Ti u r t r r lit rnrMVyHhA -er ",w JL5- rIKI!CTOIlY. 'J' w.' $', Coun.-.MrtS. C.McClunjr, KtiReneClty. O. Sto'y-T.JIi Crawford. Porllahtl, O. A . Si'c'y -L. Stat nn, Xlnnroo O. Trcai.Ktnm i Kellovir.Toftlaudi 0. Uhap. llcv, J. II. N. Ilrtl.-AfMand. 0, Mar. J. W, btraniic, Kofalmre. (1. U. .Mar. Anulo K. Undcrtviind, Collate C?roe. (I. On ml Miry Csriwrlcbt, Tho Dalle. O, Heu. T. F. llurton, Amity. 0. .Mck.-L- V. I'lsher. 81 ijton. P. O. W. v T. Tllmuu 1'orrt; Halom. Suiil. Juvenile Tempi u Mr. M. -Hosier, tir. cxtGrou'. Mute Deputy J. V. TV, Itov. J. It. :.". llv.ll, A all iiixl. .. Win, Hi.'ko I. Weston. Capt. 0 V. Anplejrutc. LlnkVUlc 11. II Allen, llalsey. T. 1). llandley, lltlliuoro. Aa81irevo,ljiilla. II V (Jrublie, Wilbur. Wm. Orunt. Lobwon. Iter. .1. W. Miller. Dallaf . Hcv.J. B McCalu, Kuci'or. Win. Harmon, Tho Dalle. Wm. U. Curler. LorvallU. W. 8. James Portland' i. J, Houio, Sutntnetvllle. H. F. Ramp, Independence. W. 8.McXIecn,Oauyon.Clty. ,' T. n, Crawford, Portland. T. If, Foi, Aitorla. ' , , 1 Ua-t, L'roiwcll. t J. K, Houston. Junction. , Hev. II. C. Jcnhtn", Moiroe. , , w. ii. wniKcr, AtmriR. II. N. McKlnney. Biker City. Lake D. Wolfard. Co-mill l'1'y. . A. Msthcw, Looking Qlatt, to L. C Flher. y avion. Itev. B llayef. Li Grande. W. II. Llvermorc, St. Join.. . A.M. Allen. 1'rttc.vlHe. Kev J. Ca-to, Nc Kio. , ., PUtrlct Deputy C. W.C. X. W. T. ltlcltw, Tnrncr. W. II. O'Hunald. Portland. J. S. Cwckulri'afe. ltocburR. II. W Lake. Kajlu Creek J amen UoUVy, Salem. Janie. Krwln, Fort Klamath. lion. J, A. Prnftt, Pendleton. . Li. It. llojul. Albany. A. J. 11 trior. Cartwrlght't. Mr. Anna W. Spciicr. Gkrdntr. J. P. Tupuer. llarr-till'ld. rv E l'.mil ii-. IlllLtiorn. w17w. elrTv-W. n. Dnnbar. Sllvttton U X 1 lAl .t r .h mv . ,! ' r tao -tn ll.innr.i ll.'InlllL'f r. ITnlutl. ' IS. L.hcLUrTtllu, Keck Point. ' llr. MJ. Thoin.Cuoym.vlik'. U.J. Mtuej. mtiuioioi . U. A. ltltJd.ii. Trcut. . n r buboriltiiuto I.oilcili. A jVo. iViJTif. Loilie (pvl'g. Akl'AiMnr. 10..WflernHUr PM WatlVbrlnJ.f.K'y? 11.. Capital HtoA Mfe. t.r'fl',', 13..Mtiltnniiikh Ji'bn II UArlHOQ,,Uil'oiil.r.i. n..lllllborn nil llnfilPjrvy:,. jiuwy-to !)..La Criolo.... 3l.. Hilver 1K).II.1 tU..AIArla 4t.,Mornlii(HUir tl-1iirlin. ...... M..MII TiiiUlc. ., :A..I'iunlaln.... ..HOitatiVby..;. ..F.SJivtr.on ..P.tntiyM Vatidcnrertl.. VtUrn ..Thin..Teii)lf' ..r., ,tton ..Mlb.TIIntsin,lmliuVlMft -'M-'iPr';.::,;"1? sn SiS II. J'lUIltll .., ....4UU"lilU '. . J K v t'nltt . ....?)... 7.i ht ffiriJia:::::":.' Jtp& ii will I nni . . ..I rv r iiTiii . .... . )t..LnnuHtar. .. !l7..Hltm Montane l'M..Marbal 11 lltoiKlyn. ... llt)..-Ojcrldn , ... Ii). Ilamaxctm. ... liyi..rarttarove.,c lW..tprlDi Held Wa MUl...v..,.,..(1r.kam.' wraus'i vir.... iiavi r.yuv ItakiY.Citv ...I.ue un Etrret.,v'.P&idcton .wJniHF M1 w.':?LVlVirianU TJLFalcucr..i. Sbetlfart Jaini'T('hltwoo'i Pinimcim ...l'(i Uatuii torcttUroYc ...l A Kenndy sprtiiBtleld ix..vaiicy. ?