what It accomplishes: It Is s moral organization the virtues of honesty, intoKrlty and frugality aro tauttht and Icoptconatanlly boforo the the minds of the membors, and no ono la ontltlod to memboruhlp who is dishonest, Imperative, vulgar or profano. It la u nodal organization, for tlio reason (hat the brothers nml siBlors moot in happy unison, rejololnx togother iu that fraternal fooling which lias n tendoncy to lmtirovo aooluty und make us willing to listen to tho wants and rellsvo tho dl-trctscd of poor un fortunate brotliersnud hlitcrs. It Is nn Intellectual organization, for In the giangu brother t-trllcort hnud with brother, and slilor with ulslor, uud oiioh ono htrko-' invlgorato each (o elucidate, enliven and other. It also liolpi (o oilucilo thoin in their hotnc, homo and Hold duties, us wo well know (hatn good hounowlfu will, in tho ex otiiplllluntlou of her duty, stimulate her ulstnrs'tu go nml do likewise. Also, nn at trjotlv), plraiuit and wall oidorod home vAtmut Mil to inspire nu uiitlnisiiisiii which cannot bo resisted, and which must mnko lniireslon that cannot bo o islly ururd N nlnt with tlio f.trmj tint brother who raltoM two biiiliiils ofuurn or other cronn. wimti Dm other raUts but one. und oomiIJIlcs It, iiiihi and will awaken n duilru Iu otherd lo obtslu u similar result. Keport. To tho Worthy Mahtor, and memborn of Closhen Uruugo: We. OUroollimlttee lo Whom was rufiirrrd tho ritolutloiin or I'onimm Urnngo or Alurlon county, willi lusti uctloilH to give oxprosMi n or diifben Urango on matters ooutalutd tbortln, would reciHctfullv rminrt tlmt u nto or the opinion tlmt the capital w hluh has controlled the monopolies hnrolofoio in tho Willumutte valley, are controlling them at this time. Thcrelnro, JtnMilvod, That wo would doom it a wise ami Judicious pollnyln tho producers of this vally on the river thoroughfare at this time to preparo lor nny emorgonoy that may arli-o In the matter of transportation or their pro duce, notwithstanding tho old companies havo made liberal lieduellonuou freight and fair promises I'or the future. KtihoUttl, Tluil w would reooinmend the producera to ialonl.o O. W. I.oukhoart iV Co's, iraiiHportatlou uumnauv as lonir hh tlmt company carries loru falrnud liborarfiolght, ami no lumor. ltiiMiiivuil, '1 lint wn are of tho opinion llnu producorH of this valley havo caiimil and mi ergy suliiolinit at their command, If proisjrly tisud, to eventually control the freighting bUhhiMHOf the Wllhiiiinilo river. Cali:ii Davis, Uhalnnau. Tho SUto Orango at Salom. Kaht Iouti.ani, May an, 1877. Ed. Fahmkii.. I think the Urangers should all wrltu aomethiug to your papor, at least iu regard to tlio pleasant uiauuer lu which they wore entertained by tbo good people of Salem, e.paolally tbo editor and hiafamlly. Such a Hoclablo time they navor should for- fot, all seemed to.eajoy tbemslve so well. I was almost enough to make a person, for get the carea.or home and frailly aad to J ' iWtrtojsshlng besides slaves to the rami, which they si ways have been. It shows that the farmer la reapecteil by othor classes or atopic, andktlMugU. Ihorarmers hai hsretoforeepjoyed.lesi'ifliclal' privil eges tbaa almost any other claw .ofiiooplo, WO (eel that (ho limn linMrnnw, iiIi.ii u,,nl. iiiivneKfs are noi only open to but apprecia ted by rarmerM. Mautiia A. i.ii.NT. . In resronso to Ihe aboo, wo wu aiy tliat thoeiiJoyment'wiiNtntitiml, for not only the editors ot tho Fahmkii, ami their laiiix, bht tint friemls among tlm eHiapui oIH ilmn, woo were iiriithiit mi iliut ,nniii, ..n...ri, lit declaring tlmt It was one ot the iiiohI ,n. Joyablo iiiuh they over lemoinln-r simndlnu. iihoiolt will uot be the last or the kind Hint will be enjoyed '"gajkiu. t rj TT ?3 ,31 CeleBrUonjt Turner. " '& Tim.NKa,Juno5,lb77. K. Faumku: At a mcetlucof thooltiznna of Turner and vicinity, J4y MsktlMlaitiatory steya were takeu for the prvfaratlou for one ol those eiijoyableooeasioaa, abator cele brating our 101st National BlrtMaur at this place. An Invitation waasxtssslasl ta iaavi them to ox tend tho Invitation to their slater Lodges and Orange to be pressat and par tlcipato In the eaerelaoa oftbeday as oraaui. aaiioua with the privilege orriurmii an orator to addre uie ionle9a"tsajeoMloa u uyu.i iui uioir rtMiouiiva orUers. An In vllatlou Is also extended to one and all who wish to Join with us In oelefaratlnK this our natal day. The following rwolutlon was a .'opted: He solved, That tlio aectetary bo Instructed to furnish tho Salem and Albany papers with a copy of the prooeedlngs of Ibis mooting. Cloud orators and a l-,k.I ilmu lu nmnu,i llioae who wish lu imiiih, Come one, come all, with ba-kots well tilled. For the tteueUt i't those who wish to eugage lu lbs amuse mentor tripping the llglu fantaatlo toe, a good htaKii will be erected and music aupplh ed, under tho maiiHgemviit orsouaa reepoual bio (Hirbon. m i r, i J.O. UlllAICKBTCll'n. M. A. O, lt01IKHTM0N,F0C'jr, ' Now Forma. Dom anyone lynow how NSaay aw (arms havo boeti oamel (u tho United feMatvs and thai r territories thla yat- how waay new tog cauiua been bulltt how aaaay acres" 111 YUgut sou jiioweit.up for tha tasi time? it lymi piniuuia that auyona does know ivithaaactueat: hut there la a little table In horep.irt of the Secretary or tbo Interior, pru.eiitid to Congrtua lately, which furnish ea tho uisterlat fir an approximately ftotract fwW1' to theae qnostlona.' JDurliig tba year ending with June last there were takeu up finder thu bomeatead law UJifc.tfoo aosaa. rsen i ami waeiiHp uaaer tue uoumieau law 1 r actual cultivation, an la gonarally lakMt lp lou of I dp. .. It, would appeart therefore, thai luore tbaa 17,000 new faraaa were commenced last year uudar the hpia ataaallaw alona: Hut this la uot all. Thar were sold" dur lu. the year tUAjtVi aoras for iHtab. aad U7,oW aena wara altowsal sat aalll Uryland warraaU; 1 h) ao tjaaht trasj that aasmtetierihaaa TKW aaraa mm haastht r eatatad by others thaa actual aatsastaTW apsaaiatora at Inr.BaaariM whs saaaw taTaaf- aaenUofthkiBattira for future purposes. It would to fair to aatlmate, however, that half of the 778,831 acres were purchased or eater ed for the purpose of immediate settlement and cultivation; and this calculation would give us 2,432 more new farms of 160 acres each. There were also 21,018 acres entered upon the Sioux and Chippewa