- i t ftrarr P T.fcurr. , Halaty l&8.,Weitoo -T.;jamef Klikpairlck-,.Won im itr.non ...iWmM'.clirll .TbcUaUra lea.'.nnlon j..wn porter;...,., ,,,,.Turor 178,! Laurel 11II.1A1KIOU 5 -tV"T-JT " ... ..i-. nwimbjAM -. .(II ..JMUi ..r x mimrr. iT.;Paeroc 8R,Diiiaru..xC0tturo. tJSAMrvmm 1M.. Mount l'l-aiaM,..-'! riaiani,...iBn rnuiiii!...,i.uHWHi BO rnjr.'...,..;..,Orawu 1SS..PBU Creek. ...... 1 Net ,.,.! (iter isd..arard Prairie lll'lVaud .......IrvlDs lffl..AhUnd AD HelrBiO. ..... AtbUid lUl.iKUmattl JHBHUt,...lllIMIM lfl..LsbUh WD.fiJ'9:m -vr ivr t,i.n Mr IT II Janet Malaa :.l'baatz IM. . Looking OlM 3 n llarttu,... Looking Olari W..TanirentBauner...J J Beard .Tauten 901 Portland MroOAOoburn PonUtx Mlars t n Stn..Ilrldeeport. ...Oil ltln:a balls ...TCUtKer Prtiitvillg ..Jame nmircD.. Prairie City ...Hubert Bakln Union ...J IUnlakfr (Kifhrn ...JW CtcUbE-"-U'a70nTllla ...JM Smith Myrtle Creek ...PWA Cmln Manbllekl iis..ucnoco 'il3..KeriTal 214 .Leland ai?..floben. , !11U.. Canyon 210. .Myrtle !UT..Marftifleld ., atS..Uiallle U.V) nnar.1 .. WWIIaytt Ccoulle ,J W PropM. i'i' iafvir LiiuitA Holler .Draln'a Ajnany aM..Sweet Home Cbarlta Craft Sweet Heme 235.. Battle Creek JobnVaneurtn...Ka!lorretk 8 Alt. Knilltam Pilot Hoek 2lt Diligence ",l0Jlr!'aM,'"IVV.,,ePi,,'r aa..Ablqua Dl) Jack. ;,-"0t' '" 247,.Crfor.1Ul f ..Robert- GU..t,ajftirUvll S60..HrorwtlUe . W Utanard Urownev to 261.. Center .. ."!,. ow"?,lto. 6l..Moawk nrCU UardlUi.,.. Mokwj M..Bp4UtCrck;...JABQdwe.....WcCTi 115 Moaro.,.,...,.... Warr ....lloro uul UTrvnHh.irn J...H 8 ItOnDtl... ..If . WOOt)SrO 9ST..Cnrtal.....;.....lts.Wlbatn. eripii 68..Aiolty... ;.. , Its.' ...Amity M..nli.i,n Mounutn ..Wm. RutHU.....e,Jirtwlbt, 9uI..Wet UnIdn,,..V..blf Laox, . i Wctt Uatoa j13..eie.TU .'....Wn. Prry,-; ."J?!'" SM..TaMe Rock,.;... .A Xori(un..v,sa S Vs'toy- i ,riwn .fc;pur t'arr uC,!l,n1 Jrtl..lktliijl.. ULieli.."- " i.iJJwtnw VA S3 ii Spilac .C Hotfpra.f ... .B. i 'orlUnd jM;.JckUUYme..?...TKUr.f..JsekoiivU:e 270. .Mill. tree"-..,... ""ul' ''rii I Im l..I.akc Crek ....hew Wlllhmt.4..sy.,Hiilwt"t 2T5.,lt02tlP HI .7I..CorneHu t.,. 1lt Hy.moud, .V"i;llU' - " X :Twa"9.' -OaVit , ! 277. ticcati v," r. . :.." .... i.j.ij i . 241.. It VLKldo P I.arnMl.1. . M. Ju ll 2 .hUtuUrtek,,.. 2fi. .WIlUaiiMCrsel:., 2S7. IloUmce iis .PU-aant 1 1 111... 20..MeMlcnv llo .,. ,.,.11. Wilder side fnk ...J Y Hartley .. ,.Appte:dte JulinZflli.m M' tun ...JIomi- Wfjfitwril.f..Wefin Knll Hnrt...nlrMf3Mil1- HI. La laudii.i. ,...J AMrWImrttr LiHiaidi 2Ul,.Sainmt:rvllle . "r2..Iuutar , 203..Pbilomtb .... 2J..New lira ."J5..LovtrMoU.:a. , J II Klr.eiuiH . .Nb blank... .Wm llartli'.. ,.llr .J. Canto. . , Win lUmlltoa B-l-ntcervllla ,. .Tlie V9 .. Pnilonmtn .. M'w Pra . ... Molalll tMnby . App'efcate Irtnt 2MI.. Canny. Wm Knlcni 2!)7..Korl Creek ,H-J'?,,,T" 2tt3..1!alllvnake.. -...Q W Qniley.. 