half-breed serin, and 007,081 acres taken tip undir the limber culturo law. Leaving theso two latter Items out of the ratoulatlon, wo havo an aiwregnio 01 about 111,600 new nomes. in llvo years from now thise 10,500 farms, un der good management, ought to produce an nually some twenty million bushels cf wheat, somo forty million bushels of corn, and Homo four hundred head of oattloor iwliio iiialcluKnroviAlniminnrethanonnuKh to furnish moat nml hre.d forNowYoik city lor a yoar. ir. r. World. HOW T CIKT AllNO.-UuU't stop to tell slorfos In business hours. It yru havo u placo of Intsin'.S'j bo found there when wonUd, ino man cm get rich by hitting arountl Hlorris ii ml s.ilnoiis, Winer "fool" In huslnnss mDltors. Ham order, sj-tem, ruguUrlty mil Uroilli' tfh, Din.. med lie with buhlnota you know nothing ''I'- tm not klt'k every one In your path. Morn milts can be mudo lu a daj by going sicaiiuy inan ny slopping. I'ay us you go, A nntti of honor rcapcotn Ills wtrd as no dons his blind. Help others when ou can. but never clvo wiiatyou osnnot allurd to, Minply Ii Is l.isblonablo. I.i-arri lo 'ay No. Nn necessity of snspp Iiil' It nut dog fmhlon, luitiny It (Irmly and restieclfiillv. U-o jotirown brains rather lliati tb'so of others. IjTirn to think and nnt lor vour-flf. Keep ulinul of rather than behind tho times. Yooiw men. out this nut mid If Hum bn sny fdly In the nrgumoiit, ! us know. Decoration Day. About ono bundled niumbrm of tlio Grange rra'rnl y, mei on .Salunlay last, tho O.h lnst.,ln tbogiove botwicn tbo anil Odd FnlliiAra' t'eiiititerv, and after hav ing donned tholr regalia, formed In procois Ion, and, under the dlroctlon of Otlu Sauigr, Marshal, marched lo the O I' Cemetery. They wure laden with fronh UowersJ to strew upon the graves or departed members or the Order. Short nddressss, upproprlalo to (ho memory of theso who had gone boforo were niado at eaoh or the following uravo: Mrs. F. It Smith, Mrn Pierce Mrs. Jiidsou, rillburn Crump, 1). 11. Carlwlght and Mr. Ht'tinels. Aftor tho ceremonies the proceds Ion refirmod uud rolurneil to the roe, 11 III, M IV I'lltullftll UMUfa,l..tnil u.l.l Hll.lrnH nf when the company dispersed to tholr overaf homes. IMtoiiAiu.K lliwuir oka Foitntfi.v AVAIL Tho Now York l)dtyni JJolh Uusslii nml Turkey, tlio two powor.s now involved, uro praln pro ilui'Inu; uouutrins. llu.sslit iisuully ox ports each .vettr about 675.000,000 binliold of unilii (o England and Eurotioan coun tries; Turkoy und hordononuouclud lust your exported to Qreat Britain ulono 0, 800,000 busholn. i that betwoon thoso founirioswotUdrprob'ibly cut off alwut 42,000,000 bushels of prnin usunlly distri buted throughout Kuropo. This defi ciency tho Uuitud-fitHtes would bo uiuinly expected to sunply, This is only ono way in which tho war would oilbct us; but it In tho ono wheih has a direct bearing on our railroads, whoso Is either good or bad, accord Iiil' as tlio crops of tlio Western Stnlos aro !arj,'o or suiall, and accordluu; as thoro'ls-n-forbigii 'demand or not for them. There arc iitluir wnvs In wliiid. tho war would favorably ttllect us, and not a tow in which tlio effect .wohid bo unfavorable-. .It Is'nrJy yot-to aav what tho western props will bo;'tiu inillca tions, mi far, however; uro favorable. UllillT .Sl.M'-Kvri;i;j. NotllillL' hhrtri u iniujuniro thah to boehiJ H)nnfl niui iL'ifoiiU) in his own ov.w It w !. slavish feelltiL' tlMtdepnid'o4.tliol.ivi. A base ambition niakes tho hmu that ciierisiios it base. No ouo can dobaso you but yourself. SlandorM satire, talseliooilJjijudUce-l theso can1 never rot. you otyourmaultood.Menraay, Ho uboutyoufttjhoy intey cherish swK plonBmanlfoltl,"they may mako,your leenncs tno tariroior.lholr.Avit or cru jlty; never bo alarmod; never swervo nn Jnch.rom.tlio lino your judmunt and conscience" havo murkod out for you. Thev eannot bv nil rlinlr,rtj tage away your kuowlodjjo of yourself, tho purity of your motives, thu inte-' rlty of your character, and tho iieno rosily of your nature. While tiieno aro ieft you aro in lailnt of fact unharmed. No hinj outside youtvelf can over make you smaller than you aro to-day. If you shall dwindle; it leanness ami Inability .shall coinu to any faculty; if you shall loso what makes vou an orna ment to the rank ami ortler and intelll Konco to which you were born thu t, . - " -.. .. ,.. ios will do a noir-inillctod one. Self dejrriitiou is the only deKratlatlon man can know. Gotilen JlttU'. OltoiMiN Kanhah. Chlvusn, ainy 1 1. ThojfYi6nm: this morninu; publishes reports from ill eouutifs in Kansas. In nearly every county tho total lU'reuim under cultivation lurRely exceeds that ot last year, and wheat, oats, rye, hurley pie., nuver looked -Utur. Com plant Injr Is delayetl on account of.lho buuk-i ward sprlii;r.ngrit af fovfiloenlltltes the KniHsliopiaviuatlnifis'tlio'runsolve(l problem w yet, but it is jjenorally set Mwl that Kun:is will iilitiit wholly es capo tho deatrujtlou or her crops by locusts this year. Till: OOOn WlKi:. Sim i-.imi.i.m.l. ,eth her husUtnd in any vuuul matter by coiKstautly tilwylii; him. Blio never crovseth bur huaUmd 1. tho Kurinatldo or her anger, but stays till It bo obblnjr water. Her clothes aro ruthor comely than costly, and alio makes plain cloth to be velvet by her handsome woarlnjr NsvexJkJiwfcBd bAxm oaer-troa-W of any klrnlMf you Hro vexedwith ypuraalf or tho wortti tMa to uo way to Mike, and. depeud upon it (hh wlU octtuwelcoBie thoBghta. WAsniNOTOH's Idea or Civil Sbbvick. In January. 1780, four months before he waa inaugurated, be wrolo to Samuel Hanson that If be entered upon public life again, be meant to bo "not only unlettered ny promts es, but oven uncharitable with creating or feeding tbo expectation of any man living for my assistance to olilco." He eald "the ear of the nominator ought to be open to tho comments on the merits of each candidate, and to bo governed primarily by tho abili ties wh'ch aro most peculiarly adapted to tho nature ami unties ot the muce wmen is to no tilled. " He was determined to go into the obalr of noverument perlectly irors and in match, 1780, ho writes to Benjamin Harrison that in limiting appointments, "a duo regud shall be hud to the illness or characters, the proleuslons of ditlerent uaudidales, and, so tnr dm proper, to considerations." He oonstanily ropeats this ptlnclplo, adding, on one