27a...Miiiic"nia rj u nniiiu,.,Mjwi.riii.'.M iie.nircrcpsau'ui uiiyji-uii r yi.KP rj 4TJ..llomeood A?nr'K'a''lS'i , n,'' ! in lllO Piiftm' I?p-Vsat.) fePlipt i. o wri. ' til hWrcik 7XXZtfZZ. lMnr 1 IKI... i-.t ItsyH M u.tr U,,.,t (,. .1 Hi OabMnd..;..::. '.II A AV.BarVlp.'. .!'UrVl l oil uul ke-P It prvilu 't v-. Alu n; j Uiut oill.iu..ll !r!rle .ll ArKa Mw P Tratjlc , . ,,,, ,irib 'lni: HUM, iS not .nnA tiunin. StUSLAW, LiAJIK Co,, Msy 20, 1S77. At a pnblla aeeting given by Green llonntalvliodga,'No.25P, I: O. O.T tlio fol lowing offloera were Installed to serve tlur ioK prcaant term, D DO W O T A, J. Barlow being olllcmtlnR officer; supporters, Mrs A. White snd M1m Emuia Colctiun: Chas. Itsrlow, 0 T: Cells Colemsn, V T Wtn.N. Crow, S; Jobn Martin, A 8: (eo. iAndritb.FBj O. W. Orment, TjA.J Du low.C; Hlrstn Wlngsrt, M; MUsMollle IUrlow.AM; Isaac Simpson, I 0; Jaroes Yoontr, O O. After InsUllstlon we were entertained by speeches from u liferent members of our Onler. whlcb, to say the least, v ere Rood. We slso had appropriate sfnetner, sfter which oulsWera wera called on to address the assembly, ben ooe of tbe audlanco arose snd guve us a short, pointed, and an appropriate addrej twa came for witd and jtave his name, wlaala to beoouie a member or our Order. Our lodge now sp poua wore prosperons than It bss for some time past. We bavo flvane.w,. mfmbtrs rosdy for lultlllon..JJ " w nss-wbars are in earnest, hope they naay, Jo to.1 ia vain, hut Uat-aJcceaaioay-arowBtWr . j H!ftU .-Fur.. CT13 .AgII3gCTE wv-rw-Uftabmrr-W-CTTTBhorirTtralifaT L-KlKNp'.fie,' tntlnr iCoanageweqti p Bros.' ClafkeVrJshpr, Gbb,;"Gt'rttian, Bruoo, nnd Sisters McXarysi HublMnft", and Simmorhl.ts dolug n splendid work nnd, holding IntercslJrJKnifoUuRs. fhoro Is not ft lodim In llio Slfito wbn.o tncmbora are nioroenUtlcd to pritljo lur tttlr dotoitnina tlon In tlio t(iiiiciiirjco otk," llo ruiiorls nlno a "pltasant lslt to Ceiilpr haicv, No. 251, wjth Hro. H. II. AUou tf ItaHey ou lust Flilay ovoiilnK. Ilios. l'anisli, Svlvtsier, Illcbardon, Harnett, and i.thfra "ari true leiuplara pntl worl: MilUrnlj tor tlo cauf-o " Answers to Inquiries. Et. rAit.Mi:n: In j-ftf Iwt Issuol uo'.'to Icqtililrii rtom Ses.uU', itlncb yttt rMiilnt pouio rcndir uf oaperuuuo tuanswir. Not sueltiK Htiy rcsponvp, 1 v!!J endravor btlclly to miswer your (niifpnadttitS ltiiUiilin. Hrt.n Inip'u and ttfl-.. nt lueibod orcorlrg watlsoa inanor braxt, U by ligituro Tie n silk tbrond closy ! tbo baro of tl.u ul floo cnoagb to t'op llio circulation of tbo blood; nud In a few days it will dloand drop oil for want of ftusteuace-.'. 