occasion, the dlstrihuHou of positions of ItuDortance lo arIous pans of the Union as Indl'poiiKiblu to the happy beginning of i ho government. Hut Illness Is ulnars the foremost rnndllloti. When i-hiiig n had onteiod upon tho o!ll! of I'rrfeideni, ho I'mII thai nominations forapp iiitmrnt itr.i nuioni: the mostd ll cale and difllrult oi his dutis. Ouoofhls eaillest letters upon the sttlij-ct la to tho widow of Oenoinl Wonster, tho horo of the fiction at baubury durlu tho Uuvnluliou. Tho letter is very lender and oiiuidorato but firm and respecilul. "As a p.ub'ln mnn, act tit only with lo'orniU'O to tlio iniblui good, I luttatbo iillowfd todsaido upon .ill points ol my duty without coiisulclug my iiiolluations and wishes. " And in tlio aitno letlor: "All that I lequlro Is the name and hiicIi loath mnnlals with respect lo abilities, integrity and Unless as It may be In tho power of the mj ral applicants to produce lloyond this, j iioiiiiinr witti me is tiica&ar.v or win on or tiuv avail ti them III my decisions " ! Noven. her, 170, hu wrlfes to Jooph .Ione: "In every iioimuntiviu to olilco I liavueu duavorml, ki tar as my own knowledge ex tended or Information could be (drained, to make tituofts of character mv nritiurv id) Jeot." In Kobruary, 1791, after hoiiorabl) and faithfully folldWIug this eourso, he writes to General Ainistrong: "In a word, to a man w ho has no ends to servo nor friends to piovlda lor, nomination toollhe Is the most Irksiiine pirt of the extcuttw trust" MhIcImk tho lust distinction betuHn political ami mm political otllca, hfi wrPe.s In Timothy Pickering In September, 1795: "1 shall not, whilst I have tho honor lo admin later tlio government, briuir a man Into any ollli-o of consi-quenoo kaowluuly wh" polhictl teno n are adverse In the mcHsuna which the (Jeuoral Oovetnmeiit aro pursu lue, tor.thls, In my opinion, would be u sun of political sulnlde." Dr. H. SMITH, 3NT M7I S T MAIiKai, OREGON. Olilco moved over HltKYMAN UttOS.' NEW 8TOJIH Olilco hour from 0 a. m. to 3 v. in. Salem Flouring Milli, UXST FAMILY FLOUH, BAKBR'B KXTRA, XXX. SUPKRFUiB AND ORAnAM, MIDDLINOH, BRAN, AND BHORTfl, ConMtnutly oil Haxad. HltflnoMt Prloo in OA.SI1 Paid for Wheat ' taut; O. KINNEY, Aront 8, F. If. Sent 13tf Oo KhTAULlMlCI) 1835. .,- Willamette Nurserv, &. W. WALLING & SON. rROI'ltlKTOlIS, Oawogo, Olrtclcamas co., Orogou. PEACH PLUM, mio Italian l?ruuc, Ami tho bed ark Ilea ef a'limi, & in lie, Cciicli, Alilo, 1'enr, Cherry, Nut and Shade Trees, IN HJl.l. ASSOltrilKNT. Sond for Desci ipt ire Catalogue. It. STKANG. Inipuitcr ami Dratar In 'S Improved Ivjiugs, COOK, PAULO U, AM) l(' S T O "TaT 3F3 tr Aua Hunu'niiurir nr Tin, &.Cocpet w ,V IC i.J, lulou Hlixk. Couttiivii'UI (Irrat, SALKst, ...... OKKO'iA. I KiCSfBOTiuULY lN-OhM AtU 'BY Oil a .Wiauui laod cut- iner. I I Ur. rraurJ bu.l. sxaa, aaa UTllath pablle txv ral y t .falm4 i, rxt" ral if t rait b4 t ia. arW ' N. mliaxTV uw m wu ama wata u-t rwa ' IS. 8.H. OLA'"T , . .ami tHtar rrilrs: u7urJJt l !2? ?" n,Jr "tnUrtialsr.-I-,Klho lai.SVBTAnCKN A P . lAl ( ai mmJms- SSBkaBBBas SBvk WMC ataav' 'kv Www tF ' Twm WsL Ml m wwrNwm&&Smswwmllly! 'IsweWw fort oak, XMlotaaxoxa, tk. Or. PROPRIETAltY MEDICINES os DR. CHANDLER, F.R.8.A., Lata Phytleiaa t M. Qtorpa't and 8t. Barthalo- maw'a Haaeltil, London, Curator to aTEIiiabeth'a, etc After ieor of the most rnhorlntit re. atareh und invmtlitatton, and afiir the practical application In tieatiueuttn limit- ii iu of patient, le. Chandler, .I.M., M.V., now present to the American jiub lie the following remeiltei, hi milv die. covcry and property, the rfflmcy of ivlilch it utimtril in tho roliiniliioii nuinitltn of testimonial, the unsolicited ofcrliiis of suffering find dlsrourayed patients, uhn havo nut only recolved relief and henejlt from tltelr continued use, but ham hi en rudlinllu cured of ailments und chmnlo roiajdalnts, which have btvii aiinined by lArt moaf tmlncni physicians as hopeless, THE WONDERFUL EGYPTIAN BLOOD-PURIFIER. IIxBlVAn. ft T!it incomparable DWtniAril'jf'iii ft powerful All'VllATirj:, XttMltl, J)T VltVTIC, ltl.l fJlUltJSTJC, and Al'Jtltl J:KT, combining virtue u-htch inula' U Invaluable unit newer-falling, and by it continued use tvltl thorouyhly ciutll titto all diseases of tlm blood, lis, Ingre dients mro of a pitnly harmless extrac tion, the products gathered f i om remote J.)ltItln Provinces, and where there Is the slightest taint of tllsiase in the sys tem, It never falti In ejecting Hint ulseiiso through the medium of the shin, ttr ex pelling tt through the many anil various cAituiiel of the body, tltetchy ullcxclug, nml, indeed, forcing all the minits Into tlirii' proper normal mid functional con dition, A very brief spine uf llmo niil caitvincw any patient lining it, of its un doubted reliability and tconderiil cura tive properties, it being, most unquestmii ttbly, tit very acme of medical trliiiniilis. ifff( in tho tieatnienl of At. l;l tilmenmn where the blond itself is tiftmnrllu lint seal of the lesion or disorder, such t NCIMVVLA anil tho thouwnd and ono causes tkm load to till terrible ulllctlon, of tefstth ell civilised communities are ey Of "Bins of tin, father shall mnto4he third and fourth, nsit- mow jiiuiica jiruii, i ins iii.rri. rial emtl ."ttiul to JlllOKV.N-lttinU AM JUytMMBM'Milt VUHbXJJUTlOKS it it a tf.cerfwt rejuvenator, causing tlm urech of man nce more to assume tho Ooii-lili tonn of manhood. J'or C VTA N I: O VS Til 8 1 VI SJ.Vf , Vll TX- Aitr ntKORHEits.t oxsrti'ATio.s on CQSTITKNX8H, J.tyjJlt AM MUSKY COaif&JUXTS.UJtAJ.JtA I. A A U KJAl V OVS DM HI LIT Y, JtlUJI MATJXJir, ar.Axnvi.An xalaikij.mvma, vn- THi:tiIOXATOU8 lAXCIHt, M'VllVY. AhlllCTlONS O.' Till: HUM:.1!. 1XDO- i.i:nt vacuus, 1'i:3iaj.v 1'I.AIltTS (and to the gentler scjo it Is a boen Ion) sought for by sensitive, susern title, and delicate to females, as It u filr ailments) AX It direct nttion all rmuMH hy oiiitoxia dim: as i MDOI v uiinoxja jhhi-'asi: ix wiiicii Tin: iilouo is tiii: m:at OK XUM IltOUItl.i:. it is invttllHililv. A ptrsetermnce with this remedy will p'uvo posit! and permanent cur., ltr VUILLS and 1'KVAltS and alt JdALA llIAIi l'OlSONH. Thousands of Testimonials attest the truth of these elmlms. Jhrfot, One Deltur, in large bottle, or tlm tout, $8. mmmt ' ...,... , .. - . OD't.t-'oJ vfwwv -viiw Mia nui,-j niji.f tfjj.i.r 'BX'lItt J onto