'flio ligature alionld not bs drnvu tlbt onojgb To put tbo wart olT. Tbo bur. U tr.llltiK nud InitK Inn a rew.rrJomonfH. .1 Hecond, tbo quBiitlly of lltno ptf'nroio inrcd lo develop tlio greatest fwtlllty'ln the sail, dopendn on tbo claii and coudltinn of joH to be luiprovfll, Slrot j, bavy,uew hoIU will beir lOOb .hh or uns'alud lliuo to iboB.ro at -r.o q-.inK, v. lilto llnbtertoll tbttU badly iiiij4jet.bcd by mnpy years of bad faruilup, wiil oftou bo burLt out," rtstlif Ltitrn rnjjhilvanlauv hry, with Hi or 40 bUbliok yjjbtu no wotd or plant cm live. Yttivllttlo intt.ittn, nr limy (li.'g tbo land and sb ws ibn fpr.tllz'iig dl'.ct of tho Unit). Uai liotainanure but oiilyn obomlcai agimt, or holviu, lor oonrt-ting fortlllnlnK tnaltcr into pinut food end rq ilrp lty cliomlciCl cijulvuiluut of uiHitor to Hut up on. Pboupbatc of Unio enters Into and la tn ken up by all plnutfellmt, ricur!sb tbo animal Mvalotn. but moro specially by tb uerealp. Tho bydrato of lliuo ucth flint km n ho vent for tbofcoll but 'omiof; in contact wltb pbo jiborfouRld In th soil, it purls wltb Iih by. drogon and slowly forms n pbf Hpliate, and Is in liiuo taken up luclf as plint fond. Hcnoo finnfrtfsUy oi iGJkIiI drts-Iot (ir.or tbor ooi;b lltnlnp; onco in trn ortotvo years with cccjnIoubI majire Htid vo;itHblti m,'.. tr to bo returned trttlm toil for tbol'iuoto act uikiii, Onn of tbo bpt i iU'o'.sof ltuio U tbo compluto dUlicgjhilon uud kooiilnu r Miir city souk, -tui-b allows il., atmo,- pbnrofroo circulation ci) L-iid tbo opportunity to wllu i"frrMiiiuPpics foni.oi..i..ut , of vegetation. Kov fnritifrs arc awnrec-ftbe fa, ,i,.j .i,.,innin.i,n..i.K.i . -,. liialied by'tljoatniOBpbere.bo noUd parloly (wblob Is very hilr'1; Is t-tkut) from UhxoII. liunco tbo necesKby of tboro'ub, dot t '.111 age, jWJfb drJnago lp protent tbe crop from uilTaco w'ato'r Oujblto, lurid, properly lui proTmrWlli'uteouiH the bent In tbo State., Tfcrilrfvn6tblBg llko'Mirno to Voop''cVon"4 green and tbririjjtbrough a 16og droutb apoclallV-corit-aud grawaud blue grass In pirtioular. .Wfclto lB'dfproprlyItnproved, would glv us rlob groen feed tbo greater pmrtof ourdry ytitnmer tnootbs. Tbo effect of lime upon light sandy boils is, (In soino nwptcU) opponite, as it not only perfects tbo partial disintegration of tbo laud, but renders It mors compact and adbeilve, fo tbat stll! clay and lof9 sandy tolls, properly troatel wllh lime, rnanuro, oto., beoorue nearly tho Btme. Ilut it must bo rcnuttnbeeed that a weak sandy soil must bo drt-rmd Jlgbtly at firs: and tlo lime inuathsvo itaulvulent of manure or vegetable malter to set upon, or It will set upon thuorop (If you seod tbo grcuud) until Jt.has round snd chemically united with IU (qolTslsnt. This iisMft m .brief, for wfcnt of spare tlrxie, yetft t'Uft will be arvoptable for tba 'nrMliLiiTt wnultl take a'vnliiiun In minnlalV IkkiniaW. T km nrivfrma tr nmtnnla fla lntoreafi of our coblolSiato, 'peclaliy tbV "develofisient of (ur unrivalled ugrluuliural J-eeouroair, and tbould mure loqutrita tnadtt, what Jlttlo kaawlrfllga I basy wlllfco cb&Ttu1j'fJ:rei,'klroTtfii'vAffinj as tbe prts iroaf business. will permit. Ic-in gli tbo bintoryof the re'cu"ieratloa of tbo wort -oat tolls of Maryland, Delaware-, old Vi'do- ,N.w jrwey,an(i Mkieru I'eoni-Mvauia, TV' . .. repfi uliy l.incaitor,'Oaeafarniiiil 1'iiii.ul I Phu ill. wbero tbo n I fulsul, J too I J, lb"7. iir.o Uurloy. Mr. 1.. W!.iiurut iMhbfnii,inro44 H' river to Alnlly, It-.tU'l Jttiil tlie-tiriui.iiiliiii:ifiiir) try. IJo'ri'porfs tho -rops ii'h umkliiL wull till through lhr iielulibortioril oml I ss kIiowu its soniOsplenrinispe mens f lurlfy gailierftl from tl viclnltr of Linet field on, tli. btli of Jqrje.wiir'ttiuiiil of veryuLflitn mou slzoaro ilpetiets. . 3 Tbe KvHUt;ellctl,cioTin iiiwIlriL' loistltVld near Wliestlsnd, Yaiubllt ootinly, Oreu'iti, Juue 2Ut, 1677, bids ftir lo l u eornpleto sucoes. I'iulles nu in tier have soured ten's slreadr, 'J'he mlnlbtf rlsl force lo be preneut will luolude Ues IJjwerror, lJelnlntrr, Croasmsn, llrcmer, Kntner, Vales snd Har riot. Tbo ground is located well. (loot! water ar.d plenty of in ht tiro siljolnlnj.' tho grout d. ArrsiiKemetiis bae been ui ado so (bat sit pertous cjuiIhk per b at will l con y eyed to the ground sod return! f-teof charge. A cordul Invitation extentied to un, Mr. Thomas Gardner wlio lives on Sum mer streo, went over In 1'ollc county j otter day to look at some laud. In returning, wbenasbort distance from tlio berry, by a sudden sUrt of tbe borses, be wsti thrown otitnf tho wscoii, bresklug two ribs on bU rlghtslde. Dr. C. II. Hall ss eut for, who atiandtd to the wants of tbe injured person. Ills probable that lbs W. T. fc I. Co. will withdraw all tbUr boats oo the roula abosa tba Yamhill, owing to tbe hd condition of thrlr. tbe water having raoteded very Mpldlj within tbe laat few Oaw. t ... f There U ealy so techse of Mar", Me- n w ptuUtpv I - . . - 'l....- -.? .aFi I J . A. . Cloeky (a Bf at, thU' !,. , Heeds iuat,Boius. Ilaying fairly dlspos od Of) plantsi which et traps for snd catch InsMfsJ'whlcbJfcl'o'so 'whon the,linwtiry fly alights oirtbc'ruj wblob u HI quickly du llngulsb between a p'eco of frech beef and a plcco of chalk, Mr. Darwin, In a lato copy of Nature, caIJh attention to tbo discovery by Ilorr Fritz Mtiller of more than a dozon grasses nud ono epeclnt nf gprauluin, grow leg In nrazll, wboo weds possess tkcuH prcnllnrltlQM.Vriov aro furnUlud with awn which, twKtVtilt hy the i.etlon upon their colls of an ultoinato inoNt and dryntinn pborn, w'hoti lying upon tbu ground, th' hydroscropij torslou ctuses the scotis 'f potiPtrnto Into .tho soil. In ono of tho mot slngnlnr srcclmouir.'lonsiug to tbovu.v lrfsf'ffr.irifj'si'eds Lato tline-tallt'd an, tlvo or hU Inches long, wbleh, pr-Jso1t,g hi luipodlriciious uior or Irs? tit tight nn:ltH with tbo ccul, serve to hold it in un upright position, wltb its lower tud res'lng on tbe ground in tho tno?t favorable manner for buiiug into tho ourlb. roTAToSriioi'T.