ujii om aat UlH i Jojutn 'ntts av ni io iurf iIIUH, at saaa ama 'VlW ;N umU!j I j no mm ai owja "S 9oysss asaaa pttai HnfiV UIU tSjatawMSN SKaa'asaaiSMjJ tt ii Imq'o'ui mJ Ut1fo ff latMM pun fuuiftuMlo W2OJ 'lS VHdrt piinj.iiS3 -Itaw '-r Z1IT r"I " M ' VIIIMiMM lllrfl. (tU3UI)D3J) VI CllfSn Ol Mi) d) pMRMa UMa ojtuii 'vauni Inti.iiitiKt tujii Mtttf tna 'ltftuaa Aitto m ujjujjli osuii oqmJlHvtu puu uou&4otqu flq fssnj) Majo wxomnt intttJvi oi; ojkiiim ij inn 'Aituofsuf jtowio tu .yirjo'ii jji.i "Cmm t oioif J MO'lTiT i'I 'nana u.i -;.t: m oiojitliiiviujnn puu ctuhidiuli OlUISSilU linifffU Wltinli .jihi.,1 t..t.T .... 1 ot pitumud U33ii wi i;j.i7j littimutt oiJjipju pitu'iuimilmvi niutju .O.IIH ni um .jnij jjijo kitotauMm pun '.(.".i dij Jo uoilin sjion out J n uiinujUitua iHiipiud o) spuit fjji)iil).iml u))h,..iii Jo iVi iiunl,,tj oui oin IvJiili.i vif iif iiiilivim sf pnoiq oifX atli) JMJU.I7P put, p,J mud if m VJiipojil o; jiiij; sjsuna lUinjc 'Noma sp!oijJoui3H -S31?d ct)s o 'aiuoq imF s)uo anssff wife HUilUSU reuaiHtMIHXMI ,u.1M aui .JaUj, puu UHiutuuHi iff fvati iua Jatl.t jwjjJ1 OMtpMjfo Mvi 'tdap syt imoui j Alum . f cm tit sn ) pttm iidn o ; ntK , ! on MOaHOYHX ! Aprmlt ' mm fum j4a m tf Atm) mtrnmui- fum 'iubAj J tit ams mj$ )uiJt -p am BtithsuSp Jtnt asja amw$ qn jtainatss, asai t mn nfnm -an ttnm UmH nttpr fnoutpn ! tanniat m ap,m mid er;iM -otdm ttusmtnm tl 'Jail naasimauMf ma 'iafa Ma tasjfo N031WYUX 'ue)tmstadxi pun tsAno AuftnavvwoSj OUrSaJntuu ox 'HOIX.JW.1SHOO Aipuon osva pllf m tfjaiMtwaoa $sitti i-f)nrJ aim M4 aauy tmus awjashi Htpnq jo jJ pauoaun 'taiqat 'fUnoo enoiaas u a; ri'' UHUo W Pla paiua-u '0,j y 'AIOailDVUX SNOI103JJV ONm ony sniHooaa - tsamnn aum Jo 'ajipiq oOjp ii .iv;Ocrf uii( 'aa,x joii Jo auuuijujjad aii wt puaiXsa a tout aauo f)m tuatsll jij Joaou -IIj.'I an puu unnaia mt paaofa si itauutsi ! lutllu iw Aq VZiOUt-u Anpaad t JJll lU-luapa u Ouynaind ..osjsd lju puu lijuuaiH Jo Annqtl'Jl VU4J uyx tJU)itJ)u) puu tauKtui ain Jo tioiau Jtwi a in aiouiojtf puu 'ililiua ipi unit -SfaA .in i) suiUUo ivt))p vi aj,,)aj. mat tuauituajijoasjnoaj -fuq i finuv;iua "II" J" Outssaadap ttuut i"JI'l -ua yaia -IkOil pu Ulpaad ajuu u ., .VOUa. I tt TItB Alton: nKMEDTKA Atttl thorough in tho tradteallon of the diVtr- c cut and Ml r lou n maladies dcunmlnnted, ami mv li s-M. of patient, s.arclAua, , laborious, and selsntlfio Ou,, !(,,", . embracing a period of muna t,r vs. in . Xarooe anil America. ' ' If the steeiiUj diuctlons arn cmintl'-l teWt, thiiUHHiJs of pat; ills trill I ,f, uass ta their relutiva itttrils, c. j- uritf ecery ajcrtio. IJ.t,v t 'iv-. ttculs so desire, JUt f..w..y .wHiutivuiitiiij J , , . j y,r II..JIU III, ...1 f . - 1 be plemstd to iiiva o'll )' ,-,, Iteat by Utter if i,eretar, , M . " '' uua j.iuu'(Oi llfu- Urcf the ulove lemnl.c. , ., o ,pt , Of StatnU. If tha I'y llM.t - i,v ...h...u j . i MKDlC'tXKd are net on sale ( ' '" particular druggist's, tend orders to "".' DR. CHANOLEH, "-.,',: "tt . Htl rassray,'irri.T.'i,-4Cltj.1"- ' " aui a I - jS u c 4 .i-l aa r. a mnirwMM. i. c ' si i i 'TaBU KODBK,' &XLMM B. K. carasr, H Uad of ttalra. . mMtk vnfrv r w .ivvdaa i Si tt . 1 i .m .it r H tf.i I a 1