-A correspondent of tbo Coutifry Vaittcmnn claims that tho sprouts from potatoes', usually brokon oil" and thrown ruuiy, bolug couriered by most growcts as un Uijury, will produce bolter and earlier crop than tho usual cutting". Ho wriiut: "1 bavo token tho sprouts from Kirly Hohj potatoes thai were Minded ror seed, broken tbcm ctl'and p'.auted liiuillls at tbo nimo lliuo I i!ia tbo pjtatces, nnd bityo Invariably ijot 6001I Mz el icaltrg re:a toes about ten dis to '. w- ek oitl'er 1 out tlip-tpv.u! tb.iiif.-oi'i thr poMtOMut. hi IV.ot. Incl seaton tl'oio nam tbusprou'n wore niiend of the (itet'ibuj., whllu 1I10 next wre cohered with them. This I have duno for bt-veral years in stiei eB d." ''.ivt-t 0 minlssloner, H. II. IVico, bs pn. Inffiiirtlwyn work on tbo Fair 0 round road and about four hundred ung 't - oads of lli:e gravel, tilling up a'l tbo "oiitick bole-," nnd by this. tiveutmr, tbN thoronghfaro will bo in tip top condition, and readv for tbo IMoncera nnd their friends. Tblt stretch tif road, In a.Tcw days will bo tbo best In Marion county. , Very fDeslrablo Property for Sale. N'noty.tbn'oBcrdHof lsudon Salom Prul- rie, iif-vr tbo Pair Ground, will bti told at a gicat bargain to a rashrutcrntor. TortermH and other Inforimtlou Imiulro tf S. A. t'lorke, iit.,tho Tahmkii oIIIpp, alotn. MjttnMwaiiMjBmIMlwtlMmmmM A. L. STiWSON, Book and Job Printer, -iVnel XSe)ekl!iiIui, Uclmnn's Block, Old Ecnato Cli tim ber, rjnlom. T fAVlS'O ADDED .'. LSrKNSlVC ASSOHT 1JL uiuntof Kw Tvprs. I.'i, ttt-., to my ninety 1 xtnVQ Honk ami Job UUlco, I am now pupated 10 d(i any and nil klndr ft Book, IH.ain,, and Ornamental ! ii I, ' I fLU ' oh a - asr A LI 1 Miort?X0llce, nnd at Kcatjc on- able 1'rlcra.1 a I Stock Cohllicaies a Specialty 1 1' .i Ilavlncthala-rcft tmfnt orU'nttif Certiorate lint and entr adi iPted.to that kind of work ol any 0c In Ureinai. iaaipreptred to pxirnto order In Mia t cm unci njir, hi any uamurr w colors ce- rirru, nua un v on nuiirv. Jtiltf Addrcff A. L. STINSON, Salem, Or, HSAVY 40 Ittclal'M critic, FOR DRAPER8 rott Headers and Threshers, JIT BHEVMX BROS.', Jnnelttnl KALBkL r,00,OM LBS. "Wantea ! -J HiljheW'HaiM Price Pafi BUIOVIIAIV Jaiml-rul ' ', BROS. rtAI.KM. The Old Immigrant Rouje AeroaW 111" Citki AiltS .tloitiiiiitllK hew or. ieii CVTII6 " Caoid4 2Xond.i.(! B in o Parxjiauy, ltulir.lnp via u.r!' Ml, llui.,i,Dd IUiJuh r (fair, s NOW tni:H, ardtiavv) ri) Mt'l l fc. J iut. 1 lit-rl.til i. In l'lml nil r. itnt. iu Im ,ir. oui are lwi k Ijii.K uniy tear '1 Ih) I.A I - ' HU. HILLS if alVrCM Mini, tjrU'jte-i.(m all tni it'tati). Till, ma't ni-vrfr itrnt a yi-l ll Ub' ridy ami) Hi' It it . liirtrt, lnt f.tidch'np t'kt rat' i. i tj i.i.l.ji-11.. lil.iar cu I'ver tin luountiilM'. II iilu r'i.ni 1'oill.jit. our lUu mtin,lnii.r, 7H lullm, I'rom balrni, ItlO tiilt..-ItiTHi-Wni-n-, fJ, rW(IH,10-j IVK. a-Vt Cat. lir. nr ; ruvji, ,x i for all j.ttiirf and eomlnz frtitn ot I tit i XI irl'in, Vatu. hill. WaihliiKtmi. Linn, Hrnton, aud 1'olk ctootlv.. thin la by far inu Li.u iniu.t. aid tbinLct rei.tn. S. U COALMAN, J'-ld,ut. IUr.tCY .. Ciuim, bc Ji-liul 1 WILL CJIVK TUB Highest Cash Price -7SJr OL! AMO, SIEFP-WAnI TOBiCCO, . , JPpr t mU lyw M t J ' I i ; i :u LH.,HKB..'aii) rTiming . Jti.JaM m r f.nnnd n:L1 r! . . V i '""hriT nTTXTXT.XXfl-If,rA'vlr Salem; Portland Albarifyunptionj ty.nd Walla Walla aiv.K AGENTS FOK Tho following PIUST-OIjASS Jlnchlnes, which wtiuro now rccelvini; for'tlio 1 v Sonaon of 1077. ' J. 1. CASE'S TMEllESRlNG MACHINES. Both End und Sido Shake Tiglit-G eared. laid Westinghouse Vibrator Threshing Machines, TIGHT- ilSAItUD KNU-KHAKl-'. J. I. CASE'S THBBSHING ENGINES, 8, 10, 12, 15, and 18 Corso Power. Treadwell MaQiifuclurel by J. I. Caw & Co., With Now and Valuable Improvements for 1877. Haines' Illinois He,3.x STNaL.13-OEAU, Wrotight-Iron nml Scrow-lltib Wheels, niljuhtablo lk'ol autl Truss Fntino. jouKraToiv WROUGHT - IKON HARVESTERS, roxE30-fliTO3Nr Wrought - Iron Combined Heapers and aiOWlVlK,. IXXJr3aHDXjX'r3 Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single & Combined Reapers and Mowers. WOOD'S Single MoYers, three sizes. Johnston Mowers', one size. ' ADAMS AND FRENCH HARVESTER, "Condueror." runt cfc Sradloy Vulky Unites, QisvlTtl'NTlXA.X Utility jRi-ltc, Self Immp, Tho Best iuUae. Tlilmblc hkclii and lrun-itlt Frame, itutl rrnlgtit Vngunv, nil Nl7CN Newton -l-spriiiK Hacks, mado NowtOU Thtfc-Sirlnr. Platform Hptlnf, 3-ivrcl2JL CJliy slow, Harrow. ami r.iiltlvntor.t Cnriti'it 4'lly MilUy nml Ouim llniv.t 1'nriitrrh I'rlrud eiUAI.N UKIIiIiNt Vrtli Hriltit Ar Hftil'n IIDMIOIl If roiwlTiml fKlIIIK una t'UIriVATOII I (Afntl, ITlTIVATOICSt I t'NM.MHIAlN oiiiriv ioks. iii iot in tho vrii. Leather mid ltttlilior UltLTIMi, .tlarliliiu K.mi'hn, llurdunn1, Iron, unil Strrl. f?" peclal CIrcularii. llUttintcd, w 1 It prlct'i tent to nny m'tlrca, Ireo of eliare. We aru M INUKAtJ Tl'ltCHB' ACiENTt), and witx klv at van lion; riiii'U. T. CUNNINTGFAlVt & CO.. ma)7 1'rontHt, l'Ciltri.M); t'on.ractclal Bt.-J HAtHM: ami Clutdlv'a block, ALIUNY. OIL The Best Bargains Yet. REVOLUTION7 1 . HP IN THB PRlOBOr .tw J r"v; fcSxir t.l c Dry Goods. HtulleM and Gout FURNISHING GOODS, GENERAL MEECH1NDISE, - Ii rt THS isnaixevi o ' V ! -rat a o Havixo DiuoHT rriirr'Tin: KSTnii; of.ClQiklnifMdDfy Uttedn of a lariro . . .i fUM . i t i.r STOCK M ' BANKRUPT SALE llC. tztmt-v Sonrianciaco, -AT- f 40 3ESfebTL Cent,! '' l,Vlbiii"ttiaieoftii'r'marnfacta'irii-, j an i uM,d to r'l ii y tut to cck of Olot'hlfa;,1. C?ontoJ Ptirntohins Go ocloi Drove GoodOj Linens, jraraaoieKuqiung, jjiaen Collar? aria Guffs, Nap- IciaBrunkSjValifiOB, Hato, Caps, &c, Lower iliiih nny: Otlier House IN THE STATE. i, Myitockof OLOTHING.'AND FUENISH- 1m (,xkxxaa. uae, My Priowr ,' ftr Ijow I And OooJl oflhe linST material. Call early, and Secure Bargains ! Gold, SUrer, ahe Currenoy, all Taken at Far ! gi.. HIKVJBR, i 'ODNWOID'S JULOCK, SAISM. p7 Admlmlftrator'f ICotlo. NOTICI I hereby glrtn ttut Hi. uiuUrljr4 has .tiers sppcssud admlnl.tator of Ue e.Ul of UeorsJef . ccd, by tb Ornnty Court of Mv u coubur, bjaj. ui urtvoa. sua toai all perron has HrfuiMfaiaHMftiMa sairi aid tiUlAM niiKlrM In Ik ln:VlB U) A. ..!.,- il i...ll o bfcpafMUfir.utiMaa JiitSrsfst. wMsria tar ssetrta fruat . il'St ;Ki-fiK,r IM1IU J' mmmmmt i i i . t(nlnne IH 7ICI I oT1 J1. WrotiKht-Iwn Sindo-Ooar cxpressl for the Oregon Market. . and Stroll-J'iirlne 3tIcolK.fM nntl IMUtUIIiS WAKELEE'S SQUIRRFL AND GOPHER : Exterminator '"Bo" - TflE ORIGINAL ARTICLE !c All olhers.'arq Juferlor .Imitations I XniTuaa .Husai. Piism! Pu Srt I hare JuVt'J islesutxptriuti.l ultli piitd polnn for Vlll- Ins bqnlrie... puilltiff out a tan inch of the lodowlng puUoust A cauuf IUrti)'. a tan of Htee'u, and a can of tbe article called Wakclro' Ktterrr.lnator. One can of Waketea'a bin a many a revrti of Barasf ' ritulrrel Polion, and a man) a leu can. of toslr Hqulrrel Pol.on. Thliiklnir llio rr.uit will lie uit'tlojc to your reader. I ttcd It tor their b.neflt. Tour. Ttry reepeelfti'ly, B. p. Wnoiittaitii. Hsj wsrda, April f, l7tl. fjf" Id purUia.ltp. cars fbou'd be nted lo older WaJMLloas. T. A. DAVIS & CO.. rOXTLAND, mitonli AgtnU. -WAKBL K'fl BATH FOR SHEEP A bINULK TItlAL ONLY lntc.rarytoprovo Its lupeilor tllicttucy. m. r. wAnin v oo., Importers of Drugs and Chemicals, AiiJCXTS ASDXAyAtlKKi.ai)l.DlCX VJTT atKMJVALytVUKKH, i k spsm 'aa; PHANCIIK. tt: ' a I'tkf &L r' e M0pMtINNVIIXE i WILM,KAVS ri Poi'Uti.tiir.u'iHiilin.. k ifvtry Vi) W. let imtminiri HATUltbA V, , IMIH l VTN-n MOVHA Y and WKONUS- T)AVfvtijrHiMvt JUWJM'ii)d llll HMIAYI. ytL.-ae' Xoople; Fatroiilzo Your Own J'oatI Protection UCM.M Illgli r:u(N ;uinaMicii. JOHlf G. WEIGHT, i Dealer Jo FAMILY GROCERIES. Crockery and Glassware, Wooden avl Willow Ware, Tobacco and Cigars, COMMERCIAL STMEBT. Batan j Ap,U tt), 17S. dwU Stockhoia.' XC4)tlng. nana I elln Cvwlll coaTeaa ' Jl4?u ti 10 l0l i't into ,W:nrs ribstlitatt' si'Uky IsitsUi, Ln fti I la Jfi utii'TraMaetinff mus ms.r ----,. ... ...,(. ,-. tv)Wf,rkiwUis. ' ifV iMa uare.nR ' - I Jn luriUB ). lnuili slirentbst'th IV "snraiavr Si-r,ua atul Tradl it Turrlrr ep.WefllierCsy.l'is lib ; ill elnrk . Wf. 'f.l. ih. fl.ii I VHMu'nt , ..u... i. ...... '"TPIWKH 0ti. MV Stat ltrn. Bcrvtary. w a'l n t t - 4ti fwl "